DECA Econ Exam

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How to calculate Markup

$4 to manufacture, with an 80% markup...4*(100%+80%) manufacture price*(100%+markup%)

Which of the following is used by the United States to decrease its trade deficit:

. Promoting U.S. tourism to foreign countries NOT using a greater variety of quotas


6 months of crappiness

Sole Propreitorship

A business owned by one person unlimited liability

Type of Product: Convenience

A convenience good is one that requires a minimum amount of effort on the part of the consumer goal is to sell it to wholesalers

Joint Venture

A joint venture (JV) is a business arrangement in which two or more parties agree to pool their resources for the purpose of accomplishing a specific task.


A licensing agreement is a legal contract between two parties, known as the licensor and the licensee. In a typical licensing agreement, the licensor grants the licensee the right to produce and sell goods, apply a brand name or trademark, or use patented technology owned by the licensor.

What increases the demand for money?

A reduction in interest rates

General Partnership

All individuals who own a business share unlimited liability

The effect of relative prices on people's decisions to buy helps our market economy to

Answer the basic economic questions

Type of Product: Industrial

Are made up of Capital goods, materials and parts, supplies, and business services

Law of Demand

As price goes up, demand goes down

Law of Supply

As price goes up, supply goes up

primary responsibility of a national union

Assist in contract negotiations, not elect local leaders in these negotiations

What does a country's government primarily attempt to achieve with its fiscal policy?

Balance in exercising influence, NOT decrease in economic recessions


Big branch...there are LLC, sole proprietorship, corporation, etc under this umbrella

John is a recent college graduate with very little experience in operating a business, but he wants to own a business that has a well-known trade name. If he has sufficient capital to invest, what type of business ownership should he consider? Business Format Franchise or General Partnership?

Business Format Frachise

Private Enterpirses

Business owned by someone not connected to the government. Sell what they want when and where they want with minimal govt intervention

Societies must decide how to allocate their scarce resources between the production of

Capital and consumer goods, not foreign and domestic goods


Company that is registered by the state and operates apart from its owners the owners must get a corporate charter from the state where their main office will be located. limited liability holds a firm's owners responsible for no more than the capital that they have invested in it

Which of the following factors characterizes the growth phase of business cycles:

Consumers and producers are borrowing more money. NOT Demand for resources exceeds their availability.

in a market economy, the products that will be produced and sold are determined by the

Consumers' economic votes not profit motive

Which of the following should businesses consider when making decisions about global trade:

Cultural symbols, not export taxes

Bilateral Contract

Cusomter signing a contract with a business agreeing to pay a certain price

Type of Product: Shopping

Customers usually research it Goods that consumers want to be able to compare, such as automobiles, appliances, and homes,are categorized as shopping goods.

When countries depend upon each other for products they cannot produce alone?

Economic interdependence, not a trade surplus

The overall category of resources that makes it possible for businesses to produce the goods and services that consumers want to buy is __________ resources

Economic, not Capital resources

Jason has been operating a corner gas station for 10 years, but the traffic to his business has decreased 80% over the past year because all the surrounding businesses have closed. This is an example of __________ business risks.

Economic, not natural

Capital Good resource

Eg-Office Equipment, not computer operator

Some businesses try to decrease expenses and increase profits in the customer-service area by

Eliminating Free Services, not improving service quality

Which of the following is an economic condition that affects consumer spending

Employment, not Competition

The government agency that regulates the advertising industry is the

Federal Trade Commission (not Consumer Product Safety Commission)

When a producer changes from an expensive resource to one that is less expensive, this is an example of

Finding an alternative resource, not finding another source

What type of government policy involves raising or lowering taxes, and increasing or decreasing government spending


Pegged currency is also known as

Fixes, not weak

Which of the following actions illustrates the strong leadership needed in an adaptable organization:

Focusing on maximizing resources, not looking at the big picture rather than individual employees


For an invention Encourage new ideas

Type of Product: Specialty

From the consumer's perspective, these products are so unique that they will go to any lengths to seek out and purchase them. Almost without exception, price is not a principle factor affecting the sales of specialty goods statues, hairpieces


Given to authors


Higher Productivity not increased consumer spending

Which of the following factors would decrease demand for a country's free-floating currency?

Increased political unrest, not increased imports

to curb the effects of ___which accompany recession, the gov't should decrease interest rates

Inflation, not deflation

How does technology affect customers?

It influences what they want and need

The unemployment rate is a(n) __________ indicator.

Lagging, not Leading

What type of business usually experiences economies of scale due to expanded operations?

Large manufacturing plant

A clothing manufacturer in the United States allows a company in Argentina to use its name and logo in exchange for a fee and royalties. This is an example of


Fiscal policy vs Monetary Policy

Monetary policy involves changing the interest rate and influencing the money supply. Fiscal policy involves the government changing tax rates and levels of government spending to influence aggregate demand in the economy.

Why is it important for a business's budget to be well planned?

Money is limited, not time is valuable

A public Utility company that is regulated by government is an example of a____

Natural monopoly, not a watchdog agency

According to U.S. monetary policy, which of the following is a liability that must have a reserve against it:

Net Transactions Account not credit Extension


Owned and operated by its member

Close Corporation

Owned by a few and does not offer shares to the public

Making required textbooks available at a campus bookstore is an example of creating __________ utility.

Place, not Posession

Antitrust laws are created to keep competition fair. Which of the following external factors are these laws a part of:

Political, not Economic

In Hofstede's dimensions of national cultures, a country's acceptance of inequality is measured by its score in

Power distance

Two major type of competition used by businesses are

Price and Non Price, not Features and benefits

Product Trade Name/Franchise

Product or trade name franchising (product franchise) is the simplest form of franchising. In this franchise relationship, the franchisor owns the right to the name or trademark, and sells that right to a franchisee. Franchisee can choose the name of the business, not that they have unlimited liability

In a market economy, which of the following factors has an influence on what goods are produced:

Profit, not Need

Gary believes that the upper class should pay a higher income tax rate than the middle and lower classes. What tax structure does Gary favor?

Progressive, not Proporational

Function of Relative Prices

Rationing Incentives Information Production is NOT one of them

Function of the Fed Res. is to

Regulate the domestic money supply

Which of the following is a tool the U.S. Federal Reserve can use to formulate monetary policy

Reserve Requirements, not tariffs remember, monetary interest rates and money supply vs fiscal which is taxes

Marginal Revenue

Revenue per product

S Corporation

S. What makes the S corp different from a traditional corporation (C corp) is that profits and losses can pass through to your personal tax return

Which type of resource would most likely encourage a company to do business with a foreign firm?

Scarce, not abundant

Why is the productivity of service businesses measured differently than that of manufacturing businesses?

Service businesses are concerned about the appropriateness of their products, not that they are less efficient

Economies of scale is an economic concept that involves the __________ of a production facility.

Size, not value

The government owns part of the means of production but there is private ownership of business, as well, in a __________ economic system.

Socialist Command Not capitalist


Something being made usable oil turned to gas

Which of the following is a legal concept that affects businesses that operate in foreign countries

Sovereign immunity, Generally, the idea that the sovereign or government is immune from lawsuits or other legal actions except when it consents to them.

What is the effect on society of a falling growth rate in productivity?

Standard of living drops, not increased labor disputes may occur

Economic Resources

The Broad Category that encompasses capital, human, and natural


The granting of credit helps create possession, not exchange how will a customer use it

Socialist Command

The state owns and controls most of the factors of production, including land and capital goods. The state also engages in central planning. Production of goods and services, as well as their prices and distribution, are centrally controlled by the state.


The study of how to meet unlimited competing wants with limited resources

Which of the following is a reason that depository institutions would borrow money from a Federal Reserve Bank

They are short on cash reserves due to unexpected credit demands. NOT: They are short on cash reserves due to the Fed's discount window loans.

Which of the following is a reason a company might organize itself under the laws of a different country than those of its "home" country:

To save on Taxes

The classical theory of unemployment states that unemployment begins when

Wages rise too high, not when demand goes down


What to sell


a business owned by two or more people who share the risks and rewards need a partnership agreement

Consumer spending to likely to decrease when

a federal-income tax increase is implemented.


a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers.

Natural Resources

are something from nature that people can use, such as trees, land, water, animals, and minerals, etc...

Economies of scale

characteristics that allow a business to increase output without experiencing a comparable increase in the cost of production

Why would multi national corporation give freedom to local managers in handling labor relations problems?

countries have unique labor relations traditions,

Business Format Franchise

eg- mcdonalds, starbucks, KFC It is a form of service agreement whereby the franchisee provides the management expertise, format and/or procedure for conducting the business

during times of war we make more guns, which results in an ____ of econ activities


GDP considers

federal state and local

sales tax increasing is a change in

fiscal, not monetary policy

Exchange rate between USD and Canadian dollars is a ___ exchange rate

floating exchange rate


government makes the decisions


govt giving money to business so price can remain competitive


having it available when someone demands it

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

holding a firm's owners responsible for no more than the capital that they have invested in it


how will others hear about it


in reference to competitors, what to charge for it

Capital Resources

include money to start a new business, tools, buildings, machinery, and any other goods people make to produce goods and provide services.

To increase economic growth, gov't would....

increase govt spending not decrease government subsidies

Demand for money decreases when

interest rates increase

demand for money will rise when

investment transaction costs increase NOT when businesses purchase more government bonds


no government rule, businesses make all the decisions

Why are products from Canada or Mexico less expensive than before NAFTA

no longer have tariffs


protecting intellectual property symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product

to avoid a trade deficit a country follows ___policy

protectionism, not speculation

Responsibility of the Fed Res is

regulate financial instiutions

Which has influenced the geographical development of unions

right to work laws not right to bargain collevtively

Gross profit

sales price-unit cost


store and location in store have it where a customer would want it clothes and boots available at a ski shop

Labor unions are to...

strengthen bargaining power



Human Resources

the people needed to grow or make and sell a product or service.

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