Conflict and Story Devices

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Is this picture an example of internal or external conflict?

internal (or external)

Is this picture is an example of internal or external conflict?

Man vs. Self

Which type of conflict is a character dealing with in a story where they have to face their fear of swimming?

Man vs. Nature

Which type of conflict would a character have to solve in a story about climbing Mt. Everest?


An author leaves a story unresolved, which leaves the reader in suspense.

rising action

All events leading up to the climax of a story are part of the ___________________.


Clues about what is to happen.


In the ______________, all the information the reader needs to understand the story is explained. This includes the main characters, the inciting incident and the setting.

Man vs. Society

In the fable "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," a little boy lies so much that no one believes him anymore. This is an example of what type of conflict?

Man vs Man

Which type of conflict does a character overcome in a story where a student is bullied in school?


The central, or main character, is called the _________________.


The character who opposes the main character of a story is called the __________________.


The feeling of anticipation/anxiety a writer creates.


The most exciting part of a story is called the ____________.


The story is interrupted to tell about something that happened previously.


There are _____ types of conflict.


This is the end of a story where, usually, all questions are answered and conflicts are resolved.

falling action

This is the part of a story which includes all the events that follow the climax.


This is the time and location of a story.

Man vs man (2)

This picture is an examples of what type of conflict?

Man vs. Nature (2)

This picture is an examples of what type of conflict?

Man vs. Self (2)

This picture is an examples of what type of conflict?

Man vs. Society (2)

This picture is an examples of what type of conflict?


When a conflict is external, this means the conflict takes place ________ of the main character.


When a conflict is internal, this means the conflict takes place _____________ the main character.

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