CSET Subtest II: US History

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American foreign policy during the early years (1) isolationism (2) no entangling alliances (3) nationalism

1- policy of nonparticipation in international issues 2- opposed to making permanent allies with other countries 3- positive patriotic-ness spread after US defeated British in the War of 1812 - and with increased communication during the Industrial Revolution.


END OF ISOLATIONISM - US abandoned Washington's policy of isolationism to be an imperial power - by 1898 the US claimed 5 islands nearby - Cuba, Hawaii, Guam , Puerto Rico, and Philippines - due to SCRAMBLE FOR COLONIES, esp in Africa - by other nations like Great Britain, France, Germany, and Japan - americans feared that if the US didn't join the race for empire, it would get left behind --> especially because Frederick Jackson Turner declared that the "American frontier was now closed in 1893 - US was considered as a great industrial power BUT not a military/imperialistic power - Some voiced that it was ironic that a former colony who fought for independence was now an imperial power WHITE MAN'S BURDEN - JUSTIFIED the US being an imperial power by saying that American needed to spread "civilization and democracy" to "backward/uncivilized" people - highlighted the belief of white Anglo Saxon superiority. Alfred Mahan - wrote a book on how the US could be a great imperial power - (1) needed to create a strong navy (2) find route to cut travel from the Atlantic to Pacific aka the Panama Canal (3) US needs harbors aka will take over hawaii ANTI IMPERIALIST LEAGUE - protested the US as a new empire - had important figures like steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie and Samuel Gompers a labor leader HAWAII - 1893 - American sugar plantation owners created a coup to dethrone Hawaii's Queen Lil'uokalani and annex the Hawaiian islands - BUT the US gov refused to cooperate with the coup BUT during the Spanish American War, Presidne tMcKinley got nervous that Japan might take Hawaii while the US was distracted in war, so it formally annexed Hawaii in July 7, 1898 CAUSES OF THE SPANISH-AM WAR - spain controlled Cuba since the 15th cent --> spain had squashed many revolts for independence - 1886 --> slavery ended in Cuba and another revolt was rising --> cuabans were being forced into unsanitary reconcentration camps - yellow journlalists sensationalized this story to turn public american opinion against Spain - 1853 --> US President Franklin Pierce was interested in Cuba, offered 130 million to Spain - 1898 --> Cuba revolt , but President McKinley refused to recognize the rebellion - 1898 --> US battleship the Maine was blown up in Havana Harbor, killing 266 people --> US declared war in April 11, 1898 WAR aka SPLENDID LITTLE WAR - Yellow journalists like Pulitzer and Hearst sensationalized the Maine explosion to increase public opinion against Spain and support the war. - Congress passed the TELLER AMENDMENT --> claimed that the US would help the Cuban people gain freedom from Spain BUT not annex the island after victory ROUGH RIDERS - Future president Teddy Roosevelt assembled a volunteer cavalry regiment - famous for thier charge into battle - native americans and african americans served in the Rough Riders OUTCOMES OF WAR - Spain surrendered in about 4 months. - US captured the Philippines , who were also rebelling against Spanish rule. - treaty of Paris in August 1898 (1) spain freed cuba (2) us paid spain $20million for the phillippines - the US also gained Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines - had already annexed Hawaii in July 1898 - PLATT AMENDMENT --> Cuba allowed American diplomatic, economic, and military intervention and leased Guantanamo bay for american use


GILDED AGE - US was changing from an agricultural based economy to an industrial capitalism economy , as the country expanded west and more immigrants arrived *** - time of immense wealth --> due to expanding industries and got rich (through political corruption and exploitation of immigrants) AND also of great wealth inequality - term coined by Mark Twain to describe the increase in wealth caused by the industrial age and rich lifestyle of the wealthy BUT also to highlight the social problems of the time like high poverty rate, a high crime rate, and gov corruption IDEALS - US began to abandon ideals of the past due to the horrible Civil War and massive immigration, industrialization, and urbanization. SECOND INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION - after the civil war - boomed with introduction of interchangeable parts , assembly line production , and new technologies (phone, car, electricity in homes/businesses) POLITICS - politicians tended to avoid big social issues of injustice and inequality and focused on minor issues - patriarchal vs public schools p blue laws that restricted commercial activity on sundays - business leaders didn't really trust politicians - belief that those who were wealthy deserved their wealth and God supported them, and the poor were responsible for their plight REFUGE - many Americans sought refuge in community organization like Moose lodge, Elias Club and Masonic Lodge TECHNOLOGIES STEEL - new process for making steel using BESEEMER Process which is faster and cheaper - used for railroad construction and building/ skyscrapers - Otis elevators - goes up/down REFIGERATION - for meat / markets TELEPHONE ELCTRICITY - spread of lightbulb - led to people who work longer hours BUT less chances of fires - telephone --> alexander graham bell - airplane --> orville and wilbur wright - machine gun --> richard gatling - sewing machines --> walter hunt , elias hoe, and issac singer. - alternating current --> nikola tesla - kodak camera --> george eastman - light bulbs, motion pictures, phonograph --> thomas edison - telegraph --> samuel morse - vulcanized rubber --> charles goodyear - reaper --> cyrus mccormick - transformer, air brake --> george westinghouse

Economy of the Gilded Age GOSPEL OF WEALTH - andrew carnegie Recession in 1890s Panic of 1893

LAISSEZ FAIRE - liberals at the time believed that the free market would naturally produce the best and most efficient solutions to economic and social problems --> so basically it let businesses do what they wanted, trade freely, set own prices, and determine wages and working conditions WITH NO GOV REGULATIONS - led to corruption in goverment and businesses - led to tensions with reformers and labor unions who wanted to rein in big businesses RECESSION in the 1890s - crop prices falling dramatically - drought --> left many farmers in debt - Farmers Alliance --> formed in 1875 , made up of rural poor farmer into this political entity PANIC OF 1893 - affected worldwide - President Grover Cleveland repealed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act --> fearing it caused a decline in the economy rather than boosting it - Panic led to bankruptcies, unemployment rose, - Republican Party regained control due to the economic crisis GOSPEL OF WEALTH - Andrew Carnegie quote from 1889 essay - belief that the wealth inequalities were caused by the industrial society AND SO the wealthy should engage n philanthropy (donating money) to make sure the poor had opportunities to improve themselves - critics argues that he just donated to justify his career of corruption CAPITALISM - rise of technology innovation were due to (1) mass production (2) business technology like telephone/typewriter/electricity (3) faster shipping with railroads (4) national businesses advertised to national audience (5) efficiency by replacing workers with machines - the US gov took a LAISSE FAIRZ approach --> so a hands off approach in regulating business at the time and no corporate or business tax VERTICAL INTEGRATION / ANDREW CARNEGIE - control every part of the supply chain for a product - EX: Carnegie controlled steel mills- railroads/ships, coal mines and iron mines --> he controlled all the aspects of making steel. HOLDING COMPANIES and TRUSTS - allowed mergers that put many companies under the control of one parent company - EX: Rockefeller controlled 95% of the countrys oil supply POOLS - smaller companies agreed to divide markets and profits between them and huge companies (bc they preferred cooperation vs competition) EFFECTS OF CAPITALISM - higher standards of living - exploitation of workers --> and labor unions - international expansion to sell goods


POST WAR= PROSPEROUS - shift from farms to cities - low unemployment, economy good, stocks climbing - booming business, new entertainment like Jazz, and new technologies - new inventions: electricity distribution, highways, radio, telephone lines - Charles Lindbergh- first aviator to make a solo flight across the atlantic ANTI DEFAMATION LEAGUE - 1913 - formed to prevent anti- semitic behavior practices - wanted to prevent racism and discrimination INDIAN CITIZENSHIP ACT - gave american citizenship to native americans as a thank you for thier participation in the war CIVIL RIGHTS FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS - Marcus Garvey founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League --> to build black nationalism - NAACP founded in 1909 to work against Jim Crow laws RED SUMMER 1919 - hundreds of casualties due to white supremacists terrorist attacks - KKK membership exploded to 4 million by 1915 - grew also due to the Birth of a Nation - marched during democratic conventions in 1924 - by 1920s the K KK had spread to the north and midwest IMMIGRATION RESTRICTIONS - 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act GENTLEMENS AGREEMENT BN US AND JAPAN - 1907 - restricted immigration NATIONAL ORIGINS ACT (JOHNSON-REED ACT) - placed limitations on immigration - # of new immigrants depended on the population of each nationality of imm who were already living in the US in 1890 - led to great disparity of imm since no Asian imms were allowed - led to paranoia of the Russian Revolution --> fear that communists influences would come into the US from immigrants IMMIGRATION ACT - 1917 - Banned immigration from India, SEAsia, and Middle East PALMER RAIDS 1919-1920 series of riads by the US Dept of Justive in 1919 -1920 - arrest suspected communists , radicals, leftists, anarchists and deport them IMMIGRATION ACT - 1924 - limited southern and eastern european immigration RED SCARE - WWI created many jobs but after, there was a lot of unemployment - unions like International Workers of the World and Socialist Party led byEugene Debs were more visible - workers striked for better working conditions --> but strikes usually becmae violent and this was blamed on the "Reds" or Communists - with recent Bolshevik Rev in Russia, many americans feared a similar rev might happen in the US


PROGRESSIVE ERA - 1890 - 1920, - Progressives tended to be women, middle class, and live in urban areas. - an era of intense social and political reform aimed at making progress toward a better society --> sought to use government influence to solve societal problems - supported workers safety and rights, action against corruption, and thought science could improve society - era of muckrackers, political corruption, conservationists who protect natural parks and the wilderness from exploitation, female reformers - WANTED governemnt to help sove societal problem (( This was a shift from the Laissez Faire belief from the gilded age)) BELIEFS - human nature could be improved --> through regulations, incentives and punishments - federal gov could be harnesses to improve the individual and transform society MUCKRACKERS - name used to call aggressive investigative journalists who exposed scandals, corruption, etc in the late 19th cent BUT they did bring attention to issues and some led to reforms like workmens compensation, child labor laws, and trust bonding - Upton SINCLAIR --> book the Jungle led the reforms of the meat packaging industry - IDA Tarbell --> exposed Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust. - Jacob RIIS --> Danish immigrant photographer/ journalists who showed living conditions of the poor in NY - aka how the other half lives - Lincoln STEFENS --> exposed political corruption in municipal gov - IDA B. WELLS --> african american journalist and suffragist who detailed the systematic disenfranchisement of southern blacks and poor whites & founder of the National Association for the Adv of Colored People in 1909 THINGS PROGRESSIVES ADVOCATED FOR - sanitation and consumer protection - labor protections - 8 hr workday, safety, unions - womens and childrens rights --> in workplace, vote - reining in big businesses. - limit political corruption - moral reform- temperance DRUG AND FOOD ACT of 1906 and MEAT INSPECTION ACT - inspired due to Upton SINCLAIR --> book the Jungle led the reforms of the meat packaging industry TENEMENT HOUSE ACT 1901 - required tenement housing to be cleaner, safer, and more spacious.^77 - inspired by JACOB RIIS --> Danish immigrant photographer/ journalists who showed living conditions of the poor in NY - aka how the other half lives JANE ADDAMS - funded HULL HOUSE in chicago - helped immigrants adapt to life in the US SHERMAN ANTITRUST ACT & CLAYTON ANTITRUST ACT - Muckrakers like IDA Tarbell and Lincoln Steffens brought attention to the damaging trend of trusts --> huge corporations work to mobilize areas of commerce so they can control prices and distribution - so the Sherman and Clayton Antitrust Act were mean to set guidelines for corporations and eventually eliminate the trusts FEERAL TRADE COMMISSION 1914 - was set up to enforce antitrust measures and ensure companies operated fairly and dint create monopoly KKK - WIlsons administration embraced modernity BUT also had a racist agenda - during his presidency , there was a revival of the KKK (1913-1921) - IMMIGRATION ACT 1917 --> limited imm based on nationality and excluded Asian immigrants - progressives advocated belief in Eugenics


RECONSTRUCTION - period after the Civil War, where the gov worked to restore order in the South, ensure civil rights to freed slaves, and bring Confederate states back to the Union - Radical Rep wanted to treat the south very harshly - Thaddeus Stevens suggested the Confederate states be treated as territories and be readmitted as states within 10 years - Johnson pardoned many former Confederates and restore thier land rights FREEDMEN'S BUREAU - Lasted from 1865-1872. - Set up to help freedmen and white refugees after Civil War to be self sufficient. Eventually closed due to lack of funding and violence from the KKK - Provided necessities like food, clothing, medical care, education - help with finding employment - help in finding family members - First to establish schools for blacks to learn to read as thousands of teachers from the north came south to help. - Attacked by KKK and other southerners aka "carpetbaggers" - many ppl in the South didn't like the FB bc it placed former enslaved people against their owners - dismantled in 1872 --> failed to provide racial equality due to fighitng bn Congress and Johnson, as well as lack of funding, support from southerners, and KKK SCALAWAGS - southern whites who aligned with Freedmen to take over local govs - needed to take an oath that required them the right to vote , so many other southerners did not want to take that oath and scalawags took that opportunity to get office positions CARPETBAGGERS - northerners who travelled to the south for different reasons--> help with reconstruction efforts , make money, or get some political power EXODUSTERS - huge migrations of African Americans from the South to other states, mostly in the west - name which took inspiration from the biblical Exodus, during which Moses led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt and into the Promised Land - the exodusters settled in the states of Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Kansas was seen as a particularly promising land of opportunity, because it had fought hard for its status as a free state. PHASES OF RECONSTRUCTION. (1) PRESIDENTIAL RECONSTRUCTION - driven by Andrew Johnson's lenient policies on the South - allowed them to continue discriminating against black people (2) CONGRESSIONAL RECONSTRUCTION - military control in the former confederate states to oversee that blacks were being integrated as participants in their society - Congress was controlled by Radical Republicans --> provided wide range of civil rights for blacks and more control in their southern gov (3) REDEPMTION - former Confederate states were readmitted to the Union - Democrats took control of the southern gov - 1877--> President Hayes withdrew the last federal troops from the South

Gadsden Purchase (1853)

U.S. acquisition of land south of the Gila River from Mexico for $10 million - the land was needed for a possible transcontinental railroad line through the southern United States - Arizona, New Mexico


16th AMENDMENT - 1913 - established federal income tax 17th AMENDMENT - 1913 - allowed popular election of senators 18th AMENDMENT - 1919 - prohibited sale, production, and transportation of alcohol BUT DID NOT PROHIBIT THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL - was later repealed by the 21st amendment 19th AMENDMENT - 1920 - guaranteed right to vote to all US citizens regardless of sex - since the 1870s women had been casting ballots in attempts to raise attention to womens suffrage and begain suing when they were denied. in 1875 Supreme Court rejected womens suffrage - brewers, distillers, and businesses that used child labor opposed women suffrage - bills/amendments that could give women the right to vote in 1878, 1887, and 1914 were rejected by the Senate - CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT --> in 1915 she was the head of the National American Women Suffrage Association and she tried to link women suffrage to WWI efforts , so women could appear PATRIOTIC!! in 1918 President Wilson declared his support for female enfranchisement

Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804-1806 - who - which president organized it and why

1804-1806 - Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were commissioned by Jefferson to map and explore the Louisiana Purchase region - accompanied and led by a Shoshone woman Sacagawea and her French husband term-38Beginning at St. Louis, Missouri, the expedition travelled up the Missouri River to the Great Divide, and then down the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean. It produced extensive maps of the area and recorded many scientific discoveries, greatly facilitating later settlement of the region and travel to the Pacific coast. - buying the Louisiana territory helped Jefferson's popularity and he was reelected

Abolitionist Movement and Anti Slavery Organizations

ABOLITIONISTS - orgs that believed slavery should be completely eradicated bc it was immoral and unchristian institution - warned about the moral evils of slavery - proliferated during the Second Great Awakening - abolitionist movement grew due to Harriet Beechers Uncle Toms Cabin VS just ANTI SLAVERY - being opposed to the institution of slavery mostly from an economic standpoint (as in it was unfair to poor whites who couldn't compete with large slaveholders) - did believe that it was an evil BUT didnt think anything could be done to eradicate it - goal was mainly for slavery to be contained in the south, and not spread onto new territories attained 2- American Anti Slavery Society - Led by a Quaker- William Lloyd Garrison - had a newspaper , the Liberator 3- Philadelphia Female Anti Slavery Society - women only group -formed by Margaret Forten bc women were not allowed to join the Anti-Slavery Society 4- Anti Slavery Convention of American Women 5- Female Vigilant Society - funded Underground Railroad and slave refugees COLONIZATION MOVEMENT - an early effort of the abolition movement, sought to free enslaved people and send them back to Africa - didnt believes whites would ever accept blacks as equals. 1- American Colonization Society - formed by Protestant churches , aimed to return enslaved people to Africa - created a colony called Liberia in 1822

Arctic Tribes - important tribes - lifestyle - homes - technology

Aleuts and Inuit - fishermen --> hunted caribou, seals, whales, walrus - lived in igloos / skin tents - kayaks - umiaks --> traditional boats used by women to fish

Bill of Rights - why were they added? - brief description of the first 10

Anti-federalists believed that the Constitution lacked a bill of rights that protected people's individual rights 1- freedoms of speech, peaceable assembly, and exercise of religion. 2-militias are a safeguard of liberty and that the right to bear arms will be protected. 3- restricts the quartering of soldiers in private homes 4- protects citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures of private property. 5- protections for people accused for a crime - right to a jury, double jeopardy(can't be tried twice for the same crime) , just compensation , cant be self incriminated, need due process of law (fair trial) 6- more protections - right to a speedy and public trial, trial by impartial jury , be informed of criminal charges 7- extends right to a jury trial in federal civil cases 8- bars excessive bail and fines and cruel and unusual punishment. 9- states that listing specific rights in the Constitution does not mean that people do not have other rights that have not been spelled out. 10 - says that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn't listed, it belongs to the states or to the people


ANACONDA PLAN - The Union wants to squeeze the south economically--> (1) to blockade the Atlantic ocean (2) to control the Mississippi River SURRENDER OF FORT SUMTER - 1861 - many US forts were located in the south and taken over by confederate soldiers - Lincoln wanted to resupply Ft Sumter thats still controlled by US soldiers. BUT then Confederate forces fire at it and take control - Ft Sumter is surrendered to the Confederacy - Lincoln forms a volunteer army for 90 days --> causes 4 more southern states to secede Virginia, Arkanasas, Tenn, NC FIRST BATTLE OF BULL RUN - July 21, 1861 - first major battle of the war - in Virginia --> people thought it would entertaining, so they set up picnics BUT it was very bloody - Union forces defeated BATTLE OF FORT HENRY - Feb 1862 - captured the fort by Ulysses S Grant - Tennessee - major Union victory BATTLE OF ANTIETAM - Sept 17, 1682 - Maryland - bloodiest day of American history - 4K deaths - Lee takes war to the North BUT was defeated --> was a blow to the South - transition from musket to the rifle, making the rifle more accurate - battle that was widely photographed, showed gruesomeness of the war - led to Emancipation Proclamation and most European countries decided not to support the South bc they saw the North as liberators of slavery EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION - At first Lincoln had no intention of getting rid of slavery where it already existed --> got pressure from radical Republicans to abolish it during the war. When northern troops invaded the south, enslaved people saw them as liberators and went to them. - BY 1862 Lincoln drafted the Emancipation Proclamation and showed it to his cabinet in July but they advised to save it for after a major Union victory --> Battle of Antietam on Sept 17, 1862 - It ONLY freed enslaved people who were in states that were in rebellion with the US. it did NOT apply to the 4 southern states that were still in the Union (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware) BUT he also gave those Confederate states a chance to rejoin the Union by Jan 1, 1863 so that the proclamation wont go into effect in thier state. - the EP was a temporary war measure --> it would later be codified as the 13th Amendment to the constitution in Jan 1865 BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG - July 1-3, 1863 - Pennsylvania - Lee's 2nd attempt at northern invasion - turning point of the war - Lee wants to bring war to the north bc its summer and wants the south to focus on the harvest AND the presidential election of 1864 was close so it was Lee's hope that Lincoln wouldnt be reelected and his competitors would want to establish peace with the South - On the 3rd day, Lee wants to break Union lines in half BUT ' "High Water Mark" --> was the most that Confederate forces were able to go into the North - largest # of casualties , over 50K dead - Robert E Lee was defeated and Confederate Army withdrew back south - Grant had a victory at the battle of Vicksburg the next day on July 4th which gave them access/control of the Mississippi River (the major highway in the west) GETTYSBURG ADDRESSS - Nov 1863 - Abraham Lincoln went to give an address at the location of the battle of Gettysburg - Grant is appointed General of Union Armies in 1864 OVERLAND CAMPAIGN - May and June 1864 - Grant was not in charge of all the Union's armies - campaign that positioned the Union for victory SHERMAN'S MARCH TO THE SEA - May 1864 - As Grant goes to Virginia to fight Lee and the Confederate Army, Sherman will decrease moral in the rest of the South!! - William Tecumseh Sherman --> plan was to decrease moral in the South by getting rid of food supply, destroying property, homes, towns etc in hopes the Lee's men desert - he conquered Atlanta , Georgia and Savannah,Georgia and so now he will move north LEE'S SURRENDER - April 9, 1865 - Lee evacuated Richmond, Virginia on April 2nd, and surrendered on the 9th at Appomattox courthouse - Gen Grant accepted Lee's surrender in the home of Wilmer McLean in Applmattox, Virginia LINCOLN'S ASSASSINATION - John Booth was a well known actor - heard Lincoln give a speech in Virginia about giving African Americans citizenship and so he decided to kill Lincoln. Conspired with others to assassinate people in high levels of office, - April 14th--> Lincoln and Mary attended a play Our American Cousin at Ford Theater in Washington D.C. and Booth was an actor so he is able to go to Lincoln's box and shoots him the back of the head - Lincoln died the next morning. Booth was tracked by Union soldiers and killed 12 days later - Another conspirator was able to stab Steward but did not kill him. Other conspiracy plots didnt happen --> Vice President Andrew Johnson becomes president, but he is very sympathetic to the south and will have tension with radical Republican Congress - he's the first president who will be impeached


BIG STICK DIPLOMACY - 1901-1909 - President Roosevelt's imperialistic foreign policy meant to Intimidate without actually harming other countries - "big stick" symbolizes his power and readiness to use military force if necessary - used to justify his involvement Latin America - Roosevelt believed that if any country was left vulnerable to Europe due to economic/political instability the US had a right & obligation to intervene - led to US involvement in Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti, and Dominican Republic DOLLAR DIPLOMACY - 1909 -1914 - President Taft's foreign policy to influence Latin Am and East Asia through economic rather than military means --> supposed to be peaceful economic goals - used to protect the panama Canal --> was vital to US trade interests - Taft assured DD was peaceful --> but many approaches led to violence - Nicaragua --> US sent troops to settle revolutions, then bankers moved in to support the new leaders through loans of Dollar Diplomacy until 1913 , when Wilson was elected MORAL DIPLOMACY - 1914-1921 - President Woodrow Wilson's foreign policy and is still used today - believed representative gov and democracy in all countries would lead to worldwide stability --> since democratic gov would be less likely to threaten American interests - Main elements of moral diplomacy are: (1) maintain a strong military (2) promote democracy worldwide (3) expand international trade to boost american economy


COLD WAR - 1945-1991 - conflict bn the US and the Soviet Union - never directly confronted each other on the battlefield but deadly threats went on for years - ideological war bn capitalism (US) vs. communism (Soviet Union) - waged by political and economic means - started when US passed the TRUMAN Doctrine 1947 which said that the US would provide both economic and military support to any country threatened by Soviet takeover PARTS OF THE COLD WAR (1) KOREAN WAR - 1950-1953 - proxy war (bn the US and USSR- stop the spread of communism) - first time the United Nations played a military role in a war - North Korea sent communist troops to South Korea , to bring the entire country under communist control - UN sent call to member nations - Truman sent troops and the war ended in 3 years with a truce , not a peace treaty - Korea remains divided at the 38th parallel north (2) CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS - 1962 - during JFKs presidency - Russian Premier Nikita Krushchev decided to place nuclear missiles in Cuba to protect the island from invasions by the US - An American U2 plan flying over took photos of the missile bases as they were being built = led to tensions that the missile base was too close to the US - BUT the USSR was concerned bc the US had placed missles in Turkey - eventually missile sites were removed - US naval blockade turned back soviet ships carrying missiles to Cuba - during negotiations, US agreed to remove thier missiles from Turkey and sell surplus wheat to the USSR - telephone hotline from Moscow toWashington was set up to allow instant communication bn the two heads of state to prevent similar misunderstandings (3) VIETNAM WAR - 1955-1975 - after WWII, US pledged to assist amy country that was threatened by communism , as its foreign policy - Vietnam was divided into 2 parts, communist north, and democratic south --> north tried to take over the south (like in Korea) - popular opinion was negative bc US people were discontent with how the US was not able to achieve its goal in Asia - 1969 --> President Nixon took office & led to escalation of war led - student protests in Kent State in Ohio and many students were killed by National Guard troops , so protests continued and led to the end fo the draft in 1973 - 1973 --> US left Vietnam - 1975 --> Democratic South surrendered and Vietnam was unified under Communist rule FOREIGN POLICY ABOUT COLD WAR RELATIONS (!) MARSHALL PLAN --> - 1947 - sent aid to war torn Europe after WWII, so they wouldnt be swayed by communism (2) CONTAINMENT POLICY--> - 1947-1989 - proposed by George F Kennan , focused on containing the spread of Soviet communism (3) TRUMAN DOCTRINE --> - 1947 - Truman said the US would provide both economic and military support to any country threatened by Soviet takeover - asked for 400million to help Greece and Turkey (4) NATIONAL SECURITY ACT --> - 1947 - act that reorganized the gov military depts into the Dept of Defense and created the CIA and National Security Council (5) NATO - 1949 - North Atlantic Treat Org - agrement bn US and Western Euro countries that any attack on one of them was an attack on the entire group (6) WARSAW PACT - 1955 - Eastern Europe powers of the USSR created the warsaw pact , so basically if one of them was attacked, they were all attacked - united Bulgaria, E Germany, Poland, Romania, Albania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia (7) BERLIN WALL - built in 1961 , torn down in 1989 - wall the separated communist East Berlin from democratic West Berlin - was the literal representation of the IRON CURTAIN IRON CURTAIN - 1945-1991 - Winston Churchill's term for the Cold War division between the Soviet-dominated East and the U.S.-dominated West. - curtain that split the democratic nations (mostly Western countries) and communist nations (mostly Eastern Europe) ARMS RACE - after WWII, major nations, esp US and USSR rushed to develop highly advanced weapons - Atomic bomb - Hydrogen bomb SALT 1 and SALT II - talks about arms control to ease tensions bn US and USSR SALT- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks - POLICY OF DETENTE --> relaxing of tensions began with Pres Nixon's visit to Moscow in 1971 - Presidents Ford and Carter continued negotiations over nuclear weapons - Carter faced criticism from conservatives who wanted a tougher stance on communism - THEN there was the SOVIET-AFGHAN WAR in 1979-1989 , and so tensions increased again bc the US was helping Afghan. - in 1986 there was a new Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev and he wanted to stop the war END OF THE COLD WAR - late 1980s - Mikhail Gorbachev led the Soviet Union and he led many reform programs - Ronald Reagan urged Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin wall, to show growing freedom in the Eastern Bloc. was demolished in 1989 - USSR relinquished its power of various replublic in Eastersn Europe as they became independent nations with thier own individual gov - 1991 --> USSR was dissolved and the Cold War ended.

Lowell Female Labor Reform Association

Fought for rights of female factory workers - wanted to shorten working hours, obtain higher wages, and improve working conditions women during this time, went to work in mills where they lived there, saved money, went to church, and worked very long hours. It was seen as socially acceptable for women to work away from home, and return after a couple of years to then settle down .


GREAT DEPRESSION - 1929 - stock market crash GREAT DEPRESSION CAUSES - 1929 (1) economic disparity bn rich /middle class and lower classes (2) disparity in ecnomic distribution in industries (3) growing use of credit --> inflated demand for some goods (4) gov support of new industries rather than agriculture (5) risky stock market investments = stock market crash Environmental factors - Labor Day Hurricane in Florida 1935 - Great Hurricane in New England 1938 - Dust Bowl in the Great plains 1930s GREAT DEPRESSION CAUSES - president in 1932 NEW DEAL - series of reforms from 1933-1942 with the goal of ending the Great Depression - his legislation focused on : (1) Relief- creating jobs (2) Recovery - stimulating the economy through National Recovery Administration (3) Reform- pass legislation to prevent future, similar economic crashes NEW DEAL REFORMS : (1) GLASS STEAGALL ACT - separated investment from commercial banking (2) SECURITIES EXCHANGE COMMISSION - helped regulate wall street investment practices, making them less dangerous to the overall economy (3) WAGNER ACT - 1935 - made unions legal - protected union members - required collective bargaining - later amended by the Taft-Hartley Act 1947 and Landrum Act 1959 that clarified stuff (4) SOCIAL SECURITY ACT OF 1935 - provide pensions as well as unemployment insurance (5) DAVIS-BACON ACT - 1931 - provided fair compensation for contractors and subcontractors (6) WALSH HEALEY ACT - 1936 - established minimum wage , child labor laws, safety standards, overtime pay. 🎉ALPHABET ORGANIZATIONS 🎉 CCC- CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS - provided jobs in the forestry service AAA- AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENTS ADMINISTRATION - increased agri income by adjusting production and prices TVA- TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY - organized projects to build dams in the Tennessee river for flood control and prod of electricity , resulted in increased prod for industries in the area and easier navigation of the TRiver PWA- PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION - provided many jobs , starting 34k projects WPA- WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION -helped unemployed people secure employment on gov works projects


INTERVENTIONIST - President Roosevelt provided aid/supplies to Allies without actually entering the war in 1939 - BUT ISOLATIONISTS believed the US shouldn't give any help to Allies, bc it might lead the US into a war it wasn't prepared for --> Charles Lindberg was a huge supporter of isolation CAUSES OF WWII -1910--> Japan invades Korea -1931 --> Japan invades Manchuria , after the Mukden Incident -1933 --> Hitler becomes Chancellor . and the Nazi Party is consolidated - Hitler invaded Rhineland , Prussia, Chechoslovakia, and other countries - Sudetenland Crisis--> Hitler demanded Sudentenland from Czechoslovakia , a region with 3 million Germans - 1937 --> Japan invades China--> massacre at Nanjing and so US halts exports to Japan - 1939 --> Pact with Russia to carve out Poland - Roosevelt didnt allow Japanese interests to withdraw money held in US banks -1939--> Germany invades Poland = WWII --> Greak Britain and France declares war on Germany -1940--> Bombing of Britain by Germany -1940 TRIPARTITE PACT- among Axis powers, if one goes to war, they all go to war , esp if attacked by the US -- 1941--> General Tojo rose to power as Japanese prime minister & he authorized the bombing of PEARL HARBOR on Dec 7, 1941 - US declared war on on Japan , but US focuses more on Germany - Summer 1941- Hitler attacks the Soviet Union (before they literally had a pact to share eastern europe) , which violated non aggression pact he made with Stalin, so the USSR joined the Allies - 1942/43 - Allies drove Axis forces out of Africa --> Germans defeated in Stalingrad ⚜️MAJOR EVENTS ⚜️ PEARL HARBOR - Dec 7, 1941 - General Tojo rose to power as Japanese prime minister & he authorized the bombing on PH - Japan attacked bc the US hadcut off US oil exports - and without the oil, Japan didnt have enough saved up to last the war - so japan wanted to destroy the US fleet so that the Japanese navy can have control over the pacific FDR - was granted power over army and navy - 1941--> gave Four Freedoms speech , said the war was a fight for universal human freedoms: freedom of speech, religion, from want, from fear - died in April 1945 from a cerebral hemorage --> Truman took over EXECUTIVE ORDER 9066 - declared by FDR - relocated 112K Japanese Americans - belief that japanese people living in the US were loyal tot hier native country, the President ordered Japanese to be arrested on suspicion on subversive action - lived in bad conditions - stables , barbed wire, KOREMATSU V. UNITED STATES - 1944 -Fred Korematsu was arrested for failing to comply with the order and he was helped by the American VCivil LIberties Union to sue that as an Americna citizen he had the right to live where he wanted to - Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the internment - 1988--> US issued official apology for internment and compensated survivors DOOLITTLE RAID - US bombing of Japan --> hoped that Japanese people would question thier leadership - led to US victory--> destroyed some Japanese fleet ITALIAN CAMPAIGN (1) Allied operation in Italy bn July 1943-May 1945 - led to Italys liberation (2)Operatiom Overlord - largest naval invasion (3) DDAY was part of it - June 6, 1944 - Allies forces invade France at normandy - at the same time, Soviet troops moved to the eastern front , driving german forces back YALTA CONFERENCE - feb 1945 - Stalin, FDR, Churchill met in Yalta to discuss to discuss post-war treatment of Axis nations , mostly Germany April 30th - Hitler commits suicide POSTDAM CONFERENCE - after Germany's surrender in May 7, 1945 , Stalin , Truman, Attlee (replacing Churchill) met to formalize plans for Germany's surrender. Agreement included -- divide germany and berlin into 4 zones of occupation -- demilitarize germany -- Poland remains in soviet control -- outlaw Nazi party -- trails for Nazi leaders -- relocation of german citizens -- USSR joins United Nations -- establish United Nations Security Council - UK, US, USSR, China, France V-E DAY - Victory in Europe day - May 8, 1945 JAPAN - General Doolittle bombed several Japanese cities while American troops won in MIdway ATOMIC BOMBS --> - Hiroshima August 6, 1945 - Nagasaki August 9, 1945. V-J DAY - September 2, 1945 - day that Japan surrendered UNITED NATIONS - was created and replaced League of Nations AGREEMENTS MADE WITH POST WAR JAPAN MILITARY OCCUPATION OF JAPAN - General Douglas MacArthur occuped Japan , after it surrendered - goal: remove Japans military , made Japan a democracy - 1947 Constitution removed power from the Emperor and gave it to the People - gave women right to vote - Japan could not declare war - 28 gov officials were tried for war crimes -1951--> US finally signed a peace treaty with japan --> allowed japan to rearm itself for self defense purposes WWII US SOLDIERS 442 REGIMENTAL COMBAT TEAM - japanese- American fighting in Europe - suffered 93% casualty rate TUSKEGEE ARIMEN - african american aviators - first black americans allowed to be airmen NAVAJO CODE TALKERS - native navajo who used traditoinal language to transmit information to allied forces - since Navajo is a language, axis powers were never able to translate it WOMEN DURING WAR (1) FLIGHT NURSES CORPS - women in the military (2) ROSIE THE RIVETER - symbol of women who tried to recruit others to take on needed positions (3) VICTORY GARDENS - women and families grew gardens to help provide food

NorthEast Tribes - 2 important tribes - important period - lifestyle - homes - trade - explain Confederacy/ League and time period

Iroquois and Algonquians -Hopewellian Period (200-500 CE) was a cultural shift from hunting/gathering to farming Iroquois - developed 3 sister farming (corn, beans, squash) - lived in long houses to protect harvest - spoke diff language from Algonquians Algonquians - relied on both hunting/gathering and farming - northern tribes did more hunting gathering and southern tribes grew corn and men hunted too - lived in wigwams --> hut or tent with domed roof made by a pole , bark, hides, and reed mat Trade - NE tribes traded cash crops (corn, beans, squash) for items from plains or west coast like pearls, shells, copper, silver Iroquois Confederacy -- Since many tribes farmed now, ppl had to live in fortified villages and longhouses to protect harvests -- Some tribes had better trading success, like the Iroquois, and this led to intertribal conflict bn the Iroquois and Algonquians Iroquois League aka the Great League of Peace - from 1100-1400 CE, it united over trading policies and diplomacy issues - it had republican principles and dual system of federalism (balancing local and national powers) so its argued that the Iroquois League was the first American democracy (400 yrs earlier than the US Constitution in 1787)

Southern Colonies - land/ lifestyle/ economy - how did cash crops (??) demand affect demand for laborers - 5 colonies names / date founded and by whom?? - what was the Barbados Slave Act - why was georgia different? what was introduced in 1750 and why? - Anglo Powhatan Wars (yrs, why? how did it stop?) - what was the House of Burgessess (whys it important) - what was bacon's rebellion (year? what does it symbolize)

Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia Good soil for agriculture - had warm climate - long growing season - Cash crops were tobacco, rice, and sugar Economy was based on labor-intensive plantations - land owned by wealthy landowner - labor by indentured servants and African slaves - success of cash crops led to increased demand of laborers, first slaves arrived in Virginia in 1619 West Indies - Barbados Slave Act --> African slaves needed to carry passes, had no legal rights, and there was NO repercussion if a white person killed a slave Carolinas - founded in 1670s - Carolinas was originally one large colony, but it split in 1712 - incorporated slave systems from West Indies - rice was their cash crop Maryland - Founded by Lord Baltimore in 1632 - was a safe haven for Catholics - Maryland Act of Toleration --> extended religious toleration for anyone who believed in Jesus , but NOT for those who didn't, like Jews and atheists Georgia - Founded by James Oglethorpe in 1732 - He created this colony due to the DEBTORS PRISON and as an enlightenment ideal --> So people who were in debt can come to work it off in georgia. - Male immigrants were given 50 acres of land , tools, and years worth of supplies. So slavery was outlawed to give these people the opportunity at jobs BUT slavery was introduced in 1750 due to increasing financial pressures from the Carolinas Virginia , established in 1610 Anglo -Powhatan wars - 1610-1614 --> English colonists fought vs an Algonquian tribe (led by Powhatan and his men) - 1614--> time of peace when John Rolfe married Pocahontas - Started planting tobacco bc it was so profitable AND it increased demand for workers. First African slaves arrived in Virginia in 1619 - Indentured servants --> Planters pay passage of IS , in exchange for some years of servitude. Planters got 50 acres of land for every IS they brought over, AND most IS died to diseases in the New World, so planters didn't have to give them their own plot of land (which benefitted them ) House of Burgesses - 1619 - First semi-democratic form of govt in Virginia - Tobacco planters had most political power , then free white farmers, white indentured servants, black slaves - Problem is that as more white indentured servants are living out their servitude contracts, that means they need to get their plots of land, but land is getting scarce since they are encroaching into Native American territory Bacon's Rebellion - Nathaniel Bacon - gets support of young white and African Am men to attack Native Americans . And the governor of Virginia wants them to stop, so they march to Jamestown and set it on fire - symbolizes colonists

New England Colonies - names of 4 colonies and founding stories for them - land/ lifestyle/economy of NE colonies - why did the Puritans migrate? year? - difference bn Pilgrims and Puritans - what was King Phillips War (1675-78) who vs who?

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire - Puritans migrated to Am. in 1600s to escape religious persecution Lifestyle / economy - many harbors, dense forests, cold climate, rocky soil- not good for farming - towns economy centered on fishing , ship building, trade with small farms and lumber mills - merchants controlled trade economy - coastal cities like Boston thrived NE colonies were bible commonwealths --> so a mans standing on the church determined their political power. biblical law was local law --> later politics was dominated by the wealthy and education was valued. 1620 Plymouth - 102 pilgrims founded Plymouth, Massachusetts - pilgrims were SEPARATISTS --> wanted to breakaway from the church of England , where king was head of the church, so pilgrims were seen as a threat to the kings power. Left to escape religious persecution - were bound for Virginia but landed in Cape Cod, Mass. -45/102 died on the Mayflower voyage - signed the mayflower Compact--> religious rationale that encouraged community ideal of working together + hard work + maritime economy 1630 Mass Bay Colony + New Haven Colonies - Puritans wanted to PURIFY the Church of England as an Anglican Church and removing Catholicism - most Puritans were educated , middle upper class people led by John Winthrop and loyal to Britain - 1692--> Salem Witch Trials 1636 Rhode Island - Roger Williams was a Puritan with dissenting beliefs - he founded RI as a safe haven for dissenting Puritans . he wrote favorably of Native Americans and didn't agree with colonists encroachment - king Phillips War --> aka first Indian War in 1675 -78 , Puritans encroachment on native lands , so Wampanoag leader Metacom aka King Phillip almost succeeded in driving out Puritans but they got help from other Indian allies so Metacom wasn't successful

Middle Atlantic Colonies - 4 colonies - where were most colonists from - land / lifestyle /economy - what TYPE of colonies were they (how does that make them different) - who owned the 4 colonies ??

NY, NJ, Pennsylvania, Delaware - colonists were from European countries like Netherlands and Switzerland (NOT England/Scotland) land is more fertile - major producers of rye, oats, potatoes, wheat, barley - some wealthy individuals owned large farms/businesses--> usually had surplus goods to sell - tenant farmers rented on large landowners land middle colonies were PROPIETARY Colonies - so they had individual owners AND therefore these colonies were more ethnically diverse and religiously tolerant NY--> Dutch controlled New Netherlands but forced out by Duke of York of England in 1664. NJ--> King James II granted this land to 2 friends an they recruited settlers for NJ in 1665 Delaware--> was dutch land taken away by Duke of York in 1664 Pennsylvania --> King Charles II gave land to William Penn in 1681 - William Penn established Penns as a colony that would be a safe haven for different religions. Penn was a Quaker aka part of the Religious Society of Friends - Quakers religions supported nonviolence, gender equality, and religious tolerance


Referred to the unfair tactic of accusing people of disloyalty without providing evidence. Created by Joseph McCarthy

Dred Scott Decision (1857)

Ruling by the Supreme Court — that black Americans were not citizens under the Constitution AND declared the Missouri Compromise (which banned slavery over the Missouri line ) was unconstitutional - Scott had been taken by his owner from Missouri to Illinois (a free state) and then to Minnesota Territory (free state) Then he returned to Missouri and his owner died. Scott declared he was not enslaved anymore, but free since he lived in free territory. - Supreme Court ruled that bc he was a slave , traveleing to a free state did NOT change his status and black people were NOT US citizens so he did NOT have the right to sue. IT also declared that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional bc Congress overstepped its bounds by outlawing slavery in that region. - the ruling would be reversed by the 14th Amendment - states that all those who are born in the US are citizens of the US regardless of race


ROARING 20S - a decade that witnessed unprecedented economic growth and prosperity in the United States. Consumer culture flourished, with ever greater numbers of Americans purchasing automobiles, electrical appliances, and other widely available consumer products. - material affluence became a goal for US citisens BUT it was a source of satirical and ridicule for Lost Generation writers LOST GENERATION - gen of artists, writers, and intellectuals taht came during the Roaring 20s - the destruction and carnage of WWI stripped thier illusions of democracy, peace, prosperity, and expressed cynicism HARLEM RENAISSANCE 1920s African American artists, intellectuals, and social leaders who lived in Harlem in the 1920s. They were termed the New Negroes by black professor Alain Locke because they had risen from the ashes of slavery to proclaim African American creative genius and work toward defeating racial prejudice. famous black leaders of this time - langston hughes - nella larsen - zora neale - calude mckay - countee cullen - jean toomer JAZZ AGE - growth of jazz by african americans led to this time of unconventional improvisational style , with sense of optimism and exploration - Big Band and Swing Jazz also developed - famous musicians : Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington , Jelly Roll Morton , - other musicians: Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra , Ella Fitzegerald VOLSTEAD ACT - 1919 - banned the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages, many Americans sought refuge in speakeasies and other entertainment venues that hosted jazz bands. TEAPOT DOME SCANDAL - 1921-1923 - bribery scandal in which a guy who worked under President Harding accepted a bribe to sell protected federal land to an oil company SCOPES TRIAL 1925 - Tennessee teacher wanted to challenge the constitutionality of teaching evolution - was found guilty

Plains Tribes - important tribes - location (Rv/Mtns) - lifestyle - homes - technology

Sioux, Cheyenne, Comache, Blackfoot, Crow Lived in nomadic and sedentary homes along Mississippi and Rocky Mtns - sedentary - those that farmed live din earth lodges - nomadic - those that hunted lived in teepees made of buffalo skin and wood Farmed 3 sister crops (squash, corn, beans) Hunted with Clovis spears - when horses arrived from Spanish conquistadors, this disrupted farming and intensified hunting -Lakota and Cheyenne gave up farming

The American System, 1815

Tarrifs set up to protect American interests from competition with overseas products. Devised by the Whig Party and Henry Clay: - Second national bank - high tariffs - internal improvements A system where southern and western states would send crops and unfinished goods to the north and east and then they would send finished goods and food to the south and west


THEODORE TEDDY ROOSEVELT - was born in a wealthy NY family - was governor of NY - popularity increased after acquiring Cuna --> became McKinleys second vice president--> then McKinley was assassinated less than a year after being reelected and Roosevelt became president at age 42 - president from 1901-1909 ROOSEVELT COROLLARY - added this to the Monroe Doctrine --> that the US would intervene in the financial affairs of latin America , in order to protect its economy from European nations PANAMA CANAL - initial work started in 1881 BUT the idea had started since the 1500s - canal reduced the length and time needed to sail from the Pacific to the Atlantic by connecting both through the Isthmus of Panama - before the canal, sailors had to go around south america to go from one coast to another - France began work on the Panama Canal after they finished the Suez Canal that connected the Meditteranean and Red Sea in Egypt - lots of disease and high expense and the company went bankrupt so they stopped building the panama canal - US purchased the holdings --> first ship sailed in 1914 - the PC uses a lock and lake canal , with ships lifted on locks to travel from one lane to another over a mountainous terrain - Panama Revolution --> Panama was controlled by Colombia, and Colombia didnt want US assistance to build the canal --> so the US helped Panama get independence 0 the new ruling people allowed the US to build the canal and use it. - the PC cost 400million to build SQUARE DEAL - His domestic program had 3 C's : consumer protection, control of corporations, and conservation REELECTION - Roosevelt could have stood for reelection in 1908 BUT he promoised no to because of his success in his first 4 years (which were supposed to be McKinleys) --> but when President Taft threateened public land to be used for redevelopment and wanted to raise taxes--> he decided to run again in 1912, and this split the vote --> so Woodrow Wilson won in 1912

Northwestern Tribes aka Pacific NorthWestern Coast Tribes - important tribes - lifestyle - homes - technology - Rivers they control

Tlingit , Chinook, Salish - hunt bison , gathered berries, acorns, roots - fished for salmon at Colorado and Columbia Rvs (used harpoon to stab fish) - lived in Wikiups --> easy to build dwellings made of wood, leaves, and brush BUT those who lived in resource rich areas lived in more permanent villages in rectangular homes and lived in large families Chinook tribe - controlled the Columbia River in Washington had fishing and hunting success - practiced slavery to have other complete the hard task of processing bison

Labor Unions and Labor Movement in the Gilded Age FARMERS ALLIANCE & KNIGHTS OF LABOR POPULIST PARTY aka Peoples Party 1892 HOMESTEAD STRIKE - Frick - AA- Amalgated Association of Iron and Steel Union - Pinkerton Detective Agency

UNIONS - formed to protect workers wages, hrs of work, work conditions etc - had the ability to strike - protected workers jobs and enforced contracts MONOPOLIES - were single entities which controlled an entire industry to eliminate competition - so they could set prices for goods and services as high as they liked NATIONAL LABOR UNION 1866 - founded by Willian H Sylvis - idealistic org that advocated an 8 hr work day BUT disbanded after backing a politician who lost the presidential election in 1872 FARMERS ALLIANCE - recession in the 1890s - crop prices falling dramatically - drought --> left many farmers in debt - Farmers Alliance --> formed in 1875 , made up of rural poor farmer into this political entity KNIGHTS OF LABOR - founded in 1869 - by Uriah Stephens - organized unskilled and skilled workers - campaigned for an 8 hr workday, and aspired to form a cooperative society in which laborers owned the industries in which they worked - supported the end of child labor and convict labor - membership collapsed after the 1886 Haymarket Square riot in Chicago - led to increase of the American Federation of Labor (AFL). in 1886 HAYMARKET SQUARE ATTACK - may 4, 1886 - Knights of Labor protested an attack on another union BUT a bomb was thrown so 8 union members were put on trial and some executed - incident linked the Kights with violence and anarchy American Federation of Labor - 1881 - alliance of many craft/skilled unions - Skilled workers from the Knights of Labor united to form the AFL - sought to get : shorter work day, better wages, better working conditions, workmans compensation - went on many strikes to engage in collective bargaining --> where they sought to bring management to the bargaining table POPULIST PARTY 1892 - aka People's party - agrarian based political movement aimed to improve conditions for farmers and agrarian workers - formed by the Farmer's Alliance and Knights of Labor in 1892 - disbanded in 1908 since the Progressive Movement would take up many o fthier goals and causes - wanted to decrease elitism and support the voice of the common man - supported : --national currency --graduated income tax --gov ownership of railroads , telegraph and telephone systems --secret ballots for voting -- immigration restrictions --single term limits for president and vice-pres HOMESTEAD STRIKE - 1892 - the manager of Homestead Steelworks was Frick and he locked out members of the AA- Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers Union bc he thought they controlled the operations too much and slowed output - AA union workers struck against the plant - the company hired strikebreakers aka Scabs from the Pinkerton Detective Agency, who usually used force --> a group of men to break the strike --> and they clashed with union steel workers - militiamen of Pennsylvania were called and the union workers surrendered and the plant reopened - gov sided with steel company, so union was defeated PULLMAN STRIKE - 1894 - strike by the American Railway Union led by Eugene Debs, against the Pullman Palace Car Co - Pullman had cut workers wages by 28% due to economy downturn - it grew into a national railroad strike involving the American Railway Union around the nation - the railroad companies placed bags of US mail on trains and claimed that workers were obstructing illegally the delivery of mail - called President Grover Cleveland for help. - Cleveland sent troops to protect the mail and an injunction was issued against the union- so they had to stop thier strike BUT didnt so Debs and other leaderrs were arrested. - Shows how the federal goc had sided with company owners NOT workers CHILDREN'S CRUSADE - organized by Mother Mary Harris Jones - protested child labor - protest march led up to President Roosevelts home in 1903 - Jones helped found the Industrial Workers of the World Union other unions : - American Railway Union led by Eugene V. Debs - United Mine Workers


WESTWARD EXPANSION AFtER 1865 - violence against minorities --> led to Indian wars - Wounded Knee massacre DAWES ACT 1887 - passed by President Grover Cleveland - the Dawes Act broke up tribal land into individual plots of land- 160 acres. Native Americans who accepted the land, and "improved " it for 25 years, were able to get a title of American Citizenship.. It remained in effect until 1934 - was a way to assimilate NAms into mainstream society by destroying their cultural and social traditions - the Dawes Act didnt apply to the 5 Civilized Tribes (Choctaw, Cherokee, Seminoles, Creek, Chickasaw) bc they were already considered more civilized -- BUT the CURTIS ACT 1898 amended the Dawes Act and extended the land allotments to the 5 Civilized Tribes - was overturned by the US Indian Reorganization Act-->which allowed NAms to reorganize and form thier own tribal govs . this act ended the land allotment created by the Dawes Act and resurrected the reservation system INDIAN BOARDING SCHOOLS - also forced indian children to attend boarding schools to assimilate them --> children could not speak their native language and immersed into Euro Am culture and religion - americanized clothing and names ENVIROMENTAL IMPACTS - near extinction of the buffalo --> due to white hunting them for sport, clearing them for railroads, or to damage food supply of native americans so they could forcibly assimilate - barbed wire fencing --> no land for grazing - irrigation projects as more people moved to arid areas that didn't have access to water--> damming, diverting rivers, dust bowl in 1930s. RESERVATIONS - life on reservations was difficult for most native americans - lived in poverty, malnutrition, low living standards, low economic development - in 1868 --> President Grant wanted to assimilate NAms into mainstream US society --> officials on reservations were replaced with clergymen to convert them to Christianity , and this led to more violence and the approach was mostly abandoned under President Hayes OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS 1824 - was created to solve the land issue - a position of Commissioner of Indian Affairs was established in 1832 - renamed BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS in 1843 ELY SAMUEL PARKER - was the first native American who was Commissioner of Indian Affairs in 1869 INDIAN APPROPRIATIONS ACT of 1851 - allowed establishment of reservations in Oklahoma nd inspired creation of other reservations in other states too - was a way for the US gov to keep native americans off lands that white settlers wanted

Slave Economy Cotton is King Yeoman farmers gang labor systems slave patrols Nat Turners Rebellion

economic system that depended on slave labor - invention of cotton gin by Eli Whitney --> stimulated demand for slave labor due to in increase of cash crops (tobacco, rice, sugar) --> also led to huge disparity bn plantation owners and poor whites in the Deep South Cotton is King - 2/3rds of the worlds cotton was from the South. - James Henry Hammond claimed that the North could never threaten the SOuth economically bc Cotton is King Slave economy created a huge unequal distribution of wealth - yeoman farmers--> poor, non-slaveholding white farmers who also believed in white supremacy - gang-labor system --> large groups of enslaved laborers toiled under the supervision of an overseer - legal codes --> governing the behavior of enslaved men and women became more harsh by the early 19th cent - Slave patrols --> basically militias of free white men—were created to oversee and enforce the slave codes Nat Turners Rebellion - 1831 - Nat Turner --> enslaved Virginia man whose owner had taught him to read - was viewed as a prophet by the other enslaved men and women, - organized an insurrection - killed his owner and the enslaved rebels killed 60 white people - the revolt was crushed by law enforcement and Turner and 13 other slaves were executed - led to stricter slave codes

Coercive Acts (aka Intolerable Acts) - why did they pass?? what year?? 4 acts --> what did they do

in response to Boston Tea Party, 4 acts passed in 1774, (1) Shut down british ports, -- until the city paid back the value of tea destroyed during the boston tea party (2) Reduced power of local govs -- Required local gov officials in Massachusetts to be appointed by the governor rather than elected by the people -- reduced power of assemblies in colonies (3) Allowed trials of british soldiers be transferred to britain and not held in Massachusetts (4) Sent troops to Boston and required people to provide lodgings for soldiers

Women's Rights Movement 1840s Seneca Falls Convention 1848

organized campaign to win property, education, and other rights for women leaders - Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Sojourner Truth - Ernestine Rose - Lucretia Mott - Susan B Anthony - Sarach and Angelina Grimke - Elizabeth Stanton and Susan B Anthony started the National Woman Suffrage Association --> fighting women's right to vote Seneca Falls Convention 1848 - convention held with 300 ppl , discussed the rights of women to vote , equal treatment in jobs, legal proceedings - produced he "Declaration of Sentiments" --> outlined a plan for women to attain rights they deserved - were supported by Frederick Douglass and the abolitioni≠≠st movement


tension bn white and Japanese immigrants in California BUT increased with bombing of Pearl harbor ALIEN REGISTRATION ACT - 1940 -required immigrants 14 yrs and older to be fingerprinted and registered and had to report change of address US AFTER WWII - US became a strong political power in the world - determined to stop spread of communism - named itself the "Arsenal of Democracy" during the war - US had a sense of unification - US gov got greater control of different institutions and the economy --> provided basic necessities to all americans so it was called the "Welfare State" PRESIDENT HARRY TRUMAN - took over FDR, near the end of wwii - made decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan - played a major role in deciding treatment of Germany - supported Greece and Turkey, while threatened by USSR - supported S Korea fromN Korea aggression - helped the recovery in Western Europe - also participate din teh formation of NATO - north atlantic treaty organization FAIR DEAL - Truman initiated the 21 point plan - expanded social security, public housing, made Fair Employment Practice Commissions permanent

Cult of Domesticity

the ideal woman was seen as a tender, self-sacrificing caregiver who provided a nest for her children and a peaceful refuge for her husband - social customs that restricted women to caring for the house - excluded mostly lower class women who were restricted to working and enslaved women who had no control of their motherhood identity or home life


- After the Civil War, southerners promoted a new vision for a self-sufficient southern economy built on modern capitalist values, industrial growth, and improved transportation - promoted by Henry Grady, a newspaper editor NEW TECHNOLOGIES - cigarette rolling machines - textile mills in early 1880s

Christopher Columbus - wheres he from - year of first expedition - who supported him and why?? - ships names (3) - 4 times he went to New World and years - Treaty of Tordesillas importance and year - Amerigo Vespuci explored what? - Columbian Exchange ?? - environmental effects due to colonialism??

- Genoan explorer - first european since Leif Eriksson to "discover lands in what would be called the Americas In 1492 he got financial support from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain - to find a trade route to Asia. - ships were the Nina , the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, with 87 men Went to the New World 4 times -1st time - In Oct 1492, --- reached the Bahamas and thought he had landed in India, so he called them the West Indies ---Then traveled by Cuba, Hispanolia (aka Haiti and Dominican Republic) ---Met the Tainos people from the Caribbean -2nd time - Sept. 1493 ---brought back 17 ships and more men ---Found his colony La Navidad in ruins and Spanish people were killed by the Taino people. He placed his brothers Bartholomew and Diego to rebuild Spanish presence in Hispanolia (Haiti/DR in the Carribbean) TREATY OF TORDESILLAS -The King and Queen of Spain are nervous that the Portguguese will try to take over their new lands in the West, so they had the Pope create this treaty that divides the world bn east and west, and the west for spain and east for portugal -3rd time - 1498 ---He founded colonies Granada, Margarita, Trinidad, and Tobogo ---Was on a notorious mission to find gold. ---Notoriously cruel and enslaved Taino people, chopped off their hands, and killed rebellious Spaniards. Madrid heard of his cruelty, and Isabella sent an investigator in 1500 and arrested Columbus and his brothers and were brought to Spain to argue his case against cruelty to Spanish subjects (including the indigenous populations) -4th time - 1502 ---Still had a good reputation as an explorer, SO he was tasked to find a way to india. ---But was stranded in Jamaica and returned to Spain in 1504 with no money and no noble titles. Amerigo Vespucci explored the tip of Southern America in 1507, and gave the New World the name America Columbian Exchange - Process of transferring plants, animals, microbes, and people across the atlantic in both directions. - Some were intentional like foods, and other unintentional like germs/diseases. - Brought coffee beans, sugar, grapes, cattle, sheep, pigs, horses etc to NW - Brought tobacco, cacao, tomato, beans, corn, gold etc to Europe Environmental changes due to Colonialism - Introduction of new animals to the Americas ---pigs brought various diseases and ate the food of local animals, which led to scarcity in the game that native people traditionally hunted ---horses were used by different indigenous people for hunting ---overhunting of beavers, for hats

Harper's Ferry (1859) and John Brown.

- John Brown was an abolitionists - he and other abolitionists planned to build a runaway slave colony by invading the South with armed enslaved people. - they Seized Harper's Ferry in W VIrginia in 1859 and intended to seize guns/ammo to start a slave revolt. - General Robert E Lee captured Brown and 21 followers- were tried and hanged

Louisiana Purchase 1803 - why was it sold and by who - who bought it - how much - why did Federalists oppose it

- Napoleon needed money to fund his war in France - Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory for 15 million - Federalists opposed this purchase bc they thought it would extend slavery and weaken power of northern states

Popular Sovereignty and Compromise of 1850

- belief that ultimate power resides in the people - bc of the tension bn pro and anti- new slave states, there was a new Group that thought individual states should decided if they allow slavery or not. Compromise of 1850 - was meant to bring solutions to the increasing slavery conflict in new states it said that --CA could join the US as a free state -- outlawed slave trade in Washington DC -- Fugitive Slave Act --> increased efforts to capture escaped slaves in northern and western states --> basically forced people to help marshals to capture escaped enslaved people --allowed New Mex and Utah territories to decide if they wanted to allow slavery or not

Jamestown Colony - date established and location - what was their goal - sanctioned by who - what tribe/tribe leader did they clash with - what happened and how do they overcome due to lack of food/gold - what cash crop did John Rolfe introduce / what year / what does this lead to in 1619 ??

- first permanent english settlement - settled in 1607 in Virginia - came from the Virginia Company - goal was for male colonists to make as much wealth(gold) as possible for england - an Algonquian tribe was ruled by the leader Powhatan --male colonists were starving in winter and they raided the Algonquians food supply. So Powhatan kidnapped John Smith. possible the tribe was having a sort of power ritual (perceived execution of JS) but Pocahontas "saves" him. she was 13 years old and later marries John Rolfe - due to lack of food and gold the settlers decide to leave in 1610 BUT They got word of a new ship on its way with supplies , so they went back - 1612 --> John Rolfe introduces tobacco as a cash crop in Virginia. Bc of this, demand for laborers increases and Virginia Company recruits indentured servants and the first slaves arrive to Virginia in 1619

Transcontinental Railroad 1869

- made it easier for products to be transported across the country, BUT damaged smaller family farmers who had to pay higher shipping costs for small supply order vs large companies that got huge discounts Connected San Francisco with the East - From the West the Central Pacific Railroad was constructed by mostly Chinese workers and from the East the Union Pacific used many African-American and Irish-American workers - there were 2 parts to the Transcontinental Railroad - Central Pacific and Union Pacific UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD - 1869 - first section of the TCR - from Omaha, Nebraska to Sacramento, CA - most workers were Chinese immigrants - poorly paid , dangerous work

SouthWest Tribes - important tribes - lifestyle - homes - technology - how they changed ENGLISH

-Ancestral Puebloans --> Anasazi -Mogollian, Hohokam, Acoma, Zuni, Hopi, Navajo, Apache Ancestral Puebloans - farmed in the region since 2000 BCE - first to cultivate corn - Puebloans transformed into the Zuni and Hopi after Spanish colonization SW tribes lived in sedentary homes bc they had a stable food supply - homes made of adobe/stone and they looked like small villages (which is why the Spanish called them pueblos) -Around 800 CE, Hohokams created the largest irrigation system in Arizona--> allowed them to plant beans and squash -bad droughts in 1100CE , so Puebloans left the area by 1300 --> spanish encountered the descendants of the Ancestral P. who were the Zuni and Hopi in mid 1500s

Role of Native Americans in the end of the 19th centiry and beginning of the 20th century BATTLE OF LITTLE BIGHORN 1876 WOUNDED KNEE MASACRE 1890-

BATTLE OF LITTLE BIGHORN 1876 - Am gov ordered all Native Ams to relocate to reservations - lack of compliance led to the Dawes Act WOUNDED KNEE MASACRE 1890 - massacre of native americans - Geronimo surrendered - led to native americans to preserve their culture, rather than fight for their lands

Presidency of John Adams 1825-1829

Basically he was not popular - the election was a 4 way tie, and so the House of Rep was able to decide the winner. Jackson was mad bc he had gotten more popular votes, but Adams was made president. Jackson claimed that Henry Clay, who was Speaker of the House, basically bribed the House to made Adams president and it seemed believable bc afterwards Adams made Clay as the Secretary of State - was lenient to Native Americans - Andrew Jackson made him seem like he stood only for the rich elite, and not the working class people - was an abolitionist (did NOT support slavery) - he opposed annexing Texas bc he thought it would lead to civil war

Second Party System 1828- 1854 Democratic Party vs Whig Party

DEMOCRATIC PARTY - smaller southern planters - urban workers - artisans - immigrants - Catholics - Its members saw themselves as the honest workers and producers of the country and were suspicious of bankers, merchants, and other monied interests. - they opposed federal attempts to impose moral reforms like temperance, through governmental means - supported by Andrew Jackson WHIGS - merchants - bankers - prosperous farmers (including the wealthiest southern plantation owners) - Protestant reformers. - favored an active national government and promoted the "American System" to benefit American commerce: a national bank, a protective tariff, and internal improvements like canals and railroads. - Its members saw themselves as modernizers who believed in the power of government to improve society and morals.


PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER - 1976 - faced budget deficit , high unemployment, inflation - faced lots of international diplomacy : (1) TORRIJOS CARTER TREATIES - US gave control of Panama Control to Panama (2) CAMP DAVIS ACCORDS - negotiations bn Anwar el-Sadat , president of Egypt , and Menachem Begin , Israels Prime Minister - led to a peace treaty bn Egypt and Israel (3) STRATEGIC ARMS LIMITATION TALKS (SALT) - led to agreements bn US and Soviet Union (4) IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS - Shah of Iran was deposed, and an islamic cleric Ayatollah Khomeini came to power - shah came to the US for medical treatment and Iran demanded his return so he could stand trial - in retaliation, a group of Iranian students stormed the US embassy in Iran and 52 americans were held hostage for 44 days - Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN - oldest president at 69 - REGANOMICS --> supply side, trickel down or free market economics , involving major tax cuts - Economic Recovery Tax Act 1981 - appointed the first female Supreme Court Justice - Sandra Day OConnor - massive increase.in national debt from 1-3 million - reduction of nuclear weapons via negotiation with Mikhail Gorbachev -IRAN -CONTRA SCANDAL --> cover up of US involvement in revolutions in El Salvador and Nicaragua - deregulation of savings and loan industry Loss of the space shuttle Challenger PRESIDENT GEORGE H. W. BUSH - was VP to Reagan - gave a famous speech : Thousand Points of Light - that increased his popularity - fall of Berlin Wall and Germanys unification - Panama dictator Manuel Noriega captured and tried on drug and racketeering charges - dissolution of Soviet Union in 1991 - GULF WAR or Operation Desert Storm, triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait - Tianamen Square Massacre in Beijing CHina - Ruby Ridge - arrival of world wide web. PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON - 2nd US president to be impeached BUT was NOT convicted - Family and Leave Act - Dont Ask Dont Tell - position regarding homosexuality serving in the military - NAFTA - Defense of Marriage Act - Oslo Accords - siege at Waco, Texas --> involving the branch Davidians led by David Koresh - bombing of the mUrrah Federal Building in Oklahoma - troops sent to Haiti , Bosnia, and Somalia to assist with domestic problems in those areas PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH - Sept 11 Attacks --> al Quaeda hijacks comercial airliner and fly into the World Trade Center and pentagon , killing 3K americans - WAR ON TERROR --> US troops sent to Afghanistan to hunt down AlQaeda leaders , including the Head Osama Bin Laden - US troops sent to Iraq , to depose Saddam Hussein and prevent his deployment of suspected weapons of mass destruction - subprime mortgage crisis and near collapse of the financial industry leading to the GREAT RECESSION --> first of many gov bailouts PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA - multiple bailout packages and spending efforts to inject more money in the stagnant economy - massive increase in national debt 10-18 trillion - reinforce War on Terror in Afghanistan and Iraq, additional deployment to Libya and Syria - capture and execution of Osama bin Laden - Passed Affordable Care Act --> increased gov involvement in the healthcare industry and required every person in the US to have health care insurance - moves to broaden gay rights -- repeals Dont Ask Dont Tell PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP - billionaire tycoon with no political experience - groundbreaking Populist sentiment - platform focused on increasing immigration enforcement , restricting foreign trade, and improve manufacturing industry, repeasling Affordable Care Act an


URBANIZATION - urbanization = movement from rural to urban areas due to the Second Industrial Revolution - increased drastically after the civil war - cities grew rapidly and influx of immigrants in urban areas - beginning of banks, department stores, chain stores, trusts REASONS WHY PEOPLE MOVED TO CITIES - poverty in previous living location - mechanization of agriculture --> so ppl came to cities to look for industrial jobs - persecuation and discrimination --> Russias persecution of Jews, and South's mistreatment of African Americans pushed them to move out , and into cities - cities were where jobs were , so ppl lived nearby - cities had communities of support from people from the same country CITY LIFE - wealthy lived in mansions - poor lived in tenement houses --> apts with tiny rooms, no ventilation, and poor sanitation - after Jacob Riis , a journalists published How the Other Half Lives, did cities pass laws to make tenement housing safer - invention of trolleys and subways allowed developers to build SUBURBS , so they could easily commute to work in the city RESPONSE TO URBAN PROBLEMS - settlement houses--> community centers in immigrant cities - provided classes, childcare, etc - Social Gospel movement --> believed that giving to the poor was at the core of Christianity --> led to establishment of missions, classrooms, libraries for public use - city beautification movement. --> parks, architecture that inspire harmony and virtue SOCIAL DARWNISM - SD is misapplying the biological evolutionary language of Charles Darwin to politics, the economy, and society. - Charles Darwin wrote "On the Origin of Species" in 1859 on the process of evolution through natural selection - BUT sociologists , like HERBERT SPENCER , adopted Charles ideas into their own theories on the world - led to ideas that businessmen were economically and socially suceessful bc they were biologically and socially better and the poor were naturally weak - Social Darwinisim --> led to theories on race, and racism , eugenics and natural superiority - many supporters of SD also supported laissez-faire capitalism and racism --> that gov shouldnt interfere with the "surival of the fittest" by helping the poor bc they believed some races were biologically superior GROWTH OF A MIDDLE CLASS - new clerical jobs that opened as factories and businesses proliferated - middle class were educated office workers who spent their surplus income on consumer goods and leisure activities - gave women new levels of freedom and independence - mostly did clerical work - men mostly entered as managers - due to the MORILL LAND GRANT ACT --> 1862 which gave federal lands to build public universities --> led to more opportunities for children of elite to get a higher education LEISURE AND CONSUMPTION - middle class had means to spend extra cash on material items and leisure activities - departments stores like Macys Marshalls attracted female customers - leisure time for middle and upper class families - leisure included going to theatres, vaudeville shows, amusement parks, fairs, cicruc, dances, sporting events WOMEN IN PUBLIC LIFE - many middle class women at this time had opportunities to go to college and were able to get work - many white, middle, and upper class women joined clubs dedicated for social reform --> argued that womens traditional role of keeping home and people morally good and clean ALSO EXTENDED to thire communities - like the WOMENS CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION - advocation reforms for many societal problems


WOODROW WILSON - 28th president - 1913-1921 - progressive democrat - kkk revival during his presidency - he promised baking, tariffs, business reform and promised to respect individual freedoms and private industry - he passed lower tariffs, created the Federal Reserve System, antitrust legislaition, protection for workers, Federal Trade Commission --> he HAD FAITH in the Progressive Movement - BUT allowed southern democrats to segregate the federal gov , KK revival, - Policy of Neutrality during first term - reelection slogan was "He kept us out of war" CAUSES OF WWI 1914-1918 - triggered by assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914- so Austria declared war on Serbia (and these countries had treaties with others so domino effect ) - 1914 Britain declared north sea area a war szone, so ships couldnt carry contraband including food - began blockade of central powers - 1915 Germany declared area around britain a war zone --> led to submarine warfare - May 1915 - sinking of the Lusitania --> british passenger liner sunk by German Uboat in 1915, 100 american civilians and 1K people died --> Germany agrees to stop attacking passenger ships for two years bc they dont want US to enter the war --> but restart in 1917 - German U boat aggression --> attacked US and Canadian merchant ships carrying supplies to allied powers in europe - Jan 1917- Zimmerman Telegraph --> germany proposed forming an alliance with Mexico if the US entered the war --> and offered that Mex can take back its territory from the US and that Germany would resume its aggressive unrestrictive submarine warfare - Belgian atrocities since 1914 - fighting for democracy --> UK , France and US are democracies ~~~~CYNICAL REASONS but prob true~~~~~ - financial ties to britain - successful propaganda of belgian atrocities from britain to american people - war profiteers - sell arms to us gov and allies April 1917 --> US declared war on Germany SUPPORTING WAR EFFORT - US joined WWI in 1917 - 17k + native americans were drafted for WWI even though they weren't considered legal citizens AND in 1924 --> Indian Citizenship Act gave native americans US citizenship - Dec 1917 --> American railroads came under gov control to facilitate transportation of military and domestic goods. Control returned to private ownership in 1920 - 1918--> telegraph, telephone, and cable services also came to Federal control and were relinquished in 1920 - American Red Cross --> kit clothes for Army and Navy, supplied hospitals and refugee clothing and surgical dressings - Liberty Bonds --> sold in 4 issues and made about 25billion. Victory LIberty bonds were sold after the war ended. Bonds were money given to the gov to fund the war, and afterwards they would repay you back with interests.

Wilson's Fourteen Points Germany's Armistice Treaty of Versailles League of Nations

War declared war on Germany on April 1917 - also fall of Russian Empire, Bolsheviks take over and want to end war - Germany wants to bring troops to western front before the US gets there - Triple Alliance : Germany, Austria, Italy - Triple Entente: France, Britain, Russia ESPIONAGE ACT OF 1917 AND SEDITION ACT OF 1918 - criminialized the expression of antiwar sentiment and criticism of the us gov - mostly immigrants were being targetted/arrested WILSONS FOURTEEN POINTS - proposed in January 1918. - Wilson's basis for a peace settlement to end the war --> was very idealistic, wanted to make the world safe for democracy , free trade, self determination - presented to Congress in Jan 1918 - Fourteen Points included 5 points about general ideas , 8 points to solve immediate problems of political and territorial nature, and 1 point on proposing an org of nations (League of Nations) with the intent to maintain world peace GERMANYS ARMISTICE - Germany agreed to armistice assuming the final treaty would be based on the 14 Points BUT during the peace conference in Paris 1919 there was lots of disagreement and nations wanted to punish Germany and other powers - people of Germany were mad they entered a war and were now being blamed for it--> they took down the emperor and the gov and established a socialist gov aka the Weimer Republic, which lasted until 1933 PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE TREATY OF VERSAILLES - there were many treaties from the Paris Peace Conference, but this is the most popular because it was so humiliating for Germany and is blamed for WWII --> blamed Germany for the war --> reparations --> Germany has to pay ally powers for the war - brought german economy down - was humiliating for ppl to pay allies this money --> limited german army to 100K and could not have submarines --> Germany was stripped of territory - losses Poland, east Prussia, Alsac Lorraine , and colonies in africa, pacific, and china --> did set up the League of Nations --> prohibited Germany from unifying with Austria LEAGUE OF NATIONS IN TREATY OF VERSAILLES - the Leagure was a new a world order based on mutual cooperation and the peaceful resolution of international conflicts. - Henry Cabot Lodge a foreign affairs committee chairman in 1918 wanted Germanys unconditional surrender and was concerned about the Leagues ability to declare war without Congress' approval AND argued over Article X which required all members of the League to assist any member threatened by external aggression --Lodge and Isolationists in congress saw this as an attack on US sovereighnty - League of Nations was approved at Wilson's insistence BUT the Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles AND so Wilson refused to give in to Lodge's demands , so the US didnt join the League of Nations HITLER - When Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany in 1934, his government began to violate many of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles - Not only did Hitler announce a moratorium on all debt payments and cease making reparations, but he began to build up the German armed forces in earnest WWI EFFECTS IN THE US - immigration slowed during the war - factory jobs availability to black workers = led to the Great migration in the morth - race riots in northern cities due to great migration - immigrants used displays of patriotism to "show" thier assimilation - black soldiers enlisted in the war to improve image of black soldiers and possible civil rights - restrictions on civil liberties and immigration - espionage act and sedition act - immigration restrictions - literacy tests and ethnic quotas - Red Scare - crackdown on unions, socialists scare, deportations

1-- 13TH AMENDMENT 1865 2-- CIVIL RIGHTS ACT 1866 3--BLACK CODES 4-- 14TH AMENDMENT 1868 5-- 15TH AMENDMENT 1870 6-- JIM CROW LAWS 1877-1954+ 7-- Compromise of 1877 - Republican Rutherford B. Hayes 8-- PLESSY v. FERGUSON 1896

(1) 13TH AMENDMENT - ratified Dec 6, 1865 - prohibited slavery except as punishment for a crime convicted. - former confederate states had to ratify the amendment in order to be allowed back in the Union. (2) CIVIL RIGHTS ACT 1866 - the CVA was meant to give citizenship to african americans - President Andrew Johnson supported the black codes and vetoed the Civil Rights act of 1865 and again in 1866. - Congress vetoed his second veto and it became law - 2 years later in 1868 Congress voted to impeach Johnson --> and he was tried but was one vote short of being convicted. so he was acquitted and finished term in office (3) BLACK CODES - discriminatory laws proposed by the south to control freed black people and keep white supremacy in place - African Americans were FORCED into LABOR CONTRACTS --> and if a person of color was not employed they were considered VAGRANTS and could be arrested and forced to work in the pruson system Also could not: - bear arms, assemble, be jurors, testify against whites, segregated schools, unemployed blacks would be arrested and forced into labor - apprenticeship laws --> judges bounded young blacks to white plantation owners who forced them to work. (4) 14TH AMENDMENT - ratified July 9, 1868 - overturned Dred Scott decision --> - redefined American citizenship as any person born or naturalized in the US , with all citizens guaranteed equal legal protection, right to file a lawsuit, or serve in a jury in all states (only protected civil rights not political rights) - states had to accept the 14th amendment in their new constitution or else the federal troops would not leave the occupation of that states during this reconstruction . (5) 15TH AMENDMENT - ratified Feb 3, 1870 - states no citizen in the US can be denied right to vote based on race, color, or previous status as an enslaved person - was passed due to souths attempt to circumvent allowing african americans to votes (6) JIM CROW LAWS - Legal segregation - placed African Americans as second class citizenships - loss of voting rights, separate public accommodations - Jim Crow was a stock character from minstrel shows --> of the the "dumb enslaved person" meant to ridicule/make fun of african americans, usually played by white male in blackface - finally ended post WWII due to different actions/people that challenged the constitutionality of separate but equal with Brown v Board in 1954 (7) COMPROMISE OF 1877 - presidential election of 1876 was bn Dem Samuel Tilden and Rep Rutherford Bayes , Tilden had more popular votes but electoral votes in 3 states were disputed.--> in jan 1877 Congress made a 15 member Electoral Commission to resolve who would win the presidency - Democrats agreed that Rutherford B. Hayes would become president in exchange for the withdrawal of federal troops from the South and the granting of home rule in the South - withdrawal of federal troops from Louisiana and South Carolina - BASICALLY republicans gave up with making sure the south was treating african americans fairly/equally - led to Jim Crow era and end of Reconstruciton (8) PLESSY v, FERGUSON 1896 - Homer Plessy sat in a white compartment of a train - to challenge the constitutionality of segregation bc he claimed it violated the 14th amendment - U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the "separate but equal" doctrine - recognized you can have separate facilities as long as they were equal - later overturned by Brown v Board od Edu in 1950

5 Important Battles of the American Revolution. (1) April 19, 1775 - name of 2 famous battles?? (2) June 1775 - what did britain declare ?? (3) Dec 26, 1776 - what did washington do and whys it important (4) Sept/Oct 1777 - who surrendered - how was this a turning point of the war? - what was another effect? (5) Oct 1781 - who surrendered , in which colony? Treaty of Paris - date signed - what did britain declare - what river was the western border - what did Spain and France reclaim

(1) Battle of Lexington and Concord - First battle of the Rev War - British were told to go to Concord to take away ammunition and supplies - Patriots got word that the Redcoats were coming, so militiamen led by John Parker tried to block the Redcoats path at Lexington - A shot was fired and started the Lexington battle, Redcoats then went to Concord to search for Patriots arms and burned the town (2) Battle of Bunker Hill - Bloodiest battle in the whole war - American troops withdrew , but half of british army was killed - Colonists proved they could handle against professional british soldiers - In august, britain declared that the colonies were officially in a state of rebellion (3) Washington crossed the Delaware River - Washington crossed the Delaware Rv on Christmas Day for a surprise attack on British and Hessian troops - was the first colonial victory (4) Battle of Saratoga - British general John Burgoyne surrendered - was a turning point of the war --> it ended british plan to separate new england and southern colonies - SO France, Dutch, and Spanish joined the colonists as allies (5) Battle of Yorktown - British General Cornwallis surrendered in Virginia after this defeat , ending the Revolutionary War Treaty of Paris - signed in Sept 3, 1783 - Britain recognized the USA as an independent nation - Treaty established the Mississippi Rv as the western border - Gave Florida back to Spain - France reclaimed African and Caribbean colonies seized from 1763 (French and Indian War) - On Nov 25, 1783 the last british troops left the US

Factors that to discontent with Britain (1) which recent war ?? why? (2) which recent Indian territory proclamation?? why? (3) john locke's ideas of __ & __ (4) kinship ?? (5) new ideas of gov ?? (6) taxation wo representation, why??

(1) FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR 1754- 1763 - (2) ROYAL PROCLAMATION OF 1763 - After Pontiac's rebellion, the Proclamation drew a boundary line in the Appalachian Mtns making west of it Indian territory , and forbidding colonists from settling there - colonists felt it restricted their economic freedom and economic pursuit (3) JOHN LOCKES IDEAS OF SOCIAL CONTRACT AND NATURAL RIGHTS - Social contract --> ppl allow the gov (britain) to govern/stay in power - Natural rights → people have a natural right to rebel and change their gov, if the gov is being tyrannical (4) More colonists are born on american soil → decreasing kinship with far away british rulers (5)NEW IDEAS OF GOV AND SEEING COLONIES AS SEPARATE FROM BRITAIN - Colonists were allowed to self govern domestic issues, but britain controlled international issues - Colonies formed own local gov bodies → giving them a sense of independence and resentment towards britain for controlling them - Sense of unification → esp during the french and indian wars (6) TAXATION W/O REPRESENTATION - Colonists practiced representative gov--> so legislative bodies were made up of elected representatives, chosen by male property owners in the districts , who represent their interests - BUT in britain, Parliament represented specific classes (house of commons and lords) → so britain didn't understand how the colonists didn't have representation. British said they had virtual representation since parliament protected the interests of all british citizens and subjects, including the colonists - Samuel Adams and Benjamin Franklin were loud voices arguing that since Americans didn't have representation in parliament , Britain can't tax them - Daughters of Liberty was established in 1765, the org was made up mostly of women by showing loyalty to the revolutionary cause and boycotted british good by making their own - Martha Washington was a DoL

4 Major Acts Passed by Parliament AFTER the French and Indian Wars (1) (2), (3), (4) - name and year?? - what did it do? (4) - what was the Non Importation Agreement - explain the Boston Massacre / what year ?? - who was the first casualty of the American Revolution. - how did britain respond and what did colonists do as a result(BTP)??

(1) Sugar Act - 1764 - taxed molasses brought into the colonies from WI, Spain, France - gave british officials the right to search homes of anyone suspected of violating it (2) Stamp Act - 1765 - Taxed printed material like newspapers and legal docs. - Was repealed in 1766 due to protest but the repeal included the Declaratory Act which stated that Parliament had the right to govern the colonies AND colonists didn't oppose it until britain began to enforce it (3) Quartering Act - 1765 - Required colonists to provide accommodations and supplies for british troops AND colonists were prohibited from settling west of the Appalachian Mtns (4) Townshend Act - 1767 - All imports of paper, paint, lead, glass, tea were taxed - Colonists organized boycotts of goods, in protest bc they believed that Parliament didnt have the right to tax them. Samuel and John Adams organized resistance against british rule. Non Importation Agreement --> suspended all imports of british goods. Merchants in NY and Philadelphia also followed. In response, britain sent naval and military officials to boston to enforce the acts which led to the Boston massacre - Boston Massacre -->British official's removed occupants from a halfway house, so redcoats could be garrisoned there, leading to confrontation. On March 5, 1770, when the mob taunted soldiers, and redcoats fired at a crowd and Crispus Attucks , a free African and Native American sailor was the first casualty of the american revolution. Total of 5 dead and 8 injured. RESPONSE - Britain repealed most of the Townshend Acts, BUT kept the tea tax - In 1773 it passed the Tea Act --> allowed the East India Company to sell tea for lower prices to shopkeepers, but not American distributors. So Am tea merchants saw that as an attack to their business. - On december 6, 1773, about 50 Sons of LIberty, dressed as native americans, boarded ships on Boston Harbor and dumped 342 crates of tea in the sea to protest the Tea Act aka the Boston Tea Party

Navigation Acts - year passed - what did it restrict - how did colonists react

- 1651 - Britain wanted to dominate international trade Aimed against the Dutch - Navigation Acts banned foreign ships from transporting goods to the British colonies and from transporting goods to Britain from elsewhere in Europe - the Restrictions angered colonists , bc it was profitable to sell goods to Netherlands, France, and Spain - But American colonists who were loyal to the Britain benefited bc they were able to provide ships for Britains growing trade interest and use the ships for their own trading ventures - by the time the French and Indian War had ended, one third of British Merchant ships were built on the American colonies

Abraham Lincoln and the Presidential Election of 1860 Fort Sumter Anaconda Plan

- 16th President of the United States - won popular and electoral vote - southern states had promised to secede from the Union if Lincoln was elected + also South Carolina. - preserved the Union during the Civil War - emancipated enslaved people - was assassinated by Booth SECESSION WINTER - 1861 - after lincoln was elected president , he wouldnt be inaugurated until March!! - so 7 southern states seceded during that gap period - SC, Miss, Flroida, Alabama Georgia, Louisiana, Texas - they form the Confederate States of America and protect slavery in their constitution - President Buchanan at the time tried to pass the Crittenden Compromise that allowed slavery south of Missouri all the way to the Pacific BEFORE They had seceded LINCOLNS INAGURATED - his first inaugural address is about unification and doesnt want tto get rid of slavery where it already exists BUT those southern states wanted to leave before lincoln got in office to securely protect slavery in thier states FORT SUMTER - many US forts were located in the south and taken over by confederate soldiers - Lincoln wanted to resupply Ft Sumter thats still controlled by US soldiers. BUT then Confederate forces fire at it and take control - Ft Sumter is surrendered to the Confederacy - Lincoln forms a volunteer army for 90 days --> causes 4 more southern states to secede Virginia, Arkanasas, Tenn, NC ANACONDA PLAN - The Union wants to squeeze the south economically--> to blockade the Atlantic ocean and control the Mississippi River

Slavery in British Colonies - centuries it proliferated in the american colonies - what are maroon communities - what are slave codes and chattel slavery - types of resistance - Stono Rebellion (what year? what colony? why? what did it lead to?)

- 17-18th cent saw expansion of slavery in all american colonies - People who escaped enslavement were called maroon communities - they resisted capture and formed their own groups. A famous group was in Jamaica Slave codes - Restriction on enslaved people - Virginia 1662 - children of enslaved women were also enslaved - Chattel slavery - slaves were seen as personal property , had little to no legal rights Resistance Religion, Dance, Music, Family, Covert and overt resistance Stono Rebellion of 1739 - In south carolina, a literate enslaved man named Jeremy led a group of enslaved people against white colonists, killing many before stopped by the militia - The militia then executed or sold the remaining slaves to the west indies - Also led to a new slave code : Negro Slave Act of 1740 that planed new limits on EP behavior, assembly, growing own food, learning to write, and traveling freely

Manifest Destiny & Westward Expansion and Oregon Territory

- 19th century belief that white americans were. inherently superior , and God destined them to conquer the territories of N Am from the Atlantic the Pacific -but rapid expansion led to conflict with native americans CAUSES OF WESTWARD EXPANSION 1844-1877 - more land available due to Oregon Trail - mining - CA Gold rush - transcontinental railroad - Pacific Railway Act in 1862 - Homestead Act 160 acres of free land to anyone over 21 yrs to women, men, and African Americans - President Polk's promotion of manifest destiny --> belief of american superiority - Oregon territory was shared by the US and Britain - in 1846, President James Polk passed a compromise , establishing US boundary at the 49th parallel EFFECTS OF WESTWARD EXPANSION - sectional conflict bn north and south - civil war - competition for land, gold - targeted native americans , foreigners, attacks on Chinese immigrants- Chinese Exclusion Act , taxes on immigrants

SouthEast Tribes - 5 important tribes - important time period - architecture/homes - imp. city

- 5 Civilized Tribes of the SE: Cherokee, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, and Seminoles - Mississippian culture from 1000 CE Built on enormous mounds and organized urban centers - Mound societies means they had a large population and wealth to afford the population Cahokia - imp. city named after the Cahokian people - the largest city recorded until Philadelphia (post European arrival) passed it 500 yrs later . - population declined in 1250, prob due to overhunting or deforestation Excellent farmers + also hunted and fished - grew beans , squash, corn, tobacco, sunflowers

Declaration of Independence - date and year ?? - who issued it ?? - who drafted it - what did it explain

- Adopted on July 4 , 1776 - Issued by the Second Continental Congress Thomas Jefferson - drafted the first draft and the final version was approved by July 4, 1776 - mostly explained the reasons why the colonies wanted independence --> Stated that King George III had violated rights of colonists and was establishing tyrannical rule, -- his ideas were shaped by the enlightenment and John Locke's ideas of natural and property rights - On Nov 1777 , Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation - established a unicameral legislature that served as the nations governing authority until 1788

Atlantic Slave Trade aka TransAtlantic Slave Trade - year it "began" and by who and why - why did demand increase - importance of portuguese in this ?? -what goods did europe, africa, N Am, and W Indies send to eachother??

- Beginning of the slave trade was in the late 1400s when Euro came to West African coastlines to capture and sell Africans into slavery - New sugar and tobacco plantations in the americas and Caribbean increased demand for african slaves , total of 12.5 million africans were enslaved Portuguese - European slave trade began with Portugal's exploration on the west coast of Africa, in search of a sea route to the east to get spices and silk - Portuguese traders built a Elmina Castle in present-day Ghana in 1482 - Fortified trading post castle facing to the sea in fear of Euro threat (rather than African attacks) - Enslaved africans were kept in the dungeons until ships arrived Spanish, dutch, and english followed portuguese in transporting enslaved African ppl via the Middle Passage to the NW Trade from Europe, Africa, North America & West Indies -Europe ---manufactured goods, luxuries to NW, ---guns, beer, iron, cloth to Africa -Africa ---sent enslaved people to NW ---sent gold, ivory, spices and hardwood to Europe -North America ---sent whale oil, lumber, furs, rum, rice , silk, indigo, tobacco to Europe ---sent fish, lumber to West indies -West indies ---sent enslaved people and sugar to North America ---sent sugar, molasses, wood to Europe

French and Indian Wars (1689-1763) - what led to decline in Spanish power - Names of 4 French and Indian Wars and dates (1) - who invaded what country - which nations allied with Iroquois and Algonquians (2) - who died and who wanted to use this to their advantage - what was the outcome in N America? (3) - who died from where - who supported the next heir - outcome- what was taken?? (4) - main cause ?? - dates - when does england officially declare war - what was in the treaty of paris? what does France give to whom?

- Britain defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588 --> this led to decline of Spanish power in Europe 9 YEARS WAR aka King Williams War - 1689-1697 - King Louis XIV of France invaded Rhineland (W. Germany) to expand Frances borders in 1688 - War spilled to North America - French and English fought for fur trade - English allied with Iroquois and had more men, but French allied with Algonquians and other tribes and were more organized WAR OF SPANISH SUCCESSION aka Queen Anne's War - 1702-1713 - King Charles II of Spain died without an heir in 1700 and in his will, he crowned Prince Phillip and then Loius XIV named PP as his grandson hoping to unite Spain and France into a huge superpower - England, Astro-Hungary, United Provinces and Hungary went to war vs Spain and France - NA in N America chose sides bn France and England Spanish Florida vs English - Outcome: France gave some territory to britain in exchange for keeping other, but didnt take into account native americans demands WAR OF AUSTRIAN SUCCESSION aka King George's War - 1740-1748 - King Charles VI of Austria died and daughter Maria Theresa inherited the throne BUT women were technically not allowed to succeed their fathers' throne - Britain, Dutch, other supported Maria, while France, Prussia and Bavaria challenged her - Fighting in North America took place mostly in the British colonies - Gov Shirley of Massachusetts organized and expedition that took french fortress in Nova Scotia and a treaty was signed to give it back in 1748 7 YRS WAR aka the French and Indian War - 1754 - 1763 CAUSE: Britain and France both claim the Ohio Rv Valley - Britain send George Washington to take Fort Duquense but was defeated and retreat - Britain takes Arcadia and kick our French Arcadian settlers and they relocate to New Orleans and were renamed the Cajuns - In 1756, England officially declares war on france ---The prime minister William Pitt starts giving money to fund the war in the colonies= leads to their victory . By now france has invested too much in the war and doesn't want to divert attention to the colonies ---English capture : Fort Duquesne, Nova Scotia, NY, Ohio valley, quebec by 1760 TREATY OF PARIS 1763 - France gives territory East of the Mississippi Rv to Britain and West of it to Spain, as compensation for loosing Spanish Florida during the war - Britain gain control of New France (Canada), Spanish Florida, and sugar island in the Caribbean Other Outcomes - England became the main imperial power in N America and Europe - cost of the war led to discontent among colonists bc Britain started taxing them to pay that debt - Native Americans rejected the notion the France could cede their lands to the British

Presidency of George Washington - dates - his VP - notable appointments - 2 political parties that began to form under his presidency?? and leaders?? - what was Hamilton's 2 step plan to help relief state's debt and why did Jefferson oppose it? - what was Washingtons Proclamation of Neutrality and isolationism belief (what revolution did he want to avoid and why? ) - what did washington warn the people in his Farewell Address

- First elected president in 1789- 1797 - John Adams was his vice president - Appointed Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State - Hamilton was the Secretary of the Treasury - During his presidency , 2 political parties began to appear, esp with the difference of opinion bn Alexander Hamilton (Federalist Party ) and Thomas Jefferson (Democratic- Republican Party ) (1) Federalists --> supported a strong central gov, and constitutional interpretation should be flexible. (2) Dem-Rep --> favored strong state power, and strict constitutional interpretation - Creation of the National Bank by Alexander Hamilton - After the Am Revolution , the state debt was in 25 million worth of debt to France. Hamilton created a 2 part solution → (1) the federal gov would assume the states debt and (2) create a national bank → this would also promote business by printing federally backed money . - Jefferson objected this bc the Constitution didn't mention the creation of a bank and was an abuse of power from the fed gov , but Hamilton believed it fell under the "necessary and proper clause" - Washington signed the bill into law in 1791 Proclamation of Neutrality during the French Revolution - Inspired by the American Rev, French people fight against the french monarchy to establish a democracy. - - Led to a series of wars bn britain and france - Washington decided to stay neutral and set a precedent for the US to practice Isolationism as its foreign policy strategy - Was risky since france had been the USA ally but thought the US was young and too much in debt already Washington's Farewell Address Warned americans not to : - get involved with Euro affairs - make permanent alliances with countries, - form political parties, - be distracted by differences bn states

Free Soil Party (1848)

- Formed in 1847-1848 - political party opposed slavery in newly acquired territories such as Oregon and newly ceded Mexican territory - lec by former President Martin Van Buren. - Most members eventually become Republicans. - Party's founding demonstrates growing strength of the movement to keep new territory free from slavery (NOT because they were pro-abolition, BUT because there were few plantation owners but they had lots of power & more slave states would limit opportunities for whites)

Spanish Colonization - main person and conquests - encomienda system?? - famous revolt to Spanish colonization in southwest and year - casta system and names ?? - when were most slave grants abolished by??

- Hernan Cortes ---Arrived at Hispanolia (DRep and Haiti) in 1504 --- joined Velasquez conquest of Cuba in 1511 ---led his own expedition in 1519 ---conquered Tenochtitlan in 1521 Encomienda System - mix of feudalism and slavery - Spanish gov granted the encomenderos the right to labor of native americans and anything they produced. - NA got Christianization and protection of the encomenderos. Resistance to Spanish Colonization - Outwardly accepting Spanish conversion, but still practicing own beliefs - Pueblo Revolt --> pueblo people (navajo and apache) rose up by Pope, and they killed Spanish priests, burned churches and drove spanish out. Took 50 years for the spanish to regain control of this region and they were more accommodating to the Pueblo society Spanish Casta System - Racial caste system that ranked individuals based on how much spanish blood they had, and access to legal rights. Not many spanish women were brought to the new world. ---Criollos - pure spanish blood ---Mestizo - NA and Euro Heritage ---Mulatto - African and Euro heritage Most indigenous slave grants were abolished by 1543, BUT this led to the rise of the Atlantic Slave Trade which brought African slaves

border ruffians Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) and Bleeding Kansas

- K and N, entered as territories in 1854 - the Kansas Nebraska Act --> was a bill passed that basically allowed popular sovereignty in both states AND repealed the Missouri Compromise (that banned slavery north of the latitude line) in 1854 VOTING for Slavery - since slavery in kansas would be based on popular sovereignty--> Pro- and antislavery activists flooded Kansas with the intention of influencing the vote on slavery. - border ruffians --> Proslavery Missourians who crossed the border to vote in Kansas - Border ruffians helped to secure a proslavery legislature in Kansas, which drafted a proslavery constitution known as the Lecompton Constitution. IN Kansas there were 2 governments, for and anti slavery. these factions rose to violence - there was a clash bn armed slaveholders in Kansas and a pro-slavery county sheriff , who attacked a town that was mostly settled by abolitionists from massachusetts . they murdered 5 pro slavery settlers a few days later and violence lasted - John Brown and his sons killed pro-slavery settlers --> led to Bleeding Kansas (time in which pro and anti slavery tension rose to violence) Senator Charles Sumner 1856 - gave speech about bleeding kansas - Sumner insulted proslavery legislators and compared slavery to prostitution. - Brooks attacked Sumner with his cane at the senate for insulting his family . many southerners appreciated brooks defense of slavery and sent him canes as a gift - Abraham Lincoln made his first public speech Against the Kansas Nebraska Act!!! he attacked the moral justifications of slavery

First Continental Congress - year? - what colony didnt go? - why did they meet up? - what did they agree to do - in October , what was the the Declaration of Colonial Rights and Grievances - what was King George's response

- Met in Philadelphia - Sept 1774 - 12 delegates from the 13 colonies met up (except georgia) and created a representative gov to unify against the british gov - Met to discuss the intolerable acts -Agreed to implement a boycott of british, ireland, and W Indies goods starting in Sept 1775, giving southern colonies time to prepare for economic impact of the export - In Oct 1774 the FCC passed the Declaration of Colonial Rights and Grievances → denied Parliament's right to tax the colonies and the stationing of troops in Boston . saw the Intolerable Acts as an assault to colonial liberties , and requested the colonies prepare their militia. BUT it did allow Parliament to regulate trade and affirmed loyalty to the monarch,King George III King George III of England declared the Am colonies must submit or face military action -- British tried to end assemblies that opposed british policies → so the assemblies gathered weapons and formed militias -- In april 1775, the british military was ordered to disperse a meeting of the Mass Assembly armed colonists resisted to disperse Resulting battles were the Battle of lexington and Concord - the first battles of the American Revolution

Indian Removal Act of 1830 and Treaty of New Echota (1835)

- Passed by Congress under the Jackson administration, this act removed Indians from the 5 Civilized Tribes, to the West ,where they would be "permanently" housed. - mostly removed by force - Choctaws were first to sign a treaty and voluntarily relocate - Seminoles of Florida resisted --> led to Second Seminole War and were ultimately forced to relocate - Chicksaws agreed to leave if the US paide them 3 million , and it took the US 30 years to pay - remaining Creeks also relacated Treaty of New Echota (1835) - small faction of Cherokees signed the treaty with the US gov that ceded ALL Cherokee land in the Southeast to the US and allowed for their move to Indian territory (Oklahoma); - 3 of the Cherokee signers of the treaty (Major Ridge, John Ridge, and Elias Boudinot) were killed for signing over Cherokee land for personal profit - about 4K cherokee died during the Trail of Tears

Second Continental Congress - what year ? - why did they meet up? - what was established and who was appointed commander in chief ?? - what were the 2 factions in Congress.

- Philadelphia - May 1775 - Delegates discussed declaring independence from britain - Established an the Continental Army AND appointed George Washington as the commander in chief 2 Factions in Congress (1) Conservatives --> thought the Am colonists could still reconcile with Britain. They sent an Olive Branch Proposal to King George III , but at the same time Samuel Adams wrote about uncertainty of peace and so King George rejected the reconciliation offer. (2) Radicals --> wanted independence from Britain


- SHARECROPPERS --> white landowners rented out parcels of land to former enslaved African Americans, and the landowner provided the seeds and equipment. They were paid back with a portion of the crops . However this led to a system of DEBT PEONAGE--> bc cotton and crop prices remained low, sometimes the farmer could not pay back the landowner, so this led to a system where the farmer remained in poverty and had to keep working on that land until they repaid the crops due. - if any black americans violated or evaded thier contract they were arrested and then were basically "enslaved"or forced to work --> led to a rise of blacks in the prison system TENANT FARMERS - tenant farmers also rented land from white landowners BUT they were not given the equipement and seeds. KKK - founded by General Nathan Bedford Forrest in 1866 - called themselves the "Invisible Empire of the South" --> was a movement against Republicans and Reconstruction to amintain white supremacy post the civil war. - org revived again in the 1920s nativist movement and 1950s after Brown v Board of Edu - passed discriminatory laws aka Black Codes --> later set foundation for racially discriminatory Jim Crow segregation - terrorized african americans, carpetbaggers and scalawags who were sympathetic to blacks , black churches, and anyone who promoted black economic autonomy - Democrats relied on the Klan to secure political victories --> klansmen often killed or threatened opposing Republican candidates - supported disenfranchisment through use of literacy tests or other paperwork - by 1890s it had disenfranchised all southern african americans - Congress passed the Force Act and KKK Act of 1871 --> made klan violence and political intimidation illegal under federal law - as Reconstruction ended in 1877, klan activity also decreased, esp since Democrats were already in political office positions where they could implement Jim Crow laws that kept segregation in place

Presidency of John Adams - dates - what was his political party - what was Jays Treaty and how did this start the quasi (undeclared ) war with france ?? - what was the alien act - what was the sedition act?? - what were the Midnight Appointments - what did Marbury v. Madison declare about marbury's appointment and about judicial review?? - what did McCulloch v Maryland declare about the Second National Bank ??

- Second president from 1797-1801 - First official Federalist president (Washington tried to stay impartial but aligned more with federalists too) Quasi (Undeclared) War with France - 1794, john Jay signed a treaty with britain aka Jays Treaty --> allowed free trade bn the US and the W.Indies occupied by britain and this angered France and led to french navy attacking american merchant ships - In 1797 , Adams sent diplomats to create a treaty bn France and the US, but 3 french diplomats named X, Y, and Z asked for bribes, and this angered the american people and led to an undeclared naval war with france Alien and Sedition Acts - Were a way to punish political rivals during the quasi(undeclared) war with france - Alien Act → allowed the fed gov to deport non citizens who were a threat to national security Technically violated the first amendment- freedom of speech - Sedition Act - way to punish American citizens who criticized the Am gov, in order to harm the government's position -Federalists supported the Alien and Sedition Acts but Dem-Rep criticized them as it gave the fed gov too much power Midnight Appointments - As he was leaving office soon, he made some last minute appointments for office to as many Federalists as possible , to sabotage the incoming Dem-Rep president BUT he failed to make sure they were delivered on time so when Jefferson took office he refused to arrange the remaining appointments Marbury v. Madison - William Marbury sued for his appointment as a judge , and the Supreme Court reviewed the case. - didnt become a judge basically - Established the principle of judicial review--> that the SC has the power to strike down laws if those laws violate the constitution McCulloch v. Maryland - Congress charted a Second Bank of the US - Maryland voted to tax any bank outside of the state. - Andrew McCulloch , an employee at the 2nd Bank refused to pay those taxes - Chief Justice john Marshall agreed Congress had the right to charter a national bank, but State of Maryland could not levy a tax on a federal bank or on the fed gov.

Annexation of Texas

- Texas was annexed in 1845 - was the 28th state. - Mexico founded Province of Texas in 1821 --> Texasn recruited settlers from the US to grow its population - Stephen Austin sold plots of land to settlers from a large land grant his father had gotten from the mex gov. - by 1830 there was tension bn the mex gov and the US settlers who didn't want to live by the Mexican regulatory laws - where people were Mexican, convert to Catholicism, file legal docs in spanish, and end slavery in mexican territory --> this was a big problem bc may US settlers brought their slaves as "indentured servants" -1835--> US settlers in Texas made a provisional gov and in 1836 called for independence - Mexican gov sent Mex leader Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna to bring back order in Texas --> settlers of Texas held their ground - in March 1836 Santa Annas 5K troops killed 187 American and Tejanos --> at the Battle of the Alamo and led to the cry " Remember the Alamo" - Sam Houston led forces against Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto --> forced SA to recognize texan independence - Sam Houston became the first president of the Republic of Texas Politicians in the US debated if Texas should be admitted as a slave or free state. - In the end, Texas was admitted as a slave state. The annexation of Texas contributed to the coming of the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). The conflict started, in part, over a disagreement about which river was Mexico's true northern border: the Nueces or the Rio Grande.


- a social movement in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s, in which people organized to demand equal rights for African Americans and other minorities. People worked together to change unfair laws. They gave speeches, marched in the streets, and participated in boycotts CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT EVENTS (1) MONTGOMERY BUS BOYCOTT - 1955 - 1955 Rosa parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man - was tried and convicted of disorderly conduct and violating local ordinances - 381 bus boycott started , protested segregation on public buses (2) DESEGREGATION OF LITTLE ROCK - 1957 - after Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Edu declared separate but equal unconstitutional - Arkansas school board voted to desegregate their schools --> govenor brought in the Arkansas National Guard to prevent 9 black students from entering Central High School in Little Rock - President Eisenhower responded by federalizing the National Guard and ordering them to stand down. (3) BIRMINGHAM CAMPAIGN - protestors organized sit ins, marches , voting campaigns - When city of Birmingham declared that protests illegal, and protesters were arrested and jailed - including MLK IMPORTANT FIGURES OF THE CRM (1) ROSA PARKS - "mother of the civil rights movement" - she was a huge activists even before that (2) MARTIN LUTHER KING JR - drew on Mahatma Ghandi's beliefs and encouraged nonviolent opposition - led march on Washington in 1963 - received Noble Peace Prize in 1964 - assassinated in 1968 (3) MALCOLM X - Black Muslim - supported black nationalism (4) STOKELY CARMICHAEL - originated term "Black Power" - head of the Student NonViolent Coordinating Committee - believed in Black Pride and Black Culture - felt separate political and social institutions should be developed for blacks (5) ADAM CLAYTON POWELL - chairman of Coordinating Committee for Employment - led rent strikes, bus boycotts, other actions to increase the hiring of blacks (6) JESSE JECKSON - selected as head of Chicago Operations Breakbasket in 1966 - organized boycotts and other actions - unsuccessful run for president IMP LEGISLATION PASSESD (1) BROWN V BOARD OF EDU - supreme court declared separate but equal accommodations were unconstitutional (2) CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1994 - declared discrimination illegal in employment , edu, and public accommodations (3) VOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 1965 - act ended previous practices, mostly from tthe h South , to bar blacks from exercising thier voting rights - included use of poll tax and literacy test

Articles of Confederation - when did it take effect - what was it - what did it do - what were its weaknesses - how did Shays Rebellion (1786) highlight its weaknesses -

- approved by the continental congress on nov 15, 1777 - Went into effect from march 1, 1781 -1788 - First US Constitution - but it was weak United all 13 colonies under one government - prevented a central gov from gaining too much power - gave power to a Congressional body made up of delegates from all 13 states, but individual states had the final authority - BUT since they didn't have a strong central executive power , this made weak alliances in settling disputes and enforcing laws, regulating commerce, and authority to implement or raise taxes Shays Rebellion - Daniel Shay and other veteran farmers were in debt because they were at war fighting, as debt accumulated, and they petitioned Mass state legislature for debt relief but was rejected - August 1786 Daneil Shay led an armed rebellion in Massachusetts to protest unjust economic policies and political corruption in the Mass state legislature . - The rebellion exposed weaknesses of the gov under the Articles of Confederation - in which many called to strengthen the federal gov and ability to send troops to suppress rebellions - Wahsington, Hamilton, and James Madison called the Articles inadequate and supported a new Constitution - 12/13 delegates (not RI) met in 1787 to revise the Articles of Confederation -- but realized they needed to draft a whole new Constitution.

Horace Mann and Free Public Elementary Education

- believed children could be better citizens -- could keep them away from crime, poverty, and keep society unified - started Common School Journal - talked about ideas importance of education - by the end of the 18th cent. all children had access to free pub. elem. edu

Monroe Doctrine (1823)

- dec 2, 1823 - delivered by President James Monroe - doctrine stated that Europeans could not intervene in the Western Hemisphere in exchange, the U.S. would not interfere with existing European colonies and wars. - If Europe intervened, the U.S. would interpret this as dangerous to U.S. national security and take appropriate action

Age of Exploration - time period - developments in navigation, maps, ships?? - what did explorers seek?? - who launched this age of exploration (PH)

- early 15th - 17th century DEVELOPMENTS: - magnetic compass --> used by chinese navigators from about 200BCE - Astrolobe --> came from Arab navigators and traders who developed a better design from the ancient greeks - Mapmaking - Shipbuilding --> now used wind currents to cross the Atlantic - Caravel ships --> Portuguese created Caravel in 1400s that used these navigational advancements that helped with the long sea journeys Explorers from Portugal, Spain, France and England - all seek routes to Asia Portugals' Prince Henry the Navigator - launched the Age of Exploration by going to Africa to take over trade - BUT instead led to discovery of new lands, and colonization in India, Asia, Africa, and North America


- emphasized rationality, reason, and intellectualism; it was especially popular at Harvard - A philosophy pioneered by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry Thoreau in the 1830's and 1840's, in which each person has direct communication with God and Nature, and there is no need for organized churches. - It incorporated the ideas that mind goes beyond matter, intuition is valuable, that each soul is part of the Great Spirit, and each person is part of a reality where only the invisible is truly real. - Promoted individualism, self-reliance, and freedom from social constraints, and emphasized emotions. - many were anti-slavery

Roanoke Colony - date established - sanctioned by who to whom?? - located in what present day state?? - what happened? why is it famous

- first english colony - Queen Elizabeth I sanctioned it to Sir Walter Raleigh in 1584 in present day North Carolina - Governor John White went to England to gather more supplies and colonists, and when he came back 3 years later the entire colony had vanished

The Market Revolution (1790s-1850s) Major innovations: Transcontinental Railroads , Erie Canal, cotton gin, telegraph and Panic of 1819

- major change in the US economy produced by people's beginning to buy and sell goods rather than make them for themselves Drastic changes in transportation (canals, RRs), communication (telegraph), jobs, and the production of goods (made in factories as opposed to houses) - doesnt need skilled laborers, people are more easily replaced - textile mills --> Samuel Slater brought mental plans of textile mills with water wheels , mostly women workers in Lowell mills - workers paid in wages - cotton gin invented by Eli Whitney , separated cotton from seeds - bolstered institution of slavery - railroad--> mostly used for cargos and passengers - canals -steam ship - telegraph --> morse code - wagon trails aka prairie schooners --> CA trail, Oregon Trail, Santa Fe Trails - Transcontinental Railroad - Erie Canal 1825 , connected the Great Lakes and Hudson River PANIC of 1819 - inflation and land speculation destabilizing the economy - people couldn't pay the loans they got from the national bank - a decline of Europena demand for American goods along with mismanagement within the Second Bank of the United States.

Mexican American War 1846-1848 Wilmot Proviso

- mexico revolted from spain in 1810 and got independence in 1821 - texas declared independence in 1836 - in 1844 , Democrats wanted President Tyler to annex Texas and it became a state in 1845 - Polk became president after on an Expansionist platform - During Mexico's war for independence it got in 4.5 million in debt to the US and Polk offered to forgive the debt if Mexico gave away New Mex, and upper CA , but refused, CAUSES OF THE WAR - Texas annexation --> Texas southern border was different for the US at the Rio Grande and Mexiso was at the Nueces Rv - Polk wanted to expand US territory and wanted to purchase CA but Mexico refused! - So Polk sent Zachary Taylor and american troops to --> and it was said that Mexican troops attacked --> led to declaration of war. - Whigs saw was as an excess of force - Wilmot Proviso --> was a text supported by Wilmot that stated that slavery was prohibited in any territory the US got from Mex. He didnt want slavery to expand bc it would limit opportunities for white, NOT bc he was against slavery. --> this bill did not pass BUT later another senator would introduce a more forceful bill where ANY new territory could not allow slavery ,and Wilmot supported it but tried to make it seem that it was for NEUTRALITY NOT out of sympathy for abolitionists. This bill passed but many southerners and senators were angry and feared it violated white owners of not being able to move with their property - war ended in 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - gave US citizenship to 75K Mexicans who now lived in new territory --> most stayed to live in the US --> BUT lots of them had thier land taken away by new white settlers - Mexico had to give up CA, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and parts of Colorado, and New Mex - Texas became a slave state - Wilmot Proviso created new party lines in favor of north vs south - CA got statehood bc of the gold rush LAS GORRAS BLANCAS - Mexican Americans tried ot reclaim thier land and intimidate white Americans to prevent more land seizures - raided white farmed, burned homes, barns, crops, - didnt lead to much chane and eventually stopped when they were caught and beaten and fefared retaliation on thier families - other Caps adopted a political strategy --> gained election to local offices in New Mexico in early 1890s

Missouri Compromise of 1820 aka Great Compromise

- proposed by Henry Clay - The Compromise admitted Missouri as a slave state at the same time that it admitted Maine as a free state --> to maintain the balance of power bn North and South. - also stated that no one would be prevented from entering this state (this was bc the Missouri Constitution prohibited free blacks from entering) - also established a line along the 36°30′ north line of latitude (the southern boundary of Missouri). - Above this line, new western states would not permit slavery, while below it, slavery could continue to expand westward

Pontiac's Rebellion - year? occurred after which war?? - why did it happen/ aka what did britain do?? - what did Pontiac lead and what happened after?? - what did the royal proclamation of 1763 do??

1763 - After the 7 Yrs War in 1763, Britian got control of land previously controlled by France. Britain didn't care about maintaining good relations with NAm and restricted their ability to trade. British refused to provide arms to NAm which they relied on for hunting. - Ottowa chief, Pontiac led an attack on Britains Fort Detroit with 300 natives - the british commander knew of the planned attack and was able to end the siege - led to increase in native american resistance, 8/11 forts were captured in the Ohio Valley - In 1766 Pontiac and the British Superintendent of Indian Affairs negotiated to end the war Royal Proclamation of 1763 - drew a boundary line in the Appalachian mtns making itIndian territory , and forbid colonists from settling west of the line - The Proclamation was another factor that upset british colonists and led to the American Rev

Jacksonian Democracy and Nullification Crisis of 1832

A policy of spreading more political power to more people. term-35 - It was a "Common Man" theme - Andrew Jackson was the symbol of politics for the common man - opened up of suffrage to all white men (not just rich white men) BUT still excluded women and African Americans NULLIFCATION CRISIS - South Carolina claimed that it could ignore or nullify any federal law it considered unconstitutional -- Jackson sent troops to SC to enforce the protested tariff laws and Henry Clay created a compromise in 1833

The Second Great Awakening (1790s -1850) but important era from 1840s-1850s. Temperance movement

A series of religious revivals starting in 1801 - based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. - The revivals attracted women, African Americans, and Native Americans - camp meetings --> people listened to active and Evangelican Christianity - tried to recreate "heaven on earth" by making better people - REJECTS the notion of Predestination --> SO now, doing good works improved your chances at salvation - had an effect on moral movements such as prison reform, the temperance movement, and moral reasoning against slavery. TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT - sought to end the production and use of alcohol - Created Society for the Promotion of Temperance in 1826 - famous preachers : Beecher and Finney - American Home mIssionary Society formed in 1826 - American Bible Society - American Tract Society

War of 1812 (1812-1815) - causes - major naval battles at Lake Erie and Lake Champlain importance?? - effects

CAUSES - Britain was at war with France bc Napoleon wanted to conquer Britain - Both France and Britain prohibited the US to trade with them so President James Madison passed that Acts to regulate international trade and it either country removed their restrictions first, America wouldn't trade with the other country SO France was first in removing its restrictions (meaning the US wouldn't trade with Britain) SO England saw this as the US formally siding with France and started the War of 1812 The Americans declared war in 1812 bc of : - they wanted to expand into the NorthWest Territory - due to trade restrictions bc of Britain's war with France - impressment of American merchant sailors into the Royal Navy - Britain passed the order of Council--> which said all French ports were off limits to American ships - British support of American Indian tribes against American expansion- specifically supporting Tecumseh's uprisings - naval battles at Lake Erie and Lake Champlain kept the British from invading the US via Canada - Battle of Bladensburg --> Britain invaded Washington DC and burned the White house in 1814 --> First Lady Dolley Madison saved a portrait of George Washington from the fire - Treaty of Ghent passed on Christmas eve of 1814 ended the war - Andrew Jackson was unaware of the war ending and managed a victory on Jan 8, 1815 --> this improved American morale and led to a wave of new feeling aka Era of Good Feelings EFFECTS of War of 1812 - established US superiority of naval forces - reestablished US independence from Britain and Europe


CAUSES OF INDIAN WARS - NAms resisted the reservation system - led to series of conflicts aka indian wars - US army tried to forcibly relocate most indigenous people onto reservations - tensions with white settlers over surrounding land and resources , esp after the gold rush migrations SIOUX WARS - 1854 - 1890 - conflicts bn white settler who moved. onto the Great Plains - CAUSE --> discovery of gold on the black Hills region of South Dakota --> led to influx of miners, who also hunted on their lands - US Army came to protect white settlers from the Sioux GREAT SIOUX WAR 1876-1877 - June 25, 1876 - Colonel George Armstrong Custer of 7th Cavalry led batalion against main Sioux encampment at Little Bighorn aka CUSTERS LAST STAND - Custer and his men were outnumbered by CRAZY HORSE and SITTING BULL - Custer and his men were killed and was a major Sioux victory - left the encampment for fear of US retaliation - was the beginning of the end of the Indian Wars --> rest of the tribes were forced to cede thier lands and move onto reservations GHOST DANCE - Jan 1, 1889 solar eclipse - Wovoka was a shaman of the nOrthern Paiute tribe who had a vision that God appeared to him in the guise of a native american and revealed a bountiful land of love and peace --> founded the spiritual movement called Ghost Dance - he reunited indian tribes in the west and southwest to banish evil from the world - his prophecy was basically that white men would be forever banished from the land and the buffalo would return with a lasting revival of native american way of life - Ghost Dance spread to many different native tribes and Sioux reesrvation - Dec 15, 1890 --> police officers feared Sitting Bull was going to flee and spread the Ghost Dance , so they shot him MASSACRE OF WOUNDED KNEE - dec 29, 1890 - US 7th Cavalry surrounded encampment of Sioux indians near Wounded Knee Creek on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in SOuth Dakota - tried to disarm the Sioux BUT shots were fired and scuffle started - US amry shot at Sioux people - men, women, children - medals of honor were given to 20 soldiers -- and public opinion was favorable of the massacre - marked the end of the Indian Wars. - remaining tribes were subdued or assimilated


CHINESE IMMIGRATION - came to America, mostly CA , to workin the gold mines, railroads, agricultural and factory work - US citizens disliked them for thier different culture and threat of low wages, since Chinese immigrants were willing to work for low wages --> led to anti-Chinese discrimination - were discriminated from housing --> led to creation of Chinatown districts - labor unions began to oppose chinese laborers in the 1870s BURLINGAME TREATY 1880 - treaty that allowed open Chinese immigration - union workers wanted President Hayes to pass exclusionary laws but he refused because he said it would violate this Burlingame treaty . As he got more pressure to pass it , he then passed the ANGEL TREATY in 1880 --> it restricted chinese immigration , led to passage of some exclusionary acts like chinese exclusion act NATURALIZATION ACT 1870 - limits US citizenship, only allowing citizenship to whites and those of African descent CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT OF 1882 - puts limits on Chinese immigration - 10 year moratorium(exclusion) on chinese immigration BUT did allow some students and businessmen into the US temporarily - was repealed until 1943 FORAN ACT 1885 - prohibited American businessmen from traveling to China to recruit workers IMMIGRATION ACT OF 1882 - taxed immigrants , 50 cents per person to pay for administrative costs for regulating immigration ELLIS ISLAND - opened in 1892 - processing center for immigrants arriving to NY. EMERGENCY QUOTA ACT aka Johnson Quota Act - 1921 - limited the # of immigrants allowed in the US

Colonial Mercantilism and Navigation Act - what is colonial mercantilism - when did the navigation act pass and what was it

Colonial mercanitilism is when a nations power relies on a balance of trade --> so exporting more goods than importing. - So the gov sought to regulate the economy in order to enhance its power. - They relied on : ---Raw materials ---Cheap labor ---Loyalty to home gov ---Control of shipping trade Navigation Act 1651 - Basically Britain didn't want its colonies trading with other European countries SO it passed restrictions to control colonial trade - So sugar and tobacco could only be exported to england - This contributed to anti-British sentiment and eventual outbreak of the american revolution

The Constitution - 3 branches of the Constitution and basic things they can do - what were main objections to the constitution?? - what 2 groups were created based on the divisions made from the changes to the constitution ?? - what was added to address the concerns of these people??

Created a federal gov with 3 separate branches to impose checks and balances -- EXECUTIVE branch → headed by the elected president. Enforces law, waging war, negotiating treaties appointing officials, -- LEGISLATIVE branch → the upper house Senate and lower house the House of Representatives. Makes laws, tax, raise an army, coin money -- JUDICIAL branch → the Supreme Court and lower court. They interpret and apply the law 9 states needed to ratify the Constitution but there were some main objections: -- Lack of bill of rights to protect individual freedoms -- States felt too much power was given to the central gov -- Voters wanted more control over elected representatives Division among changes to the Constitution led to the creation of 2 groups : Federalists and Anti-Federalists (1) Federalists: -- wanted a strong central gov -- Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison wrote a series of letters called the Federalists papers to convince states to ratify the Constitution (2) Anti-federalists: -- wanted to prevent a tyrannical gov from developing if the central gov held too much power -- Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry argues against the constitution with the Anti Federalists Papers - The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution

Acts that helped improve US Agriculture DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1862 MORILL LAND GRANT ACTS 1862-1890 HATCH ACT of 1887 SMITH-LEVER ACT 1914 Westward Expansion

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1862 - worked for interests of farmers and ranchers in the US HOMESTEAD ACT 1862 - 160 acres of western land to citizens - All US citizens, including women, African Americans, freed slaves, and immigrants, were eligible to apply to the federal government for a homestead - many exodusters went to get homesteads in states like Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma.term-73 - was only for people who had not taken arms against the US--> so ex-confederate soldiers couldn't get land - on 1898 --> immigrants were able to gian citizenship and apply for homesteads MORILL LAND GRANT ACTS 1862-1890 - series of laws from 1862-1890 - allowed land- grant colleges. HATCH ACT of 1887 - brought agriculture experiment stations to discover new farming techniques SMITH-LEVER ACT 1914 - 1914 - provided cooperative programs to help educate people about food, home economics, community dev and agriculture - helped increase crop production to feed the increasing US population BOOMTOWNS & GHOST TOWNS - Boomtowns --> hordes of miners looking to strike it rich created short-lived "boomtowns" that swiftly turned into abandoned - Ghost towns --> when the former boomtown communities exhausted the easily-accessible minerals and leave

Proposals for a New Government - what did many delegates want Virginia Plan - who supported it - bi or uni cameral legislature?? - representation based on ?? - who would it benefit ?? New Jersey Plan - proposed by ?? - bi or uni cameral legislature?? why? - representation based on ?? Connecticut Compromise aka the Great Compromise - proposed by ?? - explain its bicameral congress / how did it combine the Virginia and NJ Plans - How was slavery accounted for in representation?? - What was the Compromise called?? - what would Congress decide in 1808

Delegates agreed on a strong BUT limited central gov - branches would have balanced power - power belonged to the citizens, who voted officials into office based on who could best represent them and their needs ( 1) Virginia Plan - Proposed by James Madison and Edmund Randolph - wanted a bicameral legislature - representation in congress based on state POPULATION (this benefitted the large states like Virginia but not small status with low pop like RI , Delaware and Georgia) (2) New Jersey Plan - proposed by William Paterson - Each state have EQUAL representation - Unicameral legislature - 1 vote to each of the states (3) Connecticut Compromise aka Great Compromise - proposed by Roger Sherman - bicameral Congress 1--> House of Representative (Lower house) --Representative based on population in the Hose --Representatives are directly voted in by the people 2--> Senate (Upper house) --Each state has equal representation of 2 senators --Senators are appointed by state legislatures --Both houses can draft bills but financial matters must start in the house Slavery in Northern and Southern states - Delegates in the south wanted to count slaves to determine their # of population representatives BUT not counted to determine amount of taxes paid and northern states wanted the opposite 3/5ths Compromise - will count 3/5ths of the slave population for both tax and representation. For northern states this was a necessary evil , because most opposed the institution of slavery, but southern states wouldn't ratify the constitution wo it - Congress gave southern states 20 years before taxing the importation of slaves and in 1808 Congress would decide if slave importation would continue


EXPANDING MINORITY RIGHTS (1) CIVIL RIGHTS ACT 1964 (2) VOTING RIGHTS ACT 1965 (3) AGE DISCRIMINATION ACT 1967 (4) AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 1990 TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES AFTER WWII - penecillin 1928 - supersonic air travel 1947 nuclear power plants 1951 orbital satellites leading to manned space flight - Sputnik 1957 - first man on the moon 1969 US POLICY TOWARDS IMMIGRANTS AFTER WWII (1) INTERNATIONAL REFUGE ORGANIZATION - many people were displaced by the war so in 1946, the UN created the IRO to help people who were displaced (2) DISPLACED PERSONS ACT - 1948 - allowed 400K euro refugees enter the US , most of them concentration camp survivors and refugees from Eastern Europe (3) US ESCAPEE PROGRAM - 1952 - increased quotas , allowing refugees from communist Europe to ender the US (4) REFUGE RELIEF ACT - 1953 - also allowed refugees from communist Europe to ender the US (5) INTERNAL SECURITY ACT 1950 - allowed deportation of declared communists and Asians were subject to quota based on race , rather than country of origin (6) MIGRATION AND REFUGEE ASSISTANCE ACT-1962 - provided aid for refugees in need (7) IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT - 1965 - ended quotas based on nation of origin (8) IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL ACT - 1986 - prohibited hiring of illigal ummigrants , but also granted amnesty to about 3 million undocumented people already in the country

Causes of the Civil War

Economic and social differences between the North and the South, having states vs. federal rights, slaves vs. non-slave proponents, the Growth of abolitionist movement and the election of President Abraham Lincoln. Slavery - morality of it - southerners view slavery as necessary to their way of life and economy States Rights - south wanted a state to have power to nullify federal regulation - thought the north was over represented in Congress - so more favorable to north and not southern concerns Cultural and Social differences bn the north and south - north was egalitarian - south was oligarchic and class based

The Panic of 1819

Economic panic caused by extensive speculation and a decline of Europena demand for American goods along with mismanagement within the Second Bank of the United States. Often cited as the end of the Era of Good Feelings.


FEDERALISTS ANTI-FEDERALISTS WHIGS - advocated for accelerated economic growth, often endorsing federal government projects to achieve that goal - tended to be wealthy- as prominent planters in the South or wealthy urban northerners DEMOCRATS - wanted the federal government to play a smaller role in regulating the economy - were defenders of the common people against the elite - pro-slavery --BUT during Civil War, they supported a compromise to preserve the Union. REPUBLICANS - anti-slavery - attracted Whigs, Democrats who opposed the Kansas- Neb. Act that promoted popular soverignty - Abraham Lincoln FREE SOIL PARTY - 1848 -Opposed slavery in newly acquired territories such as Oregon and Mexican territory - lec by former President Martin Van Buren. - Most members eventually become Republicans. - Party's founding demonstrates growing strength of the movement to keep new territory free from slavery (NOT because they were pro-abolition, BUT because there were few plantation owners but they had lots of power & more slave states would limit opportunities for whites) CONSTITUTIONAL UNION PARTY - just wanted to focus on keeping the Union intact - John Bell

Reasons to Colonize by Country France, Dutch, Spain, Britain - goals they had - important colonies

FRANCE - goal: expand fur and fish trade - Colonies: New France + got control of some Spanish colonies in the Caribbean - New France located by Quebec , Montreal (by St Lawrence Rv) - sent few colonists to NF , to focus more on trading, NOT colonizing - Native Americans hunted for them and French traded goods , so they were more willing to adapt to N.Am terms DUTCH - goal: focused on fur trade - colony: New Netherlands by Hudson River (in NY) - New Amsterdam: settlers mostly settled on New Amsterdam (aka NY, NJ, and Philadelphia) BUT it was later taken by England in 1664 and renamed. it was a Company Town - Dutch mostly allied with Iroquois - they profited from slave importations as slave trade demand increased SPAIN - goal: to look for gold and establish profitable plantations for tobacco and sugar and converting natives to Christianity ---this resembled the "Reconquista" mentality where Christians kingdoms reconquered lands previously controlled by muslims BRITAIN - goal: establish plantations, seek religious freedom - settlers were mostly men in southern colonies and families in northern colonies - focused on settling on the east coast --> outside of the spanish sphere of influence

Advantages of North and South differences bn north and south.

NORTH - larger population - had 24 states vs 11 for the south - better transportation/finances - railroads in the north = facilitated supply chains and overseas trade - raw materials - gold, iron, copper, other minerals for wartime SOUTH - better trained military officers - from West Point, Virginia. Commanded Mexican and Indian wars - familiarity with weapons - most southerners were used to the climate and experience with guns and horses - defensive position - would be defending their homes, whereas north would be invading - had clear goals - preserve their way of life VS the north first just wanted to preserve the Union and then to emancipates slaves NORTH - manufacturing economy - growing immigrant population , middle class - westward expansion for small white farmers SOUTH - plantation agriculture - enslaved laborers, poor whites, modest planters, and v few large plantation owners. - westwards expansion to expand cotton.


PRESIDENT EISENHOWER - 1953- 1961 - brought US forward in equal rights - worked to minimize tensions during the Cold War - negotiated a peace treaty with Russia after death of Stalin - enforced desegregation of the military formed Department of Health, Education, Welfare, and NASA PRESIDENT JOHN F KENNEDY - Jan 1961- Nov 1963 - presidency cut short by his assassination - instituted economic programs that led to period of continuous expansion - formed Alliance for Progress and Peace Corps --> both intending to help developing nations establish DEMOCRACIES (part of the cold war) - saw passage of new civil rights legislation - drafted plans to attack poverty - assassinate by Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 PRESIDENT LYNDON B JOHNSON - 1963-1969 - took over after JFKs assassination - supported civil rights bills, tax cuts, and other legislation that Kennedy had supported - GREAT SOCIETY --> his vision of america and he started legislation o fight disease and poverty, renew urban areas, support edu and environmental conservation - passed Medicare and medicaid - supported Kennedys space exploration - most known for how he badly handled the Vietnam War PRESIDENT NIXON - 1969- 1974 - president during and end of Vietnam War - known for Watergate scandal - improved diplomatic relations bn US and China, and the US and USSR - national environmental policy act --> provided environmental protection - ended compulsory draft - supreme court legalized abortion in Roe v. Wade - 1972--> Watergate scandal ended his presidency. rather than face impeachment, he resigned in 1974 PRESIDENT GERALD FORD - 1974-1977 - 1973--> Nison's vice president Spiro Agnew resigned after he was charged with Tax Evasion --> so Gerald Ford became his new vice president and when Nixon resigned, Ford became President - oversaw negotiations with Russia to limit nuclear arms - dealt with inflation, economic downturn, and energy shortages - policies sought to reduce gov control of various businesses and reduce the role of gov overall - worked to prevent escalation of conflicts in the Middle East

The Enlightenment - what century?? - what was it - what ideas did it promote - John Locke beliefs - Voltaire's beliefs - who were the Freemason's

The Enlightenment aka Age of Reason was an intellectual and cultural movement in the 18th century that emphasized reason and science over superstition and blind faith . thinkers spread new ideas about : - openness, investigation, and religious tolerance in Europe and the Americas Highlighted ideas about: - individualism - role of the gov - equality - independence - natural rights - life liberty and property John locke - believes that all people are born with unalienable rights, regardless of status - freedom , liberty and property Voltaire - believed social progress could be achieved through reason - authority (religious or political) shouldn't be immune to challenge - focused on religious tolerance Freemasons - Were a fraternal society that advocated Enlightenment principles of inquiry and tolerance - benjamin franklin was a freemason

Irish and German Immigration 1829s-1840s

rise in Irish immigration due to - potatoe famine in ireland - immigrant #s increased --> led to xenophobia, and anti-catholic prejudice. - catholocism was seen as a threat to democracy cause people might be morel oyal to the Pope and not the US - major presence in cities like NY, Chicago , San Fran - Tammany Hall in NY --> run by political machines (mostly Dem party) helped immigrants assimilate into Am society - William Boss Tweed was a scottish Irish immigrant and the main political boss in Tammany Hall German immigrants were the second largest group of immigrants in the US - sought political and religious freedom and economic opportunities - German belt was from Pennsylvania to Oregon

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