Criminal Justice Test 3

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Research on prison violence suggests ____________ is (are) the strongest predictor of violent recidivism.


The U.S supreme court has ruled that treatment does not constitute cruel and unusual punishment when it involves _____________________.

punishing people because they have called attention to problems within the prison

If a juvenile offender is made to repair damages done during the crime that was committed, what goal of sentencing is being applied?


Which of the following is an original legal punishment?


Which goal of punishment is met when the offender is punished fairly and justly proportionate to the gravity of their crime?


The process by which probation officers analyze certain client characteristics in order to select appropriate treatments modes is known as _______________.

risk classification

New penology is more concerned with ______ than older models of correction.

security and management

Based on their research, what did Bushway and Piehl determine about race and sentence length?

African Americans have 20 percent longer sentences than whites

What effect does research suggest that therapeutic communities treatment programs have in reducing recidivism.

Attendees experience lower recidivism rates than non-attendees

During the 1800s, an offender was sent to a prison where he was kept in a tiered single cell, shared meals in silence with other inmates, and was provided with some educational opportunities. This is an example of what prison system?

Auburn system

Which case resulted in the court ruling that probationers homes may be searched without a warrant in order to protect the welfare of the probationer, and probation departments must respond quickly to evidence of misconduct?

Griffin v. Wisconsin

______________________ are punishments that fall between probation and prison.

Intermediate sentences

___________________________ is a philosophy based on the belief that harsh treatment while serving a correctional sentence will convince offenders that crime doesn't pay, thereby lowering the chances of recidivism.

Penal harm

When an inmate is released from prison during the day and must return to the prison at night is often referred to as a ______________________.

Work release program

Who is the founder of the first formal system of parole in the United States?

Zebulon Brockway

Between 2010 and 2014 the fastest growing population in jails has been ________.


If a criminal is found to have used several motor vehicles and a warehouse to operate an illegal drug business, the government has the right to seize their property under what type of intermediate sanction?


What is the average sentence given to felons sentenced to a state prison?

four and a half years

Under the "just desert" model of corrections, effectiveness is measured by all of the following except _______________.

good behavior

Which of the following is NOT a problem for correctional officers?

good salaries

Facilities that hold inmates just before their release into the general public are called _____________________________.

halfway houses

Restorative justice programs stress which of the following?

healing and redemption

The first correctional institutions were considered a ___________ reform.


Judges have the highest level of discretion in sentencing under the ________________ model.

indeterminate sentences

As a new inmate, you quickly find that most of what you understand about life on the outside is different from life inside the institution. An entirely new set of new language, rules, and values called _____________,guides your everyday life.

inmate subculture

Most research on correctional education programs has found that ________________.

inmates in educational programs have fewer rule violations while incarcerated

"Be Sharp" is a term that describes

inmates not making fools of themselves or supporting the guards or the prison

Which part of the criminal justice process provides more preferential treatment to women?

judges at sentencing

Historically, the practice of allowing convicted offenders to seek a pardon and demonstrate reformed behavior was called ___________.

judicial reprieve

According to the "brutalization effect," executions may ___________.

lead to more murders

What has been cited as one of the causes of an increase in the older prison population?

longer sentences from getting-tough-on-crime measures

In comparison to keeping a prisoner incarcerated for 30 years, the death penalty is ______________.

more expensive

New inmates who have a lot of visitors are often victimized because __________.

other inmates are jealous of their connections to the outside world

During the 1790s, the uakers pushed for prison reform that included solitary or separate cells called the _____________ house.


Which of the following is not included in the sentencing circle?


A ______________ is performed by a probation officer after conviction to provide information on the background and activities of an offender being considered for probation.

presentence investigation

A victim impact statement can be used ___________.

during the sentencing hearing to provide information to the judge

Research shows that an estimated ________________ of state and federal prisoners experiencing incidents of sexual victimization while in prison.


National data indicate that about ________ percent of probationers successfully complete their probationary sentence.


A year after release, ______________ of parolees are not employed in the regular labor market.


Research on sexual abuse in prison has found that about __________ of female inmates have been abused by another inmate.


A recent survey found that ______ of all felons convicted in state courts were sentenced to a period of confinement.

70 percent

Which of the following statements is true about Petersilia's study?

Felons who receive probation are less likely to recidivate than felons who are sent to prison for committing similar crimes

The death penalty best supports what sentencing goal?

Specific deterrence

There are approximately __________ adult correctional facilities in the United States.


According to inmate population trends there are nearly ________ million inmates in state and federal prisons.


What percent of children of incarcerated women end up in foster care or state facilities?


At what age can a person be sentenced to death for a capital crime?

18 at the time of the crime

What year did the federal government establish a probation system in the US district courts?


Research shows that about _____________ of inmates released on parole return to prison after their release.


About ____________________________ inmates are released on parole each year and are not supervised.


Which of the following is a treatment approach that focuses on patterns of thinking and beliefs, attitudes, and values that underlie thinking?

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Three-strikes laws are a good illustration of which type of sentencing?

Determinate sentences

Which of the following is not a recommended method to reduce the prison population?

Every state should enable all prisoners serving fixed long terms to be eligible for release after 2 years and for parole 5 years

Which of the following is not protected by the U.S. Constitution for inmates relating to freedom of religion.

If religious exercise creates security issues

Which organizations focus on exonerating people who have been wrongly convicted of crimes?

Innocence Networks

______________________ is an intermediate sanction that involves a great degree of contact, small caseloads, and strict monitoring on a daily and weekly basis.

Intensive supervision probation

The first jail in the United States was built in which city?

James City, VA

Who is credited with establishing the first community sentencing program in the US?

John Augustus

A 23 year old male probationer who has a part-time job, lives in an apartment with a roommate, has a GED, and has one previous conviction on his record for a serious offense would best be classified at which level?

Moderate risk

Which of the following is not a characteristic of female inmates?

Most are in good physical health

During the 1800s, an offender was sent to a prison where he was isolated in a single cell, shared meals in groups with other inmates, given a Bible, and was provided with opportunities for prayer and self-reflection. This is an example of what prison system?

Pennsylvania System

Which legal factor has the most influence on the likelihood that a felon will be sentenced to prison?

Prior felony convictions

The _________ reuires inmates to exhaust all internal administrative grievance procedures before they can file a civil rights case in federal court.

Prison litigation reform act of 1996

_______________ is a sentencing entailing the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of the court, subject to certain conditions for a specified time.


A convicted felon on probation is subsequently charged with a new crime. A judge decides to remove the offender from probation based on the new charge. What administrative process would a judge use?


You are a warden in a prison and in order to maintain order, you decide to limit blacks and whites, along with LGBT prisoners, gang members, and poor inmates from access to certain areas of the prison. Which of the following did the Supreme Court rule to be an inappropriate strategy?

Segregation of prison inmates on the basis of race

_____________________ is a sentence in which an offender serves a short prison term before beginning probation.

Shock probation

Which statement best exemplifies the results of research on super max prisons?

Super maximum prisons provide high security, but they also produce maladjusted residents who have high failure rates upon release

Research shows that criminal legislation, including guideline-based, mandatory minimum sentencing laws, increases the chances that a convicted offender will be incarcerated and limits the availability of early release via parole. Which of the following is a reason cited for this disconnect?

The drop in crime rate with only a modest reduction in the imprisonment rate

Which of the following is considered a characteristic of a total institution?

The individual has little control over their physical security

Why did the Supreme Court stop all executions with the Furman v. Georgia decision?

The manner in which the death penalty was being imposed was capricious

There are two distinct aspects of probation. One aspect includes the treatment and rehabilitation of nondangerous defenders. Which of the following is the other distinct aspect?

The supervision and control of criminals who might otherwise be incarcerated if probation were not available

Which of the following helped shape contemporary American correctional institutions?

The view that traditional correctional rehabilitation efforts have failed

Which of the following statements best represents the differences in recidivism rates between private and public prison facilities

There is littler difference, but those who do reoffend many commit less serious offenses

Which case resulted in the court deciding what can happen to a probationer whose community sentence is revoked?

United States v. Granderson

In England during the mid-18th century, ______ were used to house the criminal population.

abandoned ships

Research by Alexis Durham has shown that ____________.

almost everyone would give criminals the death penalty under some circumstances

What may be the greatest challenge to restorative justice programs?

balancing the needs of the offenders with those of the victims

_________________________ is a short term militaristic correctional facility in which inmates undergo intensive physical conditioning and discipline.

boot camp

Research has shown that following their release, inmates involved in religious programs and education ____________ those in a comparison group.

do better than at first, but the differences do not last, compared with

Community sentences, including probation, are the most _____________ form of correctional treatment in the US.


After conviction, a judge puts an offender on probation and orders her to enroll in a substance abuse program, to attend anger management counseling, and not to contact her former boyfriend. These rules of behavior are known as which of the following?

conditions of probation

An offender was convicted and sentenced for three crimes. The judge indicated the offender was to serve 2 years for the first offense, 4 years for the second, and then 4 more years for the third. This type of sentence is called a __________________.

consecutive sentence

The ____________ is the practice of the correctional officials selling the labor of inmates to private businesses.

contract system

Which of the following was not an early form of parole?

convict-lease system

A clear majority of states combine probation and parole services into a single unit situated within which department.


Which type of sentencing offers a fixed term of years to be served by the offender for a particular crime?

determinate sentences

If a violent crime is given a severe sentence for the purpose of setting an example to others, which goal of punishment is being used?


Jails have been shown to have a population of minorities that is _______________ to the number of whites.


An inmate who seeks the help of prison guards is often referred to as a __________________________.


The case of Ring v. Arizona established ____________.

that juries must make the findings that send a killer to death row

One of the reasons for the development of the prisoners' rights movement was the end of _____________________.

the hands-off doctrine by state and federal courts

The use of fines began during _________________.

the middle ages

You are an expert on corrections and have been asked to consider a new model of determining parole. You recommend the use of a more mandatory parole release model. Which factors would you consider to be least important in making that decision about an inmate's release?

the recommendations of members of the parole board

Which of the following is a reason that makes community sentences more attractive than incarceration?

they can be scaled to respond to the seriousness of the crime

The rise of colonization led to the use of ___________ as a mean of punishment


In the US, the death penalty can be applied in cases where the offender has been convicted of _____________.

treason and first-degree murder

Which of the following working styles is not one exhibited by probation officers?


The profile of a typical prison inmate is _____________.

young, male, minority, and poor

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