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A patient with neutropenia would have a decreased number of which of the following cells?


A rabbit in a lab received an intravenous injection of India ink. One day later, the following slide was made from a piece of the rabbit's liver. There are cells with ink particles visible in the cytoplasm. What are these cells called?

SIMPLE CUBOIDAL EPITHELIUM -one layer of cube-shaped (about as wide as they are tall) cells with a round, centrally placed nucleus. This is a section through the kidney. Tubules are cut in cross section and appear circular. Some of the tubule walls consist of simple squamous epithelium (the nuclei of these cells are labeled N; the cytoplasm is indicated by pairs of arrowheads). Other tubules are made up of simple cuboidal epithelium (labeled CE). staining use = trichrome


Epithelial cells are separated from underlying tissue by a basal lamina.

Epithelial cells are separated from underlying tissue by a ________.


Identify the cell type indicated by the arrows.


Identify the cells indicated by the arrows

Simple squamous epithelium wider than they are tell cell may see nucleus bulging out of the surface of the cell

Identify the tissue indicated by the light blue arrows.

stratified epithelium

If there are multiple layers of cells, it is called a _____.

simple epithelium

If there is only one layer of cells (all the cells are in contact with the basal lamina), it is called a ________.

dead cells These cells do not have nuclei and are filled with keratin, which is acidophilic and will appear pink when stained with H&E.

In keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, the apical-most layer of cells is made up of ____ cells.

living cells. have visible nuclei!

In nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium, the apical-most layer of cells is made up of ____ cells


In the sequence of erythrocyte maturation, which stage come immediately before basophilic erythroblast?

The two classification systems are combined, giving us simple squamous epithelium, simple cuboidal epithelium, simple columnar epithelium, stratified squamous epithelium, stratified cuboidal epithelium, and stratified columnar epithelium.

REMEMBER: Only the shape of the cells in the most apical (top) layer of a stratified epithelium is used for classification.

sublingual gland SD = serous demilunes (SD). The cytoplasm is pink, and the nuclei are round. (Serous demilunes are an artifact resulting from the histological methods used to create the slide: in life, the serous and mucous cells are adjacent to one another. Serous demilunes are only found in seromucous (mixed) glands. In preparations of serous glands, the cells retain their usual shape.) N = The mucus-secreting cells have a light, foamy-appearing cytoplasm. The nuclei (N) are oval-shaped and flattened against the basal surface of the cell. H&E

SD? N?

The diaphragm is largely made up of which type of tissue? skeletal muscle

The diaphragm is largely made up of which type of tissue?


The epithelial lining of the duodenum is:

lamina propria

The loose connective tissue located immediately deep to the epithelium of the digestive and respiratory tracts is known as the _________ and is part of the mucosal lining of those organs.

Pseudostratified epithelium

The type of epithelium that lines the trachea is:


This is a TEM image of an epithelial cell in the digestive tract. What is the apical specialization indicated by the blue arrow?

zona occludens

This is an electron micrograph of an intercellular junction. It is the most apical component of the junctional complex. What type of junction is it?

Stratified columnar epithelium is made up of multiple layers of cells; the apical-most layer consists of columnar cells.

Uncommon tissue type, but can be found in the conjunctiva of the eye and in large excretory ducts.

Most basal cells = cuboidal or low columnar Intermediate cells = polyhedral Most superficial cells = dome-shaped when the tissue is relaxed and are squamous when the tissue is stretched. These apical cells are large and can be binucleated (i.e. they can have two nuclei).

What are the cell shapes found in transitional epithelium? (3)

7.5 mm

What is the approximate length of the red bar in the image below?

mast cell?

What is the function of the cell at the arrow tip?

Produce histamine and heparin

What is the primary function of the cell indicated by the red arrow?

simple cuboidal epithelium

What kind of tissue is at the orange arrow tip?


What protein connects the thick filament to the Z disc?

stratified squamous epithelium

What type of epithelium is best adapted for protection against abrasion?

Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

What type of epithelium is indicated by the black bracket?

non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

What type of epithelium is indicated by the black bracket?

A and B

When a skeletal muscle is at rest, which of the following is/are true? A. ATP is bound to myosin heads B. actin binding sites are covered by a tropomyosin-troponin complex C. there are multiple cross-bridges D. A and B E. A, B, and C

mast cells

Which connective tissue cell secretes histamine?


Which of the following blood cells typically contain no organelles?

Bone marrow

Which of the following is a location in which you would find the prominent dark staining fibers shown in the image below?


Which of the following is not primarily composed of connective tissue? Blood Biceps tendon Maxilla Uterus Intervertebral disc

unicellular glands can be found in pseudostratified and simple columnar epithelium

Which of the following statements or phrases applies to goblet cells? unicellular glands can be found in pseudostratified and simple columnar epithelium mucous glands endocrine glands compound glands

White adipose tissue

Which of the following tissues has the least amount of fibers in the extracellular matrix? Dense regular connective tissue Dense irregular connective tissue White adipose tissue Loose connective tissue

C and F

Which picture(s) show cardiac muscle?

A and B

Which picture(s) show skeletal muscle?

D and E

Which picture(s) show smooth muscle?

Stratified squamous epithelium

________ epithelium can be nonkeratinized or keratinized.

Transitional epithelium Urinary bladder. The lumen of the bladder is labeled L. The basement membrane is labeled BM The rounded, dome-shaped cells are at the top of the image and are labeled rC. A binucleated cell is indicated with an arrow. Notice the blood vessels deep to the transitional epithelium labeled V (venules) and A (arteriole); these are lined by simple squamous epithelium. H&E

epithelial cells?

This is a section of the scalp. The duct of a sweat gland is visible (the gland is coiled, so it appears in the section as multiple circular cross sections). The pointer is indicating stratified cuboidal epithelium, consisting of two layers of cuboidal cells. H&E

epithelium type?

Stratified columnar epithelium This is a section of the mammary gland (breast). A portion of a lactiferous duct is in the center of the image. The lumen of the duct is surrounded by two-layered epithelium: the inner (apical) layer is columnar, and the outer (basal) layer is cuboidal. Note the different shapes of the nuclei in the two layers. The pink tissue surrounding the duct is dense irregular connective tissue. H&E

epithelium type? (purple)



gas exchange






to allow the tissue to stretch


1. simple squamous epithelium 2. simple cuboidal epithelium 3. simple columnar epithelium 4. stratified squamous epithelium 5. stratified cuboidal epithelium 6. stratified columnar epithelium. 7. pseudostratified columnar 8. transitional epithelium

how many types of epithelium are there?

To distinguish it from simple columnar epithelium, look at the positions of the nuclei. The nuclei of simple columnar epithelial cells will be at roughly the same location in each cell, so the nuclei of the cells should line up. The nuclei of cells in pseudo stratified epithelium will be at various distances from the basal lamina and might appear to be in cells of several different layers. (Note that both simple columnar and pseudostratified columnar epithelium often contain goblet cells.)

how to tell difference between columnar and pseudostratified epithelium?



band/stab cell

identify the stage of development indicated by the cells at the arrows


muscle cell membrane is called the

muscle cytoplasm is called sarcoplasm

muscle cytoplasm is called

and muscle endoplasmic reticulum is called sarcoplasmic reticulum.

muscle endoplasmic reticulum is called

muscle mitochondria are called sarcosomes

muscle mitochondria are called

pseudostratified epithelium - Two epithelial cells are outlined in white. Notice that they are of differing heights, but they are both in contact with the basal lamina (yellow arrow) The taller cells have stereocilia on their apical surfaces. These appear longer and wispier than cilia. Section of the epididymis (part of the male reproductive tract). The lumen of the epididymis contains spermatozoa. H&E

outlined in white?


simple squamous epithelium lining a blood vessel.


simple squamous epithelium lining a body cavity (e.g. pleura, peritoneum)

This is a section of the esophagus. The lumen is the light area in the upper-left region of the image. The epithelial tissue is indicated with a red line and labeled; the lighter tissue below it is connective tissue. This is an example of nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium; look for nuclei visible in the apical-most layer of cells. H&E


Transitional epithelium is found lining the urinary tract.

transitional epithelium are found where?

SIMPLE COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM - taller than they are wide) with oval-shaped nuclei usually positioned toward the basal aspect of the cell. This is a section through the gallbladder. The lumen of the gallbladder is labeled L. (The mucosa of the galbladder has many convoluted folds, which is why the section shows several areas of lumen that are seemingly distinct from one another. In reality, the gallbladder just has one lumen.) A blood vessel containing red blood cells (and lined by endothelium) is indicated with an arrow. One of the simple columnar epithelial cells is outlined by a black box. staining used = H&E

type of epithelium?

SIMPLE CUBOIDAL EPITHELIUM -one layer of cube-shaped (about as wide as they are tall) cells with a round, centrally placed nucleus. These are ependymal cells, which line the ventricles of the brain and central canal of the spinal cord (the lumen is located at the top of the image, above the epithelium, and the neural tissue is located at the bottom of the image, below the epithelium). In cross section, the cells are shaped like squares. The cytoplasm is stained light blue and the nuclei are stained a darker shade of blue (only hematoxylin was used to stain this slide).

type of epithelium?

SIMPLE This is a section showing blood vessels in the kidney. The lumen (hollow center) of the blood vessel at the center of the picture is labeled L and appears to be bright pink because it is filled with red blood cells. The lumen of the vessel is lined by endothelium. The nuclei (N) of the endothelial cells bulge into the lumen of the vessel. Additional nuclei are labeled SE (for squamous epithelium). The cytoplasm of the endothelial cells is very thin and is difficult to see. The cells labeled M are separate cells in a layer deep to the endothelial cells.

type of squamous epithelium?

the apical (top), basal (bottom), and lateral (sides) aspects of the cells are distinct from one another. The apical surface faces a lumen, body cavity, or surface of the body and may have modifications such as microvilli, cilia, or stereocilia. The basal surface faces the basal lamina. The lateral surfaces are in contact with adjacent epithelial cells.

what does it mean that epithelial cells are polarized?

Simple columnar epithelium Section of the ileum (small intestine). L = Lumen BM = basement mem. Arrowheads = brush border Goblet cells are single-celled glands that secrete mucins. The mucin within the goblet cells appears light in H&E staining (in this image, it is labeled m and T). GZ = Golgi apparatus, N = nucleus, b = basal area of the cell in contact with the basal lamina.

what is surrounding the Goblet cell?

Stratified cuboidal epithelium is made up of multiple layers (usually only two layers) of cuboidal cells

what is the tissue type that is relatively rare and is found lining the ducts of glands.

S/N = Stratified cuboidal epithelium magnified image of a sweat gland duct The lumen of the duct is labeled L, and a wall of two layers of cuboidal cells surrounds it.. Note the nuclei (N) of two adjacent cells, demonstrating that this epithelium consists of two layers. The basement membrane (BM) surrounds the duct and is in contact with the basal aspect of the basal-most layer of cells. Also notice the lymphatic vessel (LV) and capillary (Cp), which are both lined by simple squamous epithelium (the arrowhead points to the cytoplasm of the lymph endothelium, and the arrow points to the nucleus of the capillary endothelium; there is a red blood cell visible in the capillary lumen). H&E

what type of epithelium S/N and arrowhead?

section of skin - keratinized stratified squamous epithelium Blue = the dead cells (keratinized) Black = indicates the epithelial tissue, and the basal-most layer of cells is labeled The epithelial cells appear more basophilic (more purple) than the pink collagen of the connective tissue beneath. H&E

what type of epithelium indicated by black bracket? what is in the blue bracket?

microvilli can be seen well using an electron microscope. Individual microvilli cannot be distinguished from one another using a light microscope -- they appear as a fuzzy border on the apical edge of the cell. This is called the brush border.

what's the brush border?

Stratified columnar epithelium This is a section of the parotid duct. The lumen of the duct is at the top of the image. Two epithelial cells (one columnar and one cuboidal) are outlined in black. A small blood vessel containing red and white blood cells is indicated by an arrow. What kind of epithelium lines the wall of the blood vessel? simple squamous epithelium H&E

which are the 2 types of epithelial cells outlined in black?

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