Cultural Anthro Unit 2

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"An autonomous political entity, like the USA or Canada." Relatively modern phenomenon (18th-19th CE) facilitated by mass literacy, media, etc. Political boundaries do not correlate with ethnic boundaries. Most nations are therefore ethnically diverse


"Ethnic groups that once had, or wish to have or regain, autonomous political status." Not all ethnic groups are nationalities (some have autonomous political status). Nationalities live within nation states. Leaders of nation states often consider nationalities to be threats to national unity.

Main Points from Rensberger

"Hybrid vigor" (genetic variability) is key to evolutionary success. Because skin color is not unique to a single group, how can it be a marker of distinct races? Nobody has discovered a reliable way to distinguish one race from another because there is no such thing as a homogeneous race.

Points to Ponder with Globalization Globalization ≠ Westernization

(flows of info/commodities/technologies go both ways). Sushi = example of acculturation (adopting Japanese cuisine in American society). Tuna auction at fish market in Tokyo So cool - need to train for 10 years to properly cut Tuna

Conflict Avoidance: Two Methods

Formal Relationship: Extreme mutual respect. Limitation of direct contact. Example: if a man avoids his in-laws he avoids potential conflicts with them. Joking Relationship: Mutual disrespect. Playful antagonism prevents hostility. Intentional way of organizing relationships to have a function - to keep families from getting into conflict

Susan: Broccoli as Health Food

A grocery store "trains demands that inform the broader agricultural market" (e.g., what will be produced in Guatemala). Shoppers' "expectations are mediated by popular cultural images about what is healthy, clean, a bargain, . . ." Broccoli connected with health and well-being. Process starts early: directly transmitting positive images of broccoli to kids. Susan - I eat broccoli because I want to be healthier and support traditional lifestyles Broccoli from Mayan farmers fits globally conscious consumer image It must be more organic than US mega-producers (but this is romanticized and not actually happening) It supports smallholders trying to maintain their traditional lifestyles Health benefits of Broccoli video - Training demand broccoli associated with health and well-being process starts early - telling kids to eat broccoli

The Anthropometry of Barbie (body shape and measurements)

Barbie and Shani deviate significantly from "Army Norma". Taller and thinner ("clinically anorectic"). Similar to runway model ideal. Impossible/unattainable body shape

How do we construct our racial categories?

Childs' experiment - "How would you classify these people in terms of race?" Why is this problematic? - Two are sisters but they are classified as belonging to different races and then two pics are the same person They are Childs' kids - mixed heritage Tiger Woods - Classified as black He's half Thai Race based on skin color Childs' daughter - classified as asian because of eye color Even though she's half white

Who to Respect? Who to Tease?

Formal Relationship: Elder in-laws (wife's father, mother, elder brother/sister). Joking Relationship: Younger/same aged in-laws (wife's siblings).

Consensus of the Scientific Community with race and skin color

Dividing people into discrete "types" isn't natural: these groups do not exist in nature. Human variation is clinal (i.e., variations don't have sharp boundaries)

Documentary - a woman's experience with domestic violence in the household

Divvya married at 19 - tyranny from abuse from in-laws and husband married 2 other women Daily beatings from husband and rejections Divvya can remarry but then daughter can't go in the house because she's from someone else

Opposing viewpoint on Barbie

Does Barbie represent tyranny of fashion industry and uncritical acceptance of gender norms? Does Barbie represent female empowerment: an independent female with a body shape that is distinctly non-reproductive?

Pablo: Broccoli and Desire

I grow broccoli because it fits my moral worldview (family production). I retain control over means of production (land). I am upwardly mobile (self, and kids thru education). I want to be part of the global system. Pablo doesn't have to hire extra labor Allows him to be upwardly mobile and own his land

Supporters of Polygyny

Men are evolutionarily wired for multiple sex partners; have natural urge for diversity of mates. Polygyny keeps sex within marriage, legitimizes offspring. Polygyny offers "sense of security" and "sisterhood" for modern women (+ sharing of domestic duties). Ex. Sister Wives TV show

Essential Activities in baseball Which activities are most closely associated with magic and rituals? Why?

Pitching, hitting, and fielding. Hitting - high level of uncertainty - much magic associated with hitting Same goes for pitching Fielding - low level of uncertainty - less magic associated with fielding

The Myth of Global Ethnic Conflict (John Bowen)

Points out 3 misconceptions: 1)Ethnic identities are unchanging 2)Ethnic identities motivate people to persecute/kill 3)Ethnic diversity leads to violence 1)Ethnic identities are actually modern and created

Plural Marriages (Polygamy)

Polygyny, Polyandry

Case Study: "Radha"

Poor family; neolocal residence. Refuses to have second child w/ drunk husband. Feels divorce is impossible despite violence. Cannot earn enough to support self and daughter. Inappropriate for single woman to live alone. Returning home shameful for woman and parents. husband is a drunk - but divorce is impossible Can't earn enough to support her and daughter independently if she moves out - and can't return home because parents already moved her out of household - shame from family

Caricatures and Consequences

Portrayal of Native Americans denies historical injustices. ("They are savages; we brought them civilization.") Portrayal of Jews complicit in genocide. ("They are parasites; we need to kill them.") Portrayal of African-Americans historically complicit in maintaining power structure and privilege. ("They are inferior; we need to control them.")

Margaret Mead (1901 - 1978)

Student of Franz Boas and Ruth Benedict - She did work on enculturation in Mali and is a NYT best seller Culture and Personality: How does culture determine personality of the individual? Popular writer; public face of anthropology (1930s-70s).

Defending "Redskins"?

Term historically linked to "treachery, warfare, displacement, extinction and sexual violence." Must consider the intent of the act ("I do not intend to be disrespectful") but also the effect of the act (disparaging and dehumanizing Native American people and culture).

Domestic-Public Dichotomy to explain gender stratification (differentiation between home and outside world)

Strong differentiation correlates with more gender stratification (higher status for men than women). Seeds of the concept developed by M. Mead. Fully articulated by Rosaldo (1974). "Cultural systems give authority and value to the roles and activities of men." Women confined to domestic realm; men gain and maintain more power and authority through access to public realm. Hypothesis attempts to explain universal subordination. Males have more access to rewards of society than females because females are tied to the house through taking care of children Stereotypes, stratification, and roles interact with each other

Taboos in sports

Strong prohibition against words, objects, actions, discussions, or people. Breaking baseball taboos leads to misfortune. Most are idiosyncratic (held by individuals). Some are part of baseball culture: don't step on white lines, don't mention no-hitter to pitcher.


Strong social prohibition against words, objects, actions, discussions, or people that are considered undesirable by a society. Often backed by supernatural sanction. Breaking a taboo is considered objectionable and has social consequences. Taboo words: F*CK is an example Severity of taboo is age dependent What if a kid says it? An adult says it? Severity of taboo diminishes over time Frequent usage makes it common vocabulary Video of how severity of taboo has diminished over time kid says **** and it's terrible but Billy Bob Thornton uses F word 159 times in bad santa

Globalization (with tuna)

Tuna connects Europe, Asia, and North America in complex business and cultural exchanges.


custom of marrying outside a social group to which a person belongs. Lineage/clan exogamy; village exogamy. Ex. wealthy marries poor


custom of marrying within a social group to which a person belongs. Social class/caste endogamy; ethnic endogamy. Religious Endogamy (Marry a Jew) A preference, not a rule

Gender Stereotypes

Oversimplified but strongly held ideas about the characteristics of males and females video of hick trying to make minivan into a truck "When you see this driving down the street, you'll know it's a man driving" Men like cars, tools But men are impractical and not as competent as they think Gender stereotype for women - driving Is female bad driving a reality or gender stereotype? Look at insurance rates - men are worse

Bridewealth (Give the bride wealth)

Paid to bride's family by groom's family.


Paid to groom's family by bride's family

The Tibetan Family System

Patrilocal post-marital residence: women marry out, men stay at home. Patrilineal inheritance: inheritance at marriage, not at parental death. Men inherit land and animals from their fathers. Women inherit (dowry) jewelry, some animals. Who do you call father if you're a kid? - Always the eldest brother DOESN'T MATTER who the biological father is - it's all about the idea of family Younger brother is agu - uncle (father's brother) Sex depends on many factors and often woman's choice

Post-Marital Residence Rules

Patrilocality, Matrilocality, Neolocality

Sports Rituals

Perspective, Superstition, Team Entrance Rituals

Normal social structure v. Liminality

Heterogeneity v. Homogeneity Inequality v. Equality Names v. Anonymity Dress distinctions v. Naked or uniform dress Conditional obedience v. Total obedience Moderation v. Excess (restraint or indulgence) Avoiding Pain and Suffering v. Accepting of Pain and Suffering

Ex. Military boot camp (normal social structure on left and liminality on the right) Basic training as a right of passage - liminality and communitas

Heterogeneity v. all have head shaved inequality v. all are equal (low rank) Names v. serial number Dress distinctions v. uniform dress conditional obedience v. total obedience

Social Stratification

Hierarchical ranking of individuals and groups in any given society. Inequality patterned in such a way that people of one group tend to get more rewards or have higher status than others.


when couple marries they move to husband's household/community


when couple marries they move to wife's household/community


The principle that a child of mixed descent is automatically classified as minority.

Bilateral descent

Traced through both paternal or maternal lines

Unilineal descent (matrilineal, patrilineal)

Traced through either paternal or maternal lines

Respecting/honoring mascots?

Defenders of mascots claim to be respecting and honoring Native American peoples and traditions. Honoring reality? Or reproducing a stereotype? What is the origin of the costumes, music, and behaviors (tomahawk chop)? If the very people you claim to be honoring are offended by the way you portray them, why would you continue portraying them that way? Seminoles have approved FSU's mascot Sherman Alexie - Playing Indian "At least half the country thinks the Native American issue is insignificant. What are you honoring with the Redskin mascot? What is the origin of the costumes, music, and behaviors? - It's all Hollywood Misinterpreting the Indian heritage National Congress of American Indians is pissed at Redskins -

Problematic Assumptions with Ethnicity (still Bowen)

Ethnic identity is ancient and unchanging (a primordialist view). Ethnic identities motivate people to kill and persecute others. Ethnic diversity inevitably leads to inter-ethnic violence. Ethnic Conflict = Ethnic Hatred? Implies that violence is natural characteristic of some ethnic groups; ignores that violence is consequence of political processes and actions.

Becoming Male

Nature provides male genitalia. Yet maleness not biologically given. Maleness induced through ritual. Maternal attachment inhibits manly growth. Separation from mother essential (wiped clean of female contaminants so masculinity can develop). Ritual insemination to rid body of female contaminants and induce puberty.

Madhavan's Insights

"It is not obvious that women necessarily suffer as a result [of competition]." Fulbe: women risk compromising status through collaboration with potential or actual co-wives. That is, competition makes sense and can be beneficial under certain circumstances. Degree to which co-wives compete or collaborate shaped by numerous factors (economic, social organization, cultural norms and expectations). Social recognition is key. Bamanan: show of co-wife harmony applauded. Fulbe: show of co-wife competition expected. Culture Does Not Determine Behavior! Expectation of cooperation, but some do have competitive relationships. Expectation of competition, but some do have cooperative relationships.

Women know marriage is a Parental Decision

"My marriage is too important to be arranged by such an inexperienced person as myself." (Sita, college graduate). Contrast with US: Anxiety over being popular.

Social Construction of Race (an arbitrary process)

"Races" defined in "culturally arbitrary, rather than scientific, manner." If the primary basis of race is biological, then why do our ideas about race change through time? Why do our ideas about race vary across cultures? Why doesn't our perception of a person's race change when his/her phenotypes change? Racial categories don't make a lot of sense Kottack's explanation of race in Japan - Japan sees all Asians as being very distinct from Chinese and Koreans IDEAS VARY CROSS CULTURALLY Race classification is an arbitrary process

Gender as a continuum? - not a dichotomy

"Tomboy" "Sissy" In btwn genders - We've recognized that there is gray area Facebook's 56 different options for gender

US Census Bureau's Definition of family

"a group of two people or more related by birth, marriage, or adoption, and residing together."

DHS survey

% of women who have experienced domestic violence, domestic violence by education, and domestic violence by wealth status 23% of women in Nepal said they've experienced domestic violence - same % who said a man is justified in using violence against wife Does education somehow give women more autonomy? Just a hypothesis Nigeria is weird Women has limited choice in marriage in Nepal - she's also under authority of father in law and mother in law - vulnerability from many sources

Consanguineal Kin

("blood" relatives) Parents? But not step-parents or adoptive parents. Brothers and Sisters? Providing one common biological parent. Uncles and Aunts? But not all of them.


(Bamanan & Fulbe, Mali)

Lack of Formal Marriage

(Mosuo, China)


(Tibetans, China and Nepal)

Polygyny & Arranged/Choice

(Wodaabe, Niger)

"Fictive" Kin

(relatives thru affection) A term used to refer to individuals that are unrelated by either birth or marriage, who have an emotionally significant relationship with another individual that would take on the characteristics of a family relationship. ( God-Parents, "Uncle" Charlie, Adoptive Children, Foreign Exchange "Parents", Sorority "Sisters" and Fraternity "Brothers". Foreign exchange students - to set up a kinship model Instructed to call them mom and dad and brother and sister Why do we use kinship terminology in these cases? What does it tell us about these relationships?

Affinal Kin

(relatives thru marriage) Step-Parents, Step-Brothers/Sisters, Some Uncles and Aunts (through marriage), Wife or Husband, In-Laws "Affines" - in laws


10% of Mali's population. Pastoralists = less labor needs. Marriage/Family System: patrilineal, patrilocal, clan endogamy, nuclear family preference Polygyny is not common

Kottak's Definition of family

A family is a group of people who are considered to be related in some way, for example, by "blood" (common ancestry or descent) or marriage. Doesn't talk about residence


0ne woman with more than one husband.

Polygyny in USA: Divergent Contexts

1)Polygyny acceptable in cultural (religious) context. Unions arranged by church elders. Women have little (any?) autonomy. Unions between older men and younger women. 2)Polygyny acceptable in cultural (religious) context. Unions of choice based on love. Women have autonomy. Unions between people close in age.

3 phases of Rites of passage according to Turner

1)Separation withdrawal from group either symbolically (special clothing) or physically (separate location) 2)Liminality Betwixt and between, neither one status nor the other. Ambiguous social positions 3)Incorporation re-enter society with new status

Rushton's 3 claims

1)That there are 3 biologically-based races among humans 2)That a universal IQ test can reliably measure intelligence regardless of cultural or social context 3)That racial groups differ in intelligence and other matters Rushton's racist book featured on white supremacy sites

Totemic Complex Conditions (Still Ralph Linton)

1. Division of people into groups conscious of their individuality. 2. Groups possess distinctive names derived from animal, object, or natural phenomenon. 3. Name used as personal appellation in conversation with outsiders. 4. Symbol of group namesake adorns persons and property; taboo against outsider usage. 5. Reverential attitude toward group namesake and its representation. 6. Belief that group namesake is a guardian and/or provider of omens.

The "Mascot Slot" (Still Pauline Strong)

17th - 19th CE viewed as part of wilderness that needed to be subdued and tamed. Today mascots = totemic images, still connected with nature (not culture). Effect is "objectifying, appropriating and signaling the inferiority of Native American cultures and peoples."

Racist Agendas and Science - US Census

1840: Free White Persons, Slaves, Free Colored Persons 1850: Color (White, Black Mulatto) 1850-1920: Categorization used expressly to advance "scientific" racial theories. Inclusion of mulatto category for the purpose of using census data to study race. Census data used to "prove" blacks and mulattos are less fertile and live shorter lives, and hence that they are inferior (in biological and evolutionary sense).

Polygyny in the USA

1890s: Mormon Church denounced polygyny and Utah outlawed the practice (condition of statehood). 20,000 - 60,000 today people live in polygynous families.

Society and Sex Roles (Ernestine Friedl)

1970s - Anthropologists at the forefront of gender studies. Recognition that women and gender roles have been relatively neglected in ethnographic research. Early look at gender roles in society and explaining why they are the way they are Friedl makes an important contribution because women weren't even the subject of anthropological research Focus on gender roles and division of labor

Madhavan's Data and Methods

48 Life-History Interviews: 24 Bamanan (17 polygyny, 7 monogamy), 24 Fulbe (5 polygyny, 19 monogamy)

What is Desire?

A "collective phenomenon shaped by interface of individual intentions, local worlds, and global flows." "An ongoing, future-oriented process." A project that seeks to "make and remake the world around certain values." What do Pablo and Susan desire? How does local experience of modernity shape desire?


A belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation. Bud light superstition commercial - It's only weird if it doesn't work Rally cap Duke basketball fans - engaging in pubilc performance Stylized and repetitive rituals - performed in special places and at set times

What Is a "Social Construct"?

A category (e.g., "gender") created and developed by society. A perception of a group (e.g., "men, women") that is 'constructed' through cultural or social practice.

Refrigerator Functions

A place to display family history and familial affection. A place to display the family's domestic and moral values. A command and control center for organizing the family's domestic routine.

What is a family?

A social group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation, and reproduction. It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relationship, and one or more children, own or adopted, of the sexually cohabitating adults." (Murdock 1949).

Descent Group

A social unit whose members claim common ancestry

Matrimonial Ad

Ad posted by family member, not the girl. Specifics about caste and occupations. "She respects elders." Modern education and"believer in family values."

Divergences from totemism

Absence of marriage regulation. No belief in descent from totem. No rites to propitiate totem.

Pioneer Fund Agenda

Advocate for research on "racial betterment" (changed to "human race betterment" in 1985). Sought to fund scientists whose research would "prove" that blacks are inferior to whites and provide subsidies so results of research could be widely disseminated to people in positions of power. Original Mission: to aid "parents of unusual value as citizens". Defined as parents whose children "are deemed to be descended predominantly from white persons who settled in the original thirteen states prior to the adoption of the Constitution of the United States . . ." Note: "white persons" changed to "persons", 1985.

More on Rushton

Aggressiveness category - represents brute caricatures Racial differences in personality and obeying rules also show up in divorce rates, out of wedlock births, child abuse, and delinquency Rushton's conclusions - as a race, blacks are characterized by high sexuality, low intelligence, etc

Kinship systems vary cross culturally

American Kinship - we don't distinguish between consanguineal kins for aunts and uncles (aunt whether she's blood or through marriage) We actually do distinguish btwn both aunts even though linguistically we don't In Tibet - they distinguish btwn aunts and uncles by blood and not by blood

Performative Speech-Acts

An effect (e.g., status transformation) is carried out via an utterance (speech-act). Ex. from defendant to convict Ex. from single to married in wedding Ex. performative speech act to become president - Are you prepared to take the oath, Senator? - Congratulations Mr. President Obama took the oath of office again Can be a key component of a rite of passage. Direct and immediate relationship between utterance and effect providing all social and linguistic conventions are met. What happens when things go awry? (Ex. Obama's inauguration)


Any of the groups into which humans can be divided according to their physical characteristics, e.g. color of their skin, color and type of hair, shape of eyes and nose.

Measuring Up To Barbie (Urla and Swedlund)

Are American Women Discontent with their Bodies? Potential connection between toy and ideal body image? Evidence of Discontent: Drugs, Cosmetics, Dieting, Cosmetic Surgery

Totemism and the AEF (Ralph Linton)

Are there fundamental differences in mental processes of civilized (modern) and uncivilized (primitive) humans? If so, how can we explain totemic complexes found in contemporary society? AEF - American Expeditionary Force Western Front, Europe The 42nd rainbow division comprised of men from many states (hence, rainbow) Close identification with the rainbow "I'm a rainbow" Painted on unit vehicles and property Uniform emblem Rainbow sightings before a battle Rainbow patch Originally a full arc, later cut in half to symbolize that half of the unit's men that died in battle Each army unit has an emblem that people identify with

Nepal: Marriage and Family System

Arranged Marriage. Woman has limited choice in selection of husband. Patrilocal Marriage. Woman transferred from natal family (guest who will depart) to marital family (outsider who must gain acceptance). Joint Family. New bride lacks power; under authority of husband, father-in-law, and mother-in-law.

Edward Tylor's Theory of Religion

As society evolves humans become more "rational". Tylor used religion to justify unilineal evolution progression from animism to atheism (with polytheism and monotheism in btwn) Rise of science means rise of atheism and decline of religious beliefs Why Was Tylor Wrong? Religion transmitted through enculturation (part of a group's core cultural values). Religion does more than explain the mysterious, it also creates and maintains group identity and solidarity (social benefits), and provides solace in dealing with uncertainty (psychological benefits). Video on why Tylor is wrong - "Evolution is a lie" - what the bible says is true "God believes it and that settles it" Religion isn't going away

Joking Relationships: "Permitted Disrespect" (Asymmetrical v Symmetrical)

Asymmetrical: A required to tease B, B required to take no offense, B not permitted to tease A. Symmetrical: A and B tease each other, neither takes offense.

Advantages of "Walking Marriage"

Avoid partitioning of land. All siblings (brothers and sisters) contribute to the welfare of the household. No potential conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Baseball Magic (Gmelch)

Baseball permeated by rituals, mana (fetishes), magic, taboos, etc. practiced by fans and players alike. Rituals the opposite of taboos Ritual - eat chicken before every game Taboo - don't step on baseline while walking to dugout3 Fetishes - good luck charms Examples: Rally Squirrel, Curse of the Billy Goat. Gmelch - Guy who played in the Minors and then became an anthropologist - he's credible Rally Squirrel as Mana? Sacred, impersonal force that resides in people, animals, plants or objects and is associated with good fortune Cardinals won the world series Cubs with black cat Epic collapse Cubs led Mets by 7 games Sept 9, black cat in dugout - didn't make the playoffs Steve Bartman Taboo would be to let him into Wrigley Field Restaurant in Chicago destroyed the bartman ball - Magic being used to overcome ball's association

Colonialism and the World System

Based on capitalist (industrial) production. Extraction of raw materials from colonized lands, sent to industrial production centers. Value added goods shipped back.


Beliefs widely distributed (nearly universal). Incorporates non-human powers. Witchcraft as "innate, inherited ability to cause people misfortune or to kill them." (E-Pritchard) Witches become socially important during times of crisis (e.g., drought, plague). Witchcraft accusations more common during times of stress and social upheaval. Video of people saying they've found a witch - ways of telling how they're a witch Azande in Central africa Zande - "witch doctor" A male occupation Men, not women, generally practice witchcraft

Broccoli and Desire (Benson and Fischer)

Benson's book - looking at producer and consumer and how they're linked through product Example of Multi-sited Ethnography Fieldwork conducted among: Smallholders and middlement in Guatemala Grocery shoppers in Nashville Tennessee Dichotomous view of the world - desire (affluence) in the US and need (poverty) in S. America Exploiters v Exploited DESIRE EXISTS AT BOTH SITES OF PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION

Reason why Rushton saying head size correlates with intelligence is wrong

Boas already showed that head size and intelligence aren't correlated because growth and development are related to nutrition which is related to socioeconomic status

Gifts at Marriage

Bridewealth, Dowry

Victor Turner: Studying Rituals

British anthropologist who also taught in USA. Fieldwork in Africa. Focus on ritual as social process. Major figure in Symbolic/Interpretive Anthropology (like Geertz).

Romanticizing Desire (Also linkage of Susan and Pablo through desire)

Broccoli from Mayan farmers fits globally conscious consumer image. It must be more organic than US mega-producers. It supports smallholders trying to maintain their traditional lifestyles. I eat broccoli because I want to be healthier/stay in shape, make healthy food for my family, support traditional lifestyles.

Dukha (suffering)

Brunson did not conduct research on suffering, yet the theme continually arose because she was interviewing women To what extent is female suffering in marriage culturally sanctioned or expected? What impediments does a woman face if she wants to leave an abusive husband? Brunson used DHS survey to answer this question - cultural consent to domestic violence

Focus on the Fridge (Margaret Blackman)

Can learn a lot about American family by looking at the refrigerator through time "Left over or not, there's something very intimate about a refrigerator's contents that stand in contrast to the public face it displays on its door. Here for the taking is the momentary archaeology of the dietary habits of its users. Is it a window into their character as well? Do we keep the inside of our refrigerators like we keep the public and private spaces of our homes? Do we clean it out and wipe it down just like the routine of changing the bed sheets or vacuuming the rugs? Or is the refrigerator's interior like the inside of a closet of horrors? Are serious cooks more fastidious about the innards of their refrigerators than junk-food junkies are? Do our refrigerators really mirror who we are?"

What role does enculturation play in the social construction of race and the perpetration of racism? New Kids in the Neighborhood (Rockwell)

Caricatures shown to young children

Origins of Race (Still Smedley and Smedley)

Carolus LINNAEUS (1707-1778) made one of the first attempts to classify the human species. Five sub-species of humans based on temperament, dress, and culture. Classification did not imply superiority/inferiority. Linnaeus - Classifications were not based on phenotypic differences He didn't want to rank people - just classify them Georges LOUIS LECLERC (1707 - 1788) argued that all humans are the same species. Interested in process, not just classification. Geography determines human characteristics. Ideal = central Europe; degeneration from there. Johann FRIEDRICH BLUMENBACH posited five varieties of humans: Caucasian, Mongoloid, Ethiopian, American, and Malay. Designated Caucasian as closest to representing God's image, the original humans from which all others degenerated. Established hierarchal ordering of the varieties. Humans starting to be ranked hierarchically Carleton COON. 1962: a final attempt (in anthropology) to identify discrete races and theorize about racial superiority. Caucasoid, Capoid, Congoid, Mongoloid, and Australoid races. Last anthropologist to categorize race Continuous attempts to classify humans by race - NON-SCIENTIFIC rationales used to argue for the superiority or inferiority of certain races

Points from Urla and Swedlund (also a hypothesis)

Choosing body type is pervasive feature of consumer culture. Keeping control over body (i.e., conforming to gendered norms) has become sign of "individual's social and moral worth" Playing with Barbie can lead to internalizing values of ideal body size/shape. Girls can link Barbie's body shape (and accessories) with her popularity and glamour. Inability to realize the ideal can have negative effects on self-esteem.

Azande Witchcraft (still under Evans-Pritchard article)

Classification of misfortunes that are harmful to people. A mechanism for explaining unfortunate events. Accepted as common, routine, and part of everyday existence. Ex. boy walking down path stubs toe and becomes infected Why was I not looking out for stumps? And why did this cut fester unlike so many others? - attributable to witchcraft We know that pillars rot, thereby causing granaries to collapse But why did this one collapse when a man was beneath it? - witchcraft

What shapes desire?

Collective experiences, cultural images, and political and economic structures Local worlds embedded in larger systems of production and trade Agency - individual attentions Culture - local worlds World System - global flows


Collective liminality, an intense feeling of social solidarity among initiates. Communitas acts as a LEVELING MECHANISM (a custom or social action that operates to reduce differences). Turner says that common suffering makes everybody equal

The Notion of Witchcraft Explains Unfortunate Events (E. E. Evans-Pritchard)

Colonial Context British extending control over parts of Africa. Opinion that beliefs in witchcraft and other "superstitions" evidence that "primitive peoples" were inferior. Evans-Pritchard sought to demonstrate otherwise.

Mana (like luck)

Concept common in South Pacific. Sacred, impersonal force that resides in people, animals, plants, or objects. Associated with luck or fortune. Used to explain differential success (why some people are lucky while others are unlucky). American Mana - 8 ball Do you own an object that you associate with luck or success?

N!ai, the Story of a !Kung Woman

Colonial Context 1917: Namibia, former German colony, transferred to South African control after WWI. 1959: South African govt. officials encourage !Kung to settle at Tshum!kwi to begin new life as farmers (corn = mealie meal) and herders. 1970: Apartheid system extended to "Bushmanland". !Kung movements restricted, loss of former hunting/gathering territories. 1966: SWAPO (South West African People's Organization) starts guerilla war for Namibia's independence from South Africa. 1970s: 50,000 South African troops sent to counter SWAPO. Construction of military bases. Recruitment of !Kung (know terrain; good trackers). 1981: 47% of Tshum!kyi's males aged 15-45 had joined military. What did the Marshalls find in 1978?

Colonialism and Identity

Colonialism shaped the world as we know it today. Borders of many countries (e.g., most of Africa) are legacies of colonialism. Many ethnic groups and "tribes" are colonial constructions. Identities created or solidified through colonial bureaucratic processes (e.g., census) and policies (e.g., territorial control).

Routines as Rituals

Comforting, bring sense of order to the world. Help with concentration. Intended to manipulate odds of success. Much more common in situations of uncertainty. After each pitch, Nomar did all his shit Human rain delay - Mike Hargrove's routine

Totemism of one's academic lineage

Common identity with strangers (social identity) College Football Mascots (LSU Tigers) 1)Division into groups with distinct identities 2)Name derived from animal 3)Totemic name 5)Reverential attitude towards the totem 6)Totem considered a guardian Introducing the bulldog to Georgia - UGA

Mammy Caricature

Content in role of servitude Ex. Aunt Jemima Happy and contented servitude role of women

Skin color as a continuum - where do you draw the line between white and black?

Continuum from dark to light Are the Jirel classified as black or white? They are in the middle - is it that you can't classify them as either? Skin color isn't an easy racial classification Where do we draw the line on skin color? And some non color categories - Asian and Asian Indian

World Systems Theory (Wallerstein)

Core The most powerful nations who dominate international economy. Core monopolizes the most profitable activities (e.g., finance). Semi-Periphery and Periphery Less power, wealth, and influence, less technologically advanced. Yet possess resources necessary for core. Places where raw products (e.g., agriculture, mining) are produced. Places where labor is cheap. Fundamentally exploitative relationship between core and periphery.

Does Ethnic Diversity Inevitably Lead to Ethnic Conflict?

Countries where one ethnic group controls and dominates others are more prone to violence (Sri Lanka, Rwanda). Countries where power is dispersed among ethnic groups are less prone to violence (Malaysia, Indonesia).

"Death rates show the same pattern of racial differences. Blacks have more disease and a higher death rate at every age. Orientals have the lowest death rate and outlive Whites by two years, about as long as Whites outlive Blacks."

Death Rate (deaths/1,000 population) Life-Span (Longevity) Measurement: life expectancy at birth. Average life expectancy heavily influenced by infant mortality. Infant mortality related to healthcare quality. Higher infant mortality partially explains shorter life expectancy - Blacks in US have higher infant mortality than Whites Dominican Republic has lower death rate than Japan because Japan is older country Genetics or socioeconomic factors?

Radcliffe-Brown's Functionalism

Departure from evolutionary perspectives ("pure conjecture, why bother"). Focus on functions of kinship systems rather than theorize how kinship system arose Marriage involves kin networks, not just two individuals.

Local/Global Connections

Desire enmeshes people in complex economic networks (e.g., US consumers with Guatemalan smallholders; Bolivian peasants; Japanese tuna brokers). Desire exists at both sites of production and consumption (Benson and Fischer). Desire connects people in new and complex relationships of production/exchange (Bestor). Desire in one place linked to exploitation and social ills in other places (see Weatherford). How does the desire for certain products shape relationships btwn producers and consumers of those products

Birth of Barbie: Historical Context

Developed during Cold War. Symbolized aspirations of prosperity, domestic containment, rigid gender roles. Continued success by adapting to times. Lilli, carton prostitute in Hamburg newspaper Then Bild Lilli doll exported to USA in 1955 And first Barbie in 1959 Barbie ad - encouraging girls to be like barbie Enculturation through play BARBIE HAS NOT BEEN STATIC - has changed with the times to adapt Ex. digital dress barbie, fashionista, baby doctor Statistics One barbie sold every 2 seconds 95% of girls aged 3011 own at least one avg owner has 7 dolls ENCULTURATION: PROPAGATING THE "BEAUTY MYTH" THROUGH PLAY (EX. BODY SHAPE)

Marriage (Affinal relationships formed thru marriage)

Difficult to define (varies cross-culturally). "A union (usually socially recognized thru ritual) between a man and a woman such that the children born to the woman are recognized as legitimate offspring of both partners."(Royal Anthropological Institute, 1951). Definition excludes same sex and plural marriages.

Joking Relationships and Marriage (Disjunction v. Conjunction)

Disjunction: Husband is outsider to wife's family. Divergent interests = potential conflict. Conjunction: Wife's continuing relationship with own family. Interest in her welfare = potential conflict. Conjunction necessitates conflict avoidance.

Trademarking Racism (Pauline Strong)

Divergent Opinions Native American mascots are good: Honor native cultures, embody team traditions, intensify pleasure of sports. Native American mascots are bad: Perpetuate stereotypes. Revive historical oppression. Cause pain to Native-Americans. Black face is derogatory because of previous negative depictions of blacks using blackface If we no longer tolerate blackface, why do we celebrate derogatory mascots? Chief's last dance for U of I

Strengths and Limitations of an Anthropological Dichotomy (Louise Lamphere)

Domestic-Public dichotomy as an appealing hypothesis that doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Functional separation must be distinguished from physical separation. (Margery Wolf on Taiwan). Men and women use domestic and public spaces at different times and in different ways. (Rayna Rapp on France). Segregating women from men does not mean women lack agency. (Cynthia Nelson on Middle East) A Worn-Out Dichotomy: Too simplistic, couldn't explain much, too many nuances and exceptions. New foci: gender relations, not just gender. Understand that "woman" is not an invariable category; need to recognize how age, class, ethnicity, etc. influence social position and agency.

Fulbe wife dynamic

Economic Pastoralists have less labor force needs. Co-wife not as beneficial. Transition to Household Pullakou (code of ethics): emphasis on self-isolation and reticence in asking for help. Family Orientation "My loyalties are here [conjugal family] because my children are here, but my love is always with my natal family." Maternal Recognition "I can take care of co-wife's kids, but I don't consider them my own." Jealousy Jealousy expected and accepted because it's shameful to have a co-wife(fight to keep husband).

Bamanan wives dynamic

Economic: Farmers have labor force needs. Co-wife reduces workload. Transition to Household (Fostering collaboration because senior wife teaches new wife about household before she moves in) "Why should I fight with her? I taught her everything about this household before she moved in." Family Orientation "My loyalties are here [conjugal family] because of my children and my marriage." Maternal Recognition "I can treat children of co-wife as my own. I can stop having kids and let her carry on." Jealousy Co-wife jealousy common but looked down upon (expectation to accept co-wife).

Why Is WWE Different?

Emulating how to "be a man". Glorifying the bully (physical and psychic domination of others). No consequences, only rewards: fame, fortune, sexual control over women. Happy violence


Ethnic Group: a group of people distinguished by cultural similarities (shared among members of that group) and differences (between that group and others) Ethnic group members share beliefs, values, habits, customs, and norms, and a common language, religion, history, and geography.

Ethnic Group

Ethnic group members share beliefs, values, habits, customs, and norms because of their common background. Distinctions from other groups based on language, religion, historical experience, and geographic placement. Markers of ethnic group include collective name, belief in common descent, and association with a specific territory. Ex. Ethnic Group: Tibetans Associated with a spacial territory - Tibetan plateau Language - Dialects unified through written language Religion - buddhism Historical experience unifies Tibetans having once been a big empire Regional identities in Tibet Also unified by a common identity When they greet each other, they'll say their regional idenity Situational identity Ethnicity (mirig) = Tibetan Citizenships (miser) = India/Nepal/China

Why are there "Ethnic" Conflicts?

Ethnic groups form in response to colonial and post-colonial policies that create shared interests: political power, access to education/jobs, control over local resources Conflicts are NOT caused by ancient ethnic or tribal loyalties. Arise when group asserts identiity to counter dominance and marginalization

Top-Driven Ethnic Conflicts

Ethnicity used by leaders to mobilize people. Step 1: Instill sense of ethnic hatred through propaganda. Create atmosphere of distrust. Create mythologies of difference. Step 2: Encourage/coerce people to participate in persecution.

Gender and Masculinity

Ethnographic example of society that draws major distinction between genders. Example of how gender is constructed among males though initiation rituals. Video of tribal men gaining manhood by getting cut to have "crocodile skin" Must experience pain to become a man to endure troubles of the future Wash cuts to allow cuts to bulge Initiates are now leaders Right of passage - ritual scarification Ritual scarification: mark of ancestral crocodile Enduring pain critical for transition to manhood When finished, presented to community as a "true man" constructing gender through ritual

Happy violence

Happy violence - connected to men - no consequences of violence (Ex. Tom and Jerry, 3 stooges) "Face me like a man" "I thought you were a man" Conservative view of masculinity - to intimidate

Murdock's definition does not include...

Excludes spouses who do not co-reside, same sex couples, single parent families, couples without kids

Video on linguistic profiling - John Baugh calls for housing using different accents

Experiment done by calling a lot of people who are loan officers at banks/renting properties Intentionally called when nobody would be there so that he would have to leave a message on answering machine Then measured rate of return calls Results were clear Is the video about race or economic class? It's both - race in and of itself will not be the factor that excludes one from a particular neighborhood or a house for sale in a community"

Ex. Manuel Whips Carla

Extended family violence (Carla is Manuel's cousin) Cousin Manuel whips Carla in main plaza when she doesn't control her child. She claims unruly son. He claims public insult. Reassertion of Manuel's authority in public eye seen as legitimate. "It was my duty to use physical violence to maintain male authority

The Pioneer Fund

Founded in 1937 "to advance the scientific study of heredity and human differences." Connections with eugenics in Germany; advocates of Nazi's racial ideology and racist policies. Influenced by Earnest Sevier Cox who pushed legislation to "repatriate" all blacks to Africa. Influenced by Madison Grant, promoter of scientific racism - influential book "Passing of the Great Race" Diluted stock of racial purity with interbreeding - Hitler called this book his bible

The Activist-Anthropologist

Friederic reflects on how her efforts affect advocacy and protection. Advocacy: Domestic violence denaturalized through naming it and making it visible. Protection: Advocacy puts people at risk (e.g., women who help run and are involved with training programs are at risk of violence) and obscures larger structural problems (lack of legal protection).

The Challenges of Advocacy in Anthropological Research on Intimate Partner Violence (Karin Friederic)

Friederic used a survey to ask about domestic violence - response typically no even if they had Needed to ask specifics - ex. "Have you experienced insults during sex?"


From Greek, meaning "of good stock." Study and practice of selective breeding in order to improve the quality of the human species. Determining who can and can't breed

The Refrigerator

From luxury to necessity. Today, nearly universal in US households.

Growth of Sushi in USA (Still Bestor)

From strange foreign item (1970s - low demand) to upscale fare (1990s - high demand). Americans changing to healthier diets (less red meat), adapting to new markets (Kosher sushi, cooked sushi, "California Roll", etc.), connections with socioeconomic class (marker of economic standing and "worldliness").

The "Beauty Myth"

Fueled by profitable industries (cosmetic, weight loss, fashion, etc). Feminine bodies "never feminine enough". Constant need for refining, reshaping. Barbie's influence: "an incredibly resilient visual and tactile model of femininity for pre-pubescent girls."

One of Mead's Contributions

Gender roles, stereotypes, and stratification systems are socially constructed (emphasis of Mead's research). Comparative Approach to reject notion that all differences between men and women are innate (biologically determined). If male/female differences are innate they should be universal (found in all societies) and they should be invariable (remain same over time). Idea that male/female differences change over time This wasn't self evident back in the 50s

Anthropology and Globalization

Globalization "The accelerating interdependence of nations in a world system linked economically and through mass media and modern transportation systems." (Kottak) Not a new process - what is new is the current pace (the accelerating interdependence). Braudel's World System: Local processes are directly and indirectly influenced by national, regional, and global processes. Anthropology: Changing Focus Anthropologists used to study groups as isolates (geographically bounded, culturally distinct). Emphasis today on studying impacts of globalization on local communities. Situating local communities in national, regional, and global processes.

Goldstein's hypothesis

Goldstein (1970s) predicted that people would abandon polyandry when other income earning opportunities become available: Younger brothers would earn wages, gain ability to split out and form own monogamous union. Did this prediction come true?

Intervention Philosophy

Guiding principle of colonialism, conquest, missionary activities, and development. An ideological justification for outsiders to guide native peoples in specific directions ("White Man's Burden").

2010 Census form

Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish is not a racial category - it's an ethnic category Dilemma - Argentinean, Colombian aren't considered races And then Asian countries are classified by race Black and negro refer to skin color African American refers to common history (ethnic category) Problem that skin color combined with ethnic group Ex. Tiger Woods - He can put Black and Asian But Vijay Singh? - He is blacker than Tiger but he's not black HE's actually Asian Indian and Fijian - not about skin color

How Sushi Went Global (Bestor)

How did tuna become a highly sought after global commodity? How did the globalization of tuna change economic practices (e.g., fishing) and consumption habits (e.g., eating)? Pre-Global Tuna Era - was cheap, cat food Commercial for Cat food - "chicken of the sea"

Gmelch's Focus

How do players manage risk and uncertainty associated with pitching, hitting, and fielding? Superstitions

Politicization of Violence

How has political discourse made some forms of violence more visible while obscuring other forms of violence? How does naming and de-naturalizing violence both empower women and put them at risk? - Gives violence a term but makes it difficult for women to seek legal action for fear of being ostracized How does the researcher balance ethical responsibilities (don't put people at risk) with advocacy (intervene on behalf of people)?

Culture Is Integrated - changes over time

How has the domestic-public dichotomy changed in US society over the last century? How are these changes related to changing gender roles, stereotypes, and stratification? Ex the good wife's guide Be happy to see him, show sincerity in your desire to see him He is the master of the house A good wife always knows her place Secretary, nurse, or teacher - gendered jobs in 50s and 60s Who controls resources? Who can provide jobs, services, favors? Who has power? Friedl - to be an effective source of power, money must be exchanged in ways that require returns and create obligations" Boss has that ability - not the secretary Changing gender stereotypes Used to be though that girls can't do math - If you tell people that they aren't good at something then they don't pursue it Grad students in anthro at wash u is dominated by females 96 males out of 105 people in engineering and applied science Gender roles - if a woman is confined to a certain role, what's the effect of changing this? Doctor equal to doctor - reducing gender stratification Argument that gender stratification is based on public domestic dichotomy % of married women with kids who don't work - less women are staying home with their kids Who takes care of the kids?

Redefining Marriage as an ethnographer

How would you approach the study of same-sex marriage in the USA? Whose perspectives do you need to seek? What analytical tools do you need to deploy? CULTURAL RELATIVISM - understand the motivations and perspectives of homosexuals and anti-gays How same sex couples express their relationships We are supportive of each other Can't imagine life without the other person - if you're in love, you're in love All of these ways to describe this relationship are very similar to heterosexual relationships Sodomy is the term for homosexual in the bible - "every nation who accepts this is bad" - religious influence Viewpoint that if you allow the rise of same sex marriage, you destroy the country Different christian viewpoint on homosexuals Local pastor who says that we shouldn't condemn gays 21.5% of homo teenagers have suicidal thoughts compared to 4% of straight kids - Where ppl say to love Jesus more are where homos are more suicidal "We have to spend less time discriminating this sin" Through the cumulative effect of the agency of individuals that has increased tolerance for same sex marriage Younger generation more in favor of same sex marriage There are now 37 same sex marriage states - culture change with marriage Rituals from same sex wedding Two brides in white but also groomsmen and bridesmaids giving away the bride Kissing the bride, wedding cake, family photography Point is to illustrate changes that are going on - concept of agency for humans to play a role in changing society

Racial Odyssey (Rensberger) Why is it futile to divide people into discrete racial categories?

Humans have many differences besides skin color, hair texture, and facial features. Rensberger talks about skin color and relation to equator Evolutionary success attributable to genetic variability. Some "racial" traits reflect evolutionary adaptations to different environments.

Friedl's Focus

Hunter-gatherer societies with small-scale social organization (band). "These conditions permit the anthropologist to observe the essential bases for inequalities between the sexes without the distortions induced by the complexities of contemporary industrial society."

Jezebel Caricature

Hyper-sexual and promiscuous (from a young age)

Race and Intelligence (shortcomings of IQ tests)

IQ tests can be culturally biased (or biased toward class that designs them). IQ test scores heavily influenced by quality of schooling, modes of instruction, etc. Thus, IQ test scores are said to reflect innate intelligence and quality of education. But, IQ tests are not a reliable measure of innate intelligence.

Eugenics Movements, USA

IQ tests developed, early 1900s (first scientific tests to determine intelligence) - Eugenics became prominent, early 1900s. Compulsory sterilization practiced against those deemed unfit to breed (e.g., those with low IQ). If the state deems a person to not procreate then the state has the power to make that person incapable of reproduction Preamble - targeted at African Americans Heredity plays the most important part in the transformation of crime, idiocy, etc.

Race as Fiction, Racism as Social Problem (Smedley and Smedley) Linking race and behavior

Imperialism and colonialism brought Europeans in contact with disparate peoples. Scientific/evolutionary attempts to explain human differences (see McGee and Warms) led to creation of new concept: discrete racial categories.

Methodological Issue

In casual in-depth interviews women reluctant to provide details. During formal survey + in-depth interviews, women willing to provide details.

Taboo Examples

Incest: Every society has incest taboo; details differ. Menstruation: In many societies a menstruating woman cannot have contact with religious items, food, etc. Food: Some animals considered unclean (pigs for Muslims and Jews), sacred (cows for Hindus), or inappropriate to eat (dogs for Americans). Taboo action Public nudity - streaker A way for people to draw attention to themselves

Does Discrimination Still Exist? (Smedley + Smedley)

Individual level? Easy to identity. Institutional Level? More subtle, difficult to prove causality. SAE incident - connection btwn individual and institutional level promoting exclusive membership in their organization based on race on institutional level, acting in a way to exclude individuals Investigation of the Ferguson Police Department Statistical analysis shows that African Americans in Ferguson are more likely to have case last longer, have arrest warrant issued, more likely to be searched, less likely to have anything found Strong indication of institutional racism here so it is possible to identify racism on institutional level

'Ladies' Behind Bars (Coggeshall)

Individual's gender redefined or reconstructed in prison context. Male and female gender roles emerge in all male society. Males create females (the ones who are weaker), then dominate and subjugate them.

Emergence of the World System

Industrialization, Colonialism, Intervention Philosophy, Colonialism and the World System, Colonialism and Identity

A Discernable Shift in research of domestic violence

Initial Research: Domestic violence couched in folk idioms (the evil eye) and embodied suffering (flu-like symptoms). Subsequent Research: Through local NGO and human rights discourse the suffering takes a name: violencia doméstica. suffering gained a name - domestic violence

Consequences of Same-Sex Marriage?

Institutionalized homosexuality always has negative consequences. Males secretive and exclusive; women devalued and marginalized (Etoro as evidence). "One never knows what a homosexual is about" - "Be careful if they are too friendly" - framed as though homosexuality is pedophelia Wood also argues that societies with homosexuality have a low birth rate Argument doesn't really stand

Theoretical Insight from Joking relationships

Joking relationships "are modes of organising a definite and stable system of social behaviour in which conjunctive and disjunctive components . . . are maintained and combined." Joking relations have a function.

Important Points about race

Just because there is no scientific validity to the taxonomy of people grouped as "races" does not mean that "race", as a concept, is meaningless or unimportant. Race as a social construct influences how we view ourselves and others. Race as a social construct can be used as a basis for social stratification. But race is not a scientific construct

100 Percent American (Ralph Linton)

Key Concepts Diffusion: borrowing between cultures either directly or through intermediaries - has happened a bunch in America Cultural Imperialism: The spread or advance of one culture at the expense of others, or its imposition on other societies, which it modifies, replaces, or destroys—usually because of differential economic or political influence.

Marriage in Cross-Cultural Perspective (The way that people form marriages varies from one society to the next) - 4 examples

Lack of Formal Marriage Polyandry Polygyny Polygyny & Arranged/Choice

Vulnerability in Nepal marriages

Lack of Power: Husband and in-laws as decision-makers. Lack of Social Network: Own family, kin, and friends can be very far away. Isolation: Bride discouraged from interacting with others. "Double Outsider": New to the community and to the marital family.

Opponents of Polygyny

Lack of female autonomy. Appointed marriages often have large age differences between spouses. "Incestuous" unions (e.g., first cousins). Early (child) marriages = pedophilia (and statutory rape).


Largest group in Mali. Agriculture = labor needs. Marriage/Family System: patrilineal, patrilocal, clan exogamy, extended family residence. Polygyny is common.

Coon Caricature

Lazy, uncultured, stupid Ex. Black musician wearing dirty clothes while white musician wearing tux

Gendering Kids

Learning connection between personal appearance and "happiness", connection between appearance and acceptance among peers, lessons about grooming for social events (proms, dates, weddings). COMMERCIAL from 1980s: Crystal barbie "shimmers from head to toe" being groomed for social events where appearance important for acceptance amongst peers (ex. Ken)

Constructing Gender: Three Examples

Learning through play (Urla & Swedlund). Learning through ritual (Herdt). Constructing gender in an all-male environment (Coggeshall)

Case Study: "Deepa"

Left husband due to his drinking, beatings, and forcing her to work shortly after giving birth. Moved back with natal family. Sympathetic father who experienced hardships. However, still vulnerable. If she remarries, what about daughter? Ambiguous status in household. What happens when younger brother marries? - division of work will be difficult

Problems with Categorizing

Linguistic category (Aryan = Indo-European languages) conflated with racial category. Those who speak Indo-European languages have no phenotypical ("racial") unity. Racial features are hereditary traits whereas cultural practices are learned behaviors. If race determines behavior, how to explain Nordics transition from aggressors to pacifists? Japanese transition from pacifists to aggressors. Hereditary traits are not responsible for cultural achievements

Littering as taboo

Littering is a taboo action - formal means of social control (fines) informal means of social control (3 ads - indian has respect for natural world so you should too, man in car litters cup and has license plate ltr bug, people became more and more dirty as they litter - "if you behave like a piece of filth, that's how the world sees you") Making the litterer into a taboo object In both cases, they are targeting individual Taboo: Littering represents anti-social behavior Consequence: ostracism (exclusion from society)

Race, Intelligence, and Eugenics

Long history of attempting to measure "functions of the brain" (intelligence) through IQ tests, then map results on racial categories.

Best of Friends and Worst of Enemies (Sangeetha Madhavan)

Madhavan studied women from two tribes in Mali to learn about marriage Key Questions: Does polygyny foster competition or collaboration among women (co-wives)? What economic and cultural factors shape tendencies toward competition/collaboration? Bamanan (more labor, more polygyny and more exogamy) and Fulbe (less labor, less polygyny and more endogamy) tribes Notes from reading: Conflict can arise when husband favors youngest wife

The Main Issue with gender

Male domination, although it varies in degree, seems to be a human universal. Source of male power and authority is "control of a scarce, hard to acquire, but necessary nutrient—animal protein." - man as hunter - men establishing social links through reciprocity Food acquisition and distribution: vegetable foods kept within immediate family, meat distributed beyond immediate family (honor, social links through reciprocity). Key Point Male power resides in ability to control meat distribution. (Ex. woman normally cooks but man cuts meat on Thanksgiving) Requires returns, creates obligations.

Video called Cocaland - participants talking about cocaine

Man is forced by his circumstances to work in making cocaine to feed family - 7 dollars per day Summary: World System and Desire Desire enmeshes people in complex economic networks (ex. with Guatemalan small holders; Japanese tuna brokers; Bolivian peasants) It's not just desire driving demand Desire exists at both sites of production and consumption (Benson + Fischer) Desire connects people in new and complex relationships of production and exchange (Bestor) Desire in one place can be linked to exploitation and social ills in another place (Weatherford)

Sororate (To another sister)

Man marries sister of deceased wife

Powers and Forces

Mana, Magic, Taboo

Benedict's Message

Many different "races" contributed to the growth of European culture. Cannot attribute one's cultural achievements to racial superiority. Language can't be equated with race Nazi's notion of a "Master Race" is nonsense.

Consequences of Polyandry

Many women excluded from marriage Low fertility and population growth

Nanda's Points

Marriage = family decision. (not individual) Emphasis on quality of bride's family Emphasis on values of extended family Modern aspirations; traditional values

Land of the Walking Marriage (Yuan and Mitchell)

Marriage in Mosuo tribe - Matrilineal kinship system Husband and wife live in separate households - seen in other places around the world Sisi - Friend marriage Results of this - united behind family work and money, no need for dowry, prevents conflict, relationship can be based on love if it's there and can easily be terminated if not there Large extended families means more sources for help Mother and her brother look after children


Marriage/sexual relations with close relative. Incest taboo is a human universal. Details of taboo differ (cultures define who is or is not kin differently).

Fetish (similar to Mana)

Material object believed to embody supernatural power. Fetishized objects aid and protect owner. Examples: charms and amulets Lucky uniform numbers Articles of clothing One cards guy never washed his hat Turk Wendell - wore necklace of teeth and claws of animals he had killed

Mosuo Family System

Matrilineal descent, female-headed households, no formal marital unions - Husbands and wives don't live with each other No co-resident affines All about everyone working sisi = "walking back and forth", informal unions based on love, no dowry. Children raised by mother and her brothers. No social or economic obligations between father and children.

Mattel's thoughts on Barbie

Mattel argues that Barbie represents female empowerment because of liberated female whose purpose is not to reproduce Barbie careers collection Nurse, ice skater, rock star, soccer player Doctor (pediatrician), teacher, vet But there are still domestic implications even when we're talking about the independent career barbie

Rushton - mapped unreliable tests onto meaningless categories

Maturation : what do these have to do with genetics? This claim reflects the caricatures

Caricatures in Cartoons (means of enculturation)

Media is a means of enculturation cartoon audience = children potential to internalize racial stereotypes while being entertained Cartoon where two people on a plane change skin color and change attitude Black Elmer Fudd Reminder that enculturation is a powerful means in cartoons for passing on stereotypes

Beyond Male and Female: India's Hijra

Member of the "third" gender in India (seen as neither male nor female). Often intersex (genitalia is neither exclusively male nor female). Low status, marginal members of society - but they have their own community - associated with fertility Make living by performing at weddings and birth ceremonies (association with fertility).

Examples of Same-Sex Marriage

Native American Berdaches (men who take on female social roles). Nandi of Kenya (women marry women to perpetuate matrilineal descent group). Azande of pre-colonial Africa (men who can't afford wives marry other men).

The Refrigerator and American Ideas of "Home" (Maschio)

Middle-class refrigerator as "ritual space". Place where objects acquire special qualities and convey special meanings. Maschio - you select very strategically what goes onto a fridge Either family members or very close friends - special significance of ppl displayed on fridge Displaying the values of the ideal home

Team Entrance Rituals

More emphatic in sports where physical strength and domination are keys to success. Purposes: team bonding, energize team (and supporters), gain psychological edge over opponents. Clemson's entrance rituals - a special rock from Death Valley Interaction between opposing players and Clemson running down a hill after touching the rock The Maori Haka Indigenous people of New Zealand Reputation for being fierce and warlike Strong sense of cultural identity Rituals can be religious or secular Secular - the National Anthem stylized and repetitive - repeated Posture displays solemn reverence Transmitting enduring cultural messages

Nutrition Impacts of cocaine production

More land used for coca production than food production (peasants must buy food from somewhere else instead of eat food that they would have produced). Impoverishment drains labor from rural farming areas (loss of labor = less production).

Coon Caricature, Brute Caricature

Natural propensity for violence and crime Brute caricature - savage, violent, animalistic

Arranging a Marriage in India (Nanda)

Most marriages are arranged by parents. Arranged marriages are contrary to the American ideal of individualism, and the notion that a successful marriage is based on romantic love. process of marrying someone you don't know Ethnocentrism - assuming that our own mating habits are superior Not just about the husband but also about the family of the husband Woman's profile on Indian site - appealing as a daughter in law in addition to just wife - very important how her relationship is with her family Indians actually do value arranged marriages because of linking of families - anxiety about dowry and relationship with in laws in addition to moving out of the house No real option to return after arranged marriage because of shame brought on family American way of presenting oneself for another is very egocentric - very centered upon the individual Ads from India about arranged marriage going forward - families are meeting and parents are meeting girls family Technology as a way of empowerment and to get used to arrange marriage - but there is tension there and people are shifting to choice marriage

States' use of census for racist agenda (Mulatto)

Mulatto: Scientific racist agenda people were studying racial mixing - predetermined conclusion that mixing races would have a negative effect Alabama - used to not legalize marriage across races S. Carolina - prohibiting marriage Formal means of social control

Making Men

Multiple paths to masculinity (can be sensitive or the tough guy), all influenced by enculturation through direct transmission, learning through rituals, informal means of social control, influence of media, enculturation through observation. Ex. direct transmission - father telling son how to act at sporting events

Tibetan dance done in colleges

Must consider the intent do people who perform the song tend to offend Tibetans? probably not Must also consider the effect Are Tibetans offended when members of dominant/majority group portray them in this way? Not sure we have to do research Political correctness? no Common decency Kangding - a Tibetan folk dance What do Tibetans think about this representation of their people and culture? Some accepting, others aren't Showing ass is offending in Tibet - dress isn't Tibetan - "100% adulteration of our Tibetan culture"


Nationalism stresses solidarity regardless of socio-economic class, rural-urban, regional, or ethnic distinctions. Nationalism usually driven by dominant ethnic group within the nation-state. (Idea to identify with nation first and ethnic group second) Nationalism often instilled through national school system. Pay homage to the nation (pledge of allegiance). Learn lingua franca (linguistic uniformity).

Ex. ethnicities of Norway, Spain, Iraq and China

Norwegians - prototypical Scandinavians But also Saami dialects who live in several different territories Ex. Basque region in France - minority group fighting for rights Iraq - mainly an Arab nation but 17% Kurd China - 53 ethnic groups in china - very diverse nation Han - 92% of China Political and Economic domination Ethnic group?: A group of people distinguished by cultural similarities and differences (history, language) Nationality?: Ethnic groups that once had, or wishes to have powerful statues - NO, they already have status Do the small groups fit ethnic group definition? - yes And they also fit nationality definition because they once had or wish to have or regain autonomous political status Nationalities live within nation states Leaders of nation states often consider nationalities to be threats to national unity Ex. flags of nationalities not nation states - Tibetan flags (criminal offense in China) Viewed badly by the nation state Ex. Kurds are in 4 different countries - can affect national borders of the 4 nation states

Case Study: Rwanda's Tutsis and Hutus

Pre-Colonial Era: Spoke same language, practiced same religion. Frequently intermarried. Fluid categories (a Hutu could become Tutsi and visa versa). Colonial Era: Belgian rulers created "racial" distinction (Tutsis "taller, smarter, wealthier"). Identity solidified through census/identity cards. Tutsis privileged for indirect rule. Post-Colonial Independence: Struggle for power. Tutsi/Hutu competition. Leaders play role in demonizing the other. Ethnic identity, as specified on identity card, used as basis for who to kill (1994 genocide).

Case Study: Sri Lanka's Tamil and Sinhalese

Pre-Colonial: Different religion (Hindu/Buddhist), different language, different culture. Yet coexisted for centuries. Colonial Era: In order to rule, British colonialists "relied on hardened and artificial notion of ethnic boundaries." They "created new social groups and identified them by ethnic, religious, or regional categories." Post-Colonial Independence: Colonial administrators created Tamil cause by establishing system that discriminated against them. Tamils responded by forming LTTE in 1976 (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam). War for separate state raged 1976 - 2009.

How Do Ethnic Groups Form? Constructivist View (still Bowen)

Pre-colonial: ethnic/tribal identity rarely important in everyday life. Identity related to birthplace, lineage, wealth status. Identity is fluid, can change through social and spatial mobility and within lifetime. Colonial powers and post-colonial states formed more rigid "ethnic identities". Categorizing for control (census). Privileging for indirect rule (e.g. Tutsi, Sinhalese).

Other rituals

Pre-test rituals - blasting music Basketball magic - prevalent on the free throw line Rip Hamilton, Karl Malone ritual behavior and taboos and magical behavior permeates so much of our lives - we often take them for granted because rituals become routine but this is very prevalent

Changing Perceptions

Previously: Husband's use of physical force was not deemed violent. Accepted as legitimate. Today: Considered unacceptable if man beats wife for pleasure (por gusto). Considered acceptable if man beats wife due to suspicion of infidelity (and other reasons).

Linguistic Profiling (John Baugh) (Wash U professor)

Prof. of African and African-Am. Studies, Wash U. Research on linguistic behavior and social stratification. Racial profiling usually based on visual cues - but there's also audio cues Linguistic profiling: based on auditory cues. Linguistic patterns (phonetics, grammar, vocabulary) vary by ethnic group. People judge intelligence (and other characteristics) based on linguistic patterns. People treat others according to judgments made on the basis of linguistic patterns.

Sir Francis Galton

Proponent of Eugenics Influenced by Darwin's theory of natural selection. Reasoned that, by protecting the weak, humans are acting against natural selection. If those with less intelligence outbreed those with more intelligence, result is "reversion toward mediocrity."

Two Independent Chains of Causation: Why do they intersect in time and place?

Proximate (Secondary) Cause - An event which is immediately responsible for causing an observed result. Ex. of proximate cause - sun at noon was hot so man sought shelter Witchcraft did not cause the man to seek shelter from the sun. Witchcraft did cause the two events to occur simultaneously Ultimate Cause - The real reason something occurred. The reason two events coincided in time and place. "Witchcraft brings a man in relation with events in such a way that he sustains injury."

Race as a Social Construct

Race as a social construct informs our actions and behaviors. We continue to classify people according to physical characteristics and assume those correspond with social, cultural, and psychological characteristics. Consciously or subconsciously, we treat or interact with people of dissimilar "races" differently.

Ideological justification for using "race" as a basis for social stratification (Smedley + Smedley)

Races are biologically discrete groups; certain physical characteristics deemed markers of race. Races naturally unequal, must be ranked. Distinctive cultural behaviors linked to biology. Behaviors associated with race innate and inherited. Differences between races profound and unalterable (justification for segregation). Racial classifications stipulated in legal and social system (eg., Jim Crow laws). "The problem we all live with" - painting of a black girl dressed to go to school with tomatoes being thrown at her


Re-Integrated in Society With a New Status Military Boot Camp: from "recruit" to "soldier". Islamic Pilgrimage: from ordinary Muslim to "Haji"/"Haja". - Hajj as a right of passage because of forming strong bonds with other muslims on Hajj Apache Coming of Age Ritual: from "girl" to "woman". Video about girl becoming a woman in apache society - a dance to test girls endurance College Graduation: from "student" to "graduate".

The Gender Hierarchy in prison

Real Men defined by ability to fight to protest/resist sexual advances, ability to keep and protect women. (most powerful) Ladies/Queens: Those who come out voluntarily. High status, control over self-concept. Queens - men who become women to have more power than being a punk Man transformed bodily hormones to be female and survive in prisons feminine underwear to keep himself alive and given cocaine and liquor Kids: Kept in servitude by others. Signifies owner's power and prestige. (least powerful) Gumps & Punks: Kept in servitude by gangs, prostituted for money. Gumps "turned out" willingly. Punks "turned out" unwillingly. Dykes: female guards. Position of power and authority over men. Defined in non-feminine terms. Females with most control are designated as men Example of how gender is constructed even in an all male environment. The caricatures of men/women that are created reflect gender concepts in society at large.

Sukuma "Tribe" of Tanzania

Registered as single tribe by British. Missionaries standardized dialect into one language for Bible translation. Standardized language taught in schools. Colonial impact? Forging common identity.

Racial Categories and the US Census Are social scientists who are designing the census actually contributing to the social construct called race?

Reify: to make something more concrete or real. Does the process of categorizing US citizens by racial categories reify those racial categories (i.e., make race seem more "real"?)

Religion Defined

Religion is a human universal - every society in the world has it. "Belief and ritual concerned with supernatural beings, powers, and forces." (Wallace, 1966). Dictionary definitions: a) a belief in a divine or superhuman power or powers to be obeyed and worshiped as the creator(s) or ruler(s) of the universe. b) expression of such a belief in conduct and ritual.

Pablo: Broccoli as Export Crop

Requires surplus land. Demand from abroad. Market (prices, information) controlled by corporations and middle men. High risk, low returns. Desire for Pablo is to get ahead socioeconomic advancement - Susan's desire - I want to be a healthy, responsible consumer Both have desires rooted in modernity

Rites of Passage (Still Turner)

Rituals associated with transition from one place or stage of life to another. Change in social status affected through ritual. Help create (and maintain) group identity.

Economic Impacts of cocaine production

Rural poverty gets worse (especially as the young and able become disabled) Economic disparities increase (those who control production/distribution get wealthy)

Impacts of cocaine production

Rural villages depleted of work force. Families and traditional cultural patterns disintegrate. People can no longer afford local products that suddenly become valued in the West. How does consumption of a drug in wealthy population impact the population of growers? Attracts labor from non-growing areas to growing areas People grow for the benefit of their family - but they can get addicted to the drug Whose disposable income drives up the price of coca? Weatherford talks about increased alcoholism because of increasing price of cocaine

Household diversification strategy:

Rural-urban connections and multiple income sources (family, skilled labor, restaurant, salaried position) Even in modernized economy, system makes sense one son plows the fields, one to drive a truck, one educated son to provide for family from afar Daughters are independent and earning income - relied upon when family needs help POINT - POLYANDRY IS ADAPTABLE Still very viable as an economic strategy - large families (relic of high fertilty) Multiple potential income sources Cultural value of "corporate family" What will spell the demise of polyandry? Fertility decline (who will have 2+ sons?)

Race, Evolution, and Behavior (Rushton) "Behavior is genetically determined"

Rushton's Racial Categories: Orientals (East Asians, Mongoloids), Whites (Europeans, Caucasoids), Blacks (Africans, Negroids). Rushton claims to identify 60 social/behavioral variables that distinguish racial groups and argues that these are innate and genetically determined variables.


Sex (biologically determined) : biological differences that are more or less unalterable (e.g., Y chromosome in males, different genitalia). Gender (socially constructed) : the traits that a culture assigns to and inculcates in males and females. Something we take for granted in everyday social practices and interactions - gender roles are enculturated We "do gender" without thinking about it

Relative Wealth

Smallholders: family farms where small amount of land is owned by the family which acts as the primary unit of production. Smallholders with relatively large landholdings are relatively wealthy and can grow for foreign market. Feed family from milpa fields (Coffee, cocoa, broccoli). Achieve relative affluence through export.

Accessorizing Barbie - Socializing into the consumer culture

Socializing into consumer culture: learning "cultural capital" of name brands, learning connection between fashion/taste and social status. Consumer culture aspect illustrated in commercial: Barbie shopping boutique "I love shopping" - a gendered remark

Liberal Sexuality (homosexuality) as Maladaptive?

Societies where homosexuality is the norm have low birth rates.

Durable Alliances

Sororate, Levirate

Gender Construction

Starts at birth (dressing, naming): sex category becomes gender status. boy or girl? Gender specific names and clothing Giving our babies a gender identity before they even know anything about themselves Gender construction can occur within the context of children's social events Gender roles and stereotypes reflected in birthday party themes/ activities

Race: What It Is Not (Ruth Benedict)

Student of Franz Boas at Columbia University. Proponent of Culture and Personality school that posits enculturation shapes individual's personality; overlap with psychology. Contemporary and close companion of Margaret Mead. Excerpt from Race: Science and Politics (1940). Historical Context: WWII. Nazism and notion of pure and dominant Aryan race. Emphatic warning that racial politics are misguided and dangerous. Idea that Aryan race is the "master race"

Earlier Applications of descent studies

Studies of descent lineages helped illuminate basis of political and social organization in many societies: Nuer (Evans-Pritchard), Yanomamö (Chagnon)


Stylized and repetitive. Performed in special (sacred) places and at set times. Transmit enduring cultural messages and values. Can be religious or secular.


Supernatural techniques intended to accomplish specific aims. Actions, offerings, spells, formulas, incantations. Magic most prevalent in situations of chance and uncertainly when people feel they cannot control matters (e.g., hazardous activities). Reduces stress, creates illusion of control. Ex. soldiers tend to revert to behavior we would call magic before a battle - creates an illusion of control Context: Gambling High level of uncertainty Stakes can be high - can win a lot (wealth) or lose a lot Concept of lady luck - woman blows on the dice - gender component


Supernatural techniques intended to accomplish specific aims. Most prevalent in situations of uncertainly. Reduces stress, creates illusion of control.

Learning Gender through birthday parties

Sweet and Sassy - ultimate makeover experience "boys cut" - probably because the 4 year old brother had to go to the party Learning that being pampered in this way is a gendered practice Boys birthday parties - more action laser tag, go-kart, paintball Girl themes - Tinkerbell boy themes - baseball


Symbolic association with an object (animal) through stipulated descent. Sacred emblems symbolize common identity. Functions to create solidarity among groups of people. Ex. Totem pole Clans represented by totemic ancestors - personifying their attributes Visual representation of family history Ancestor is totemic animal (eagle, bear) which is symbol of the social group (clan)


The political, social, economic, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended time.

Gender Roles

The tasks and activities a culture assigns by gender Division of labor by gender Who does the domestic work? Who does the majority of child care? Whyte's 1978 cross-cultural study 51% of societies where males do almost no domestic work childcare is female dominated Women do more sustaining/educating tasks (homework, feeding, bathing) Men do more recreational/entertainment activities (playing games) Even if mom and dad spend equal time with kids

When Brothers Share a Wife (Goldstein)

Tibetans' Perspective on Polyandry - meets the social, demographic, and ecological needs of the region - all about MATERIALISM and keeping resources in the family Specifically fraternal polyandry - because brothers marrying wife Means to ensure family unity and conserve household wealth Eldest brother has most power and offspring treated similarly Also have monogamy and polygyny in Tibet Potential conflict from younger brothers being subordinated Polyandry declining in Tibet because of potential upward mobility elsewhere - Goldstein's hypothesis


To whom can a woman turn to alleviate domestic violence? Father-in-law or mother-in-law? Other women in the community? Parents and siblings? Can a woman with little education or job skills leave a husband and become independent? Gender discrimination in job market. Inappropriate for single woman to live alone. New laws where women actually can own land and capital - question of whether this will fix domestic violence

Expressions of Religion



Transformation from domestic (home handicraft) to industrial (factory) production. Factories clustered where coal and labor cheap. Industrialization fueled urban growth and increasing social stratification. Process started in Europe (1700s) Closely related to colonialism. Global networks of extraction (raw materials), production (finished goods), and consumption.

Kinship diagrams

Triangle - male Circle - female Equals sign = marriage Family tree sign - descended from

Modern Tibetan system

Two eldest sons stay in household for arranged marriage Two daughters sent out for arranged marriage (polyandry) youngest son sent out for monogamy And youngest daughter has monogamy Son is physically removed from the household but they are still part of household daughter isn't part of household once she leaves - she's part of new household

Skin Color and Evolution

Ultra-Violet radiation. Harm: disrupts cell division; causes cancers. Benefit: Vitamin D synthesis. Melanin (pigmentation) blocks UV radiation. Block too little, disrupts cell division. Block too much, no Vitamin D. Balance is key Climates with more UV radiation have darker skin Dark skin and light skin evolved independently in different areas

Gender Stratification

Unequal distribution of rewards (socially valued resources, power, prestige, etc.) reflecting men's and women's different positions in a social hierarchy. What men do is often valued more highly (education; economic activities; politics; etc.). Gender ideology legitimates stratification.

Perspectives on sports rituals

What are the functions of sporting rituals? Fans perspective? Participants' perspective? How do athletes use magic and rituals to mitigate uncertainty?

Shortcomings of Rushton's rationale

Unscientific How would a team of extraterrestrial scientist divide humans into groups? How are racial groups distinguished in "common usage" - common usage is a social construct and doesn't have a scientific basis

Moving Away from Marital Violence (Jan Brunson)

Urban research in Nepal - quick changes going on there Research methodology - 794 households in community - survey of random sample of 250 households and then several in depth case studies of 27 households Allows you to compare in depth case studies with entire community Daughter referred to as guest in the home when she grows up because everyone knows she's leaving - daughter technically does not belong to natal family after marriage ritual

Fridge and gender roles

Used to be symbol of domesticity for women Now a place for beer for men

Role of Anthropologist? Issues with researching domestic violence

Wanted to help; provided minimal help. Manuel = collaborator, friend, man of influence in the community and in Friederic's research. Dilemma illustrates "how deep immersion and an orientation to long-term collaboration can complicate efforts to ensure protection and practice advocacy." If you become embedded in community, you become embedded in the social relations that that entails

Rituals of Manhood (Herdt)

Warfare and Masculinity "Warfare used to be constant and nagging among Sambia, and it conditioned the values and masculine stereotypes surrounding the male initiatory cult." Studies in Papua New Guinea Males had to be initiated and enculturated into manhood - performing masculinity on the battle field Manliness Strength "pivotal idea in male ethos". Unbending masculinity performed on battlefield. Boys enculturation in ideals of masculinity. Gender and Enculturation Babies nurtured by women (mothers). Once children get to a certain age, girls raised by women and boys raised by men - Segregation of genders Femininity unfolds naturally but masculinity must be achieved Boys need semen to become men

The Social Construction of Race

What Is a "Social Construct"? A category (e.g., "race") created and developed by society. A perception of a group (e.g., "Negroid Race") that is 'constructed' through cultural or social practice. Anthropology likes to look at the social construct of race Quotes from British degrading the Irish "Race of savages" The mortar of assimilation - and the one element that won't mix

Gender Violence and Pop Culture

What are the social repercussions when extreme violence is associated with an idealized model of masculinity? What does it mean that we are entertained by men beating up women? What does it mean that millions of men and boys choose to watch entertainment that is abusive, degrading, and disrespectful to women? What does it mean that men are aroused by the gender violence portrayed in WWE? Top icons of masculinity in our society Informal means of social control - "Quit crying, be a man!" Making Manhood video - about WWE Shows how masculinity is portrayed

Sex and Consequences (Peter Wood) Wood's Questions

What happens when a society recognizes same-sex marriage? Permits polygamy? Doesn't mind out-of-wedlock births? Permits sex between children and adults? Same sex marriage can have negative effects on society - arguing that institutionalized homosexuality has consequences because males are secretive and females are marginalized Wood argues that homosexuality leads to pedophelia

Negative consequences of video games and gender

What happens when happy violence associated with gender - becomes ideal model of masculinity Female gamers get death/rape threats We find stereotypical depictions of women and gays as funny which translates to our everyday actions "Fat ugly or slutty website" Gender violence in 1960s - Jimi Hendrix song about guy with a gun going to shoot a woman because of infidelity All informal/formal means of social control removed Gender violence in wrestling is now seen in WWE videos Bullying thru video games - targets are women (prostitutes, decorations)

Natural Selection

Which traits are advantageous in a particular physical environment? Advantageous traits passed on because more with that trait survive to reproduce. Cold environment - short and stout better for heat conservation Would end up with a population that's short and stout with cold climate Hot environment - tall and thin better for heat radiation And would have tall and thin population in general on avg if in hot population

More on hypodescence

White = the standard in the US Any variation classified as non-white 50% white + 50% black = black 50% white + 50% asian = asian What phenotypes determine racial categories in the US? Black = skin color White = skin color Asian = eye shape + hair color + skin color

Video Games and Gender

Why do people behave badly when gaming? Big audience (think kids, attention). Anonymity. No Consequences. Exclusive Male Domains? Are women devalued in societies where males are secretive and/or exclusive?

Caveats of witchcraft

Witchcraft does not explain all deaths and other unfortunate events. Not all witchcraft accusations are credible. Incompetence, laziness, ignorance, stupidity. Witchcraft does not exclude natural causation. Belief is consistent with human responsibility and "rational appreciation of nature" (i.e., empirical knowledge of cause and effect).

Film: Strange Relations

Wodaabe Marriage Patrilocal. Polygyny. Arranged Marriage and Love Marriage. Guy wants more wives so he uses love magic Woman wants this one hot dude and they meet in the market tomorrow Woman - "now I am a loved wife, I follow my heart" WHAT IS NORMATIVE? In an arranged marriage society, it ignores the fact that a lot of marriages are out of love Also - bodily adornment and sexual attraction A lot of parallels of our own society Ex. body rituals of the nacerima Can love magic make someone irresistible? Commercial in our own society about Axe


Woman marries brother of deceased husband

Why Do Men Hunt and Women Gather? (A biological answer)

Women begin childbearing at time when they become old enough to hunt. Pregnancy and childcare limits mobility and therefore ability to hunt. Male dominance scale - some societies can be considered much more male dominant and some less Male dominant societies where males provide food through hunting (ex. netsilik) Least dominant - where males and females work as teams in communal hunts

Rayna rapp on France

Women in public doing domestic acts - have their own power during the day in public space while they gossip At night, women at home while men in public Public square used in different ways at different times by both genders Actions in domestic realm have public ramifications Women have agency because they have their own kinship networks Cynthia Nelson on Middle East - women are important structural links in families because they marry to connect patrilineal groups Women serve as mediators and "information brokers"

Cocaine and the Economic Deterioration of Bolivia (Weatherford)

World Systems perspective - "The demands of the world market have eroded local subsistence economies for centuries." How has cocaine contributed to this process? How does consumption in US affect peasants in Bolivia? Coca leaves - traditionally grown and consumed as a mild stimulant (like coffee) A heavily processed narcotic derived from coca leaves - a popular drug for decades Bob Dylan/Lynyrd Skynyrd/Rolling Stones songs about cocaine

Refrigerator Rights

Would you walk into another person's house, go to their refrigerator, open it up and help yourself? Who is allowed inside is a measure of kinship, social distance, and age.

Interpretations and Consequences If this is a genetic problem - no solution But if a sociological problem - can find a solution

Wrong - Low IQ and other inherited traits are why blacks are poor, live in crime-ridden neighborhoods, have high rate of incarceration, have high illegitimacy rate, etc . . . Right - Legacy of racism and discrimination are why blacks are poor, live in crime-ridden neighborhoods, have high rate of incarceration, have high illegitimacy rate, etc . . .

Health impacts of cocaine production

Young men become permanently disabled Chemicals dissolve pisacocas skin so they lose use of feet and hands Pisacocas lose mind from smoking laced cigarettes supplied by producers Spread of STIs through producer-sponsored prostitution (to keep workforce happy)

Partible inheritance in Tibetan system

each son has 3 sons who combine to take one wife, then next 3 sons take one wife, etc. so that families aren't continually dividing resources works quite well under resource constraints With 3 active adults - can diversify household labor Ex. one person farms, one person does something else, one person does something else


one man with more than one wife.


when couple marries they establish new, independent residence.

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