Csci Final Exam

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Sam wants to count the number of cells between B1 and B20 that contain numbers in them. Which of the following formula should he use to do so? (522619)


What is the correct formula to insert the date January 12, 1998 into a cell? (522563)


Ian needs to extract the day of the month from the date entered as a serial number in cell A1. Which formula can he use to do this? (522565)


The score of a student is inserted in cell B2. The passing score for the subject is 60. Which of the following functions should you insert in cell C2 to check whether the student has passed or failed? (522546)

A:=IF(B2 >= 60, "Pass", "Fail")

Cell A5 contains the number 24.7835. In another cell, Ariane wants to enter the number from cell A5 but rounded to two decimal places. Which of these formulas can she use to do so? (522562)


When you paste formula cells using the Paste button in the Clipboard group, which of the following is true? (522643)

A:A button appears near the selected cells with options for pasting formulas and values.

How can you distinguish between a manually added page break and an automatic page break in a worksheet? (522506)

A:Automatic page breaks appear as dashed lines while manual page breaks appear as solid lines.

What should you do if you want to make a copy of a database in a secure location? (522018)

A:Back up the database.

When Valerie used AutoFill to copy a formula, Excel copied the format and removed shading from some cells. What can she do to prevent the formatting change? (533061)

A:Click the AutoFill Options button and then click Fill Without Formatting.

To select a single worksheet cell so you can work with it, which of the following would you do? (522601)

A:Click the cell.

Use the _____ to exit Access.

A:Close button

Which of the following is true about inserting cells in a worksheet? (522638)

A:Excel automatically adjusts cell references to reflect new formula locations.

When you insert a column in a worksheet, what happens to formulas you already entered? (522652)

A:Excel updates their cell references to reflect the new layout.

You've copied a cell containing formula to the rows below it, and the results in the copied cells are all zeros. To find the problem, what should you check for in your original formula? (522552)

A:If it needs an absolute cell reference.

By default, the objects you create in a database are formatted with which theme? (522233)


The Clipboard task pane shows the contents of the _____. (522517)

A:Office Clipboard

Kathy wants to add the numbers entered in a range of selected cells. To do this, which tab will she click on the menu that appears after clicking on Totals in the Quick Analysis option? (522580)


Betty wants to choose the list to create a custom number format. To do so, what should she choose after the following series of clicks?


How can you highlight report records that include values greater than $500 in the OrderAmt field? (522213)

A:Use conditional formatting.

Arlo wants to use Goal Seek to answer a what-if question in a worksheet. Which button should he click on the Data tab to access the Goal Seek command? (522554)

A:What-if Analysis

Besides changing the width of a report, what else can you do if a report is too wide for an 8.5-x-11-inch page in Report Layout view? (522215)

A:You can change the orientation of the report to landscape.

When you underline cell content, you are using _____. (522501)

A:a font style

You can import table data from _____. (522102)

A:another Access database

In the formula =SUM(A6:A9), which of the following best describes A6:A9? (522593)


To rename a field in Table Datasheet view, you change the text in the _____. (522008)

A:column heading

To format a range so that all values greater than $500 appear in red, which of the following can you use? (522490)

A:conditional formatting

A _____ is an item on a form that you can manipulate to modify the form's appearance. (533025)


To link the data from one table to another in an Access relational database, a(n) ____ must be common to each table. (522096)


Which process is most like copying and pasting? (522089)


What does the third argument (3) refer to in the following formula: VLOOKUP(10005, A1:C6, 3, FALSE) (522579)

A:number of the column containing the return value

The _____ to the left of a table record indicates that you are editing the record. (522013)

A:pencil symbol

To close a report in Print Preview and keep Access running, you _____. (522232)

A:right-click the report tab, and then click Close on the shortcut menu.

If you want to sort records in the query results first by City and then by LastName, where should you insert the LastName field in the query design grid? (522156)

A:to the right of the City field

Your worksheet contains a price in cell A5, and many formulas refer to that price. How would you refer to that price in the formulas? (522551)


Sheila wants to extract the hour from the time, 12:00:56, in cell A1. Which formula can she use to do this? (522566)


Which of the following formulas can you use to extract the minute from the time in cell G5: 10:00:56? (522567)


In the formula =B6*$B$2, which of the following describes $B$2? (522553)

B:Absolute cell reference

Which of the following lets you extend any data pattern involving dates, times, numbers, or text? (527198)

B:AutoFill Options button

Which data type is used for sequential integers controlled by Access? (522027)


Which of the following inserts a function into a cell? (522627)

B:AutoSum button

How can you list the records in a query datasheet in A-Z order by CustomerName? (522157)

B:Click a value in the CustomerName field, and then click the Ascending button.

After starting Access,which of the following is the fastest way to open a database you worked on yesterday? (522005)

B:Click the database you want to open in the list of recent databases.

Jacquan wants to use a cell style similar to the default Title style, but with a larger font size and different font color. What can he do? (522502)

B:Create a custom cell style.

To change conditional formatting that applies a red fill color to one that applies a green fill color, which of the following can you do? (522491)

B:Edit the conditional formatting rule.

Maddie entered customer first names in column A and last names in column B. What feature can she use to enter the full names in column C? (522629)

B:Flash fill

To copy a cell's formatting to another cell, which of the following can you use? (522519)

B:Format Painter

Nathan wants a formula to return "Yes" if the value in cell A1 is less than the value in cell B1, and to return "No" otherwise. Which of the following functions should he use? (522545)


You can use the _____ to copy data from Excel to Access. (522095)

B:Import Spreadsheet Wizard

Annemarie lists 12 months of product sales data in the range A3:M7. The products are listed in the range A3:A7 and the monthly sales data in the range B3:M7. She wants to display a simple chart at the end of each row in column N to track the monthly sales for each product. What can she insert in the range N3:N7? (533065)

B:Line sparklines

When you create a form containing data from two tables that have a one-to-many relationship, what type of form are you creating? (522222)

B:Main form with a subform

To replace "coffee" with "beverage" in any part of a field, you click the _____ in the Find and Replace dialog box. (522151)

B:Match arrow

When working in Table Datasheet view, which button on the Table Tools Fields tab can you use to change the expression in a calculated field? (522159)

B:Modify Expression

Igor wants to set 1-inch margins on the left and right and 0.5-inch margins on the top and bottom of a printed page. Which of the following dialog boxes should he use to change the margins? (522525)

B:Page Setup dialog box

Which of the following tools can you use to create a query? (522014)

B:Simple Query Wizard

What happens when you apply a theme to a form? (522211)

B:The formatting changes in all forms and reports.

What might you need to do after increasing the font size in a table datasheet? (522161)

B:Widen the columns.

To relate two fields in a one-to-many relationship, you connect them using a _____. (522087)

B:common field

What expression would you use to create a calculated field that determines the discount price by subtracting 10 from the value in the Price field? (522158)


A _______ refers to a collection of characters with a similar, specific design. (522499)


Using the Report Wizard, you can select the _____ for the report. (522221)


When you _____ a formula, Excel retrieves the formula from the Clipboard and places it into the selected cell. (522641)


A group of related fields, such as all the demographic information for one customer, is called a _____. (522011)


If you want to manage lists of data about customers and the products they order, use _____ software. (522019)

B:relational database

The Percent style formats numbers as percentages with _____ decimal places by default. (522488)


Marianna wants to add a border to a legend. Which of the following should she select as X in the following series of clicks to do so?Legend > (right click) Format legend > Legend Options > X > Border > Solid Line (523764)

C: Fill & Line

A student is given the task of counting the number of nonblank cells in the range of cells B1 to B20. Which of the following formulas should he use to do so? (522620)


Which of the following will you select as X in the following series of clicks to change the chart layout for lines or bars that you want to change: Chart > Chart Tools > Layout tab > X > Layout option for any lines or bars that you want to add or change? (523753)


How can you display the title of a report in green? (522219)

C:Change the font color of the label in the Report Header.

To help you easily identify sheets in a workbook, you can add _____ to the sheet tab. (522489)


Which view can you use to add a new record to a table? (533028)

C:Form view

Which of the following conditional formatting options can you use to highlight the top 10 values in a range of cells? (522522)

C:Highlight Cell Rules

Which of the following is a type of logical function? (533064)


____ makes a duplicate copy of the data in the Access database. (522094)


In a complex formula, how does Excel determine which calculation to perform first? (522633)

C:It follows the order of operations.

To have Excel enter the lowest price from a range of prices, which of the following would you use? (522557)

C:MIN function

Your worksheet appears with a reduced view of each page and blue dividers where new pages begin. What view are you in? (522632)

C:Page Break Preview

Amari wants to paint the format of one object onto a target object. She selects the first object, then clicks on Format Painter, on the Clipboard group in the Home tab. She then observes the cursor change to a specific icon. Which of the following is the icon into which the cursor changed? (522529)


_____ is a set of Access rules that governs data entry and helps ensure data accuracy. (522093)

C:Referential integrity

Which Access feature asks you a series of questions and then creates a report based on your answers? (533030)

C:Report Wizard

Which Access tool guides you through the steps of creating a report? (522214)

C:Report Wizard

Suppose you rename a field in Table Design view. What must you do before you can view the data in the table? (522031)

C:Save the table.

Which of the following formulas totals the cells B6, B7, B8, B9, and B10 most efficiently? (522596)

C:The formula =SUM(B6:B10)

You can redisplay all the query records by clicking the the _____ button. (522152)

C:Toggle Filter

Which data type stores only one of two values? (522009)


Characteristics, such as Field Name and Data Type, are_____ that define a field. (522091)


You can create an Access report by selecting fields from one or more tables or _____. (522016)


A relational database can best be described as a collection of related _____ designed to minimize redundant data. (522097)


Which formula can be applied for the given data in a cell A2: 01/01/2017 to get the serial number of the date as text? (522564)


Which of the following functions would you use to calculate the arithmetic mean of a price list? (522558)


What happens when you run a query from Query Design view? (522155)

D:Access displays a datasheet containing the query results.

When you double-click the right border of a column heading, which of the following occurs ? (522614)

D:AutoFit resizes the column to the widest cell entry.

For use as watermark, Alba wants to insert a picture as a worksheet background. For this, she clicks the desired worksheet, then selects option X from the Page Layout tab in the Page Setup group. Alba then selects the picture and then clicks Insert. What can X in her series of selections be? (522534)


Which of the following keys do you press to copy cells while dragging them? (522604)


Your worksheet is too wide to fit on one page in portrait orientation. What is the best way to fix this problem? (522606)

D:Change the page orientation to landscape.

What should you do when you are finished working a database? (522020)

D:Close the database.

Which data type works best to store dollar amounts? (522024)


You can right-click the status bar to display the _____. (522104)

D:Customize Status Bar shortcut menu

Bertie wants to show data labels inside a text bubble shape. Which option can she click on after clicking on the arrow next to Data labels under Chart Elements? (523751)

D:Data Callout

Which of the following lets you edit the contents of a cell? (522594)

D:Double-click the cell or click in the formula bar.

To import data from Excel to Access, you would begin by clicking the ____. (522088)

D:External Data tab

Which two properties are required for every field? (522026)

D:Field Name and Data Type

To print more than one copy of your worksheet, which tab would you go to? (522599)


You have selected a cell with a formula. Which of the following can you use to copy that formula to an adjacent cell? (522556)

D:Fill handle

To change the color of cell content, you use the ________ color list arrow. (522498)


To format a cell range so that values between 100 and 500 appear in red, which of the following can you use? (522524)

D:Highlight Cells Rules

To apply a cell style, you would use the Cell Styles command on the _____ tab. (522503)


Which of the following can you do to make a chart title stand out on a chart? (523771)

D:Increase the font size.

In column D of a worksheet, Cal lists the number of hours each employee works. What function should he use to find the employee who worked the most hours? (533063)


To rotate cell contents to an exact value, you change its _____. (522516)


Which of the following functions inserts the total of a range? (522602)


Which of the following chart types show how two numeric data series are related to each other? (523749)


What is the most efficient way to navigate to the last record in a table containing 100 records? (522012)

D:Use the Last record button on the navigation bar.

As you create a report, when might you want to work in Report Layout view? (522216)

D:When you want to view the data as you change the report.

How is the font set for a table in Table Datasheet view? (522242)

D:You use the Font box on the Home tab.

Which of the following can you change when formatting a table? (522160)

D:background color

When you _____ a database, you make more storage space available and enhance the performance of the database. (522017)

D:compact and repair

You use Query Design view to add _____ to determine which records are shown in the resulting datasheet . (522147)


The _____ key field is the linking field on the "many" side of the relationship. (522098)


Which of the following is a built-in formula that helps you perform complex calculations? (522610)


Your worksheet contains confidential information in column C; to prevent others who use your worksheet from seeing the data, you can _____ column C. (522617)


When you remove a control layout from a form or report, Access ____. (522239)

D:no longer groups the controls together

When using the Form Wizard, you can select fields from tables and _____ in the database. (522220)


The goal of building one-to-many relationships between tables is to minimize _____ data. (522092)


You can use a wizard to create a _____, a formatted printout or display of the contents in tables or queries. (522236)


In which object can you rename a field? (522030)


When you click the File tab and then click Print, which of the following elements appears in the preview of the worksheet printout? (522598)

D:worksheet data

A category of data such as a customer's name, city, state, or phone number is called a _____.


Tables, queries, and forms are examples of Access ____.


Which Access object contains all of the data in the database?


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