COSC 1306 - 12. Set 3: Functions

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A benefit of functions is to increase redundant code.


A dynamic-typed language like Python checks that an operation is valid when that operation is executed by the interpreter. If the operation is invalid, a run-time error occurs.


A function definition must be evaluated by the interpreter before the function can be called.


A function may return multiple objects.


A global statement must be used whenever a global variable is to be read or written in a function.


A key reason for creating functions is to help the program run faster.


A local variable is defined inside a function, while a global variable is defined outside any function.

False Not from the colon but rather from the variable's assignment.

A local variable's scope extends from a function definition's ending colon ":" to the end of the function.


A name space is how the Python interpreter restricts variable to a specific scope.


A pass statement should be used in a function stub when the programmer wants the stub to stop program execution when called.


A programmer can pass only string arguments to a user-defined function.


A programmer can protect mutable arguments from unwanted changes by passing a copy of the object to a function.

return num*num*num

Add a return statement to the function that returns the cube of the argument, i.e. (num*num*num) def cubed(num):

num1 + num2

Add a return statement to the function that returns the result of adding num1 and num2 def sum(num1, num2): return ______


Adding an element to a dictionary argument in a function might affect variables outside the function that reference the same dictionary object.


Assignment to a parameter name inside a function affect the code outside the function.


Assume a function def print_num(user_num): simply prints the value of user_num without any spaces or newline. What will the following code output? print_num(43) print_num(21)


Avoiding redundancy means to avoid calling a function from multiple places in a program.


Call function named print_age, passing the value 21 as an argument.

def f( arg1, arg2, *args):

Complete the first line of the function definition for f() requiring two arguments arg1 and arg2, and an arbitrary argument list *args def f(__________):

status( 'John', age = 10, gender 'm')

Complete the function call so that the output of the program is John is: age: 10 gender: m def stats(name, **info): print(name, 'is:') for key, valie in info.items(): print('{}: {}'.format(key, value)) status(_________)


Complete the function definition to have a parameter named user_age def print_age(____):


Copying-and-pasting code can lead to common errors if all necessary changes are not made to the pasted code.


Determine which statement is valid, given def saquare_root(x): return math.sqrt(x) def print_val(x): print(x) print_val(9.0)


Determine which statement is valid, given def saquare_root(x): return math.sqrt(x) def print_val(x): print(x) square_root(49.0) = z


Determine which statement is valid, given def saquare_root(x): return math.sqrt(x) def print_val(x): print(x) square_root(9.0)


Determine which statement is valid, given def saquare_root(x): return math.sqrt(x) def print_val(x): print(x) y = 1 + print_val(9.0)


Determine which statement is valid, given def saquare_root(x): return math.sqrt(x) def print_val(x): print(x) y = 1.0 + square_root(144.0)


Determine which statement is valid, given def saquare_root(x): return math.sqrt(x) def print_val(x): print(x) y = print_val(9.0)


Determine which statement is valid, given def saquare_root(x): return math.sqrt(x) def print_val(x): print(x) y = square_root()


Determine which statement is valid, given def saquare_root(x): return math.sqrt(x) def print_val(x): print(x) y = square_root(49.0)


Determine which statement is valid, given def saquare_root(x): return math.sqrt(x) def print_val(x): print(x) y = square_root(square_root(16.0))


Forgetting to return a value from a function is a common error.


Functions are compiled into bytecode when the function definition is evaluated by the interpreter.

1 + 2 is 3

Given def print_sum(num1, num2): print(num1, '+', num2, 'is', (num1 + num2))

(k, i + j, 99)

Given a function definition: def calc_val(a, b, c): and given variables i, j, and k, which are valid arguments in the call calc_val(. . .)?


Given a function definition: def calc_val(a, b, c):, what value is assigned to b during this function call: calc_val(42 , 55, 77)?


If a function's internal statements are revised, all function calls will have to be modified too.


If a programmer defines a function called list(), the program will crash because there is already a built-in function with the same name.

False Function objects don't support most operators.

If my_func1() and my_func2() are defined functions, then the expression my_func1 + my_func2 returns a valid value.


Incremental development may involve more frequent testing, but ultimately leads to faster development of a program.

No (False)

Is the following a valid function definition beginning? def my_fct(userNum + 5):


Is this function correct for squaring an integer? def sqr (a): t = a * a


Is this function correct for squaring an integer? def sqr (a): t = a* a return a


Polymorphism refers to how an operation depends on the involved object types


Returning the incorrect variable from a function is a common error.


Static-typed languages require that the type of every variable is defined in the source code.


The expression my_func1(my_func2()) passes the my_func2 function object as an argument to my_func1


The main advantage of function stubs is that they ultimately lead to faster running programs.

False The statement cat = pig reassigns the variable cat to the pig function object. The call cat() thus calls the referenced object, which is equivalent to pig().

The output of the following program is 'meow' def cat(): print('meow') def pig(): print('oink') cat = pig cat()


The same name cannot be in multiple namespaces.


When a function is called, copies of all the argument objects are made.


Whenever a function is called, a local namespcae is created for that function.

(x, y) The comma separates the two parameters

Which correctly defines two parmeters x and y for a function definition: def calc_val(. . .):?

(99, 44 + 5) Each argument evaluates to an integer

Which correctly passes two integer arguments for the function call calc_val(. . .)?

print_sum(x, 400)

Write a function call using print_sum() to print the sum of x and 400 (providing the arguments in that order)

my_fee = ebay_fee(15.23)

Write a function call using the ebay_fee() function to determine the fee for a selling price of 15.23, storing the result in a variable named my_fee.


def pizza_calories_per_slice(pizza_diameter): total_calories = <placeholder_A> calories_per_slice = <placeholder_B> return calories_per_slice Type the expression for placeholder_A to compute the total calories for a pizza with diameter pizza_diameter total_calories = _____

total_calories / pizza_slices(pizza_diameter)

def pizza_calories_per_slice(pizza_diameter): total_calories = <placeholder_A> calories_per_slice = <placeholder_B> return calories_per_slice Type the expression for placeholder_B to compute the calories per slice. calories_per_slice = ____


def split_check(amount = 10, num_people = 2, tax_percentage = 0.095, tip_percentage = 0.18) What will the parameter tax_percentage be assigned for the following call? splich_check(amount = 49.50, num_people = 3)

split_check(25, 3, tip_percentage = 0.25) or split_check(amount = 25, num_people = 3, tip_percentage = 0.25)

def split_check(amount = 10, num_people = 2, tax_percentage = 0.095, tip_percentage = 0.18) Write a statement that splits $25 check among 3 people and leaves a 25% tip. Use the default tax rate.

split_check(50, 4)

def split_check(amount = 10, num_people = 2, tax_percentage = 0.095, tip_percentage = 0.18) Write a statement that splits a $50 check among 4 people. Use the default tax and tip amount.

Error split_check() requires at least the amount and num_people arguments

def split_check(amount, num_people, tax_percentage = 0.095, tip_percentage = 0.15) What will the parameter num_people be assigned for the following call? split_check(12.50, tip_percentage = 0.18)

Error Keyword arguments must come after positional arguments

def split_check(amount, num_people, tax_percentage = 0.095, tip_percentage = 0.15) What will the parameter num_people be assigned for the following call? split_check(tip_percentage = 0.18, 12.50, 4)


def split_check(amount, num_people, tax_percentage = 0.095, tip_percentage = 0.15) What will the parameter tax_percentage be assigned for the following call? split_check(65.50, 3)

0.125 (fraction)

def split_check(amount, num_people, tax_percentage = 0.095, tip_percentage = 0.15) What will the parameter tax_percentage be assigned for the following call? split_check(65.50, 3, 0.125)

Error All keyword arguments must come after every positional argument

def split_check(amount, num_people, tax_percentage, tip_percentage): What value is passed as the num_people argument in the function call split_check(tax_percentage = .07, 60.52, 2, tip_percentage = 0.18) Answer ERROR if an error occurs


def split_check(amount, num_people, tax_percentage, tip_percentage): What value is passed as the tax_percentage argument in split_check(60.52, 5, .07, tip_percentage = 0.18)

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