CST 1100 Finals

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The prefix nano refers to which power of ten? A. 10-12 B. 10-9 C. 10-6 D. 10-3


If a laptop computer contains a modem having dual core processors, each of which works at as speed advertised at 2.66GHz with a FSB/6M cache, how fast can each of the processors perform its various operations? A. 2.6 million operations per second B. 2.6 billion operations per second C. 2.6 trillion operations per second D. 266,000 operations per second E. 2.6 billion operations per minute

2.6 billion operations per second

The prefix giga refers to which power of two? A. 210 B. 220 C. 230 D. 240 E. 250


In general, how many things can be represented by n bits? a. 2n b. 2n + 1 c. n2 d. n4 e. 2n


How many pieces of information can a human being actively manage in short term memory at once? a. 4, plus or minus 2 b. 6, plus or minus 3 c. 7, plus or minus 2 d. 10, plus or minus 4 e. 12, plus or minus 2

7, plus or minus 2

How many digits are there in the octal number system? a. 1 b. 2 c. 7 d. 8 e. 9


Which of the following languages has an IF statement for making decisions? A. Java B. C++ C. Python D. VB.NET E. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following produces in a search a true or false result? A. control structure B. data structure C. data type D. Boolean expression E. information hiding

Boolean experession

Which of the following is executed by the Java Virtual machine? A. procedure B. interpreter C. Bytecode D. paradigm E. compiler


Which of the following determines which process is allocated to the CPU? A. process management B. memory management C. multiprogramming D. timesharing E. CPU scheduling

CPU scheduling

True or False? A networks topology determines how many file servers need to be installed in the network.


4. True or False? A value of a number in any base cannot be expressed as a polynomial expression.


A gate is a device that accepts a single input signal and produces one or more output signals.


True or False? A file is a named collection of directories.


True or False? A megabyte of memory space is larger than a gigabyte of memory space.


True or False? A query is an error that occurs when an inappropriate request is made to a database management system.


True or False? A record is a named heterogeneous collection of items in which individual items are accessed by position.


True or False? A spreadsheet cell can contain data but not a formula.


True or False? A voltage level in the range 0 to 2 volts is interpreted as a binary 1.


True or False? An AND gate and an OR gate produce opposite output.


True or False? An array is a named collection of homogeneous items in which individual items are accessed by name.


True or False? An object in the problem-solving phase is an instance of a class.


True or False? Application software interacts directly with the computer hardware.


True or False? Bandwidth is the term that describes the size of the wires connecting two computers in a network.


True or False? Changing a files extension converts the data the file contains to its new file type.


True or False? Computers can recognize faces quickly and easily.


True or False? In synchronous processing, the processing is under the control of events occurring outside the sequence of processing instructions.


True or False? Many programs are written in machine language today.


True or False? Only computers can be connected to a computer network.


True or False? Stacks and queues can be implemented only as a linked structure.


True or False? The term decimal point is used in bases other than 10.


True or False? Voice recognition is the process of determining the meaning of the words spoken by a human.


Which of the following is a unit of frequency? A. Hertz B. Pentium 4 C. random access D. cycles per second E. modem


Which audio format is the most popular today? a. WAV b. AU c. AIFF d. VQF e. MP3


Which of the following is volatile? a. control unit b. arithmetic/logic unit c. auxiliary storage device d. RAM e. ROM


Which of the following is a common database language? A. SQL B. key C. field D. query E. schema


True or False? A compiler translates a high-level language program into the corresponding program in machine code.


True or False? A computer network is a collection of connected computing devices that may communicate and share resources.


True or False? A file system is the logical view of secondary memory that the operating system provides for the user.


True or False? A file's extension is used to indicate what type of data it contains.


True or False? A logic diagram and a truth table are equally powerful techniques for describing the behavior of a circuit.


True or False? A semantic network is a representation of objects and the relationships among the objects.


True or False? An abstraction is a mental model that removes or hides complex details.


True or False? An if statement is an example of a control structure.


True or False? An information system is software that helps us organize and analyze data.


True or False? An operating system is the core part of the system software of a computer.


True or False? Application software is written to solve problems in the real world.


True or False? Computer software is the collection of programs that provide the instructions that a computer carries out.


True or False? Computers can perform arithmetic calculations quickly and easily.


True or False? Data transfer rate is the speed with which data is moved from one place on the network to another.


True or False? Electronic signals are easier to manage if they transfer only binary data.


True or False? In a binary search tree, the value in any node is greater than the value in any node in its left subtree and less than the value in any node in its right subtree.


True or False? Information is data that has been organized and/or processed in a useful way.


True or False? Machine language is the set of binary-coded instructions that are executed directly by a computer.


True or False? Pseudocode uses a mixture of English and indentation to express the processing steps of an algorithm.


True or False? Representing a number in base 2 sometimes requires more digits than representing that same number in base 10.


True or False? Spreadsheets are particularly good at performing what-if analysis.


True or False? Starting from the right, every group of four binary digits can be read as one hexadecimal digit.


True or False? System software manages the environment in which application software is created and run.


True or False? The base of a number system determines the number of digits used in the system.


True or False? The bus is a group of wires through which data travels within a computer.


True or False? The control unit and the arithmetic/logic unit are both part of the central processing unit (CPU).


True or False? The prefix kilo means 1000 when referring to speed and 1024 when referring to storage.


True or False? Top-down design is a problem-solving technique in which the problem is broken down into smaller pieces until each piece is basic enough to solve directly.


Which of the following lists all possible input combinations for a gate, and the corresponding output? A. truth table B. Boolean expression C. logic diagram D. circuit E. S-R latch

Truth Table

What causes numeric overflow? a. using fixed-sized numbers in a floating-point calculation b. a calculation producing an invalid result c. a calculation producing a value that won't fit into the allotted space d. using a radix point instead of a decimal point e. using a radix point in a fixed-sized number calculation

a calculation producing a value that won't fir into the allotted space

Which level provides a view of data that focuses on solving a particular problem? A. implementation level B. application level C. array level D. linked level E. logical level

application level

Which of the following terms is synonymous with the term data transfer rate? A. backbone B. firewall C. bandwidth D. packet switching E. hostname


Which of the following eliminates a large portion of the data with each comparison? A. selection sort B. Quicksort C. bubble sort D. binary search E. sequential search

binary search

Which of the following is organized as a hierarchy? A. list B. stack C. queue D. binary search tree E. graph

binary search tree

What is a single binary digit called? a. byte b. nibble c. bit d. word e. block


In which of the following LAN configurations do all nodes share a single communication line that carries messages in both directions? A. bus topology B. ring topology C. gateway topology D. star topology E. metropolitan topology

bus topology

Which of the following translates a high-level language program into machine code? A. procedure B. interpreter C. Bytecode D. paradigm E. compiler


Which of the following terms best describes circuit boards, keyboards, and disk drives? a. computing system b. computer hardware c. computer software d. stored memory e. native system tools

computer hardware

Which of the following manages the fetch-execute cycle? A. control unit B. arithmetic/logic unit C. auxiliary storage device D. RAM E. ROM

control unit

Which of the following best describes top-down design? A. gathering small solutions to related subproblems into a complete solution B. refining a particular solution into one that is more abstract C. decomposing a general solution into more concrete solutions to subproblems D. coverting modules into subproblems E. converting classes into objects

decomposing a genereal solution into more concrete solutions to subproblems

Which of the following is a named group of files? A. file name B. file type C. file system D. file extension E. directory


Which of the following is the logical view provided by the operating system to help users manage secondary memory? A. file name B. file type C. file system D. file extension E. directory

file system

Which of the following best describes the kind of information found in a file? A. file name B. file type C. file system D. file extension E. directory

file type

Which of the following is the term used to describe a machine and software that protects a network from inappropriate access? A. backbone B. firewall C. bandwidth D. packet switching E. hostname


Which of the following is used to perform a calculation in a spreadsheet? A. what-if B. range C. formula D. cell E. circular reference


Which unit of binary is equivalent to 4 bytes? a. half word b. nibble c. bit d. full word e. double word

full word

LISP, Scheme, and ML belong to which language paradigm? A. functional B. imperative (or procedural) C. object-oriented D. logic


Which of the following terms best describes the concept of abstraction? a. exposing difficulty b. hiding quantity c. exposing distance d. hiding details e. exposing representation

hiding details

Java is considered an object-oriented language with features from which other paradigm? A. imperative (or procedural) B. functional C. logic D. object-oriented

imperative (or procedural)

The circle in the logic symbol of a NOT gate is known as what? a. combinational circuit b. sequential circuit c. completion sphere d. inversion bubble e. NAND gate

inversion bubble

Which of the following determines the output of a combinational circuit? a. its input values only b. its input values and the current state of the circuit c. its input values and the source signal d. its input values and the carry value e. its input values and the select signal

its input values only

Which language is actually executed by the central processing unit of a computer? A. high-level language B. assembly language C. machine language D. virtual language E. accumulator language

machine language

Which of the following describes a computer that multiple users would access at the same time? A. batch B. operator C. job D. dumb terminal E. mainframe


Which of the following is a device for converting an analog signal to a digital signal and back again? A. modem B. gateway C. node D. router E. repeater


Which of the following is a technique for keeping more than one process in memory at the same time? A. process management B. memory management C. multiprogramming D. timesharing E. CPU scheduling


Which of the following is a knowledge representation technique that mimics the process of the human brain? A. neural network B. semantic network C. search tree D. expert system E. natural language processing

neutral network

Which of the following can be used to express the value of every number in any number system? a. base b. quotient c. polynomial d. rational number e. radix


Which of the following keeps track of where in memory a process is stored? A. process management B. memory management C. multiprogramming D. timesharing E. CPU scheduling

process management

Which of the following is used to retrieve data from a database? A. record B. key C. field D. query E. table


Which of the following represents all possible moves of a game? A. neural network B. semantic network C. search tree D. expert system E. natural language processing

search tree

Which of the following contains bits organized into groups of 8 or 16 that represent characters from a character set? A. binary file B. direct access file C. sequential access file D. text file E. directory

text file

Which of the following describes the process of determining the words that are spoken by a human? A. natural language B. voice recognition C. voice synthesis D. voiceprint E. phonemes

voice recognition

Which of the following describes the use of a computer to create human speech? A. natural language B. voice recognition C. voice synthesis D. voiceprint E. phonemes

voice synthesis

Which of the following represents the type of analysis that spreadsheets are particularly good at performing? A. what-if B. range C. formula D. cell E. circular reference


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