Cultural Exam 3

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Joon-ha, a Korean child, is trying to facially express that he is upset. Which of the following people would be best at identifying that Joon-ha is upset? (C10)

Person D, who is Korean

Which of the following people would NOT be considered universally to be physically attractive?

a person with an average-size body

Your friend Pedram is planning to immigrate somewhere and wants to go to a place where he'll have the best chance of adjusting to the new culture. Which of the following should you recommend as being the best place for him?

a society that espouses values that match Pedram's personality

Aaron believes that it would be acceptable for someone to have sex with a chicken if it were consistent with cultural norms. This is an example of

conventional moral reasoning

Which of the following products or services does NOT capitalize on universal bases of attraction?

photo editing software that can mix different body shapes together

Which of the following is not one of Ekman's basic emotions? (C10)


The moral reasoning of people of orthodox religious sects tend to fit the best with

the ethic of divinity

Based on the biases self-enhancers have, which of the following is someone who self-enhances most likely to say after failing a chemistry test? (C8)

"Even though I failed this chemistry test, I can still do well in physics."

In which of the following circumstances is social facilitation most likely to happen?

A beginner basketball player is practicing foul shots in front of his family and friends

In a study, five people are asked to taste test three dishes, one of which tastes like garbage. They must then judge which dish was the best. However, four of the people are confederates and are told to always say that the garbage dish is the best. The real participant (the fifth person) is then asked to give his or her judgment. This study is done in both an individualistic and a collectivistic culture. Based on the results obtained using Asch's paradigm across cultures, what do you expect to happen in this case? (C8)

A lot of participants from the individualistic culture would say that the garbage dish is the best one, but even more participants from the collectivistic culture would say the same

Which of the following people have brain fag syndrome?

After intensely cramming for an exam for a full week, Person E feels like she cannot see as well, and feels like her head and neck are burning.

Ayumi is a Japanese student, and Alice is a European-Canadian student. They are both participating in a study in which they are asked to provide some self-descriptions. Which of the following is the likeliest outcome of this study?

Ayumi is likelier than Alice to say that she is both considerate and selfish

When is comes to analytic reasoning tasks, East Asians (C9)

Choose family-resemblance response if there is a conflict between rule and similarity-based judgments

The Department of Chemistry is trying to understand how people solve problems in organic chemistry classes. Students are given a series of complex organic chemistry problems to solve. Which of the following will characterize the students' performance?

East Asian students will perform worse on the problems if they are asked to verbally articulate their thinking process; but their performance will be relatively unaffected if they recite their own names repeatedly

During a professional ice hockey game, fans from around the world saw Tony Bertram, a professional hockey player, punch an unsuspecting player in the face and throw him onto the ice. Based on what you know about analytic and holistic thinking styles, which of the following do you think is most likely to happen?

East Asians will blame Tony's family problems, and Westerners will blame Tony's nasty personality

With which of the following is a low context culture most closely associated? (C9)

Explicit communication

Which of the following statements is true of face? (C8)

Face is more easily lost than it is gained.

Lumusi is a Ghanaian teenager who reports having more enemies than does her American counterpart, Lisa. According to research discussed in the text on Ghana, which of the following explains why Lumusi reports having more enemies than Lisa?

Ghanaians are less likely to choose their relationship partners.

Idra, a European university student, has moved to another country indefinitely to start a new career. He is currently experiencing anxiety, helplessness, and homesickness. Based on research on acculturation curves, what do you expect to happen with Idra next?

He will maintain these feelings if the host culture is homogenous.

Your sister just got a new job. Her role is to be a surrogate sister for a teenage boy who has not unlocked himself from his room for a year. Ultimately, her job is to try to get the boy to get out of the house. What condition does this boy have?


Research reveals that the French paradox is due to the French

consuming fewer calories.

Which of the following statements about self-esteem is most accurate? (C8)

Independence is positively related to self-esteem

Lara is of low socioeconomic status (SES) and lives in a low-SES neighborhood. Larry is of low SES but lives in a high-SES neighborhood. (Note that low SES here means less than $10,000 per year.) Which of the two will likely have a longer life expectancy?


According to the textbook, which of the following patients with schizophrenia is going to have the best outcome?

Latiri, who lives with her family in a nondeveloped society

Varun is a Fijian immigrant to Canada. After observing him over time, his friends felt like he wasn't really participating in Canadian culture, nor did he seem to have much to do with his Fijian roots. Which of the following best describes Varun?

Marginalization strategy

Analytic thinking is best characterized by (C9)

Taxonomic categorization

Shawn displays something that can be characterized as being a ritualized display of excitement. What does this imply? (C10)

People from other cultures likely can't recognize that he is excited

Four single Japanese people are participating in a dating TV show. Three of them serve as targets, and they each spend time with the remaining person (the chooser). The chooser must then decide which person he or she wants to date. Which of the following people is the chooser most likely to choose?

Regardless of gender, the chooser will choose the person with bilateral facial symmetry.

Which of the following people should NOT be expected to have good health outcomes?

Ronaldo, who is low SES and makes less than $10,000 a year, but lives in a high-SES neighborhood

Which of the following is an example of someone defining emotions using the James-Lange theory of emotions? (C10)

Ryan thinks he feels excitement because his heart was racing after having held his breather for a minute while under water in the pool

Gregory has been diagnosed with depression by his psychiatrists; however, he does not really report experiencing negative affect. He primarily experiences stomach and sleep problems. Which of the following most accurately characterizes Gregory's experience?


Which of the following most accurately portrays field dependence? (C9)

Someone who is better at the relative-line task than the absolute-line task

A group of participants is given a hammer. They are asked to collectively strike the hammer onto a pad as hard as possible. Under which of the following circumstances would people try less hard on this group task than if they performed it individually?

They do not have relationships with the other group members.

Kartika bides by the idea that people should have emotional "smoothness." This means that she (C10)

Tries to not have strong displays of emotions

A Chinese art critic, Weiwei, and his American counterpart, William, are both looking at a painting of a group of people standing behind a vase in the middle foreground. If you were to compare the eye gaze of Weiwei and William, what would you find?

William spends more time gazing at the vase than does Weiwei.

Which of the following would be an example of secondary control? (C8)

You convince yourself that taking the bus to work is not so bad after all.

Horatio and Gil are debating the legalization of marijuana. Horatio is for legalization, while Gil is against it. It has been said that, separately, Horatio's argument is strong, while Gil's argument is weak. Zhang, a Chinese student, is watching the debate. Compared to how Zhang would perceive the arguments if he were to encounter just one argument, how will he perceive the arguments if they are both presented to him?

Zhang would become less convinced that Horatio's argument is true, but become more convinced that Gil's argument is true.

Koro is manifested by

a female patient who is deathly afraid that her nipples are shrinking into her body.

A human, a giraffe, and a car. Which one doesn't belong? (C9)

analytic thinker: car; holistic thinker: giraffe

Arranged marriages

are less common in cultures with nuclear families as opposed to extended families.

The postconventional level of moral development is most closely associated with what code of ethic?


Which of the following is reliably associated with reduced acculturative stress?

cultural fitness

The fact that people from some cultures lack an enzyme to allow them to digest milk reflects that

cultural practices can affect human evolution.

Based on the studies reported in the textbook on depression among Chinese, if Huang Bo is diagnosed with neurasthenia in China, how can one alternatively conceive of his diagnosis?

depression with somatization

Just for fun, Mary decided to tape the corners of her mouth so that she will appear to be smiling for the duration of that day. According to the facial feedback hypothesis, which of the following emotions is Mary most likely to experience as a result?


According to research on facial expressions across cultures, if Dixon, who's an American, makes facial expressions for the basic emotions

his expressions would be recognized above chance in virtually all cultures.

Research reveals that, in contrast to Westerners, the most desired kinds of emotional states among East Asians are

low arousal positive states

Eric's medical results show that there is an infection in his pancreas. What is his American doctor most likely to do in response to these results?

recommend antibiotics or surgery

At Kohlberg's conventional level of moral development, someone is considered moral when she

refrains from stealing from a store because it is illegal.

Romantic love is

something that grows with age until the birth of children

Imagine that Georgi moved to Canada from Bulgaria about a year ago. We might expect that he is

struggling, as he feels a bit homesick and has not yet made many Canadian friends

From a health standpoint, retirees who move from New York City to the beaches of Florida will

suffer fewer heart problems than Floridians who move to New York City.

Your friend is experiencing stomach aches and goes to see a doctor. The doctor tells your friend that the problem is the result of forces being out of balance in his body, and gives him a remedy that is designed to bring those forces back into balance. What type of doctor is she most likely to be?


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