Cuba Revolution after 1959

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If signed you were a part of a 20 billion dollars worth of development funds in Latin American countries for 10 yrs. This was a huge failure for LA countries. These countries would embrace democracy and avoid social revolution. Everyone signed this except for Cuba (CHE) who said it would be a huge failure

alliance for progress charter

rural class, opposed the revolution because they didn't agree with the Soviets ideologies or nationalizing properties. Fidel created the CDR's and a revolutionary militia to counter this group.


How did US keep Castro in power?

by helping revolutionist to leave

1. Industrialization in SU was worse than the US 2. The SU were disassembling old factory parts and sending them to Cuba and got themselves new ones

che learned about SU industrial support

Chiefs would control everything. Opposite of free market economy

command economy

A theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state


1965. Luis de la Puerte was the leader of the rural rebellion, hoped it would be like the Sierra Maestra. Army had been waiting for him for 6 months.


Called on by Castro and organized by the M26. not successful

1958 general strike

In 1959, distributed all farmlands over 1,000 acres to landless peasants and workers, prohibiting foreign ownership of land

Agrarian reform law

Exchanged places in exile with authentiocs and orthodoxos, left immediately

Batistianos after the revolution

leader of 2506 brigade, later becomes CIA agent in US


April 1961; unsuccessful action by a CIA-trained force of Cuban exiles to invade southern Cuba, with support and encouragement from the US government, in an attempt to overthrow the Cuban government of Fidel Castro; after the event Castro becomes more popular because it showed the Cuban people that he could defend the country from the U.S.; after, Cuba wants relationship with the Soviets for protection (leads to Cuban Missile Crisis)

Bay of Pigs

Castro wanted these prisoners to leave Cuba and go back to Miami...Whole they were there, US was paying them military salary (CIA). Being paid and under orders of CIA

Bay of Pigs prisoners

He took over the police and military, let the provisional government establish itself without grabbing power immediately because he didn't want to become a new Batista.

Castro right after overthrow of Batista

(named after the first casualty in training). Made up of recruits largely from the Gusanos. They were trained mostly in Guatemala because of the neutrality law which prohibited non-US military armed groups to launch a war on another country. They launched the Bay of Pigs attack and after that failure, this revolution disappeared.

Brigade 2506

was the name of CIA sponsored exiles formed in 1960. It attempted to overthrow Castro and Cuban government. Carried out the Bay of Pigs Invasion and lost to the milicianos and Fidel.

Brigade 2506

He was sent to the biggest army base (Camp Colombia) and had the largest group of soldiers. He was a popular Barbudo. He was third in command behind the Castro brothers and later disappeared.

Camilo Cienfuegos

Communist from Argentina that became the recruiter for Che to let him know the revolution had begun.

Carlos Bustos

Brazilian leader who was famous for an urban guerilla manual. He came to Cuba for a conference and discussed war tactics and national liberation movements. He wrote the manual for URBAN guerilla warefare (CHE=RURAL)

Carlos Marighello

Led by Manuel Artime, upper middle class group, initially supported M26 but then opposed the revolution because the Catholic Universities' degrees were not validated under this government. They were easy to get rid of because most of them were Spaniards.

Catholic resistance

1953. Was impressed with Bolivia most because they already had a revolution -It was landlocked and bordered other LA countries -Wanted to expand the movement -Made it a central point -1 last guerrilla campaign


Who believed that the alliance progress charter would fail because 1. Latin American economies would fall because it was looted by US developments 2. it will lead to more LA underdevelopment 3. $20 billion was fake because Congress doesn't vote for LA funds 4. It would be a Marshall Plan in Europe all over again


executed in Bolivia in 1967


Where government has come into power through some form of popular vote, fraudulent or not, the guerilla outbreak cannot be promoted" Wait for a military and then make your revolution

Che on Elections of 1960

1. Popular forces can win a war against the army (destroy the army) 2. It is not necessary to wait until all conditions for making revolution still exist; the insurrection can create them (total contradiction, we can make the contradictions by going to rebellion. These communists did not support the revolution because it wasn't soviet doctorate). 3. In underdeveloped America, the countryside is the basic area for armed fighting (most countries were in cit, 1960s guerilla was rural and failed a lot. 60s = city and more success)

Che's thoughts on guerilla warfare

In 1957, who ambushes Bolivian army patrols and wins all initial battles against troops searching for them?

Che's troops

Cubans who were operating in the Caribbean but were inefficient, they once accidentally shot a Spanish ship and in another instance the leader of the Commandos (Eloy Menoyo) was captured by Cuba and interrogated on Cuban TV, which displayed and revealed the US's involvement.

Commandos in the Caribbean (Bobby's Boys)

Defense of the revolution. Neighborhood watch organizations, lifeline ministry of interior, if a neighbor saw someone against Castro and revolution this name would be turned into secret police and put on watch. They organized attendance to revolutionary functions.

Committees for the Defense of Revolution (CDR)

group in charge of monitoring everyone's activities for counterrevolutionary behavior

Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR)

Che wanted to move away from sugar and become industrial and only produce enough sugar for Cuba and Soviet bc trading made Cuba vulnerable. This decision made....

Cuba sugar plummet

The communist party of Cuba. 1. PSP --> 2. ORI (merger of M26, PSP, and DR) --> 3. PURSC (united party of the Cuban Socialist Revolution) --> 4. ??

Cuban Communist Party (PCC)

Cuban version of CIA... branch was the Americas Department that handled operations abroad. Young people who came to Cuba that had been recruited/inspired and Cuba paid all expenses

Cuban Intelligence Directorate (DGI)

1962. considered the climax of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, consisted of a standoff between Kennedy and Soviet Khrushchev over the Soviet plan to install nuclear missiles in Cuba; though Khrushchev ultimately backed down on that aspect of his nuclear armament program, the crisis revealed the vulnerability of the United States to nuclear attack, an unsettling threat from a neighbor in the Americas

Cuban Missile Crisis

Soviet Union went to Castro and said the US was planning an armed forces attack and that they needed medium range missiles . Planning on hiding in mountains and accepted the missiles. US formed a naval blockade to prevent any ship from getting in or out. Worked bc Khrushchev would have to fight with the US and back off bc if things got out of hand they could face nuclear weapons that surrounded Europe. They were willing to negotiate because they didn't want to lose Cuba.

Cuban Missile Crisis

new forces that were led by Raul Castro. They wanted tanks, artillery, small arms, but didn't go through U.S. to buy weaponry; they went through Europe. Got equipment from Iron Curtain countries in 1961

Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR)

Led by Vilma Espín. Wanted to provide education on revolutionary homemaking and wanted to get women out of prostitution and get pre-natal clinics.

Federation of Cuban Women (FMC)

-Started off in PSP, but left after idealogical differences -Founded m26 to overthrow Batista -Head of CTC -Was eliminated and replaced with Lazaro Pena (how Castro got control of workers... CTC became part of Castro's control). Castro wanted him purged because he did not become a communist

David Salvador

Thousands of disaffected anti-Batista rebels, former Batista supporters, and campesinos (peasants) fled to Cuba's Las Villas province, where an anticommunist underground had been forming since early 1960. Operating out of the Escambray Mountains, these counterrevolutionary rebels, also known as Alzados, made a number of unsuccessful attempts to overthrow the Cuban government, including the abortive, United States-backed Bay of Pigs Invasion of 1961. In the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, the United States promised not to invade Cuba in the future; in compliance with this agreement, the U.S. withdrew all support from the Alzados, effectively crippling the resource-starved resistance. 1960-1965: many fighters were common peasants and felt threatened by the INRA and was disrupted of rural life. Mobilized peasants into militias

Escambray counterrevolution

Main source of female political power, but received no government funding. Vilma Espin was president. Basically a feminist organization whose goals were to mobilize the role of women in the workplace, literacy, and equality. Positions in education, technical, and health care increased, and the was responsible for promoting the literacy campaign to women. However, supervising positions almost exclusively remained held by men.

Federation of Cuban Women (FMC)

President of National Bank, Autentico. Was replaced by Che after quitting as cabinet member.

Felipe Pazos

1. No US inspection on Cuban territory 2. we will shoot down any US overflights of Cuban territory 3. Wanted US to prevent all anti-Cuban commando raids against Cuba 4. wanted US to lift OAS blockade against Cuba 5. didn't like verbal promises, demanded a treaty 1962: US would pay reparations in terms of tractors and useful equipment. Kennedy only promised he would not use armed forces to attack Cuba

Fidel's 5 points because US was in violation of Cuban sovereignty

The intelligence directorate, worked with the KGB, they were the "CIA/FBI" type group.


He put up a military junta to serve as a transition of government; the U.S. backed him. Castro said no military junta wanted to get rid of people who supported the dictatorship, so he called a general strike and overturned this man. He was the 1st person to stand in the way of Fidel.

General Cantillo

Guerilla troops were defeated in this country...


In 1962, he told US (Kennedy) he would backup Cuba with Soviet missiles if the US decided to invade Cuba, then secretly put the missiles there and started the Cuban Missile Crisis


By the end of 1961, this was the only newspaper still around and it was a communist newspaper


He was a commandante in the Sierra Maestra. He was to be an area commander in the FAR (revolutionary armed forces led by Raul), he made an anti-communist/counterrevolutionary speeches and was arrested for treason to the revolution. He was convicted but not executed until 20 years later.

Huber Matos

Who were the four men Castro eliminated?

Huber Matos (arrested for treason-made anti-communist speech), Camilo Cienfuegos (disappeared), David Salvador (didn't convert to communism), Miro Cardona (shut down brothels and casinos)

Were both commandantes of M26 eliminated by Fidel

Huber Matos and Camilo Cienfuegos

Communists; Director was Nunez Jimenez, and Overseer Che

INRA consists of

1. He would be criticized by Latin American countries 2. Would be criticized for ganging up 3. Scared of Berlin-- wanted this to just stay between US and Cuba

JFK called off second strike because

He was a Cuban Nationalist concerned about education and U.S. imperialism. He was a critic of capitalism but also of Marxism. He died in 1895 fighting for independence. (Castro's hero)

Jose Marti

Soviet Union government that advised the Cuban government of communist reforms and movements.. Did not ever involve/educate Cuba on the affairs of the SU and US bc he thought Castro was a loose cannon that was more aggressive in foreign policy, promoting revolution in other countries (SU didn't like that).


A French vessel that unloaded explosives on the dock of Cuba and it exploded and killed many people. Castro blamed the US CIA for this.

La Coubre Explosion (1961)

Who did Raul first send to USSR in order to communicate?

Lasaro Pena

"personified the counterrevolution." A catholic nationalist. Had a medical degree from U of Havana. Joined w/ Fidel in the Sierra Maestra, was promoted to lieutenant. Served in the new revolutionary government and was appointed as an administrator of an INRA district to prepare peasants for the agrarian reform. Led the Comandos Rurales (a group of catholics who taught peasants literacy so they would be prepared for the land they would be receiving). resigns his position in INRA after Che tells him they are not giving land to the peasants anymore.

Manuel Artime

the president of the Provisional government. He: -Freed prisoners and fled from Batista -Had no party head -Resigned after a series of disputes with Castro

Manuel Urrutia

He was a Bolivian Communist that told Che he thought he was only going to use Bolivia as a base camp and he isn't happy he brought the revolution to Bolivia. He says that he is a leader and not a follower and resumes command. Him and Bolivian communist party withdraw support for Cuba.

Mario Monje

Argentine journalist who talked about the ideology and became a follower of Che. Che appointed him as comandante uno (meaning first in command behind Che). Was not a great armyman (lost all of his men)


Who was the Prime Minister in 1959 after Batista regime overthrown, Part of Aútenticos, Replaced by Castro after 6 weeks when he resigned. He didn't have much party affiliation and was a great person to put in position with the Provisional Government. He couldn't get anything done because the main decisions in the country were made by Castro. He quit after he and Castro got into an argument because he closed down the brothels and casinos and Castro did not like that thousands of jobs were lost. Another person eliminated by Castro.

Miro Cardona

Organized by Che (and was internation). Commanders were all foreigners and were still training in 1966

National Liberation Army (ELN)

Director of INRA, was a colleague of Guevara, was a communist. Organized a group of guerillas to fight alongside Che

Nunez Jimenez

secret program of the CIA during early years of Kennedy's presidency; it was a project of propaganda, psychological warfare, and sabotage against Cuba to remove the communists from power; it originated after the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion. 2-3 commandos got money from the US to wreak havoc and chaos (ex. harass sugar plantations)

Operation Mongoose

an association of 35 nations from North, South, and Central America and the Caribbean; goals are "to defend the sovereignty and independence of member states and to promote the economic, social, and cultural development of the peoples of the Hemisphere, and to speed the process of economic integration"

Organization of American States (OAS)

Cubans sent arms, money, and trainers to fight w/ Venezuela because they wanted to fund land reform for Venezuelan oil industry (we will take land from you but we will pay you). The president said no because Cuba depended on US for buying oil; Castro hated him because he was democrat

President Betancourt

Brought back the Constitution of 1940. Would rule by decree until next election. Prepared nation for free and fair elections. Consisted of cabinet of 16 ministers that were in exile during revolutionary phase. Few had been in M16, none were Barbudos (bc they could be considered potential rivals for power)

Provisional government

Was the President of the Student Body. He was not part of M26 but from the DR (strong opposers of Batista). He worked as an agent for the CIA and had plans of assassinating Castro.

Rolando Cubela

Killed Che

Sergeant Mario Teran

wrote the land reform program and also the revolutionary criminal justice system manual when criminals were prosecuted in 1959. He was secretary of Agriculture under Urrutia and Che And Fidel collaborated without him so he resigned; leader of Catholic group, use to support M26, hates communism.

Sori Marin

They signed the 15-yr economic agreement with Cuba... Cuban debts would be deferred for 15 years, USSR will continue to buy tons of sugar above-market price and fresh credits for capital investment would be available at low interest rates. It was an unequal relationship.

Soviet helped Cuba by

Don't know agency of the Cuban Government that was formed to institute the Agrarian Reform Law of 1959 and also the Second Agrarian Reform; oversaw development of the rural infrastructure; Che Guevara was minister. Director was Nunez Jimenez

The National Institute for Agrarian Reform (INRA)

Cuba's first line of defense

The militias (national guard)

Leader of Dominicans. Che and guerillas made an air landing in DR at the same time as the boat landing and were defeated.


Who was Mao's enemy?


Prohibits any and all trade between Cuba and US

US Embargo

the university literacy campaign in 1961. All schools had one

University Student Federation (FEU)

Raul Castro's wife

Vilma Espin

They wanted a foothold in the Western Hemisphere near the U.S. They wanted to be the first socialist republic in the the Americas.

Why the Soviet Union supported Cuba

Communist youth kind of like girl and boy scots. Isles of Pines> Isles of Youth (prison was used as an activity center)

Youth Communist League (UJC)

In 1959, after the overthrow of Batista

agrarian reform

M26 was nationalist democrats that wanted elections (Fidel was part of this with guerillas) And DR was revolutionary directorate and worked with M26 but was an urban group

difference between M26 and DR

Che was known as this because he became in charge of banks, industries, and chief of socialization of Cuban economies.

economic czar

group of people who sometimes acted as guards/gofers


Tried to create a revolutionary society in other countries in surrounding areas to form a power block against the U.S. Advocates saw this as a big benefit and felt they were on the cusp of history. Also wanted access to other countries (Venezuelan oil). Castro exported revolution by training men and sending them back to countries... didn't gain a lot of support. Weakness of export: M/L title

export of revolution

A middle class, urban, group. Operated in the very first years of the revolution, 1959-1961. They were influenced by the catholic University of Villanueva, opposed the revolution because they started sensing the communist infiltration in positions of the revolution. They had demonstrations in 1960 to oppose the communist infiltration, and they were consequently jailed, the University of Villanueva was shut down. In turn, they allied with the US CIA and planned to invade Cuba under the name of Brigade 2506. Fidel used the Gusanos as an excuse to exile the priests in Cuba.

gusano revolution

Who were the counterrevolutionaries that Castro began to take away the rights of the church and didn't recognize the degrees from Villanueva (Catholic university) because students weren't fighting Batista. Castro wanted to get rid of these people because most were Spainards

gusanos (catholic students)

Was a year long effort to abolish illiteracy in Cuba after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution. It began in January 1 and ended on December 22, 1961, becoming the world's most ambitious and organized. Problem was not completely abolished because it got interrupted by Camilo's death.

literacy campaign of 1961

Who did Che organize as guerillas and send to Nicaragua?

mexicans that were Fidel enthusiasts

a government led by a committee of military leaders

military junta

-Equivalent of U.S. national guard. -part-time organization, stemmed from universities. -Peasants got involved and would be on the shore line for infiltration/threats to the guard. -"First line of defense"


What group in Bolivia supported Che's guerillas?


Acting close to a mujal and is equivalent to a gustano


US had more leverage in negotiations and wanted to get them and troops back home. Only thing to be left in Cuba was defensive weaponry. The US would not sign the treaty but they removed missiles from Turkey (Kennedy did not want any of this announced). Nothing signed, ended in a standoff

negotiations between US and SU

The campesinos (farmers rural laborers) were threatened by the military. they did not help and turned themselves into informers. Over time the regular Bolivian army got better and ambushed Che's army who had no way of replacing men and lost numbers rapidly. They identified with the regular army and not the guerillas.

problem with campesinos

These people believed in a more equal distribution of wealth and political power, Cuban workers were inspired and cooperated with them such as socialists and communists because their ideas of reform benefitted the lower classes the most

radical leftist

What was blamed on the US because they organized an economic boycott on Cuban Revolution?


Don't know A system in which society, usually in the form of the government, owns and controls the means of production.


-Cuba and China -Didn't work well bc of distance. -The US controlled the Panama Canal -Chinese economy was not that great -Couldn't produce enough rice or use all the sugar to keep up the trade. Chinese workers resisted bc of famine

the tray deals

when the state took over, people tried to leave but they weren't able to sell their houses because of...

urban reform

are American leftist who legally went to Cuba to volunteer for sugar harvest in 1950s. They were doing this against US government who had banned travel to Cuba. Men and women of these brigades were separated and couldn't mingle

venceremos brigade

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