CSLS Transactional Analysis

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Adult ego state

represents the events that the individual has evaluated and validated; principally concerned with transforming stimuli into pieces of information, and processing and filing that information on the basis of previous experience

Child ego state

represents the recordings in the brain of internal events associated with external events the child perceives; the emotions or feelings which accompanied external events; from birth to age 5

Child ego state

the felt concept


the fundamental unit of social intercourse

Adult ego state

the learned concept

I'm Not OK -- You're OK

the life position that results from the situation of childhood, when the child is dependent on someone for life and safety; universal for the first years of life; based on feelings and largely is arrived at unconsciously

transactional analysis

the method for studying interactions between individuals

Adult ego state

the part of our personality that can process data accurately, that sees, hears, thinks, and can come up with solutions to problems based on the facts and not soley on our pre-judged thoughts or childlike emotions

Child ego state

the part of our personality that is the seat of emotions, thoughts, and feelings and all of the feeling state "memories" that we have of ourselves from childhood

Free Child and Adapted Child

2 sub-sets of Child ego state

Nurturing Parent and Critical Parent

2 sub-sets of the Parent ego state

Free Child

Identify the ego state a person is using with this behavior: cheerful or emotion-laden tone of voice

Critical Parent

Identify the ego state a person is using with this behavior: critical or threatening tone of voice

Adult ego state

Identify the ego state a person is using with this behavior: even-handed, facutal language -"This information might be helpful to you." "Will you tell me what time it is?"

Child ego state

Identify the ego state a person is using with this behavior: jumping up and down

Child ego state

Identify the ego state a person is using with this behavior: short expressive words like "Wow!" "Yeah!" or "Let's go."

Nurturing Parent

Identify the ego state a person is using with this behavior: soft and soothing tone of voice

Adult ego state

Identify the ego state a person is using with this behavior: thoughtful expression, nodding head

crossed transaction

an ego state different than the ego state which received the stimuli is the one that responds

Dr. Eric Berne

creator of transactional analysis

Adult ego state

probability estimating (must be practiced for skill to increase);

Parent ego state

represents a massive collection of recordings in the brain of unquestioned or imposed external events experience or perceived in approximately the first 5 years of life

complementary transaction

the response goes back from the receiving ego state to the sending ego state

Parent ego state

the taught concept

Any stroke, positive or negative, is better than no strokes at all.

According to Berne, would no stroke be better than a negative stroke?

between 2 Adult ego states

According to Dr. Berne, between what ego states does the simplest transaction occur?

Parent ego state

Identify the ego state a person is using with this behavior: Physical Clues: furrowed brow, pursed lips, pointing index finger, head-wagging, the "horrified look," foot-tapping, hands on hips, arms folded across chest, wringing hands, tongue-clucking, sighing, patting another on the head

Adults as well as children need recognition and will seek strokes of some sort.

Do only children need recognition, or strokes?

Adapted Child

Identify the ego state a person is using with this behavior: a whiny tone of voice OR like a good girl or boy saying just what is expected of him


Identify the ego state a person is using with this behavior: an even and clear tone of voice

as long as transactions are complementary

How long with communication proceed?


How many life positions are a part of transactional analysis?

Parent ego state

Identify the ego state a person is using with this behavior: "Pay attention now." "You should always do it this way."

C for Child

In the structural diagram for transactional analysis, what goes in the bottom circle?

A for Adult

In the structural diagram for transactional analysis, what goes in the middle circle?

P for Parent

In the structural diagram for transactional analysis, what goes in the top circle?

Sigmund Freud

On whose work is transactional analysis somewhat based?

Child ego state

What ego state do these recordings reflect? "When I saw the monster's face, I felt really scared." "The clown at the birthday party was really funny!"

Adult ego state

To what ego state do these clues belong? Physical: listening with continual movement of the face and eyes and body, straight-forward face,

Child ego state

To what ego state do these clues belong? Physical: tears, quivering lip, pouting, temper tantrums, the high-pitched, whining voice; rolling eyes, shrugging shoulders, downcast eyes, teasing, delight, laughter, hand-raising for permission to speak, nail-biting, nose-thumbing, squirming, giggling

Child ego state

To what ego state do these clues belong? Verbal: baby talk, I wish, I want, I dunno, I gonna, I don;t care, I guess, when I grow up, beigger and better

Adult ego state

To what ego state do these clues belong? Verbal: why, what, where, when, who and how, how much, in what way, comparative, probable, possible, in my opinion

"See What You Made Me Do," "Why Don't You — Yes But," and "Ain't It Awful," "If It Weren't for You," "Let's You and Him Fight, "Blemish, "Sweetheart," "Kick Me"

What are some other psychological games people play, according to Berne?

human personality is multi-faceted

What aspect of Freud's work most influenced Berne?

changes in verbal expressions, facial expressions, body language, body temperature, non-verbal clues

What changes in an individual might occur as the person changes ego states?

1. The human brain records events like a camcorder. 2. The event and associated feelings are stored in the brain and are locked together. 3. The individual replaying those memories is remembering the events and feelings AND is feeling the event the same way now as he did then. In other words, he exists in 2 states simultaneously. 4. These recorded experiences and feelings associated with them are available for replay today in as vivid a form as when they happened.

What did Dr. Berne conclude from Dr. Penfield's experiments?

The current stimulated meaningful memories with vivid pictures and the associated feelings and emotions associated with that memory.

What did neurosurgeon Dr. Wilder Penfield find out when he applied electrical currents to the temporal lobe of the brain of live and alert patients?

Adult ego state

What ego state can be called the data-processing computer, which grinds out decisions after evaluating information?

Child ego state

What ego state do these recordings reflect? "It's my fault. Again. Always is. Ever will be. World without end." "I'm helpless." creativity, curiosity, desire to explore and know, the urges to touch and feel and experience, the recordings of the glorious, pristine feelings of first discoveries; "a-ha"

Parent ego state

What ego state do these recordings reflect? Verbal Clues: "once and for all," "always," "never," "How many times have I told you?" "should, "ought," "Never talk to strangers." "Always chew with your mouth closed." "Look both ways before you cross the street." Automatic judgement words like stupid, naughty, ridiculous, disgusting, shocking, lazy, poor thing, honey

Parent ego state

What ego state do these recordings reflect? thousands of "Don'ts" and "No's"; coos of pleasure from happy, proud parents; lifesaving info to guard against dangers; how-to-do information; "never do" and "always do"

The individual rejects strokes from Not Ok people, so the individual is difficult to reach. He stops using his Adult with regard to his relationships.

What happens when a person moves to the I'm Not OK -- You're Not OK position?

The young child has no way to filter the data from the Parent. The events are recorded without question and without analysis.

What happens when the young child is "recording" information from his caretakers?

to validate the data in the Parent

What is one of the key functions of the Adult?

Mine Is Better Than Yours"

What is the basic psychological game people play, according to Berne and Thomas Harris?

how the words are delivered and the facial expression

What must be considered when analyzing transactions?

observe what an individual communicated in words, body language, facial expressions

What to transactional analysis therapists do differently from traditional psychoanalysts?

Adapted Child

Which Child sub-set would have this? "I better not get my clothes all dirty."

Rebellious Child (part of Adapted Child)

Which Child sub-set would have this? "I don't CARE if I do get dirty!" (while dumping a bucket of sand on her head)

Free Child

Which Child sub-set would have this? "WOW!. Look how tall my castel is!!!"

Nurturing Parent

Which Parent sub-set would have this? "Go ahead, play and have fun!"

Critical Parent

Which Parent sub-set would have this? "Now, don't you DARE get yourself all messy!"

Adult ego state

cannot erase the recording but can choose to turn it off

Adult ego state

examine the data in the Parent to see whether or not it is true and still applicable today, and then to accept or reject it

I'm OK -- You're Not OK

life position of criminal psychopaths; "It's always their fault." no conscience, no inward looking; "Anything I do is justifiable."

I'm OK -- You're OK

life position that does not erase recordings in the Child but overrides them with a collection of recordings which play OK outcomes

I'm OK -- You're Not OK

life position that happens when a child has been brutalized; the child self-strokes during times of healing from results of inflicted trauma; the child finds comfort alone and by himself while he is "licking his wounds" and then survives; based on feelings and largely is arrived at unconsciously

I'm Not OK -- You're Not OK

life position that happens when strokes are reduced in number and punishments increase after the first year of life; these children of cold and non-stroking parents give up trying to please and instead simply tries to get through life; based on feelings and largely is arrived at unconsciously

I'm OK -- You're OK

life position that is the result of a conscious and verbal decision; based on thought, faith, and the wager of action; not something to be drifted into; like a conversion experience; a position, not a feeling

Games People Play (italicized)

name of Berne's book about transactional analysis

Parent ego state

set of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are learned or "borrowed" from our parents or other caretakers; this data is taken in and recorded "straight" without editing


term? "game as a patterned and predictable series of transactions which are superficially plausible but actually conceal motivations and lead to a well-defined predictable outcome. They are habitual, dysfunctional methods of obtaining strokes, and the people involved are not fully aware of the two levels of transactions in which they are engaged." Berne, Eric. Games People Play (p. 2). Tantor eBooks. Kindle Edition.


term? "ongoing series of complementary ulterior transactions progressing to a well-defined, predictable outcome. Descriptively it is a recurring set of transactions, often repetitious, superficially plausible, with a concealed motivation; or, more colloquially, a series of moves with a snare, or 'gimmick.'" Berne, Eric. Games People Play (p. 19). Tantor eBooks. Kindle Edition.


term? "the recognition one person gives another, as essential for physical and psychological health." Berne, Eric. Games People Play (p. 2). Tantor eBooks. Kindle Edition.

ego state

term? a consistent pattern of feeling and experience directly related to a corresponding consistent pattern of behavior


term? the fundamental unit of social action; a unit of recognition

transactional stimulus

term? the initiation of a transaction between people

transactional response

term? the response to the transactional stimulus

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