CS 0007 Final

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true or false

A Boolean expression is one that is either


A class's satic methods do not operate on the fields that belong to any instance of that class

Ram usually

A volatile type of memeory, used only for temporary storage


Another term for program is:

(str1.equalsIgnoresCase(str2) and (str1.compareToIgnoreCase(str2)

to do a case insensitive compare which of the following could test the equality of two strings


two general categories of methods are void methods and value returning methods


when an array of objects is declared, but not initialized, the array values are set to null


when an object is passed as argument, it is actually a reference to the object that is passed


when an object reference is passed to a method, the method may change the value in the object


when the break statement is encountered in the loop, all the statems in the body of the loop that appear after it are ignored and the loop prepares for the next interatin

fields private

it is common practice in object oriented programming to make all of a class's


java allows you to create objects of this class in the same way you would create primitive variables


java does not limited the number of dimensions that array may have


java is a case-insensitive language


length of element r

explicit import

look at the following statement import java.util.Scanner;


object can store data


objects in an array are accessed with subscripts, just like any other data type in an array


once an array is created it cannot be changed


only constants and varaibles may be passed as arguments as methods


programming sytle inludes techniquies for consistently putting spaces and indentations in a program

Application software

programs that make the computer useful to the end user


you can declare and enumerated date type inside of a method


you must have a retun statement in a value returning method

false, searching algorithm

a sorting algrothim is used to locate a


a variable's scope is the part of the program that has access to the variable


access specific indicates how the calss may be accessed


an instance of a class does not have to exist in order for value to be stored in a classes static fields


an object can store data


and enumerated data type is actually a special type of class


GUI-almost everything is an object


Make something uppercase

false →post-test loop

the do-while loop is a pre-test loop


the expression in the return statement can be an expression that has a value

relational operators

The type of operator determeine whether a relationship exists

object names Contains: Classes, Fields, Methods

UML diagram will not contain


for the following code, what would be the value of str(2)

a constructor

has the same name as the class


how many radio buttons at the same time the are mutually exclusive


if a [] and b [] are two integer arrays, the expression a ==b, compares the array contents


if the compiler encounters a statement that uses a variable before the variable is is declared, an error will result


if you write a toString method to display the contents of an object, object1, for a class 1 same thing? system.out.println(objectt1) system.out.println (object.toString())


in java the variable total is the same as the variable named Total


in the method header the static method modifier means the method is available to code out side the class


instance and static should not be in the same sentence together


instance methods do not have the Keyword static in their headers


instance methods do not have this key word in their headers

multiple alternative decision structure

the switch statement is a


the this keyword is the name of a reference variable that is available to all static mehods


the while loop has too important parts, Boolean expression tested for true false, and block of statements that is repeated as long as expression is true

+add(object2: stock) ;

this is a public method named add that returns a stock object


if a class has a method named finalize, it is called automatically just before an instance o the class is destroyed by the garbage collector


when you open a file with the PrintWriter class, the calss can potentially throw an IOException


if the variable is private, it is not available to code outside of the class accessor method gets a value from a class's field but does not change it

all of these whole number, monetary value, string, reference to object

in java it is possible to write a method that will return


in the method header, the method moidifer public mens that the method belongs to the class not a specific object

class name, attributes or fields, methods

in your textbook the general layout of a UML diagram


instance methods should be declared static

wildcard import

look at this statement, import java.util*; this is called what


rules that must be followed when writing a program supposed you are at an operation system command line and you are going to use a the following command to compile javac Myclass.java. Make sure you are in the same folder as Myclass.java


some of the common GUI components are buttons, lables, text fields


an objects' ___ is simply the data storied in the object's field at any given moment


another term for an object of a class is an


another term for object of class is an


any items typed on command line are passed into the main method


any method that calls a method with a throws clause in its header must either handle the potential exception nor have the same throws clause

while (inputFile.hasNext ())

assume that inputFile references a Scanner


assume that radio references a JRadioButton object


assume that the variable check box

the account objects toString method will be implicitly called

assume the class BankAccount has been created, What is true about print line statement


assuming that pay has been declared a double, the following statement is vailid pay=2,583.44

highly portable

because java is the same on all computers, compiled java programs are:

true (everyting has a toString method whether you declare it or not)

enum constants have a toString method


enumerated types have this method that returns the position of an enum constant in the declaration list

implement an interface

event listeners must


if a class method named finalize, it is called automatically just before a data member that has been identified as final, of the class is destroyed by the garbage collector

0 thorough 14

if array size 15

write a copy method that will make a field by field copy of object1 data member into object 2 data members

if object 1 and object 2 are objects of the same class, to make object 2 a copy of object 1


if you write a toString method for a class, Java will automatically call the method anytime you concatenate an object of the class with a string


in GUI technology, a container displayed as a window

variable name, followed by colon then data type

in UML indicate the data type of variable is indicated how:

- minus sign

in UML, diagrams this symbol indicates that member is private


methods are commonly used to break a problem into smaller manageable pieces


named constants are initialized with a value and that value cannot be changed during the execution of the program


no statement outside of the method in which a parameter variable is declared can assess the parameter by its name


when the continue statement is encountered in a loop, al the


a single copy of a class's static field is shared by all instances of the class


a GUI program automatically stops executing when main is done

description of an object

a class is not an object but a

both the things the class is responsible for doing and knowing

a class's responsibilities

all of these initialize a control variable test the control variable by comparing it to a maximum/ minimum updates the control vriable during each iteration for( int i =0; i<letterGuessed.size(); i++)

a for loop normally performs which of these steps


a method tht gets a value from a class's field but does not change it is known as a mutator method

2-D array where the subarrays/row are of different lengths

a ragged array is a


both character literals and string literals can be assigned to a char variable


both instance fields and instance methods of an object are associated with a specific instance of a class and cannot be used until and instance of a class is created


by default, java initialized array elemets to what value

read an interpreted by JVM

byte code instructions are:


check boxes may be grouped into a ButtonGroup, like the radio buttons are


class names and keywords are examples of variables


an array list automatically expands int size to accommodate the items stored in it

braces {}

after the heder, the body of the methd appears inside a sate of


all java statements end with semicolons

Major components of a typical computer system

all of these(CPU, input/output, secondary storage, main memeory


all operation systems offer the same set of GUI Components


an array can hold multiple values of several different data types


class objects normally have ___that perform useful operations on their date, but primitive variables do not


class responsibility and collaborations


constants, variables, and the values of expressions may be passed as arguments to a method

class (cookie cutter) objects (cookies)

cookie cutter metaphor think of the ___ as the cookie cutter and the ___ as the cookies

using the private access specifier on the class fields

data hiding, which means that critical data stored inside the object is protected from code outside the object , is accomplished in Java by


declaring an array reference variable does not create an array

the purpose of validating the results of a program

determine whether the program solves the original problem


each array in java has a public field named

machine language

each different type of CPU has its own

an iteration

each repetition of the loop is known as


static methods can only operate on ___ fields


the ActionEvent argument that is passed into the action listeners action performed method

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