CP History Exam Pt 1

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A complex molecule containing the genetic information that makes up the chromosomes.


A human and other creatures that walk upright


A trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock.

20,000; Hunting-gathering

About how many years ago did temperatures decrease, and during which stage did this occur?


Closest extinct human relative. Fossils found in Neander Valley Germany. Lived in Europe, Asia, Middle East.

All of them walked upright. From one hominid group to the next, the brain size increased and they became more advanced and skilled. The earliest hominids were found in East Africa. The later hominids were found in Europe.

Compare and Contrast: How were the different hominid groups similar and different?

cutural diffusion

the spreading of ideas or products from one culture to another


the study and writing of history with an emphasis on the careful examination of information or data, often from the analysis of evidence

Re, the sun god, and Osiris, god of the dead. The most important goddess was Isis, who represented the ideal mother and wife.

Egyptians were polythesitc. List some of the important Egyptian gods.


the taming of animals for human use, such as work or as food

he thought that a uniform code of laws would help to unify the diverse groups within his empire.

Why did Hammurabi want to create a code?

due to movement of the tectonic plates

Why do scientists think that the Indus Valley settlements ended?

Historiography changes over time because new discoveries are being made each year which tell us more about the past. Therefore, this adds and/or alters history.

Why does historiography change over time?


Women would scatter parts of plants near a regular campsite And when they came back the next year crops were growing. This was the beginning of ____________

Homo erectus

______________ people used intelligence to develop technology—ways of applying knowledge, tools, and inventions to meet their needs.


History is constantly being _____________.

Homo sapiens

Homo erectus developed into


Homo erectus was the first to use _________


Homo sapiens had much larger __________ than homo erectus

3 THINGS TO KNOW: climate, physical features, and human characteristics EXPLAINED: Geography can affect the course of events of world history in many ways. First, different climates affect the course of events drastically. For example, if the Ice Age did not occur when it did, Homo Sapiens would have developed differently and all of history would be different. Climate can also affect the availability of food and without a sufficient amount of food, a species would die out. Another thing is the physical features. Physical features could have helped hominids survive by providing food or shelter, but it also could have been a negative thing too. Physical features could have been a bad thing because they could have blocked hominids from doing things, or made living conditions very harsh. Without physical features, hominids would not have lived as long, causing a very big change in history. The last way that geography affects the course of events is human characteristics. The course of events in history would have been a lot different if hominids brains developed slower or faster than they did.

How can geography affect the course of events in world history?

It made the people there build irrigation systems, mud walls, and people had to trade with people to get needed goods.

How did geography affect culture in the Fertile Cresent?

Egyptians had to adapt because the Nile would either produce too much water, or not enough causing drought

How did geography effect Egypt?

The two rivers would flood and lay a layer of silt on the ground which made it easy to farm

How did geography have an effect on cultural development in China?

by living in caves or temporary shelters made of wood and animal skins; they also hunted to provide food

How did the Neanderthals survive the harsh winters?

They study artifacts using various methods and tools such as advanced technology, and look at past interpretations and evidence from earlier discoveries.

How do archaeologists work with other disciplines to explain and interpret the past?

lasted from about 2.5 million to 8000 BC.

How long did the Paleolithic Age last?

70 days

How long did the mummification process take?

-had well defined social classes -used animals for labor -traded within the city -had a ziggurat

How was Ur considered an early civilization?

Neanderthals held religious beliefs and performed rituals such as funerals.

How were Neanderthals similar to people today?

Australopithecine, Homo habilis, homo erectus, homo sapiens, Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon,

In what order (from earliest to modern day) did the species of hominids live?

Ice Age.

Much of the Paleolithic Age occurred during the period in the earth's history known as the ____________

pastoral nomads

Not only farmers domesticated animals. _____________ ____________ did too


a city and its surrounding lands functioning as an independent political unit.


a cultivated cereal grain that bears its kernels on large ears; usually called corn in the United States.

slash and burn farming/agriculture

a farming method in which people clear fields by cutting and burning trees and grasses, the ashes of which serve to fertilize the soil


a fertile deposit of windblown soil


a form of culture characterized by cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, record keeping, and advanced technology


a form of trade in which people exchange goods and services without the use of money.


a government controlled by religious leaders.


a king of ancient Egypt, considered a god as well as a political and military leader.


a large landmass that forms a distinct part of a continent.


a long-lasting pattern of organization in a community.


a marshy region formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of a river.


a massive structure with a rectangular base and four triangular sides, like those that were built in Egypt as burial places for Old Kingdom pharaohs.

Bronze Age

a period in human history, beginning around 3000 BC in some areas, during which people began using bronze, rather than copper or stone, to fashion tools and weapons.


a political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land.


a political unit in which a number of peoples or countries are controlled by a single ruler.


a process of embalming and drying corpses to prevent them from decaying.


a series of rulers from the same family.


thousands of years ago the environmental conditions of this region favored the development of agriculture, but not anymore. Wild wheat and barley, along with wild goats, pigs, sheep, and horses, had once thrived near the Zagros Mountains. What place is this?


The Nile flows __________ to the Mediterranean Sea.


The homo erectus species gradually became skillful ___________

the Paleolithic age

The old stone age is also known as _________

Homo sapiens

The species name for modern humans; means "wise men"


a system of writing with wedge-shaped symbols, invented by Sumerians around 3000 BC.


a tall reed that grows in the Nile delta, used by the ancient Egyptians to make a paper-like material for writing on.


a temple (pyramid) , which literally means "mountain of god."


a wind that shifts in direction at certain times of each year.


an ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sounds.


an ancient land bridge over which the earliest Americans are believed to have migrated from Asia into the Americas.

Fertile Cresent

an arc of rich farmland in Southwest Asia, between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea.


an object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest.

Harappan Civilization

another name for the Indus Valley civilization that arose along the Indus River, possibly as early as 7000 BC; characterized by sophisticated city planning.


development of skills in a specific kind of work.


These people who are identical to modern humans appeared around 40,000 years ago.; same species as homo sapiens

homo habilis

extinct species of upright east African hominid having some advanced humanlike characteristics; means man of skill


genus that lived in the east-central and southern part of Africa; they walked upright and had the opposable thumb

-artifacts could be preserved in glaciers and other physical features and do not know that they are there -the mouths of rivers and caves help scientests to know to look there for artifacts/ clues

hOW CAN GEOGRAPHY AFFECT THE STUDY of events in world history?


highly mobile people who moved from place to place foraging, or searching, for new sources of food

To China's east lay the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and the Pacific Ocean. Mountain ranges and deserts dominate about two-thirds of China's landmass. In west China lay the Taklimakan Desert and the icy 15,000-foot Plateau of Tibet. To the southwest are the Himalayas. And to the north are the desolate Gobi Desert and the Mongolian Plateau.

how did natural barriers somewhat isolate ancient China from all other civilizations?

Advances in technology have helped them not only to locate artifacts and fossils but also to analyze them. New technology and innovations can enable them to learn more about early cultures and civilizations and revise past interpretations.

how has technology helped archaeologists?

Mandate of Heaven

in Chinese history, the divine approval thought to be the basis of royal authority


nomadic groups whose food supply depends on hunting animals and collecting plant foods

oracle bone

one of the animal bones or tortoise shells used by ancient Chinese priests to communicate with the gods.


one of the professional record keepers in early civilizations.


part of the land making up the Fertile Crescent, meaning "land between the rivers" in Greek

Ice Age

period, lasting from roughly 1.9 million years ago to about 10,000 BC, during which sheets of moving ice, called glaciers, spread southward from the Arctic Circle.

North Africa Europe Asia

Cro-Magnons migrated from _________ to ____________ and


scientists that study culture, or a people's unique way of life. they examine the artifacts at archaeological digs. From these, they re-create a picture of early people's cultural behavior.


scientists that study fossils, use complex techniques to date ancient fossil remains and rocks


skilled workers who make goods by hand.

Dynastic Cycle

the historical pattern of the rise, decline, and replacement of dynasties


All Sumerian cities had a ___________ in the middle


Beliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group of people.

Lower and Upper Egypt

By 3200 BC, the villages of Egypt were under the rule of two separate kingdoms _______________ and _______________________.

charcoal, mud, and animal blood

Cave artists made colored paints from ________________, ________, and _____________________

identical to modern humans; the remains also indicate that they were probably strong and generally about five-and-one-half feet tall

Describe Cro-Magnon's physical appearance.

Found in Ethiopia. She was an unusually complete skeleton of an adult female hominid. They nicknamed her "Lucy" after the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." She had lived around 3.5 million years ago—the oldest hominid found to that date.

Describe Lucy.

They had heavy slanted brows, well-developed muscles, and thick bones

Describe Neanderthals physical appearance

-happened gradually -Stone Age hunters may have driven herds of animals into rocky ravines to be slaughtered. It was then a small step to drive herds into human-made enclosures. -From there, farmers could keep the animals as a constant source of food and gradually tame them.

Describe domestication in the Neolithic Age.

The king of Lower Egypt wore a red crown, and the king of Upper Egypt wore a tall white crown shaped like a bowling pin. A carved piece of slate known as the Narmer Palette shows Narmer wearing the crown of Lower Egypt on one side and the crown of Upper Egypt on the other side Narmer created a double crown from the red and white crowns. It symbolized a united kingdom

Describe how Lower and Upper Egypt united.

-The world's tallest mountains to the north and a large desert to the east -the mountains guard an enormous flat and fertile plain formed by two rivers, the Indus and the Ganges

Describe the Indus Valley geography.

slash and burn farming was repeated over and over again

Describe the farming methods of the Neolithic Revolution

The higher classes lived in timber-framed houses with walls of clay and straw. These houses lay inside the city walls. The peasants and craftspeople lived in huts outside the city.The Shang surrounded their cities with massive earthen walls for protection.

Describe the layout of the Shang cities.

Homo habilis.

In 1960, archaeologists Louis and Mary Leakey discovered a hominid fossil at Olduvai Gorge in northern Tanzania. The Leakeys named the fossil _________________________

Denisova Cave

In 2008, a discovery of hominin artifacts was made in the Altai Mountains. They were found in ______________ in Russia.


In about 2000 BC, nomadic warriors known as ____________ invaded Mesopotamia.

Peking man

In northern China near Beijing, a Homo erectus skeleton was found. What did scientists name this?


People in the Indus Valley created intricate _____________ systems

creating the worlds first empire

Sargon of Akkad defeating the city-states of Sumer lead to what?

hunting and gathering to farming and herding

Slowly, everyone around the world switched from ______________________________ to ____________________________________

Scorpion King Narmer

Some people believe that the _________________ united Lower and Upper Egypt, but more evidence shows that __________ did.


Sumerians believed in __________- gods Sumerians also believed that their gods were both immortal and all powerful


The _________________ controlled lands that stretched far beyond the Huang He in the north to the Chang Jiang in the south.

The Zhou dynasty

Who established feudalism?


True or False: Babylon was the Amorites capital.

False The Zhou took over the Shang

True or False: The Shang took over Zhou


True or False: Homo erectus was different from Homo habilis in that it developed technology.


Villages like ________ marked the beginning of a new era and laid the foundation for modern life.

AFRICA- The Nile River Valley developed into an important agricultural center for growing wheat, barley, and other crops. CHINA- About 8,000 years ago, farmers along the middle stretches of the Huang He (Yellow River) cultivated a grain called millet. About 1,000 years later, farmers first domesticated wild rice in the Chang Jiang River delta. MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA- Farmers cultivated corn, beans, and squash. PERU- Farmers in the Central Andes were the first to grow tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and white potatoes.

What are some specific places that switched from hunting and gathering to farming and herding?

cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, record keeping, and advanced technology

What are the five characteristics of a civilization?

advanced cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, record keeping, and advanced technology.

What are the five key characteristics for a civilization?

He described the process of mummification

What did Herodotus do?

defeated the city-states of Sumer. Sargon led his army from Akkad, a city-state north of Sumer.

What did Sargon of Akkad do?

Egyptians believed in an afterlife, a life that continued after death. Egyptians believed they would be judged for their deeds when they died.

What did egyptians believe reguarding afterlife?

Gradually, the Amorites overwhelmed the Sumerians and established their capital at Babylon, on the Euphrates River.

What did the Amorties gradually do?

-had a written language (not yet deciphered) -created seals for trade -traded with many people -had close ties to religion, prayed to Hindu gods

What did the Harappans do/ accomplish?

because it provided warmth in cold climates, cooked food, frightened away attacking animals, and helped them settle into new lands

What did the homo erectus need fire for?

-genetic scientists -environmental scientists -fossils -artifacts -anthropologists -paleontologists -lyunuists -physics

What disciplines do archeologists work with?

"land between the rivers"

What does Mesopotamia mean?

new discoveries, improved technology, different interpretations of findings by different disciplines

What factors have contributed to changes in our study and understanding of world history?

Roads and canals were built to stimulate trade and agriculture. Coined money was introduced, which further improved trade. Blast furnaces that produced cast iron were developed.

What innovations did the Zhou dynasty produce?

writing the Code of Hammurabi

What is Hammurabi well known for?

Narmer Memphis, near the spot where Upper and Lower Egypt met

Who established the first Egyptian united Dynasty? Where?

engineer and mathematician named Yu

Who was the leader of the Xia Dynasty?

Homo erectus

Who were the first hominids to migrate, or move, from Africa?

Cave paintings are important because they tell us how things about early hominids such as their way of life and culture. (especially in prehistoric times)

Why are cave paintings important?

homo habilis

What species was the first to use tools?

-Arithmetic and geometry -Architectural innovations -Cuneiform

What technologies did the Sumerians invent?

scientists do not know but, Change in climate was probably a key reason.

What was the cause of the Neolithic Revolution?

They planned their hunts

What was the one thing that Cro Magnon's did differently about hunting?

- yearly calendar -system of writing - doctors used medicine and could heal broken bones

What were Egyptian technongies/ advancements?

Xia, Shang, Zhou, and Sanxingdui

What were the 4 Chinese Dynasties?

- made necklaces of seashells, lion teeth, and bear claws -carved small, realistic sculptures of animals that inhabited their world. -cave/rock engravings/paintings

What were the artistic achievements of the Paleolithic Age?

-made tools out of lava rock, rock, and bone -domesticated animals -started farming -discovered fire -brains evolved a lot

What were the human achievements during the Stone Age?

-They used stone, bone, and wood to make more than 100 different tools. These later expanded to tool kits included knives to kill and butcher game, and fish hooks and harpoons to catch fish. -Digging sticks helped food gatherers pry plants loose at the roots. -used bone needles to sew clothing made of animal hides.

What were the technological achievements of the Paleolithic Age?

-Cuevas de las Manos (Cave of the Hands) is located in the Rio Pinturas ravine, northeast of Santa Cruz, Argentina -walls and ceilings of European caves, mainly in France and Spain. There they drew lifelike images of wild animals. -In Africa, early artists engraved pictures on rocks or painted scenes in caves or rock shelters. -In Australia, they created paintings on large rocks. They were also found in Germany

Where are some important cave paintings located?

North America

Where did Homo sapiens migrate most recently?

India, China, Southeast Asia, and Europe

Where did the homo erectus settle after migrating?

East Africa- India, China, Southeast Asia, and Europe

Where were Homo Erectus from and where did they migrate?

Neander Valley, Germany

Where were Neanderthal's found?

Australopithecines and Homo habilis

Which two hominids overlapped for the longest period of time?

Neolithic Age

the New Stone Age, lasting from about 8000 BC to as early as 3000 BC.

Paleolithic Age

the Old Stone Age, lasting from about 2.5 million years ago to 8000 BC.

Neolithic Revolution

the agricultural revolution—the far-reaching changes in human life resulting from the beginnings of farming


the belief in or worship of more than one god.


the earliest-known Mesoamerican civilization, which flourished around 1200 BC and influenced later societies throughout the region.

homo erectus

upright man; more intelligent and adaptable species than Homo habilis


ways of applying knowledge, tools, and inventions to meet people's needs

Archaeology deals with the study of artifacts, or human-made objects, and other evidence from the past. Archaeologists use this evidence to discover clues about how people lived, developed, and interacted with their environment.

what role does archeology play in the study of world history?

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