Confirmation Interview Questions

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How often do you need to go to Mass and Confession to remain in good standing with the church?

At least once a year

What does God expect of you as a confirmed Catholic?

- Defend the faith with truth and love - Evangelize (in the words of St. Francis of Assissi, "Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words.") - Continue to grow in love and knowledge about Our Lord and His church - Pass on the faith to your children

What is Confirmation?

- Sacrament instituted by Christ - The Completion of our Baptism - Makes us full participants in His Church - The physical sign of Confirmation is the Bishop anointing us with Chrism oil

What do we recie ve at the sacrament of Confirmation?

- Sanctifying grace to make us holy - Actual grace to help us fulfill our responsibilities as followers of Christ - The Seven gifts of the Holy spirit which are: Fear of the Lord, Piety, Knowledge, Courage, Counsel, Understanding, Wisdom

What are the seven sacraments?

1. Baptism 2. Holy Eucharist 3. Reconciliation 4. Confirmation 5. Holy Matrimony 6. Holy Orders 7. Anointing of the Sick

What are the Ten Commandments?

1. I am the LORD your God. You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve. 2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day. 4. Honor your father and your mother. 5. You shall not kill 6. You shall not commit adultery 7. You shall not steal 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor 9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.

What is the Church's teaching regarding the Sanctity of Life?

1. Life is Holy and is to be protected from conception until natural death. 2. Abortion is wrong in all circumstances.

What is the Church's teaching regarding marriage?

1. Marriage is a sacrament instituted by God and is Holy. 2. Marriage is between one man and one woman and is for the mutual good of both people and for the establishment of a family. 3. Married couples should always be open to the gift of children. 4. Civil divorce is a legal term and shows termination of the legal contract of Marriage be the state. It does not void the Sacrament of Marriage. The church issues Annulments for marriages that have been determined to be invalid.

Why did you choose him or her?

I chose here because she is the Saint of Music, and I love music. I play two instruments, and am inspired by her story.

Why were they named a Saint?

She preached, converted over 400 people, and maintained her virginity her whole life. She was martyred.

Who is your Confirmation Saint?

St. Cecilia

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