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__ is a particular type of literature that can be classified in mutltiple categories.


____ two words together

Compound words

What are the most common types of genre use in elementary?

Science fiction; biography an traditional literature

North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia formed the _____ Colonies

Southern Colonies


When the Allies United states; Ruisa , Canada and England combined forces to destroy German .

refers to a child


Which of the following instruments measures relative humidity? A. Barometer B. Anemometer C. Thermometer D. Psychrometer

An instrument called a sling psychrometer is used to measure relative humidity. Competency 026

state flower of texas


Mr. Rovira guides five-year-old children in the recitation of the following utterance: "Round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran." Children have fun with this activity and try to say it without errors. What literary technique is he using? A. Alliteration B. Tongue twister C. Nursery rhyme D. Memorization drills

(A)Alliteration is a technique to emphasize the connection between the consonant and the sound that it represents. In this particular case, the tongue twister is used to emphasize the sound of the /r/. (B) is incorrect because the technique goes beyond the use of a tongue twister. Tongue twisters are examples of alliteration, and they emphasize pronunciation and fluency. (C) is incorrect because the utterance does not represent an example of traditional nursery rhymes. Nursery rhymes are short poems, stories, or songs written to entertain children. Competency 002

The principles of art describe A. the guidelines that artists follow to create art and to deliver their intended message. B. the individual components that combine to create artwork. C. the ideas, emotions, and experiences that can be communicated through art. D. the sequence of artistic concepts that are presented in grades kindergarten through

(A)Artists use the principles of art to create and communicate through their artwork. (B) is incorrect because it describes the elements of art, as opposed to the principles of art. (C) is incorrect because subjects are communicated through art. (D) is incorrect because there are several different artistic concepts presented in the standards for kindergarten through grade 6. Competency 042

Identify the informal activities/instruments used to assess oral communication skills in Pre-K students. A. Teacher observation checklists, retelling stories, and anecdotal records B. Multiple-choice tests, cloze tests, and an informal reading inventory C. Audio-taped conversations, written cloze tests, and standardized achievement tests D. Repetition drills, choral reading, and chants

(A)Checklists, retelling stories, and the use of anecdotal records are examples of informal assessment measures commonly used to assess the development of communication skills among ELLs. The informal nature of these assessment strategies eliminates the stress associated with formal assessment procedures. Multiple-choice, cloze tests, and informal reading inventory (B) are not generally used to assess oral communication skills. Audiotaping can be used to assess oral language development, but written cloze tests and standardized achievement tests (C) are not. Repetition drills, choral reading, and chants (D) are generally used to assess pronunciation, which is only one component of oral communication skills. Competency 005

Introducing the multiple versions of stories like Cinderella can help students understand how a theme can be developed from different points of views. Moreover, this kind of literature can help students in the development of A. critical reading. B. literal recall. C. repairing understanding. D. retelling checklist.

(A)Comparing and contrasting variations of a fairly tale, like Cinderella, can foster higher order thinking skills and critical reading. Students will have to analyze the new story to determine how it related to the traditional version, and how the theme is treated. (B), (C), and (D) are not focusing specifically on such higher-level reading as it relates to comparing and contrasting across multiple texts. Competency 007

Dramatic play is commonly used to introduce students to theater arts. This strategy is more appropriate for: A. children in upper elementary. B. children who have had prior experience in theater C. children in early childhood education. D. children who are learning English as second language

(C)Dramatic play is a spontaneous activity where students are allowed to recreate scenes based on their interpretation of the world. It is not scripted and does not require memorization, because the target group is students in early childhood. Dramatic play can be used for upper elementary (A), and for English language learners (D), but it was not designed for these groups necessarily. No prior experience in theater is required to participate in dramatic play (B). Competency 014

Which statement best describes an example of the Language Experience Approach? A. The teacher records a student's story saying each word aloud while writing it down. B. The students participate in writing down a shared experience by taking turns writing. C. Students read a story orally while the teacher helps as needed with decoding. D. The teacher models writing while orally thinking aloud about her own experiences.

(A)In the Language Experience Approach (LEA), the teacher is dictating the ideas and thoughts of the students. As the students share ideas, the teacher writes them down, thus connecting speech to print and also modeling how oral language is related to writing. Answer (B) is incorrect because in this approach, it is the teacher who "has the pen" and does the modeled writing as students contribute ideas. Answer (C) is incorrect because the focus is not on oral reading primarily; the emphasis is on both reading and writing for beginning readers with LEA. Answer (D) is incorrect because it focuses on the teacher's own ideas, whereas LEA focuses on the teacher dictating the ideas of the student or students. Competency 009

The Civil Rights Movement sought equality for African Americans. Even after the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments were added to the Constitution, blacks were denied full civil rights. Discrimination existed throughout the nation. Jim Crow laws were enforced in the A. South. B. North. C. East. D. West.

(A)Jim Crow laws enforced strict separation in the South. Segregation rules restricted blacks to separate facilities in public places such as theaters, restaurants, buses, restrooms, and schools. (B), (C), and (D) are incorrect because in other parts of the country this separation was not law. Competency 023

When plants take solar energy from the sun and transform it to usable energy, we say that energy was transformed to A. chemical energy. B. oxygen. C. chlorophyll. D. carbon dioxide

(A)Plants take energy from sunlight and convert it to produce chemical energy. Through the process of cellular respiration, this type of energy in converted into ATP—the type of fuel used by living things. As part of the process of photosynthesis, plants take carbon dioxide (B) from the environment and convert it into oxygen (D). Thus, these two elements are part of the process, not the final product. Plants contain a pigment called chlorophyll (C), which also plays a role but does not constitute the product of photosynthesis. Competency 037

Which of the following would NOT be included as a component part of the instructional activity of reciprocal teaching? A. Connecting the text to one's own life B. Asking a question about the main idea C. Clarifying difficult parts of the content D. Predicting what will come next

(A)Reciprocal teaching requires students to participate in cooperative learning groups where each student has a role in discussing the key aspects of the text in terms of posing questions, clarifying confusing sections, and making predictions. While making connections to one's life may enhance students' connections to the background knowledge and schema, it is not a central process of reciprocal teaching. Competency 008

Story retelling inventories are generally used to assess students' A. comprehension, sentence structure knowledge, and vocabulary development. B. oral language development and writing skills. C. listening skills, speaking, reading, and writing skills. D. knowledge of literary pieces and the writing styles used in literature

(A)Story retelling inventory is generally organized as an informal checklist that teachers administer to check for comprehension and to assess language development. In addition to assessing the story line and the plot, the instrument checks for correct language usage, sentence structure, and vocabulary development. The instrument assesses oral language development but does not address the listening and writing components, thus (B) and (C) are incorrect. Technically, students will develop some knowledge of literary pieces and will be exposed to different writing styles (D), but the main purpose of the story retelling is not to address these issues. Competency 004

President John F. Kennedy proposed new civil rights laws as well as programs to help the millions of Americans living in poverty. After Kennedy's assassination in Dallas in 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson urged Congress to pass the laws. As a result of the leadership of these two men, which piece of legislation was passed? A. The Civil Rights Act B. The Equal Education Act C. The Fair Employment Act D. The Desegregation Act In compliance with NCLB legislation, Texas adopted an instrument to assess the English achievement of ELLs—the Texas Observation Protocol (TOP). The TOP assesses the listening, speaking, reading, and writing components of English. In addition to the writing samples required, this instrument uses __________ to assess the linguistic performance of children in English. A. a rating scale containing three options (agree, disagree, uncertain) B. a multiple-choice test with four choices (A, B, C, and D) C. a series of open-ended questions to guide the teacher in the collection of data D. a checklist identifying specific literacy components

(A)The Civil Rights Act passed in 1964 prohibited segregation in all public facilities and discrimination in education and employment. President John F. Kennedy proposed new civil rights laws as well as programs to help the millions of Americans living in poverty. After his assassination in Dallas in 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson urged Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act in honor of Kennedy, persuading the majority of Democrats and some Republicans. (B), (C), and (D) are incorrect because these were important aspects of the Act but not the name of the Act. Competency 020

Marcus can separate a word into its individual phonemes and put it back together to recreate the original word. However, he has problems separating words into syllables and identifying the syllable with the primary stress. Based on this scenario, Marcus needs additional support with A. phonological awareness. B. phonemic awareness. C. syllabication. D. word stress.

(A)The child is having problems with word stress and syllabication, and both terms are part of phonological awareness. (B) is incorrect because the child is not having problems with phonemic awareness. He has mastered the ability to separate phonemes and blend them back to recreate the word. (C) and (D) are incorrect because neither of them individually can explain the needs of the child. The reality is that the child needs support in both components; thus, (C) or (D) individually cannot be the correct answer. Competency 002

The state song of Texas is A. Home on the Range. B. Deep in the Heart of Texas. C. The Yellow Rose of Texas. D. Texas, Our Texas.

(D)In 1929, the Texas State Legislature adopted Texas, Our Texas as the state song. (A) is incorrect because the song Home on the Range is the state song of Kansas. (B) is incorrect because the song Deep in the Heart of Texas is a well-known song elaborating on the qualities of the state. (C) is incorrect because the song The Yellow Rose of Texas is a well-known song in the state. It is a patriotic song popularized by Texan soldiers during the American Civil War. Competency 043

Identify the main benefit of the shared book experience. A. Stories are shared in a supportive environment. B. The whole class can read with the teacher. C. Children like big books. D. It contains attractive pictures and big letters

(A)The overall purpose of the shared book experience is to guide children to be successful in reading and to develop an interest in learning to read. The story is read to the students in a very supportive environment using visuals to enhance comprehension. The main goal is to make reading an enjoyable activity and to motivate children to read on their own. (B) is incorrect because reading with the whole class is a by-product of the shared book experience, but it is not the main goal. (C) and (D) are true statements. Traditionally, books used in shared reading use big letters and attractive pictures, and children like big books, but these features are not the main reason for conducting shared reading. Competency 004

Marcos is a five-year-old student in the process of first-language acquisition. He often produces statements like: This lollipop is the bestest Mom. Based on this speech sample, this child is A. applying language rules. B. experiencing language interference. C. applying the concepts from L1 to L2. D. imitating the speech sample of cartoons on television

(A)When children overgeneralize like in the example—bestest—they are in reality applying grammar rules which indicate that they have passed the stage of mere repetition, and they are beginning to decipher the grammar of the language. This overgeneralization is typical of English native speakers acquiring a language, and does not show any kind of interference from a language. This statement eliminates (B) and (C). (D) is incorrect but it can be confusing because cartoons such as "Rugrats" often use this kind of overgeneralization to mimic the speech of children; however, the continuous overgeneralization typical of children cannot be attributed to cartoons on television. Competency 005

Identify the statement that best describes the connection between reading and writing. A. The development of reading and writing skills is sequential. B. The development of reading and writing skills are interrelated and developed concurrently C. The development of reading and writing skills is controlled by the structure of the language. D. The development of reading and writing skills is controlled by the age of exposure to the language and the type of strategies used to teach them

(B)All language skills are interrelated, including reading and writing. Given appropriate instruction, the skills of reading and writing can be introduced and acquired concurrently. Current research does not support the idea that children learn language skills in a sequential manner (A). Based on the explanation given, options (C) and (D) are incorrect. Competency 005

In an introductory unit about force and motion, Ms. Martnez brought to her fourth-grade class the following items: scissors, pliers, a hammer, tongs, and a miniature see-saw. These items are ideal to teach and demonstrate how ___________work. A. complex machines B. simple machines C. household items D. real-life objects

(B)All the items listed are classified as simple machines. Based on this answer, (A) is incorrect. (C) and (D) describe in general fashion the types of items brought to class, not the purpose of bringing them to class—to demonstrate the concept of simple machine. Competency 030

Convergent research on linear versus curvilinear rhetorical patterns shows that Spanish-speaking English language learners and young children in general have a tendency to follow a curvilinear approach in writing. What strategies can teachers use to support these students? A. Teach pronunciation and application of grammar structures. B. Guide children to develop an outline for the story and provide them with guiding questions to keep them focused on the topic and the audience. C. Provide a speaking checklist to help students stick to the topic. D. Provide examples of stories written in a linear fashion and ask students to modify them by adding their own information.

(B)During the prewriting stage, students should be guided to develop an outline that reflects the order of the ideas in the composition. They also can benefit from guiding questions to keep them focused on the topic and the intended audience. Choice (A) is incorrect because learning about grammar structures and pronunciation will not necessarily affect the organization and coherence of the composition. (C) is incorrect because it addresses speaking ability as opposed to the writing process. (D) is a strong distracter but not the best answer. Modeling effective writing is always a good strategy, but examples only might not provide the necessary guidance to make permanent changes in the students' writing style. (B) is a better choice because it provides a strategy that, once learned, can be used in multiple future situations. Competency 010

In 2011, the gross state product of Texas was $1.332 trillion—the second highest in the nation. If Texas were an independent nation, its economy will rank ___________ in the world. A. 5th to 10th B. 12th to 15th C. 20th to 35th D. 40th to 50th

(B)In 2011, the Texas economy ranked 15th in the world. The gross state product competes favorably with the gross national product (GNP) of countries like Mexico, India, Australia, and South Korea. Based on this information, (A), (C), and (D) are eliminated. Competency 022

The New England Colonies consisted of A. Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. B. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. C. New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. D. North Carolina, Rhode Island, Delaware, and Maryland.

(B)The New England Colonies consisted of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. (A) is incorrect because Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia formed the Southern Colonies. (C) is incorrect because New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania formed the Middle Colonies. (D) is incorrect because this answer represents a combination of some of the Southern Colonies and some of the Middle Colonies. Competency 020

An isosceles triangle is a polygon with two equal sides. What else does this imply? A. It is equilateral. B. Its angles sum to greater than 180°. C. It is also scalene. D. It has two equal angles

(D)In any triangle, the sum of the angles must equal 180°. If a triangle has two equal sides, the third side cannot be unique and must be a set length. The lines associated with the equal sides will intersect the third side at the same angle. Therefore, the only answer that can be determined true from the information is (D). Competency 016

The Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians were some of the civilizations that flourished in Mesopotamia—the land between the rivers. What rivers are being alluded to in this statement? A. Nile and Amazon B. Tigris and Euphrates C. Nile and Indus D. Volga and Danube

(B)The convergence of the Tigris and the Euphrates created a fertile region where some of the greatest civilizations of the world emerged. This part of the world has been called the Fertile Crescent, and it is part of the area called the Cradle of Civilizations. (A) is incorrect because the Nile gave birth to the Egyptian civilization, and the Amazon River is located in South America, far away from Mesopotamia. (C) is incorrect because the Indus River is located in modern-day India. (D) is incorrect because the Volga and Danube rivers are located in Europe. Competency 020 Score Overview Multiple Choice Section Your Answer Correct Answer 01. A B 02. D D 03. B B 04. A C 05. D D 06. C B 07. D B 08. C C 09. D D 10. B B 11. C A 12. B B 13. B B

The main purpose of an interactive/dialogue journal is to provide children with opportunities to A. practice speaking and writing skills. B. communicate freely in a written form. C. receive corrective feedback from peers. D. practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing

(B)The use of interactive journals allows children opportunities to communicate in meaningful and real-life situations. (A) and (D) are incorrect because listening and speaking abilities are not emphasized in interactive journals. (C) is incorrect because corrective feedback is not encouraged in communication activities. Teachers can provide indirect corrective feedback through modeling. Competency 010

What is the correct expansion of (a + b)3? A. a3 + b3 B. a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3 C. a3 + 6a3b3 + b3 D. 3a2 + 3b

(B)Using the F.O.I.L. method, we know that there should be more than two terms in the resulting expansion. Therefore, we may eliminate selections (A) and (D). After expansion, we realize that (B) is correct. Compet

Why is the lowest average temperature in New York City higher than the lowest average temperature of Lincoln, Nebraska, when these cities are at approximately the same latitude? A. New York City is farther south resulting in warmer temperatures. B. New York City is surrounded by water, which moderates the temperature. C. New York City is full of industries that warm the atmosphere. D. New York City is near the Appalachian Mountains, which trap sunlight and heat.

(B)Water cools down and heats up more slowly than any substance on Earth. Therefore, in the winter the average low temperature would be warmer in New York City—a coastal city, than it would be in Nebraska. The warm water (warmed from summer's sun and heat) keeps the air over the water warm and moving toward the city for a longer period of time than the air inland. Competency 040

Which of the following were the first mathematicians to impact the development of modern-day mathematics? A. Greeks and the Aztecs B. Egyptians and Babylonians C. Hindus and Aztecs D. Arabs and the Mayans

(B)While other groups made significant contributions to mathematics, the Egyptians and Babylonians (third millennium bce) were the first groups to make an impact on the development of modern-day mathematics. Competency 018

What percentage of a daily diet should be composed of carbohydrates? A. 5-10% B. 15-25% C. 35-50% D. 70-90%

(C)Complex carbohydrates should comprise at least half of the calories consumed for the healthy diet of an active person (a little less for an inactive person). Carbohydrates are the primary and most efficient source of energy for the body. Based on this, choices (A), (B), and (D) are incorrect. Competency 044

Identify the order of the products that have supported the Texas economy through its history. A. Petroleum, cotton, oranges, and cattle B. Cattle, corn, petroleum, and education C. Cotton, cattle, petroleum, and computers and electronics D. Cattle, petroleum, beef, venison, and poultry

(C)Cotton and eventually cattle were the main products produced in Texas during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Later, with the discovery of petroleum in the twentieth century, it became one of the most important exports for Texas. In the latter part of the twentieth century and until today, computer and electronics replaced oil as the main products of the state. Based on this explanation, options (A), (B), and (D) are eliminated. Competency 022 Multiple Choice Section Your Answer Correct Answer 01. A B 02. D D 03. B B 04. A C 05. D D 06. C B 07. D B 08. C C 09. D D 10. B B 11. C A 12. B B

When analyzing and interpreting assessment data from culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students, what must assessors take into account? A. The main objective of assessment is to make students feel valued and wanted in school. B. Students go through different stages of development, and these stages should not affect the way that children are assessed. C. The students might express potential differently due to linguistic and cultural influences. D. Students may have culture and language deficits which can preclude them from effective participation in the testing process.

(C)Culture shapes the way that children behave and perform in school. Linguistic limitations can also affect the ability of children to demonstrate capabilities and potential. The option of making students feel valued and wanted (A) is a noble cause, but it should not be the main concern when assessing CLD learners. (B) presents a true statement when it indicated that students go through different stages of development, but invalidated the answer by saying that these should not affect the way in which they are assessed. The term cultural deficit used in (D) invalidates the answer because CLD learners cannot be considered culturally deficient since they already bring with them their language and culture. Competency 012

Which is not a critical step to follow when solving a problem? A. Understanding the problem B. Choosing a strategy and/or making a plan C. Checking your answer D. Thinking critically about the solution

(D)In order to solve a problem we must understand the problem, choose a strategy and/or make a plan, carry out the plan, and check our answer. The only answer that is not a critical component of the process is (D). Competency 018

What is one of the key advantages of using integrated thematic instruction? A. The four literacy skills—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—are introduced sequentially. B. It is used to introduce and practice basic computation skills. C. It eliminates the artificial boundaries created through traditional course scheduling. D. It allows for the teaching of the content areas using the inductive method

(C)Integrated thematic units are organized around a common theme. Thus, the lesson can contain basic mathematics objectives in conjunction with science and social studies concepts. (A) is incorrect because thematic instruction does not require the introduction of literacy skills in a sequential fashion. (B) is too limited in scope; it addresses only one of the possible topics that can be covered in thematic instruction. (D) is also too limited in scope, because thematic instruction can be delivered in both ways—inductively (from the specific to the general) or deductively (general to specific). Competency 013

Theater directors use changes of lights, scenery, and perform changes in the physical appearance of characters to: A. introduce new characters to the play. B. provide background information on the characters. C. establish a sequence and clarify the time of the scenes and the play in general. D. alert the audience about the climax and the resolution of the play.

(C)Lights can be used to signal the beginning or the end of a day. Change of scenery and the appearance of the characters can also indicate that time has passed. However, these conventions of theater are not generally used exclusively to introduce (A), expand on the characters (B), or a strategy leading to the climax and resolution of the play (D). Competency 042

In her first-grade class, Ms. Swanson wants to present the fact that scientists can be male or female, and can come from all ethnic and racial groups, and countries in the world. What might be the best strategy to accomplish that goal? A. Bring a female scientist to talk to the class B. Tell the students that scientists come from different countries, racial and ethnic groups, and cultures C. Read and discuss the biography of male and female scientists from different racial and ethnic groups D. Bring in posters of male and female scientists

(C)Reading and discussing the biographies and the accomplishments of scientists from a variety of backgrounds can minimize the stereotypical views that children may have about them. (A) and (D) are incorrect because both address the gender misconception only. Providing generic information about the diversity in the science field (B) might not be the best strategy for first graders. They might need more tangible evidence of the information. Competency 025

The process by which physical movements develop and become specialized for motor performance depends primarily upon A. socioeconomic status. B. natural talent. C. daily practice. D. a supportive environment

(C)Repetition and practice of a movement pattern is the fastest way to master a physical skill no matter the age level. (A) has no relevance to skill acquisition. (B) and (D) could in part attribute to skill development, although not to the same level of guided repetition and practice. Competency 045

Two coins are tossed at the same time. What is the probability that only one head is obtained in each of the tosses? A. 0.25 B. 0.75 C. 0.5 D. 0.1

(C)Since tossing two separate coins does not affect the outcome of the other coin, we know that the probability of getting heads on either coin is 1/2. The probability of the outcome is then 2/4 or 0.5. Competency 017

Students who develop an understanding of the key components of a story (i.e., the setting, characters, and the resolution) have mastered understanding through the use of A. semantic clues. B. comprehension monitoring. C. story grammar. D. shared reading.

(C)Story grammar focuses on the key elements in a story. By being able to recollect these key features common to many narrative stories, students can develop their understanding of commonalities across texts as well as their understanding of the specific story they are reading. (A) is incorrect because it focuses mainly on meanings at the sentence or word level rather than across the entire text. (B) is incorrect because it is a specific cognitive strategy the learner uses while reading any text. Shared reading (D) is a way to read a text together and is not specific to analyzing features of a text. Competency 007

In upper elementary grades, reading becomes more challenging and meaningful for students because at this stage A. interests in reading fade as students find other activities they prefer. B. students are still developing skills in fluency and decoding. C. children use reading to obtain information to be successful in the content areas. D. students have a harder time self-selecting books to read on their own.

(C)Students in fourth grade and up typically have a harder time when it comes to "reading to learn" as it requires having a basic understanding of the format used in expository writing. This is especially important as students need to learn the content areas to succeed academically. Losing interest in reading (A) and lacking fluency and decoding (B) are challenges that children face in upper elementary grades; however, these options individually do not represent the most important challenge experienced in upper elementary grades. Experiencing problems selecting books to read on their own (D) is not a real challenge for students in upper elementary grades. Competency 008

This symbol represents the official declaration of patriotism in the United States. A. United States of America National Flag B. Liberty Bell C. Pledge of Allegiance D. Statue of Liberty

(C)The Pledge of Allegiance is a declaration of patriotism. It was first published in 1892 in The Youth's Companion, and was believed to be written by the magazine's editor, Francis Bellamy. The original purpose was for the pledge to be used by school children in activities to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America. The Pledge was widely used in morning school routines for many years and received official recognition by Congress on 1942. In 1954 the phrase "under God" was added and a law to indicate the proper behavior when reciting the pledge, which includes standing straight, removing hats or any other headgear, and placing the right hand over the heart. (A), (B), and (D) are incorrect because while they are all American patriotic national symbols, (C) is an actual declaration of patriotism. Therefore, (C) is a better answer. Competency 023

Volcanoes are formed with the motion of the tectonic plates. When the plates collapse, the motion creates cracks in the crust of the Earth, which eventually causes an eruption to release the excess heat, gases, and melted rocks and minerals from the center of the planet. The best indicator of the severity of the volcanic explosion is A. the amount of magma inside the Earth. B. the amount of lava available within the tectonic plates. C. the amount of gas in the magma. D. the number of faults in the area

(C)The amount of gas determines how violent the eruption can be. When the accumulation of gas reaches its peak, violent explosions can occur. The amount of magma inside the Earth (A) is a contributing factor, but not the primary factor. (B) is incorrect because technically, there is no lava inside the Earth. The term lava is used to describe when the magma reaches the surface and becomes solid creating volcanic rocks. The number of faults in the area (D) can contribute to eruptions, but it cannot explain why some eruptions are more violent than others. Competency 038

The United States is probably the only industrialized country in the world that uses the English system of measurement in daily life. What is the rationale for using the metric system in scientific research and engineering? A. The metric system is widely used in the world. B. The English system is an archaic and outdated system used mostly in business. C. The metric system is more precise than the English system. D. The English system allows for the easy computation of measurements

(C)The metric system is a very precise system that allows for the measurement of very small amounts of matter. For example, the metric system uses measurements divided into thousands (millimeters or milligrams), while the English system uses larger units of measurement, like inches and ounces. (A) and (B) contain possible true statements and opinions but they fail to address the question. (D) is incorrect; the English system does not have a simple way to compute measures. On the other hand, the metric system is a base 10-system and the computations are typically easier. Competency 016

Plants and trees that need large amounts of water to survive will thrive in which Texas region? A. Gulf Coast and hill country B. South Texas Plains and Prairies and Lakes regions C. Piney-woods and Gulf Coast D. Panhandle plains and Big Bend regions

(C)The regions with the highest annual rainfall are the Piney-woods and the Gulf Coast regions. Thus, these types of plants and trees will flourish in these two regions. The hill country region (A), South Texas Plains and the Prairies and Lakes regions (B) have a relatively low rainfall, when compared with the rainfall from the Piney-woods and Gulf Coast regions. The panhandle plains and the Big Bend regions (D) have the lowest rainfall in the state. Competency 021

Mr. Lawrence read a story to his kindergarten students in a very pleasant and natural tone of voice. Later, he uses a series of connected pictures representing events in the story. In addition to helping children understand the story, what other element is he teaching? A. The teacher is introducing the sound-symbol correspondence of the story. B. The teacher is filling the experiential gaps to be sure students can understand the story. C. The teacher is introducing sequencing and the story structure. D. The teacher is using developmentally appropriate practices since children at this stage cannot read on their own

(C)The use of pictures to represent events in the story can be used to represent the sequencing of events in the story. It can also be used to introduce visually the parts of the story, i.e., characters, setting, plot, climax, and resolution. (A) is incorrect because the teacher is not connecting directly the pictures with the written text and the appropriate pronunciation. Teachers can fill the background knowledge of the students through visuals (B); however, this activity is usually done as a pre-reading activity. Since the visuals were used as a post-reading activity, we can believe that filling the gaps was not the primary purpose of the activity. The teacher is definitely using developmentally appropriate practices (D), but the real intent of the activity goes beyond that. Competency 007

Asking students to make use of visual elements, such as graphics, while they are reading a piece of text allows them to identify ways in which these elements can be used as strategies to interpret and make sense of the information they are reading. Based on this information, which of the following statements best supports this idea in instructional practice? A. Students will collect illustrations to create a group collage. B. Students will talk about the author and illustrator of a picture book.? C. Students will create a chart in which they identify the reasons why the author of a newspaper article may have chosen to include pictures in?his/her story. D. Students will compare and contrast main characters in a story.

(C)With the exception of (C) all the other three options focus primarily on the text or images created and less on the role that the graphics have in complementing the message being conveyed. Having students actually create a chart while or after they discuss the author's reasoning for choosing visual elements does provide students with an opportunity to understand that there is a direct connection between the use of the graphics and the text that accompanies it. Competency 011

An example of a prime number is A. 9 B. 682 C. 49 D. 67

(D)A prime number is a number whose only factors are one and itself. Even numbers greater than 2 can always be factored by 2, eliminating (B). (A) can be factored as 3 times 3 and (C) can be factored as 7 times 7. Therefore, (D) must be the right answer as it only has factors of 1 and 67. Competency 014

What type of informal assessment instrument would best be used when reporting information about how students work together in discussion groups during a book club? A. Running records B. Portfolios C. Summative evaluations D. Anecdotal records

(D)Anecdotal records are notes a teacher takes while observing students as they work on tasks in the classroom. It provides insight into the processes and interactions the group is using during their discussion and work on activities. The teacher can also provide feedback to the students at a later time using the anecdotal record for reference. (A) is incorrect because running records are used mostly for assessing miscue analysis, reading accuracy, and fluency. (B) is incorrect because portfolios focus more on looking at student work products and/or self-assessments and reflections over time, while summative evaluation (C) is more for end-of-term evaluations on students. Competency 012

Dramatic play includes a variety of activities, EXCEPT: A. interaction with the teacher and students. B. the option of having children-initiated activities. C. the use of solitary play D. the memorization of lengthy dialogues.

(D)Dramatic play can include interactions with teachers and students (A), or it can be a form of solitary play (C), or it can be teacher or student-initiated (B). However, since this activity is designed mostly for younger children, the use of memorization of dialogues is not recommended. Competency 043

As part of the celebration of Martin Luther King Day, fifth graders are getting ready to implement readers' theater on a book about the Civil Rights Movement. In preparation for the presentation, the teacher guides the students through several activities. Which of the preparation activities is less likely to help them get ready to implement readers' theater? A. Working in groups to develop the characters in the story B. Modifying the story so that they can all play a part in the actual performance C. Rehearsing the parts that each student is supposed to read D. Watching a video version of the story

(D)Readers' theater is a student-centered activity. Students read the story, summarize it, work in groups, develop the characters and story line, and implement the activity. While watching a video version of the story (D) can help students get into the characters of the story, this activity is not required to implement readers' theater. Thus, options (A), (B) and (C) are typically used as part of the preparation to implement reader's theater. Competency 006

When teaching the grapheme-phoneme correspondence in English, teachers must A. make the activity interesting to all students. B. monitor the children so they do not pronounce the letters with a foreign accent. C. create an atmosphere of cooperation among students from diverse ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. D. control the inconsistency of the grapheme-phoneme correspondence of English by presenting consistent sounds first.

(D)Teachers have to present the consistent sounds of English first to develop self-confidence among children. Once children master those initial grapheme-phoneme correspondences, they can attempt more challenging components. (A) is incorrect because it deals with a generic well-accepted practice, but it does not address the question. (B) is incorrect because the alphabetic principle does not specifically deal with the issue of the development of foreign accents. (C) is incorrect because it failed to address the question. It is always important to create an atmosphere of collaboration among students, but this statement does not address the linguistic nature of the question. Competency 003

Which strategy would less likely support students' understanding of writing for different audiences? A. Having a group of students role play a given audience and asking them to react to a piece of writing B. In a persuasive writing, guiding students to revise the writing based on possible arguments from the intended audience C. Identifying the audience prior to beginning writing D. Telling students they will be writing narrative text

(D)Telling the students the mode of writing is likely not sufficient to support students' understanding of writing for an audience (D). Revising a piece of writing based on feedback provided from the audience (B), and asking students to role play and react to it can guide children to adjust the writing (A). (C) helps students internalize that a specific audience will be reading their paper and that they need to develop the writing accordingly. Competency 010

The state curriculum officially introduces children to U.S. history in A. second grade. B. third grade. C. fourth grade. D. fifth grade.

(D)The TEKS introduces the history of the United States in fifth grade. (A) is incorrect because in second grade the social studies curriculum covers local communities. (B) is incorrect because in third grade the curriculum centers on how individuals change their communities and the world. (C) is incorrect because in fourth grade students become familiar with the history of Texas. Competency 019

Identify the modern-day country that encompasses most of the territory of ancient Mesopotamia. A. Iran B. Pakistan C. Kuwait D. Iraq

(D)The country of Iraq is located in the region known as Mesopotamia. (A) is incorrect because the country of Iran is located east of the Tigris River. (B) is incorrect because Pakistan is located farther southeast of these rivers. (C) is also incorrect because the State of Kuwait is located southwest of the area and south of Iraq. Competency Multiple Choice Section Your Answer Correct Answer 01. A B 02. D D 03. B B 04. A C 05. D D 06. C B 07. D B 08. C C 09. D D 10. B B

The English colonies were established in three regions—the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies. The economy of the Southern Colonies was based on A. farming, shipping, fishing, and trading. B. farming and very small industries such as fishing, lumber, and crafts. C. trading. D. crops of tobacco, rice, indigo, and cotton

(D)The economy of the Southern Colonies was based on the crops of tobacco, rice, indigo, and cotton. Plantations produced agricultural crops in large scale and exploited workers as well as the environment. (A) is incorrect because it was the economy of the Middle Colonies that was based on farming, shipping, fishing, and trading. (B) is incorrect because it was the economy of the New England colonies that was based on farming and very small industries such as fishing, lumber, and crafts. (C) is incorrect because trading was a part of the Middle Colonies economy. Competency 022

What is the main purpose of the Federal Reserve System? A. To promote fiscal stability and provide stimulus money to balance the economy B. To promote economic growth C. To create inflation and deflation D. To keep the banking industry strong enough to ensure a supply of currency

(D)The main purpose of the Federal Reserve System (FRS) is to keep the banking industry strong enough to ensure a supply of currency. When the banking industry is strong and there is an adequate supply of currency, fiscal stability and economic growth are more likely to occur. However, the direct role of the FRS is not to provide stimulus money to balance the economy (A), promote economic growth (B), nor create inflation and deflation (C) in the country. Policies adopted by the FRS can lead to a healthy economy—or a weak economy resulting in inflation or deflation. Competency 022

One of the main reasons for the strong Texas economy of the last 20 years is the number of corporations that have moved to Texas. Corporations moved to Texas to enjoy the state's beneficial corporate tax structure and for the A. climate conditions of the state. B. history and development of the state. C. state's proximity to Mexico and Central America. D. state's lack of a state personal income tax.

(D)The state of Texas does not have a state personal income tax. The personal and corporate tax structure, together with the technological development of the state, attracts corporations and investors to the state. The climate (A) and the history (B) play minimal roles in the decision of corporations to relocate in Texas. The proximity with Mexico and Central American (C) might play a role, but not as strong as the financial incentives offered in the state. Competency 022

What is a bound morpheme? A. A morpheme that occurs in isolation. B. A morpheme that occurs in isolation but is sometimes attached to a root word. C. A morpheme that occurs in isolation but can never be attached to a root word. D. A morpheme that cannot occur in isolation and, therefore, is attached to a root word or another morpheme

(D)The word bound in this type of morpheme should immediately indicate that this type of morpheme cannot occur in isolation; that is, it is bound to "something else." In this case, a bound morpheme must always be attached to a root word or another morpheme. This explanation makes (A), (B) and (C) incorrect. Competency 001

slavory abolished is ____ amendments


Citizenship rights to Africans Americans ____ amendment


Race no BAr to Vote- right to vote for Africans Americans _____ anendment


Women suffrage ___ amendment


Freedom of religion ____ amendment


Presidential disability and sucession ___


Voting age at 28 years_____ amendment


right to have arms ___ amendment


right to sue people____amendment


protection against cruel and unsual punishment



A)Alliteration is a technique to emphasize the connection between the consonant and the sound that it represents

Charts, tables, and graphs are commonly used in language arts to A. summarize information. B. entertain the audience. C. present detailed explanations of a topic covered in class. D. contradict information presented orally.

A)Charts, tables, and graphs can be used to present, summarize, and/or complement the message being conveyed. These are not designed to provide detailed explanations (C) of topics covered in class. Regardless of how they present data, students must be aware that data should never be used merely to entertain (B) and certainly not to contradict (D) any of the information they wish to convey. Competency 011

A rubric to rate the writing skills of children in first grade should not place heavy emphasis on the mastery of spelling because A. the use of phonemic and invented spelling is part of specific stages of writing development in children. B. the use of standard spelling is not important in the development of compositions. C. spelling addresses visual memory and should not be given great value. D. the development of standard spelling requires students to use structural and phonics rules effectively.

A)Children go through predictable stages of spelling development. During the initial stages, children invent words and use phonics skills as a foundation for spelling, which often results in nonstandard spelling. (B) and (C) are incorrect because spelling might not be the most important element in writing, but it is definitely important for effective writing. (D) is incorrect because it does not address the question. It just indicates that spelling requires phonics and structural rules, but it does not say why a rubric should not place heavy emphasis on spelling. Competency 010

During the "engage" component of the 5-E model, students begin the inquiry process. They are guided to engage in scientific inquiry and discover the concepts on their own through hands-on investigation, observation, and data collection. When teachers guide students to discover the scientific principles on their own, what teaching method are they using? A. The inductive method B. The deductive method C. Hands-on method D. Student-centered method

A)In the inductive method, teachers guide students to discover principles in an indirect fashion. In this indirect way of teaching, teachers create the opportunities for the students to develop their own learning. (B) is incorrect because it describes a teaching style in which concepts are presented through direct instruction. The term "hands-on" (C) and "student-centered method" (D) is part of the "engage" stage of the 5-E model, but they do not fully describe the type of strategy being used. Competency 025

How is knowledge of a student's instructional reading level useful when planning reading instruction? A. It can help match the student to the right text for guided reading. B. It can be used to form groups that last all year long. C. It can be used to plan instruction for all subject areas. D. The teacher can read a class set of novels with the entire class

A)Instructional reading levels are texts that a student can read with at least 90%-94% accuracy. Students should be matched with text that has a readability level that is best suited for their instructional level for supported instruction such as in guided reading. (B) is incorrect because teachers should use grouping for instruction in a more flexible fashion. (C) is incorrect because the student may have differing levels of ability in other subject areas. (D) is incorrect because it does not provide an example of more individualized reading instruction. Additionally, whole-class reading does not take into account each student's reading level. Competency 012

What is the mode of the data set: 10, 9, 3, 1, 2, 8, 4, 3, 9, 10, 5, 7, 6, 6, 2, 8, 9, 4, 1, 10, 5, 8, 4, 6, 2, 1, 9, 7? A. 9 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6 What is the median of the data set in question 11? A. 6 B. 7 C. 6.5 D. 7.5

A)The mode is the number that occurs most often in a number sequence. If we place the numbers in order, we can see that the number 9 occurs 4 times while all other numbers occur fewer than 4. Competency 017 A)The median is the middle number when the numbers are lined up from the greatest to the least. If this is done, one can see that since there are 28 total numbers, there is no clear "middle number." The middle number falls between the fourteenth and fifteenth numbers which happen to be 6 and 6, respectively. Therefore, the two numbers are averaged obtaining the median of 6. Comp

One of the most famous scenes in Hamlet is when the main character shared with the audience his internal thoughts and indecisions: "To be or not to be, that is the question." What element of drama was William Shakespeare using in this performance?

A. A farce B. A satire C. A soliloquy this is the answer D. A spectacle

Corals are invertebrates that generally live in a symbiotic relationship with algae. Some of them build reefs, others do not. Most of them filter water to obtain nutrients for survival. Based on this description, corals belong to which of the following kingdoms? Monera B. Animal C. Plant D. Fungi

Animal. Corals are invertebrates that fall under the animal kingdom. These small organisms can reproduce themselves sexually or asexually. (A) is incorrect because unlike corals, the kingdom Monera is made up of unicellular organisms with very rudimentary cellular organization. (C) and (D) are incorrect because corals are described in the question as invertebrates, a classification used exclusively for members of the animal kingdom. Competency 036

Which of the following words can be used as a good example for homonyms? A. to - tube B. club - club C. to - toe D. to - two

B. club - club this is the answer

According to U.S. copyright law, which song can you legally copy? A. Happy Birthday B. Cowboy Song C. Texas, Our Texas D. I'm a Little Teapot

B)A Cowboy Song typically is in public domain and can be reproduced without obtaining permission. (A), (C), and (D) are protected under the Copyright Protection Law. Just because everyone knows a song (such as I'm a Little Teapot) does not mean that it is in public domain. Always verify sources before reproducing music. Competency 043

Which artist's work is credited with beginning the Impressionist movement of art? A. Claude Monet B. Edward Manet C. Michaelangelo D. Salvador Dali

B)Edward Manet was the first artist to experiment with the impressions of light in nature. (A) is incorrect because, although Claude Monet is probably the best known of the Impressionists, his work was initially influenced by Manet. (C) is incorrect because Michelangelo was a Renaissance artist. (D) is incorrect because Salvador Dali was a Surrealist. Competency 042

The "E" in the acronym RICE, a treatment process for sprains, represents A. exercise. B. elevation. C. evaluation. D. expose.

B)Elevation is a key component to the RICE treatment process for sprains. The other components are rest, ice, and compression. Elevating the sprained limb allows for better circulation of blood, which leads to less swelling and faster recovery. (A) is incorrect because one should not return to exercise until significant healing has been achieved; although bearing a tolerable amount of weight on the sprain has been shown to help quicken the healing process slightly. (C) is incorrect because evaluation is not a technical term used in the treatment of sprains. (D) is incorrect because the sprain should be bandaged properly to achieve compression and support the injured joint. Competency 044

What are minimal pairs used to teach and assess? A. Morphology B. Phonology C. Syntax D. Lexicon

B)In minimal pairs, students are required to identify whether two sets of words are different or the same based on the phoneme sequence contained in each word. For example, the words vine and fine are different because they differ in at least one phoneme, i.e., the /v/ and /f/. (A) is incorrect because morphology is not taken into account when comparing the two words. (C) is incorrect because there is no connection between minimal pairs and syntax. (D) is incorrect because lexicon deals with vocabulary development, and minimal pairs attempt to test whether children can understand how phonemes change the meaning of the words. Competency 012

Which type of writing focuses mainly on composition of information text that is primarily intended to inform the reader about a topic or subject while explaining and clarifying ideas? A. Narrative writing B. Expository writing C. Descriptive writing D. Persuasive writing

B)Informative writing is also known as expository writing. The purpose of expository writing is to explain and clarify ideas. (A) focuses on text that is more "story-like" and is often told from a first-person or third-person perspective about an account or series of events. (C) is more often associated with narrative text, poetry, and advertising than informational text, per se. (D) primarily aims to convince the reader of something and provides arguments and counterarguments instead of mainly writing for the purpose of informing. Competency 010

Ms. Thomas introduces new vocabulary words within the context of a sentence and through the use of visuals. Once children understand the concept linked to the word, she repeats individual words, pausing after each syllable. Once children can separate the word into syllables, she guides them to separate syllables into individual phonemes. What skills is Ms. Thomas introducing with the last two activities? A. The intonation pattern of the language B. Phonological awareness C. Vocabulary development D. Pronunciation drills

B)Separating syllables into individual phonemes calls for syllabication and phoneme segmentation. Both concepts are part of phonological awareness. (A) is incorrect because sentence analysis was not the primary concern in the scenario. The intonation pattern describes the rhythm and pitch used in phrases and sentences. (C) is incorrect because in the latter activity, the issue is the phonological analysis of words. Vocabulary development was emphasized in the first part of the scenario only. (D) is incorrect because the scenario does not address pronunciation at all. Competency 002

Identify two key historical concepts or characters of the Middle Ages. A. The Greek and the Roman empires B. The feudal system and the Crusades C. Stonehenge and the rise of Islam D. The Renaissance and Alexander the Great

B)The feudal system characterized life in the Middle Ages. The attacks of the barbaric tribes forced people to live under the protection of a lord, usually within the walls of a castle. Muslim Turks took Jerusalem in 1095, and a year later, Christians began the Crusades to rescue the Holy Land. (A) is incorrect because both the Greek and Roman empires are part of the Ancient World. (C) is incorrect because one of the events is part of the Ancient World—Stonehenge. (D) is incorrect because Alexander the Great ruled the Ancient World. Competency 020

Many of the leaders responsible for the writing of the Constitution were familiar with the leading thinkers of the Enlightenment movement. Due to this influence, one of the key components of the Constitution was the protection of the A. religious beliefs of people in the new nation. B. natural rights of the individual and limiting the power of the government. C. power of the central government and the unification of the nation. D. rights to fair trading.`

B)The ideas of the Enlightenment quickly reached the British colonies. Many of the leaders responsible for the writing of the Constitution were familiar with the leading thinkers of the movement, and framed the Constitution protecting the natural rights of the individual and limiting the power of the government. (A) is incorrect because it addresses only one aspect of the natural rights of the individual. (C) is incorrect because the purpose of the Constitution was actually to limit the power of the -government and not to protect it. (D) is incorrect because it does not represent the ideals of the Age of Reason. Competency 023

Identify the strategies that lead the child from the stage of learning to read to the stage of reading to learn. A. Expose children to different kinds of literature and vocabulary words specific to the content areas. B. Introduce children to different kinds of texts, and teach how to scan to locate and retrieve information. C. Allow students to read without interruptions for at least 20 minutes a day. D. Introduce the concepts of connotation and denotation in words and phrases

B)The main purpose of reading to learn is to obtain content information efficiently and effectively. One way to accomplish this task is to make students aware of the format used in the content areas and to guide them to retrieve the information by reading for the main idea or scanning for information. Choice (A) is incorrect because it addresses only one component of the process—vocabulary development. (C) is incorrect because it does not address the issue of the complexity of expository writing. (D) is incorrect because it addresses only the issue of vocabulary development—connotation and denotation. Competency 008

whis is the program that incorporate the best priciples of phonic ( skill based) and whole language( meaning baed) instruction can best address the reading needs of all children

Balance reading program

__ is a genre that deals with the lives of real people


Newly fluent readers

Can read with fluency and comprehension. they are able to use cuing system to obtain meaning ( semantic ,structuralvisual and grapho phonemic cuing system) Summarize the part of a story that they have read and make interference s about the content; can hadle more vocabulary ; use grammar concepts ; not totally independent readers but with guidance and practice they can become independent readers.

Which of the following artistic movements occurred in the twentieth century? A. Impressionism, Expressionism, and Realism B. Rococo, Hellenistic, and Classical C. Photorealism, Cubism, and Surrealism D. Baroque, Renaissance, and Medieval

C)All three of these movements (Photorealism, Cubism, and Surrealism) emerged in the twentieth century. (A) is incorrect because these three movements (Impressionism, Expressionism, and Realism) began and peaked during the nineteenth century. (B) is incorrect because the Hellenistic and Classical movements occurred in ancient Greece, and the Rococo movement occurred in the eighteenth century. (D) is incorrect because the Medieval movement occurred between 800 and 1200 CE, the Renaissance movement occurred between 1400 and 1600 CE and the Baroque movement occurred in the seventeenth century. Competency 042

In music, the words "up" and "down" are usually associated with A. fast and slow. B. loud and soft. C. high and low. D. strong and gentle.

C)Pitch describes how high (up) and low (down) sounds are produced. (A) is incorrect because it describes characteristics of rhythm. (B) is incorrect because it describes characteristics of dynamics. (D) is incorrect because it describes characteristics of weight. Competency 043

Why are Indian tribes from the Central and Great Plains of Texas better known than their counterparts from the Coastal Plains? A. They had a more advanced civilization. B. They were sedentary and built better ceremonial sites and permanent structures. C. They domesticated the horse, which made them better hunters and warriors. D. They had an abundance of food sources and were stronger.

C)The Apache and the Comanche domesticated the horse and became skillful hunters and warriors. These skills allowed them to fight the whites for many years for control of the Central and Great Plains of Texas. (A) is incorrect because the tribes from the plains were nomads and did not develop an advanced civilization. (B) is incorrect because both the Comanche and the Apache were nomads and did not leave permanent constructions. (D) is incorrect because the tribes from the area had to hunt for survival and they had to move continuously to find adequate food supplies. Competency 020

The use of hot plates and burners are initially allowed in A. second grade. B. third grade. C. fifth grade. D. sixth grade.

C)The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) allows the use of burners and hot plates beginning in fifth grade. Based on this information, the rest of the options are incorrect. Competency 025

What is currently the most economic activity in the Dallas/Fort Worth region? A. Cotton and oil B. Cattle and oil C. Defense and technology D. Technology and agriculture

C)The most important economic activity of the metroplex (Dallas/Fort Worth) is technology and defense. The area holds about 43% of the state's high tech jobs. Lockheed-Martin in Fort Worth has numerous contracts with the Department of Defense. It provides services and products in aeronautics, electronic systems, information systems, global systems, and space systems. Competency 022

What are the six major linguistic subsystems that appear in any given language? A. Phonology, morphology, morpheme, grammar, semantics, and pragmatics B. Graphemes, morphology, syntax, lexicon, semantics, and pragmatics C. Phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon, semantics, and pragmatics D. Phonology, morphology, denotation, semantics, lexicon, and pragmatics

C)The six language subsystems are phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon, semantics, and pragmatics. Morphemes, grammar, graphemes, and denotation are not major linguistic subsystems but rather components or terminology linked to these subsystems. Competency 001

Texas has been identified as a regional economy. That is, each region has a dominant economic activity. For example, timber is one of the most important economic activities in A. South Texas. B. North Texas. C. East Texas. D. West Texas

C)Timber is the most important activity in East Texas. Based on this explanation, all the other options are incorrect. Competency 022

A world region is an area identified based on A. topographical features. B. cultural features, political boundaries, and natural resources. C. political features. D. sharing similar, unifying cultural or physical characteristics

D)A world region is an area of the world that shares similar, unifying cultural or physical characteristics, which are different from those of surrounding areas. (A) is incorrect because topographical characteristics like elevation, rivers, and mountains are part of the unifying elements of a world region but not the only ones. (B) and (C) present partial descriptions of a region, but failed to capture all the elements linked to the concept of a region. Competency 021

Identify the most appropriate strategy to introduce the concept of magnetism to English language learners in first and second grade. A. Describe the North and South Poles and indicate that the Earth is a giant magnetic field. B. Present the following information in English and the students' native language: Magnetism is the force of attraction and repulsion of objects. C. Guide children to play with a compass. D. Develop a learning center where students are able to play with magnets and metals

D)Allowing children to have first-hand experience with magnets will allow ELLs, and students in general, opportunities to internalize the concept. The explanation provided in (A) might not be developmentally appropriate for children in first and second grade. The use of explanations in the students' native language and in English (B) might not be sufficient to teach the concepts to young children. Playing with a compass (C) alone might not be sufficient to understand the concept of magnetism. Competency 028

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) with other African-American leaders. His famous I Have a Dream speech took place during the march in Washington in support of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This speech A. motivated a riot. B. prompted the creation of the Montgomery Improvement Association. C. resulted in the lost of supporters. D. gained more supporters for the cause.

D)Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous I Have a Dream speech took place during the march in Washington in support of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The eloquent speech and orderly demonstration gained more supporters for the cause. He was assassinated in 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee, but his work resulted in the official Civil Right Act in 1964. (A) is incorrect because the speech did not prompt a riot. (B) is incorrect because the Montgomery Improvement Association was formed after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus in 1955. (C) is incorrect because the speech did not result in a loss of supporters. Competency 020

A teacher notices multiple bruising marks on a child. The teacher shoul A. ask the child about their home life for more information. B. do nothing. C. talk with the parents about child abuse. D. report the evidence immediately

D)If a teacher notices abuse or neglect of a child, he/she should calmly and immediately report it to the proper authorities at the school (i.e., principal or assistant principal). Although (A) and (C) may appear to be natural for humanistic educators, it is not a good course of action for a variety of reasons. One, the teacher is not trained in the field(s) of counseling or psychology. Two, the teacher will not be as familiar or knowledgeable with the leadership policies and procedures regarding abuse as the principal. Three, the teacher no longer remains anonymous and/or protected by the school district in case of legal issues. (B) is not an option as the teacher has a legal responsibility to advocate for (act on behalf of) the child and to report the case to the appropriate authorities. Competency 044 Score Overview Multiple Choice Section Your Answer Correct Answer 01. C C 11. D A 12. B A 14. B B 15. D A 18. B B 19. C C 20. D A 22. A D 23. D D 26. A A 27. B D 29. D D 34. B C 35. C A 37. C C 38. A C 39. D B 40. D D 41. A A 42. A B 44. B B 48. A A 50. B A 51. C C 52. D D 54. B B 55. C D 57. A B 59. D D 61. A B 63. A A 64. A A 65. D D 68. C C 71. A A 73. A A 79. C C 82. A A 83. A A 84. A D 85. B A 86. C C 87. B B 88. A D 89. B C 90. D C 91. C C 92. B B 93. B B 94. A A 95. C C 96. B A 97. C C 98. A A 99. B B 100. D C 101. A B 102. A A 103. D D 104. A A 105. B C 106. B D 107. B A 108. D C 109. A A 110. A C 111. A D 112. B B 113. C C 114. C C 115. A A 116. A D 117. D D 118. C D 119. D D 120. A A 121. B D 122. A D 123. D D 124. A D 125. A A 126. D D 127. B D 128. C C 129. C C 130. C C 131. C A 132. D B 133. B B 134. B B 135. A C 136. A B 137. A D 138. D B 139. C A 140. A C

Steve is told that milk must remain at 50°F so it will not spoil and that a turkey must be cooked at 375°F for 2 hours. What is the difference in temperature of the milk and the turkey (while it is cooking)? A. 315°F B. 335°F C. 320°F D. 325°F

D)In this problem we are not concerned with negative or positive results because we are only asked about the relative difference between the two temperatures. So, the difference between 375° and 50° is 325°. Competency 014

The Fourteenth Amendment declared that all persons born in the U.S. were citizens and that all citizens were entitled to equal rights, and that their rights were protected by due process. A group of people living in the U.S. was not included. Which group was excluded from the equal rights provisions? A. Blacks B. Women C. Children D. Native Americans

D)The Fourteenth Amendment declared that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens, that all citizens are entitled to equal rights, and that their rights are protected by due process. The amendment, however, excludes Native Americans. (A) and (B) are incorrect because while blacks and women did not enjoy the benefits of full equal rights, such as voting rights, until later on, the amendment did not specifically exclude them. (C) is incorrect because the rights of children were not mentioned in the amendment. Competency 023

The state curriculum officially introduces children to the people and places of the contemporary world in A. third grade. B. fourth grade. C. fifth grade. D. sixth grade.

D)The state curriculum officially introduces children to the people and places of the contemporary world in sixth grade. (A) is incorrect because in third grade the social studies curriculum covers how individuals change their communities and the world but does not include places of the contemporary world. (B) is incorrect because in fourth grade students become familiar with the history of Texas. (C) is incorrect because in fifth grade the curriculum centers on the history of the United States. Competency 019

Geographers have divided the world into ten regions: North America, Central and South America, Europe, Central Eurasia, the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, East Asia, and Australasia. These divisions are based on A. location and the presence of body of waters. B. language. C. climate. D. physical and cultural similarities.

D)These divisions are based on physical and cultural similarities. (A), (B), and (C) are partial answers, but individually they do not constitute an appropriate answer. Competency 021

Which are the stages of reading development?

Emergent readers early readers Newly fluent readers

__ is fiction that is set in the past

Hitorical Fiction

____ Spell the same way but have more than one meaning . Like Bow


____Same sound and spelling but different meaning , Like club, fine ; bank; rocks



Homonyms are words that have the same spelling and pronunciation, but have different meanings

___ Same sound different spelling and meaning. like Blew- blue; Cents- Sense; eight- ate.


Which of the following artistic movements occurred in the ninetheen century? A. Impressionism, Expressionism, and Realism B. Rococo, Hellenistic, and Classical C. Photorealism, Cubism, and Surrealism D. Baroque, Renaissance, and Medieval

Impressionism, Expressionism, and Realism) began and peaked during the nineteenth century


In a soliloquy a character shares his/her intimate thoughts with the audience. It provides the audience with information that has not been provided through the dialogues and the scenes

Is the students reads 95% of the words correctly, the book is at the child ...

Independent level

Which are the 3 reading proficiency levels?

Independent, instructional and frustration level.

If the students reads 90-94% of the words correctly the book of the child is at __-

Instructional level

New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania formed the ______ Colonies

Middle Colonies

is an approach that start with the children reading a selection orally and an examiner noting variations of the oral reading rom printed text.

Miscue analysis

___ is a genre that represents make believe stories that are the product o the authors imagination

Modern fatansy

__ Is a term used to describe literature other than traditional European stories.

Multicultural stories

___ books that habe the real world as their point of origin.


border states

Oklahoma;Lousiana; Arkansas; and new mexico

ability to understand that words have smaller components called sounds and that these sounds together create syllables and words.

Phonemic awarness

Is the ability to regignize and manipulate components of the sound system of a language.

Phonetic awarness

it includes the ability to segment words into smaller units like syllabus and phonemes ( sounds).

Phonetic awarness

____ Is a method of teaching beginners to read and pronounced words by teaching them the phonetic value of letters, letters group and syllables.


__ is a genre that is difficult to define children except not prose.


Balance reading program include;

Teacher directed ( reading at loud) Shared reading, guide reading and reading workshops. Teacher directed, writing to students as part of the classroom routines and process of writing Shared writing as in language experience/interactive writing workshops student directed writing and independent writing activities.

Why might children in prekindergarten and kindergarten have problems understanding how the Earth is represented in globes and flat representations?

They might not be developmentally ready to understand symbolic representations. Maps use symbolic representation, and children at that age rely mostly on concrete experiences for learning. The abstraction typical of maps' legends and other symbolic representations might not be developmentally appropriate for this age group

Top Down approach ( meaning Based)

This begging from the whole and then proceeds to its individual parts. whole stories, paragraphs, sentences words and then proceed to the smallest units of syllables , graphenme and phonemes.

__ which genre has the floktales, fables, myths, epics, and legends?

Traditional literature

is a technique used to emphasize phonemes by using successive words that begin with the same consonant sound or letter. tongue twisters.. peter pipier pickerd a peck of pickle peppers



exchange services with other organisms

state motto


Bottom up approach ( Skill bassed)

from specific to general or from parts to the whole.

If the students reads 89% or fewer the book of the child is at___-

frustration level.

Miscue analysis was done by

goodmans contributions


has features of comedy, while the play cited is tragedy


is comedy

what are early readers?

mastered reading readiness skills and are beginning to read simple text. Develop list with the high frequency words in print. Reliance on pictures has decreased . At this stage: Rely on grapho -phonemics information to sound out words as decoding strategy; show preference for certain sotries; reteel sotires read to them with detail and accuracy; identify the main ideas and characters ; engage in self correction when the text does not make sense to them.

state bird


state tree


is the basic linguistic principle required to develop an understanding of oral and written communication.

phonemic awarness

can be tought trough the use of nursery rymes , short poems or stories like

phonemic stress

Also encompasses the abiity to identify words within a sentence, identify stress in individual words , and identify the intonation pattern used in sentences

phonetic awarness

is the ability to separate words into their basic pronounciation components which are syllables


state song

texas our texas by William marsh and glady y wright

what is emergent readers?

understand that prints contain meaningful information. they imitate the reading process and follow directions ( eye movement from top to bottom and left to right) emergent readers are able to follow and match words with their pronounciations when teachers point words as they read. at this stage they use ilustrations, listen stories; represent main ideas with ilustrations; process some degree of phonemic awareness and are able to connect the initial letter of words with representing phonemes.

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