Dance 3813 - Unit 2, Exam 2 - Extra Notes (includes quiz questions)
"Big Adae" dance pays tribute to the __________________
master of the dance
"master of music and drums" =
"the ones who pray"
"the parts of a creation are not emphasized beyond the whole"
- was the area of Brazil first colonized by the Portuguese
-awareness of movement of multiple body parts in relation to multiple instruments and rhythms -intricacy of superimposed motions -multiple existence of the polysenses -slow and fast movements in the same time frame -sometimes called "layering" -movements from several different directions
Fontomfrom Drums ("Talking Drums")
-five feet tall, deep tone -chief of drums -carry on dialogue with dancer through rhythmic and tonal mimicry -war dances, heroic dances
-intensification through repetition
-seen in form, shape & structure -circular rhythm
oral tradition
-story/speaker -no permanent stamp for the artist, but rather for the work itself & its culture -artist as conduit -creative process -its derivatives are the seven aesthetic senses
epic memory
-taps into the realm of universal emotions through memory -creative force is a spiritually initiated
-the texture sense -"speaks to the supernatural in space, the presence beyond the visual presence"
The Asante (Ashanti) of Ghana
A confederacy of small states that gained power in Ghana during the early 18th century
motion, position
African dance is ___________ rather than "__________"
game-like dance
African slaves created a defense system disguised as a _______________________ in the slave quarters of Brazilian plantations (Capoeira)
Afro-Brazilian spirit possession religion created by African slaves in Brazil and their descendants
Aladura churches have ________________ worship that is a synthesis of traditional Yoruba religion practices and teachings of English Protestant missionaries.
a deity
An orisha is: a diety, an ancestor, a family friend or an evil stranger
absolute monarch
Asantehene is the head of state, head priest and commander-in-chief, but never an __________________________
Brazil is a country of _______________. Diverse landscapes include the rain forests of the Amazon region, rich farmlands of the NE, and thousands of miles of beaches along the coast
Candomble evolved during the -
Candomble was developed in what country of Brazil
fighting and dance
Capoeira is a strategic blending of ___________ and _________
African Congo, Angola
Capoeira is based on martial art from _____________________ and _____________ regions
fulfill a political role
Chiefdoms are considered to have lost true power but still -
long strips of cloth
Egungun costumes include -
elaborate masks and costumes
Egungun dance is characterized by the use of __________________________ and ___________
Ghana is still organized in ______________
political hierarchy, political structure
In "Big Adae" dance defines roles within the _____________________ and strengthens the _____________________
spirit or ancestral world
In Egungun the masked dancers acts as the intermediary between life and the __________ or _______________ world
forces of nature
Orisha are often associated with __________________________
Osun is considered hot or cool
Palmares is located in the state of ____________ , in Northeastern Brazil
Sango is considered hot or cool
Slavery existed in Brazil for about ______ years
T/F: Candomble is a form of Catholicism
False (it was developed in Brazil from possible African roots in a martial art form)
T/F: Capoeira was developed in Africa
T/F: In the traditional Yoruban beliefs, there is a reciprocal relationship between people and their deities.
T/F: Osun is an example of a "cool" deity
T/F: The early roots of Carnival were in pagan celebrations
The Asante leader/Head Chief is called -
British, late 19th
The Asante of Ghana remained in power until the ____________ encroached in the _______________century
The Egungun dance is done by which group of people? Yoruba, Asante, Malinke or Maasai?
escaped African slaves
The Quilombos communities were established by ____________________________, but over time they welcomed others
The Yoruban Thunder God
The __________ or ring is the basic model for a capoeira match
The ___________________________ is an intermediary between ancestors, natural forces, and people
"Quilombo dos Palmares"
The largest quilombo in Brazil
Capoeira, Candombe, Samba
The three Brazilian dance forms are:
curvilinear, dimensional, epic memory, holism, polycentrism, polyrhythm, repetition
What are the seven senses of African Dance aesthetic according to Kiriamu Welsh Asante?
Yoruban dance-drama form that honors family and ancestors
Yoruban deities are called _________
Zumbi is remembered as a national hero and symbol of _________________ in Brazilian history
Portuguese colonists
Zumbi led the quilombo resistance against the ___________________________ in Brazil during the latter half of the 17th century
Zumbi served as ______________________________ of Palmares for twenty years before being killed by the Portuguese in 1695
oral tradition
____________ disciplines can be found in all African arts
____________ gained its independence from Britain in 1957.
_____________ is the musical warning rhythm that was strongly associated with early capoeira
Mestre Bimba
________________________ founded the first Capoeira school in 1932
"Big Adae"
a ceremonial gathering of dignitaries in the Kumase in Ghana
a legendary leader, freedom fighter, and hero to many Afro-Brazilians from Bahia, born free inside the "Quilombo dos Palmares" in 1655
"Capoeira Regional" (or "Luta Regional Baiana")
a more martial art oriented, effective, efficient and athletic style of capoeira
"secular angels"
ballerinas were sometimes seen as "____________ _________"
between 1888 and 1890 a more ______________ style of capoeira developed after the end of slavery
brazilian children are often given a "______", or orisha, with whom they identify
cultural expression
dance functioned as a means of freedom, was a means of _____________________________ , a way for slaves to keep their culture alive in a foreign nation
colors, dance steps, music
each orisha has SPECIFIC ____________, ______________________, ____________that it prefers and that are used to honor it
the Golden Stool
enshrines the spirit of the Asante people and symbolizes Asante unity
syncretist religion
fusion of African and Catholic beliefs (Candomble)
repressed and prohibited
in 1814 Capoeira and other remnants of African culture were ____________ and _________
talisman of skulls
in Egungun the head may be adorned with a ______________________or other symbols of the ancestors' time in this world
people, orisha
in the traditional Yoruba religion, there is a reciprocal relationship between ________ and the _________
gods and ancestors
in the traditional Yoruba religion, who are the intermediaries?
independent black communities in the backlands of Brazil
motion sense; movement and rhythm cannot be separated ex: "the dancer makes several moves in one beat, simultaneously vibrating hands and head, double contracting the pelvis and marking time with the feet"
flowing, graceful, harmonious
movements of dances to honor Osun are _________, ________, ___________
plaintive solo lyric
represents forces of nature
Mestre Bimba
responsible for the academicization and legalization of capoeira
ecstatic dancing
rituals involving Sango involve _______________________
signify rank and dwo
single string bowed instrument with resonant gourd attached
spiritual coolness
swaying dance step; the basic step of capoeira
umbrellas, the Golden Stool
symbolic objects of the "Big Adae" ceremony (2):
escaped slaves, native Brazilian Indians, others of mixed races
the Quilombo population eventually consisted of what 3 sets of peoples
the Yoruban River Goddess
the ______________ region is the most developed and most densely populated area of Brazil
Marie Taglioni
the first ballerina to dance "en pointe"
oral tradition
the fundamental principle of the African dance aesthetic is? oral tradition, polythythm, epic memory or polycentrism?
the origins of Brazil's unique dance forms are found among the __________ who were originally transplanted to Brazil as slaves
Sao Paolo, Rio de Janeiro
the two largest cities in Brazil
regional and angola
the two main styles of capoeira are: Bimba and Pastinha, Hot and Cool, Regional and Angola, or City and Country
Recife (in Pernambuco), Salvador (in Bahia)
the two major cities in Northeast Brazil
the year the Brazilian government outlawed capoeira but the practice continued in secret
traditional Yoruba religion of Nigeria
the________________________________________________________embraces two realms of existence, the tangible world of the living; the invisible realm of spirits, ancestors, and gods
rattle, low sound, high sound
three different sounds of berimbau:
drumming, dancing, oriki (songs of praise)
three methods of Yoruban worship
what are the foundations of the african dance aesthetic?
oral tradition
which of the following is NOT part of the Seven Senses of the African Dance aesthetic? oral tradition, polyrhythm, curvilinear or repetition