Consumer Behavior Chapter 11

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______________ are generally more involved in a product category and actively search for information.

opinion seekers

British psychologist Fredric Bartlett used ____________ to examine how information mutates.

serial reproduction

The capacity to alter the actions of others is referred to as ________ power.


Which of the following is NOT one of the three basic themes of complaint Web sites recently identified in a study of such Web sites? A) injustice B) identity C) legitimacy D) agency

C) legitimacy

Recent research on opinion leadership has called into question the traditional view that there is such a thing as a ____________ opinion leader.


Anna asks people in her social group their opinion about a movie before she watches it. Her social group is an example of a(n) ________.

reference group

If a consumer admires the qualities of another person and copies his or her behaviors, the person that is copied is said to have ________ power.


In advertising terms, a(n) _______________ refers to a view or exposure to an advertising message.


The _____________ a group is, the more likely members are to engage in social loafing.


________________ derives from the knowledge that a consumer possesses about a content area.

Expert Power

The plain and simple fact is that Ralph has body odor. Worse than that, Ralph does not seem to care. Ralph's clothes are in shambles, and his person hygiene could certainly be improved. For most people, Ralph would be in which of the following groups?

Avoidance Groups

A sociometric network analysis is likely to study all of the following EXCEPT which one? A) referral behavior B) the use of surrogate consumers C) the tie strength between members of a network D) communication in social systems

B) the use of surrogate consumers

A reason why consumers conform is ________. A) cultural pressures B) fear of deviance C) commitment D) all of the above

D) all of the above

A type of reference group is ____________. A) membership B) aspirational C) avoidance D) all of the above

D) all of the above

Angela belongs to a film club that selects and views classic movies once a month. Angela wouldn't watch a vampire movie on her own, but is happy to watch the classic vampire film with the group that almost all of the other group members voted to see. This example demonstrates which factor of conformity?

Group unanimity

_______________ argues that each of us has several "selves that relate to groups."

Social Identity Theory

___________ is the degree to which a person is able to make other people do something.

Social power

New kind of avoidance group that has grown popular through the Web is a(n) __________________.

anti-brand community

When companies use celebrities in their ads they are using the principle of ___________________ reference groups.


James Otis wants to be "just like Mike" (basketball star Michael Jordan) and has for many years. James has purchased Jordan-gear, follows Jordan's career, and he has often thought about how to give back to his community the way MJ has. Which of the following reference group terms would apply to James Otis and his relationship with Michael Jordan?

aspirational reference group

The pressure to conform that escalates as more and more group members "cave in" is called the _______________ effect.


The importance of weak ties in a social system is demonstrated by their ________.

bridging function

One of the chief causes of the phenomenon of the risky shift effect is ________.

diffusion of responsibility

Anna and David both have the same college degree, belong to the same social class, and attend the same church. This situation illustrates ________.


_________________ are frequently able to influence others' attitudes on behavior.

opinion leaders

Individuals with the ability to influence others' attributes or behaviors are considered ___________.

Opinion Leaders

Social networking is an integral part of what many call ___________________, which is characterized by interactive platforms that foster the creation of communities.

Web 2.0

According to the principle of least interest, the person who is least ______________________________________________ has the most power in a relationship.

committed to staying in a relationship

The ___________ influence is the reference group influence that helps the consumer make decisions about specific brands or activities.


Every summer, thousands of bikers converge on Sturgis, South Dakota, filling up every campground, motel, and hotel within miles of the city. This annual meeting is an example of a gathering of a(n) ________.

consumer tribe

When members of a group come together with a certain attitude, that attitude becomes more extreme after the group discusses it. This effect is called _____________.

decision polarization

Home shopping parties may activate the risky shift or ______________, in which the individual at a party may get so caught up in the party spirit that he orders products that he would normally not purchase.


________________ proposes that a small group of influences disseminates information because they can modify the opinion of a large group.

two-step flow model of influences

Within groups, informal rules of behavior are called ________.


Explain the red sneaker effect.

The red sneaker effect describes a brave person who sports a pair of red sneakers in a professional setting (nonconforming).

Young teenagers who conform to group pressure because they believe they will be punished by the group for nonconforming behaviors are motivated by ________.

fear of deviance

Refers to exchanges of resources, information, or influence among members of networks


If a fireman told you to leave your apartment, you would comply because the fireman has ________ power.


Margaret stayed on top of what was happening in the marketplace, but she was not necessarily the first to purchase items when they first came out. Margaret would be classified as a(n) ________.

market maven

The opinion leader referred to as a(n) ________________ is actively involved in transmitting marketplace information of all types.

market maven

A group composed of people that the consumer actually knows is called a(n) ________ reference group.


Political candidates who get the most media exposure are more likely to win an election because of the effect of _____________ in determining one's set of referents.

mere exposure

A set of socially relevant nodes connected by one or more relations is called a social ________.


James' friend, whom he admires and respects, just purchased a new car. James decides to buy the same model. This situation illustrates the influence of ________.

referent power

Phillip admires the qualities of the Sigma Chis on his college campus. Since he has decided to try and pledge this group, he begins to imitate the qualities that he perceives the group has. What type of power does the fraternity seem to be displaying with respect to Phillip and his behavior?

referent power

Phillipe is a member of a small Harley-Davidson motorcycle club that meets once a week to ride and talk about their bikes. This club might exert a ________ influence on Phillipe as he decides which model of bike to buy for his wife.

referent power

Power that is granted by virtue or a social agreement, such as the authority we give to police officers, is called ________.

referent power

In general, advertising is most effective when it _____________________ than when it __________________________.

reinforces our existing product preferences; tries to create new product preferences.

Consumers who are confident in themselves and do not seek peer approval for their behaviors are said to be ____________.


___________ influence helps the consumer make decisions about specific brands or activities.

social cue

________________ happens when we do not devote as much time and effort to a task as we could because our contribution is part of a larger group effect.

social loafing

Several research methods are used to study reference groups and opinion leadership. ________ methods trace communication patterns among members of a group. These techniques allow researchers to systematically map out the interactions that take place among group members.


A(n) ________________ is a marketing intermediary retained by a consumer to guide what that consumer buys.

surrogate consumer

Meagan is planning her wedding and wants everything to be just right, from the invitations and table settings to the ceremony and music selections. Because she feels overwhelmed by all of the information to sort through and the choices to make, she hires a wedding planner to make many of the decisions and purchases for her. Meagan's wedding planner is best described as a(n) ________.

surrogate consumer

Which correctly defines homophily?

the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of education, social status, and beliefs.

Reference groups influence us in three ways. These influences include informational, utilitarian, and _____________ dimensions.


________________ refers to the strategy of getting visitors to a Web site to forward information on the sites to their friends in order to make still more consumers aware of a product.

viral marketing

According to the _____________ perspective, under the right circumstances a group of people is smarter than the smartest people within the group.

wisdom of crowds

Product information that is transmitted by individuals to individuals is called ________________.

word of mouth

Sophie tells Nick about a great new restaurant. Sophie is practicing ________.


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