David Baird Principles of Business Test 2 Study Cards

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A production plant that serves as a point where workers and robotics bring together all of the components that create automobiles.

assembly process

inverted org

places employees at the top of the hierarchy; managers are at the bottom to train and assist employees.

Refining crude oil into gasoline requires the use of chemicals, pressure, and heat to change the chemical makeup of the crude oil into a finished product of gasoline.

process manufacturing

Business ethics

the application of general ethical principles to the actions and decisions and the conduct of their personnel


the creation of finished goods and services using the factors of production: land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship, and knowledge they organize their warehouse very strategically 3.4 defects for every 1 million cans.

"Ethical Issues in Business"

1. Accounting: cooking the books 2. Social Media: companies like Yelp have been known to fire employees based on what they post on their private social medias 3. Harassments and Discrimination: pregnant, race, religion, parenting, sexuality, etc 4. Health and Safety: fall protection, work-related disease, occupational accidents, psychological risks (stress) 5. Technology/Privacy: electronic surveillance, monitored on websites and emails, like 66%. 85% of companies warn their employees of it

The Six Ds of Decision Making

1. Define the situation 2. Describe and collect needed information 3. Develop alternatives 4. Decide which alternative is best 5. Do what is indicated 6. Determine whether the decision was a good one and follow up

steps involved in developing a corporate code of ethics

1. Management Support: Top management must adopt and unconditionally support an explicit code of corporate conduct. 2. Employees: Employees must understand that expectations for ethical behavior begin at the top and all employees must act accordingly. 3. Training: Managers and others must be trained to consider the ethical implications of all business decisions. 4. Ethics Office: Management must set up an ethics office with which employees can communicate anonymously. 5. Communicate to Outsiders: The ethics program must be communicated to outsiders. 6. Enforcement: The ethics code must be enforced with timely action when rules are broken.

Management Control Functions

1. establish clear standards 2. Monitor and record performance. 3. Compare results against standards. 4. communicate results 5. If needed, take corrective action.

conceptual skills

Ability to see the organization as a whole and visualize how it fits into the broader environment.

The customer who purchases the product from Zappos would be called

an external customer

Mission Statement

an outline of the fundamental purposes of an organization



GFB's decision to use "local" sourcing impacts which stakeholder group the most?


"We Choose Truth Over Facts" article

Biden has a histpry oof stumbling over his words. I'm not too sure why this is important.

Dress designer: In addition to helping in the design of products, the use of this system allows designers to work in three dimensions.


Shoe designer: The manufacturer programs the computer to make a simple design change, and then that change is readily incorporated into production.


Purse designer: Software programs unite these two computer-aided support systems. While the software is expensive, it cuts as much as 80 percent of the time needed to program machines to make parts.



Consistent production of goods and services desired by customers that are free of defects and deficiencies.


Decision-making tool for weighing the pros and cons of a decision.

"Using Advertising Market Research to Create Effective Advertising"

Few aspects of marketing generate more passion among marketers than advertising. Of all the marketing mix elements, advertising is the most visible part of a business strategy and is a high risk for both a business and the marketing director. When the risk pays off, businesses benefit from strong sales increases that last long after a campaign's end. Each year the Effie Awards, marketing's version of the Oscars, showcases many of these brands. A common theme among the winners is the strong role of insights and advertising market research in achieving stand-out performance and memorable campaigns. "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half." John Wanamaker 1838-1922

A more basic strategy manufacturers use for measuring production progress. good for progress tracking/reporting. not good for planning/organizing A manager can trace the production process minute by minute to determine which tasks are on time and which are behind. 3 presentation styles: network diagram, milestone chart, bar chart/graph looks like a XY graph


autocratic leadership

If the director of the film makes all the decisions without input from others, then this leadership style is called this.

critical path

In a PERT chart, the sequence of activities that takes the longest time from start to finish.

Leadership v Management

L: leading a group toward a common goal. communicate, delegate, positive, trust, creative, feedback, responsible, commitment, flexible, motivate M: managing things. coordinate and plan. interpersonal skills, communicate, motivate, organize, delegate, fore planning, strategic thinking, problem solving, commercial awareness, mentoring

What are some of the benefits of technological advances such as CAD-CAM?

It allows manufacturers to make small changes quickly without having to completely redo a production process. It makes it possible for companies to customize even the smallest orders. It allows companies to design machinery that can produce multiple product variations at any time.

technical skills

Knowledge of and proficiency in completing specific tasks.

Whole Foods

Large orperation and their missiion is to sell the most with the best quality items. Were initiallly evicted from apartment bc storing grocery stuff there. Texas said **** you and flooded their stuff. "unity of command". four partners. Henry Fayol said that the employees shold report to a single manager and not the whole team. Organize. Max Faber said more beareucracy. Decentralization in WF. consultative decision making. each region has autonomy, which gives flexibility to adapt to certain changers wo a bureaucracy. 4: global headquarters, facilities employment, store employment, regional offices focus on great natural sources at a local level

Assembly process

Manufacturing method in which value is added by putting together components to create a product.

process manufacturing

Manufacturing method in which value is added through physical or chemical transformation of the product. i just downed a ****ton of nyqil fam

continuous process

Manufacturing method to produce or process materials without interruption for long periods of time.

chain of command

Official hierarchy of authority that dictates who is in charge of whom within the organization.

flat organization

Organization with few layers of management between the executive level and the lowest level.

tall organization

Organization with multiple layers of management between top executives and front-line employees.

matrix organization

Organizational structure that combines employees from different parts of the organization; often used for special projects.

The critical path is the sequence of tasks that takes the longest time to complete. The path from one completed task to another illustrates the relationships among tasks. uses time and stuff. looks like a spider web. ugly chart



Paul determined he needs 100 employees to meet customer demand.s michelle charged w developing strategies

middle management

People within a company who are in charge of departments or groups but below those in charge of the whole company.

contingency plan

Plan that establishes alternate courses of action if existing plans are disrupted or become ineffective.

strategic plan

Plan that establishes organization's major goals and objectives and allocates resources to achieve them.

tactical plan

Plan that translates general goals developed by strategic managers into more specific objectives and activities.


Process of organizing employees into groups or units to accomplish specific organizational goals.

mass customization

Production of personalized or custom-tailored goods or services to meet customers' individual needs.

What impact does lack of inventory control have on a firm's efficiency and profitability?

Supplies and materials sitting idle cost the company money.

facility layout

The arrangement of machinery, equipment, and people within a production facility.


The levels of management within a business organization, from the lowest to the highest.

top management

The most senior staff of an organization; i.e., vice president, CEO, COO.

span of control

The number of subordinates under the direct control of a manager or supervisor.

facility location

The process of determining the geographic placement of facilities to serve the firm's clients or customers.

operational plan

a highly detailed plan that provides a clear picture of how a team, section or department will contribute to the achievement of the organisation's goals. The operational plan maps out the day-to-day tasks required to run a business and cover.

participative leadership.

all members of the organization work together to make decisions. Participative leadership is also known as democratic leadership, as everyone is encouraged to participate


ava motivates employees to accomplish goals kelly responsible for employee understanding of rules and policies.

New Belgium Brewery uses a newer form of organization that allows employees to not only know what management is doing, but to participate in management decisions. Many organizations in the past were designed more to facilitate management than to please customers. Companies designed many rules and regulations to give managers control over employees. This reliance on rules is called



bought by amazon believe that happy employees make them better online shoe purchasing managers dont dictate anymore they listen now they look for drivers and responsible to be managers leading is more than creating a vision, it is about communicating decision making process <---- core values swot analysis power employees

In what way do Vision Spring and Warby Parker participate in corporate social responsibility?

by establishing an ethical standard

Employees, including interns, are considered _____ at Freshii, which empowers each individual to step up and excel at their jobs.


SWOT analysis

companies often use this to create long-term strategic plans for the organization

A business's concern for the welfare of society is called

corporate social responsibilty

The delegation of decision making to lower-level managers and employees more familiar with conditions is called


If a manager uses a free-rein leadership style, then he/she would more than likely provide the workers tools needed in order to make decisions and progress toward the goal. This is called


Zappos trains, educates, and gives its employees the knowledge to make decisions in the workplace. This philosophy is referred to as



encompassing explanation of why the organization exists and where it's trying to head

Motor starters: Orders come in daily and, within 24 hours, the company's machines and robots manufacture, test, and package the starters—which are untouched by human hands. This system is so efficient it can even accommodate a special order (even a single item) in the assembly without slowing down the process.

flexible manufacturing

Key principles of conscious marketing

having a higher purpose considering stakeholders creating a conscious company culture using ethical decision making NOT: maximizing shareholder wealth

equity financing

he process of raising capital through the sale of shares. Companies raise money because they might have a short-term need to pay bills or they might have a long-term goal and require funds to invest in their growth.

Matt Hulett spends a significant amount of his time talking to current employees and listening to their ideas. Which type of skill does this refer to? Rosetta Stone btw

human relation shkills

At New Belgium Brewery, people make friends, form cliques, and establish social organizations and lines of authority outside the traditional organization chart. These relationships are part of the company's

informal organziatoins

Built on an ethical standard of providing stylish eyewear at reasonable prices and creating an environment that supports ethically sound behavior, Warby Parker is demonstrating _______ ethics codes.

integrity based

"Any Publicity is Good Publicity... or is it?"

kris jenner likes bad publicity for the kardashians. Don't take "all pub is good pub" universally since it only really works for certain brands. It's hard to manage bad publicity when there is social media, bad news sticks around longer bc the internet is forever and anybody can search for it. Have a key messaage. digital marketing builds a positive view

It is Matt Hulett's responsibility as President of Language at Rosetta Stone to create a vision, and to motivate employees to not only embrace that vision, but to achieve it with their skills and dedication. Which function of management is this?


Toyota corporation: This company utilizes the strategy of using half the human effort, halving the defects in the finished product, using one-third of the normal engineering effort, using half the floor space, and carrying 90 percent less inventory.

lean manufacturing

Ball Aluminum cans

make 22000 a minute in colorado. focus on customers, maintainging relationship w suppliers, utilizing internet, adopting new production technique make them competitive and ahead of the game.

Dell computers: Dell has set up its manufacturing process so that all its computers can be quickly assembled to individual customer orders.

mass customization

strategic matrix

onsists of a four-quadrant graph, similar to a SWOT matrix, that lists strategic options for companies in either strong or weak competitive positions in industries experiencing either rapid or slow growth.

__________ is a specialized area in management that converts or transforms resources (including human resources) into goods and services. designing, supervising, and improving the transformation process while keeping costs down what they use to change goods into services. design, plan, direct, improve. unique to be competitive decide on which suppliers to use and what kind of transportation to get goods to seller. quality control. strategy.

operations management

The Seek and Speak feature came from a developer after Matt took the time to listen to his ideas. When employees and managers work together to make decisions it's called

participative (democratic) leadership.


santiago realized jared was shit so he moved him on a permance improvement plan. chloe is ceo of a small textile company. she awards an employee every year with a "ggood job award"

How can organizations judge how well they are helping others and making social responsibility an integral part of top management's decision-making? One way is through a ___________________, which systematically evaluates an organization's progress toward implementing socially responsible and responsive programs.

social audit

Cell Phones for Soldiers is a nonprofit organization with a long-term commitment to one cause. Suppose that FedEx volunteered to transport all of the program's donated phones for free. Cell Phones for Soldiers would be the beneficiary of FedEx's corporate

social initiative

The legal department of a large corporation would be considered

staff personel

Matt Hulett has developed three steps he follows when making a big change at a company. The math piece is the business plan and coming up with a financial answer where you can win. Which level of planning would this be considered?

strategic planning

Zappos was created and made possible by a changing business-environmental factor. This factor is



tomasz line supervisor at plant. responsible for assigns work to others. matthew carefully places employees in departments where they will do best and effectively

The first step GFB always follows in improving U.S. business ethics is

top management must adopt and support a socially conscious culture.

The production process is part of the

transformation process

formal org

with a fixed set of rules of intra-organization procedures and structures. As such, it is usually set out in writing, with a language of rules that ostensibly leave little discretion for interpretation.


work from home, making use of the Internet, email, and the telephone.

free-rein leadership

zappos When the director/manager allows employees to guide themselves toward the goal, then a(n) _______ leadership style is being used.

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