Crime Control Strategies

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As of 2015, it is estimated that enforcing America's drug laws costs the federal government about _____ annually.

$60 billion

A study of the Los Angeles Police Department's Operation Cul-De-Sac revealed a _______ percent decline in crime in the treatment area.


What is a community?

A social collectivity that is less populated than a city

__________ are described as researchers who pursue their own agendas to the exclusion of practicing objective science.

Academic crusaders

According to the research, what type of resistance is more effective in robberies?

Armed resistance to robbery appears to be more effective than unarmed resistance.

Which explanation, according to those representing critical criminology, is NOT a reason why the emphasis is shifting to situational crime prevention from the social reform programs?

Because the products and services address the real "root causes" of crime in society.

Fear, disorder, and crime, are considered closely linked by supporters of Wilson and Kelling's ___________________________.

Broken Window Theory

__________ is a reorientation of policing strategy from the view that police must work together with citizens to reduce crime, disorder, and fear.

Community policing

Which of the following is a managerial approach to law enforcement stressing accountability through the use of computers, crime analysis and statistics?


The ______ regulates virtually all consumer products, but not firearms.

Consumer Product Safety Commission

The __________ theory focuses on the places criminals visit, which they are likely to target for criminal activity.

Crime pattern

Which of the following programs served as a model for the Gang Resistance Education and Training Program?


Which is NOT one of the variables associated with the late modern era?

Developing government funded social work programs

There were several reason cited why drug bans don't work. Which is NOT one of those reasons cited?

Drug policies unite police with marginalized communities, especially communities of color

A public place with much foot traffic is always attractive to criminals because there are more people and therefore more eyes.


Access control seeks to deny access to legitimate users.


According to the textbook and lecture, there are no negative aspects related to crime control for those who live in gated communities.


Johnson and Krelling are the creators of the famous broken windows theory.


Making specific locations more difficult for an offender to commit a crime by installing alarms, or deadbolts, is called routine activities theory.


Target hardening includes taking such actions as displaying reward posters and crime stopper advertisements.


Problem-oriented policing is the brainchild of ________________.

Herman Goldstein

The following quotation describes which concept? "Legal punishments should be triggered only when defendants injure others; a desire to police public morals is not a sufficient reason to incarcerate offenders."

John Stuart Mill's Harm Principle

Which of the following is a specific component of community policing?

Problem-oriented policing

During which era did police commands become more structured around military channels?

Reform era

A method of controlling crime in open spaces is to close streets and _______________.

Restrict Traffic

This was enacted to help address corporate fraud by providing for new and improved accounting standards for public companies in the United States.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

According to the lecture, which type of policing is most associated with hard-style and aggressive policing tactics?

Strategic-oriented policing

Directed patrol, aggressive patrol and saturation patrol are under which type of policing?

Strategic-oriented policing

A study of _____________ in Dayton, Ohio, showed declines of 26 and 50 percent for overall crime and violent crime.

Street Closures

Which federal act sought to have gun dealers run background checks on prospective buyers?

The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act

According to Colette Peters, what is the mission of the (Oregon) Department of Corrections?

To promote public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions and reducing that risk of future criminal behavior.

Defensible space theory is a model that inhibits crime by creating a physical expression of a social fabric that defends itself.


Environmental criminology is a recent offshoot of traditional criminology, focusing on what can be done about crime.


In Printz v. United States (1997), the Supreme Court declared the background check portion of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act unconstitutional.


Territorial cognition is concerned with such issues as the attachment people have to the areas immediately surrounding them.


The Gun Control Act of 1968 requires that licensed dealers require buyers to show identification and complete a form attesting that they can legally own a gun.


Which of the following crimes causes the greatest fear in the minds of most Americans?

Violent crimes

________ and ________ argued that certain neighborhoods send out "signals" that encourage crime.

Wilson and Kelling

Science used by someone to advance his or her own political priorities is known as a(n) ________________

academic crusade

The so-called _____ model of notification requires paroled sex offenders to directly notify the community they reside in of their offense.


Building a community center to bond neighborhood people together is termed __________.

activity support

Ensuring that an offender will be seen on a sidewalk, in a government building, or even in a public park is best accomplished through ___________________.

an eye towards surveillance

Targeting low-level crimes, such as street-level drug dealing and prostitution, in an effort to deter more serious crime describes ______________________.

broken windows theory

Gun ______ programs are short-lived and voluntary.


What type of case is at the top of the criminal justice wedding cake?


Door-to-door contacts that police make with citizens to make policing more personal in nature is called _________________.

citizen contact patrol

Neighborhoods with a desire among residents to work for a common good, are said to have _________.

collective efficacy

When there is sufficient mutual trust and cohesion among neighborhood residents with a desire to work for the common good, it is believed that there are high levels of _______________.

collective efficacy

Political culture and community characteristics could explain the adoption of ____________ policing.


__________ meetings are different from neighborhood watch because they are not surveillance-oriented.


The evidence supports ________ in reducing criminal opportunity through environmental manipulation more than _________.

comprehensive approaches; isolated approaches

The combination of poverty, family disruption, and racial composition is known as _________.

concentrated disadvantage

_________ thinkers believe that self-interest, coercion, and political power are factors that best describe social interaction.


________ describes criminal law as a set of rules, codified by state authorities, that expresses the norms, goals, and values of the vast majority of society.

consensus view

So long as the justice system fails to target the demand for drugs that exists, the supply will eventually find its way to ___________.


Which operational perspective generally emphasizes system efficiency, is more concerned with ends (convictions) over means (due process), and views the criminal justice system as an assembly line?

crime control

Which model stands in contrast to the due process model?

crime control model

Which of the following is not a form of informal social control?

criminal justice system

The model that parcels out cases by celebrity, serious and lessor felonies, and misdemeanors is known as the _____________.

criminal justice wedding cake

One of the most common approaches to crime control in the United States is for legislators to ban certain _________ and substances that are thought to contribute to the crime problem.


________ is the benefits of crime reduction approaches in a specific area also include the surrounding areas.


With _________ patrol, officers take police-initiated action at specific locations and times when crime trends are discernible


_________ concentrates police presence in areas prone to a significant crime problem.

directed patrol

Crime control policies that push crime into other neighborhoods is a problem known as __________.


Which operational perspective generally seeks to restrain governmental authority in the criminal justice system, views the process as an obstacle course, and emphasizes legal guilt over factual guilt?

due process

The term ___________ refers to the relationships between human groups and their physical and social environments.


Which of the following is NOT part of the routine activities theory?

economic standards

Tags placed on retail clothing to activate an alarm if stolen are called ___________.

electronic article surveillance

Economically depressed areas that offer tax credits to encourage business development create _________________.

enterprise zones

It appears through studies that _____________ don't do much for job creation and community improvement.

enterprise zones

Determining whether the addition of more patrol officers reduces crime in a specific beat or precinct, is an example of ______________________.


Criminal law is __________


According to Todd Clear, crime rates go up and down due to a few simple factors, which can be influenced by crime control strategies.


According to the funnel model of justice, for every 1,000 serious crimes, the majority are solved and result in incarceration.


According to the instructor, police departments should rely on strategic-oriented policing as a long term approach to effective crime control in communities.


According to the lecture, research shows that police crackdowns are effective and successful in addressing the root causes of crime.


According to the textbook and lecture, crime control in households and families has been relatively easy for researchers to evaluate.


According to the textbook and lecture, legislative bans on alcohol, drugs and prostitution have been deemed successful and effective in reducing and eliminating the "immoral" behaviors associated with these issues.


All conservatives favor deterrence policies and putting offenders behind bars.


All crime control approaches, programs and interventions can be generalized so that if they work in one place, they can work everywhere.


America's prohibition of alcohol is often cited as a resounding success and evidence we should continue bans on substances.


America's war on drugs has had little adverse affect on inner-city communities.


Avoiding certain neighborhoods at night is an individual crime control method associated with self defense.


Crime rates have continued to rise from the 1960s through today.


Directed patrol is also referred to as focused patrol.


It is lawful for people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence crimes, such as assault, to own or possess firearms.


Research demonstrates that the role of the family does not influence delinquency.


Research suggests that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) inspect all of the nation's 80,000 licensed firearms dealers each year.


The "Broken Windows Theory" views crime as highly unpredictable.


The term "community" has a very clear and steadfast definition.


Which of the following therapies is pursued when there is evidence of child neglect in a home?

family preservation therapy

Which of the following is a reason mentioned in this chapter of why burglars avoid houses when people are at home?

fear of being shot

The most common legal challenge to sex offender registration is based on the __________ Amendment's double jeopardy provision.


Hitting, kicking, or biting an offender is known as _______________________.

forceful resistance

Which type of deterrence seeks to deter criminal activity in the general population by the threat of sanctions?


Shaw and McKay found in their study in Chicago that delinquency was concentrated in __________ urban neighborhoods.


The term social in social ecology refers to __________.

human interaction

____________ is a concept of punishment that is concerned with protecting members of society by removing the criminal element.


Broken windows theory is an example of _______________.

incivilities thesis

Low-level criminal activity and disorder in a community that triggers the downturn of a neighborhood's quality-of-life is known as __________.

incivilities thesis

The following is an example of the _________ perspective as it pertains to the costs of crime: a single high-risk juvenile costs society between $1.3 and $1.5 million.


Programs like DARE and GREAT are considered ____________.

instructional interventions

Quantitative research typically involves __________________.

less detailed research on a large number of cases

Most research on community policing has a _________ level orientation


The following quotation describes which concept? "A condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests; its nature is presented in a stylized and stereotypical fashion by the mass media; the moral barricades are manned by editors, bishops, politicians and other right-thinking people; socially accredited experts pronounce their diagnoses and solutions; ways of coping are evolved or(more often) resorted to; the condition then disappears, submerges or deteriorates and becomes more visible."

moral panic

Micro-level crime control is ___________________.

more isolated geographically

When people bond together with a positive attitude about their residential environment to discourage crime, this is known as ____________.

motivation reinforcement

Duplication of efforts in crime control by various government agencies has labeled the criminal justice system as a(n) ______________________.

non-system model

__________ refers to people that may act in ways, which increase their likelihood of victimization.

offsetting behavior

A method used to determine whether an approach to the crime problem is a success or failure is called ______________________.

outcome evaluation

Researchers have shown a direct relationship between _________ and violence.


A police-initiated arrest is called a ________ arrest.


For an evidence-based approach to be deemed a successful intervention within the Matrix Demonstration Project, it must be ________________.

proactive, focused in strategy and place-based

Problem-oriented policing is also referred to as ____________.

problem solving

Research suggests that ___________ resulted in only modest reductions in the consumption of alcohol, despite significant increases in the costs of alcohol resulting from the policy.


The Community Development Block Grants were channels to ______________.

provide grants to cities to develop housing and economic opportunities

The idea that an offender weighs the costs and benefits of breaking the law is known as _______________.

rational offender perspective

Which concept of punishment involves a planned intervention program designed to change criminal behavior?


Which form of punishment is focused upon "just deserts"?


_______ management behaviors include actions that people take when they know that they cannot fully avoid the potential for victimization.


A __________ refers to a characteristic associated with an increased probability of developing a specific, negative condition.

risk factor

Which of the following is a form of individual crime control?


Under the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, the most ________ offenders were required to register for life due to the serious nature of their offenses.


Retribution is concerned, simply, with punishing criminals on the basis of the __________ of their crimes.


Megan's Laws require states to provide communities with information about ____________.

sex offenses

Which of the following perspectives believes that individuals can alter their environment to discourage criminal activity?

situational crime prevention

_______________ refers to the inability of a community structure to realize the common values of its residents and maintain effective social controls with structural barriers impeding development of the formal and informal ties that promote the ability to solve common problems.

social disorganization

What type of deterrence would sanction a first time offender to steer him or her away from committing other offenses?


Critics of drug and gun bans argue that criminalization creates a black market where products and services will be provided by profit-seeking criminal ___________.


A(n) _________ is described as a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent entities with inputs and outputs and has a sum greater than its parts.


____________ is a collaborative setting designed to share information, streamline services, integrate treatments plans, and improve systemic effectiveness.

system of care

Population mobility programs may lead to further harm because _____________.

the troubled neighborhoods lose proactive, productive and contributing community members

According to the Gun Control Act of 1968, minors cannot buy guns.


According to the lecture, a small number of victims, offenders and locations respectively account for a large number of crimes.


According to the speech by Colette Peters, Director of the Oregon Department of Corrections, offenders are sent to prison as punishment, not for punishment.


Burglars in the United States receive longer sentences than do burglars in the United Kingdom.


Buying a gun to protect one's self is a form of risk management.


In studies community-wide effects of family structure, rates of victimization were 2 - 3 times higher in neighborhoods with a high degree of family disruption than ones with a low degree of disruption.


Megan's laws focus upon community notification of sex offenders.


One macro-level study found that when the police aggressively target minor problems, the rate of serious crime appears to decline.


Quality-of-life policing has found a wealth of support in the law enforcement community as well as in academia.


School officials have an important role in controlling crime.


Studies suggest that targeting crimes at specific times of day can lead to significant reductions.


The ACE study demonstrated a direct link between childhood trauma and adult onset of chronic diseases, mental illness, incarceration, work-related issues.


Younger people are victimized more frequently than the elderly are.


Shaw and McKay found that areas with more than 70 percent black or foreign-born residents experience ____________ crime as did more homogeneous areas.

twice as much

Which of the following is not a type of displacement?


Forceful ________ resistance includes yelling and threatening the offender.


The three sides of the crime triangle are commonly labeled as the ___________.

victim, offender, and location

After passage of the Harrison Act in 1914, the price of heroin ______________ by 1916

went up 900%

Crime appears to affect ________.

withdrawal decisions to move fear

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