Criminal Justice Administration Final

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Basis of decision making rules

For most criminal justice practitioners, decision rule, are clinical in nature and are based on education, training and experience.

Goal model of measuring organizational effectiveness

The goal model assumes that organizational goals can be identified, that members work towards the goals, and that goal attainment can be achieved.

Define Variable analysis

is electing separate domains and finding variables that provide measures of success within each domain and are specific to effectiveness with each domain.

The basic stages of formalization

the degree of formalization which is the extent to which training is segregated from the ongoing context of work. For example, the police academy. Collective socialization strategies involve the training of new members as a group. Collective strategies create feelings of peer support because the trainees feel equal. Sequential socialization is where a trainee passes through discrete stages on the way to being a fully accepted member of the organization. Serial Socialization relies on experienced veterans to groom newcomers in organizations.

5 stages of conflict

. The five stages of conflict include latent conflict which is when the conditions that are the underlying sources of the conflict are present. For example, completion towards something. Perceived conflict occurs when at least one of the two parties recognizes the conflict exists. Felt conflict occurs when a party personalizes the conflict situation. Manifest conflict is when the conflict is characterized into a behavior. Conflict aftermath is when the conflict dissolves

4 types of decision makers

.The four types of decision makers include sequentialists make decisions based on experience. The "ah yes" decision makers search for patters within large amounts of information, the simplifier reduces complex problems to simplest form and the ratifier waits for comments and feedback from others before making a decision.

Coercive power and Reward Power

Coercive power is based on the power recipient's perception that failure to follow orders will bring the threat of punishment or punishment itself. Reward power is the use of a reward by a power holder to gain compliance. Coercive power may cause anger or retaliation against the policy. Reward power may cause issues between co workers about who go the reward and why

Role of conflict

Conflict is always going to play a role in organizations due to the fact that it would be pretty hard to get every member of the organization to agree on every single thing within the organization. Conflict can be a good way for organizations to come to a consensus on certain issues that may arise.

Define Cresive and perposive change

Cresive change is inadvertent and unplanned, the organization is unable to control and may result from environmental influences or from internal conflict. One example of this is the changes in law enforcement after 9/11 Purposive change results from conscious deliberate and planned efforts by organizational members typically managers.

Define Culture, Subculture

Culture is defined as the complex whole of a society and includes knowledge, belief, art, laws, morals, customs, and other capabilities and routines acquired by the society's members. Sub culture is defined as a cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture

Major types of Conflict

Personal conflict exists within the individual and usually is some form of cognitive conflict. Group conflict occurs in organizations when individual members disagree on some point of common interest. Intra-organizational conflict is generated by the structural makeup of an organization by formal authority in the organization and how it is delegated. Interorganizational conflict occurs when different organizations share a common purpose but disagree about how that purpose will be achieved.

Themes for improving decision making

The important themes for improving criminal justice decision making include equality, similar disposition across similar cases; accuracy, separating guilty from the innocent; consistency, applying the same rules over time. Improved decision making should contribute to future decisions.

Max Webers 3 types of authority

Traditional authority is authority that is vested in the position a person holds and that has a long tradition in culture and organization. Charismatic authority is the type of authority founded in personal attributes or actions of a particular individual in an organization. Legal authority is the type of authority based on an appeal to the formal rules and regulations of an organization.

Identify The Stages of socialization:

starts with anticipatory socialization which begins before the individual enters the occupation and this is where the person forms opinions and expectations of the future job. Formal socialization begins when the person joins the occupation and this is where formalized training begins. Informal socialization is when the person begins to have a routine and the person is effected by his or her peers, and managers.

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