Confusing Words Sets 1-5: Application

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As the car plummeted down the hill, its (brakes/breaks) began to fail.

brakes (stop)

Does your bicycle have hand or coaster (brakes/breaks)?

brakes (stop)

I didn't say anything; I just put on the (brakes/breaks) and let him out of the car.

brakes (stop)

During a (brake/break) in the action at a baseball game, I eavesdropped on conversations.

break (pause)

"Thank you," he said. "I do hate to (brake/break) up the party, though."

break (shatter/burst/pause)

As the sun began to (brakes/breaks) through the clouds, the air warmed noticeably.

break (shatter/burst/pause)

If your pencil lead (brakes/breaks), use the pencil sharpener.

breaks (shatter/burst/pause)

"I wish someone would (chose/choose) me," said the boy as the teams picked sides.

choose (2 choices & happening now)

"You can (chose/choose) to do whatever you want," I said. "If you're sick, you won't have a good time anyway."

choose (2 choices & happening now)

How can I possibly (chose/choose) between cookies and ice cream?

choose (2 choices & happening now)

We (chose/choose) that location because we had none of us had ever been there.

chose (1 choice & happened in the past)

In the 1800s, many people (chose/choose) to go west to start a new life.

chose (1 choice & happened last year)

The eighth graders (chose/choose) Kurt to be their student council president last year.

chose (1 choice & happened last year)

The two men behind me (choose/chose) to talk about the weather.

chose (1 topic)

"Don't (desert/dessert) me!" the injured mountain climber called to his companion through the falling snow.

desert (abandon/leave)

"I'm feeling sick, guys," said one of my friends, as soon as we picked him up at his house. "Would you be offended if I decided to (desert/dessert) you?"

desert (abandon/leave)

In wartime some frightened soldiers (desert/dessert) their posts and run away.

desert (abandon/leave)

Once, my friends and I planned a trip to the (desert/dessert).

desert (place/1 s = sand)

People often use camels instead of horses to cross the (desert/dessert).

desert (place/1 s = sand)

Water is a very important commodity in the (desert/dessert).

desert (place/1 s = sand)

"Please can we have (desert/dessert) before supper?" asked the little girl.

dessert (ss = something sweet)

I hope we have strawberry shortcake for (desert/dessert).

dessert (ss = something sweet)

The couple to my right talked about what they would have for (desert/dessert) after supper.

dessert (ss = something sweet)

We packed a lunch and some (desert/dessert) and headed out early in the morning.

dessert (ss = something sweet)

Can you (hear/here) what he is saying?

hear (with your ear)

I could (hear/here) what people all around me were saying.

hear (with your ear)

If you aren't quiet, you may not (hear/here) the teacher's instructions.

hear (with your ear)

"(Hear/Here) is your order, sir," said the man behind the counter.

here (where?)

I couldn't believe that famous band was playing (hear/here) in our town!

here (where?)

The person behind the counter said, "I don't recommend putting whipped cream on the pie you buy (hear/here)."

here (where?)

"I can't eat butter because (its/it's) made of animal fat," said the vegan.

it's (it is)

Get ready because (its/it's) about time to leave.

it's (it is)

I know (its/it's) not polite to listen in, but sometimes I can't help it!

it's (it is)

In fact, whipped cream would probably have spoiled (its/it's) flavor.

its (ownership: his, hers, its)

The old gate was falling off (its/it's) hinges.

its (ownership: his, hers, its)

The wolf guarded (its/it's) den faithfully as the pups grew.

its (ownership: his, hers, its)

My shoelace came (loose/lose), causing me to trip.

loose (rhymes with goose/extra O for excess)

Running in (loose/lose) sand is difficult.

loose (rhymes with goose/extra O for excess)

I was so happy with the worker's recommendation that I left all of my (loose/lose) change as a tip.

loose (rhymes with goose; extra O due to excess)

How could our team possibly (loose/lose) to them?

lose (4 letters: loss, lose, lost)

The women in front of me talked about whether the home team would win or (loose/lose).

lose (4 letters: loss, lose, lost)

Try not to (loose/lose) your key, or if it is lost, you will have to pay for a new one.

lose (4 letters: loss, lose, lost)

I also prefer the (peace/piece) I get in my car to the noisy hubbub of an airline terminal.

peace (calm & peace are synonyms; both are spelled with A's)

At the end of the day, there is finally (peace/piece) in the hallways of the school.

peace (calm and peace are synonyms & both spelled with an A)

The beauty pageant contestant said she wished for world (peace/piece).

peace (calm and peace are synonyms & both spelled with an A)

At the coffee shop, I ordered a (peace/piece) of pie with whipped cream on top.

piece (piece of something like pie)

May I please have another (peace/piece) of cake?

piece (piece of something like pie)

While walking around without shoes, I got a (peace/piece) of glass stuck in my foot.

piece (piece of something like pie)

I like my coffee (plane/plain), with no cream or sugar.

plain (simple & plain are synonyms & are both spelled with an I)

Some people like fancy clothes, but others prefer to wear something (plane/plain) and comfortable.

plain (simple & plain are synonyms & are both spelled with an I)

When my order came, it was (plain/plane), with no whipped cream.

plain (simple & plain are synonyms & are both spelled with an I)

However, I prefer driving a car to flying on a (plain/plane).


Some people came by car, some by (plane/plain), and some by train.

plane (make into airplane to see if it fits)

Did he use a (plane/plain) in Basic Cabinetry to get the wood so smooth?

plane (tool that is complicated & not simple to use)

The wind rushing past the wings and the whine of the engines do not make for a very (quiet/quite) trip!


A well-lighted, (quiet/quite) place is best for reading.

quiet (2 syllables)

The woman used a pacifier to (quiet/quite) the baby.

quiet (2 syllables)

"Insects can actually taste (quiet/quite) good if prepared correctly," said the man on television.

quite (1 syllable/quite rhymes with white)

However, the pie was still (quiet/quite) good.

quite (1 syllable/quite rhymes with white)

I haven't (quiet/quite) figured out how to solve this problem.

quite (1 syllable/quite rhymes with white)

I like adventure stories better (than/then) romances.

than (and; 2 choices)

Is lime green more cheerful (than/then) yellow?

than (and; 2 choices)

Some people would rather fly (than/then) drive.

than (and; 2 choices)

Long before we saw the geese, we heard (their/there/they're) honks.

their (ownership; think of the i in the word as a person)

Unfortunately, (their/there/they're) fishing experience is ruined by lack of preparation.

their (ownership; think of the i in the word as a person)

Would you please ask the neighbors if we can borrow (their/there/they're) snow blower?

their (ownership; think of the i in the word as a person)

"If nobody else wants to go, (than/then) I will," said my brother.

then (next; time)

If you had a chance to live in the Old West, would you rather live now or (than/then)?

then (next; time)

They (than/then) complain when nothing goes right.

then (next; time)

"Have you ever been (their/there/they're) before?" asked my friend when I said I was going to New Orleans.

there (where?)

That tree over (their/there/they're) is over a hundred years old.

there (where?)

When heading out, a person should be ready to start fishing as soon as he or she gets (their/there/they're).

there (where?)

I suppose (their/there/they're) right sometimes, but usually fishing is fun.

they're (they are)

I like these exercises because (their/there/they're) so easy.

they're (they are)

Please bring me my keys; (their/there/they're) in the top right-hand drawer of my desk.

they're (they are)

The pitcher (threw/through) a curve ball, striking the batter out.

threw (throw)

They thought that if they simply (threw/through) their lines in, they would catch fish.

threw (throw)

When his gum got stale, Dante (threw/through) it in the trash.

threw (throw)

"I never want to go (threw/through) a storm like that again," said the pilot when he landed.

through (enter & exit; beginning & end)

For one thing, I hate going (threw/through) the metal detector line at the airport.

through (enter & exit; beginning & end)

Smoke billowed from the tunnel entrance as the steam engine came (threw/through).

through (enter & exit; beginning & end)

One of the hardest things to do in life is (to/too/two) forgive your enemies.


Some people go (to/too/two) the lake without really thinking about what they will do.


Yesterday we went (to/too/two) the amusement park.


I ordered a milkshake, and my sister ordered one, (to/too/two).

too (also; extra O because it's excessive)

My soup is (to/too/two) hot!

too (also; extra O because it's excessive)

Some people really like fishing; others think it is (to/too/two) boring.

too (also; extra O because it's excessive)

"Do you take one lump of sugar or (to/too/two)?" asked the lady as she served the tea.

two (number 2)

A v-twin engine has (to/too/two) cylinders.

two (number 2)

Having one or (to/too/two) rods rigged up and ready to go is a good idea.

two (number 2)

Bad (weather/whether) can be frightening when you are several miles in the air.

weather (eat outside if the weather is nice)

The (weather/whether) was so nice we stayed outside all day.

weather (eat outside if the weather is nice)

The announcer said the (weather/whether) over the weekend would be a mix of sleet and snow.

weather (eat outside if the weather is nice)

It doesn't matter (weather/whether) you win or lose, as long as you have fun playing the game.

whether (2 h's = 2 choices)

Pete couldn't decide (weather/whether) or not to go out for the play.

whether (2 h's = 2 choices)

One of the things that makes a difference is (weather/whether) or not you are properly prepared.

whether (2 h's; 2 options)

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