CS Test #1 word/excel

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Constant Value


Select all box

A box in the upper left corner of the worksheet grid that selects all the cells in a worksheet

Active cell

A cell surrounded by a black border and ready to receive data

Web Page

A document saved in HTML which can be opened using a web browser


A document structure that opens a copy of itself, opens unnamed, and is used as the starting point for another document

Page break indicator

A dotted line with the text page break that indicates where a manual break was inserted

Floating Object

A graphic that can be moved independently of the surrounding text characters


A greeting line of a letter


A group of formations commands such as font, font size, font color, paragraph alignment, and line spacing

Numbered list

A group of items in which items are displayed in order to indicate definite steps, a sequence of action, or chronological order


A list of cited works in a report or research paper, also referred to as works cited, sources, or references depending upon the report style

Style Guide

A manual that contains standards for the design and writing of documents


A mark on the ruler that indicates the location where the insertion point will be placed when you press the tab key


A moveable, resizable container for text or graphics


A note, inserted into the text of a research paper that refers the reader to a source in the bibliography

Inline Object

A picture positioned directly in the text at the insertion point


A place holder that displays present content, such as the current date, file name, page number, or other stored information


A portion of the document that can be formatted separately from the rest of the document

Auto Correct

A word feature that corrects common spelling errors as you type


A word with the same or similar meaning of another word

Left Alignment

Aligned at left margin, leaving right margin uneven

Formula bar

An Excel window element that displays the value or formula contained in the active cell

Name Box

An Excel window, element that displays the name of the selected cell, table, chart, or object


An arrangement of info organized into rows and columns

Manual column break

An artificial end to a column to balance columns or to provide space for the insertion of other objects

Screen Shot

An image of an active window on your computer that you can paste into a document

Hanging Indent

An indent style in which the 1st line of the paragraph extends to the left of the remaining lines and is commonly used for bibliography entries

Green wavy underline

An indicator that shows possible grammar error

Blue wavy underline

An indicator that shows possible word usage errors

Red wavy underline

An indicator that shows words that may be misspelled

Cell address

Another name for cell reference

Spread sheets

Another name for worksheets


Anything typed into a cell

Formatting marks

Characters that display on the screen to show location of paragraphs, tabs, and spaces, but that do not print

Smart Art

Designer quality graphic used to create a visual representation of information


Equation that performs mathematical calculations on values in a worksheet


Excel file that contains one or more worksheets

Artistic Effects

Formats that make pics look more like sketches or paintings


Horizontal group of cells in a worksheet

Parenthetical reference

In MLA style a citation that refers to items on the works cited page, and which is placed in parenthesis the citation includes the last name of the author or authors and the page number in the referenced source

Works Cited

In MLA style, a list of cited works placed at the end of a research paper or report


In a research paper info that expands on the topic, but doesn't fit well into the document text


In a research paper, a note placed at the bottom of a page


In a research paper, a note placed at the bottom of a page

Text Control

In a template an area indicated by place holder text in which you can add text, pictures, dates, or lists


In mail merge, a row of information that contains data for one person

Main Document

In mail merge, the document that contains the text or formatting that remains constant

Data Source

In mail merge, the list of variable information, such as names and addresses, that is merged with a main document to create customized form letters or labels

Cell content

Information such as numbers, text, dates, or times of day that you type into a cell

Sheet tabs

Labels along the lower border of the excel window that identify each worksheet


On startup, Excel displays a new blank...


One of two commonly used style guides for formatting research papers

Subject line

Optional line following the inside address in a business letter that states the purpose of the letter


Predefined drawing objects such as stars, banners, arrows, and callouts, included with microsoft office, and that can be inserted into documents


Research tool that provides a list of words with similar meanings


Series of dots following a tab that serve to guide the reader's eye

Picture Styles

Shapes, shadows, frames, borders, and other specialized effects in which you can stylize and image

Fill handle

Small black square in the lower right hand corner of the selected cell

Spin Box

Small box with an upward and downward pointing arrow that enables you to move rapidly through a set of values by clicking

Sizing handles

Small circles in the corners of a selected graphic with which you can resize the graphic proportionally


Symbol that indicates to which paragraph an image is attached to

Justified Alignment

Text aligned evenly at both the left and right margins


Text or numbers in a cell that are not a formula


Text symbols such as small circles or check marks

Manual page break

The action of forcing the page to an end and placing subsequent text at the top of the next page


The banner on the front of a newsletter that identifies the publication


The box at the intersection of a row and a column in a table

Underlying Value

The data that displays in the formula bar

General Format

The default format that Excel applies to numbers

Line Spacing

The distance between lines of text in a paragraph

Auto Fill

The feature that generates and extends values into adjacent cells based on the values of selected cells

Date line

The first line in a business letter that contains the current date and that is positioned just below the letterhead, if one is used


The graphic representation of data in a worksheet


The intersection of a column and a row

Text Wrapping

The manner in which text displays around an object

Inside address

The name and address of the person receiving a letter positioned below the dateline

Writers identification

The name and title of the author of a letter, placed near the bottom of the letter under the complimentary closing

Bent Arrow

The nonprinting symbol that displays where a manual line break is inserted

Complimentary closing

The parting farewell in a letter

Letter Head

The personal or company info that displays at the top of the letter


The placement of text relative to the left and right margins


The space between the text and the top, bottom, left, and right edges of the paper

Normal template

The template that serves as a basis for all new word documents


The type of cell reference that refers to cells by their fixed position in a worksheet

No spacing

The word style that inserts no extra space following a paragraph and uses single spacing


Tiny charts embedded in a cell that give a visual trend summary alongside your data

Enter Key

To end a line before the normal end of a line, without creating a new paragraph, hold down the shift key while pressing the...


To move the text in small increments

Mail Merge Wizard

To perform a mail merge using Word's step by step guided process, use the...

Find command

Used to locate specific text in a document quickly


Using drag and drop is most useful when both the text and destination are on the same...


When creating a table the with of cells is...

Number value

a constant value consisting of only numbers

Small Caps

a fot effect commonly used in titles that changes lowercase text into upper case letters using the reduced font size

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