CSIS-463 Exam 3

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If three points on an elliptic curve lie on a straight line their sum is __________ .


ISO 29192 defines a minimum security strength for lightweight cryptography of __________ bits.


__________ are two related keys, a public key and a private key that are used to perform complementary operations, such as encryption and decryption or signature generation and signature verification.

Asymmetric keys

Two MACs that are based on the use of a block cipher mode of operation are Data Authentication Algorithm and __________ .


The __________ key exchange involves multiplying pairs of nonzero integers modulo a prime number q. Keys are generated by exponentiation over the group with exponentiation defined as repeated multiplication.


The ____________ protocol enables two users to establish a secret key using a public-key scheme based on discrete logarithms.


A(n) ___________ allows data that is being read or tansmitted to be checked for errors and, when necessary, corrected.


The _________ is designed to be stored on a RFID tag and it provides a universal identifier for every physical object anywhere in the world.


The _______ cryptosystem is used in some form in a number of standards including DSS and S/MIME


The __________ cryptosystem is used in some form in a number of standards including DSS and S/MIME.


As with ElGamal encryption, the global elements of __________ are a prime number q and a, which is a primitive root of q.

ElGamal digital signature

____________ makes use of elliptic curves in which the variables and coefficients are all restricted to elements of a finite field.

Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC)

An encryption/decryption system requires a point G and an elliptic group _________ as parameters.


A considerably larger key size can be used for ECC compared to RSA.


A digital signature can guarantee the integrity but not the source of the message.


A microprocessor is also called a "computer on a chip".


A public-key encryption scheme is not vulnerable to a brute-force attack.


A recipient in possession of the secret key cannot generate an authentication code to verify the integrity of the message.


An ECC encryption/decryption system requires that a point P(m) be encrypted and remain as plaintext.


An important characteristic of the MAC algorithm is that it needs to be reversible.


Asymmetric encryption utilizes only a public key for encryption and decryption.


Constrained devices are not particularly vulnerable to side-channel attacks because they are physically secure.


Cryptosystems that employ symmetric ciphers or hash functions cannot be made quantum safe.


ECC is fundamentally easier to explain than either RSA or Diffie-Hellman.


Elliptic curves are ellipses.


Encryption hardware is optimized toward smaller data sizes.


For purposes of ECC, elliptic curve arithmetic involves the use of an elliptic curve equation defined over an infinite field.


It is important in a direct digital signature to perform an outer confidentiality function first and then the signature function.


It must be relatively difficult to recognize and verify the digital signature.


Limited characteristics make it impossible for hash functions to be used to determine whether or not data has changed.


Public-key encryption is more secure from cryptanalysis than symmetric encryption


Public-key encryption is more secure from cryptanalysis than symmetric encryption.


RFID devices require cryptographic algorithms that use a large amount of logic and memory.


The ElGamal signature scheme involves the use of the public key for encryption and the private key for decryption.


The cryptographic hash function is not a versatile cryptographic algorithm.


The digital signature function does not include the authentication function.


The encryption algorithm performs various transformation on the ciphertext.


The global public key components for DSA are p, q, and h.


The main work for signature generation depends on the message and is done during the idle time of the processor.


The most widely used hash function has been the Whirlpool.


The straightforward use of public-key encryption provides confidentiality and authentication.


There are very few types of devices with embedded systems.


Timing attacks are ciphertext attacks that are only applicable to RSA.


The __________ mode of operation is designed to be parallelizable so that it can provide high throughput with low cost and low latency.


__________ searches an unordered list in O(n) time, while conventional algorithms require O(n).

Grover's Algorithm

__________ searches an unordered list in O(Ön) time, while conventional algorithms require O(n).

Grover's Algorithm

The appeal of __________ is that its designers have been able to prove an exact relationship between the strength of the embedded hash function and the strength of this form of authentication.


The Diffie-Hellman key exchange formula for calculation of a secret key by User A is:

K = nA x PB

__________ refers to schemes such as Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

Key-Establishment Mechanisms

A __________ is an algorithm that requires the use of a secret key.


Message authentication is achieved using a __________ .


The Secure Hash Algorithm design closely models, and is based on, the hash function __________ .


__________ proposed a technique that builds on the Lamport scheme, using the concept of a hash tree.


__________ is a mechanism or service used to verify the integrity of a message.

Message authentication

The Secure Hash Algorithm was developed by the ___________ .


The digital signature standard is a __________ standard that uses the secure hash algorithm.


An example of a lightweight cryptographic hash function is __________ .


__________ are measures of the number of potential collisions for a given hash value.


__________ are best for software applications.

Prime curves

A __________ is a cryptographic algorithm that uses two related keys, a public key and a private key. The two keys have the property that deriving the private key from the public key is computationally infeasible.

Public Key (Asymmetric) Cryptographic Algorithm

The _______ indicates that the subscriber identified in the certificate has sole control and access to the private key.

Public Key Certificate

__________ is a data collection technology that uses electronic tags attached to items to allow the items to be identified and tracked by a remote system.


In the __________ approach only the sender knows the private key so only the sender could have produced a valid signature.


The most widely used public-key cryptosystem is __________ .


The _________________, which is the latest of the RSA schemes, is the one that RSA Laboratories recommends as the most secure of the RSA schemes.


Three new versions of SHA with hash value lengths of 256, 384, and 512 bits are collectively known as __________ .


The __________ scheme minimizes the message dependent amount of computation required to generate a signature.


__________ is where the attacker forges a signature for a particular message chosen by the attacker.

Selective forgery

__________ is an example of a newly designed MAC.


A CTR-based authenticated encryption approach is the most efficient mode of operation for high-speed packet networks.


A good hash function has the property that "the results of applying the function to a large set of inputs will produce outputs that are evenly distributed and apparently random".


A major advance in symmetric cryptography occurred with the development of the rotor encryption/decryption machine.


A number of public-key ciphers are based on the use of an abelian group.


A trap-door one-way function is easy to calculate in one direction and infeasible to calculate in the other direction unless certain additional information is known.


An enterprise should have policies for the maximum cryptoperiod of each key type.


As with encryption algorithms and hash functions cryptanalytic attacks on MAC algorithms seek to exploit some property of the algorithm to perform some attack other than an exhaustive search.


Asymmetric algorithms rely on one key for encryption and a different but related key for decryption.


Asymmetric encryption transforms plaintext into ciphertext.


Before the application of the public-key cryptosystem each participant must generate a pair of keys.


Big-endian format is the most significant byte of a word in the low-address byte position.


Chip area is of concern when a cryptographic algorithm is implemented in hardware.


Digital signatures is one of the categories of asymmetric algorithms that are vulnerable to quantum computing.


For any given algorithm, the longer the key and the more rounds, the greater the security.


For determining the security of various elliptic curve ciphers it is of some interest to know the number of points in a finite abelian group defined over an elliptic curve.


Hash functions are commonly used to create a one-way password file.


Hash functions can be used for intrusion and virus detections.


If the authenticator is encrypted with the sender's private key, it serves as a signature that verifies origin, content, and sequencing.


If the calculated frame check sequence is equal to the incoming frame check sequence the message is considered authentic.


It can be shown that some form of birthday attack will succeed against any hash scheme involving the use of cipher block chaining without a secret key, provided that either the resulting hash code is small enough or that a larger hash code can be decomposed into independent subcodes.


It is possible to use a hash function but no encryption for message authentication.


It must be computationally infeasible to forge a digital signature, either by constructing a new message for an existing digital signature or by constructing a fraudulent digital signature for a given message.


Message authentication is a mechanism or service used to verify the integrity of a message.


Message authentication may also verify sequencing and timeliness.


Message authentication protects two parties who exchange messages from any third party, however, it does not protect the two parties against each other.


Microcontrollers are heavily utilized in automation processes.


Most of the products and standards that use public-key cryptography for encryption and digital signatures use RSA.


Much of the theory of public-key cryptosystems is based on number theory.


One means of forming a MAC is to combine a cryptographic hash function in some fashion with a secret key.


Post-quantum cryptography is concerned with the security of asymmetric cryptographic algorithms.


Since a symmetric block cipher produces an apparently random output it can serve as the basis of a pseudorandom number generator.


The DSS approach makes use of a hash function.


The Diffie-Hellman key exchange is a simple public-key algorithm.


The ETSI Quantum Safe Cryptography Industry Specification Group was formed in 2014 to assess and make recommendations for quantum-safe cryptographic primitives and protocols.


The IoT depends heavily on deeply embedded systems.


The SHA-512 algorithm has the property that every bit of the hash code is a function of every bit of the input.


The Schnorr signature scheme is based on discrete logarithms.


The first part of the Schnorr digital signature scheme is the generation of a private/public key pair.


The global public key components of DSA are the same as for the Schnorr signature scheme.


The most important development from the work on public-key cryptography is the digital signature.


The security of ECC depends on how difficult it is to determine k given kP and P.


The security of ElGamal is based on the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms.


The way to measure the resistance of a hash algorithm to cryptanalysis is to compare its strength to the effort required for a brute-force attack.


To attack MD5, the attacker can choose any set of messages and work on these offline on a dedicated computing facility to find a collision.


Traditional hash functions may not meet the requirements for implementation on constrained devices.


Unlike RSA, DSS cannot be used for encryption or key exchange.


With a __________ attack the attacker is allowed to use the user as an "oracle". This means that the user may request signatures of messages that depend on previously obtained message-signature pairs.

adaptive chosen message

Public-key encryption is also known as ___________ .

asymmetric encryption

For a ___________ defined over GF(2m), the variables and coefficients all take on values in GF(2m) and in calculations are performed over GF(2m).

binary curve

The _________ attack is when the attacker is looking for two messages M and M1 that produce the same hash: H(M) = H(M1)


The effort required for a collision resistant attack is explained by a mathematical result referred to as the ___________ .

birthday paradox

Asymmetric encryption can be used for __________ .

both confidentiality and authentication

A(n) __________ is a device with limited volatile and nonvolatile memory, limited processing power, and a low data rate transceiver.

constrained device

The principal object of a hash function is __________ .

data integrity

A (n)__________ uses a microcontroller, is not programmable once the program logic for the device has been burned into ROM, and has no interaction with a user.

deeply embedded system

The __________ is formed by taking the hash of the message and encrypting the message with the creator's private key.

digital signature

The digital signature approach uses an algorithm that is designed to provide only the _________ function.

digital signature

Similar to the generic attack, except that the list of messages to be signed is chosen after the attacker knows the user's public key but before any signatures are seen, is the __________ attack.

directed chosen

"Release of message contents to any person or process not possessing the appropriate cryptographic key" is a __________ attack.


An ____________ is defined by an equation in two variables with coefficients.

elliptic curve

A(n) __________ can be defined as any device that includes a computer chip, but that is not a general-purpose workstation, desktop, or laptop computer.

embedded system

The ____________ components of DSA are the same as in the Schnorr signature scheme.

global public key

A ___________ accepts a variable length block of data as input and produces a fixed size hash value h = H(M).

hash function

With _________ authentication an opponent would have difficulty generating ciphertext that when decrypted would have valid error control bits.

internal error control

Two issues to consider with the computation required to use RSA are encryption/decryption and __________ .

key generation

With a __________ attack the attacker is given access to a set of messages and their signatures.

known message

The most widely studied __________ is the NTRU family of cryptographic algorithms.

lattice-based approach

The term __________ refers to the characteristic that a cryptographic algorithm makes minimal resource demands on the host system.


The key exchange protocol is vulnerable to a ___________ attack because it does not authenticate participants.


Insertion of messages into the network from a fraudulent source is a __________ attack.


The readable message or data that is fed into the algorithm as input is the ______


The readable message or data that is fed into the algorithm as input is the ____________ .


In the digital signature algorithm the user's __________ is represented by x, which is a random or pseudorandom integer with 0 < x < q.

public key

The cryptographic hash function requirement that guarantees that it is impossible to find an alternative message with the same hash value as a given message and prevents forgery when an encrypted hash code is used is the ___________ .

second preimage resistant

The key used in symmetric encryption is referred to as a ________ key.


The essential elements of any pseudorandom number generator are a __________ and a deterministic algorithm for generating a stream of pseudorandom bits.

seed value

If a secret key is to be used as a _________ for conventional encryption a single number must be generated.

session key

To create a __________ a user calculates two quantities, r and s, that are functions of the public key components (p, q, g), the user's private key (x), the hash code of the message H(M), and an additional integer k that should be generated randomly or pseudorandomly and be unique for each signing.


A public-key encryption scheme has __________ ingredients.


We define the ___________ of an algorithm to be f(n) if, for all n and all inputs of length n the execution of the algorithm takes at most f(n) steps. This is a common measure of the efficiency of an algorithm.

time complexity

A __________ is where the attacker determines the user's private key.

total break

The approach taken by the Transport Layer Security protocol and the Wireless Transport Layer Security Protocol involve invoking HMAC _________ for each block of output wi.


A hash function that satisfies the properties of variable input size, fixed output size, efficiency, preimage resistant and second preimage resistant is referred to as a __________.

weak hash function

Included in the definition of an elliptic curve is a single element denoted O and called the point at infinity or the __________ .

zero point

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