Cyber High Unit 3

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A cover letter generally consists of four parts:

- A header consisting of a person's contact information: name, address, phone number(s), and email address. - An introduction stating what position the job seeker is applying for. - The body, which explains why the applicant is interested in the position and how he/she would be an asset to the company (highlight specific skills, qualifications, and experience here). - The closing, in which the applicant sums up the letter, thanks the employer for his/her time, and signs the letter.

California English/Language Arts Standard Writing Application 2.2: Write responses to literature.

- Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the significant ideas in works or passages. - Analyze the use of imagery, language, universal themes, and unique aspects of the text. - Support important ideas and viewpoints through accurate and detailed references to the text and to other works. - Demonstrate an understanding of the author's use of stylistic (literary) devices and an appreciation of the effects created. - Identify and assess the impact of perceived (supposed) ambiguities (something with more than one meaning), nuances (slight differences), and complexities (difficult to understand) within the text.

Things to do that will help your interview go well

- Do a mock or practice interview before - Dress to impress Arrive 15 minutes early - Shake hands with or greet the rest of the staff politely - Make eye contact with the interviewer - Do not answer questions with cliche or single-word answers - If they ask do you have any questions, say yes _ No foul language - Maintain good posture and turn off any cell phones or other electronic devices - Tell the truth - Always say thank you at the end of the interview - Follow up with a handwritten thank you note

LIST B: Documents that establish identity only

- Driver's license or ID card issued by a state or outlying possession of the United States provided it contains a photograph or information such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address - ID card issued by federal, state, or local government agencies, provided it contains a photograph or information such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address - School ID card with a photograph - Voter's registration card - U.S. Military card or draft record - Military dependent's ID card - U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card - Native American tribal document - Driver's license issued by a Canadian government authority Note: for minors unable to present one of the documents listed above the following may be substituted: - A school record or report card - A clinic, doctor, or hospital record - A day-care or nursery school record

Preparing for an interview

- First, research the company with which he/she is interviewing. - Second, prepare an interview outfit and a route to the job site. - Third, update and review all written information. - Fourth, practice potential interview questions and answers. - Fifth, prepare a list of questions to ask the interviewer.

If someone wanted to open her own salon, a good place to start might be:

as an apprentice in a local salon.

An individual older than 16 but younger than 18

is not limited as to the number of hours he/she can work, but certain jobs may be off-limits as they are considered too hazardous for minors by the U.S. Department of Labor. This includes working in mining, logging, and working with certain power-driven machinery.

Resources to make searching for jobs a little easier

newspapers, websites, government assistance programs, public libraries, and even neighbors

The Employment Development Department (EDD)

offers both an Internet site and local offices that provide support such as basic training (GED—General Educational Development, a test for those who do not complete high school, it tests English, mathematics, and reading skills), vocational training (classes in specific skills or certifications needed for specific jobs), and on-the-job training (individuals receive instruction while working for a company as an employee or an apprentice/trainee)

Appropriate dress for a female would include a

suit, dress shirt and dress pants, skirt and blouse, or a dress with nice shoes and possibly pantyhose. Once you already have the job, khaki pants and a dress or polo shirt may be appropriate.

Appropriate dress for a male would include a

suit—with or without a tie depending on the workplace, a dress shirt with a tie and slacks, and matching shoes and belt. For more casual workplaces, a dress shirt or button down and khaki pants might be appropriate

A job interview is typically:

the last step before hiring.

The two excerpts are about:

two different aspects of the same professional field.

Local branches of the EDD also provide

workshops on writing resumés, interviewing, and financial aid for training and education


- Generally, need specific documentation such as a work permit that must be signed by the minor's parents/guardians and employer and age certification documentation (birth certificate or other proof). - This paperwork varies by state and details can be obtained from a state labor department office or a school guidance counselor. - This paperwork is required by most employers to help protect them from Federal fines or prosecution for employing individuals who do not meet minimum age requirements.

common places to find a job

- Local neighborhoods and/or businesses. - walk around one's local neighborhood and look for help-wanted signs in store windows - Newspaper classified - Local shopping centers or malls. From approximately late September to mid-January. During this time of year, many stores hire extra staff—temporary or "seasonal" employees—to help out with the holiday crowds - Larger stores, franchises, and/or restaurants. - Online job search engines - Government assistance - Career Fairs - Libraries

Types of job applications

- Paper application - Online or interned application - Hiring kiosk application

The following is a list of information a job seeker should bring with him/her when going to pick up and/or complete a job application:

- Resumé and/or cover letter. - Dates and addresses of all employers and a supervisor's name and contact number for each employer if available—be sure the information is current. - Names, dates, and addresses of all schools attended. - License or identification card numbers, Social Security numbers, and work permit (if applicable). - Names, addresses, and contact phone numbers for three people that can be included as references (neighbors, previous supervisors or co-workers, or teachers). - A black or blue pen. Paper applications should be completed in ink and handwriting should always be neat. - In addition, some applications may ask applicants to complete position-related questions. For example, a person applying to work as a career might be asked basic math questions to ensure he or she can count money and make change.

LIST A: Documents that establish identity and employment eligibility

- U.S. Passport (unexpired or expired) - Permanent Resident Card or Alien -Registration Receipt Card - Unexpired foreign passport with a temporary I-551 stamp - Unexpired Employment Authorization Document that contains a photograph - Unexpired foreign passport with an unexpired Arrival-Departure Record bearing the same name as the passport and containing an endorsement of the alien's nonimmigrant status, if that status authorizes the alien to work for the employer

LIST C: Documents that establish employment eligibility only

- U.S. Social Security card issued by the Social Security Administration - Certification of Birth Abroad issued by the U.S. Department of State - Original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a state, county, municipal authority, or outlying possession of the United States bearing an official seal - Native American tribal document - U.S. Citizen ID Card - ID Card for use of Resident Citizen in the U.S. - Unexpired employment authorization document issued by DHS (other than those in List A)

Tips to get a job

- Visualizing goals - Being persistent - Take care of oneself - Remaining positive

In the Paris fashion world, hair stylists:

- are respected by designers. - are considered to be artists. - are an important part of a fashion show.

Which of the following things might a person do to prepare for a career as a hair stylist?

- attend school or a training program - become an apprentice - look for an internship at a local salon

There are several jobs that are not considered "employment" by most states and therefore do not have any age restrictions on them. These may include:

- farm work performed on a farm. - working in a business owned or operated by a parent or guardian. - delivering newspapers - caddying on a golf course. - domestic work (such as cleaning, yard work, or babysitting) performed in or about a home - counseling at a camp (such as a summer camp for kids).

Which of the following documents can be used by a minor to establish identity for employment eligibility?

- school report card - hospital records - day-care records

A proper thank-you:

- specific (mention the person/people's name(s) and something specific that was discussed) - personal (use the person's name and title), - restates interest (in the position applied for), - error-free (check spelling and grammar).

Which of the following choices is important to someone who owns a salon?

- the ability to listen well - a high level of discipline - continuing to develop styling skills

Under the age of 16

- up to 3 hours a day or 18 hours a week when school is in session - up to 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week when it is summer or school holidays - Cant work past 7 p.m. on school days - 9 p.m. from June 1st-Labor Day.

In this unit you will learn

- various career skills. - requirements, including documentation, for employment. - where and how to search for jobs. - a job application. - interviewing and interviewing techniques.

individuals seeking employment need to be

14 years

minor is

18 or younger

For a follow up, the phone call should be

2 weeks after

Online applications are typically in:

Fill-in-the-blank format

clothing with any type of writing or message, jeans, and tennis shoes are inappropriate as are excessively baggy pants and shirts.

For both males and females

Many employers use the Internet to look for potential employees.


Up to 60% of a hiring decisions often made withing the first 3 minutes of the interview


Newspaper classifieds are mainly for people looking for jobs at very large corporations.


Paper job applications should be completed in pencil in case mistakes are made.


Employers often use cover letters to pre-screen applicants if they receive a large number of applications and/or resumés, so it is important that potential employees put thought and effort into their cover letters

Cover letters should be short—no more than a page in length. They are meant to introduce and supplement a resumé or application, not replace one, so they should be concise and not overly detailed.

An interviewee should always arrive for an interview at least an hour early.


To clarify, a person could present an unexpired U.S. Passport or a California ID card and U.S. Social Security card as proof of right to work.

In addition, different or additional documentation may be required of individuals who are not U.S. citizens. This may include an immigrant Visa, a work Visa, or a Green Card. Local Labor Department offices can help individuals determine what documentation they will need to present for work eligibility.

Which of the following documents can be used to establish both identity and employment eligibility?

Permanent resident card

Cover letters

short letters of introduction that highlight the qualifications and skills of an applicant in an effort to attract an employer's attention to a resumé or application

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