DE World Civ Industrial Revolution Ch. 23 Test

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When was the term Industrial Revolution coined?


By 1831, the mechanized cotton textile industry accounted for how much of England's entire industrial output?


What was the most serious obstacle impeding industrial development in Britain in the eighteenth century?

An energy shortage

What was the first country on the European continent to emulate the new industry of Britain?


How did Britain attempt to maintain its industrial advantage over continental Europe?

By making it illegal for skilled industrial workers and technicians to leave Britain

What British-style industry did William Cockerill and his sons introduce to French-occupied Belgium in 1799?

Cotton spinning

The Factory Act of 1833 limited the factory workday of children between nine and thirteen to how many hours?


In 1850, what two occupations employed the most people in Britain?

Farming and domestic service

Who wrote "The Condition of the Working Class in England"?

Friedrich Engels

How did James Watt fundamentally improve the Newcomen steam engine?

He added a condenser to the engine

Who invented the spinning jenny around 1765?

James Hargreaves

Which of the following was true of transportation in the eighteenth century?

No part of England was more than fifty miles from navigable water

Which of the following was a result of the boom in agriculture production of the eighteenth century?

People had more money to spend on manufactured goods

What did David Ricardo argue in his iron law of wages theory?

That the pressure of population growth prevents wages from rising above subsistence levels

Which of the following was one difference between Bargreaves's spinning jenny and Arkwright's water frame?

The jenny produced thinner thread

According to the text, the Mines Act of 1842 prohibited underground work for all women because of concerns about which of the following?

The sexual morality of the miners

In 1802, the British Parliament banned which of the following in factories?

The use of pauper apprentices

Which of the following was a key development that encouraged continental European banks to invest in industrialization?

They began to establish limited-liability investments

What was particularly difficult for married women involved in factory work after the 1830s?

They had to balance factory work with child care and responsibilities at home

What was the aim of the Combination Acts of 1799?

To outlaw labor unions and strikes

What was the key demand of the Chartist movement?

Universal suffrage for all men

In eighteenth-century England, what were the first mechanized cotton-spinning machines powered by?


Which of the following was the primary source of heat for all European homes and industries until the eighteenth century?


How did early factory work affect family life?

Workers often came to the mills and mines and were employed as whole family units

By reducing the vost of shipping freight, the railroad

created national markets

By the mid-nineteenth century, a new paradigm of social relations suggested that

individuals were members of separate classes based on their relationship to the means of productions

In which British industry did the first modern factories begin to appear?

The textile industry

What was one of the major limitations of the putting-out system in the British textile industry?

There were not enough spinners to meet demand

In the English putting-out system, what did merchants do with raw materials?

They loaned them to local cottage workers who processed them at home

What did the Factory Act of 1833 stipulate about children under nine years of age in the factories?

They were banned from employment

By 1830 in Britain and by 1860 in Germany and France, what had changed about leading industrialists?

They were more likely to have inherited their business

What was one of the earliest uses for steam engines?

To pump water out of coal mines

The labor force of the early rural textile factories was recruited primarily from what group?

Young children abandoned by their parents

By the opening of the Crystal Palace exhibition of 1851, Great Britain

produced more than 50% of the world's iron and cotton cloth

"The Condition of the Working Class in England" proposed that

the new poverty of industrial workers was worse than the old poverty of cottage and agricultural workers

What did the poet William Blake think about industrialization?

He called the early factories "satanic mills" and protested the hard life of the poor

Who invented the steam-powered rolling mills, which allowed for the production of iron in any shape or form?

Henry Cort

By 1844, Britain was producing 2 million tons of what metal?


Coal was an essential ingredient in the manufacture of what eighteenth-century product?


Outside of Europe, what country industrialized the earliest?


The world's first important steam-powered train, the Rocket, provided service between what two English cities?

Liverpool and Manchester

Handicraft workers who smashed the new machines they believed were putting them out of work were known as what?


One reason that cottage workers were reluctant to work in factories is that they resembled which of the following?


What did Edmund Cartwright invent in 1785?

Power loom

What did Robert Owen argue in 1816?

That employing children in factories was dangerous for them

What did Edwin Chadwick see as a positive effect of industrialization on the working people?

That industrialization appeared to be giving working people greater purchasing power

What did the British economist Thomas Malthus conclude in his 1798 Essay on the Principle of Population?

That men and women should limit population growth by marrying late in life

What has recent scholarship concluded about the economic condition of the British working class in the early years of the Industrial Revolution?

The early years of industrialization were hard ones, and significant economic improvement did not come until after 1840

On the European continent, who took on the majority of the costs of building railroads?

The governments

After the Napoleonic Wars, the French government imposed tariff protections to prevent which of the following?

The import of cheaper foreign (often British) goods

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