Consumer Behavior—Chapter 15

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All of the brands that a consumer thinks of as potential solutions are known as the _____. a. awareness set b. evaluative criteria c. alternative set d. preferred set e. consideration set


Karen is going to the mall to purchase new shoes. Based on her prior experience with Nine West and her positive attitude toward them, she plans on looking at the Nine West store first. Her decision to visit the Nine West store is based on which source of information? a. memory b. personal sources c. independent sources d. marketing sources e. experiential sources


Karl and his wife are considering putting a built-in pool in their backyard. They were discussing who they could get to do it for them, and they realized they knew of five pool contractors in their city. These five pool contractors that they thought of as potential contractors for them represent their _____. a. awareness set b. evaluative criteria c. alternative set d. preferred set e. consideration set


Nakisha wants to purchase some new make-up, but she wants something different from what she is currently using. Since she has experience with this product, she just thinks of the other products she has tried and decides to purchase one of those. Which type of information search has Nakisha performed? a. internal search b. external search c. primary search d. ongoing search e. evoked search


Once a problem is recognized, relevant information from long-term memory is used to determine if a satisfactory solution is known, what the characteristics of potential solutions are, what are appropriate ways to compare solutions, and so forth. This is referred to as _____. a. internal search b. external search c. primary search d. ongoing search e. evoked search


Past searches, prior personal experiences, and prior low-involvement learning are examples of which source of information? a. memory b. personal sources c. independent sources d. marketing sources e. experiential sources


Services that aid consumers in their search and decision making on the Internet are known as _____. a. bots b. worms c. viruses. d. seekers e. minimizers


The brands and products will evaluate for the solution of a particular consumer problem are called the _____. a. evoked set b. evaluative criteria c. alternative set d. preferred set e. awareness set


The number of alternatives, price range, store distribution, and information availability are examples of which factor that influences the expected benefits and perceived costs of search? a. market characteristics b. product characteristics c. consumer characteristics d. situation characteristics e. technological characteristics


Amelia wanted to purchase a nice watch for her husband, but she was overwhelmed by the amount of information available on the Internet for this product. She visited one Web side that offered a service that would do the searching and comparisons for her, so she decided to use it. The service Amelia used is referred to as a(n) _____. a. minimizer b. shopping bot c. search engine d. personal data assistant e. internet organizer


Barry is always searching information about wine. He reads Wine Spectator every month, has several books related to wine, visits wine-related Web sites frequently, and has visited several wine regions throughout the world. While he purchases wine frequently, he does not conduct this information search for just that reason. He just enjoys learning about wine. For Barry, his search for information about wine is a(n) _____. a. internal search b. ongoing search c. eternal search d. continuous search e. perpetual search


Ben is interested in golf, so he visits several golf-related Web sites, such as the USGA and the PGA. Unbeknownst to him, his surfing behavior is being tracked, and it's no accident that he receives several banner ads for golf products and destinations. This is called _____. a. market segmentation b. search engine optimization c. spam d. blogging e. behavioral targeting


Bob is searching the Internet for information on digital cameras, so he types in the words "digital camera" in Google. Which type of search is Bob conducting? a. brand only b. generic c. brand-item d. retail e. price-related


Brands that are found completely unworthy of further consideration are members of the _____. a. evoked set b. inept set c. excluded set d. inert set e. discarded set


Consumers' general approaches or patterns of external search are termed _____. a. social status b. shopping orientations c. involvement d. motives e. differentials


Deliberate external search that occurs in the absence of problem recognition and is done both to acquire information for possible later use and because the process itself is pleasurable is known as _____. a. internal search b. ongoing search c. eternal search d. continuous search e. perpetual search


Extended decision making with the brand in the evoked set requires which marketing strategy? a. capture strategy b. preference strategy c. intercept strategy d. maintenance strategy e. disrupt strategy


Friends, family, and others are examples of which source of information? a. memory b. personal sources c. independent sources d. marketing sources e. experiential sources


If a brand is included in a consumer's evoked set, which marketing strategy is NOT appropriate? a. maintenance strategy b. intercept strategy c. capture strategy d. preference strategy e. all of the above are appropriate


Kasi is seeking the advice of her parents in her decision on which college to attend. Which source of information is Kasi using? a. memory b. personal sources c. independent sources d. marketing sources e. experiential sources


Coca-Cola has a large brand-loyal purchaser segment. Which marketing strategy is appropriate for this brand? a. capture strategy b. acceptance strategy c. maintenance strategy d. preference strategy e. disrupt strategy


Kodak markets digital cameras and is aware that consumers search for information concerning this product on the Internet using one of the several search engines (e.g., Google). To ensure that Kodak appears on the first page of results, this company pays the search engine to become a sponsored link when consumers search the key words "digital camera." This is an illustration of _____. a. market segmentation b. search engine optimization c. spam d. blogging e. behavioral targeting


Lisa has to check her e-mail frequently to delete the unsolicited messages she gets, typically for loans and prescription drugs. If she doesn't delete them, her inbox will fill up and e-mails that she wants to receive won't get through. This unsolicited e-mail is known as _____. a. spit b. spam c. blog d. junk mail e. banner mail


Darcy is considering the purchase of living room furniture. While there are several national-chain furniture stores in her city, she is not considering Haverty's because she's purchased furniture from this store before and has been dissatisfied. For Darcy, this furniture retailer is included in her _____. a. evoked set b. consideration set c. inept set d. excluded set e. inert set


Feature and quality variations across brands are referred to as _____. a. product positioning b. brand leverage c. product differentiation d. market segmentation e. market characteristics


Eric was in the store and started looking at riding lawn mowers. He didn't come to this store for the purpose of purchasing one, but he started considering it once he was there. However, he did not purchase one on that trip. Instead he went to other stores to look at their mowers, he asked his neighbor and his brother-in-law about their mowers, and he searched on the Internet before he decided on the brand to purchase. Which type of decision making did Eric undertake? a. automatic decision making b. limited decision making c. nominal decision making d. extended decision making e. truncated decision making


For which type of decision making is external information search relatively important? a. automatic decision making b. limited decision making c. nominal decision making d. extended decision making e. truncated decision making


Freddy is purchasing a new car, and he has decided that gas mileage, price, reliability, and styling are important to him. These attributes represent Freddy's _____. a. evoked set b. evoked criteria c. consideration criteria d. evaluative criteria e. evaluative set


Research shows that the most common use of the Internet is _____. a. searching for a map or driving directions b. getting news c. buying a product d. using e-mail e. checking the weather


Sales personnel, Web sites, and advertising represent which type of information source? a. memory b. personal sources c. independent sources d. marketing sources e. experiential sources


Stephanie and her husband are considering the purchase of a 52" plasma television. They have visited several manufacturers' Web sites, looked at the ads in the Sunday newspaper, and have spoken with sales people at several electronics stores. Which source of information are they using? a. memory b. personal sources c. independent sources d. marketing sources e. experiential sources


The desired features or characteristics required to meet a consumer's needs are his or her _____. a. evoked set b. evoked criteria c. consideration criteria d. evaluative criteria e. evaluative set


_____ involves tracking consumer click patterns on a Web site and using that information to decide on banner ad placement. a. Clickthrough targeting b. Search engine optimization c. Bot software d. Behavioral targeting e. Spam


A consumer decision requires information on which of the following? a. The appropriate evaluative criteria for the solution of a problem. b. The existence of various alternative solutions. c. The performance level or characteristic of each alternative solution on each evaluative criterion. d. a and b e. a, b, and c


According to the media consulting group, SmartReply, the best text message programs involve which of the following? a. build an "opt-in" database b. develop the text message "ad" c. roll out the campaign d. include a hook as to why they are being contacted, call to action, and an "opt-out" e. all of the above


Brands for which a consumer is aware but basically indifferent toward compose his or her _____. a. evoked set b. consideration set c. inept set d. excluded set e. inert set


Elaine is considering the purchase of a computer and is aware that Toshiba and HP are brands in this product category. However, she is basically indifferent toward them. These two brands represent Elaine's _____. a. evoked set b. consideration set c. inept set d. excluded set e. inert set


How has the Internet changed consumers ability to search for information? a. allows easy access to manufacturers' websites b. allows easy access to other consumers c. allows easy access to government agencies d. expands the ability of marketers to provide information to consumers e. all of the above


Perceived risk is a function of the _____. a. individual b. product c. situation d. a and b e. a, b, and c


Thomas is aware of several different brands of electric shavers, but he is only considering seriously three different brands. These three brands that Thomas is evaluating represent his _____. a. evoked set b. evaluative criteria c. alternative set d. preferred set e. awareness set


Which marketing strategies are appropriate for nominal decision making? a. maintenance strategy and disrupt strategy b. capture strategy and intercept strategy c. preference strategy and acceptance strategy d. maintenance strategy and intercept strategy e. capture strategy and acceptance strategy


Which marketing strategy is appropriate if the brand is not part of consumers' evoked sets? a. disrupt strategy b. maintenance strategy c. capture strategy d. preference strategy e. all of the above


Which of the following is probably the most important situational variable with respect to search behavior? a. temporal perspective b. task definition c. physical surroundings d. antecedent state e. social surrounding


Nathan is purchasing a new computer, so he asks his friends and family for help in selecting one. He also has searched the Internet and visited the Dell, Gateway and Apple websites and has consulted Consumer Reports. Nathan is conducting which type of information search? a. internal search b. external search c. primary search d. secondary search e. evoked search


Research has shown that most of the online search leading up to a purchase was _____. a. brand only b. generic c. brand-item d. retail e. price-related


Unsolicited e-mail that is a major concern and ittitant and is known as _____. a. spit b. spam c. blog d. junk mail e. banner mail


Wendy was in Wal-Mart and noticed a display with baking items collected together and a little pad with recipes to tear off. She looked at the recipe and decided that this would make a nice dessert for Thanksgiving, so she purchased the products that were conveniently located on the display. Which type of decision making did Wendy undertake? a. automatic decision making b. limited decision making c. nominal decision making d. extended decision making e. truncated decision making


When a consumer notices a new product in a store because of the point-of-purchase display, reads about the attributes of the product and recalls an unresolved problem that this product will solve, and then purchases the product, _____ has occurred. a. automatic decision making b. limited decision making c. nominal decision making d. extended decision making e. truncated decision making


Which marketing strategies are appropriate for limited decision making? a. maintenance strategy and disrupt strategy b. capture strategy and intercept strategy c. preference strategy and acceptance strategy d. maintenance strategy and intercept strategy e. capture strategy and acceptance strategy


Which marketing strategy is similar to preference strategy is similar to preference strategy but is complicated by the fact that the target market is not seeking information about the brand? a. capture strategy b. acceptance strategy c. maintenance strategy d. intercept strategy e. disrupt strategy


Which of the following involves techniques designed to ensure that a company's Web pages appear high on an Internet search result list? a. market segmentation b. search engine optimization c. spam d. blogging e. behavioral targeting


Which of the following is NOT a subcategory of the awareness set? A) evoked set B) purchase set C) inert set D) inept set E) all of the above are subcategories of the awareness set


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding information search? a. The amount of search depends on purchase involvement. b. Searching for information is free. c. Information search involves mental as well as physical activities that consumers must perform. d. The initial search generally produces a set of guides or decision restraints. e. Search has benefits such as finding a lower price or getting higher quality.


Which type of search can involve independent sources, personal sources, marketer-based information, and product experience? a. internal search b. external search c. primary search d. secondary search e. evoked search


Consumers conducting a generic search in an Internet search engine use which type of terms? a. retailer-related terms b. brand-related terms c. general product-related terms d. brand-plus product-related terms e. price-related terms


Every winter, Laurie's skin becomes very dry and results in painful cracks in her skin on her fingers. Once this happens, Laurie remembers that Zim's Crack Cream works really well for this problem, so she stops at the store to pick some up. Which type of decision making has occurred? a. automatic decision making b. limited decision making c. nominal decision making d. extended decision making e. truncated decision making


Experience, familiarity, social status, shopping orientation and product involvement are examples of which factor that influences the expected benefits and perceived costs of search? a. market characteristics b. product characteristics c. consumer characteristics d. situation characteristics e. personality traits


If the target market engages in limited decision making and the brand is not part of their evoked set, the objective will be to _____. a. disrupt the existing decision patterns b. capture as large a share of the purchases as practical c. intercept the consumer during the search for information on the brands in the evoked set d. develop a strong position on those attributes important to the target market e. defend against the disruptive tactics of competitors


If, in response to a problem, a consumer recalls a single, satisfactory solution, no further information search or evaluation may occur. The consumer purchases the recalled brand and _____ has occurred. a. automatic decision making b. limited decision making c. nominal decision making d. extended decision making e. truncated decision making


Jon needed to purchase new tires for his SUV. He consulted Consumer Reports to see how the the various brands were rated. Job consulted which type of information source? a. memory b. personal sources c. independent sources d. marketing sources e. experiential sources


Magazines, consumer groups, and government agencies represent which source of information? a. memory b. personal sources c. independent sources d. marketing sources e. experiential sources


Susan actually knows quite a bit about some product categories that she doesn't actively seek out information concerning and doesn't even own. Which of the following is the most likely means by which she obtained this information? a. past searches b. personal experience c. low-involvement learning d. experiential sources e. high-involvement learning


The percentage who clicks through a banner ad to the corporate Web site is known as _____. a. response rate b. turnover rate c. clickthrough rate d. rating e. hits


To which set do alternatives the consumer does not know about belong? a. inert set b. inept set c. unawareness set d. unknown set e. evoked set


Which demographic characteristic describes the smallest percentage of US adult Internet users? a. women b. black, non-hispanic c. 65+ years of age d. Household income of less than $30,000 per year e. rural


Which information source is NOT actively acquired by consumers? a. past searches b. personal experience c. low-involvement learning d. independent groups e. marketer information


Which marketing strategies are appropriate for extended decision making? a. maintenance strategy and disrupt strategy b. capture strategy and intercept strategy c. preference strategy and acceptance strategy d. maintenance strategy and intercept strategy e. capture strategy and acceptance strategy


Which marketing strategy requires consistent attention to product quality, distribution, and reinforcement advertising strategy because the brand is purchased habitually by the target market? a. capture strategy b. acceptance strategy c. maintenance strategy d. preference strategy e. disrupt strategy


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding appropriate alternatives? a. An evoked set is those brands or products one will evaluate for the solution of a particular consumer problem. b. The brand found completely unworthy of further consideration is a member of the inept set. c. Marketing strategy that focuses only on creating awareness is adequate. d. Brands for which a consumer is aware of but basically indifferent toward compose that consumer's inert set. e. Alternatives the consumer does not know about compose the unawareness set.


Lane is test driving several models of automobiles to help him decide which one to purchase. Which source of information does this represent? a. memory b. personal sources c. independent sources d. marketing sources e. experiential sources


One marketer for a brand of shampoo learned through research that consumers in the target market engage in limited decision but that this marketer's brand is not part of their evoked set. Which marketing strategy is appropriate for this company? a. capture strategy b. acceptance strategy c. maintenance strategy d. preference strategy e. intercept strategy


Perceived risk is high for products whose failure to perform as expected would result in a high _____. a. social cost b. financial cost c. time cost d. physical cost e. all of the above


The evoked set is also called the _____. a. evaluative set b. alternative set c. awareness set d. preferred set e. consideration set


Which marketing strategy is appropriate if the brand is not part of the evoked set and the target market engages in nominal decision making? a. capture strategy b. acceptance strategy c. maintenance strategy d. preference strategy e. disrupt strategy


Which of the following factors influences the expected benefits and perceived costs of search? a. market characteristics b. product characteristics c. consumer characteristics d. situation characteristics e. all of the above


Which of the following is NOT a major issue marketers must deal with concerning the Internet's role in information search and decision making? a. How can they get more consumers to use the Internet instead of seeking information from salespeople? b. How can they drive their information to consumers? c. How can they drive consumers to their information? d. How (if at all) can online selling be utilized or integrated with existing channels? e. all of the above are major issues marketers must deal with


Which of the following is NOT a research finding regarding the Internet as an information source? a. Online information is expected. b. Online information boosts offline sales. c. Online sources are viewed as valuable. d. Online sources reduce a salesperson's role. e. Over 90% of Americans use a search engine to research a product/service before buying it online.


Which of the following is a primary source of information available to consumers? a. memory b. personal sources c. independent sources d. marketing sources e. all of the above


Which of the following is true regarding the Internet as a source of information? a. Online information is expected. b. Online information boosts offline sales. c. Online sources are viewed as valuable. d. Online sources reduce a salesperson's role. e. all of the above


Which source of information includes inspection or product trial? a. memory b. personal sources c. independent sources d. marketing sources e. experiential sources


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