CPLP- Can I apply it quiz questions

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Your company is getting ready to roll out a new system for tracking time and attendance. The new system affects everyone in the company. You have worked six weeks developing an instructor-led training that everyone will attend. You have customized activities and delivery methods for each department including sales, marketing, manufacturing, accounting, and others. You have taken extra time and been attentive to the nuances in each department and all the individuals across the company. What important elements of design guide your effort? (Choose the best response.) Culture and modes of learning Bloom's taxonomy and cognitivism Pedagogy and motivation Business drivers and Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Response A is correct because you need to account for organizational cultures which can also differ from department to department. You must also realize that studies show that learner preferences (modes of learning) fall into three categories: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, referred to as the VAK model.

You have completed the needs analysis and identified the sponsor's business needs, the desired performance, the tasks learners must master, who the learners are, and the constraints on the project. Your next task is to formally state the objectives for the training. By establishing these objectives, both you and your sponsor can reach a common agreement about the purpose of the program. You've never written a learning objective before. This is your first try: "Given a written guide, the Critical Thinking class participant should be able to demonstrate the 5-Step Critical Thinking Process." How well did you do? (Choose the best response.) You are missing the degree. You have written a complete objective. You are missing the behavior. You are missing the condition.

Response A is correct. A number of different formats for writing objectives exist. The most recognized format uses four building blocks. A for audience, B for behavior, C for conditions, D for degree. In this case the objective is missing the degree, or what it takes to meet the objective, e.g., 100 percent, four out of five times, or another measure of success.

You work for a government agency that is slow in moving contracts out. It has gotten so bad that some of the best vendors will no longer submit proposals. You know that you need to establish an agency-wide acquisition strategy. You present your idea in a point paper to the senior civilian who agrees with you. He suggests that you begin to lay out a plan for how you would approach the project. What do you do next? (Choose the best response.) Define the goals and objectives and then recommend a project team and project manager. Plan the work and monitor the project schedule. Develop a project plan and assign resources to specific tasks. Create the evaluation plan because you need to plan with the end in mind.

Response A is correct. Once the idea is formulated, the next steps address the conception and selection activities.

A midsize company approaches you about a leadership development issue. There is concern that the hi-po talent pool is not large enough to support expected vacancies at the branch manager level. You conduct an exercise to identify exceptional performance in the branch manager role and determine potential barriers to conducting the role successfully. Which Performance Improvement Model are you using? (Choose the best response.) Holloway-Mankin's performance DNA model Mager and Pipe's model for analyzing performance problems Harless' front-end analysis model Rummler-Brache's nine box model

Response A is the correct answer because the model seeks to identify the model of exceptional or key performance along with the barriers preventing its attainment.

A TD professional always receives high scores on his Level 1 evaluations. This trainer's U.S. company has recently acquired a smaller multinational company that has offices in Japan, Brazil, and New Zealand. Because the training department views this TD professional as one of the best trainers in the company, they select him to deliver a large portion of the orientation training that is being offered to the new employees from the acquired company. The trainer has just completed his first two days of discussing corporate values, brand criticality, right-sizing departments, goal achievement, and leadership development opportunities. He is sure no one else in the department could have presented this wide variety of topics in two days. As the trainer examines his evaluations, however, he begins to doubt his ability. His scores are lower than usual and include comments such as, "pushy," "imposing," and "aggressive." What is most likely the cause of this trainer's poor evaluations? (Choose the best response.) He failed to consider differences in intercultural communication, nonverbal behavior, and concept of time. He tried to squeeze too many varied and high-level topics into a short amount of time. He failed to consider the emotional state of the acquired company's employees. He used contexting to the extreme.

Response A is the most likely cause for the lower evaluation scores. The way that the participants viewed the event was probably culturally based. Their reactions could have been avoided. What appears to be efficient, concise, practical, and candid to a U.S. trainer may come across as abrasive, inconsiderate, and forceful to others. By failing to consider the values that might be different (ethnocentrism) from the cultures of those in the classroom, the trainer failed to understand how the learners might perceive the delivery.

A TD professional is beginning a new major project. What should be the first step in this or any other major project? (Choose the best response.) Prepare a risk analysis Analyze and define the business processes Create a project plan for the new project Determine plans to overcome any identified project obstacles

Response B is correct because business process analysis is a prerequisite for any new project to analyze and define how people, materials, methods, machines, and the environment combine to add value to a product or service and communicate relevant information to employees. Everything that gets done is part of the process—how the work gets done, as well as roles, responsibilities, resources, and systems.

You are in TD and have been asked by the HR department to be a member of the team to design several new jobs. One of the goals of the design team is to develop jobs that employees will find interesting and motivating. Altering which of the following job factors is LEAST likely to affect employee motivation? (Choose the best response.) Skill variety Compensation Task identity Autonomy

Response B is correct because compensation is not related to job design.

A team has been working on a project for a period of time. At this point, team members are beginning to exhibit more cooperation and understanding of each other. Overall, they are becoming a more cohesive group. In which stage of group development is the team operating? (Choose the best response.) Forming Norming Performing Adjourning

Response B is correct because during the norming stage, the team begins merging into a cohesive group where more cooperation and understanding occurs.

A training department is trying to determine whether there is a difference in learner performance between classroom and online learning participants. Which of the following should the department use to quantify the difference between these two groups? (Choose the best response.) Confidence interval Effect size Standard deviation Variance

Response B is correct because effect size is a way to quantify the difference between two groups; effect size uses standard deviation to contextualize the difference between the two groups.

Your organization recently went through a restructuring and several rounds of downsizing employees. Despite budget cuts, in your role as the training manager, you are still expected to deliver training to meet the needs of the current client base. Which of the following activities should take top priority in this situation? (Choose the best response.) Providing vision, direction, values, and purpose to employees Motivating, inspiring, and aligning people with departmental and business goals Supervising the operations and staffing of the training department Controlling issues and solving problems

Response B is correct because ensuring that the training department's activities support the organization's goals by motivating, inspiring, and aligning the department's people to achieve those goals is the most productive way the training manager can meet expectations.

A TD professional is looking for the best way to organize information that contains inputs, processes, and outputs. Which synthesis model best supports this strategy? (Choose the best response.) Three-axis matrix Flowchart Events network Graphic model

Response B is correct because flowcharts contain input-process-output items, decision points, direction of flow, documentation or preparation steps, and confluence and divergence. None of the other synthesis models include this type of information.

A training department in a manufacturing company is seeking to improve its training feedback process. The instructor distributes a 10-question feedback survey to all participants at the end of the class and asks them to include their contact information on the form. She collects the feedback sheets as the participants leave the training room. Which of the following changes is most likely to help improve the quality of the feedback information? (Choose the best response.) Increase the number of feedback questions Have a neutral third party administer the survey Include short answer question types Survey only a sample of the participants

Response B is correct because having a neutral third party administer the survey increases the objectivity of the input and decreases the likelihood of the instructor or facilitator reacting unfavorably to criticism in the feedback.

During part of a training session, participants must read a scenario and follow written instructions before completing various related exercises. Two of the participants seem to understand the lecture portion but struggle during the exercises. Based on the intake styles, what is their learning preference? (Choose the best response.) Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Assimilation

Response B is correct because if a participant performs better with spoken content and has difficulty with written directions or reading, the participant may have an auditory learning preference, according to the visual, auditory, kinesthetic (VAK) model.

A training manager is attempting to provide a tool that will allow employees to readily access small chunks of learning quickly and frequently to develop new curriculum. Which management system will best meet the training manager's needs? (Choose the best response.) RDBMS LCMS CMS PDF

Response B is correct because in an LCMS, content is chunked (typically into learning objects, which are small, reusable pieces of content) and then managed, published, and delivered on demand. In this example, the training manager is using the LCMS as a centralized hub so that employees can plug information from the LCMS into their curriculum quickly and efficiently.

Your department developed a training program to help employees prepare for a new organizational process. Everyone's jobs will be easier once they learn the new process. You are excited about it. While presenting the new course, you see that some employees are not engaged and sit quietly while others are challenging the details of the process. What do you suspect is happening? (Choose the best response.) The room conditions are likely affecting the success of the training. The employees may not be motivated and committed to this change. The employees have a problem with the trainer, and it is causing these reactions. The training materials are not interactive, affecting the success of the training program.

Response B is correct because people introducing change initiatives often assume that all employees are in the third stage of readiness to commit to change, when frequently they are not. To determine employees' readiness for change, practitioners should assess their readiness before moving into the training phase.

You have been enlisted by the senior staff to facilitate a culture change surrounding the company's new vision statement. The company management has a history of actively and enthusiastically embracing management fads, but none of their past five initiatives lasted more than a year. What will be most important in the change management process to ensure a true culture shift? (Choose the best response.) Visible support from the CEO early in the process Periodic reviews and adjustments to support systems Increased communication from senior management A spectacular kickoff meeting

Response B is correct because periodically reviewing progress and systems against the desired result and the previous state will allow changes to be made to the process as needed.

A manager has asked you to conduct a time management training session to correct a current situation with missed deadlines. As the training manager you decide that rather than design and develop a time management course, you will ask your staff to investigate the problem by collecting data from a number of key staff members who can provide information about this perceived need. You want to collect information in a short time and allow for sharing of ideas. Which method of data collection should you suggest that your staff implement? (Choose the best response.) Interview Focus group Observation Individual informal discussion

Response B is correct because the focus group is the only option that meets the need for a short timeframe and allows for sharing of ideas in a group setting.

You have been asked to facilitate a new task force formed to conduct an external market analysis for the company. The group is comprised of employees from all levels of the company, from every department, and from several countries including the United States, Brazil and India. As the facilitator you ask the task force to begin by establishing agreement on the goals and objectives of the group, and implement a code of conduct. You have invited an expert to help educate the team on the cultural dynamics that require consideration. What consideration of group dynamics are you implementing? (Choose the best response.) Groupthink Inclusion practices Social psychology Experiential learning

Response B is correct because these actions help each individual bring their full value to the team including unique perspectives and skills.

You are excited. You are a new training manager and your director has just agreed to have you attend a Kouzes and Posner training program. What do you expect to learn? (Choose the best response.) Planning, organizing, coordinating, and directing Challenging the process, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, and modeling behavior Interpersonal skills, communication skills, employee development skills, and project leadership Self-awareness, resiliency, working with others, and directing your team.

Response B is correct because these are four of the key leadership skiills identified by Kouzes and Posner

As a TD professional, you are advising an employee about which courses would be most helpful with her career advancement. The employee is asking for "proof" and you have decided to use an analysis method to support your recommendations. What will you use as the best talent management analytics method? (Choose the best response.) Regression analysis Correlation analysis Multiple regression analysis Significance testing

Response B is correct because through the use of talent management analytics a correlation between courses taken and career advancement can be linked and provide the "proof" the employee is requesting.

You are developing a course to teach learners how to use a new human resource system. The current system has been in place for 10 years and all the staff have been in their roles for more than 10 years. Which of the following is not a challenge to developing effective training? (Choose the best response.) Adult learners bring previous knowledge and experience. Adult learners are objective-oriented. Adult learners are pressed for time. Adult learners have different motivational levels.

Response B is correct because, according to Malcolm Knowles, adults primarily participate in learning programs to achieve particular personal or professional goals or objectives. In this scenario, goals or objectives will not be challenges to developing effective training.

As a result of the last U.S. presidential election, you anticipate the need to increase the amount of Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) compliance training. To which external environmental factor are you adjusting? (Choose the best response.) Economic Political Employment Sociological

Response B is correct because, in the example, political changes have affected the level of compliance training required of the organization. This is an example of a political factor that has influenced the way the organization does business.

A TD professional is concerned about the lack of participation in her classroom. She is well aware that she started out on the wrong foot by delivering information rather than facilitating discussion, but this was new content and she didn't have enough time to prepare! It is 90 minutes into the day-long session, and she wants to increase learner involvement. She calls a break and believes that she can turn the situation around if she _____________ .(Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Spends time talking to participants during break to learn about their needs and thoughts about the material so far Implements small break-out groups to address one or more of the topics she uncovers during the break to overcome any reluctance to share ideas and to begin a healthy dialogue in the group Learns participants' names during break and uses them during the session All of the above

Response D is correct because all of these are techniques to encourage participation.

A TD professional is creating a blended learning program in which he wants to leverage mobile learning technologies to provide training to learners when they have downtime in the field or when traveling in their territories. All of the following are examples of mobile learning technologies EXCEPT __________________________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) PDAs Podcasts Vodcasts EPSSs

Response D is correct because an EPSS is not an example of mobile learning technology, which includes wireless devices such as cell phones, PDAs, laptop computers, tablets, and MP3 players that play podcasts (audio) and vodcasts (video).

You are a TD professional who conducted a lunch-and-learn session yesterday about the benefits of coaching. You have emails from four employees who would like to explore the possibility of becoming one of your coaching clients. As you read the emails, which is the only example of a situation where coaching can help improve performance? (Choose the best response.) Employee #1 has been asked to remove barriers to success imposed by competitors and hopes to explore ideas with you. Employee #2 has fallen behind on inputting data because of computer problems. Employee #3 is covering two roles while the company tries to fill the void and needs to set time management goals. Employee #4 does not understand what is expected of her in her role.

Response D is correct because coaching is appropriate when an employee does not understand expectations or priorities or does not know how to complete a task to performance standards.

You are a TD professional. One of the participants in your supervisory class has stayed after the class to talk to you. She has explained that she is having a motivation problem with her people. She goes on to tell you about how she has sponsored a department kickball team, gives prizes for the best decorated door for all holidays, sponsors chili cook-offs, and rewards employees for helping with extra tasks and cross-functional teams. With which topic do you begin? (Choose the best response.) Empowered employees want to know their supervisor is taking care of their development and growth. Sometimes saving recognition for special occasions is not enough to motivate throughout the year. Reward and recognition are different for different cultures. Employees want to be recognized for the jobs they do.

Response D is correct because employees want to be recognized for the jobs they do. While the other three statements are accurate, performance is most important for motivation. The five job characteristics that determine how motivated workers feel about their jobs: skill variety, task identify, task significance, autonomy, and feedback.

A training manager is working through the phases of content management. Which of the following is NOT considered a phase in content management? (Choose the best response.) Creation Management Publishing Execution

Response D is correct because execution is not one of the phases of content management.

You have just been hired by a fast-growing community bank to be the director of a 20-staff training department. The CEO has called you into his office and proceeds to tell you that the last director was fired for lack of productivity. You have asked him what his goals for training are and he says, "That's what I hired you for," and dismisses you. What do you do when you return to your office? (Choose the best response.) Locate the former director's strategic plan and budget. Begin to write your letter of resignation; who wants to work for this jerk? Start interviewing all of your staff to determine what lead to the firing of the last director. Locate the SWOT analysis to determine what you can do to be more productive.

The best response is A. Both of these documents will give you the best clues about what was accomplished and how the budget was expended. You will want to find other documents as well, such as evaluations and ROI analysis, but starting with the strategic plan and budget will help you see the bigger picture of how well the department functioned.

You have lost three people in your learning and development department so you have been overloaded and really behind. To speed up the design step you have decided to forego designing the evaluation plan during the design step and wait until closer to the implementation date. You know that you don't need it until the day before your deliver the training anyway. What advice do you think a seasoned designer would give you? (Choose the best response.) It is a good idea because if you want to save time and energy, the evaluation plan is the most time-consuming. It is a good idea because it is impossible to evaluate the ROI of training. It is not a good idea because it may cause problems later. It is not a good idea because you need to plan with the end in mind.

The best response is C because the evaluation plan is part of the foundation. Evaluation tasks must be developed because the structure is based on the many decisions that must be made regarding training platforms and other implementation questions. Only an evaluation plan can provide this kind of information and help you find problems early in the process.

You have just completed your midyear review with your manager. She has suggested that you need to do a better job on writing lesson plans. You remember reading about a model that incorporates specific steps and assures performance and quality. Now, what was that model called? (Choose the best response.) Accelerated learning Mager's theory of behavioral objectives Bloom's taxonomy Gagne's nine events

The best response is D because Gagne's model has implications for training design which relate to the way that instructional designers develop lesson plans. A lesson plan is a sequential set of events that leads to a desired goal. The single most important reason for lesson plans is that training often requires implementation of the same course numerous times. Performing each implementation of the course the same way guarantees conformance to content and quality standards.

You work for a small consulting firm and have been invited to develop a training session for a high-power-distance culture. You want to customize your session to best meet their needs. Which instructional method should you use? (Choose the best response.) Experimentation Role play Fishbowl Lecture

A high-power-distance culture emphasizes differences in status and authority relationships, thus favoring a traditional teacher-student orientation. High-power-distance cultures emphasize the lecture form of teaching.

A department manager knows that floor installers are often questioned while they are on the job by clients about alternative products. The manager sees this as an opportunity to increase revenue and talks to you about the solutions required. You tell the manager that you want to examine the effects of multiple solutions on both the installers and the sales team, as well as the effects on the company's interactions with customers and suppliers. After a week you return and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each option to the manager. In this example, you are serving in the role of a human performance improvement: (Choose the best response.) Analyst Solution specialist Change manager Evaluator

B is the correct answer because the role of the HPI practitioner is to recommend possible performance improvement solutions to address performance issues that are tied to business needs.

You are an external consultant who has been hired by one of the earlier technology companies to work with senior leaders to drive change throughout the organization. At one time this company held the top spot in technology. As they continue to lose market share, they realize they need to identify what is preventing them from accomplishing their business goals. You suggest they begin by examining several forces of change on organizations. You recommend three areas. Which do you NOT recommend? (Choose the best response.) Global competition and globalization Information overload of knowledge workers Lack of leadership training Need for telework and other flexible options for employees

Need for telework and other flexible options for employees Response D is correct because the other three are forces of change on organizations that must be addressed in order to continue to reach corporate goals. There are many others besides these three.

You are a TD professional working in an insurance company with a very traditional senior leadership team. They have asked you to redesign the company leadership development program and to identify resources to support continued leadership development for the senior leaders as well. During these discussions, you discover that the leadership team believes most people need to be highly supervised and at times coerced to do a good job. Which of the following theories does this group subscribe to? (Choose the best response.) Theory X Theory Y Great Man theory Contingency theory

Response A is correct because McGregor's Theory X is an industrial-era leadership theory that postulates most people do not like to work and will avoid it when they can; that they need to be coerced, controlled, or threatened to persuade them to work; and that most people want to be told what to do and avoid responsibility.

As your organization's director of training you must develop a learning information system to support the learning function. The system must support training delivered asynchronously to employees' work stations. The learning results and data must be readily available to the organization's human resources system. Which system would best satisfy these requirements? (Choose the best response.) Learning management system (LMS) Learning content management system (LCMS) Collaborative learning software Learning support system (LSS)

Response A is correct because a LMS is designed to manage multiple delivery venues, track results, and interface with HR and other systems.

A TD professional conducts a study that yields a correlation of 0.48 between whether individuals take a specific leadership course and whether they are subsequently promoted during the following calendar year. Based on this correlation, what can the practitioner conclude? (Choose the best response.) Taking the course and promotion are strongly related. People who take the course are less likely to be promoted. Taking the course directly affects the individual's likelihood of being promoted. No conclusions can be made because only dichotomous variables were used.

Response A is correct because a correlation of 0.48 indicates a strong positive relationship between two variables. This relationship indicates that as the training variable increases, so does the promotion variable.

A TD professional is constructing a process map that will be used to communicate the project to management. A process map is most typically used to ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Pinpoint the problem areas and opportunities for improvement Plan, organize, and control the work involved with the project Demonstrate the proposed systematic approach in nonvisual terms Change the flow of activities or decisions associated with generating a specific business output

Response A is correct because a process map presents a clear and logical visual representation of all of the tasks and steps involved in carrying out a particular process, which allows the TD professional to identify potential bottlenecks or problems and prevent them from interrupting the process.

Your training department has been asked to join a group attempting to implement Six Sigma processes into their finance department. The implementation team is in the beginning stages of review but is looking for input from the training department. At this stage of implementation, where can your training department have the greatest effect in supporting the Six Sigma initiative? (Choose the best response.) Coaching leaders on how to implement Six Sigma Managing the transition to Six Sigma processes Creating Six Sigma processes within TD Developing leadership models in which Six Sigma can flourish

Response A is correct because a significant amount of intensive training is required for Six Sigma leaders, which means that training departments can have a great effect on the success of the initiative and the transformation of their organization's culture and operating systems.

You are a part of a change effort. Everyone knows how important listening is when trying to make a change. You have the dubious responsibility of telling your senior leaders that employees do not think they are being heard by their leaders. One of the leaders challenges you by saying, "I've been to a listening class. I do listen. I nod my head, make good eye contact, and take notes when I need to. What else do you want me to do?" How do you respond? (Choose the best response.) "It depends on what is needed. You may need to listen for clarification or be an empathetic listener during change discussions." "Empathetic listening is the level that must always be used during change efforts to understand employee feelings." "You may want to ask a few questions to demonstrate that you are listening." "Try listening for the real meaning of the message."

Response A is correct because active listening and listening for clarification takes the listening process to a higher level to help increase understanding of comments. During change, empathic listening is required also to identify feelings by the speaker

As a training director for a Navy Command you are developing a job description for a program administrator. Which of the following tasks best represents a program administrator's role? (Choose the best response.) Managing program elements to support training delivery Identifying learning and performance needs Designing training Developing a strategy to meet learners' needs

Response A is correct because administrating the program involves ensuring that the logistics are in place to ensure that the program takes place. In other words, the program administrator secures equipment and resources; identifies and trains instructors; manages course registration, scheduling, and locations; and works with SMEs as needed.

You have been asked to work with your COO to facilitate a change. You will act as the change agent to facilitate the process. The COO will sponsor the change effort and be seen by the organization as the change leader. You are clarifying your roles with each other. Which action will be required of your COO? (Choose the best response.) Develop the vision Build a business case Coach the leadership Ensure milestones are met

Response A is correct because all the other roles belong to the change agent or facilitator. The change leader must also establish a sense of urgency, show commitment, remove barriers in the system, and hold others accountable.

Customer service representatives are not verifying all required information while on the phone with customers. During coaching sessions, they are able to list the items that need to be verified and successfully role-play the verification process. Which performance improvement solution should be used? (Choose the best response.) Incentives/consequences Job aids Refresher training Performance support system

Response A is correct because an incentives or consequence solution refers to financial and non-financial, tangible and intangible rewards, recognition, promotions and punishments—not only for oneself but also for others in the work environment.

You are a TD professional who has been asked to be a part of a cross-functional team led by the HRD director. The team's goal is to develop a hiring strategy to broaden the diversity of the organization's leadership team. Based on your knowledge of approaches to diversity, which type of approach is being used in this scenario? (Choose the best response.) Inclusion Socialization Ethnicity Configuration

Response A is correct because an inclusive culture develops more flexible and broader-thinking leaders who are better prepared for a global economy. TD professionals may identify the need to facilitate inclusion of new cultural ideas or minority and gender groups during training analysis and planning processes for management development programs. During this process, the HRD function and top management may develop a strategy to interview and hire for differences to broaden diversity within the organization.

You have determined that many employees are not adhering to a new compliance program. In a subsequent focus group, you asked a group of managers to compare the requirements of the compliance program with actual behaviors in their work units. You also asked them to determine what patterns―similarities and differences―have emerged across the company. What theory applies to this illustration? (Choose the best response.) Chaos and complexity theories Motivation Appreciative inquiry Action research

Response A is correct because close evaluation of patterns and understanding patterns across the system (in this case the company) are key to chaos and complexity theories.

A trainer is working with a team of specialists who require a collaborative, information-sharing environment to help them stay up-to-date on the latest technology advancements. Based on this information, what can be said about this group and KM? (Choose the best response.) The collaborative requirements align with the goals of KM. The highly technical nature of this group does not fit the goals of KM. The group cannot get up-to-date on the technologies quickly enough using KM. The goals of KM are limited to the value the Internet can provide.

Response A is correct because collaboration is one of the key elements of KM. In the example, the trainer and the group are focusing on a collaborative, information-sharing environment where they can learn from one another and share ideas about latest technology advancements.

You are a director of a training department. Your manager is meeting with you to express her disapproval that you signed off on poor training supplier agreements. Which of the following environmental factors does you manager think you managed inadequately? (Choose the best response.) Contractual External Employees Internal

Response A is correct because contractual factors include stipulations laid out in supplier agreements for services and raw materials.

You are a part of a franchised physical therapy center. You are working through a change management prompted by key changes in healthcare laws. You need to get employees to move from the present state to the desired state. During this process, the employees must go through a transition state. The center's director believes that it should be easy to do. You explain to her what she might experience and why it may not be as easy as she thinks. She lists four behaviors she expects to see. You tell her she is correct in three out of the four. Which of the following characteristics is NOT one associated with this transition state when an organizational change occurs? (Choose the best response.) Low, often undirected, energy Control as a major issue Low stability Increased conflict

Response A is correct because energy levels during the transition state, while undirected, are often quite high. Therefore, response A is not one of the characteristics of transition states.

You are a TD professional who works in an advertising agency. You are meeting with the VP of marketing to discuss the importance of involving employees to aid the change process. She is not buying in until you say one thing. Which of the following is the best reason for involving employees in change? (Choose the best response.) It helps people become committed to the change. Everyone needs to feel wanted and needed. Stressful times can often spark feelings of isolation. It provides a vehicle of expression for employees.

Response A is correct because giving employees a sense of how they will be personally involved in change provides them with a sense of ownership of the change and thus increases their engagement.

You are a TD professional who has been working as a coach for several years in a multistate insurance company. A client that you have been working with, and whom some believe may be the first female president of the company, has recently become distant. In the 18 months that you have worked with her, she has never missed a meeting. She has canceled the last two coaching meetings with you. This situation is sticky because she has been on a fast track to the top. What do you do? (Choose the best response.) Ask for a meeting and state, "I sense something has changed. Would you like to talk about it?" Meet with your manager and tell her about the last couple of meetings with your client so that he can help you figure out what to do. Create an agreement that you will both sign to recommit to the relationship. Send her an email terminating the relationship since coaches are in short supply and big demand in your company.

Response A is correct because it is possible that a client wants to terminate a coaching relationship early for a variety of reasons. There may be a shift in her personal or professional priorities. Perhaps the process no longer meets her needs or expectations. Or it could be a host of other reasons. The most important thing you can do is maintain excellent communication.

You are coaching the manager of a help desk who believes the way to increase employee productivity is to employ tight workplace controls and close supervision. You are helping him understand that there are other ways to motivate employees. Which motivation theory is this manager currently using? (Choose the best response.) Theory X Theory Y Expectancy Equity

Response A is correct because practitioners of Theory X assume a lack of pride or ownership of work output by the employees who produce the work. This motivational approach limits management's response to low quality or productivity to those of tighter control and monitoring of workplace behaviors.

You are a TD professional designing new ways to open several of the health and wellness courses you facilitate. You have decided to open a CPR certification class with a true story of an employee who became ill at work and was kept alive by a co-worker administering CPR until paramedics arrived. Which adult learning principle have you selected? (Choose the best response.) Readiness Respect Autonomy Actions

Response A is correct because readiness to learn is one of the key principles of Malcolm Knowles's andragogy theory of adult learning. Adults participate in learning programs to achieve a particular goal and are most ready to learn when they can immediately relate and apply the new knowledge or skill to real-life situations.

A trainer observes a learner consistently struggling to follow verbal directions for an activity. According to NLP and the VAK model, which of the following strategies should the trainer use to help the learner start and complete the activity? (Choose the best response.) Write the directions on a flipchart. Speak louder and enunciate more clearly. Use more exaggerated body language. Create activities in which learners repeat the information or steps.

Response A is correct because reading directions on a flipchart appeals to visually-oriented learners more than getting verbal directions. The VAK model suggests presenting information in different ways to enable learners to intake the information in ways they prefer.

Which of the following scenarios describes an individual using explicit knowledge? (Choose the best response.) Lisa uses a job aid that lists the steps to log on to the computer system. Lisa writes a white paper on how to facilitate a distance learning course. Lisa conducts a high-level needs analysis based on her prior experience on a similar project. Lisa writes an instructor guide using a template she developed on a previous project.

Response A is correct because tacit knowledge is defined as knowledge that is rooted in personal experience and typically resides in one's head. Explicit knowledge is knowledge that is readily transferable to others and typically documented. In all the situations, except when Lisa used the job aid, she was drawing upon her tacit knowledge.

You are mentoring your TD professional colleagues. Today the group is discussing theories about how people develop. You suggest that people make career choices based on their level of comfort or knowledge. What approach are you discussing with your co-workers? (Choose the best response.) Career anchors theory Occupation theory Occupational congruency model Krumboltz's model

Response A is correct because the career anchors theory shows that as individuals learn more about themselves, their career choices are affected by this self-knowledge. If the individual moves away from this comfort zone, he or she is pulled back to this self-knowledge and toward choices that suit him or her better. Schein categorized the basic drivers of these career decisions—talents, motives, and values—into eight career anchors that fit all individuals.

You have just started your job as a training director in a new company. You spend most of your first few weeks learning about the company's history, mission, goals, strategy, tactics, vision, and plans. This information will help you understand which of the following? (Choose the best response.) Company's culture Department's budget Training group's strengths and weaknesses Who the organization's informal leaders are

Response A is correct because the company's culture encompasses all the ways that things are done in an organization. Therefore, the company's history, mission, goals, strategy, tactics, vision, and plans are good places to learn about how things get done in the organization.

Your training manager calls a meeting to discuss strategies for the next fiscal year. She begins the meeting by setting the tone of the discussion and then asks for feedback around her ideas and any other ideas her team might have. Since you are studying to take your CPLP exam you just read about management styles. You are certain that this type of management style is best described as _________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Democratic Interactive Diplomatic Productive

Response A is correct because the example indicates that the manager sets the tone of the discussion and asks for feedback about her ideas from her employees. This indicates that the manager both is in control of the situation, unlike in an anarchic situation, and asks for input from employees, which is unlike a dictatorship.

You are a coach to a young executive. You meet to begin working and after an hour of discussion, the conversation becomes awkward and silent. You end the meeting and schedule several other meetings by phone, but the conversations become shorter and less planned. You have tried various techniques, but it is apparent to you that the client is disconnected and bored. What best describes what has likely happened, and what should you do? (Choose the best response.) Poor rapport exists between the client and the coach; the coach should end the relationship. Lack of compassion is being exhibited between the two parties; the coach should end the relationship. The use of the coach has been fulfilled; the coach should move on to another client. The age of the coach has become a barrier for the client; the coach should ask pointed and candid questions.

Response A is correct because the example shows that the coach and client have not been able to build a relationship. Furthermore, neither of the parties has done anything to damage the relationship, for example, by abusing a confidence or failing to act on assignments; therefore, you may assume that that poor chemistry or lack of rapport is preventing the two to connect.

A colleague barks out orders to a fellow teammate and is highly demanding of himself and others. When dealing with this person, you have learned to do all of the following EXCEPT ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Provide thorough, detailed examples Be specific Be brief Make your point quickly

Response A is correct because the example suggests that your colleague has a driver social style. Because drivers prefer information to be brief, specific, and to the point, this professional would become impatient when provided with thorough examples. Thorough examples are more appropriate for an analytical person.

The sales manager of your company has contacted you. Sales have dropped 20 percent below target in the last month and he wants you to quickly design and deliver training on sales-closing techniques. What should you do first? (Choose the best response.) Ask the manager what the desired level of performance is Suggest changes to the current sales target Observe the sales agents' current performance Design an enhanced incentive program

Response A is correct because the first step in conducting a gap analysis is to identify the difference between the current state and the desired state.

You are leading a change effort in your organization. You have asked the CEO to use formal and informal channels of communication to inform employees about the values, beliefs, and vision for the future of the organization. Your CEO is willing, but asks you why you want her to do this. You respond that by doing this, she is ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Applying leadership skills to influence others (followers) to accomplish an objective Applying managerial skills by directing Changing the organizational structure from hierarchical to matrix Transforming the organization from industrial to postindustrial

Response A is correct because the key goal of a leader is to influence others (followers) to accomplish the objectives and goals of the organization. Direction of work is not what leaders do. Changing the organizational structure isn't accomplished only by communicating values, beliefs, and vision.

You have recently joined an entertainment company as an organizational development specialist. Your job is primarily to support the TD department to implement change throughout the organization. You are in a staff meeting describing how various employees are responding to the change. Your colleagues tell you to rely on one group of people to help you early in the implementation stage of the change effort. Which group do they recommend will be the most helpful? Early adopters Early majority Late majority Laggards

Response A is correct because this group makes up 13.5 percent of the population. They like to take on new challenges, are trend setters who stay informed, and are generally influential members of organizations. While the innovators are the first to embrace change, they make up only 2.5 percent.

A TD professional has just constructed a 452-task project plan complete with dates and phases. Why has she chosen to incorporate phases into her project plan? (Choose the best response.) To focus energy on current work and have the ability to look ahead All projects have phases that need to be followed. To demonstrate that everything is linear in the process To keep people from jumping ahead of the plan

Response A is correct because using phases enables a project manager to divide project work into manageable chunks. Each phase has one or more deliverables that must be completed to end one phase and move to the next. Then, the project manager can focus on current work and anticipate upcoming work, without becoming overwhelmed by the overall scope of the projec

You are a trainer from Germany who has moved to the United States to take a job with a German car manufacturing firm. You speak German and English but experience difficulty when delivering your first course in the United States. Upon reading the first day Level 1 evaluations you realize that some of the material is not coming across with the same effect as it does in Germany. Which of the following is a probable reason for this situation given your knowledge of diversity, learning transfer, and multiple languages? (Choose the best response.) Nuance errors Gross translation errors Creative differences Inclusion approach

Response A is correct because when two parties do not have similar command of a language, mild distinctions between meanings can lead to misunderstandings.

A TD professional has decided to design an asynchronous online learning program to provide ongoing performance support to the field sales staff. Is the selection of asynchronous online learning appropriate and why? (Choose the best response.) Yes, because this training approach will allow learners to access the training as needed. Yes, because this training approach addresses learning in a group context. No, because of the long lead time needed to develop this type of training. No, because salespeople require a more personal training approach.

Response A is correct because with asynchronous learning, the trainer and the learner do not have to be online at the same time.

You are doing a study of anomalies in organizational patterns. These anomalies would normally be considered "noise" or experimental error. Your goal is to find underlying order in apparently random data. This type of study is most closely related to _____________________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Chaos theory Six Sigma Systems thinking Organizational change theory

Response A is correct. A study of anomalies in organizational patterns addresses chaos theory because seemingly random occurrences can reveal specific patterns of behavior.

You have been asked to deliver a class on Interpersonal Communication for the people on the floor of your company's factory. The factory manager was unable—or unwilling—to give you additional information. You live in a small Midwestern town and know most of the people in your small company. You know that most of the factory employees have high school diplomas, are hard workers, and probably never liked school very much. Since this is a new requirement, you need to gather data. What data collection method will you select? (Choose the best response.) Interviews Assessment or tests Survey Focus group

Response A is correct. Even though interviews will be time-consuming, the company is small and it will be easy to get a representative sample. The topic, Interpersonal Communication, is very broad and interviews will help you narrow down the scope while at the same time provide rich detail about why the training is important and what specifically is needed to make the session a good investment for the company. It's a good place to start. Besides, the learners are probably not going to want to complete a survey and a test will not likely identify the data you need.

Part I: You have been asked by the Contracts Department to help them identify why their Performance Achievement Measures (PAM) is so high and to provide training to help reduce it. The goal is to complete a contract upon receiving an approved proposal within 60 days. The department's PAM scores have been inching upward for the past nine months and the director is concerned. Employees have put stop gap measures in place, but nothing seems to halt the upward climb which currently stands at an average of 87 days. You tell the Contracts Department that ______________. (Select the best approach statement.) They have been implementing solutions, but actually need to step back to collect data that will help to identify the causes and specifically the root cause of the delayed actions. They have probably figured out that the root cause lies within the solutions they have tried and just need to segment them. They need to brainstorm a list of additional stop gap measures because these are not working. They will probably need to adjust their PAM expectations because the world is getting more complex.

Response A is the best approach because the department needs to identify the root cause for the best improvement investment. In this process the department will examine why each causal factor exists leading to the real reason for the increased PAM.

You are a TD professional working in a federal agency. Your manager tells you to search for vendors who provide online learning content that is accessible by federal employees with disabilities. The standard that your manager is referencing is______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) SCORM Section 508 Mobile learning standards Collaboration tool standards

Response B is correct because Section 508 refers to a standard in the Americans with Disabilities Act that requires that when federal agencies develop, procure, maintain, or use EIT, federal employees with disabilities must have comparable access to and use of information and data as federal employees who have no disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency.

You have been asked to help HRD unravel an employee problem in the Contracts Administration Department. It seems that some contract specialists spend time on Facebook and LinkedIn throughout the workday and other employees believe that, even though there is no corporate policy, everyone is not contributing equitably to complete the workload. This isn't the first time there was an issue in Contracts. Six months ago several of the employees felt they were carrying more of the responsibility to serve as liaisons with other departments. It seems that the other department employees prefer face-to-face communication while a few of the contract specialist prefer email. None of this surprises you. Based on your knowledge of maximizing workforce diversity, what do you think may be the root cause of the misunderstandings? (Choose the best response.) Cultural awareness Generational differences Gender differences Personal space preferences

Response B is correct because a lack of understanding of how different generations perceive and approach things can often lead to conflict. In this case, Gen Y employees have a need to be connected through social media, and if there is no policy, they feel it is okay to do so. Other generations, such as the Baby Boomers, may view it as wasting time. Baby Boomers also see the value in face-to-face communication while the Gen Y find email more efficient and a better way to monitor and track expectations and interactions. They may believe going to visit other departments wastes time.

A TD professional is looking for a technology-based solution where employees with common areas of expertise and interests can join an Internet group of professionals that will allow them to post questions, increase their knowledge, create new insights, enhance their performance in a particular area of expertise, and serve as informal knowledge sources. Which of the following is the most appropriate technology to meet this need? (Choose the best response.) Blogs CoPs Podcasts Electronic bulletin boards

Response B is correct because communities of practice often serve as organizing structures and platforms for workplace-based learning. CoPs are trusting groups of professionals united by a common concern or purpose, dedicated to supporting each other in increasing knowledge, creating new insights, and enhancing performance in a particular domain. Much more than chat rooms or discussion threads, CoPs are fully integrated into actual work.

You are a manager who needs to provide a rationale to senior leadership to invest in EPSS as a job aid. Considering the following scenarios, which one is the best reason for using an EPSS? (Choose the best response.) Access to computers is limited. Employees require just-in-time performance assistance. Information and processes are changing constantly. The tasks are highly technical and fairly complicated.

Response B is correct because for employees who need just-in-time performance assistance, EPSS provides on-demand information, guidance, examples, and step-by-step dialog boxes without the need for training or coaching.

Your organization needs to develop a training program to support a new product launch and sales force training. Which of the following is the best benefit of developing materials and training programs in-house? (Choose the best response.) The end product may have a lower cost because in-house expertise is used. Designers and developers have firsthand knowledge of the company, culture, mission, and goals. Development time is shorter. All resources are available immediately.

Response B is correct because in-house designers and developers understand the culture of the organization, which enables them to create learning that fits the culture and which appeals to the organization's learners.

Part II: You arrange for the performance improvement practitioner to meet with the manager of these employees to discuss the observations. You ask the practitioner to provide coaching tips that will help solve some of the issues. Which of the following is the best approach a supervisor should take in a situation like this? (Choose the best response.) Confront the workers and tell them to move on now that they've had a mental breather. Provide information and direction. Ask questions and explore their emotions and feelings. Neutralize their anger and give all individuals the space to express themselves.

Response B is correct because information and direction will help employees stop worrying about the future and enable them to understand their priorities.

You are an HRD manager who has been asked to identify the developmental needs of future leaders at various levels in the organization. How do you plan to go about accomplishing this task? (Choose the best response.) Career profile Leadership assessment DiSC Personality Profile Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Response B is correct because leadership assessments identify developmental needs of current and future leaders at all levels in the organization. The assessment process helps organizations identify potential and helps employees develop career plans.

As a TD professional, you are preparing the instructional objectives, the evaluation plan, and sequence of content for a new training program. Which step of the ADDIE model are you completing? (Choose the best response.) Analysis Design Development Implementation

Response B is correct because preparing objectives, an evaluation plan, and content sequencing take place in the design step of the ADDIE model.

A TD professional is presenting a business case for using social media to enhance learning. During the presentation, several senior managers challenge the use of social media by saying, "These systems compromise proprietary information." The key issue they are raising is best described as a______________ issue. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Organizational culture Security and privacy Written organizational policy User adoption

Response B is correct because security and privacy are part of management's concern about the use of social media compromising proprietary information.

You are a TD Professional who is leading a process-level gap analysis for a manufacturing company experiencing issues during assembly. You discover that the process does not reflect the procedures documented by the company, and the workers involved in the assembly unit do not have prior experience or training. These issues relate to which part of the process______________. (Choose the best response.) Inputs Process controls Outputs Resources

Response B is correct because specifications, education, and performer experience are all controls that have been developed for the process.

A TD professional is conducting a study on the effects of a training program she is delivering. She is drawing on her own experiences to guide the study. What type of knowledge is being represented by this TD professional? (Choose the best response.) Data Tacit Information Explicit

Response B is correct because tacit knowledge refers to knowledge in one's head based on personal experience. In the example, the TD professional is recalling her personal experiences, and thus the knowledge she is using is tacit.

You have been working with a senior level research scientist in your company. One of the topics that the two of you have addressed is the shortage of skilled employees who have PhDs in the area of expertise required by the company. During a coaching session, the client exhibits conflicting attitudes toward diversity. The coach wants to use a technique that will challenge the client to define his true attitudes. What coaching technique is most likely to accomplish this goal? (Choose the best response.) Journaling Socratic questioning Counseling Goal-setting

Response B is correct because the Socratic questioning method helps people self-identify issues pertaining to their attitudes and performance. Additionally, self-identification can help learners pinpoint solutions.

Your social style is analytical. You have been asked to establish a team to create new ideas for your first line supervisory class. You are considering asking the two individuals in question 2 and 3 above to be on your team. Should you invite both and why? (Choose the best response.) No, you should select team members who are your same social style so that you will appreciate each other's styles and have fewer conflicts. Yes, you should invite both of them. Invite the driver to help you get the work done, but the expressive will just goof off. Invite the expressive to provide creative ideas but not the driver.

Response B is correct because the best teams are made up of all styles. The driver will help the team get organized and meet deadlines and the expressive will ensure that the team has many creative ideas. As the analytical you will address the details and insure quality.

A TD professional has just completed a one-day classroom session for the company's U.S. marketing department and receives very high evaluation scores. The marketing director requests that the PowerPoint slides and the handouts from this training session be put on the company intranet for the marketing department in Europe so that they too can have the same exciting and enlightening experience. As the training department director, you _______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Assign the task to the TD professional who completed the training because he will know the content best Explain to the marketing director that design and delivery of online learning is different, so you will need time to revise it to be as successful as the experience the U.S. marketing department just had Ask the graphics department to redesign the certificate for successful completion of the course to ensure it is something the online learners will value Help the marketing director establish firm deadlines and milestones to ensure progress of course completion for the European marketing department

Response B is correct because the course has little chance of success if the TD professional does not make changes to the design and consider online delivery requirements. In fact, it may be a detriment to the training department's reputation for results-oriented delivery. There is little chance that the role plays, small group activities, and visuals used in the classroom transfer to the online course. The training director and staff need to determine how much time and what changes need to occur to ensure the success of creating an online course.

You manage the TD department for a car parts distributor. Last year was a good year for the company, so you budgeted for talent management software to better provide services to the rest of the company. You are particularly interested in identifying professional needs information to guide the development of future training programs. You need to present an explanation to management about how you will use the organization's talent management software to help inform future decisions. How will you lead off the explanation to the management team? (Choose the best response.) Talent management software allows the TD professional to view the number of employees who have taken courses. Talent management software allows the TD professional to use data for needs analysis. Talent management software allows the TD professional to assist in workforce planning. Talent management software allows the TD professional to commit budget dollars to courses.

Response B is correct because the data housed in the software can be used to determine what additional development is necessary to improve the capability of the workforce.

You are working with a department manager in your role as an internal consultant. You are developing interview questions to learn more about the department. Since you are studying appreciative inquiry theory, you decide to follow the process within the discovery phase. While editing your interview questions, which of these questions did you eliminate? (Choose the best response.) Who are your customers and what do they say when they are praising your department? Can you tell me what problems or issues need solving? What are this department's strengths and capabilities? What does this department do best when serving its internal customers?

Response B is correct because the discovery stage is meant to start positive conversations about the topic and generates constructive stories about strengths and successes. A question about problems and issues does not come from a positive perspective.

A TD professional is writing a section of an evaluation report that outlines the components of the evaluation process and identifies the tools used. What section of the report is the TD professional working on? (Choose the best response.) Background information Evaluation methodology Data collection and analysis Evaluation results

Response B is correct because the evaluation methodology component of an evaluation report describes the evaluation process, including the tools used, as well as the purpose of the evaluation and a rationale for the evaluation design.

With the advent of automated project management software, clients are starting to expect weekly PERT and Gantt chart updates. Because of these new expectations, your consulting firm needs to change its project management process. Which external environmental factor is this company adjusting to? (Choose the best response.) Economic Technological Global Sociological

Response B is correct because the example illustrates a change in technology—in this case the more frequent use of project management software—changing clients' expectations.

A small federal organization recognizes a need to bring its entire workforce up to speed about several issues the agency is facing. Many of the members of the organization travel more than 50 percent of the time. The agency director would like to encourage more cross-department discussion throughout the organization. How could the director use the elements of informal learning to inform the workforce about the issues of the future? (Choose the best response.) Request that the HR department design and deploy a series of two-hour workshops that is presented to cross-department groups over the next few months. Request that the Communication Department post new information on colorful posters each week in the break room including space for employees to add comments and questions. Ask senior leaders to discuss questions their staff may have. Release a request for proposal asking consultants to submit a plan for training the agency. Design and deploy an e-learning program that employees can download and take on the road with them. Once employees complete the e-learning training, the agency will track the results of the final exam employees complete at the end of the session.

Response B is correct because the other three are examples of formal learning.

A TD professional is in the process of designing a training program. Her supervisor asks what she is doing to ensure her program is on track with stakeholder needs. Which is a method to ensure she is on track? (Choose the best response.) Summative evaluations Formative evaluations Pre-training surveys Business impact form

Response B is correct because the sole purpose of formative evaluative is to improve the draft training program and increase the likelihood that it will achieve its objectives when it's made generally available.

You are coaching a new member of the leadership team. He is reading about exceptional leaders in history and believes that these leaders were born with innate inherited abilities suited for leadership. You tell him that his thinking is most closely aligned with which leadership theory? (Choose the best response.) Great Man theory Trait theory Contingency theory Theory

Response B is correct because the trait theory arose from the Great Man theory as a way of identifying the characteristics of successful leaders. Trait theory does not assume that great leaders are only born, but that they are born with inherited traits that are particularly suited for leadership. By discovering and studying these traits, it is believed that others could become great leaders as well.

As a TD professional, you are discussing listening skills with a group of participants in the classroom. One of the participants raises his hand and says, "Listening is 100 percent the responsibility of the listener. If the listener does not understand the message, it isn't the speaker's fault." How do you respond? (Choose the best response.) "You are correct. Listening is hard work. If the listener does not understand it is not the fault of the speaker. The listener is just not working hard enough." "There are many things that get in the way of understanding the message including the sender's message, the listener's interpretation, the environment, the filters by both the sender and the listener, and many other things." "You are mostly correct, but sometimes the speakers have not thought the message through very well." "What did you say?"

Response B is correct because there are dozens of barriers and obstacles that can get in the way of a listener hearing and understanding the message.

You are a TD professional facilitating a meeting with key stakeholders. You open the meeting by saying the following: "Good morning, uh, thanks for coming today. Uh, I am, uh, especially thankful for, uh, your participation in, uh, our discussion today about training methodologies." The speech patterns exhibited in this situation are known as ____________. (Choose the response that best completes the sentence.) Articulation Vocalized pauses Pronunciation Overuse of stock expressions

Response B is correct because vocalized pauses are syllables such as "uh," "um," and "ah" that a speaker uses when hesitating before moving on to the next point. These can be distracting when used too frequently, as in the example, and can convey the impression that the speaker does not know his topic.

You have developed a block diagram to graphically display the steps used in a manufacturing process. Which of the following analysis techniques are you demonstrating? (Choose the best response.) Business analysis Workflow analysis Cultural analysis Performance analysis

Response B is correct because workflow analysis involves determining how people, materials, methods, machines, and the environment combine to add value to a product or service. One method of determining this is by creating a block diagram or a flowchart to display the steps in a process.

You are an external consultant who has been called in to a new company to clean up a mess left by a previous consultant. You learn that the company asked the previous consultant to deliver training to the field staff who were having problems implementing the contracting module for the new ERP system. You learn that the previous consultant simply took the same content from headquarters and delivered to the field. You believe that the processes between headquarters must be different. The Department Head with whom you are speaking is becoming irritated with you because you cannot provide a definitive answer about what you will do. Finally you share a plan and suggest that you will need to: (Choose the best response.) Visit the employees in the field and conduct interviews with them to determine what they think went wrong. Focus on what happens on the job and use the job analysis to establish the sequence for the training. Then you will use an advisory group to validate the analysis and design before you proceed. Rewrite the learning objectives first to ensure a solid foundation. Review the lesson plans and the evaluation data.

Response B is correct. Instructional designers need to consider the big picture when they develop a course. Once they have identified the reason for the course, the next step is to develop a course program or program sequence.

As a TD director new to your job at the headquarters of a big-box store chain, you are surprised to receive a registered letter from an employment attorney in Atlanta. The attorney represents an employee who claims that she was discriminated against when a man was selected for a training program instead of her. This program is required before an employee can be moved to section supervisor. What is the appropriate next step? (Choose the best response.) This is a serious accusation and the next step is to contact the company's legal department. Ignore the letter since the company has been using this process for over a decade without a problem; if you address it you are admitting guilt. Contact the employee and explain that the burden of proof lies with the employee. Contact the employee and explain that no discrimination occurred because no testing occurred.

Response B is correct. The employer bears the burden of proof to demonstrate that any given requirement for employment is related to job performance. In the context of human resource development, a decision to select someone for a training program is a test. For example, an interview to determine eligibility for a training opportunity is just as much a test under the law as the requirement to pass a pencil-and-paper assessment for verbal fluency for entry into an organization-sponsored program.

You serve as an internal coach in your Talent and Organizational Management Department. You have more requests to coach than you have hours in the day. You have several requests for a coach on your desk today. As you review them, in which situation do you believe coaching will be most effective? (Choose the best response.) A senior manager requires advice and motivation to pursue career development in order to achieve a promotion. A junior manager demonstrates potential but requires continuous long-term development to achieve organizational goals and objectives. An employee requires help to evaluate her behaviors in the workplace. A new employee with a solid academic background requires functional training to perform his job.

Response B is correct. While all of these situations could benefit from a coaching relationship, it is important to consider the amount of time required as well as the client's potential and need to achieve developmental goals. Coaching is a long-term development solution that results in transformational change.

ou were hired three months ago as the Talent Development Manager in a small family-owned paint business. The owners brought you in to help them determine how to keep their best talent in their business since they are often hired away by large chains. The Talent Development Manager position is new to the organization since they provide little development to their employees. When you were hired you asked for 90 days to review the company practices and get your bearings. You are preparing for your meeting with the owners and are confident that you have some ideas for the business. Your report will include which of the following ideas? (Choose the best response.) Systems review of all job descriptions and a compensation study because the big chains are able to match employees with the best jobs and pay more A survey that measures employee satisfaction of employee development, career growth opportunities, level of stimulating work, clarity of how they contribute to the business success, and pride in their work and the company A succession plan that identifies and analyzes critical roles as well as potential attrition from the critical roles and establishes which jobs employees will move into next A performance review that establishes accountability and provides feedback and coaching

Response B is correct. While the other three items may contribute to the situation, you must first find out the root cause for people leaving and why they are not engaged enough to stay. All of these items are drivers that increase employees' engagement and desire to remain on the job.

During a root cause analysis you assembled a team of employees, managers, and executives to discuss the organization's recent dip in margins on a specific product line. Corporate managers immediately began blaming a lack of industry knowledge by sales staff. You redirected the conversation to discuss all possible causes of the issue, including processes, resources, information, knowledge and skills, and motivation. You turned to a flipchart and drew each topic as what kind of diagram? (Choose the best response.) Pareto analysis Ishikawa diagram The five whys technique Appreciative inquiry

Response B is the correct answer because the Ishikawa, or fishbone, diagram is used to trace the cause of a performance gap using a visual map resembling a fishbone. The process is done collaboratively with stakeholders.

A training manager is working to deploy a series of PDFs on the Internet so they are readily accessible by employees. Which management system represents the best solution? (Choose the best response.) RDBMS LCMS CMS PDF

Response C is correct because a CMS can publish content to multiple formats, including HTML (web), print, and PDFs.

Part II: You return to the Contracts Department after a week and find that they have gathered data and found 28 reasons for the increase in PAM. Each division director is blaming someone else. The contract specialists each have their own pet reason for which of the 28 causes they should attack first. The Contracts Department Director still wants you to provide a training program for everyone in the department, even those who have been around for years. You suggest that they __________. (Select the best approach.) Redo the data gathering because it isn't possible to have 28 reasons for the increase. Compile the reasons into four or five categories that can be prioritized. Complete a Pareto analysis. Turn to the senior level contract specialists for their expert opinion

Response C is correct because a Pareto analysis organizes the data categories to determine the relative frequency or in this case perhaps how much time is spent on the causes.

A training manager is trying to retain information from old documents so that project teams have access to the legacy information. Which type of management system best meets this need? (Choose the best response.) Content Learning Document Learning content

Response C is correct because a document management system enables an organization to track and store documents. In this example, the training manager is trying to retain old information which is the true use of a document management system, because it offers check-in, check-out, storage, and retrieval of electronic documents, new or old.

In building an effective KM system, a training manager begins to construct a web management tool to allow employees access to vital and timely information anywhere they are. He puts video messages from the company president on the site for employees to view at their leisure. Next, he extends the offering by ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Providing access to the company store for supplies Developing a location to track client complaints around service Creating a collaboration area for people to meet and discuss ideas with others in the company Developing an electronic signature tool to make virtual authorizations possible

Response C is correct because a key element of KM is the ability to connect with other people around the organization to collaborate and learn from one another. In this example the training manager is designing a place on the site where employees can share ideas and knowledge across the organization.

A TD professional is concerned that his organization is moving forward with a KM system purchase without articulating the strategy for the system. Lack of alignment with the organization's goals could result in ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) User acceptance Optimization of content Diseconomies Implementation plans

Response C is correct because a lack of KM alignment can cause diseconomies as well as frustration, additional expenses, suboptimization, political and cultural resistance, and little strategic value. KM is only valuable when it links to real business needs or strategies, creates opportunities, and solves identified problems.

One of your roles as a training director is to develop a big-picture perspective of the types of courses and content the organization offers. Which training director role are you fulfilling? (Choose the best response.) Developing course outline Identifying learning objectives Developing a program curriculum Listing needs assessment topics

Response C is correct because a program curriculum encompasses all of the types of training that an organization offers.

As a training manager for a publisher, you have collected information on the skills gaps that exist as well as the skills required for the auditor role in a finance team. In addition to collecting this information, you have also aligned the goals of the role to the organization's mission and strategy. You are pleased with the results since this is your first effort to complete a ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Business plan Training plan Workforce plan Succession plan

Response C is correct because a workforce plan identifies skill and knowledge gaps and the skills and knowledge required to meet future workforce needs. In general, a workforce plan provides managers with a framework for making staffing decisions based on an organization's mission, strategic plan, budgetary resources, and set of desired competencies.

You continue as the manager of the project in question number 1. You know that you need to make a presentation to the sponsor within the first couple of weeks and before you get too far into the project. Which of the following will be most helpful in your meeting? (Choose the best response.) WBS chart to show who will do what PERT chart to demonstrate the sequence of events Gantt chart to define the timeline, a charter, and informal data gathering CPM chart and a point paper that cautions against scope creep

Response C is correct because all of these will be critical for a meeting with the sponsor. The sponsor is often a member of senior management and will not want all the details, but needs to feel comfortable that you have a good understanding of the project (charter); have figured out the timeframe and key milestones (Gantt Chart); and are prepared with responses that demonstrate a reasonable amount of research before getting too far into the project.

As a TD professional you are discussing process thinking and design with a new manager. He wants to examine a key process in his department. You are helping him understand how to ensure this effort will be most successful. He has laid out four items he wants to incorporate. You tell him that he is on the right track and that he should implement all but one. Which one do you tell him to disregard? (Choose the best response.) Involve groups of people who are responsible for the process Use a flowchart to display the current and future flow of activities Ask individual employees to monitor their time on and off the process Use metrics to establish performance baseline

Response C is correct because although monitoring time using the process may be an interesting metric, it does nothing to understand the process or to improve it.

A TD professional is selecting delivery technologies as part of a blended learning program. In particular, the professional wants an application that links directly to another application that can train and guide learners who are trying to perform specific tasks in the target application while on the job. The most appropriate technology would be _________________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Podcasts Collaborative software EPSSs Synchronous online learning

Response C is correct because an EPSS links directly with another application and enables learners to view the steps (and often a simulation) of how to complete a task while they are trying to complete the task within the target application.

You are a training specialist who has designed an outdoor, experiential, team building training program for one of the departments in your company. This outdoor event includes rigorous activities such as whitewater rafting. One employee has told the department head that she will not attend because the program takes place on a Saturday, which she observes as a religious holiday. The department head is telling you that he believes she must attend or face termination. What advice do you give the department head? (Choose the best response.) He is correct in expecting her to be a part of the team. He needs to stick to his statement to show his authority and control. He is violating civil rights laws. He is violating OSHA law

Response C is correct because civil rights law guarantees against discrimination in employment based on certain civil rights, including the right to privacy and the right of equal protection.

You are a TD professional who has studied numerous career development theories. You are incorporating a combination of career development theories into your actual situation, working to ensure the right balance of reality and theory. Based on your knowledge of career development, you have chosen ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Holland's Occupational Congruency Model and DECIDE Roe's Theory of Occupation and Schein's Career Anchors Balance between personal assessment and the market A growth model for occupational development

Response C is correct because determining the ideal future of the organization in terms of career development is a process that must be based on appropriate concepts and theories. The vision must be realistic and provide a strong link between the present situation and future possibilities, including organizational needs and appropriate solutions to address those needs.

You are an HRD manager whose VP has asked you to design a program to develop the high-potential employees within your company. The VP also wants to begin to match these people with prospective roles within the company as needed. How will you begin to meet your VP's request? (Choose the best response.) Initiate strategic planning Develop a replacement planning module Create a succession plan Design career planning for the company

Response C is correct because developing high-potential employees and matching them with prospective roles is one aspect of the focus of succession planning, which is to create a self-reliant workforce in which organizations gain increased productivity and a pool of developed talent.

A TD professional is performing a needs analysis. He interviews every 13th employee from the department, selected from an alphabetical list of departmental personnel. What sampling method is this professional using? (Choose the best response.) Simple random sample Convenience sample Stratified random sample Judgment sample

Response C is correct because dividing a population into groups, such as departments, and then randomly choosing from each group is an example of stratified random sampling.

As an internal coach, you are working with a supervisor who has just been promoted. He seems to be having problems relating with the people who report to him. You have determined that he allows his people to share ideas and make their own decisions, so you do not think his management style is causing a disconnect. What else might you consider? (Choose the best response.) IQ and learning style Competing priorities and work ethics Emotional intelligence and social style Motivation and supervisory skills

Response C is correct because either of these could be causing his inability to relate to his team. Available evidence supports the idea that increasing emotional intelligence produces more effective work groups and greater harmony in the workplace. If he is not aware of social styles, he could be experiencing styles clashes with some of the people who work for him.

You own a small consulting firm. You are delighted to be in high demand and have more work than your company can deliver. Although you have tried to hire additional consultants, qualified candidates do not seem to be available. Which of the following environmental factors is negatively affecting your company? (Choose the best response.) Contractual External Employees Internal

Response C is correct because employee factors include shortages in the number of employees or in the number of employees with a certain skill set.

As the training manager for your organization, you have been asked to implement a major change within the warehouse. The manager has asked you to suggest several approaches. You have researched some of the best and are prepared to offer your suggestions. Which of the following is NOT a wise approach? (Choose the best response.) Matching resources with interests and abilities Encouraging discussion about the actions needed to reach commitment Limiting the number of people involved with identifying actions Creating a blueprint for change

Response C is correct because engaging as many people as possible in the identification process ensures quicker adoption of the change initiative.

Your organization has just gone through a downsizing. You have the dubious honor of kicking off the first instructor-led training since the reduction. Even though the downsizing was relatively small and most people took a buyout, you have taken extra care to create an environment that is conducive to learning. You will have coffee and snacks available for learners and have arranged the room in a U-shape. You also designed additional time at the beginning of the class to conduct a "What's on your mind?" activity. The activity is designed to explore each learner's current state of mind, identify their immediate needs, and identify their expectations for the class. What concepts are you incorporating in your design? (Choose the best response.) The learning brain model and sympathetic deliberations Cognitivism and behaviorism External and environmental influences and Maslow's hierarchy of needs Divergent thinking and active listening

Response C is correct because external and environmental factors such as stress, company conditions, and uncertainty may influence a participant's ability to learn. Maslow's hierarchy of needs contends that a person can achieve the next level of the hierarchy only after lower level needs, such as physiological, safety, and belongingness needs have been satisfied.

A TD professional is creating short reference materials containing codified, categorized, reusable content to enable people to quickly find and easily understand the information. What best practice does this activity refer to? (Choose the best response.) Personification Readability Information chunking Measurement

Response C is correct because information chunking involves creating logical and convenient information documented in an easy-to-use format, such as a table or a text box. In this example, the TD professional is reducing information into short reference materials that employees can find quickly and easily.

You are a training manager and have assigned Mason to work with an SME. Mason has been working diligently to create an asynchronous training event for the operators of a German-made printing press. Unfortunately all the training manuals are written in German and Mason is totally dependent upon Gregory, the SME who was assigned to work with him. His colleagues call him Grumpy Gregory and now you know why. He stalls whenever Mason tries to schedule time with him, responds rudely when he is asked questions, and walks away without saying goodbye or anything at the end of Mason's appointed hour. Mason has made a list of options to address with Gregory and to finally get this training designed. You examine Mason's list and advise him to follow through on all but one of the items. Which item do you suggest Mason should not do? (Choose the best response.) Speak with Gregory's boss to ensure that he has told Gregory that this is important work and that Gregory is expected to support it. Explore possible rewards and recognition for Gregory: compensation, recognition among his peers, or professional advancement. Find another SME outside the company. Sit down with Gregory to establish a formal relationship that clarifies roles and responsibilities.

Response C is correct because it is not likely that a positive working relationship can be forged between Gregory and Mason. SMEs may not understand the importance of the SME role or even see it as undesirable. If the assignment is not in their job description or development plan, they may be concerned that they will not be rewarded for their efforts. Participation in the project may be viewed as a distraction from "real" work. Their perception could be that the assignment is trivial and unrewarding.

As a TD manager, your leadership asked you to identify a way to provide experience and development to a high-potential manager who is being groomed for future leadership positions. In the program, the manager will spend one year working in a number of departments. During the first six months, the manager is moving to a same-level position in the sales department. After that assignment, the manager will move for six months to another same-level position in the marketing department. What is this type of development strategy known as and why did you select it? (Choose the best response.) External group development because this employee has already proven himself to be high-potential Job rotation because it is one of the most effective ways to keep high-potential employees engaged Job rotation because exposure to different functions increases employees' knowledge of the organization and builds new skills Job rotations because it is the fastest way to a promotion

Response C is correct because job rotation involves moving to other, same-level jobs in the organization with the goal of providing future management and leadership candidates with experiences that facilitate changes in thinking and perspective.

Your training department is responsible for training a large number of unionized employees. You are concerned about how the unions will most likely affect the training provided to employees. Your manager tells you to expect _____________. (Choose the best response.) Unions to approve the content of the training Unions will set the number of required training hours Unions will help define the skill levels associated with job titles Unions will select which employees will participate in the training

Response C is correct because labor reforms of the 1930s reorganized many unions on an industry-wide basis, mixing skills and unskilled workers in the same union. Distinctions regarding mastery of skills were dealt with through contract language, thereby leaving unions with a leading role in defining skill levels associated with job titles or craft titles.

As the new director of the TD department in your organization you want to exemplify all of the skills of an excellent leader. Which of the following would we NOT expect of you? (Choose the best response.) Ability to influence people and organizations Provide direction and strategy for accomplishing goals and objectives Manage and direct the work of employees Inspire and motivate others to achieve goals

Response C is correct because leaders who are adept at using personality and skills possess the ability to influence people and organizations, provide direction and strategy for accomplishing goals and objectives, and inspire and motivate others to achieve the goals. Managing and directing the work of employees is the role of a manager, whereas the role of a leader is to inspire, motivate, and set the strategic vision of where the organization needs to go.

You have a high-potential employee who values personal advice, assistance, and support from someone who is experienced and can help others move across the organization. The employee has a clear sense of purpose that would best be served by a relationship with a ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Champion Coach Mentor Talent manager

Response C is correct because mentoring is relationship-based with participants working toward a common goal, and both parties experience benefits. Key benefits are employee retention and grooming employees to take over jobs of increasing responsibility.

You are a training manager who has just left your performance review with your director. You are upset and cannot understand what the problem is. You are ticking off your behaviors that you believe display dedication and loyalty. You regularly work long hours six days a week doing everything from instructional design to setting up training rooms. The director indicated the poor review was a result of numerous complaints from your direct reports. Which of the following tasks are you likely not adequately focusing on? (Choose the best response.) Assessing training needs Budgeting and forecasting Providing vision, direction, values, and purpose to employees Delivering training

Response C is correct because providing employees with vision, direction, values, and purpose is the part of a training manager's job that enables employees to understand what they are doing and why. Without this understanding, employees feel lost and feel as though their work is not appreciated.

Your manager is holding a meeting of her staff to discuss ideas that she can use to convince upper management that a change initiative is needed. As the staff discuss ideas, which of the following is likely to be considered as one of the strategies that she can use? (Choose the best response.) Establishing performance metrics Pain management Remedy selling Front-end analysis

Response C is correct because remedy selling defines the process and explains the solution. It is the process of explaining how the gaps between the company's current state and its desired state will be closed, in what order they will be closed, and by whom. In this process, the change manager presents the need for change in a persuasive and convincing way.

A TD professional is preparing to deliver a highly interactive program to an audience of 16 people. The program involves some lecture and individual work, as well as frequent, sometimes lengthy, small group exercises. Which room setup is best for this type of program? (Choose the best response.) Conference style U-shaped Round Theater

Response C is correct because round tables or small circles facilitate interactive, small-group exercises while allowing for the effectiveness of lecture. Conference, U-shaped, and theater arrangements tend to put the focus solely on the presenter as the imparter of information.

A manager of a small company has asked you for advice. He is trying to decide if high-end simulations are an appropriate training option to deliver new product training to salespeople. Which of the following factors makes simulations inappropriate for this company? (Choose the best response.) The company has five regional offices. The company needs to monitor post assessment scores. The training will be updated quarterly. The training must include product demonstration videos.

Response C is correct because simulations or other high-end online learning content typically require lengthy development times and have high development costs. Quarterly updates would be expensive and could probably not be achieved quickly enough.

The management team of a manufacturing firm is constantly reacting to new problems and does not make long-range plans. You want to tell the management team that it needs to apply a systems thinking approach. What rationale will you use? (Choose the option that is the most accurate.) It will help identify the most appropriate training solutions needed to fix the problems. It will help identify the employees who are best at resolving crises. It will allow the management team to uncover the root causes contributing to the problems and consider the effect of any implemented changes. The organization will not thrive without long-range planning.

Response C is correct because systems thinking allows the team to consider how changes in one area of the organization will affect other areas, thereby enabling the team to understand the effects of small changes and avoid the occurrence of major problems.

You have been asked to select a supplier for a communication program. As the training manager for your company, you want to select the best supplier based on criteria presented by your internal customers. Which of the following techniques can you use to assist with the supplier selection process by dividing criteria into musts and wants and applying a weighted comparison to determine the best supplier? (Choose the best response.) Bloom's taxonomy Action learning Kepner-Tregoe process Six Sigma

Response C is correct because the Kepner-Tregoe process is a practical, straightforward decision-making process that divides criteria into musts and wants, thereby allowing the practitioner to select suppliers based on a weighted comparison of criteria.

A TD professional is trying to demonstrate ROI values to her manager. Which of the following is a formula she can use? (Choose the best response.) (Program Benefits for First Year × Life of Program in Years) - Program Costs Program Costs ÷ Total Benefits [(Total Benefits - Program Costs) ÷ Program Costs] × 100 (Program Costs - Total Benefits) ÷ Total Benefits

Response C is correct because the ROI calculation is [(Total Benefits - Program Costs) ÷ Program Costs] × 100.

A TD professional is evaluating his company's organizational effectiveness by using an approach that goes beyond using only financial measures and consists of using four perspectives. Which of the following methodologies is he applying? (Choose the best response.) Phillips ROI methodology Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation Balanced scorecard approach Business analysis

Response C is correct because the balanced scorecard approach uses four perspectives that go beyond financial measures to evaluate organizational effectiveness. The four perspectives are the customer perspective (Did the solution meet the customer's needs or expectations?); the innovation and learning perspective (Did users gain the needed skills or knowledge?); the internal business perspective (Did the solution have an effect on the job?); and the financial perspective (Did the solution have a financial payoff?).

A former bank teller has just landed his dream job as a TD professional. He has been assigned his first training opportunity to deliver a half-day time management session to employees. His supervisor will be observing him, and he wants to make a great first impression. To prepare himself, he intends to _______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Interview the participants before the session to learn what they need with regard to time management Read several books about time management to be sure he really understands the topic Practice the delivery of the training notes aloud in the same room he will deliver the training as one way to master the content Redesign the opening to include resolution of a key time management problem

Response C is correct because the best way to prepare is to practice aloud to check for timing, experience saying difficult words, and to work through any mechanics such as providing handouts or telling a story.

You work for a research organization where 50 percent of the employees are scientists and engineers. The organization has decided to develop and implement a speaking skills class to help the scientists get their ideas across in important meetings. It seems that many of them are brilliant, but just not very good at communicating to large groups. Two of the scientists have been assigned to you as SMEs to help design the training. They have suggested that you write a short paper that lists techniques for speaking in front of a group and that you accompany it with a template they can use to plan their speeches. You need to provide them with a response. You say ______________. (Choose the best response.) I think that could work. Perhaps you could provide me with several examples of times you need to give a speech. Independent study is a good idea because it will save everyone time. I don't think we will achieve the objective with a paper and a template. That's one way to do it, but I think it will be more fun if we learn together in a class.

Response C is correct because the objective is to help the engineers and scientists to do something different and acquire a new skill. They need hands-on practice to learn this skill. You will want to help them practice speaking, perhaps recording their presentation for self-critique, dissecting the speaking process, and providing several other exercises that help them practice what works for them.

You just left an all-hands meeting in which the CEO was talking about "building organizational capacity." You haven't a clue about what he meant, but you think your role as a TD professional has something to do with it. You ask your manager and she explains it as ___________. (Choose the best response.) The way that the training function integrates with HR Identifying an effective onboarding strategy Developing a talented workforce to meet business and customer needs Creating a sales and marketing team that maximizes profits

Response C is correct because the organization must hire, train, and retain the right talent to achieve business goals.

A TD professional is preparing to conduct an evaluation. What is the first step in the process? (Choose the best response.) Develop an evaluation design and strategy Select measurement tools Identify evaluation goals Develop a business case

Response C is correct because the steps in all evaluation models include: identifying evaluation goals first; developing an evaluation design and strategy; selecting and constructing measurement tools; analyzing data; and reporting data.

Your senior management team is notorious for hijacking meetings and doing what they want rather than follow the original agenda. You were recently asked to facilitate a quarterly meeting. You decide that at the start of a senior management meeting, you will ask the individuals in the room to explain their expectations for the meeting. As they discuss their expectations for the meeting and themselves, you will post the expectations on a flip chart. You are hoping that this facilitation tool will be helpful; it is called______________. (Choose the best response.) Listening Open discussion Shared framework of understanding Summarizing

Response C is correct because this tool makes people feel more comfortable, and makes it easier for the group to police itself and accept responsibility for what happens in the meeting

You are the training director of a large chemical lab. Your company has always been generous with the training budget. You have reached the end of the year and find that you have a $310,000 budget surplus. Which of the following is the best option for using this surplus? (Choose the best response.) Your staff has worked hard all year and even though they are some of the best paid in the industry, you could give them all a bonus. You could throw a great end of the year party to celebrate all that your department has accomplished; it would be well deserved. You could meet with the CFO and the VP of Talent to explore options. You could divide the money among each of the first three options.

Response C is correct because training is a support function. Organizational priorities should be the department's focus. Training directors must demonstrate fiscal responsibility. This step gains credibility with business leaders in the organization and will most likely garner more respect for the department. This is the best decision in the long run.

As a TD professional you received a request for training from a warehouse manager who has identified some specific training objectives. You have been working hard to gain this manager's respect. You want to be known as a business partner who has interdepartmental credibility within your organization What will your next step be? (Choose the best response.) Create the class the warehouse manager has asked for. Develop pre- and post-tests for the warehouse manager's required class. Conduct a needs analysis to identify specific performance factors. Prepare a paragraph for the annual report focusing on the link between the training for warehouse employees and the organization's strategic goals.

Response C is correct because you must place the training request in the context of the organization's needs because training adds value only when serving a business need. Based on instructional design models, needs assessments should be conducted first to determine the exact nature of an organizational problem and to identify specific performance factors.

A TD professional has been asked to reduce a typical two-day training session to six hours. Which of the following adjustments will save time and still ensure the content will be beneficial to learners? (Choose the best response.) Eliminate the hour opening and dive right into the content Eliminate the experiential learning activities and deliver the content accompanied by an inclusive checklist Review all of the content, asking the learners' supervisors to prioritize the most important aspects of the content All of the above

Response C is correct. Although choices A and B could offer some time savings, these changes may not create a climate conducive to learning and will likely reduce learner participation. Both of these will likely inhibit transfer of knowledge to the workplace and be a waste of time for everyone involved.

You just completed your first presentation at the ATD International Conference & Exposition. You really think you nailed it. Several of your colleagues approach you after the presentation to sing your praises. They ask you what you think you did that created the dynamic interactive presentation. You think for a moment and then state with confidence _______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) I used notes that have everything I wanted to say, so that if I forgot something I could refer to my notes. I told myself that no one knows this content better than I know it, and that gave me the confidence I needed. I knew my audience, over-prepared my content, and practiced, practiced, practiced. I think starting off with a joke and hearing everyone's laughter immediately helped me.

Response C is correct. It takes time to be well-prepared—at least a 7:1 ratio, that is 7 hours of preparation for 1 hour of delivery. All of this practice will ensure that you will naturally appear confident.

You provide training services to a small Fixed Base Operation (FBO) pilot shop on the edge of town. They are run by a dedicated but harried staff. They have asked you to gather proposals from vendors that can teach time management skills to the 25-member staff. The budget is small but you have found a man that can offer the training under the budget you were given. He is a professor at a junior college who is just starting his consulting practice, so he doesn't have any previous customers. He says he can put the training together within the month and would not need to take up anyone's time with a needs assessment, objectives, scope of the effort or timeline; he is sure you will be satisfied with the deliverable. He has asked for half of the fee upfront to cover expenses. The FBO manager and one of the flight instructors have concerns. What is their greatest concern? (Choose the best response.) Professors are rarely a good choice because they don't have real life experience. If the price is so low it can't be a good training. The lack of desire to conduct a needs assessment or present a scope of work or deliverables. Asking for half the cost up front is a bad sign.

Response C is the best. While each of these could signal a problem, it is imperative to have a potential vendor always provide a detailed description of the plan, objectives, scope of effort, a timeline, deliverables, and references. An unwillingness to conduct at least a cursory needs assessment will most likely result in training that does not meet the needs of the FBO staff.

During the pilot phase of a performance intervention, you used several methods of evaluation to determine if the real root cause is being addressed by the solution, if the client's expectations are being met, and if the initiative is effective. What kind of evaluation are you using? Summative evaluation Quantitative analysis Formative evaluation Statistical evaluation

Response C is the correct answer because the purpose of formative evaluation is to determine if the intervention is impacting the root cause of a performance issue

You are an HPI consultant. A sales organization has called you to request customer service training for their front desk staff. You meet with two of their managers who discuss the poor results of their latest customer service survey and the organization's goal of being the market leader in customer service. In further examination of the survey results, you discover that most customers cited a lack of salesperson response time as the biggest complaint. You state that you are happy to conduct customer service training, however, you recommend that they begin with a solution that aids response time by salespeople. You suggest that they gather data along the way and check back with you in a few months. What approach are you using? Root cause-based Change management Results-based Evaluation-based

Response C is the correct answer because this approach is driven by a business need and a performance need and is also justified by the results of the cause analysis.

A TD professional is completing a presentation to justify the cost of delivering a cultural awareness training program. When preparing the presentation, which of the following should he consider? (Choose the best response.) Methodology used in receiving formative and summary evaluation information. The synthesis model used to determine the recommendation. Business purpose of the evaluation with regard to key decisions the audience needs to make. That the executive summary be three paragraphs or shorter.

Response C is the correct response because this will help match the style of data presentation to the audience and that will assist in creating a receptive audience.

You work for a not-for-profit organization and have been assigned as the project manager to a new project. You have finished collecting information and are now developing several planning worksheets. Which of the following are you most likely creating? (Choose the best response.) Process map SWOT analysis Strategic plan Gantt chart

Response D is correct because Gantt charts are one of several planning worksheets that project managers use to plan the work of a project. Creating a Gantt chart involves creating a sequence of the tasks and subtasks of the work to create a milestone chart and mapping timeframe data onto it.

You are a TD professional who is creating a blended learning program for a large restaurant chain. Your client wants to leverage collaboration tools to facilitate the learning process and provide informal learning experiences outside of formal classroom instruction. You offer all of the following to your client as examples of collaboration software except ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Wikis Blogs CoPs LMSs

Response D is correct because LMSs are not collaboration software. A LMS is a software application that automates administering, tracking, and reporting learning events.

A TD Professional is creating a Level 1 evaluation instrument for a training class. Which of the following does not need to be considered? (Choose the best response.) Determining the purpose(s) the tool will serve such as will it be used only for a certain type of instruction, and will it be used for TD products, services, or both. Determining the format or media that will be used to present and track results such as paper, electronic, or both. Selecting the items that are important for the business to track and that will help maintain the quality of TD products and services. Calculating the benefit-cost ratio to decide if the class should continue to be offered or replaced with a different class.

Response D is correct because a benefit-cost ratio is calculated as part of the ROI which is a Level 4 evaluation.

A TD professional with whom you work is characterized by many on her team as someone who is constantly making work fun. She is enthusiastic and engaged but sometimes finds herself bored and disconnected when faced with repetitive tasks. This TD professional's personal style can best be described as ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Amiable Analytical Driver Expressive

Response D is correct because an expressive person tends to look for a good time; is enthusiastic, creative, and intuitive; and has little patience for details

As a TD professional you have been asked to work with a manager in the marketing department on options for getting unbiased feedback about her performance from employees in her department. What advice do you give her to encourage candid feedback? (Choose the best response.) Internal training Competency assessments Simulations Coaching

Response D is correct because as senior leaders and executives move up the ladder, it becomes more difficult for them to get objective feedback about their performance. This can be remedied by coaching leaders to solicit feedback

A TD professional is developing a business case for delivering training for an international system deployment for sales professionals by using asynchronous online learning. When describing the rationale for using technology-based training versus traditional classroom instruction, one benefit she could NOT list is _________________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Cost-effectiveness in the long term Access for learners anytime and anywhere—especially those geographically dispersed Self-directed learning Immediate feedback from a facilitator

Response D is correct because asynchronous online learning means that the facilitator provides course materials that learners access at any time without the facilitator's presence.

You are an internal consultant working with a department head. She has a staff retention problem, telling you that she cannot figure it out. She gives raises whenever she can and gives employees monetary on-the-spot awards regularly, but people are still leaving to go to work elsewhere. What do you tell her? (Choose the best response.) She needs to determine how to provide effective intrinsic motivation. People perform better when they feel their personal values are aligned with the organization. She needs to help them feel connected to others and the mission. All of the above.

Response D is correct because based on Daniel Pink's research these three are more important motivators than compensation.

A TD professional wants to determine if a training course resulted in actual performance improvement on the job. Which tools should he use? (Choose the best response.) Online or paper and pencil tests. Opinion surveys or evaluation forms. Pre-training or post-training surveys. Productivity reports or on-site observations.

Response D is correct because both productivity reports and on-site observations indicate whether performance has improved since the employee attended training.

A TD professional is planning to leverage social media to support learning in an organization. When building the business case, all of the following are examples of how social media can support learning EXCEPT ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Gathering and sharing information and resources from internal and external collaborative networks Enabling learners to generate their own learning content either formally or informally Leveraging the collective knowledge both internal or external to an organization Discussing a topic in a one-on-one conversation with a peer

Response D is correct because discussing a topic one-on-one with a peer will not build a business case. In this example the TD professional wants to leverage social media, which is a set of Internet-based technologies designed to be used by three or more people. Social tools leave a digital path for others to follow. By discussing a topic one-on-one you are not leaving a digital path for others to follow.

A TD professional has cleared the first hurdle in implementing social media. Senior management has signed off on the project and funded her work on the initiative with the IT department. The next hurdle is influencing others and building comfort with social media. She should consider all of the following strategies EXCEPT ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) Finding opportunities to leverage social media to solve a business problem and framing social media benefits for users Fostering trust Demonstrating cost-effectiveness Focusing on younger workers who are likely to be enthusiastic users of social media

Response D is correct because focusing communications solely on younger workers will not influence the entire organization.

You are the manager of a learning function and have just been informed that budget cuts of 50 percent are being instituted across the organization. What programs will you consider cutting first? (Choose the best response.) The programs currently conducted by an external supplier The most expensive programs to administer and maintain All instructor-led training because distance learning is less expensive The programs that aren't strategically aligned with the organization's goals and vision

Response D is correct because for the learning function to both be and appear valuable to the organization and, therefore, not a function that can be cut, the TD professional needs to ensure that programs that support the organization's goals remain in place, while those that aren't directly tied to those goals are cut.

You have been coaching Steve to reach his goal of improving his working relationships with others. Steve tells you how he was reprimanded for producing a product that contained inaccurate data. Steve angrily blamed his co-workers for giving him the incorrect data. What should you do in this coaching situation? (Choose the best response.) Focus on building rapport with Steve. Focus on empathizing with Steve. Help Steve focus on improving his working relationships. Help Steve explore relationship patterns in previous situations.

Response D is correct because getting Steve to understand his patterns of behaviors and their long-term results may get him to re-map and re-learn his short-term reactions to events.

You are the manager of a training department with a large in-house staff and numerous supplier partners. You are in the process of developing a strategic plan. Given the size of the training department, what is the role you will play in the strategic planning process? (Choose the best response.) Creating the training that supports the strategic plan Delivering the training that supports the strategic plan Evaluating the training that supports the strategic plan Overseeing and focusing on future strategies for training

Response D is correct because in a large training department, in-house staff and suppliers help meet the organization's needs, leaving the training manager to focus on the future vision and the strategies that will help the training function to reach that vision.

You are a new department head hired to lead change in your department. You have asked a TD professional to assist you with implementing some of the changes. Given that change is difficult for people in your company, you have decided to implement an appreciative inquiry process that involves as many people as possible in the dream phase. The TD professional offers several options. Which one do you choose? (Choose the best response.) One-on-one interviews with leadership Create and deploy a survey to everyone Research other companies for best practices Conduct an Idea Day Café so participants can discuss their visions, hopes, and ideas for the future

Response D is correct because in the dream phase you will want to host a participative meeting to engage employees, fuel their creativity, and instill a sense of ownership in the solution.

Part I: A performance improvement practitioner has been brought in to help your organization solve some performance issues after a recent merger and subsequent downsizing. In observing some of the staff, the practitioner tells you that several people say they do not know where they fit in the organization and that they spend their time trying to understand what to do in the new structure. Which of the four stages of transition are these individuals in? (Choose the best response.) Disengagement Disidentification Disenchantment Disorientation

Response D is correct because individuals in this stage of transition through a merger or acquisition tend to feel lost and confused and don't know where they fit in.

Your organization's training department is deciding whether it should purchase a learning support system. Which of the following do you tell your manager will not likely affect the implementation of such a system? (Choose the best response.) Better able to align learning initiatives with strategic goals A need to provide LMS recommendations based on organizational needs A need to adjust to a faster speed of response Better able to deal with technology compatibility issues

Response D is correct because integrating a learning support system with existing systems may cause compatibility issues rather than solve them.

You are the training manager for a small medical practice. After they return from the annual medical conference and retreat in Hawaii, the doctors in your firm have determined that they want you to create a high-quality, customized customer service training for the practice. They provide you with several names of vendors whom they spoke with at the conference who offer off-the-shelf customer service courseware and received high praise from other doctors. Your doctors believe that their practice is special and want a special training approach that emulates the practice. What may be wrong with this scenario? (Choose the best response.) The credentials of the vendors may be exaggerated since they attended the medical conference. You are concerned about the degree of cohesion between the vendor's philosophies and the medical practice. You need a budget for this project before you can move forward. You are concerned about the ability to customize the customer service training to meet the "special" needs of the medical practice based on the doctors' comments to you.

Response D is correct because it is often difficult or impossible to customize off-the-shelf products, making it difficult to meet all the training needs.

When designing your latest asynchronous training you incorporated several short video clips; created an activity that requires learners to "build" the model by moving the five parts into correct sequence; and ensured that all instructions are both verbal and appear on the screen in written format. You were concerned about _______________. (Choose the response that best completes the sentence.) Learner's attention span Learner motivation Learning culture Learner's intake style

Response D is correct because people vary in their learner preferences, which fall into three categories referred to as the VAK model. Visual learners intake by seeing. Auditory learners intake by hearing. Kinesthetic learners intake by doing. It is likely that all three intake styles will take the asynchronous training that you designed.

You have been asked to prepare a communication plan to distribute a list of critical issues regarding the change strategy to employees. Your training director has tried to "help" you by providing examples of media that you can use. As you look down the list, one of her suggestions is not a recognized media venue for communication. Which of the items on your director's list is NOT a recognized media format for a communication plan? (Choose the best response.) Teleconferences to provide an ongoing road map to managers A change survivor's guide to help people through change A telephone hotline for the latest breaking news and information An experiential learning activity that involves outdoor physical activities

Response D is correct because providing an experiential learning activity that takes place outdoors is not a good way to communicate about change. It may be useful for other things such as team building, but to ensure that everyone affected by the change has clear, unambiguous information about the change, the TD professional needs an effective means of communication.

You need to select a training delivery method. Your goals include (a) cost-effectiveness, (b) low amount of trainer travel, and (c) low amount of trainee time away from work. Immediate trainee feedback in real time is not required. Which delivery method would best address this situation? (Choose the best response.) Blended online learning event Synchronous online learning event Facilitator-led classroom event Asynchronous online event

Response D is correct because reducing trainer and trainee time away indicates a technologically-driven solution. An asynchronous solution further reduces the need for schedule management.

As a TD professional, you are conducting a measurement analysis of leadership skills for a management role. The difficulty lies in the fact that the role has gone through tremendous change in the last four years. Based on this, what best describes the situation you are facing when working with past and present data surrounding this role? (Choose the best response.) The validity of the data is automatically compromised because of all of the changes. The reliability of the data is automatically compromised because of all of the changes. The validity of the data is affected because it was administered to test subjects before being administered to actual subjects. The reliability of the data should be examined closely to determine whether the effects of the changes have affected the results of the data.

Response D is correct because reliability refers to the ability of the same instrument to produce consistent results over time and determines how frequently it succeeds. Reliability is concerned with the accuracy or precision of the instrument. Practitioners can attempt to improve reliability by considering the types of data being measured and carefully wording questions to increase the likelihood that participants will respond consistently. Practitioners can also assess consistency by evaluating responses over time.

As a new trainer you have introduced a small group activity by reading the instructions from the facilitator guide and have allowed time for questions before breaking participants into small groups. After getting into the small groups, participants spend more time asking questions about what they are supposed to do rather than actually doing the activity. What might you do differently next time to keep the group focused on the specifics of the activity,? (Choose the best response.) Establish ground rules at the beginning of the class on how group activities are to be conducted. Allow more time for the small group activity. Appoint a group leader for each group to report results for the class. Provide written activity instructions in a handout.

Response D is correct because some people intake information primarily through one mode of learning, according to the VAK model. Providing visual written instructions complements the auditory mode of giving instructions.

Pharmacy technicians at a mail-order pharmacy have been seeing more mistakes in filled prescriptions in recent months. During interviews, technicians complain that once they fill a prescription and send it over to be checked by a pharmacist, they do not receive any feedback on the accuracy. You are leading this project and initiate several solutions, including the implementation of a weekly team meeting to discuss accuracy and review important compliance issues. The solution that best fits with this performance improvement issue is: (Choose the best response.) Improve wellness Improve resources Improve knowledge and Skills Improve information

Response D is correct because the Improving Information category includes factors that pertain to the transfer of information and feedback within an organization or team.

You are developing learning materials for an international not-for-profit organization. While conducting research, you find a job aid on the Internet that is exactly what is needed. The job aid is located on an individual's website, not a corporate or a governmental website, and there is no copyright marking on the job aid. What should you do? (Choose the best response.) Use the job aid as it currently exists; there are no restrictions on its use. Add the organization's logo on the job aid and use it. Put the individual's website on the job aid and use it; not-for-profit use is allowed under the fair use doctrine. Seek the copyright holder's permission to use the job aid for your organization; it is most likely copyright-protected.

Response D is correct because the best practice is to obtain written consent from the copyright holder to use the materials, even for an educational program.

As an internal change consultant, you are working with managers to help them see the benefits to loosening their control and allowing teams to self-organize. Which theory are you using to help facilitate change in this organization? (Choose the best response.) Equity theory Goal setting theory Motivation theory Complexity theory

Response D is correct because the central premise of complexity theory is that order can emerge from chaos. Having managers create a strong sense of vision in their employees and then allowing them to create courses of action for themselves is one way to implement this theory.

You have just been hired as a TD professional by the training department of a cleaning supply manufacturer and are still in the onboarding process. You are observing a LEAN team meeting in which team members are discussing their project. One of the team members turns to you and asks, "How much do you know about the LEAN concept?" You quickly search your brain for some of the facts that you learned while studying for your CPLP and miraculously come up with a response. What do you say? (Choose the best response.) LEAN requires taking a systemic view of an organization and examining how people, structures, and processes influence one another within the whole. LEAN studies the behavior of dynamic systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions. LEAN is a high-performing, data-driven approach to analyzing and solving root causes of manufacturing processes. LEAN uses metrics and enabling practices to simplify work, make it easy to understand, accomplish it on time, and manage the flow with efficiency.

Response D is correct because these are the keys to a LEAN process. These three are the basis LEAN that started in manufacturing.

A trainer is presenting content to a medium-sized group of highly visual learners. The content has been specifically developed for learners who are primarily kinesthetic. The content focuses on passing around small working models of a machine for each learner to manipulate, and includes descriptive lecture content also focused on kinesthetic learners. The trainer must adapt at the last minute to serve the visual learners as effectively as possible. Which solution would be most effective? (Choose the best response.) Present the material as designed and schedule a suitable follow-up session. Discuss the situation and encourage the learners to adapt. Generate discussions so people can reflect on what they just saw. Have a volunteer demonstrate with models during the lecture.

Response D is correct because to quickly transform the content to appeal to visual learners, it is best to convert the hands-on kinesthetic activity to a visual demonstration. Visual learners prefer to observe and learn from films, videos, demonstrations, charts, and graphs.

As a TD professional, you are providing a peer assessment to one of your co-workers in the same role. During the feedback process, she politely asks if it is OK if she answers an urgent email message while you talk. You state that you would prefer that she wait and then describe the potential problem that could result from this behavior. What do you describe to her? (Choose the best response.) Lack of vocabulary understanding between the two TD professionals Failure to point out the importance of the message to the listener Feelings of defensiveness and rebuttal between the two TD professionals A disruptive setting that challenges both professionals' ability to communicate

Response D is correct because working on emails is disruptive and misdirects the receiver's attention away from the communication that is taking place.

Mary is an executive who needs advice before making an important decision on a sensitive work-related issue. With whom do you recommend Mary discuss her concerns before she makes a decision? (Choose the best response.) Internal coach Mentor Counselor External coach

Response D is correct because working with an external coach is the best choice for Mary. External coaches are able to focus on Mary's interests and do not have to represent the company's interests as well. Internal coaches often have dual accountability.

You manage the training department for a world-wide restaurant chain. The executive team has decided to initiate a leadership development effort for the company. The dilemma you face is that employees—especially store managers already work 60-hour weeks, have few weekends off, and have very little time for training. Your needs assessment demonstrates that you need to start with an individual 360-degree assessment for each "leader" but after that you are unsure of how to deliver the content. Like most restaurants, profit margins are thin. You have made a list of ideas and want to narrow it down before your meeting with the VP of HR. Which do you select to discuss? (Choose the best response.) Design a week long summit for each region and follow up with peer learning. Provide a reading list and send all leaders off to a senior executive university course. Design a year-long course that meets two days every month and delivers content based on the needs assessment and the 360-degree feedback. Kick off the event at the annual business retreat currently attended by all leaders and follow up with an e-learning system where employees can select short activities to practice.

Response D is correct. Although many of these ideas have merit, several of McArdle's factors will influence your strategy: budget, the number of learners, the locations of the learners, and the limited time available. The restaurant leaders do not have much time for additional learning, so as much as can be done in the course of a day, the better. An e-learning system could be designed so that the store managers could use the 360-degree feedback to select practical activities that would improve their skills while at the same time might solve immediate problems in the restaurant.

You have been a training director for a Department of Defense (DoD) contractor for 15 years. Your company has a contract for several high-tech replacement parts for the drones that the DoD uses. You have never seen such uncertainty in the economy or ambiguity coming from Congress. The upcoming year could be one of a huge amount of work or very little. To add to this uncertainty, you know that a large number of your employees are retirement eligible this year, but have not yet stated their intentions. How will you approach this dilemma? (Choose the best response.) Create a realistic estimate of the range of future talent demand, identify skill gap options, and design training to address them. Create a realistic estimate of the range of future talent demand, and go to your leadership for advice. Create a realistic estimate of the range of future talent demand, create a succession plan that is ready to implement as soon as you are certain about the future. Create a realistic estimate of the range of future talent demand, identify creative options for new talent that includes contract support and a recruitment plan.

Response D is correct. In this case estimating future talent requires a creative workforce plan and a strategy to manage it. The uncertainty means you will be unable to pinpoint the exact size of the talent gap. You may have a large amount of work or very little. You may have many retirements or few. The uncertainty requires you to be prepared with actions you will take depending upon what happens. If you are prepared with options to use contract employees and a recruitment plan, you will be ready for whatever occurs.

You are a TD Director for a large 75-year-old wholesale food distribution company. You realize that the margins on food products are small and everyone needs to keep expenses to a bare minimum; however, the C-suite's recent request is just not going to work. Because they are focused on a return-on-investment (ROI), they expect you to use the same career development approaches for the employees the company employs today as it did 10 years ago. What concerns you the most about their request? (Choose the best response.) Your ability to maintain a balance between personal assessment and the market career development approach Your ability to implement Williamson's trait-and-factor career development theory Your ability to continue using Roe's theory of occupation and its eight groups of service for career development Your ability to meet career development expectations of the employees you hire today

Response D is correct. In this role, you need to balance ROI and the need to develop people. Your organization has a need to see an economic payback for investing in people. Often these investments organizations make in people are based on the "hope" that the investment will pay off. In this case however, you also must consider that today's workforce is not the same as it was 10 years ago. You need to work with and understand the differences between generations as well as the influence of cultural differences. This will most likely require different approaches to career development.

You are an external consultant. A large department store chain has brought you in to help implement a change. It seems the chain hired a CEO from Silicon Valley a year ago to breathe new life into the store. Unfortunately the customer base was aging baby boomers who did not purchase the new merchandise and were dismayed with the store changes. Profits plummeted and Wall Street did not react kindly to the changes. Now the chain has asked its former CEO, who was well liked and led the company through steady growth years, to come back and straighten things out. You are meeting with the CEO and discussing possible overarching strategies. With which type of change strategy do you recommend he start? (Choose the best response.) Facilitative Informational Attitudinal Political

Response D is correct. The former CEO is well liked, so can use his influence to tap into resources that will be needed to make fast changes. You would be remiss, however, if you did not also recommend that once the initial change effort was started it will be necessary to use another approach to ensure an in-depth impact that lasts long-term. This would probably mean an attitudinal (or informational) strategy.

You are a project manager that is addressing new IT requirements for your organization. You are in the middle of the execution and feeling pretty cocky about your successes when you receive a call from one of the field offices that states that you are not representing the needs of the field. How will you address this problem? (Choose the best response.) Contact all the field offices and identify their issues and concerns. Invite employees in the field to be members of the project team. Revise the communication plan with a renewed focus on the field. All of the above.

Response D is correct. These setbacks can occur when you do not think through the entire process and the many roles in an organization that may influence a project. Project stakeholders include anyone with a vested interest in the project.

Your manager just left the department head meeting. She came to you to discuss a new effort that your organization is going to spearhead. The goal is to train everyone in the company before the end of the calendar year. There are 5000 employees in your company and it is almost September. You tell her: (Choose the best response.) You just attended a webinar about informal learning and that the fastest, easiest way to get all the information out is to disseminate it through the departments and have the supervisors conduct training for each of their employees. You can get started now. You read about accelerated learning, a learning strategy that involves the right and left hemispheres, the cortex, and the limbic systems of the brain, thus making learning more natural and faster and suggest that you deploy a similar process. You have the perfect solution: rapid instructional design (RID). RID is a collection of strategies for quickly producing instructional packages that enable a specific group of learners to achieve a set of specific learning objectives. RID involves alternatives, enhancements, and modifications to the ADDIE model. Even though there are many tools that can be used, you need to gather a bit more information and clarify the objectives of this effort.

Response D is correct. While each of the above three techniques may be helpful, time must be established up front to ensure you have written SMART objectives. They should be Specific so that you can clearly define the outcome; Measurable, meaning you should be able to count it or determine with a distinct yes or no whether it was accomplished; Attainable and not too difficult for employees to reach; Relevant to ensure that the objectives are will achieve what the company desires; and Time-bound, which you already know is December 31.

A training specialist gives instructions to a worker about an exercise that he needs to complete. The worker smiles agreeably and nods. When the trainer checks back with the worker later, she discovers that he has not completed the exercise. This is an example of what common barrier to communication? (Choose the best response.) Language and speech Environment Psychology Nonverbal behavior

Response D is the correct response because it refers to behaviors that communicate a message. In the example, the trainer and the worker have different understandings of body language.

You are a facilitator working with a small company. An early task is to conduct an All-Hands Meeting to discuss the launch of a brand new service line. You began your section by telling a personal story about the pain and reward of adapting in today's world. You used the storytelling technique in order to______________. (Choose the best response.) Teach the audience what they have to do next Capture the attention of the audience Build credibility Tell the audience that the new service line will be difficult to launch B and C B and D

Response E is correct because storytelling allows a facilitator to capture attention, build credibility, as well as establish rapport with the audience

You are in the middle of designing a new critical thinking class. Your manager has told you that you need to shorten the in-class time by 50 percent. Your full-day class will now have to be delivered in 3.5 hours. What changes will you make in the design of the class? (Choose the best response.) Change the objectives based on Bloom's taxonomy so that participants will leave with his first level "knowledge," but will not necessarily achieve his second and third levels, "comprehension" and "application." Send pre-work that describes the process and ask learners to bring a specific situation to class to use as an example so they can practice skills in teams while using multiple methods to teach that tap into both sides of the brain. You will design feedback forms, plan for music, and order colorful posters for the walls. Plan to deliver a straight lecture. Tell your manager that it can't be done.

The best response is B because you would be The best response is B because you would be implementing some accelerated learning methods, tapping into how the brain learns best. In a positive learning environment—which typically involves teamwork, collaboration, vivid colors on the walls, music, and games, and activities—both hemispheres of the brain are engaged, leading to a whole mind and body experience for learners. Proponents of accelerated learning believe that learning is created rather than consumed and that this type of environment causes learning to take place on many levels simultaneously. Collaboration aids learning and learning comes from doing the work itself (with feedback).

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