Cranial nerves

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Facial nerve Primary function: brain-taste receptors of the tongue. Muscles-facial expressions. Smooth muscles/glands-autonomic- parasympathetic Origin: sensory-anterior 2/3 of the tongue. Motor-nuclei on the pons. Passes through: stylomastoid foramen internal acoustic meatus. Destination: sensory nuclei on the pons. Muscles of facial expressions. Lacrimal glands via pterygopalatine ganglion. Submandibular & sublingual glands via submandibular ganglion.


Vestibulocochlear nerve Primary function: special senses-hearing Vestibular branch-balance and equilibrium. Cochlear branch-hearing. Origin: receptors of the inner ear. Passes through: internal acoustic meatus. Destination: vestibular & cochlear nuclei of pons. Medulla oblongata.


Abducens nerve Primary function: motor-eye movements Origin: pons Passes through: superior orbital fissure of sphenoid bone. Destination: lateral rectus muscle of the eye.


Accessory nerve Primary function: motor Origin: medulla oblongata Passes through: jugular foramen Destination: external branch-sternocleidomastoid & trapezius muscles. Internal branch-voluntary muscles of palate, pharynx & larynx


Glossopharyngeal nerve Primary function: sensory-taste sensation from posterior 1/3 tongue, blood pressure. Motor(visceral)- innervate parotid salivary gland. Motor(somatic)-pharyngeal muscles involved in swallowing. Origin: posterior 1/3 tongue, pharynx, palate and carotid arteries of the neck. Motor nuclei medulla oblongata. Passes through: jugular foramen Destination: sensory- medulla oblongata. Motor(visceral)-parotid salivary gland. Motor(somatic)- pharyngeal muscles.


Hypoglossal nerve Primary function: motor-tongue muscles Origin: motor nuclei medulla oblongata Passes through: hypoglossal canal of occipital bone Destination: muscles of the tongue


Oculomotor nerve Primary function: motor- eye movements Origin: mesencephalon Passes through: superior orbital fissure of sphenoid bone. Destination: somatic motor- rectus muscles (not lateral) inferior oblique, levator palpabrae, superiorus. Visceral (autonomic) motor- intrinsic muscles- iris and lens.


Olfactory nerve Primary function: special senses-carries smell information. Origin: receptors of olfactory epithelium. Passes through: cribiform plate of ethmoid bone. Destination: olfactory bulb


Optic nerve Primary function: special senses- carries visual info from sensory receptors in the eye. Origin: retina of the eye. Passes through: optic canal of the sphenoid. Destination: lateral geniculate nucleus (thalamus) by the way of the optic chiasm, optic tracts, eventually the occipital cortex.


Trigeminal nerve-mandibular branch Primary function: sensory fibers carry proprioceptive info to innervate muscles of mastication. Sensory part origin: lower gums, teeth and lips, palate and tongue. Motor part origin: nuclei of pons Passes through: through foramen I vale, the mandible and mental foramina. Sensory destination: sensory nuclei on the pons Motor destination: muscles of mastication


Trigeminal nerve-maxillary branch Primary function: innervates lower eyelid, cheek, nose, upper lip, upper gums, teeth, palate and pharynx. Origin: inferior eyelid, cheek and nose, upper lip, gums and teeth. Passes through: foramen rotundum of the sphenoid bone via the infraorbital foramen. Destination: sensory nuclei of the pons.


Trigeminal nerve-ophthalmic branch Primary function: innervates orbital structures, nasal cavity and sinuses, skin on for head, eyebrows, eyelids and nose. Origin: forehead skin, superior eyelid and eyebrow. Passes through: superior orbital fissure of sphenoid bone via the supraorbital foramen Destination: sensory nuclei on the pons.


Trochlear nerve Primary function: motor- eye movements Origin: mesencephalon Passes through: superior orbital fissure of sphenoid bone. Destination: superior oblique muscle


Vagus nerve Primary function: (mostly) sensory:visceral organs- receptors monitor tension of stomach wall-am I full? Stomach acid, pancreas receptors monitor blood pressure and dissolved gas concentrations w/in major. Motor:somatic(skeletal muscle)- swallowing. Motor:visceral organs (autonomic muscle)-respiratory, CV and digestive organs. Origin: sensory-visceral organs of the thoracic and abdominoelvic cavities. Motor nuclei of medulla oblongata. Passes through: jugular foramen Destination: medulla oblongata, pharyngeal muscles, visceral organs of the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities

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