cranial nerves

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connects hypothalamus to pituitary gland

Olfactory bulb

the brain center for smell, located below the frontal lobes

Optic chiasma

the crossing of the optic nerves from the two eyes at the base of the brain

Olfactory tract

the path along which the olfactory receptors send their electrical messages to the brain

Medulla oblongata

the posterior part of the brain that controls autonomic functions


A large structure of the hindbrain that controls fine motor skills: balance/coordination


What is the structure labeled C?

Facial Nerve (VII) 7

What is the structure labeled D?

Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII) 8

What is the structure labeled E?

Glassopharyngeal nerve (IX) 9

What is the structure labeled F?

Vagus nerve (X) 10

What is the structure labeled G?

Accessory nerve (XI) 11

What is the structure labeled H?

Hypoglossal nerve (XII) 12

What is the structure labeled I?

Filaments of olfactory nerve (I) 1

What is the structure labeled J?

Olfactory bulb

What is the structure labeled K?

Olfactory tract

What is the structure labeled L?

Optic nerve (II) 2

What is the structure labeled M?

Optic chiasma

What is the structure labeled N?

Optic tract

What is the structure labeled O?

Oculomotor nerve (III) 3

What is the structure labeled P?

Trochlear nerve (IV) 4

What is the structure labeled Q?

Trigeminal nerve (V) 5

What is the structure labeled R?

Abducens nerve (VI) 6

What is the structure labeled S?


What is the structure labeled T?

Medulla oblongata

What is the structure labeled U?

Temporal lobe

A region of the cerebral cortex responsible for hearing and language

Frontal lobe

A region of the cerebral cortex that has specialized areas for movement, abstract thinking, planning, memory, and judgement

Accessory Nerve (XI) 11 (Mixed)

-superior spinal cord --> skull, neck, and back (via jugular foramen) -somatic motor to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles -Test: head rotation and shoulder shrugging

Oculomotor Nerve (III) 3 (Motor)

-ventral midbrain --> towards orbit --> exit skull (via superior orbital fissure) -Rectus muscles (lens shape and pupil size) -Test: pupillary reflex with penlight

Trigeminal Nerve (V) 5 (Mixed)

- face --> pons -mandibular (foramen vale) -maxillary (foramen rotundum) -opthalmic (superior orbital fissure) -impulses from skin of face, scalp, nose, eye surface, floor of mouth -Test: pain, touch, temperature with pins; teeth clench, open mouth with resistance

Glassopharyngeal Nerve (IX) 9 (Mixed)

- medulla oblongata --> to throat (via jugular foramen) -pharyngeal muscles (somatic motor) -sensory info from pharynx, tonsils, posterior taste buds, chemoreceptors, pressure receptors of carotid artery -Test: Taste on posterior tongue, gag/swallow reflex

Olfactory Nerves (I) 1 (Sensory)

- olfactory epithelium --> olfactory bulb via cribiform foramina (ethmoid bone) -associated with the sense of smell

Cranial nerves

-Part of the PNS -Primarily serve the head and neck (Exception: vagus nerves) -Mostly extend from the brain stem and go through foramina at the base of the skull

Abducens Nerves (VI) 6 (Motor)

-inferior pons --> superior orbital fissure -lateral rectus muscle, ABDucts eyeball

Vestibulocochlear Nerve (VIII) 8 (Sensory)

-inner ear + hearing apparatus --> pons (via internal acoustic meatus) -transmits impulses associated with hearing (cochlea) and equilibreum (semicircular canals) -Test: Tuning forks

Vagus Nerve (X) 10

-medulla oblongata --> thorax and abdomen (via jugular foramen) -somatic motor impulses to pharynx and larynx and sensory info from both -parasympathetic action of heart and abdominal smooth muscle -Test: Taste on posterior tongue, gag/swallow reflex

Hypoglossal Nerve (XII) 12 (Mixed)

-medulla oblongata --> tongue (via hypoglossal canal) -somatic motor to muscles of tongue -Test: protrude and retract tongue

Trochlear Nerve (IV) 4 (Motor)

-midbrain --> exit skull (via superior orbital fissure) -superior oblique eye muscle -Test: pupillary reflex with penlight

Facial Nerve (VII) 7 (Mixed)

-pons --> internal acoustic meatus --> temporal bone (via stylomastoid foramen) --> face -facial expressions, lacrimal and salivary glands -sensory receptors from tongue (parasympathetic) -Test: Taste tastes and symmetry of face

Optic Nerves (II) 2 (Sensory)

-retina --> optic canal (via sphenoid bone) -cross @ optic chiasma --> thalamus --> primary visual cortex (occipital lobe) - impulses associated with vision -Test: Eye Chart

Frontal lobe

What is the structure labeled A?

Temporal lobe

What is the structure labeled B?

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