CSE (California Supplemental Exam) ARE

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What is informed consent?

And architect shall not materially alter the scope or objective of a project without first fully informing the client in obtaining the consent of the client in writing.

Liability regarding building inspections:

Architects who perform voluntary building inspections at a site of an emergency at the request of a local official shall not be liable in negligence for any damage caused by good faith but negligent inspection.

What are the 3 agencies involved in managing the coastline in California?

Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), California Coastal Commission is one of California's two designated coastal management agencies for the purpose of administering the (Federal) Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) in California. The most significant provisions of the federal CZMA give state coastal management agencies regulatory control (federal consistency review authority) over all federal activities and federally licensed, permitted or assisted activities, wherever they may occur (i.e., landward or seaward of the respective coastal zone boundaries fixed under state law) if the activity affects coastal resources. Examples of such federal activities include: outer continental shelf oil and gas leasing, exploration and development; designation of dredge material disposal sites in the ocean; military projects at coastal locations; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers fill permits; certain U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permits; national park projects; highway improvement projects assisted with federal funds; and commercial space launch projects on federal lands. Federal consistency is an important coastal management tool because it is often the only review authority over federal activities affecting coastal resources given to any state agency. • The coastal zone established by the Coastal Act does not include San Francisco Bay, where development is regulated by the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC).

Name some project performance objectives:

Comfort control: There are three main comfort control areas to be concerned with. These are related to the interior environment. 1. Interior air temperature 2. Internal lighting levels and daylighting levels 3. Noise controls

What is the AIA B-132?

Construction manager as advisor contract. The involvement of the construction manager does not limit the liability of the architect, however some of the responsibilities may be reduced for the following contained with in the construction manager as advisor addition. It is important to understand the architect is still in the loop and approves: 1. change orders 2. construction change directive's 3. applications for payment.

Exposure Categories reflect how ground surface irregularities affect design wind pressure. Exposure conditions vary from the most protected to the least protected:

Exposure B most protected to D least protected: • Exposures are determined by "ground surface roughness" that arise from natural topography and vegetation as well as from constructed features. • Surface Roughness B - Urban and suburban areas, wooded areas or other terrain with numerously closely spaced obstructions. • Surface Roughness C - Open terrain with scattered obstructions having heights generally less than 30 feet. • Surface Roughness D - Flat, unobstructed areas and water surfaces outside hurricane-prone regions.

What does FSC stand for?

FSC is the Forest Stewardship Council who certifies types of wood for sustainable construction.

Geological conditions affect the type of foundations to be selected. What types of soil warrant different types of foundations?

For soil's that are stable and have a high bearing capacity like bed rock, typical footings in stem walls can be used. For soils that are expensive, or have a high water table, piles and grade beams or mat foundation's should be considered.

The California Coastal Zone:

Generally extends 1,000 yards inland from the mean high tide line. In significant coastal estuarine habitat and recreational areas it extends inland to the first major ridge line or five miles from the mean high tide line, whichever is less. In developed urban areas, the boundary is generally less than 1,000 yards. - Excerpt from NOAA website (check NOAA out).

Where would the CEQA notice of exemption be filed?

If a project is determined to be exempt from CQ a a notice of exemption may be filed: The state agency files the form at the office of planning and research. Local agency files the form at the county clerk of each county in which the project will be located.

What are the steps involved in the entitlement phase?

In this entitlement phase we are trying to obtain permission or approval for our project prior to produce in construction documents 1. Submit drawings to the local planning department 2. Review for compliance with CEQA 3. Review for compliance with zoning code and local ordinances 4. Review for compliance with local coastal program if in a coastal zone 5. Review for compliance with any specific plan areas 6. Attend any design review board/architectural review board meetings 7. Submit drawings to other regulatory agencies is required such as state and regional agencies. The local planning department may give you guidance but remember, as the license professional, you are responsible for having knowledge and understanding of the requirements of any relevant agency.

What is the punishment for practicing without a license or inappropriately selling oneself as an architect?

It is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $100, or more than $5000. Or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year or both.

Use of the term architect:

It shall be unlawful for any person to use a business name that includes as part of its title or description of services the term architect, architecture, or architectural, or any abbreviation or confusingly similar variations thereof. Unless that person is a business entity wherein an architect is: in management control of the professional services that are offered and provided by the business entity, and either the owner, or a part owner, or an officer, or an employee of the business entity.

What is the AIA B-102?

It's the standard form of agreement between an owner and an architect with out a predefined scope of architectural services. The scope of the services is not listed in this contract, so it only includes the terms and conditions of the contract, and needs to be paired With the B-201 which is the scope of services. This contract is also not a standalone contract, and needs to be paired with the B-102.

Expiration of license, and renewal of unexpired licenses:

Licenses expire on the last day of the birth month of the license holder in each odd numbered year following the issuance or renewal of the license. A license which has expired may be renewed anytime within five years after its expiration. A license which is not renewed within five years after its expiration may not be renewed, restored, or re-issued.

One way to improve air quality is to make sure that filters on HVAC equipment are changed regularly. These filters have ratings that follow the MERV system. Describe this system and some of the point ratings associated with it for different types of buildings:

MERV: Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value The rating should be 13 or better for optimum performance. Ratings: 17 to 20 for electronics in pharmaceutical manufacturing clean rooms 13 to 16 for hospital and general surgery 9 to 12 for superior residential, better commercial, hospital laboratories 5 to 8 for better residential, general commercial, industrial work spaces 1 to 4 for residential window mounted AC units

Can an architect in California set their business up as a limited liability company (LLC)?

No. Architects in California cannot form a limited liability company.

Can an architect stamp and sign documents that were not produced under his or her responsible control?

No. That said, responsible control does not mean architectural services need to be produced in the architects office. As long as the architect is maintaining responsible control, drawings can be produced in another part of the world or outsourced.

Now that we have an understanding of the California Building Standards Code (Title 24), let's take a look at the individual parts of Title 24. Please note the list below refers to the 2016 Codes as listed on the California Architects Board reference list of materials;

Part 1 - California Building Standards Administrative Code Part 2 - California Building Code Part 2.5 -California Residential Building Code Part 3 - California Electrical Code Part 4 - California Mechanical Code Part 5 - California Plumbing Code Part 6 - California Energy Code Part 7 - Vacant- formally California Elevator Safety Construction Code (See Cal. Code Regs., Title 8) Part 8 - California Historical Building Code Part 9 - California Fire Code Part 10 - California Existing Building Standards Code Part 11 - California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen Code) Part 12 - California Referenced Standards Code

Before starting a new project, one of the first visit should be to the ________________________\?

Planning Department One of the first visit should be to the local planning department to confirm the zoning, uses allowed, setbacks, building Heights, parking requirements and any other preliminary information related to the project. The planning department may also help you establish which agencies will be involved in the approval process, which will not. That said, it is up to the architect to investigate and find out all of the agencies that might be involved in your project. Do not rely on the local planning department or other agency to give you all of the information you need. It is the architect's duty to investigate.

What is the role of the "public agency"in the CEQA process?

Public agency determines if the activity is a "project", if it is a project, the public agency determines if the project is exempt from compliance with CEQA. There are two types of exemptions: Statutory Exemptions, & Categorical Exemptions. Statutory Exemptions are projects which the California legislature has decided are not subject to CEQA procedures and policies. Categorical Exemptions are projects which the secretary of the resources agency has determined do not usually have a significant effect on the environment.

After a determination by the Lead Agency to prepare an Environmental Impact, what happens next?

Report, the Notice of Preparation will be prepared; • Notice of Preparation (NOP) - a brief notice sent by the lead agency to notify the responsible agencies, trustee agencies, and involved federal agencies that the lead agency plans to prepare an EIR for the project. The purpose of the notice is to solicit guidance from those agencies as to the scope and content of the environmental information to be included in the EIR. • Notice of Completion (NOC) - is a brief notice released by the lead agency as soon as it has completed a draft CEQA document for public review and comment. m. Public Review Period occurs after the following (we already looked at this earlier, but it is important and occurs AFTER the draft EIR or Negative Declaration is available); • Lead Agency files Notice of Completion and gives public notice of availability of draft EIR for review i. The period for public and agency review is 30 days minimum and 60 days maximum to review a draft EIR. ii. When a draft EIR is sent to the State Clearinghouse, the review period shall not be less than 45 days. • Lead Agency gives public notice of availability of Negative Declaration iii. The period for public and agency review must be at least 20 days to review a Negative Declaration. iv. When the Negative Declaration is sent to the State Clearinghouse, the review period shall be 30 days. • State Clearinghouse coordinates the state-level review of environmental documents that are prepared pursuant to the CEQA. It is a division of the Governor's Office of Planning and Research.Once a decision has been reached on the project (either approval of the final EIR or approval of the Negative Declaration by the Lead Agency), a Notice of Determination will be filed; • Notice of Determination (NOD) - a brief notice filed by a public agency after it approves or determines to carry out a project subject to the requirements of CEQA i. State Agency files the form at the Office of Planning and Research. The Public Review Period occurs AFTER the Draft EIR Local Agency files the form at the County Clerk of each county in which the project will be located.

What five elements are required in a contract between an architect and the client?

S.C.A.N.T. Services: description of services to be performed Compensation: basis of compensation Address: name, address, license number of an architect and name and address of client New services: additional services at an hourly rate Termination: description of procedure describing termination procedure

What are the 2 state & 2 federal agencies that may be involved in the habitats of endangered species?

State agencies: 1. California Department of Fish and wildlife 2. California Environmental Protection Agency Federal: 3. U.S. Fish and Wildlife service 4. US Environmental Protection Agency

In regards to safety where is tempered glass required by the building code?

Tempered glass is required in stairways, doors, and shower rooms.

What is the name of the act whose main purpose is to prevent the construction of buildings use for human occupancy on the surface trace of active faults?

The Alquist-Priolo Act

Definition of the California Coastal Zone:

The California Coastal Zone generally extends 1,000 yards inland from the mean high tide line. In significant coastal estuarine habitat and recreational areas it extends inland to the first major ridgeline or five miles from the mean high tide line, whichever is less. In developed urban areas, the boundary is generally less than 1,000 yards. - Excerpt from NOAA website.

What is CEQA?

The California Environmental Quality Act I acted in 1970, The California Environmental Quality Act is a statute that requires state and local agencies to identify the significant environmental impacts of their actions and to avoid or mitigate those impacts if feasible. The two Basic purposes of CEQA are to inform governmental decision makers and the public about the potential significant effects, if any, a proposed activities on the environment and to provide opportunities for other agencies and the public to review and comment on draft environmental documents. Important: CEQA is not an agency, it is an act. Plans are not submitted to CEQA, this is a common misunderstanding among candidates!

Which agency regulates the practice of architecture?

The California architects board or CAB. CAB is managed by the Department of consumer affairs.

What is the California Code of Regulations?

The California code of regulations is divided into 28 titles. The California Building Standards Code is also called Title 24, & is published every three years. Many candidates, practicing architects and title 24 engineers currently misunderstand that title 24 is a reference to energy calculations that are submitted to the local government department. Title 24 can be wrongly perceived as only compliance with the energy code, and the energy code is just one small part of title 24, namely part 6.

Where can you find the actual CEQA act and it's guidelines:

The California public resources code, and Title 14 of the California code of regulations.

The following project types do not require an architectural license:

The architects practice act does not prohibit a person from preparing plans drawings are specifications for any of the following: 1. Single-family detached Wellings of wood frame construction no more than two stories and basement in height 2. Multiple dwelling units, no more than four, wood frame construction, no more than two stories and a basement in height 3. Garages or other similar structures of wood frame construction not more than two stories and a basement in height 4. Agricultural and ranch buildings of wood frame construction, unless the local building official deems it and undue risk to public health, safety, or welfare

What is the Field Act, & what does it do?

The field act was enacted after March 10, 1933, when the 6.3 Long Beach earthquake destroyed 70 schools and another 120 suffered major structural damage. The field act is governed under the education code. The purpose is to protect children and staff from death and injury in public schools grades K through 14 (both K12 & community college) and protect the public investment in school buildings during and after earthquakes. Plans and specifications are reviewed and approved by the division of the state architect. The architect is considered "design professional in general responsible charge" and is required to provide construction administration services. Changes to the drawings and specifications must be approved by DS a. The project owner must hire a DSA certified inspector to oversee the construction. At the conclusion of construction, the design professionals, the inspector, and the contractor, shall submit verify reports with the essay indicating work has been performed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications.

The Coastal Zone for the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) includes what areas?

The open water, marshes and mudflats of greater San Francisco Bay, and areas 100 feet inland from the line of highest tidal action. The boundary also includes: the Suisun marsh and buffer zone: managed wetlands diked off from the Bay; and open waters diked off from the Bay and used in salt production. - Excerpt from NOAA website.

The Coastal Zone for the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) includes:

The open water, marshes and mudflats of greater San Francisco Bay, and areas 100 feet inland from the line of highest tidal action. The boundary also includes: the Suisun marsh and buffer zone: managed wetlands diked off from the Bay; and open waters diked off from the Bay and used in salt production. - Excerpt from NOAA website.

Responsible Control

The phrase responsible control means the amount of control over the content of all architectural instruments of service during the preparation that is ordinarily exercised by architects applying the professional standard of care.

What is the purpose of the scope of the California Existing Building Code?

The purpose is to promote public safety and welfare by reducing the risk of death or injury that may result from the effects of earthquakes on existing unreinforced masonry bearing walls. The scope shall apply to all existing buildings having at least one unreinforced masonry bearing wall.

Where do you requirements for examination appear?

The requirements for examination appear in both the business and professions code: chapter 3, Division 3, and the California code of regulations: Title 16 Division 2.

Use of the word "certify" or "certification" by a licensed architect:

The use of the word certified or certification by a licensed architect in the practice of architecture constitutes an expression of professional opinion regarding those facts are findings that are the subject of the certification. These do not constitute a warranty or guarantee, either expressed or implied.

How many seismic zones are in the US & in California?

There are 4 seismic shaking zones in the United States, in the higher the number the higher the earthquake danger. All of California lies within two shaking zones: zone 3, and zone 4. Zone 4 is located nearest to the active earthquake faults and poses the greatest hazard.

What three main concepts are important to understand in regards to site conditions?

Topographical, hydrological, and geological conditions.

Does an architect need to sign and stamp drawings that unlicensed individuals are allowed to design?

Yes. This includes stamping & signing and even those types of structures unlicensed individuals are allowed to design as clarified by the California architects board newsletter spring 2007. This requirement applies to all types of projects since it address a responsibility imposed on the architect, and not the project.

Limiting professional liability exposure according to the Architects Practice Act:

a. Not responsible for damage caused by unauthorized changes to signed and stamped documents (as long as authorization was not unreasonably withheld) b. Signing and stamping of documents does not impose a legal duty to observe the construction of fixed works c. Construction Observation means periodic observation of completed work to determine general compliance with the plans, specifications, reports, or other contract documents, not superintendence of construction processes, site conditions, operations, equipment, personnel, or safety d. Architects who perform voluntary building inspection at the site of an emergency at the request of a local official shall not be liable in negligence for any damage caused by good faith but negligent inspection (only within 30 days of emergency) - Excerpts from the Architects Practice Act

Hospital Facilities Seismic Safety Act

a. Seismic safety legislation - Seismic Retrofit Program SB 1953 was passed by the California Legislature in 1994 following the Northridge earthquake b. Northridge earthquake caused 23 hospitals to suspend some or all of their services c. Establishes Three seismic safety deadlines: • by 2002 - major non-structural systems such as back up generators, exit lighting, etc must be braced • by 2013 (originally 2008) - all general acute-care inpatient buildings at risk of collapsing during a strong earthquake must be rebuilt, retrofitted or closed. City or County owned hospitals have the opportunity to request an extension to 2020, provided they rebuild the facility • by 2030 - all hospital buildings in the state must be operational following a major earthquake d. Enforced by Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD)

Assembly Group A - defined as having 50 or more occupants & has the following 5 categories:

• A-1 Assembly areas with fixed seating (performing arts, movie theaters) • A-2 Assembly areas where food and drink are consumed (restaurants night clubs) • A-3 Assembly for places of worship, recreation, or amusement, and other assembly areas that do not fit into other Group A (Libraries, Museums, Church) • A-4 Assembly areas for viewing if indoor sporting events • A-5 Assembly areas for participation or viewing of outdoor sporting events

To prepare for a flood; (Excerpt from the FEMA Website):

• Avoid building in a flood prone area unless you elevate and reinforce structure • Elevate the furnace, water heater, and electrical panel if susceptible to flooding • Install "check valves" in sewer traps to prevent floodwater from backing up into drains • Seal walls of basement with waterproofing compounds to avoid seepage

Basic Wind Speed - The basic wind speed, in mph, for determination of the wind loads shall be determined by Figure 1609 of the California Building Code:

• Based upon the speed of a 3 second gust of wind • Basic Wind Speed on the West Coast is 85 mph with Special Wind Regions along the Eastside of the Sierra Mountain Range and portions of Southern California. Local jurisdictions should be consulted for more information about Special Wind Regions.

Exposure Categories reflects how ground surface irregularities affect design wind pressure. Describe how this works:

• Exposure conditions vary from the most protected to the least protected (Exposure B most protected to D least protected.) • Exposures are determined by "ground surface roughness" that arise from natural topography and vegetation as well as from constructed features. • Surface Roughness B - Urban and suburban areas, wooded areas or other terrain with numerously closely spaced obstructions. • Surface Roughness C - Open terrain with scattered obstructions having heights generally less than 30 feet. • Surface Roughness D - Flat, unobstructed areas and water surfaces outside hurricane-prone regions.

Essential Services Buildings as defined per Section 16007:

• Fire Station • Police Station • Emergency Operations Center • California Highway Patrol • Sheriff's Office • Emergency Communication Dispatch Center *For the Project Scenario part of the Exam, it's unlikely that you will be told your project is an essential services building, so KNOW this list! Exempt buildings per Section 16010; • One story Type V construction less than 2000 s.f. • Type II N construction less than 2000 s.f.

Coastal Development Permit Not Required for (Section 30610):

• Improvements to existing single-family dwellings • Improvements to any structure other than single-family residence or public works facility provided the improvements do not adversely affect the environment, public access, or involve a change in use contrary to the California Coastal Act • Maintenance dredging of existing navigation channels or moving dredged material from those channels to a disposal area outside the coastal zone, pursuant to a permit from the United States Army Corps of Engineers • Repair or maintenance activities that do not result in an addition to, or enlargement or expansion of, the object of those repair or maintenance activities provided there are no adverse impacts to the environment • Any category of development, or any category of development within a specifically defined geographic area, that the commission, after public hearing, determines there are no significant adverse environmental impacts • The installation, testing, and placement in service or the replacement of any necessary utility connection between an existing service facility and any development provided no significant environmental impacts are found, including scenic resources • The replacement of any structure, other than a public works facility, destroyed by a disaster • Any activity anywhere in the coastal zone that involves the conversion of any existing multiple unit residential structure to a time-share project • Any proposed development which the executive director finds to be a temporary event which does not have any significant adverse impact upon coastal resources

California Coastal Commission Exemptions for Single Family Residences (Section 30610.1):

• It is not located between the first public road and the sea or immediately adjacent to the inland extent of any beach or of the mean high tide line where there is no beach • Is a legal lot as of the effective date of this section and conforms with the minimum lot size and lot use designations of the applicable general plan and zoning ordinances • Is not located within an area known to the affected local government, or designated by any other public agency, as a geologic hazard area or as a flood hazard area • Is no more than 250 feet from an existing improved road adequate for use throughout the year • Can be served by an adequate water supply that is legally available for use either by means of a well or by means of a connection to a water system with sufficient capacity to serve such lot or lots

Description of the Agency terms referred to in CEQA:

• Lead Agency (for example, the local planning department, but could also be a State agency) - the public agency that has primary responsibility to complete the environmental review process required by CEQA. The Lead Agency is responsible for coordinating with the project applicant, the public, and other agencies during the review process. • Responsible Agency - the public agency or agencies with discretionary approval authority over a portion of a CEQA project (for example, the Air Quality Management District can be a responsible agency and consult with the Lead Agency) and interfaces directly with the Lead Agency. • Commenting Agency - a public agency with "jurisdiction by law" over a particular natural resource, but is neither a lead agency or a responsible agency. For example, the Air Quality Management District (AQMD) is the sole and exclusive local agency in the district (area served in Southern California) with the responsibility for comprehensive air pollution control, and therefore reviews and comments on the air quality analysis in environmental documents submitted to the AQMD. • Trustee Agency - a state agency having jurisdiction by law over natural resources affected by a project which are held in trust for the people of the State of California.

EIR - what are the stages & what do they mean?

• Negative Declaration - no significant impacts found upon the environment in respect to the project, the project may proceed as designed • Mitigated Negative Declaration - significant impacts found upon the environment in respect to the project, but the project can be revised/redesigned to avoid or mitigate significant impacts, and can move forward • Environmental Impact Report (EIR) - project has been found to have significant environmental impacts. Project may be slowed or halted until an EIR can be prepared, reviewed, and approved i. What is an Environmental Impact Report? It is a detailed report written by the Lead Agency describing and analyzing the significant environmental effects of a proposed project, identifying alternatives and discussing ways to reduce or avoid the possible environmental damage. An EIR is prepared when the Lead Agency finds substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. ii. Check out the California Department of Fish and Wildlife's Environmental Impact Report for a good overview of an Environmental Impact Report.

Key Components of the California Building Code (These are also the key elements that the Building Department will be reviewing during plan check);

• Occupancy Type • Construction Type • Building or Floor Area • Building Height • Exits/Egress • Building Separation and Shafts • Fire Protection • Fire Extinguishing Systems • Accessibility Requirements • Engineering Requirements

What Types of Development Require a Coastal Development Permit?

• Quick Summary (From the California Coastal Commission Brochure): i. placement of any solid material or structure ii. change in land use density or intensity (including any land division) iii. change in intensity of water use or access to water iv. removal of major vegetation • From the Coastal Act (Section 30601): i. Developments between the sea and the first public road paralleling the sea or within 300 feet of the inland extent of any beach or of the mean high tide line of the sea where there is no beach, whichever is the greater distance ii. Developments located on tidelands, submerged lands, public trust lands, within 100 feet of any wetland, estuary, stream, or within 300 feet of the top of the seaward face of any coastal bluff iii. Any development which constitutes a major public works project or a major energy facility

• Residential Groups in R:

• R-1 Occupants are transient, sleeping in their rooms less than 30 days ———(hotels, motels, boarding houses - all transient) • R-2 Occupants are permanent sleeping in buildings containing more than ______2 dwelling units (apartment houses, dormitories) • R-3 Occupants are permanent in nature and not classified in R-1, R-2, ______R-3.1, R-4, or I - R-3.1 Facilities licensed by a governmental agency for a residentially based ______24 hour care facility providing accommodations for six or fewer ______clients of any age • R-4 Residential care or assisted living facilities

Some impacts a project can have on the environment (EIR):

• Storm water runoff • Parking implications • Pollution from equipment • Damage to wildlife & plants • Increase in traffic • Noise - street, traffic, transportation, use • Soil erosion • Modification to wetlands • Alterations of stream beds • Excessive or uncontrolled site lighting

What are the 5 Types of Construction?:

• Type I Steel, Reinforced Concrete, Masonry Construction, non-combustible structure required and fire-resistive • Type II Steel, Reinforced Concrete, Masonry Construction, non-combustible structure required and fire-resistive • Type III Steel, Reinforced Concrete, Masonry or Wood Construction, structural frame typically not wood • Type IV Heavy Timber • Type V Steel, Reinforced Concrete, Masonry or Wood Construction

g. Agencies that may be involved in the presence of hazardous materials review process:

• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) • California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) • California Air Resources Board (division of Cal/EPA) • Regional Air Quality Management District • State Water Resources Control Board

The California coastal act considers the following issues:

• shoreline public access and recreation • lower cost visitor accommodations • terrestrial and marine habitat protection • visual resources • landform alteration • agricultural lands • commercial fisheries • industrial uses • water quality • offshore oil and gas development • transportation • development design • power plants • ports • public works

The policies of the Coastal Act constitute the statutory standards applied to planning and regulatory decisions made by the California Coastal Commission and by local governments, pursuant to the Coastal Act. The Act addresses issues such as;

• shoreline public access and recreation • lower cost visitor accommodations • terrestrial and marine habitat protection • visual resources • landform alteration • agricultural lands • commercial fisheries • industrial uses • water quality • offshore oil and gas development • transportation • development design • power plants • ports • public works

Regional agencies include:

1. Air quality management District 2. County flood control District 3. Environmental health department 4. Regional water quality control board 5. Regional airport authorities

State Agencies (4) that may be involved in the coastal review process:

1. California Department of Fish and Wildlife 2. California Environmental Protection Agency 3. State Water Resources Control Board 4. California Coastal Commission (Coastal Zone)

State Agencies that may be involved in the wetland approval process:

1. California Department of Fish and Wildlife 2. California Environmental Protection Agency 3. State Water Resources Control Board 4. California Coastal Commission (wetlands in the coastal zone only) 5. State Lands Commission (wetlands on State owned properties)

What are the 3 applicable regulations (or acts) involving endangered species?

1. California Endangered Species Act 2. Federal Endangered Species Act 3. California Environmental Quality Act

State agencies include:

1. California coastal commission 2. State water resources control Board 3. California Department of Fish and wildlife 4. California department of environmental protection 5. Air resources Board 6. California department of transportation 7. Division of the state architect (DSA) 8. Office of state wide health planning and development (OSHPD) 9. Governor's office of planning and research

Name some elements of interior air quality that need to be considered:

1. Carbon monoxide 2. Radon (gases from the earth) 3. VOC's (from carpet, paint, mill work) 4. Mold and mildew (Provide proper ventilation for wet spaces) 5. Particulates (ash, pollen, etc)

What does the California coast select manage in terms of recreation areas?

1. Coastal area suited for water oriented recreational activities that cannot be readily provided an inland water area shall be protected for such uses. 2. Oceanfront land suitable for recreational use shall be protected for recreational use and development unless present and for seeable future demand for public or commercial recreational activities that could be accommodated on the property is already adequately provided for in the area. 3. Oceanfront land that is suitable for coastal dependent aquaculture shall be protected for that use, and proposals for aquaculture facility is located on those sites shall be given priority, except over other coastal dependent developments or uses. 4. Increased recreational boating use of coastal waters shall be encouraged, in accordance with this division by developing dry storage areas, increasing public launching facilities, providing additional berthing space and existing harbors, limiting non-water dependent land uses that can just access Corredor's and preclude boating support facilities, providing harbor is for refuge, and by providing for new building facilities in natural harbors, new protected water areas, and an area stretch from dryland.

What ask maybe grounds for suspension or revocation of an architectural license?

1. Conviction of certain crimes substantially related to the duties of an architect 2. Violation of the architects practice act 3. Fraud in obtaining a license 4. Impersonation 5. Aiding an unlawful practice 6. Signing others plans or instruments of service 7. Fraud in practice of architecture 8. Negligence or willful misconduct 9. Incompetency or recklessness 10. Disciplinary action taken by another public agency 11. Failure to report settlement for fraud, deceit, negligence, and competency, or recklessness in excess of $5000 (within 30 days).

What are the five ways to mitigate the disturbance of flora and fauna?

1. Designate no disturbance zones on site 2. Replant disturbed areas to other areas of the site 3. Minimize disturbing to natural water supply on the site 4. Minimize night site lighting as to not disturb the fauna 5. Maintain wildlife/use corridors throughout the site

Putting it Together - what are the beginning 5 steps of starting a project?:

1. Determine Occupancy Group 2. Determine Type of Construction 3. Determine Location of building on the property 4. Determine the Allowable Floor Area 5. Determine Height and Number of Stories

What are the 3 main components to the Coastal Commission's public access policy's?

1. Development shall not interfere with the publics right of access to the sea were acquired through use or legislative authorization, including, but not limited to, the use of dry sand in rocky coastal beaches to the first line of terrestrial vegetation. 2. Public access from the nearest public roadway to the shoreline and along the coast shall be provided in new development projects except where the following occurs: inconsistent with Public Safety, military security needs, or protection of fragile coastal resources. 3. Public facilities, including parking areas or facilities, shall be distributed throughout an area so as to mitigate against the impacts of overcrowding or overuse by the public of any single area.

How is the Coastal Act administered?

1. Development within the coastal zone may not commence until a coastal development permit has been issued by either the coastal commission or a local government that has a commission certified local coastal program (LCP). 2. After an LCP has been finally approved, the commissions coastal permitting authority over most new development is transferred to the local government, which applies the requirements of the LCP in reviewing proposed new developments.

In regards to obtaining discretionary approvals from regulatory agencies, the entire project approval process can be summarized into the following three steps:

1. Entitlements phase 2. Building and safety plan check and other local agencies 3. Obtaining the building permit

Federal agencies include:

1. Environmental protection agency 2. Federal aviation administration 3. US Army Corps of Engineers 4. US Fish and wildlife 5. Federal emergency management agency 6. US Coast Guard

How is the practice of architecture administered?

1. Examination 2. Licensure 3. Enforcement

Fun facts about earthquake faults!

1. Fault zones are plotted on the topographic map at a scale of 1 inch equals 2000 feet 2. The zones very in with, but the average is about 1/4 mile wide 3. An "active" fault is one that has ruptured within the last 11,000 years 4. If an active fault is found, a structure for human occupancy cannot be placed over the trace of the fault and must be set back 50 feet (generally) from the fault.

Which types of insurance are required by the B102, owner/architect agreement?

1. General liability 2. Automobile liability 3. Workers compensation (if you have employees) 4. Professional liability

What are six factors that affect wetland health?

1. Habitat Alteration: converting wetlands to housing and farming that can easily displays or destroy wetlands 2. Hydrological Modification: Levys dams or any other unnatural structure that can affect water flow 3. Biological Invasion: from non-native species 4. Pollution 5. Overharvesting: of native plants and fish species 6. Climate Change: change in annual rainfall amounts and/or temperature

What are the three types of agencies?

1. Local 2. Regional 3. State

In addition to programming, what services would be considered additional services:

1. Multiple site evaluation 2. Site suitability studies 3. Site planning 4. Master planning 5. Preliminary design 6. Preliminary cost estimating 7. Scheduling 8. Market analysis 9. Detailed existing facility evaluation 10. Environmental suitability 11. Services and support of owners other consultants

Name the five items required to be on the architect stamp:

1. Name of the Architect 2. License Number 3. Renewal Date (renew every two years, in the odd year) 4. "State of California" 5. "Licensed Architect"

What are the different types of environmental groups?

1. National Groups: Sierra Club, National Audubon Society, Green Peace, National Wildlife Federation, National Conservancy, National Resources Defense Counsel, Americas Rivers 2. State of California: Sierra Club, California League of Conservation Voters, Keep California Beautiful, California Wilderness Coalition, California Native Plant Society, Friends of the River, CalTrout 3.Northern California: Mono Lake Committee, Mount Diablo interpretive association, sierra Nevada Forest Protection Campaign, Mendocino Environmental Center, South Yuba River Citizens League, Big Sur Land Trust, Sierra Foothill Conservancy, Restore Hetch Hetchy 4. Southern California: Friends of the LA River, Heal the Bay, Ballona Valley Preservation League, San Diego River Park, San Diego Zoological Society, San Diego Bay Keeper, Surfrider Foundation, San Diego Clean Water Alliance

Qualifications of applicant for an architectural license include:

1. Not having committed acts or crimes constituting grounds for denial 2. Applicant shall demonstrate to the board satisfaction knowledge of interior and exterior barrier free design 3. The applicant must have completed eight years of training and educational experience in architectural work. A five year degree from an approved architectural school shell equal five years of training.

Local agencies include:

1. Planning 2. Building and safety 3. Public works 4. Transportation 5. Fire department 6. Police department

What are the five different types of insurance an architect should carry?

1. Professional Liability (e & o) 2. General Liability 3. Worker's Compensation 4. Automobile Insurance 5. Property Insurance

What are the four types of seismic maps in California?

1. Shaking 2. Fault Rupture 3. Seismic hazard zones for liquefaction and landslides 4. Tsunami Inundation Maps

What are the professionals to provide exemptions from the practice act for professionals as long as he or she practices in the profession for which he or she is registered, and they may not use the title architect:

1. Structural engineer 2. Professional engineer 3. Civil engineer 4. Landscape architect 5. Land surveyor 6. Contractors, are also exempt as long as they are providing services within the classification for which they are licensed. The services may include the preparation of shop & field drawings for work which he or she has contracted or offered to perform, and designing systems and facilities which are necessary to the completion of contracting services which he or she has contracted or offer to perform. However, a licensed contractor may not use the title architect, unless he or she hold a license as required in this chapter.

What are the five main climatic conditions to be concerned with?

1. Temperature 2. Humidity 3. Rainfall 4. Wind 5. Snowfall (Not Solar Orientation! Solar orientation is not a climatic condition, rather it is a Site Condition)

When having a construction manager as advisor, how do you some of the responsibilities transfer from the architect to the contractor, and which responsibilities are still held by the architect?

1. The construction manager and architect both provide administration of the contract 2. The CM will determine the work is being performed in accordance with the construction documents 3. The CM will keep the owner informed of the progress of the work 4. The CM will endeavor to guard the owner from defects in the work 5. The owner and the contractor shall communicate through the CM, and the CM will keep the architect in the loop 6. CM will review and certify applications for payment, but the architect still needs to approve these pay applications 7. The CM will prepare the change orders, but the architect still approves the change orders 8. The CM will prepare a construction change directive's, but the architect still needs to approve CCD's

What are some of the Agencies, Acts & Laws and regulations that may be applicable to the hazardous materials review process?

1. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA): Federal program that regulates chemicals and their use/distribution 2. Comprehensive environmental response compensation and liability act (CERCLA): or more commonly known as "Superfund" which is a federal program that involves a complex process to clean up toxic sites for long-term cleanup processes. 3. Federal EPA's Brownfields Program: A program that is designed to empower states communities and other stakeholders to work together to prevent assess and safely clean up Brownfield sites. 4. California EPA's Brownfield program: this program is similar to the federal program but is local to California.

Federal Agencies that may be involved in the wetland approval process:

1. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (moving or placing materials such as dirt, rock, concrete, or culverts) 3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 4. National Resources Conservation Service (relating to agriculture and wetlands restoration)

Federal Agencies (4) that may be involved in the coastal review process:

1. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (projects along the shoreline, marinas, harbors, ports) 3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 4. U.S. Coast Guard (Marine Environmental Protection)

The Big Four - Many wetland or stream projects will require four main permits or approvals:

1. USACE 404 Permit - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act is the primary federal program regulating activities in wetlands. 2. RWQCB 401 Certification - Regional Water Quality Control Board, Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act specifies that states must certify any activity subject to a permit issued by a federal agency, such as the USACE, meets all state water quality standards. In California, the State and regional water boards are responsible for certification activities subject to USACE Section 404 Permits. 3. Streambed Alteration Agreement - California Department of Fish and Wildlife, regulates activities that would alter the flow, bed, banks, channel, or associated riparian (zone between land and a river or stream) areas of a river, stream, or lake. 4. CEQA Compliance - California Environmental Quality Act, the goal of CEQA is to maintain a high-quality environment by requiring that public agencies identify, avoid, and mitigate the significant environmental effects on projects where feasible.

When is a written contract not required?

1. When professional services rendered with a client that will not pay compensation 2. Arrangement as to the basis for compensation is similar to services provided in the past for the same client 3. If the client knowingly states in writing, after full disclosure of this section, that a writing which complies with the requirements of this section is not required 4. Professional services rendered to a registered professional engineer

What type of insurances are required by the state of California?

1. Workers compensation (if you have employees) 2. Automobile liability insurance (personal, and assuming you drive)

Describe the idea of defensible space in terms of a fire hazard:

100 feet of defensible space is the law as of 2005. Measures include trimming up of branches above 6 feet, clearing of all dry brush and pineneedles, keeping a low green defensible space around the house with plants that are fire resistant, cleaning gutters and making sure there are no flammable materials sitting on the roof or in gutters. Also using a spark arrester on the chimney, and using appropriate roofing types (class A) in fire hazard zones. Also consider fire resistive walls, ceilings and floors assembies as required.

Whenever the board is considering an investigation for willful misconduct, and architect or a candidate for licensure shall respond to the boards request for information and or evidence within how many days of the mailed correspondence?

30 Days

Rules for architectural Corporations:

A professional architectural corporation is authorized to render professional services so long as the corporation and its shareholders, officers, directors, and employees rendering professional services are licensed architects, are in compliance with the Moscone-Knox professional corporation act.

What is the key differentiation between the topographical condition and a geological condition?

A topographical condition occurs at the surface of the site, while a geological condition happens under the surface of a site (underground).

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