Cop 2800 Ch 13 - Ch 15

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An HTML document is usually saved with this file name extension.


An application can use this object to execute code automatically at regular time intervals.


A problem can be solved recursively if it can be broken down into successive smaller problems that are identical to the overall problem.


If you want to make sure that an applet is compatible with all Java-enabled browsers, use AWT components instead of Swing.


Instead of displaying its own window, an applet appears in the browser's window.


Recursion is never absolutely required to solve a problem.


There is no static main method needed to create an instance of the applet class because the browser creates an instance of the class automatically.


When you update the data used to draw shapes on a component, you must call the repaint method to force a call to the paint or paintComponent methods.


A method is called from the main method for the first time. It then calls itself seven times. What is the depth of recursion?


The Towers of Hanoi is a mathematical game that is often used in computer science textbooks to illustrate the power of recursion.


The mouse generates two types of events: mouse events and mouse motion events.


When recursive methods directly call themselves, it is known as this.

direct recursion

The actions performed by the JVM that take place with each method call are sometimes referred to as this.


To make a Web page, you create a text file that contains HTML instructions, which are known as ________, as well as the text that should be displayed on the Web page.


Once you create a mouse listener class, you can register it with a component using this method, which is inherited from the Component class.


An applet class inherits from this class.


The ________ is at least one case in which a problem can be solved without recursion.

base case

An applet class has a method named ________ that performs the same operations as a constructor.


Which of the following problems can be solved recursively?

All of these

A Timer object does not begin generating action events until it is started with a call to its getDelay method.


A recursive method can have no more than one base case.


Applets are important because they can be used to extend the capabilities of a stand-alone Java application.


In HTML, the <h1></h1> tag marks a document's head section, whereas the <head></head> tag marks a header, which is large bold text.


Whereas a recursive algorithm might result in faster execution time, the programmer might be able to design an iterative algorithm faster.


To run an applet, you create an HTML document with a(n) ________ tag.


A method that calls itself is a ________ method.


The HTML tag that is used to insert a link has the following general format:

<a href="Address">Text</a>.

The Applet class's ________ method loads a sound file, plays it one time, and then releases it for garbage collection.


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