Consumer Behavior Ch. 2 +3

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Saturation is also called


In the context of involvement, consumers can be involved with many different entities, which makes it important to identify the

object of involvement

Consumers are most likely to be exposed to ads

within TV programs that interset them

Sarah lives with four family members. When they watch television after dinner, Sarah holds on to the remote control and switches channels during commercials. In this scenario, Sarah is involved in


______is the pigment contained in a color


______is the process of determining the properties of stimuli using vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touh


______occurs when a consumer must choose between two or more equally desirable options that fulfill different needs

approach-approach conflict

Dairymeisters, a company that makes food products, conducts a survey that reveals that delicious desserts usually have a high fat and calorie content. In order to capitaliza on this, they begin the development of a low calorie, healthy, and delicious dessert as a substitute to the high fat items. This is an example of how marketers can help consumers resolve

approach-avoidance conflict

Linda has recently bought a new sports car. While driving to a party, she feels the urge to drive well above the speed limit so that she could win the admiration of her friends, but she also has safety concerns. This is a classic example of an

approach-avoidance conflict

Consumers pay more attention to things that

are concrete

_______reflects the amount of mental activity a consumer devotes to a stimulus


In the context of consumer behavior, identify a true statement about attention

attention is limited

______refers to the fact that individuals have a need to organize perceptions so that they form a meaningful whole


Nathan wants to purchase a new laptop. To make the best choice, he reads computer magazines and articles online daily to acquire knowledge about various laptop specifications available. This is an example of

cognitive involvement

Jenny skips breakfast to attend an important meeting and is extremely hungry well ahead of lunch time. One of her goals at lunch is to eat a big and delicious meal. This is an example of

concrete goal

________is the extent to which a stimulus is capable of being imagined


Which of the following is a nonmarketing source of marketing stimuli

consumer reviews

Identify a true statement about preattentive processing

consumers devote just enough attention to an object in peripheral vision to understand it

Which of the following statements is true of consumers' perceptions

consumers perceive that packages in eye catching shapes contain more of a product

Jackson recently canceled his cable television subscription. He continues to watch his favorite shows by streaming them online. In this scenario, Jackson is a(n)


Cains Inc., a market research firm, conducts a research study for Frensnas Inc., an automobile manufacturer. Canis Inc's research indicates that the minimum price increases needed for consumers to notice a change in price is $200. This minimum price increases is an example of

differential threshold

------ refers to any aspect of a situation that diverts consumer's attention


Cindy has had an interest in Barbie dolls since she was 7 years old. She continues to collect Barbie dolls and attends conventions with other Barbie doll enthusiasts. Cindy has______in Barbie dolls

enduring involvement

Jonathan loves using Giranne Car wash on his vehicles. When someone notices his car, he always engages in a conversation about his favorite car wax. In this scenario, Jonathan displays____with Giranne Car Wax

felt involvement

______is a consumer's experience of being motivated with respect to a product or service, or decisions and actions about these

felt involvement

Hesgrove Automobiles is a well-known car manufacturer. In one of its ads, its latest car is shown in a variety of locales, illustrating its ability to function on all terrains. The car is the focal point of attention, and the locales are relatively unnoticeable. In this case, the ad uses the principle of

figure and ground

Psychological risk reflects consumers' concern about the extent to which a product or service

fits with the way they perceive themselves

Which of the following statements is true of focal attention

focal attention happens when consumers focus on a stimulus

Sharon takes the same route to work every day. During her commute, she does not notice the billboards that have been there for more than a week. In this scenario, Sharon is experiencing


Personal relevance is something that

has potentially significant consequences or implications for our lives

Bill loved hang gliding.He enjoyed going out by himself to enjoy the trilling sensation of flying like a bird. This is an example of a

hedonic need

Which of the following is an impact of changes in the aesthetic of a product or package

images located near the package top or on the left side add to the perception of a product as "lighter"

Jenna is reading a fashion magazine. While flipping through the pages, she notices a black-and-white photograph amidst a photo set containing vibrant colors. The black-and-white photograph may attract Jenna primarily because it is

in contrast with the competing stimulus

Joshua saw an online article with information that was slightly negative about the brand of personal computer he had just bought. He then looked up other articles on the Internet to see if this was the case. In this scenario, which of the following factors is affecting Joshua's motivation

inconsistency with attitudes

Marketers can use ______to uncover consumers' needs wherein they ask consumers to interpret a set of relatively ambiguous stimuli

indirect techniques

Which of the following statements is true of perceived risk

it is high when negative outcomes are likely

Which of the following statements is true of the absolute threshold

it is the amount of intensity needed for a person to detect a difference between something and nothing

Which of the following statements is true of nonfocal attention

limited attentional resources are devoted to nonfocal attention

Vactin Corp., an apparel store, wants to create an air of mystery around its products. To advertise the store, it puts up billboard: with the message, "would you like to know what is in store for you?" on a white background. This advertisement is an example of

marketing stimuli personally relevant

Ben wants to purchase a new tablet. He spends a lot of time reseaching the latest features available on different brands of tablets. He extensively reads most of the technology consumer blogs. In this scenario, Ben has created a willingness to expend time and energy on preparations to purchase the target, making hin a (n) ____consumer


Ron regularly consumers pain killers even if he feels the slightest of body aches. Although Ron has been warned several times by his well wishers that heavy consumption of pain reducing medicines could harm his kidneys, he still continues to believe that he can compensate the medication's harmful effects by drinking a lot of water. In this scenario, Ron's behavior is an example of

motivated reasoning

Tara has been thinking about losing some weight before her cousin's wedding and comes across an ad for a quick method for weight loss. She wants to believe the service advertised and is convinced that it will help her lose weight. This type of information processing is called

motivated reasoning

Shelly went to buy toothpaste at a nearby store. She quickly checked whether either of the two brands she regularly bought was on sale, and she chose the cheaper one. Shelly's ______in choosing the toothpaste

motivation is low

Which of the following statements is true of the original Maslow's hierarchy

needs are not always ordered exactly as in this hierarchy

Telore's yogurt container is narrower at the top than at the bottom. Its competitors' yogurt containers have a broader top and narrow bottom. This is an example of using____in marketing stimuli


In the context of touch as a marketing stimulus, which of the following is a tactic to increase sales

offering "scratch and stiff" ads

________represents a somewhat higher, more meaningful level of processing than simply having stimuli register on consumers' sensory receptors

perceptual organization

Which of the following is a type of perceived risk

performance risk

_______refers to the extent to which buying, using, or disposing of an offering is perceived to have the potential to harm one's safety

physical risk

Sally is in charge of erecting billboards along highways. The billboards display the logos of newly launched brands in the market. She believes that although drivers might not stop their vehicles and read the ads, they might notice the ads just enough for them to make an impact. In this scenario, the drivers might engage in

preattentive processing

Cognitive style refers to a consumer's

preferences for ways information should be presented

Perlis Foods has launched a new brand of soda. As a part of its marketing strategy, Perlis Foods has entered into a contrast with a leading television production company. The contract arranges for the new brand of soda to be shown in the new TV series to be aired soon. This is an example of

product placement

Which of the following statements is true of consumers' perception of vision

products in the center visually attract more attention than products from the side of the shelf

When Hisson Corp. increased the size of its ads in billboards, its customer traffic increased because a lot of customers noticed the ads. This is due to _____ in advertising


________is the intensity of stimuli that causes them to stand out relative to the environment


Which of the following statements is true of prominence in marketing stimuli

prominent stimuli stand out relative to the environment because of their intensity

In the context of objects of involvement, consumers involved in certain decisions and behaviors are experiencing a

response involvement

According to Maslow's theory, _______is the need for self-fulfillment and enriching experiences

self actualization

Astimulus can be made personally relevant by

showing who are similar to the target audience in an ad

Terri usually has the television on in the background while she works. She can recognize different ads during commercial breaks by their jingles. In this scenario, Terri recognizes the ads due to _______

sonic identity

Zina has been using computers all her life and has extensive knowledge about hardware and software. In this context, Zina can process information about computers more extensively when the information is stated in terms of

specific attributes

_____activation of sensory receptors by stimuli presented below the perceptual thresold

subliminal perception

_______are needs that relate to the meaning of our consumption behaviors to ourselves and to others

symbolic needs

Trisni Candies recently changed the size of its candy bars. Consumers noticed the change in the candy bars' size as soon as the new batch of candy bars were supplied to the market. In this scenario, the consumers noticed the change in the size of the candy bars because

the differential threshold of their visual perception has been crossed

Which of the following statements is true of consumer under time pressure to make a decision

they acquire limited information about a product or service

Which of the following statements is true when consumers are highly motivated to achieve a goal

they attempt to understand goal relevant information

Which of the following statements is true of needs

they reflect inner forces that create tension in individuals

Which of the following statements is true of prevention-focused consumers

they tend to preserve the status quo by staying with the option they know

_______ states that the stronger the initial stimulus, the greater the additional intensity needed for the second stimulus to be perceived as different

weber's law

Brenda records for favorite TV show on a digital video recorder because it is sired during her work hours. When she watched the recorded show later, she skips all the commercials and watches only the show. In this case, Brenda's actions can be categorized as


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