COUC 501

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Purpose of informed consent: to define the ____________ and clarify the nature of the counseling relationship between counselor and client


*We are NOT to refer based on value conflicts. We can only refer based on ____________ (ex: marriage and family may need other support from a MFT)


Forms of Prejudice Racism refers to ________ and discrimination against people of color and people of certain ethnic origins. When a client and counselor are racially or ethnically different from each other, counselor insensitivity to the differences can lead to client reluctance to self-disclose, ________ of the counselor by the client, and premature termination of counseling. Recent literature has focused on racial _________________, which are "brief and commonplace daily verbal or behavioral indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults" As advocates, counselors recognize that racial and ethnic discrimination are rooted in the social organization of our society and that mental health is profoundly affected by experiences of marginalization and oppression. Advocacy involves extending the work of counseling __________ the individual client to address the external forces that create barriers to clients' full participation in society. This includes engaging in community empowerment strategies, political action, and other activities aimed at systemic change. Sexism and gender issues may be overlooked in counseling for at least two reasons. First, there is a widely held assumption that women have achieved ____________ in contemporary U.S. society and that marginalization and oppression are less likely to be relevant to the issues women bring to counseling. Second, the vast majority of master's-level counseling practitioners are female, and it might be assumed that these practitioners have the awareness and skills to counsel other women effectively. Counselors who work with female clients also should have an understanding of the high-prevalence problems and issues experienced by women, including domestic violence, sexual assault and harassment, body image and objectification, and conflicts between work and family responsibilities. As advocates, counselors are aware that discrimination and violence against women are _____________ issues. Discrimination against women is also a global issue that needs to be confronted abroad as well as in the United States. According to Amnesty International (2012), a global culture of discrimination against women exists that allows violence to occur daily and with impunity, and no country is exempt. Socioeconomic status (SES) or class has been given little attention in the counseling literature, although the link between poverty and mental health problems is clear. SES affects ____ dimensions of a person's life, including sense of self-worth, access to mental health care, exposure to violence, and sense of personal power or agency. Research has demonstrated bias against low-SES clients in mental health services: clients from low-SES backgrounds are more frequently and more severely diagnosed, are prescribed different treatments based solely on _______, and have fewer services available to them and less experienced clinicians to serve them. Ableism is a form of discrimination or prejudice against individuals with physical, developmental, or mental disabilities that is characterized by the belief that these individuals cannot function as full members of society. People with disabilities constitute the __________ minority group in the United States. Counselors are subject to the same negative images and stereotypes of people with disabilities (PWD) as the rest of society. This problem may persist because disability has not been widely recognized as a multicultural concern by counselors, and most counselor education programs (other than rehabilitation counseling programs) have not given much attention to disability issues. Disability issues generally have not been included in social justice agendas, and marginalization is perpetuated when counseling PWDs is assumed to be exclusively the province of rehabilitation counselors. Problems that are related to disability often involve systemic barriers, so counselors should be skilled in advocacy approaches that focus on systems change. Ageism is a growing concern, as older adults are the fastest growing population group in the United States. The number of older adults with mental illnesses was 35 million in 2000 and is expected to grow to 70 million by 2030. Older adults tend to underutilize mental health services, perhaps partly because of the stigma they attach to seeking psychological services. Discrimination based on affectional orientation is an ongoing concern within the counseling profession. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and intersex (LGBTQQI) individuals have experienced a long history of oppression and stigmatization in the United States. Spiritual and religious bias must be addressed, considering that spirituality and religion play an important part in the lives of many clients. Spirituality can be defined as a personal relationship with a higher ________ and faith that may be used to find meaning in life. Religion is a shared set of practices and _________ that is associated with denominational affiliations. Because many clients believe spirituality is integrally connected to their personal growth and mental health, counselors must be open to discussing client spirituality. It is important to recognize that individuals have multiple, interrelated cultural characteristics. Considering any of these variables in isolation fails to reflect the complexities of a person's life experiences and worldview. You will need to keep your attention balanced in your work with clients. If you pay too much attention to cultural group membership, you may inadvertently stereotype your client. If you focus too narrowly on the individual client, you might overlook the impact of the cultural environment on that client

prejudice mistrust microagressions beyond equality societal all class largest power beliefs

Ethics: a discipline within philosophy concerned with human conduct and moral __________ making.


1.During the time that a counseling student is counseling clients in a practicum or internship setting, the student counselor......has the same ethical obligations to uphold confidentiality as does a licensed counselor. 3. Privileged communication statutes: protect clients from having confidential communications with their counselors disclosed in a court of law without their permission. 5. If a counselor is asked to disclose privileged information about a client who cannot be located, then the obligation to assert the privilege rests with: the ___________.

the counselor

Consultation, like supervision, involves a tripartite relationship among at least three parties: the consultant, the consultee, and the consultee's client or client system. Consultation has become increasingly common among mental health professionals in community agencies, schools, and other settings. It can be described as this: An indirect process in which a human services professional assists a consultee with a ________-related (or caretaking-related) problem with a client system, with the goal of helping both the consultee and the client system in some specified way.


________________ Rehabilitation Counseling: In the 1950s, it was recognized in the United States that citizens with physical and mental disabilities were not being given the help they needed to become productive members of society. As a result, legislation was passed that provided counseling and educational resources that were meant to rehabilitate persons with disabilities so that they could function as autonomously as possible. A major component of this rehabilitation legislation was funding to prepare counselors to help disabled persons evaluate their disabilities, make plans to work, and find satisfactory employment. Because of this funding, master's-degree programs in rehabilitation counseling were developed and existing programs were expanded. In summary, the dynamics around the creation of the specialty of counseling psychology, the decision within the psychology profession that professionals would be recognized only at the doctoral level, the emergence of school counseling, and the funding of vocational rehabilitation counseling programs led to the creation of counseling as a separate profession. Toren (1969) defined a fully developed profession as one that has the following traits: a body of theoretical knowledge, members who possess competence in the application of this knowledge, and a code of ________ focused on the client's well-being. A different concept of a profession has been offered by Hughes (1965). He said that, compared to nonprofessions, emerging professions demand more independence, more ____________, a higher place, a clearer distinction between those inside and those outside the profession, and more autonomy in choosing colleagues. According to Nugent, a mature profession and its members have the following characteristics: · They can clearly define their role and have a defined scope of practice. · They offer unique services (do something that members of no other profession can do). · They have special knowledge and skills (are specifically trained for the profession). · They have an explicit code of ethics. · They have the ________ right to offer the service (have obtained a monopoly, through licensure or certification, over the right to provide the services). · They have the ability to monitor the practice of the profession (the profession can police itself). · Caplow (1966) maintained that the steps whereby a group achieves professional status are quite definite, and that the sequence of steps is explicit. The first three steps toward professionalization are (a) forming ______________, (b) changing names to reduce identification with the previous occupational status, and (c) developing a code of ethics. · It is discouraging for graduate students preparing to enter the field to realize that counseling, despite its progress, still has some way to go before achieving recognition on a par with other mental health professions within our society. On the other hand, it is encouraging to note that counseling is making progress toward recognition as a profession at a relatively fast rate when compared to professionalization efforts in other fields.

Vocational ethics recognition legal associations

Increased supervision is often prescribed as an intervention when supervisees are not making sufficient progress in their competency development. After reviewing the literature, a therapeutic supervisory stance is the most crucial variable in working with problematic supervisees. They emphasized the importance of creating a trusting relationship and ______ environment before evaluating supervisee performance. Supervisees tend to be more willing to disclose when the supervisory working alliance was strong.


Informed consent for supervision should be obtained both from the client and from the supervisee. Clients of supervisees need to know that their counselor is working under _______________ and need to understand what this supervision will mean for them. Clients have the right to be aware that their counselors are working under supervision, and they have the right to know the supervisee's identity and qualifications to provide counseling services Written agreements are recommended for counselor-client relationships, and these agreements are also important for supervisory relationships.


Research has indicated that 30% to ___% of all psychotherapy clients drop out prematurely. Even when the counselor believes that a client is making progress and that treatment goals are being met, clients may call and cancel with or without giving an explanation, fail to keep appointments, or fail to reschedule. The counselor's ethical obligation in these situations is to attempt to communicate a willingness to continue to meet with the client, either to continue counseling or to summarize and end treatment, or to refer the client to another mental health professional.


In regard to giving credit to contributors to research projects in published reports, A)a footnote is sufficient. B)every person who contributed must be listed as a co-author. C)the major professor of a dissertation study must be listed as first author. D)appropriate credit must be given, but there are no firm rules. E)individuals who were paid to assist do not have to be given any credit.


The term "culturally encapsulated counselor" refers to a counselor who: A)counsels in a setting where the clients are not diverse. B)defines reality according to one set of cultural assumptions and fails to evaluate other viewpoints, which renders the counselor C)insensitive to cultural variations. D)understands that all counseling is cross-cultural. E)considers evidence that challenges his or her assumptions. has internalized some of society's biases. Because race, ethnicity, gender, and social class are salient cultural variables for all people, A)individuals who are members of racial minority groups experience oppression related to all of their cultural variables. B)privilege is experienced only by White males. C)social class is the primary variable that determines whether individuals experience privilege or oppression. D)race is the primary variable that determines whether individuals experience privilege or oppression. E)individuals simultaneously experience both privilege and oppression.

B, E

When children are participants in a research study: A)consent is needed from their parents only. B)there is no need to obtain informed consent from the children because they are unable to give legal consent. C)even though parental consent is legally sufficient, the assent of the children should be obtained as well. D)obtaining the consent of children would be unwise because it would alert children that they are being studied and they would then behave differently. E)informed consent is not required because children are too young to understand. Students can ensure that they do not commit plagiarism by: A)using exact quotes from their sources rather than paraphrasing. B)using a website such as to check their work before submitting it to the professor. C)putting everything into their own words, so they do not have to cite sources. D)rearranging the order of the words in a sentence written by a source that is being used. E)using only sources that anyone can find on the Internet.

C, B

It is vital for counselors to become aware of their own personal needs and values so that they: A)know which of their values they can encourage clients to adopt. B)can avoid accepting clients who hold values that are different from their own values. C)can avoid getting their own personal needs met through their counseling relationships. D)can give clients advice that is congruent with the counselor's value system. E)can choose a counseling specialty that allows them to get their personal needs met while providing counseling services to others. Research has shown that: A)clients are unlikely to drop out of counseling prematurely if their counselors are warm and empathic. b)counselors are generally willing to continue to counsel clients, at no cost to clients, when the clients' insurance benefits have run out. C)at least 30% of clients in counseling drop out prematurely. D)clients very rarely drop out of counseling without giving the counselor an explanation. E)the average adult client completes 6 counseling sessions no matter how many sessions are authorized by the client's health insurance provider.

C, C

It is ethically questionable for a university professor to: A)conduct a research project with a student. B)supervise the research activities of a student. C)require a student to participate in a research project. D)co-present with a student at a professional conference. E)write a letter of recommendation for a job for a student with whom he or she has conducted a research study. Research participants: A)must be paid if their identities will be disclosed by the researcher. B)must sign a document in front of a notary if they agree to waive their privacy. C)generally, are not guaranteed privacy. D)have a right to expect to have their confidentiality protected. E)may never agree to have their name disclosed by a researcher.

C, D

To be effective when counseling clients with physical disabilities, counselors should: A)focus on the clients' adjustment to disability. B)take a more directive, behavioral approach in working with the clients. C)refer these clients to a rehabilitation counselor. D)focus on the clients' abilities rather than limitations. E) assume that the clients' presenting problems are related to their disability. The most important resource for counselors to use in learning about different racial, ethnic, or cultural groups is: A)their clients. B)their colleagues who are from racial, ethnic, or cultural groups different from their own. C)professional associations that focus on multicultural counseling issues. D)books on multicultural counseling. E)professional journal articles on multicultural counseling.

D, A

When the Russians launched the first spacecraft, ____________, in 1957, politicians in the United States feared that, because the Russians had exceeded U.S. technology and beat the United States in the race to space, they might overpower the country politically as well. In response to this fear, the U.S. Congress created and funded substantial programs to encourage young people to seek careers in technical and scientific fields. In most instances, high school teachers were given two or three courses in guidance or counseling, which then allowed them to be certified as school counselors and assume guidance counselor positions within schools.


_______ Ethics, which originated with Aristotle, explores the question of what character traits or dispositions form the basis for right action. Virtue ethics focuses on ________ rather than actions, and evaluates the whole individual instead of isolated decisions the individual makes. Virtue ethicists believe that moral choices cannot be made by rule; what is needed instead is good ____________. The Ethics of Care, or _________ Ethics, is based on the recognition that human beings exist in relationship and connection with one another.

Virtue, individuals, judgement Relational

IncorrectQuestion 90 / 1 pts Regarding counselors' personal values, counselors: must always avoid disclosing their own personal values to their clients. should avoid discussions of values if their own values conflict with those of their clients. could disclose their values to a client, if it is possible to do so in a way that conveys to the client that the client's values can be accepted or rejected without risking the relationship. could disclose their values to a client, but only if the counselor holds the same values as the client. should disclose their values to clients so that clients see the counselor as genuine and authentic. Question 101 / 1 pts Because counselors have a fiduciary relationship with their clients, counselors must: ensure their client's finances are being handled properly. protect the best interests of their clients and not benefit inappropriately from the counselor-client relationship. ensure that clients do what is best for themselves. act as the client's guardian if the client cannot care for himself or herself. make arrangements for clients to be taken care of by family members or close friends if their clients can no longer care for themselves.


Clients who may be victims of Illegal Discrimination: Section C.5. of the Code of Ethics (ACA, 2014) states that counselors do not condone or engage in discrimination based on age, culture, disability, ethnicity, race, religion/spirituality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status/partnership, language preference, socioeconomic status, or any basis proscribed by law. In our view, counselors do not have a professional responsibility to expose those who they think may be illegally discriminating against protected groups or to encourage clients to assert their legal rights or to assert those rights for the clients, which could be disempowering. On the other hand, counselors do have an obligation to ________ clients in making decisions about whether to take action, and what action to take, if they are struggling with value conflicts or if they believe their legal rights have been violated, just as counselors would strive to empower clients to make other types of important decisions in their lives. When clients express concern that they may have been illegally discriminated against, counselors should first help the clients decide whether they want to take any kind of action. In Arthur's case, if he decides he wants to try to assert his legal rights, Horst can refer him to an advocacy group for advocacy guidance or to an attorney for legal advice. Advocacy groups or attorneys can determine whether clients like Arthur may have been victims of illegal discrimination and, if so, can tell them what options exist to address the wrong. Same-sex marriages became legal in the United States in 2015 as a result of the U. S. Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges.


The training of counselors focuses on teaching counseling ________ rather than skills in physical health care, psychopathology, assessment, or social service linkages. The counselor definition focuses on the counseling process that was derived from mental health, psychological, and human ______________ principles. Increasingly, collaboration with other mental health professionals is regarded as best practice, so it is vital for counselors to understand the scope of practice of these other professionals.

skills development best

Termination: Termination is an intentional process that occurs over time when a client has achieved most of the treatment goals, and it provides opportunities for consolidating, making plans for maintaining, and generalizing client gains made in counseling. Effective terminations model how healthy relationships should end and provide clients with opportunities to work through their feelings about ending their therapeutic journeys. Counselors should raise and discuss the issue of termination with the client well in advance of the final session. This allows ample __________ to plan for the client's transition to functioning without the counselor and to deal with the natural and appropriate issues of separation and loss. It is best if the counselor and client mutually agree on the timing of the termination. However, depending on the circumstances, the ultimate decision might be made independently by either the counselor or the client.


Ethical Absolutism versus Ethical Relativism: Ethical absolutists believe that there are some absolute morals standards that are __________ applicable, that must prevail in all circumstances and are not dependent on a person beliefs or cultural values. These standards exists a piori (before incident occurs), regardless of whether one believes in them. Ethical relativists do not believe that any absolute moral standards exist that can be universally applied. Rather, they believe that if the members of a culture believe an action is morally right, then it is morally right to __________ that act in that culture.

universally perform

Many clients are able to afford counseling services only because they have managed health care plans that will reimburse for a significant portion of the cost. Under managed care plans, people are given only the services that the managed care company deems to be necessary and appropriate through a process known as ___________ review. Counselors face difficult ethical challenges when further treatment is denied by utilization review panels. Counselors maintain clinical responsibility for the clients' welfare, and when clients need further counseling, counselors cannot allow financially motivated decisions to supersede their clinical judgment. Counselors should always appeal, or have their clients appeal, adverse utilization review decisions.


From the perspective of principle ethics, a counselor who is counseling a client planning a violent act against another person, and who intervenes to notify the client's family members is: A)sacrificing client autonomy in order to prevent harm and to do good. b)sacrificing fidelity in order to be truthful. C)sacrificing justice in order to be faithful to promises made. D)sacrificing veracity in order to protect the client's anonymity. E) sacrificing beneficence in order to promote fidelity. Virtue ethicists believe that: A)to determine whether a counselor is ethical, each decision the counselor makes must be carefully weighed. b)that moral choices cannot be made by rule; what is needed instead is good judgment. C)actions speak louder than words. D)counselors should always be truthful. Law and ethics differ from one another in that: A) laws dictate minimum standards of behavior that society will tolerate, whereas ethics represent the ideal standards expected by the profession. b)ethics dictate minimum standards of behavior that society will tolerate, whereas laws represent the ideal standards expected by the profession. C)ethics and laws have the same standards. laws require that counselors always follow the profession's ethical standards. D)ethics and laws are often in conflict because they are so different from one another. The best statement about the nature of professional ethics in counseling is that: A)if counselors study ethical codes and keep current with the professional literature, they can be assured of practicing in an ethical manner. B)in order to practice in an ethical manner, counselors must always be in compliance with federal and state laws. C) because there are few absolute right answers to ethical practice questions, consultation with counseling colleagues is very important when making ethical decisions. D)because there are few absolute right answers to ethical practice questions, consultation with lawyers is very important when making ethical decisions. E)the ethical standards have changed very little in the last 50 years, so if counselors learn the rules, they will be able to practice in an ethical manner. The ACA Code of Ethics: A) helps to stabilize the profession. B)answers nearly all questions that a counselor might have. C)sets forth ethical responsibilities that never change. D) is the single, universally accepted code of ethics for counselors. E)is updated every two or three years.

A, B, A, C, A

A third set of opposing philosophical viewpoints has to do with what motivates people to act morally or ethically. Egoism is the term used to describe actions taken out of self-interest, whereas Altruism is the word that describes actions taken to benefit others This dual consideration of altruism and self-interest, in fact, is reflected in the differences between the ethical and legal perspectives that are presented throughout this text. The ethical perspective is focused more on the welfare and protection of the client, whereas the legal perspective is focused more on protecting the counselor.


When counseling a client from a racial, ethnic, or cultural group different from the counselor's, it is important for the counselor to remember that: A)basically, all people are alike although they may look different. B)although certain groups share similar traits or beliefs, each individual is unique and may not be like most others from his or her group. C)since certain groups share similar traits or beliefs, the counselor should begin by assuming that this particular person is like most others. D)stereotyping is often useful in understanding differences. E)the counselor should demonstrate that she or he understands the client, by using words or phrases associated with the client's racial, ethnic, or cultural group. When a counselor determines that a gay or lesbian client may have been illegally discriminated against, the counselor should: A)insist that the client seek immediate legal advice. B)help the client determine whether or not to seek legal advice. C)tell the client that he or she has been discriminated against and that the client should seek to have the situation rectified. D)offer to find out the legal ramifications of the situation and report them back to the client. E)inform the client that he or she should seek legal advice from an attorney who advocates for gay rights.

B, B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moral behavior is based on our values, or personal belief system. Values are influenced by upbringing and culture. _________: set aside persona lvalues within the counseling relationship. Professional values include honoring ________, promoting social justice, safeguarding the integrity of the counselor-client relationship. Ethics: a discipline concerned with ___________ and moral decision making. Ethics prevail over personal values. Law is different from morality or ethics. Laws must be followed. Laws dictate __________ standards of behavior, whereas ethics pertain to a wider range of professional functioning.

Bracket diversity conduct minimum

A marriage counselor has been working with a couple for the past six months. The couple started counseling to decide whether they wanted to continue in the marriage or divorce. The counselor believes that marriage should be for life. He has helped the couple see the roots of their unhappiness in the marriage, as well as, the benefits and consequences of remaining married or divorcing. One day the couple walks in and tells the counselor they have decided to move forward with a divorce. The counselor begins to tell the couple all the reasons they should not divorce and how their choice is wrong. A)Veracity b)Nonmaleficence C)Justice D)Autonomy E)Fidelity A counselor is leaving her employment at a community mental health clinic to take another job. In preparation for leaving, she tells all her clients that she will be leaving and her last date at the agency will be May 1. Two weeks before her May 1 date of departure, the counselor becomes angry at the agency and just quits, walking out, not informing her clients. A)Justice b)Fidelity C)Autonomy D)Beneficence E)Veracity A counselor at a community mental health center has been seeing a client for 4 months. The client initially presented with substance abuse concerns but has not been complying with treatment goals for reducing substance abuse. The counselor's supervisor suggests to the counselor that the client needs to enter a structured treatment program. At the client's next appointment, the counselor tells the client that arrangements for the client to participate in the agency's intensive outpatient program have been made for "her own good." The client is upset and states she does not want to be in the program. The counselor tells the client, "Too bad, you're already enrolled." Beneficence Veracity Fidelity Autonomy Justice

D, B

Should Edward give his boss the list of names, or would that conflict Confidentiality? Could it cost him his job? If Edward reasons that the ethical principle is most important, he would be committing himself to uphold the moral principle of fidelity. Fidelity refers to fulfilling a responsibility of trust in the counseling relationship: Counselors strive to be faithful to the promises they make, such as keeping clients' disclosures confidential. If Edward adheres to this line of reasoning, he could be said to be thinking as an Ethical Absolutist—that the principle always applies, regardless of the situation. He would also be thinking as a ___________, by deciding that keeping the students' confidentiality is the right thing to do, regardless of the consequences. In addition, he might be relying on Altruism, in that he believes that his actions must uphold client welfare rather than serve his own interests. If Edward decides to produce the list for Ms. Wilcox, he might be motivated by _________, or a focus on protecting himself and his fellow counselors from negative repercussions. He could be using Utilitarian reasoning as suggested by Mill, that because no harm is likely to come to the students, his decision will do the greatest good for the greatest number of people—not only himself and his fellow counselors but also the students who would be better served by having a supportive school administration.

Deontologist Egoism

All of the following are steps toward professionalization EXCEPT: A)getting state laws passed that regulate the practice of the profession. B)changing names to reduce identification with other professions. C)developing a code of ethics. D)requiring members of the profession to possess specialized knowledge and skills. E)offering services that are identical to services offered by other similar professions. Within the counseling profession, the primary goal of counseling is to: A)help clients achieve wellness. B)cure illnesses of clients. C)identify and treat mental illnesses. D)understand the illnesses with which clients present for counseling. E)help clients understand unresolved emotional issues. Counselors with a strong professional identity are able to do all of the following EXCEPT: A)describe the services their profession renders to the public. B)articulate the similarities and differences between their profession and other similar groups. C)show pride in belonging to the counseling profession. D)demonstrate that they hold a master's degree from a CACREP-accredited program. E)explain the philosophy that underlies the activities of counselors. The school counseling movement in the United States resulted as a consequence of which major event? A)the Russians launching Sputnik. B)the assassination of John F. Kennedy. C)the Cuban Missile Crisis. D)The American Psychological Association's declaration that only doctoral-level psychologists would be recognized as professionals. E)the national legislation that ensured education for all handicapped persons. Professionalism in counseling includes all of the following EXCEPT: A)being intrinsically motivated to achieve best practices in counseling. b)taking pride in one's profession. C)holding a doctorate in counseling or a related field. D)understanding the history and philosophy of the profession. E)representing the profession to the public in a positive and vigorous manner.

E, A, D, A, C

You can apply several self-tests after you have resolved an ethical dilemma. The first three tests were suggested by Stadler (1986). First is the test of ________, in which you ask whether you would treat others the same in this situation. Second is the test of ___________, which considers if you would be willing to recommend the course of action you followed to other counselors who find themselves in a similar situation. Third is the test of ____________, Are you willing to have your actions come to light and be known by others? Another test is the ________ test, which is a version of the Golden Rule; in this test you ask yourself if you would have made the same choice if you were in the client's shoes or if your child or life partner were subject to that choice. The ________ test asks you to consider an individual whose integrity and judgment you trust and admire, and ask how that person might solve the dilemma. Finally, you can check for _______ traces, which are lingering feelings of doubt, discomfort, or uncertainty that counselors may experience after they have resolved an ethical dilemma, particularly when expediency, politics, or self-interest have influenced the decision

Justice, Universality, Publicity Reversibility, mentor, moral

Parts of the ACA Code of Ethics: · Preamble: describes the American Counseling Association and its members, defines counseling, and enumerates core professional values and ethical principles. · Purpose: sets forth six purposes for the Code of Ethics and describes the ethical decision-making process. · Section A: The Counseling _________; addresses important issues in forming, maintaining, and ending the counseling relationship. (informed consent, personal values, boundaries, advocacy, fees/business practices, termination of counseling, multiple clients, groups, and etc). · Section B: ____________ and Privacy addresses the client's right to privacy of information shared during counseling sessions and of records. Exceptions and limitations to confidentiality are specified, and special considerations in working with families, groups, and clients who lack capacity to give informed consent are addressed. · Section C: Professional Responsibility contains standards related to competence. · Section D: Relationships With Other _____________ offers guidelines for relationships with colleagues, employers, employees, and consultees. · Section E: Evaluation, Assessment, and Interpretation includes standards on competence to select, use, and interpret assessment instruments, as well as diagnosis of mental disorders. · Section F: ____________, Training, and Teaching presents guidelines for counselor supervisors, trainers, and educators. · Section G: Research and Publication describes research responsibilities, rights of research participants, and the reporting of research results. · Section H: Distance Counseling, Technology, and Social Media presents guidelines to assist counselors to best serve clients using distance counseling, technology, and social media. · Section I: Resolving Ethical _________ addresses the responsibility of counselors to know ethical and legal standards and explains procedures for resolving and reporting suspected ethical violations.

Relationship Confidentiality Professionals Supervision Issues

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which went into effect in 2003, has had a powerful impact on informed consent practices in medicine and mental health. This is a federal law. Essentially, HIPAA requires all health care providers who transmit records electronically to comply with procedures to ensure consumer privacy. The requirements include explaining to health care recipients in detail their rights related to privacy and records (which essentially is the informed consent process discussed earlier). This federal law has transformed the concept of informed consent, which once was rather vague, into a concrete framework that includes disclosure of steps taken to ensure client privacy, and it also requires clients to sign a document stating that they have been informed of their rights. The following is a listing of essential elements for informed consent documents to ensure that counselors and agencies meet the legal HIPAA requirements. · State that your client's personal information may be used and disclosed to complete treatment. Also state that information may be provided to health care companies related to payment for your services. · Develop a complete written description of the procedures you will follow in your office regarding keeping or disclosing personal information of clients. · Tell your client that you have a more complete description of the way in which you will keep or disclose their personal information, and that the complete description is available for them to see. State that the client has a right to review the complete description before signing this consent form. Explain that your practices may change in the future, and that if the client wants to see any revisions the client must make that request in writing and that you will then make them available. · Tell your client that he or she may request that you restrict how the client's personal information is used or disclosed. Explain that you will consider any such requests and will notify the client whether you have agreed to them. · Explain that the client has the right to revoke his or her consent in writing, except to the extent actions have already been taken by you based on prior consent. · Get the client's signature and have him or her indicate the date on the form. · Keep the form for at least _____ years.


School counselors have a legal obligation to do all of the following EXCEPT: A)obtain written parental permission before counseling students in most circumstances. B)report child abuse if it is suspected. C)inform parents if the counselor determines the child is at risk for suicide. D)inform parents if the counselor determines the child is a danger to others. E)secure parents' informed consent before providing unusual counseling services. Each of the following groups might be considered to be vulnerable adults who are protected from abuse in some states by statute EXCEPT: A)developmentally disabled adults. B)severely mentally ill adults. C)elderly adults. D)physically disabled adults. E)emotionally distressed adults. When reporting suspected child abuse in good faith, counselors should review their particular state statute to determine all of the following EXCEPT: A)who must file the report. B)when the report must be made. C)counselor liability for defamation of character. D)whether past abuse must be reported. E)whether a written report is required in addition to an oral report. Parents who object to their child's participation in counseling: may have the right to demand that services be discontinued. As a professional counselor, you are required by law in all states to report: suspected child abuse or neglect. Many states have laws requiring reports of suspected abuse of all of the following EXCEPT: A)children. B)elderly persons. C)incompetent persons. D)abused spouses or domestic partners. E)developmentally disabled persons. Dual relationships in school settings: seldom cause problems. generally, should be avoided. Minor clients have: an ethical right to privacy and confidentiality, but no legal right in most states. In determining whether a child is a danger to self or others, the counselor should do all of the following EXCEPT: A)consult with a colleague. B)consider the age and maturity level of the client. C)follow the institutional policy on the issue. D)assure the client of complete confidentiality. E)document any actions taken. The 2014 ACA Code of Ethics: advises counselors to develop specialty competences before attempting to counsel children.

A, E, C, D, D

All of the following are challenges associated with distance counseling EXCEPT: A)loss of body language, inflection, and other cues to communication. B)licensing concerns relative to practicing across state and internationalboundaries. C)limited effectiveness of counseling services that are not delivered face-to-face. D)reimbursement by insurance providers. E)need to continuously update ethical codes to address distance counseling. Internet sites that contain career information that might be helpful to clients: are not monitored for content or quality. The following are TRUE of distance counseling services EXCEPT: A)it can provide clients with greater access to counseling services. B)it can present issues related to licensure and the ability to practice across state and international boundaries. C)is controversial because the ACA Code of Ethics does not address this practice. D)credentialing is available for counselors interested in distance counseling. E) counselors must take steps to verify clients' identities. In distance counseling, Informed Consent SHOULD include: distance counseling credentials, cultural/language differences, time zone differences, emergency procedures to follow if the counselor is not available, anticipated response time, and possible denial of insurance. When a counselor uses a networked or shared computer for the storage of confidential client information, the counselor SHOULD: store confidential records on a portable storage device, rather than on the computer's hard drive. Question 61 / 1 pts When communicating with clients over the phone, counselors SHOULD: attempt to verify the client's identity, and demonstrate caution and professionalism when discussing confidential information. Storing clients' records electronically: is the preferred method for storing client records. When a counselor communicates with a client using e-mail: the client should be advised that e-mail messages can always be retrieved and that e-mail systems are not as secure as other means of communication. Counselors who use social media platforms for personal purposes should NOT: friend their clients Counselors may view a client's social media profile: when the client has given the counselor consent to view the information.


With respect to what mental health professionals are qualified to diagnose using the DSM system: the DSM manual specifically includes counselors as users of the DSM system. Graduate degree programs in counseling attempt to ensure their graduates are competent counselors by doing all of the following EXCEPT: A)selecting and admitting individuals who are likely to succeed at developing the skills, knowledge, and characteristics needed to become effective counselors. B)using personal interviews, written essays, or other subjective criteria in selecting candidates for admission. C)providing a curriculum for master's students that prepares students to be effective counselors. D)eliminating from graduate programs any students who have their own emotional issues. E)requiring successful supervised experience as a part of the graduate program. Studies regarding cultural bias in diagnosis have shown that: African American clients are more likely to be diagnosed with severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. Which of the following statements regarding counselor competence is FALSE? licensure ensures that practitioners are competent to do what their licenses permit them to do. . Distressed counselors or counselors suffering from burnout are terms used to refer to: impaired counselors. The primary purpose of diagnosis is to: label clients. facilitate effective treatment. Key points with respect to diagnosis include all of the following EXCEPT: A)clients should not be told the diagnosis that has been assigned to them. B)counselors must be alert to sources of bias against women and minority group members in the diagnostic process. C)counselors should cooperate with physicians when clients may have a physical condition that is contributing to their mental or emotional problems or when they could benefit from taking medications for their condition. D)multicultural considerations are of paramount importance in diagnosis because all mental disorders occur in and are defined by a cultural context. E)counselors are guilty of insurance fraud when they do not diagnosis honestly and accurately and they can be subject to both civil and criminal liability. An argument AGAINST licensing specialties within the counseling profession (such as marriage and family counselors, rehabilitation counselors, career counselors, etc.) is: other professions—such as medicine and law—license professionals to practice their profession generally, and those who are licensed decide which areas they are competent to practice in. When a counselor determines that a client may be at risk for harming self or others, the counselor must ALWAYS: take the steps necessary to prevent harm. ***there is no way to assure counselor competency.

D, A

To be a culturally sensitive counselor, when a client from a different culture offers a counselor a gift, the counselor SHOULD: A)never accept the gift. B)always accept the gift. C)take into primary consideration the monetary value of the gift. D) evaluate the meaning the client attaches to the offering of the gift. E)consider offering a similar gift in return. A definition of a "boundary" that is offered in the text is: a frame around the therapeutic relationship that defines the participants' roles in the relationship. Friendships with former clients: A)are prohibited by the ACA Code of Ethics. B)are allowed, under specified conditions, by the ACA Code of Ethics. C)generally, should be avoided because they create a potential for problems. D)occur infrequently because most counselors disapprove of them in all circumstances. E)have been entered into by about 95% of all counselors. The typical counselor who enters into a sexual relationship with a client is: is a professionally isolated male counselor who is experiencing distress or crisis in his personal life. A counselor's self-disclosure in a counseling session: may be acceptable if the counselor believes the disclosure will benefit the client. Alice is a Licensed Professional Counselor who has counseled Thomas for several months. An issue to which they have devoted considerable time is Thomas' fear of failure, particularly in terms of his ability to succeed academically and complete his G.E.D. When Thomas learns that he has passed his G.E.D. exam, he asks Alice to attend the ceremony at which he will receive his G.E.D. diploma, and she accepts the invitation. This is an example of: a boundary crossing. The primary difference between a boundary crossing and a boundary violation is: a violation involves a serious breach of the code of ethics that results in a client being harmed. Boundaries serve to protect the welfare of clients because: clients are vulnerable in counseling relationships. Regarding dual relationships between counselors and clients: there is no consensus among professionals, as to which dual relationships are acceptable and which are not. It would be ethically permissible for you to consider entering into a bartering arrangement with a prospective client if: bartering is an acceptable practice among other professionals in your community.

D, C

Keeping good records can benefit both counselors and clients in the following ways EXCEPT: proving that the counselor is not impaired or suffering from burnout. The three major types of records that counselors keep are: recordings, clinical case notes, and administrative. When documenting for self-protection: as much detail as possible (e.g., dates, times of events, and exact words spoken) should be included. Which of the following statements is most appropriate regarding clinical case notes? counselors should take the clinical notes they need in order to function effectively as professionals. When counselor trainees make audiotapes or videotapes of counseling sessions for supervision purposes: A)trainees must retrieve the tapes after the supervisors have reviewed them and then erase the tapes. B)supervisors must handle the tapes appropriately during the time the tapes are in the supervisors' possession. C)supervisors should return tapes to trainees after the tapes have been reviewed. D)the tapes should be labeled simply, in a manner that does not bring attention to the fact that the tapes are confidential records. E)all of the above.


When uncertain about the privileged status of information requested for disclosure through a subpoena, a counselor should consult with: an attorney who represents the counselor or his or her employer. Disclosure of confidential information is acceptable under all of the following conditions EXCEPT: A)the counselor suspects abuse or neglect of a child. B)a client poses a danger to self or others. C)a counselor is in clinical supervision with another counselor. D)a client has a fatal, communicable disease and the client's behavior is putting others at risk. E)an attorney sends a counselor a subpoena. With respect to confidentiality and privileged communication: confidentiality is primarily an ethical issue, and privileged communication is primarily a legal issue. When a client accuses a counselor of wrongdoing through a complaint with the counselor's licensure board or through a malpractice law suit filed in court: the client automatically waives his or her privacy rights and the counselor can reveal private information related to providing counseling services to the client. When a husband subpoenas a counselor to reveal information in a court hearing that was provided by the wife in joint couples counseling sessions, and the wife objects to the information being revealed, the counselor: should consult with an attorney because laws and court cases vary as to whether the counselor will have to reveal the information over the wife's objection.


Legal principles view the contents of a client's counseling records as belonging to: the client Subpoenas are used: A)to obtain copies of records. B)to cause potential witnesses to testify at a deposition, hearing, or trial. C)to ask potential witnesses to respond in writing to written questions. D)to require witnesses to appear at a deposition, hearing, or trail and to bring their records with them. E)all of the above. If a subpoena for the counseling records of a client is received, a counselor who works in a mental health agency should: ask his or her supervisor to obtain a legal opinion as to whether the records should be copied for the attorney who has issued the subpoena. Generally, counselors create clinical case notes: for their own use, so that they may be effective counselors. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires that: A)counselors give clients a clear written explanation of how they use, keep, and disclose their health care information. B)clients have access to their records. C)a written process exists for clients to request amendments to their records. D)a written history of most disclosures of client information be available to clients. E)all of the above.

E, E

Vicarious Liability: The legal principle known as "respondeat superior", or vicarious liability, holds that individuals who have control and authority over others will be held accountable for their negligence. Generally, an employer will be held accountable for the negligence of an employee who is acting within the scope of employment. The principle of vicarious liability was applied to the mental health professions in the famous Tarasoff v. __________ of University of California (1976) case. In this case, a precedent was set for a mental health professional's duty to warn potential victims of a violent client, and liability for the harm that was done was extended to the professional's supervisor. The liability of the supervisors would depend on the exact facts in the situation and the extent to which the supervisors knew or should have known about the counselor's negligent acts. Lack of awareness of a supervisee's behaviors that caused harm to a client is not, in itself, an adequate legal defense for a supervisor.


Contract Law: Generally, relationships with professionals who provide services are contractual in nature. In terms of contract law, a professional in a private practice offers services to a recipient for a fee. The professional says to the client that services will be provided that will benefit and not harm the recipient if the recipient will pay the professional the amount of money required. Once the client accepts the professional's offer of services, a legal contract is formed, and all the laws of the contract govern the relationship. It has only been in the last half-century that courts have created the requirement that patients must be educated or informed regarding their medical treatment options and consequences before they are able to give valid consent to treatment that is legally binding. The first case in the United States that took this position was _________ v. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. Bd. of Trustees (1957). Canterbury v. __________ (1972), a later case, took a different position on informed consent. It found that physicians were required to disclose information about a proposed treatment that a reasonable person, such as the patient receiving treatment, would find necessary to make a decision to either accept or refuse treatment.

Salgo Spence

Some clients may be presumed to lack the capacity to give informed consent. Such clients might include minors or adults who are developmentally disabled or who suffer from cognitive impairments or a severe thought disorder. In these cases, counselors seek the consent of legal guardians. Counselors should also seek clients' assent to services and include clients in the decision-making process to the extent possible. The informed consent process should be designed to fit each client's cognitive strengths, vulnerabilities, and decision-making capabilities. Counselors must also be sensitive to clients' rights to informed consent when clients have been legally adjudicated as incompetent. Clients with developmental disabilities, older adults who have cognitive impairments, and persons who have been diagnosed with a psychotic or thought disorder often are judged to have diminished capacity to consent. Keep in mind that diminished capacity is not the same as an absence of capacity. Counselors have an ethical obligation to discuss consent with these clients in a manner that they can understand and to obtain their ________ to services even though their agreement may not be legally recognized.


Supervision: The professional literature in mental health supervision recognizes two basic types of supervision for counselors—administrative and _____________. Administrative supervision occurs when direct-line administrators give direction, or supervision, to counselors who are their employees. The purpose of administrative supervision is to ensure that counselors who are employed are performing their jobs appropriately. Administrative supervisors usually have direct control and authority over those who are being supervised. Clinical supervision, on the other hand, is the process whereby the work of counselors is reviewed by other mental health professionals, usually with the goal of increasing the counselors' effectiveness. Generally, the purpose of clinical supervision is to help counselors increase their skills and ensure that they are serving their clients appropriately. Clinical supervisors usually have no direct control or authority over the counselors they supervise, unless they happen to be the counselor's administrative supervisor as well. Counselors who are receiving clinical supervision often are completing field experiences for their graduate program, or post-master's supervised experience for state licensure or national certification. Within counselor education programs, supervision has the dual purpose of monitoring the services provided by counselors-in-training and monitoring the welfare of clients who are receiving services from these trainees.


You will need to provide your clients with disclosure information that informs them of how the supervision process influences the limits of ________________ and let them know who will have access to their records. As a general rule, sharing confidential and privileged information with professionals who have a need to know for professional purposes, such as supervision, is acceptable and does not destroy legal privilege. Another dynamic in supervision related to confidentiality is a practice known as __________ supervision. Some years ago, CACREP approved that counselors in training during their practicum and internships may receive either individual or triadic supervision. In triadic supervision, a supervisor provides clinical supervision to two supervisees at the same time. All of the guidelines in the Code of Ethics regarding nonprofessional relationships between counselor educators and students apply equally to the supervisory relationship. Boundaries in supervisory relationships must be carefully managed because supervisors have considerable power in the relationship. In their gatekeeping function, they hold the key to the supervisee's entrance into the profession.

confidentiality triadic

Accountability: When consultants have no control over the actions taken by individuals who have received their advice, they cannot be held accountable legally for an individual's negligence even if they give inaccurate or wrong information or give bad advice. As explained in this chapter, a supervisor who has control over a counselor's actions probably has some degree of legal liability for the negligence of the counselor. Also, it is possible that an individual who retains a ___________ may have a legal cause of action based on contract principles against a consultant who gives wrong or poor advice that the consultee relies on. Therefore, consultants have an ethical responsibility to avoid misusing their power. Just as a supervision agreement is recommended for supervisory relationships, a written contract is recommended for counselors who consult. Counselors who take on consulting roles need to understand the legal principles involved in accountability and contracts and to fulfill those roles in an ethical manner. Unlike counselors who function as supervisors (who have the ACA Code of Ethics to assist them), consultants are at somewhat of a disadvantage. There is no code of ethics specifically for consultants, and the ACA Code of Ethics (2014) contains few standards (§B.7.a., §D.2.a., and §D.2.b.) that address consultation directly. There are several ethical issues that consultants frequently face. These issues include (a) consultant competence, (b) safeguarding consultee and client rights, (c) the consultation relationship, and (d) the role of values and diversity in consultation. Competence to provide services is an important ethical issue in consultation, just as it is in counseling and supervision. Before counselors agree to enter into a consultation relationship, they must assess whether their personal and professional competence is adequate for the task.


In mental health, written contracts for informed consent are commonly referred to as ____________ statements. These documents disclose to clients the nature of the counseling relationship they are entering into. These are also legal contracts. Often, they are signed by both the client and the counselor. The ACA Code of Ethics spells out in considerable detail the elements that need to be included in securing informed consent ethically. Therefore, these elements should be included in counseling disclosure statements: · The purposes, goals, techniques, procedures, limitations, potential risks, and benefits of services · The counselor's qualifications, including relevant degrees held, licenses and certifications, areas of specialization, experience, and approach to counseling · Arrangements for continuation of services if the counselor dies or becomes incapacitated · The role of technology · The implications of diagnosis and the intended use of tests and reports · Fees and billing information, including procedures for nonpayment of fees · Confidentiality and its limitations · Clients' rights to obtain information about their records and to participate in ongoing counseling plans · Clients' rights to refuse any recommended services or modality change and be advised of the consequences of refusal -Informed consent procedures must also fit the situation and setting and be sensitive to the client's ability to understand. The code requires that we communicate in ways that are both developmentally and _____________ appropriate, to ensure comprehension. (Ex: translator).

disclosure culturally

Consultation: Counselors regularly consult with others for the benefit of their clients and to further their knowledge of a particular area of counseling. Counselors use the following consultants: other mental health professionals when making clinical or ethical judgments; other professionals, such as physicians, social workers, nurses, and psychologists, who are also treating their client; family members, friends, and significant others in the clients' lives, for the benefit of clients; administrators in their employment setting, regarding their job responsibilities or when seeking direction in difficult situations; and attorneys, when they have legal questions. Consulting with peers and other mental health professionals is best for __________ dilemmas. Consulting with supervisors and attorneys is necessary for ________ problems. In all of these examples, the consultation takes place between two individuals (a consultant and a consultee) for the benefit of a third person (a client). These consultation relationships are not formalized and generally are limited to a single discussion or a brief series of discussions. We refer to this type of consultation as _______ consultation. By contrast, counselors sometimes function as consultants to organizations such as businesses, agencies, or schools. These consultation relationships are usually more long term and are formalized in some manner, often through a contract. This type of consultation is known as organizational consultation. Both peer and organizational consultations are primarily aimed at work-related concerns as opposed to the consultee's personal problems.

ethical legal peer

Some suggest that supervisors need additional support and training in working with supervisees who demonstrate problems with professional competence (PPC). These researchers found that supervisees with PPC cause supervisors increased stress and workload, negatively impact their work environment, and impact client care. Supervision is a complex process that can be further complicated when supervisors have multiple roles with their supervisees, such as teacher, clinical supervisor, and administrative supervisor. Supervisors play multiple roles. Three roles often discussed in the literature are teacher, counselor, and consultant. Although supervision is also similar to counseling, there are important differences. In counseling, the relationship sometimes is the intervention, whereas if supervision consisted only of the supervisory relationship, the supervisee would not learn new and needed skills. A second important difference is that counseling is nonjudgmental, whereas supervision always has an ___________ component.


If a counselor wants a person other than a biological parent or legal guardian (such as a step-parent or grandparent) to have confidential information regarding a minor client, a simple solution is to: get a signed statement from one of the biological parents or legal guardians, allowing the counselor to disclose information to the step-parent or grandparent. A counselor who is beginning a group SHOULD: explain that while the counselor will keep things confidential, there is no guarantee others in the group will do the same. Counselors who intend to conduct family counseling as part of their professional practice SHOULD: gain specific training in marriage and family counseling, including supervised experience. Because children cannot give their legal consent to participate in family counseling, they should be informed of the process of family counseling and their consent should be secured even though it is not legally required. Regarding the law of privileged communication, in relation to family and group counseling, generally, privilege is waived if there is a third-party present during counseling. In the process of explaining Informed Consent in family counseling, counselors SHOULD: describe possible changes in family relationships that could occur as a result of family counseling. A family counselor who uses paradoxical directives or interventions could get into trouble, because clients who follow their prescriptions for behavior may be: harmed. Pre-screening of group members: is required by the ACA Code of Ethics. Family counselors often view the family system as their client and treat the family as one entity—as opposed to treating individual family members—and our laws: view family members as having separate and distinct rights and responsibilities that are individual in nature. In order for a counselor to be competent to engage in group work, the counselor: must have had a minimum of group work preparation and supervised ___________.


Clinical supervision is defined as an intervention provided by a senior or experienced member of a profession to a junior or aspiring member or members of that same profession. Supervision also has been described as an attachment process that involves the development of a bond or working alliance that is gradually loosened as the end of supervision nears. Clinical supervision involves multiple roles, including teacher, mentor, coach, evaluator, adviser, and consultant. Supervision also involves multiple responsibilities. Supervisors usually are responsible not only for the welfare of their supervisees but also, in an indirect way, for the welfare of their supervisees' clients. In addition, a supervisor may have an obligation to the agency or other setting where the supervised practice occurs to ensure that quality services are provided. Also, supervisors, like counselor educators, serve as _______________ to the profession.


There are several questions that counselors might ask themselves before making a decision whether to consult, including the following: Am I qualified? Can I be objective with this colleague? Are there any potential conflicts of interest? Do I have the time to give this request the attention it deserves? The Code of Ethics (ACA, 2014) offers these guidelines for protecting confidentiality in consultation: (a) information is discussed for professional purposes only; (b) reports present only data germane to the purposes of the consultation; and (c) every effort is made to protect client identity and avoid undue invasion of privacy (§B.7.a.). Consultants have an ethical responsibility to ensure that the participants understand what information will be gathered, how it will be used, with whom it will be shared, and for what purpose. Consultation and counseling are similar in that both usually are voluntary in nature and each is a temporary process aimed at assisting the help seeker to function __________________, without the helper, in the future. Both consultation and counseling are collaborative relationships, but they are not relationships between equals. In each relationship one participant is assumed to have greater expertise that can be brought to bear on the problem. Consultation and counseling are different in that counseling is a dyadic relationship in which a direct service is provided to a client, whereas consultation involves a triadic relationship in which an indirect service is provided to someone who works directly with a client. Counseling generally focuses on personal problems, whereas consultation focuses on work-related problems. Consultation and supervision are similar in that both relationships are tripartite; the person who provides assistance to the client does so indirectly through a third party (the consultee or the supervisee). In both relationships, the goal is to increase the help seeker's skills and ability to function independently. They are different in that supervision is not always voluntary, and in a supervisory relationship the person in the help-seeker role may not be free to decline the helper's advice or recommendations without penalty. Supervision is a hierarchical relationship, whereas consultation is a _________________ relationship: consultants have no direct authority over the help seeker. Also, supervision is generally ongoing or long term, whereas peer consultation is usually temporary and of brief duration.

independently collaborative

The supervisor is ____________ responsible to the field setting in which the supervisee is working to ensure that clients served by the supervisee receive quality care. Supervisors, like counselor educators, serve as gatekeepers to the profession. If supervisee incompetence is not addressed, the counseling program's reputation in the community will suffer, and the counseling profession itself will be diminished. Supervisors must not endorse supervisees for graduation from a training program or for a professional credential if the supervisees are not able to provide effective counseling services (ACA, 2014, §F.6.d.). In a broad sense, the supervisor functions to protect future consumers of counseling services.


There are two elements to the informed consent legal standard: the professional element and ______________. The professional element is defined as information that a reasonable physician would have provided to a patient in similar circumstances. Materiality, on the other hand, is defined as the amount of information that the average patient would consider adequate in deciding whether to accept treatment. If Berner is correct, then courts will most likely require that physicians provide basic information to all patients and require that physicians ensure that the particular patient with whom they are dealing understands the information.


From an ethical perspective, ensuring informed consent is not a one-time event. Rather, it is an ________ process that begins with the initial contact between client and counselor and continues throughout the counseling relationship. ·As counseling progresses, the goals, issues, risks, and benefits often change, and clients need to have updated information so that they can continue to make sound decisions The two most common problems for private practitioners concern (a) _______/______ and (b) late cancellations or no-shows

ongoing fees/billing

Supervisors are advised to document their supervisory sessions, not only because of the liability issues involved, but also to improve evaluation and to monitor client care. This documentation should include (a) meeting date and time, (b) a listing of cases discussed, (c) notes regarding client progress, (d) recommendations made to the supervisee, (e) issues to be followed up in future meetings, and (f) a _______ for remediating any significant supervisee deficiencies that are identified. Although documentation of supervisory sessions may constitute best practice, our observation is that not all supervisors actually take notes related to their supervision sessions. Addressing cultural diversity issues in supervision is essential to helping supervisees become multiculturally competent counselors.


The primary purpose of the ACA Code of Ethics is: to allow counselors to guide their own behavior. Counselors engage in many activities that could result in ethical complaints against them; however, they are still obligated to report: cases of suspected child abuse. If a formal ethics complaint is filed against you, you should NOT: contact the client who filed the complaint to see if you can work things out. Malpractice is a type of civil lawsuit that can be filed against counseling professionals for practicing in a manner that leads to: injury to a recipient of their services. Most legal issues faced by counselors involve: acting as a witness in litigation concerning other people. It is impossible for counselors to understand all aspects of the law, but the best advice for counselors who face legal questions is to: listen to their lawyer and do what the lawyer says. When you have an ethical question and you are having trouble making a decision, you should first: consult with colleagues. To avoid accusations of unethical or illegal behavior, the authors suggested the following regarding counselor self-disclosure: Counselors may engage in self-disclosure as long as the disclosure benefits the client and not the counselor's personal needs. If you determine that another counselor is engaging in an illegal activity, you may decide to ignore the activity or take some kind of action, depending on the __________. If you believe another counselor is behaving in an unethical manner, the first thing you should do is: discuss the matter with the counselor and attempt to get him or her to change the behavior.


A Preferred Provider Organization (PPO): may not accept counselors as providers of mental health services and can limit the number of providers on their list of providers. When a counselor must render a DSM-5 diagnosis before a client may be reimbursed for mental health care services, the counselor: must render the proper diagnosis, whether or not the client will be reimbursed. If a counselor were to purposefully make false oral statements that damaged the reputation of another mental health professional, the counselor could be sued for __________. A sliding scale in counseling refers to: a fee structure based on the client's family income and family size.


Being a competent counselor does not necessarily mean that one is also a competent superviso. In fact, being a skilled counseling practitioner is only one prerequisite for competence as a supervisor. It also requires specific training in the knowledge and skills involved in supervision. The Code of Ethics (ACA, 2014) states that "prior to offering clinical supervision services, counselors are trained in supervision methods and _______________"


The most blatant violations of supervisees' fair evaluation rights occur when a supervisee is given a negative final evaluation or is dismissed from an internship or job without having been given _________ that performance was inadequate along with reasonable opportunity to improve. What this means for supervisors is that they need to provide supervisees with ongoing feedback, periodic evaluation, and opportunities to correct their deficiencies. When evaluation is negative, the changes that the supervisee must make should be communicated in specific, behavioral terms. The Code of Ethics (ACA, 2014) contains some provisions to ensure that supervisee rights are protected when supervisors believe that supervisee limitations are impeding performance. Supervisors assist supervisees in securing remedial assistance when needed, seek consultation and document their decisions to dismiss or refer supervisees for assistance, and ensure that supervisees are aware of options available to them to address such decisions. Counselors who supervise sometimes create problems because they are uncomfortable with evaluation and avoid giving clear feedback to a supervisee about deficiencies they observe. Supervisees will then be justifiably upset and angry when they receive a negative final evaluation or when the supervisor declines to endorse them for licensure or another professional credential. Supervisors should provide formative as well as summative feedback to supervisees. Formative feedback is designed to help supervisees improve their skills, whereas _____________ feedback serves the purpose of evaluating the performance of supervisees. Evaluation must be ongoing, and formal evaluation sessions must be scheduled throughout the supervisory relationship. Feedback should be given both orally and in writing.

warning summarative

Just as counselor educators should not become counselors to their students, a supervisor should not establish a therapeutic relationship with a supervisee as a substitute for supervision. The Code of Ethics (ACA, 2014) states clearly that "supervisors do not provide counseling services to supervisees". There is a delicate balance to be maintained in the supervisory relationship. In your work as a practicum student or intern, your own unresolved personal issues occasionally may be triggered by a client, and this may interfere with your counseling effectiveness. You can expect your supervisor to help you identify what is occurring and to understand the issues involved. Your supervisor might even suggest that you seek counseling to help resolve the issues, but the focus of your supervisory sessions should remain on your ______ and should not become personal therapy sessions for you. There is clear consensus in the counseling profession regarding the impropriety of sexual dual relationships between supervisors and their supervisees. The Code of Ethics (ACA, 2014, §F.3.b.) states that sexual intimacies between supervisors and supervisees are unethical. Supervisors have a number of parties to whom they are directly and indirectly accountable. Although their primary responsibilities are to facilitate the growth of supervisees and to protect clients, they also have a larger scope of responsibility that includes parties who are indirectly involved.


A client initially comes into counseling worried that she might be bipolar like her mother and states several times that, "If I am bipolar, it will ruin my life!" The counselor assesses the client and administers a test that also assesses for bipolar. Both the counselor's assessment and the results show that the client is bipolar. Four weeks later, the client requests to see the results of her assessment. The counselor refuses to release the results telling the client the results were not conclusive. A)Veracity B)Autonomy C)Fidelity D)Nonmaleficence E) Justice An experienced career counselor works for a community agency that covers a broad range of services to clients. Two clients come in to see the counselor. The first client is a respected member of the community and is a department head in the local government. The second client is a part time employee at a factory who has had several arrests and is well known in the community for being intoxicated in public. Both clients come to the counselor wanting career counseling. The counselor recommends a full career assessment, that involves four separate career tests, for the first client. The counselor does not administer any career tests to the second client because she knows they are expensive, time consuming, and "a waste of time" for someone with an "addiction problem." A)Fidelity B)Justice C)Autonomy D)Veracity E) Nonmaleficence A counseling intern at a community agency has six new clients assigned to her caseload. Per her supervisor's instruction, the student schedules to see the clients one time a week for 55 minutes. The student also works a full-time job, is taking two additional courses, and is a single mother of two children under the age of five. In the first two months, the student cancelled around 30% of her client's appointments due to other obligations and a general sense of being overwhelmed. A)Justice B)Autonomy C)Beneficence D)Fidelity E) Veracity

A, B, D

A counselor at a community agency decides to start a group for women recovering from sexual abuse. On the first group meeting, the counselor hands out the informed consent form but rushes the members to sign the form without reviewing. The counselor reviews the benefits of group but worries reviewing risks will cause the members to feel anxious or frightened and drop out of group before they experience the benefits. She plans to review the risks on the third session. A)Veracity b)Autonomy C)Justice D)Beneficence E) Fidelity A master's level counseling student is feeling overwhelmed due to having a major paper. She has worked overtime for the past two weeks and her oldest child has a stomach virus, limiting the time she has to spend on researching and writing the paper. In a panic, she goes online and finds an online service that, for a small fee, will provide her sections of the paper, guaranteeing the information will not be detectable by any plagiarism program. She decides to use the service for the paper. A)Autonomy B)Veracity C)Justice D)Beneficence E) Fidelity Two clients have been referred to a counselor who only has one available spot. The counselor looks over the referral information of both clients. The first client has insurance that is known for paying promptly and without requiring detailed documentation. The second client has insurance as well. But his insurance is always slow at reimbursement for services and requires a detailed treatment plan and weekly phone consultations. The counselor decides to take the first client but tells the second client there is no available appointment time for at least 4 weeks. A)Autonomy b)Veracity C)Beneficence D)Autonomy E)Fidelity F)Justice

A, B, F

At their most fundamental level, codes of ethics serve to: A) protect and promote the welfare of the client. b)protect and promote the welfare of the counselor. C)protect and promote the welfare of the profession. D)protect and promote the welfare of the counselor's agency. E) protect and promote the welfare of the client's family unit. The personal values of counselors: A) have no place in the counseling session. B)should be completely altruistic. C) are influenced by their families of origin and their cultures, among other factors. D)are rooted in universal moral principles. E)should prevail over ethics when there is a conflict between the counselor's values and the client's behavior. While principle ethics asks the question "What should I do?," virtue ethics asks the question: A) "What would an ethical counselor do?" B)"What should counselors who want the follow the law do?" C)"Who should I be?" D)"Who am I?" E)"What does virtue mean?" When attempting to make an ethical decision, it is recommended that counselors take all of the following steps EXCEPT: A)tune into their feelings. b)involve the client in the decision-making process. C)consider the moral principles. D) consult with an attorney. E)identify desired outcomes. Counselors who function according to mandatory ethics: A)believe that employers should require specific behaviors of counselors they hire. B) believe that their duty is to comply with basic "must" and "must not" statements in codes of ethics, and nothing more. C)believe counselors should determine what is ethical based on the specific situations in which they find themselves. D)would favor ethical standards that use the word "should," instead of the word "must." E)would favor judging the actions of counselors based on the circumstances, rather than on strict rules.

A, C,C,D, B

The following six Principle Ethics (morals) are included in the Preamble to the ACA Code of Ethics: · Respect for __________: means to foster self-determination. According to this principle, counselors respect the rights of clients to choose their own directions, act in accordance with their beliefs, and control their own lives. Counselors work to decrease client dependency and foster independent decision making. · Nonmaleficence: means to avoid actions that cause harm. This principle, long established in the medical profession, obligates counselors to avoid actions that risk hurting clients, even inadvertently. · Beneficence: is the counterpoint to nonmaleficence. It could be argued that the obligation of ordinary citizens in our society ends with doing no harm to others, whereas professionals have a higher obligation to provide a service that benefits society. Thus, counselors actively work for the good of individuals and society by promoting the mental health and well-being of their clients. Justice: refers to the counselor's commitment to fairness in professional relationships and treating people equitably. Counselors' actions and decisions must be fair to all concerned. Justice demands equality, which has implications for nondiscrimination and equitable treatment of all clients. · __________ refers to fulfilling a responsibility of trust in the counseling relationship by honoring commitments and keeping promises. Counselors strive to be faithful to the promises they make, such as keeping clients' disclosures confidential. · Veracity: means truthfulness and addresses the counselor's obligation to deal honestly with clients and others with whom they relate professionally. Others that some writers considers: -respect for persons -self care -___________ (make up for a wrong) In theory, all of these principles have equal value and should be considered along with all the others when weighing an ethical decision. In reality, however, these principles can compete with one another, and counselors may need to sacrifice one in order to uphold another. For example, a counselor of a suicidal client may decide to intervene by notifying family members against the client's wishes (thus breaching confidentiality and sacrificing fidelity) or by seeking involuntary hospitalization (thus sacrificing client autonomy) in order to uphold the obligations to prevent harm and do good (nonmaleficence and beneficence).

Autonomy Fidelity reparation

When clients seek counseling related to issues such as abortion, assisted suicide, interracial marriage, premarital sex, or sexual identity, counselors: A)must accept such clients for counseling services even if these issues distress counselors on a personal level. B)must be able to rise above any personal feelings they have about such issues and have an obligation to assist all clients who come to them for services. C)must examine their own values regarding these issues to ensure they can provide counseling services without allowing their own beliefs to interfere. D)should immediately refer such clients to other counselors who specialize in counseling persons with those particular concerns. E)should accept such clients for counseling only if the counselor has experienced such issues in his or her personal life and has successfully resolved them. The court cases in Bruff and Walden demonstrated that: A)counselors with strong religious beliefs against abortion should refer clients who wish to explore whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. B)counselors who work in secular community agencies should not discuss religion with clients. C)counselors should carefully explain each possible exception to privacy before beginning the counseling relationship. D)counselors may be terminated from their employment if they take rigid positions regarding referring out LGBTQIQ clients. E)counselors can successfully claim that their Title VII of the Civil Rights Act have been violated if they refuse to counsel LGBTQIQ clients.

C, D

If a client refuses to see another counselor after you have given notice that you are withdrawing your services, it will be essential for you to document carefully and fully the notice you gave, your assistance with the referral process, and the time you gave the client to locate a new professional. To protect mental health professionals from being held accountable for abandonment of their clients, use the following guidelines for when terminating clients in adverse circumstances: · Honestly discuss with the client your intention to terminate and the specific reason for your decision. · Give the client an opportunity to make ______________ that would be necessary to continue the relationship. · Give written notice to the client that the relationship will be terminated. · Offer the client one to three termination sessions. · Give your client up to three good referrals. · Give your client places to contact in the event of emergencies. · Place a summary of your interactions with the client related to the termination issue in the client's file. Do not transfer that document to another individual or entity without an express written request from the client. · Give the client plenty of time to find another mental health professional. If more time is requested, allow it. · Transfer records to the new mental health professional promptly.


If a Southeast Asian client refuses to seek police assistance when he or she has been the victim of a crime, the counselor should: A)become an advocate and contact the police for the client. B)insist that the client seek police assistance despite his or her reluctance. C)explain to the client that police help people in the United States. D)understand that the client may have negative feelings toward police because of police oppression in his or her native country. E)contact a family member and tell the family member that it is very important that the police are notified of the crime so that others can be protected. Counselors who work with female clients should have an understanding of the high-prevalence problems and issues experienced by women, including each of the following EXCEPT: A)domestic violence. B)tendency to be passive-aggressive. C)sexual assault and harassment. D)body image and objectification. E)conflicts between work and family responsibilities.

D, B

Counselors who practice from a developmental perspective: A)focus on the physical development of their clients because physical development has a significant impact on the emotional well-being of clients. B)focus on the intellectual development of their clients because clients must be taught to understand themselves in order to function more effectively. C)see personal development as a difficult goal to attain and requires the help of counselors who understand the human condition. D)view most problems people encounter as natural and normal since all developmental stages of life bring challenges. E)believe that all stages of life traumatize clients and, thus, the counselor's role is to treat the trauma their clients have experienced. The most significant problem within the counseling profession today, according to the authors of the text, appears to be: A)receiving third party reimbursement. B)increasing salaries for master's level clinicians. C)becoming a united and societally-recognized profession. D)increasing the publication of experimental research studies. E)convincing legislators to make counseling services available to everyone for a reasonable charge. A core belief that members of the counseling profession hold concerning helping others with their mental health concerns is: A)it is important to identify the illness presented by clients. B)the goal is to help clients return to the level of functioning enjoyed before the illness occurred. C)remediation is the most appropriate means in dealing with emotional and personal problems. D)prevention and early intervention are the most appropriate means to deal with emotional and personal problems. E)in most cases, giving support is all that is necessary for people to resolve their personal crises. A fundamental tenet of the wellness model is that: A)traditionally, it has been espoused by members of all the helping professions (e.g., counselors, social workers, and psychologists), rather than by medical professionals. B)the primary goal is to alleviate suffering. C)people can transcend their environmental limitations. D)mental health exists along a continuum. E)scientific principles are applied to cure the client's identified mental illness. Counseling aims to help clients: A)become autonomous and no longer need other people in their lives. B)have a place to go that is comforting and supportive. C)learn to counsel themselves. D)have a person who can offer sound advice and solve their problems for them. E)be empowered to problem-solve independently.

D, C, D, D, E

According to Ridley, examples of unintentional racism included all of the following EXCEPT: A)avoiding the issue of cultural differences, by claiming to be color blind and treating all people as if they were alike. B)assuming that a client's problems are due to the client's cultural background. C)interpreting a lack of trust in the counselor due to the fact that the counselor is of a different race than the client. D)facilitating co-dependency relationships with ethnic clients out of a need to be accepted. E)misinterpreting a client's culturally-learned patterns of communicating or behaving. According to McIntosh, examples of White privilege include all of the following EXCEPT: A)being able to watch television and see people of the White race widely represented. B)seeing White people positively represented on television. C)knowing that if legal or medical help is needed, race will not work against the White person. D)growing up in a White middle or upper-class family environment. E)not needing to teach White children about systemic racism for their own daily protection.

D, D

Certain characteristics of virtuous agents (Virtue Ethics) have been suggested as appropriate for mental health professionals: · _________: Virtuous agents are motivated to do what is right because they believe it is right, not because they feel obligated or fear the consequences. They have stable moral values and are faithful to these values in their actions. · Discernment. Discerning counselors are able to perceive the ethically relevant aspects of a situation, know what principles apply, and take decisive action. Discernment involves a tolerance for ambiguity, the ability to maintain perspective, and an understanding of the links between current behaviors and future consequences. · Acceptance of emotion. Without discounting the value of logic and systematic deliberation about ethical issues, virtuous agents also recognize the role of emotion in ethical decisions. Rather than assume that emotion hinders reason, they believe that emotion informs reason. Virtuous counselors are compassionate and sensitive to the suffering of others. · Self-awareness. Virtuous agents know their own assumptions, beliefs, and biases and how these may affect their relationships and interactions with others. · Interdependence with the community. Virtuous agents realize that values cannot be espoused without awareness of context. They are connected with and understand the expectations and values of their communities.

Integrity Self Awareness

Both perspectives—a focus on principles and a focus on virtues—can contribute to your understanding of the basis for professional ethics Principle Ethics help you to systematically evaluate what you should do when trying to resolve an ethical dilemma. Virtue Ethics can help you examine your ideals and define the kind of person you aspire to be as a helping professional. Codes of Ethics: Most fundamentally, codes of ethics exist to protect and promote the welfare of clients. Some counselors practice __________ Ethics; that is, they function at a level of ethical reasoning that merely keeps them in compliance with minimal standards. By complying with these basic musts and must nots, they meet the letter but not the spirit of the ethical standards. Other counselors practice _____________Ethics, a term that describes the highest standards of conduct to which counselors can aspire. They understand the spirit behind the code and the moral principles on which it rests. They not only look outward to established standards, but also look inward and ask themselves whether what they are doing is best for their clients. Aspirational ethics, or positive ethics, means striving for the highest level of care for clients and is closely related to the concept of best practice.

Mandatory Aspirational

Put it into practice: Two helpful perspectives are Principle Ethics and Virtue Ethics. Even though these two approaches are quite different from one another, they are complementary. When integrated into a holistic framework for ethical decision making, they can serve as a bridge from philosophy to practice. ___________ Ethics have their foundation in moral principles, which are agreed-upon assumptions or beliefs about ideals that are shared by members of the helping professions. They are prima facie obligations that are always considered in ethical decision making. Virtue Ethics start from a premise very different from principle ethics. The basic assumption of Virtue Ethics is that professional ethics involve more than moral actions; they also involve traits of character or virtue. Virtue ethics focus on the actor rather than on the action. Principle Ethics ask "What should I do?"; Virtue Ethics asks "Who should I be?" Patterns of virtuous behavior are evident throughout the career of a professional, rather than being found in any particular action or decision.

Principle Virtue

The National ______________ Act of 1974 requires institutions that receive any federal funds to establish committees to review research proposals to ensure that human participants are protected. Universities and other research institutions have _______________ Review Boards (IRBs) or human subject protection committees that approve and oversee research involving human subjects. Often researchers offer to give participants feedback regarding the study after the research project has ended. The process of providing feedback is sometimes called _______________. The Code of Ethics addresses these practices in several ways. First, in publishing, counselors are familiar with and give recognition to previous work on a research topic and give full _________ to those who deserve it. Second, they must give credit through "joint authorship, acknowledgment, footnote statements, or other appropriate means to those who have contributed significantly" to their work, in accordance with such contributions (§G.5.d.). Third, guidelines exist for determining the ___________ and types of acknowledgment to be given when more than one person has contributed to research The primary ethical standard regarding the process of submitting work for publication has to do with duplicate submission. Counselors should submit their manuscripts for publication consideration to only one journal at a time. When counselors receive any payment for their services, they must report it for income tax purposes.

Research Institutional debriefing credit order

Legal Issues: Laws created by the federal, state, district, and possession governments cannot violate either federal or state constitutional principles. The United States has adopted English common law, which includes a set of societal principles that were not written into documents but have been accepted over time as obvious within U.S. society. An example of common law that is very important to counselors is the law of torts. _____ law relates to the principle that individuals will be held responsible for any harm they cause to other members of society. Malpractice is an area of tort law that holds professionals accountable for any harm they might cause to the public. The public relies on professionals to provide services in a manner that benefits them and does not harm them. Almost all areas of counselor practice are affected by law. A simple test to determine whether there is a legal issue involved in a situation you are facing is to review the situation to see if any of the following apply: (a) legal proceedings of some type have been initiated, (b) lawyers are on the scene in some capacity, or (c) you are vulnerable to having a complaint filed against you for misconduct. If you are providing professional counseling services and one or more of these three components exist, then you definitely are dealing with a legal issue. Sometimes, all you need to do with a legal situation is clarify the nature of a counselor's role with your client and refer the client to attorneys for legal advice. When you are dealing with a legal issue and you are unsure which course of action you should take, often you will need to consult a lawyer. It is the employees' responsibility to request legal advice when dealing with an issue that has legal implications beyond their ability to resolve. It is the obligation of employers to provide employees with the legal advice they need to perform their jobs appropriately.


Question 51 / 1 pts When involuntary clients are required to sign documents waiving their privacy before beginning counseling sessions, counselors should refuse to counsel these clients who have been forced into counseling. the client in these situations is the agency mandating the client into counseling, not the client himself or herself. counselors then have no responsibility to maintain the client's privacy. counselors should warn clients that they should never say anything in counseling sessions that may put them in a difficult situation with the person or agency that has mandated their counseling sessions. counselors should carefully explain to clients the limits of their privacy within the counseling relationship. Question 61 / 1 pts All of the situations below may lead to client dependency EXCEPT: managed care programs that limit the number of counseling sessions. the requirement in internship that counselors in training have a minimum number of client contact hours. the belief that a counselor is effective if the client returns for counseling sessions on a regular basis. a counselor has a strong need to be needed by others. it is less risky for clients to maintain close relationships with counselors than with others in their lives.


Question 71 / 1 pts It is ethically permissible for counselors to terminate a counseling relationship for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: the client does not pay the fees charged. it is clear the client is no longer benefitting from counseling. agency limits do not allow services to continue. insurance benefits for mental health care have been exhausted. the client experiences a crisis. Question 81 / 1 pts Because clients may have emergencies between counseling sessions, it is usually wise for counselors to: instruct clients to call a 24-hour mental health hotline number or report to a hospital emergency room. give clients their home cell phone number to text in cases of crises or emergency. supply clients with a voicemail number by which the counselor may be reached. avoid accepting clients for counseling who may have between session emergencies. explain to clients that any situation they are dealing with can be resolved at the next regularly scheduled counseling session.


The twenty-first century has been marked so far by a shift beyond awareness of societal inequities to an emphasis on social justice and _________. Multiculturalism, social justice, and advocacy are complementary but distinct concepts that work together interdependently. -Social justice has been defined as a ____________ to promoting access and equity with the aim of empowering and ensuring full participation of all people in a society, especially those who have been marginalized and systematically excluded on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, age, ability status, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or other characteristic of group membership. -Advocacy translates that commitment into _______. When issues of power, privilege, and discrimination arise, counselors are called on to address client issues at successively broader levels. Counselors as advocates are able to intervene to improve the social context that affects clients' lives as well as the lives of individual clients. Counselors are exploring new ways to address social justice in their counseling services. For example, Washington (2018) has offered an innovative approach to social justice counseling with Black males that integrates rap music and Hip Hop culture. *Multiculturally competent counselors need to be aware of their own values, biases, and assumptions about human behavior. They also need to be knowledgeable about the cultural values, biases, and assumptions of the diverse groups of clients with whom they work. Third, they must develop culturally appropriate intervention strategies for assisting these diverse clients

advocacy commitment action

Once counselors have disclosed their legal questions to their immediate supervisors and have received a response either from the supervisor or an attorney advising them as to the proper course of action, counselors must follow that advice. Throughout the workday, counselors often have to exercise their professional judgment in difficult areas. They are held accountable for making sound and reasonable professional decisions, given the information they have available when they make such judgments When counselors face issues that require them to exercise their clinical judgment, particularly where there are no clear right or wrong responses, it is essential to consult with colleagues to the extent possible. By consulting with others, counselors can prove later that they indeed met the standard of care by doing what other, presumably reasonable, counselors advised or agreed on. If experts are available for consultation, it is wise to talk with them as well. Experts might include former university professors, counselors who are known for their expertise in a particular area, or counselors with extensive clinical experience. Because of this uncertainty, it is essential that counselors maintain current personal professional liability insurance policy at all times.


The ACA Code of Ethics addresses role changes in the professional relationship. When counselors change from an evaluative role to a therapeutic role, or vice versa, they must obtain the client's informed ___________ for the change and explain the client's right to refuse services related to the change. Counselors must be particularly sensitive to the rights of reluctant, involuntary, or mandated clients. It is essential that counselors fully disclose to such clients any privacy rights that clients are waiving as they enter into such arrangements.


When counselors project their emotions onto a client and the counselors' own needs become entangled in the therapeutic relationship, this phenomenon is sometimes referred to as ___________________. Countertransference can benefit a counseling relationship if counselors are aware of and can monitor their internal reactions to a client and how those reactions are influencing the counseling process, but countertransference becomes problematic when counselors lack self-awareness and lose their objectivity. What is important to remember is that sound ethical practice requires counselors to pay attention to their emotional reactions to clients and seek consultation or supervision when these emotional reactions are interfering with their work in the room.


Competence: Our own understanding of multiculturalism is based on the premise that all counseling is _________________. We define culture broadly to include numerous cultural variables, including characteristics into which people are born or which are visible, such as race or ethnicity, social class, gender, age, and disability status. Culture also encompasses characteristics that may not be ________, such as educational attainment, geographic origin, marital status, language, religion, and citizenship status. As advocates, counselors have an ethical responsibility to confront the -isms of prejudice and discrimination at the individual, group, and _________levels.

cross-cultural visible societal

Counselors have a number of responsibilities related to safeguarding client welfare. These responsibilities begin when a counseling relationship is entered and extend through termination of the relationship. -remain aware of their own needs and motivations when they are working with clients. -be aware of and able to bracket or set aside their personal values. - work to safeguard client welfare when they avoid fostering ______________ relationships, use appropriate counseling techniques, and manage any interruptions that might occur in the counseling process. - terminate counseling relationships in an appropriate manner, without abandoning clients who need continued services. -Mandated or involuntary clients have certain rights that counselors need to safeguard as well.


Individuals who have a strong professional identity can easily explain the philosophy that underlies the activities of their professional group, describe the services that their profession renders to the public, describe the training programs that prepare them to practice their profession, explain their qualifications and the credentials they possess, and articulate the similarities and differences between members of their own profession and other similar groups. In addition, those with a strong professional identity feel a significant pride in being a member of their profession and can communicate this special sense of belonging to those with whom they interact. This agreed-upon definition, which can be found on the American Counseling Association (2018a) website, is "Counseling is a professional relationship that empowers ______ individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, ________, education, and career goals."

diverse, wellness

Counseling Services that we provide: The key to a strong professional identity is the philosophy underlying the services, not the services being rendered. The basic service that counselors provide is counseling—for individuals, couples, families, and groups. All other mental health professionals counsel patients and clients, too. A major difference between counselors and other mental health professionals who counsel is that counseling is the primary professional service that counselors provide. In conjunction with counseling, counselors also perform a number of other professional services. These services include assessment, teaching, diagnosis, case management, and advocacy The profession of counseling has its foundations in pedagogy (teaching a philosophy/skill) and psychology, particularly in counseling psychology and human growth and development. The reality is that the counseling process is _______________ in nature, and although counselors do not educate in formal classrooms like traditional teachers do, counselors do educate their clients. The counseling profession created the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) to set national standards for the preparation of master's- and doctoral-level counselors. CACREP was begun during the 1960s under the leadership of Robert O. Stripling, a counselor educator at the University of Florida. In 2018, ________ was the first state to require that those licensed as counselors hold CACREP-accredited master's degrees. The two national certification agencies of the counseling profession are the National Board for ____________ Counselors and the Commission on __________________ Counselor Certification. National certification is voluntary in that there is no governmental requirement that a counselor be certified for private practice. Even though a counselor may be required to be licensed in a state to practice counseling, there is no legal need for that same counselor to be certified by NBCC or CRCC. Counselors choose to become nationally certified to demonstrate they have met the highest national standards developed by their profession. To become an NCC, a counselor must complete a master's degree in counseling, have 2 years of post-master's experience, and pass the National Counselor Examination. The 2 years of post-master's experience is waived for graduates of CACREP-accredited programs. Every profession has national voluntary certification of specialists within that profession. NBCC has created specialty certification for the counseling profession. According to the ACA Code of Ethics (2014), counselors must claim or imply only professional qualifications actually completed and correct any known misrepresentations of their qualifications by others. They must clearly distinguish between paid and volunteer work experience and accurately describe their continuing education and specialized training Basically, advertising must be accurate and must not be false, misleading, deceptive, or fraudulent. When you become aware of any misrepresentation of your credentials that might be made by others, you are responsible for making reasonable efforts to correct the misinformation.

educational Ohio Certified Rehabilitation

In the early years of the development of the counseling profession, the impact of cultural diversity was virtually ignored. Wrenn (1962) was one of the first counseling professionals to draw attention to this issue when he introduced the term "culturally _____________ counselor". As Wrenn explained, culturally encapsulated counselors define reality according to one set of cultural assumptions and thus fail to evaluate other viewpoints, becoming locked into stereotypical thinking. During the 1960s, the civil rights and women's movements increased societal awareness of equity issues, and counselors began to recognize that cultural issues that had been ignored in society had also been ignored in counseling. Most recently, the AMCD developed the Multicultural and Social Justice ___________ (AMCD, 2015), which have been endorsed by ACA.

encapsulated Competencies

An ACA Code of Ethics provision that applies to counseling involuntary or mandated clients states that counselors are accurate, honest, and objective in reporting their professional activities and judgments to third parties, including courts or those who receive evaluation reports. We believe that counseling and _______________ are two separate processes and that counselors who counsel individuals should refuse to evaluate those same clients. Reporting on counseling attendance and progress toward reaching counseling goals set by clients is different from evaluating clients for issues such as fitness for parenting, ability to work after an injury, or a mental condition.


Premature termination: According to the ACA Code of Ethics, it is ethically permissible for counselors to terminate counseling relationships in the following circumstances: · It is apparent that the client no longer needs assistance, is not likely to benefit, or is being harmed by continued counseling. · Clients do not pay the _____ as agreed upon. · The counselor is in jeopardy of being harmed by the client or someone with whom the client has a relationship.


Counselors have what is known in law as ___________ relationships with their clients. A fiduciary relationship means that the counselor promises to act in the best interests of the client, and the client accepts that trust. The duties of fiduciaries are so strong that any transaction between a fiduciary and the recipient of services is presumed to be fraudulent and void if the fiduciary benefits from it.


The fourth belief that counselors share regarding the helping process is that the goal of counseling is to empower clients to problem-solve ______________. Through teaching clients appropriate problem-solving strategies and increasing their self-understanding, counselors hope that clients will not need assistance in living their lives in the future. Realizing that individuals often need only ___________ help, counselors also try to communicate to clients that asking for and receiving help is not a sign of mental or emotional weakness but, instead, is often a healthy response to life's problems Rather, counselors communicate the belief that clients are capable of developing the skills they need for independent living and wellness.

independently transitory

Skills: The third component of ethical multicultural practice is culturally appropriate skills and ___________ strategies for counseling diverse clients. To develop these skills, you must recognize that interventions that are effective when working with the dominant culture may not be effective or appropriate when working with clients who are not White, Euro-American, and middle class. It is also crucial to realize that many of the traditional approaches to counseling that focus on the internal dynamics of the individual client may not be as useful to clients whose problems originate in societal oppression, discrimination, and marginalization. To serve these clients effectively, you will need to develop a repertoire of helping strategies that consider not only the individual client but also the larger social systems in which the client functions. This will be equally vital for you to develop skills in performing alternative roles such as client __________, consultant, social change agent, and liaison with existing support systems in the client's community

intervention advocate

Professional Writing: counselors do this all time (session notes, etc) -academic integrity (plagiarism) -Conducing Research: Research roles: The first is the principal __________, who conceptualizes, designs, and plans the study. If the principal investigator carries out the research alone, of course, the ethical and legal responsibilities fall to this one individual. The Code of Ethics (ACA, 2014) specifies that the ultimate responsibility for ethical research practice lies with the principal researcher. More often, though, the principal investigator has one or more persons who assist in the data collection, statistical analysis, or other components of the research study. In these instances, a second role is that of Research Assistant. In academia, students often play this role when they assist their professors with research. When this is the case, both the principal investigator and the research assistant(s) are responsible for proper behavior, but the principal investigator, as the supervisor, has the ultimate responsibility for any breaches of ethics or law that might occur. A third role is that of research ___________. This person advises and oversees the research of someone else. In an academic setting, this typically would be a professor who supervises the doctoral dissertation or master's thesis research of a student.

investigator supervisor

Members of the counseling profession share certain professional values: enhancing human development across the __________, honoring ________ and embracing a multicultural approach, promoting social ________, safeguarding the ________ of the counselor client relationships, and practicing competently and ____________.

lifespan, diversity, justice, integrity, ethically.

The first belief that counselors share is that the wellness model of mental health is the best perspective for helping people resolve their personal and emotional issues and problems. Myers, Sweeney, and Witmer (2000) developed a comprehensive model of wellness specific to counseling. Historically, the primary model used by other mental health professionals in the United States to address emotional problems was the __________ or illness model, an approach created by physicians in caring for persons with physical illnesses. In the medical model, the helper identifies the illness presented by the person asking for assistance. The diagnosis of the illness is always the first step in helping. This perspective assumes that the client is diminished in some significant way. The goal of the professional helper is to return the help seeker to the level of functioning enjoyed before the illness occurred. Once the illness has been isolated, the helper applies scientific principles in curing the illness. If the helper is successful and the illness is cured, the client then goes on about life. If another illness negatively affects the client's well-being, the client returns to the helper to be cured again.


Morals: customs or ________ in society, varies from culture to culture and person to person. Moral behavior is based on ________. Moral conduct: personal belief ________ and how this affects interactions with others. Values: these guide our ______ and behavior, & are influenced by upbringing, culture, and religious beliefs. Values create Morals which guides Moral Conduct

norms values system choices

· There is some evidence to suggest that when counselors are ethically or linguistically different from their clients, clients are more likely to terminate ______________. · Thus, it is important that you self-monitor to discern whether the clients who are discontinuing counseling with you are those who are culturally different from you. If you see such a pattern, this is a signal that you must work to increase your cross-cultural counseling skills


The confusion around the title and function of a professional counselor is because the profession of counseling is a young profession currently in the process of defining its' role among a variety of mental health professions. This is part of the confusion that surrounds titles, educational requirements, licensure laws, and more. Recognizing the confusion, in 2005 the ACA made it a priority to begin the long, arduous task of defining the profession and unifying it under one title, set of educational requirements and licensure laws As the definition of Counseling emphasizes, the focus of counseling centers more on wellness than on psychopathology and _____________ rather than intervention. The American Counseling Association (2014) took the additional step of closing the back door of referring clients due to value differences: "Counselors refrain from referring prospective and current clients based solely on the counselor's personally held values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Counselors respect the diversity of clients and seek training in areas in which they are at risk of imposing their values onto clients, especially when the counselor's values are inconsistent with the client's goals or are discriminatory in nature" (A.11.b). Being backed into what can feel like a corner, beginning Christian counselors often remark to me that the solution is for the Christian counselor to work in a "Christian" setting. Though this might seem like a viable solution, I have found this does not work. Having worked in Christian settings myself, it has been my experience that one finds the same value differences in the Christian setting as the secular. _______________ occurs when the professional counselor lays aside her own values in respect for the client's right to make his own choices. It begins with the counselor being aware that her own values are being triggered but purposefully puts personal values aside to work collaboratively with the client, not counselor, defined goals

prevention Bracketing

A third philosophical assumption of counselors is our preference for ________ rather than remediation of mental and emotional problems. When prevention is impossible, counselors strive toward early intervention instead of waiting until a problem has reached serious proportions. A primary tool that counselors use to prevent emotional and mental problems is _________. Counselors often practice their profession in the role of teacher, using psychoeducation as a tool. When the time for prevention has already passed and a client is experiencing personal or emotional problems, counselors prefer seeing clients early in the process. Counselors believe that counseling is for everyone, not just for individuals who have mental illnesses or emotional disorders. By providing services to individuals when they begin to experience potentially distressing events in their lives, counselors hope to intervene early and thereby prevent problems from escalating.

prevention education

In the preamble of the 2014 code of ethics, the ACA identifies 6 core _________ that serve the purpose of guiding the licensed professional counselor in ethical decision-making. Not only do these principles guide counselors in navigating ethical dilemmas, at a more fundamental level, the principles are the basis for competent and compassionate care: Autonomy, or fostering the right to control the direction of one's life; Nonmaleficence, or avoiding actions that cause harm; Beneficence, or working for the good of the individual and society by promoting mental health and well-being; Justice, or treating individuals equitably and fostering fairness and equality; Fidelity, or honoring commitments and keeping promises, including fulfilling one's responsibilities of trust in professional relationships; and Veracity, or dealing truthfully with individuals with whom counselors come into professional contact


Ethical decision Making: Although no particular decision-making model has been shown to be universally effective or applicable, many models do exist, and we briefly review them here for your consideration. 1. Identify and define the _________. (ethical, legal or clinical?) 2. Involve the ________ in the decision making process. 3. Review relevant codes of ethics and the professional literature. 4. Consider the principles and virtues (rank in priority in terms of who I want to be) 5. Tune into your __________ (to what extent am I being influenced by fear, self doubt, etc?) 6. Consult with colleagues or _________. (poor ethical decision making often stems from our inability to view a situation objectively) 7. Consider the ________ (differing worldviews?) 8. Identify desired outcomes and consider possible actions to achieve the outcomes 9. Choose and act on your choice.

problem client feelings experts

Origins of the Profession: Eventually, changes within counseling ___________, the school counseling ____________, and federal funding of ___________ rehabilitation counseling led to the emergence of the new profession of counseling. The counseling profession basically shares its history with the emergence of counseling psychology as a specialty within the psychology profession. Early leaders in the specialty of counseling psychology distinguished themselves from other psychologists by declaring that they were interested in the normal, healthy development of human beings rather than in illness and psychopathology. In counseling psychology, the focus was on developmental stages in people's lives and career concerns. World War I and the work of Frank Parsons on career classifications provided the impetus for the development of counseling psychology as a separate specialty within psychology. Parsons created a concept in the United States that citizens should be assisted in selecting careers that would be rewarding and matched to their abilities and interests. When graduates of master's-degree programs in clinical or counseling psychology become counselors through the process of state counselor licensure, the professional identities of both psychologists and counselors become blurred, and the public becomes more confused about the differences between the two professions. In addition, a few licensure boards have adopted rules in the last few years that do not recognize master's degrees in psychology as acceptable for licensure as professional counselors.

psychology, movement, vocational

God invites us, not forces us, into relationship with Himself. Luke 15: In ancient culture, for a son to ask for his inheritance before his father's death was considered immensely disrespectful. Yet, in the telling of this story, Jesus message is clear—the Father bears both his son's disrespect and his impeding disastrous decision. The son's foolish decision leads down the road toward destruction until the son finds himself financially, emotionally, and morally bankrupt. The father's willingness to allow his son to make his own choices was about love. The apostle Paul reminds us that, "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things" (I Corinthian 13:7). From the depths of love, the father bears the burden of allowing his son to exercise autonomy, while simultaneously holding hope for his son's redemption. As a Christian professional counselor, I, too, hold _________ for client's choices in one hand, and _______ in the redemptive power of God in the other. My hope, like the father of the prodigal son, is that God is bigger than all of our worst decisions and can use any disaster for our growth and redemption.

respect, hope

The ACA Code of Ethics requires counselors to use techniques, procedures, and modalities that are grounded in theory and/or have an empirical or _____________ foundation. If you use any techniques that could be considered experimental or unusual, you should do so very cautiously. The client should be informed of any potential risks and benefits and should consent to your use of such techniques. Before attempting them, you should be sure that you are adequately trained and have a sound clinical rationale for their use. Counselors are not to use techniques, procedures, or modalities when substantial evidence suggests harm, even if clients request those techniques. Counselors who espouse traditional counseling theories and their associated techniques must be aware that these approaches have limited applicability in working with culturally ____________ clients.

scientific diverse

Values and Values Conflicts: The primary ethical _________ related to counselor values is §A.4.b. of the ACA Code of Ethics (ACA, 2014), which requires counselors to be aware of—and avoid imposing—their own values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors on clients. The value conflict that has been at the heart of the controversy has occurred when some conservative Christian counselors and counselors-in-training have refused to counsel LGBTQQI clients because these counselors hold the religious belief that non-heterosexual relationships are a sin and must not be condoned through gay-affirmative counseling. In two court cases, counseling practitioners were terminated from their employment, and in two other cases counseling students were dismissed from their training programs after they refused to counsel LGBTQQI clients regarding same-sex relationships. The issue raised by the students in these two lawsuits has not been confined to the courts; it has been introduced into the legislative arena as well. Legislation that allows mental health professionals to refuse to provide services to LGBTQQI clients based on the professionals' religious or personal beliefs is referred to as conscience clause legislation in certain states. As these students progress through their training programs, they will learn how to set aside or bracket their personal values within the counseling relationship. It is important that these students understand that they are not being asked to change their religious beliefs, only to refrain from bringing these beliefs into their work with clients. Counseling students are expected to embrace the professional values shared by counselors, and to set aside their personal values in keeping with the duty to put client welfare first and foremost. Finally, §A.11.a. states clearly that counselors do not refer clients or prospective clients based solely on the counselor's personally held beliefs or values. When you work with clients who want to consider end-of-life options, it is essential that you do not impose your own beliefs and values, even inadvertently, about such issues as living and dying, quality of life, or religion or spirituality.


American Counseling Association The American Counseling Association (ACA, 2018) has many divisions and ______ branches that represent the counseling profession and serve counselors in various ways. You should join ACA when you begin your graduate degree program in counseling and maintain active membership throughout your career as a counselor. Students receive discounted membership. All members, including students, receive a subscription to the counseling professional journal, the Journal of Counseling & Development. In addition, members receive a monthly magazine and bulletins, which include current political and professional news related to counseling as well as announcements of professional development opportunities, job openings, and advertisements for professional products. Other benefits of membership include the ability to purchase professional liability insurance policies, reduced registration fees for the national convention and national workshops, and discounted prices for texts and media products published by ACA. Professional liability insurance is free to student members of ACA. Another Group: national counseling scholarship honorary, Chi Sigma Iota, Currently, ACA has _____ divisions. There are two types of divisions within ACA, and all divisions are subgroups of ACA. One type of division has as members counselors who practice in various employment settings, such as colleges, rehabilitation agencies, or mental health centers. The other type of division has as members counselors who have special interests within counseling such as group counseling, multicultural counseling, or marriage and family counseling. (multiple divisions)

state 19

Current issues related to professional identity: Probably the most significant problem that the counseling profession faces today is determining whether the profession will develop a strong identity as one _________ profession with a common philosophical foundation and knowledge base, or whether the specialties will emerge as the dominant force within counseling Historically, some specialty groups in counseling (school counselors, college counselors, career counselors, and counselor educators) came together to form the first professional association, which they named the American Personnel and Guidance Association (APGA) in 1952. The name was later changed to the American ______________ for Counseling and Development (AACD) and is now the American Counseling Association (ACA). An unfortunate event occurred during the history of the association when, at some point, the divisions within ACA were incorporated as separate legal structures. This makes ACA appear to be a federation, or a group of groups, rather than one unified organization with subgroups of specialties. Legal and Political issues: Two areas in which counselors have been challenged by psychologists and other mental health professionals are testing and the ____________. and treatment of mental and emotional disorders. Some psychologists and social workers claim that they are adequately prepared to perform these professional services and that counselors are not. other issues: -job titles -third party reimbursement HMOs, PPOs, and health insurance companies can voluntarily acknowledge counselors as qualified mental health care providers, and most do. This type of legislation, called freedom of choice legislation, requires health care providers to give access to licensed counselors for mental health care if they give access to other mental health care providers such as psychologists or social workers.

united Association diagnosis

Self Awareness: A starting point for you in developing cultural self-awareness is to learn how your own cultural and racial identities have an impact on your __________ and beliefs about the counseling process. Although it may be uncomfortable, you must engage in self-reflection and acknowledge your own biases and assumptions. White privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets on which White people can rely and about which they are intended to remain oblivious. In addition to developing cultural self-awareness, you must also seek out __________ that will enhance your understanding of clients who are culturally different from you. Experiential learning can be powerful. As you begin to practice, the most important resource for your continued learning will be your ________. They are the most expert source of knowledge about their own cultural values, beliefs, customs, and behaviors, and they are often willing to teach their counselors.

values knowledge clients

Basically, counselors share the following four beliefs regarding helping others with their mental health concerns: 1. The best perspective for assisting individuals in resolving their emotional and personal issues and problems is the __________ model of mental health. 2. Most of the issues and problems that individuals face in life are ______________ in nature, and understanding the dynamics of human growth and development is essential to success as a helper. 3. ________________ and early intervention are far superior to remediation in dealing with personal and emotional problems. 4. The goal of counseling is to empower individual clients and client systems to resolve their own problems ________________ of mental health professionals and to teach them to identify and resolve problems autonomously in the future.

wellness developmental Prevention independently

-Many questions are _________and depend on the situation. Not black and white. -We are either contributing to the welfare and good and wellbeing or we are not.


We are NOT to refer based on ________ conflicts. We are to adhere to not only the laws, but ethical codes of the ACA and our state.


__________________ can be considered a form of inappropriate termination and can occur when the client's counseling needs are not adequately addressed by the counselor, either when treatment ends or during the course of treatment due to counselor unavailability. Once a counseling relationship has been established, the counselor cannot arbitrarily end it if the client will be put at risk as a result. Terminating during a client crisis or emergency could put the client at risk and could cause ethical and legal difficulties for the counselor.


The requirement that universities establish committees to review research proposals to ensure that human participants are protected is: A)a state law in all states. B)required by the U.S. Constitution. C)voluntarily adhered to throughout the United States. D)a federal law that carries with it the penalty of loss of federal funds if violated. E)a federal law that makes it a crime to do otherwise.


legal difficulties can occur as a result of these no-closure ____________________, and they advise counselors to document carefully and send a letter to the client indicating that the client's apparent decision to terminate has been accepted.


Informed Consent: By communicating the client's role in making treatment decisions, informed consent can increase the client's sense of ownership over the process, establish that the counselor and client are partners working toward common goals, and reduce the client's _____________ by demystifying the counseling process. This document is usually required by law.


-autonomy is a highly individualized concept. May not be appropriate for clients whose choices are made in a system or family context. Many cultures are ______________ rather than individualistic. -if a mandated client refuses services, we need to document it and try to explain the potential consequences of such refusal.


ACA Recommendations for Informed _____________ components: -purpose and goals (cannot guarantee) -voluntary or involuntary? -techniques and procedures (theoretical orientation) -limitations, potential risks, and benefits of services -counselor's qualifications, credentials, and relevant experience (supervisor?) -continuation of services upon incapacitation or death of counselor -implications of diagnosis -intended use of tests -fees and billing arrangements (cancellation policy) -disputes/complaints resolution protocol, and their right to file complaint. -mental health emergency? -policy regarding social media (FB, email, text?) -confidentiality and limitations (between couples?) -information on records (handling, by HIPPA) -right to participate in counseling plans and right to refusal *consult your state rules and regulations to know the minimum required for this consent.


Before students agree to serve as research assistants, counselor educators should discuss and provide: A)assurance that those who decline to participate will not be penalized. B)a clarification of expectations regarding who will do which parts of the work. C)an agreement regarding the type of acknowledgment students will receive when the research is published. D)a time-line to complete the various tasks. E) all of the above. University committees that review research proposals to ensure that human participants are protected are called: A)bursars. B)adjunct committees C)institutional review boards. D)promotion and tenure committees. E)research councils.

E, C

_______: agreed upon rules of society that set forth the basic principles for living together as a group. -Laws dictate the ___________ standards of behavior that a society will tolerate, whereas ethics pertain to a wider range of functioning.

Laws minimum

_____________ is related to the concept of best practice (motivational goals to aspire to, or the very best a counselor could be expected to do). Ethical standards are enforceable. There are few absolute, right _________ to ethical, legal, or best practice questions.

Professionalism answers

Ethical standards of counseling practice should be interpreted in a __________ manner, taking into account the uniqueness of the client, situation, and any cultural variables that are involved. Utilitarianism versus Deontology: consequential versus nonconsequential ethics. Utilitarian thought, represented by thinkers such as John Stuart _____, argues that people should choose the act that will do the _______ good for the greatest number. In other words, an act is evaluated by its consequences. By contrast, deontologists, represented by the thinking of Immanuel _____, believe that an action is justified by its being inherently ______, not by its consequences. Another way to state this idea is that what makes an action right is the principle that guides it.

Relativistic Mill, greatest Kant, right

The Slippery Slope Phenomenon: term used by moral philosophers to describe what happens when one begins to compromise ones principles- it becomes easier and easier to slide down the slope.


________ is the cornerstone on which the counseling relationship is built. Client welfare comes first, and this is the first ethical std of the Code of ethics. Standard A.1.a. states that the "primary responsibility of counselors is to respect the dignity and to promote the _________ of clients" There are very few exceptions to this principle, and exceptions occur only in rare circumstances when the good of others in society outweighs what might appear to be best for a particular client.

Trust welfare

Autonomy: Autonomy refers to the counselor's respect of client ________. Autonomy means clients have the right to decide their own fate about all aspects of life whether I as a counselor approve or disapprove of that decision. Autonomy is what God exercised when He allowed Adam and Eve to make a decision that had both immediate and long-term, permanent consequences. The relationship that God desires of us is not one of obligation and duty. He has since our creation allowed us to be creatures with some sort of autonomy. He desires relationship with us, but never forces Himself upon us. Our choice is clear in many passages from the Bible where God invites us, not forces us, into relationship with Himself.


From both an ethical and a legal perspective, counselors must be careful to protect the best interests of _________ when services have to be interrupted or are prematurely terminated. Counselors must plan ahead for emergency absences by developing procedures to safeguard their clients' welfare. The ACA Code of Ethics requires counselors to make appropriate arrangements for the continuation of treatment during interruptions caused by vacations or illnesses and, when necessary, following termination.


Many evangelical Christians feel responsible to fulfill the command of Christ: Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:18-19). For many evangelicals, this mandate infers that making disciples must exhibit itself as a purposeful, _______ approach in verbally presenting the Gospel at all opportunities. For this population to not take such a direct approach often feels like disobedience to God and a personal failure of faith.


Research design: The ethical issues discussed thus far apply to quantitative research, which was once the predominant method of conducting research in the social sciences. A relatively recent development in counseling research is the burgeoning of qualitative research. Unlike quantitative research—which uses statistics to control, explain, and predict—qualitative research uses words to create rich descriptions to understand the _____________ of people who have lived a particular phenomenon. Qualitative research is particularly well suited to the counseling field, as it acknowledges the diversity of experience and honors "both empirical data and the power of personal narrative". In qualitative research, efforts are made to ensure that those who read research reports trust those who have reported qualitative research projects they have conducted. In qualitative research, trustworthiness is established by researchers taking a number of steps to prove they have integrity. Counseling practices based on Western theories or treatment modalities may be culturally inappropriate for some members of minority groups. The ACA ethical standards (ACA, 2014) remind counselors who conduct research that they are responsible for the participants' welfare and should "take reasonable precautions to avoid causing injurious psychological, emotional, physical, or social effects" to the participants. Three ways to minimize risks to participants are to (a) ensure that participation is __________, (b) secure participants' informed ________, and (c) protect the confidentiality of participants. The ACA (2014) ethical standards go into great detail regarding what informed consent for research should entail (§G.2.a.). Participants have a right to receive a full explanation of the following, in language that they understand: · The purpose of the research and procedures to be followed (Researchers must explain to participants what they will be expected to do and how long it will take.) · Any procedures that are experimental or relatively untried · Discomforts and risks involved, and the power differential that exists between researchers and participants · Benefits or changes in individuals or organizations that might be expected (There are many possible benefits, but basically, they can be considered to be external, such as money, or internal, such as learning something new or making a contribution to science.) · Appropriate alternative procedures that might be advantageous for participants · Their right to have their questions answered regarding the procedures · Any limitations on confidentiality (For example, if a participant showed signs of suicidal ideation, confidentiality concerns would be secondary to concerns for ensuring the person's safety.) · The format and target audiences for dissemination of the research findings · Their freedom to withdraw their consent and discontinue their participation at any time, without penalty Deception is a more difficult matter. Researchers should be cautious about deliberately misinforming participants about the purpose of the study. The third consideration in minimizing risks to research participants is confidentiality. Information obtained about research participants during the course of a study must be kept confidential.


if counselors ______ self-awareness of their unfinished business, areas of vulnerability, and defenses, there is a risk that they will inadvertently be working on their own issues in the counseling relationship rather than the client's issues. This is particularly true when the client's problems or issues are similar to the unresolved issues of the counselor.


A firm grounding in the area of professional orientation includes 3 main components: -developing a professional identity -learning about ethics and -learning about the ____ as it applies to counseling *Developing a professional identity as a counselor: understanding the history, knowing the professional roles, learning about becoming involved, gaining awareness of credentials, knowing how to advocate for your clients, and developing _____ in your profession.

law pride

When counselors are unable to be of continued assistance to clients or decide to end the relationship over the client's objection, counselors must give adequate notice and give the client time to secure another mental health care ____________. In addition, counselors should suggest an appropriate referral and do all they can to facilitate a smooth transition to the new mental health professional.


Learning about ethics: becoming familiar with ethical standards, understanding ethical issues, developing ethical reasoning and decision making ________.


In the ___________ model, the goal is for each person to achieve positive mental health to the degree possible. From a wellness perspective, mental health is seen as occurring on a continuum. At one end of the scale are individuals who are very mentally healthy. Maslow (1968) described people who are fully functioning mentally and emotionally as self-_____________. At the other extreme are persons who are dysfunctional because of mental problems. In addition to this general continuum of mental health, the wellness orientation also views mental health as including a number of scales of mental and emotional functioning. These scales represent an individual's mental and emotional wellness in important areas of living. Counselors assess a client's functioning in each of these areas to determine where attention within counseling might best be focused to increase wellness. These areas include family relationships, friendships, other relationships (work, community, church, etc.), career/job, spirituality, leisure activities, physical health, living environment, financial status, and sexuality. Counselors assess clients' current life situations and help determine which factors are interfering with the goal of reaching their maximum potential. Perhaps the primary differences between the two are in the _________ of the professional toward the client and the focus of the professional's clinical attention. Counselors see the client as having both the potential and the desire for autonomy and success in living rather than having an illness that needs to be remediated. In addition, the goal of counseling is to help the person accomplish wellness rather than cure an illness. Counselors believe that most of the problems people encounter are developmental in nature and therefore are natural and normal. By studying the developmental stages in life and understanding tasks that all individuals face during their lives, counselors can put many problems that clients experience into a perspective that views these problems as natural and normal. Even problems viewed as psychopathological by other mental health professionals, such as severe depression, substance addiction, or debilitating anxiety, could be seen as transitory issues that often plague people and that must be dealt with effectively if individuals are to continue living in a successful fashion.

wellness, actualizing

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