Converting fractions, decimals, and percentages
Do you multiply fractions straight across?
Yes, then simplify
Convert 46.2% into a decimal
1. Divide 46.2% by 100 2. Your answer is .462
Convert 1/5 into decimal
1. Divide 5 into 1 2. Your answer will be .2
Convert 1.28 into a fraction
1. Ignore the decimal and place the number over the place value of the last digit 2. In this case since the 8 in in the hundredths place, we will place 128/ 100 2. Your answer is 128/100
Covert 1.28 into a percent
1. Multiply 1.28 by 100 or move the decimal to places to the right
Convert 46.2 into a fraction
1. Percent will always be put over 100 2. 46.2/ 100 3. Move the decimal to the right once to get rid of it 4. Do the same to the bottom 5. 462/ 1000 OR 1. We know the decimal form of the percentage. .462 2. Take the place of the last digit and put it over that number, 462/1000 3. Simplify 4. Your answer is 231/ 500
Convert 0.3 into a decimal
1. Put 0.3 over 1 2. 0.3/ 1 multiplied by 10/10 3. Your answer should be 3/10
Convert 1/5 into percent
1. We know that the decimal form of this fraction is .2 2. Therefore, we can either multiple .2 by 100 or move the decimal 2 places to the right 2. Your answer is 20%
10 x 11
11 x 11
6 x 12
9 x 8
8 x 12
A percent will always be put over 100 to get a fraction
A percent will always be put over 100 to get a fraction
Always simplify fraction unless told otherwise
Always simplify fraction unless told otherwise
Order of Operations (PEMDAS)
Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction
When dividing fractions
flip the second fraction and multiply straight across