DECA Professional Development PIs

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Explain employment opportunities in business (CS)

1. accounting and finance: includes managing financial transactions, analyzing financial data, and ensuring compliance w financial regulations: accountant, financial analyst, bookkeeper, or financial advisor 2. sales and marketing: promoting and selling products; sales representative, marketing coordinator, brand manager 3. human resources: hiring, training, and maintaining personnel; recruiter, HR generalist, or employee relations specialist 4. operations and logistics: managing day-to-day operations of business (SCM, production, logistics): operations manager, logistics coordinator, or supply chain analyst 5. management/leadership: overseeing teams and ensuring business is operating effectively + efficiently: CEO, COO, department manager 6. business law: is involved with the study of protecting liberties and rights, maintaining orders, resolving disputes, and est. standards for the business concerns and dealings with government agencies and individuals: business lawyer, corporate paralegal, compliance officer, litigation attorney 7. entrepreneurship: starting and running a business; small business owner, startup founder, or venture capitalist

Use networking techniques to identify employment opportunities (SP)

1. attend networking events: attend industry events, conferences, career fairs; have resume/cover letters ready; also ask relevant questions 2. use social media: use LINKEDIN to connect w ppl in ur industry; reach out to ppl in network and ask for informational interviews/advice on job opportunities 3. join pro orgs: join these and attend meetings/participate in online forums to expand networks 4. volunteer: doing this can provide opportunities to meet professionals and gain exp 5. contact alumni associations: contact college's alumni association and ask for help w job search; alumni can provide valuable opportunities/references 6. ask for referrals: ask for referrals to job openings

Prepare a résumé (CS)

1. choose the right format: CHRONOLOGICAL: lists your work experience in reverse-chronological order, starting with your most recent position at the top A chronological resume is a good choice for anyone whose employment history shows a consistent, advancing career path. FUNCTIONAL: focuses on the applicant's skill set relevant to the role you are applying for. If you have one long gap or multiple employment gaps in your resume in the past five years, are a first-time worker or are drastically changing career paths highlighting skills that transfer across industries and your most relevant accomplishments, you can emphasize the right qualifications for the position you want COMBINATION: allows you to emphasize both your work experience and relevant skills if you're making a slight career transition or if you have a diverse employment history where relevancy to the role you're applying for may not be immediately clear 2. include name/contact info: name should be highly visible at the top of your resume with a bolded or larger font than the rest of the document, but no more than a 14 point size 3. add resume summary/objective: Microsoft Certified Professional with eight years experience in software engineering. Extensive background in full software development lifecycle including design, coding, testing, debugging and maintenance of web applications using .NET technologies. In-depth knowledge of web architecture, development techniques, object-oriented design, design patterns and agile methodologies. 4. add hard and soft skills: add a specific example of when you showed that skill (use KEYWORDS) 5. list key achievements: use numbers, include keywords, and use action words like developed/saved/drove/led/managed 6. include an edu section: include the name of the institution, dates of attendance and your degree or area of study; Grade point average (if above 3.5), relevant coursework 7. add optional sections like achievement/interests if you have space 8. format your resume: include bold headers, but customize it based on the job; don't just use some basic/default template 9. proofread resume!

Identify skills needed to enhance career progression (SP)

1. communication skills: includes verbal and written communication skills + active listening skills; must be able to communicate effectively w colleagues, clients, stakeholders 2. leadership skills: need to be able to have conceptual skills, problem-solving skills, the ability to delegate tasks, manage conflicts 3. technical skills: needs to have proficiency in specific skills like software tools, knowledge of industry-specific laws, or expertise in a certain area 4. time management skills: need to be able to prioritize tasks, manage deadlines, and stay organized 5. networking skills: need to build relationships w colleagues, clients, and industry peers; attend industry events and build personal brand 6. adaptability: be able to adapt to changing circumstances; ability to learn new skills, take on new responsibilities, and to remain positive in difficult situations

Ascertain employee's role in meeting organizational goals (SP)

1. define organization goals: define these and communicate them to all employees 2. identify key performance indicators (KPIs): Strategic KPIs indicate how a company is doing: return on investment, profit margin, and total company revenue. Operational KPIs measure how a company is doing month-over-month by analyzing different processes, segments, or geographical locations. are often used to analyze questions that are derived from analyzing strategic KPIs. if an executive notices company-wide revenue has decreased, they may investigate which product lines are struggling. Functional KPIs for specific departments or functions within a company. finance department track how many new vendors they register within accounting information system each month, while the marketing department measures how many clicks each e-mail distribution received. Leading/Lagging KPIs describe the nature of the data being analyzed and whether it is signaling something to come or signaling that something has already occurred. the number of overtime hours worked and the profit margin for a flagship product. The number of overtime hours worked may be a leading KPI should the company begin to notice poorer manufacturing quality. Alternatively, profit margins are a result of operations and are considered a lagging indicator. Liquidity Ratios (i.e., current ratio, which divides current assets by current liabilities): measure how well a company will manage short-term debt obligations based on the short-term assets it has on hand. Profitability Ratios (i.e., net profit margin): measure how well a company is performing in generating sales while keeping expenses low. Solvency Ratios (i.e., total debt to total assets ratio): measure the long-term financial health of a company by evaluating how well a company will be able to pay long-term debt. Turnover Ratios (i.e., inventory turnover): measure how quickly a company can perform a certain task. For example, inventory turnover measures how quickly a company can convert an item from inventory to a sale. Companies strive to increase turnover to generate faster churn of spending cash to later recover that cash through revenue. 3. conduct job analyses: identify key tasks and responsibi

Utilize job-search strategies (PQ)

1. develop job search plan: determine the industries/job titles that interest you + set a schedule for job searching and networking 2. create a strong resume/cover letter: they're the first impression; make sure resume is concise, well-structured, and highlights your skills + exp; cover letter should be tailored to each job application Cover letter: Header= [Location, MM/DD/YYYY] [Hiring Manager's or Recruiter's Name] [Hiring Manager's or Recruiter's Job Title] [Company Name] [Company Address] Dear [Ms./Mr.] ... Make intro stand out: be specific, name drop, highlight achievements, display passion As a lifelong enthusiast of XYZ's marketing initiatives, I was thrilled to see your posting for the position of Digital Marketing Manager. I am positive I can help with XYZ's upcoming challenges. I have experience with leading successful national online campaigns with budgets over $300,000. Moreover, I have expanded ABC's client base by 19% since 2018. second paragraph: explain why you're a good fit regurgitate/include words mentioned in job description In my current position at ABC, I have supervised all phases of our online marketing initiatives, both technical and creative (1). Last year, my key challenge was to design and optimize nine product websites for XYZ's most strategic products, improve our SEO results, and enhance the UX (2). Here we are a year later: Eight of the nine websites I optimized have achieved and secured their spot in the top 3 results on Google. These are organic, non-paid results for 10+ key search terms. The incoming search engine traffic to all nine websites comprises 47% of the total organic traffic for key terms and phrases. in next paragraph, explain why you want this job: I know that XYZ's current plans involve developing a comprehensive online portal focused on healthcare-related issues. This project perfectly matches my personal and professional interests and is an exciting opportunity to create a unique online knowledge base for patients and healthcare professionals. I would love to leverage my knowledge of SEO marketing and online growth marketing to achieve groundbreaking results with this initiative. close with a promise: I would welcome the chance to discuss yo

Use time-management skills (SP)

1. prioritize tasks: focus on completing the most important tasks first 2. set goals: set realistic goals for each day, week, and month; don't be afraid to tell ppl that you can't do smth to prevent being over-committed 3. use time management tools: use google calendars, to-do lists, and scheduling apps to keep track of tasks/deadlines 4. avoid multi-tasking: can be counterproductive; focus on one thing at a time to ensure it's accurate + of high quality 5. minimize distractions: turn off notifications, put phone in a harder to reach place, use apps where you can choose which apps you won't be able to go on when ur working 6. take breaks: use the pomodoro method; or do an hour of work + have 5-10 mins of break; even do the 20-20-20 rule and change locations every now and then 7. delegate tasks to others when possible: can help develop skills of team members and improve overall efficiency

Explain possible advancement patterns for jobs (PQ)

1. promotions w/in a specific department: you could go from accountant (analyzing/documenting financial info, creating financial reports , performing audits, resolving discrepancies in client financial records ) to firm partner 2. move into a different area of finance: someone who starts in quantitative analysis (create mathematical models to help companies make business and financial decisions) to actuary (gather, assemble, and analyze data to estimate the probability and likely costs of such events as injury, sickness, disability, death, and property loss) 3. pursue advanced edu: these can help you stand out and open new opportunities: MBA, CPA (accounting stuff), CFA (finance stuff), or FRM (financial risk management) 4. switch to a different industry: financial professionals can use skills to transition to healthcare, technology, etc 5. start their own business: someone can start their own financial planning company/accounting firm

Complete a job application (CS)

1. read thru job application: make sure you don't miss anything; employers use ATS (applicant-tracking system) that rejects applications without keywords/info 2. use a professional name/email address: create another separate email account; use your first and last name 3. gather necessary info: includes employment history, education, references, contact info 4. follow the instructions: read the question a couple of times to make sure you've understood it and answered it completely; write a paragraph when you need to, write yes or no when you need to 5. customize your response: use keywords; make sure you have a strong cover letter: see above example 6. be accurate and honest: make sure info is truthful; double-check spelling + grammar; check for completeness and sign/date the application if needed 7. tidy up social media platforms: deleting questionable posts/content, creating a separate social media account for work 8. upload resume: ATS doesn't necessary collect info you have provided into printed document + employer might want paper copy; also easier for hiring manager to keep on file; include first/last and then "resume" for easy searching

Analyze employer expectations in the business environment (PQ)

1. research the company: research mission statement + products + industry; gives basic understanding of expectations and what it values 2. review job descriptions: gives a specific expectation abt. what they're looking for in a candidate 3. network w current employees: reach out to current employees or alumni from company and ask abt. their experience 4. attend company events: open houses, job fairs, or company-sponsored events; gives chance to meet w company reps. and learn more abt. culture 5. ask questions during interview: "What would a typical day for me in this role look like?" What's the most important thing I should accomplish in the first 90 days? What metrics or goals will my performance be evaluated against? Who will I work with most closely? What other departments or units will I interact with? What's your favorite part of working here? What are the company's plans for growth and development? What are the current goals that the company is focused on, and how does this team work to support hitting those goals? How do you typically onboard employees? If the position will be remote, ask specifically about how remote employees are integrated into the company culture Is there anything that I should read before starting that would help me have a shared understanding with my colleagues?

Determine the nature of organizational goals (SP)

1. review company's mission statement: describes overall purpose of organization + core values; can help identify primary goals 2. analyze the ext. env.: consider market, competition, etc; company can set goals to increase market share/improve customer satisfaction 3. assess int. env.: evaluate strengths, weaknesses, and resources (SWOT analysis); helps identify areas of improvement 4. identify long-term and short-term goals: i.e. improving quarterly profits or expanding into new markets; set a bit of both but prioritize the most important goals and make sure you know how achieving short-term ones will add up to long-term 5. determine the type of goal: goals can be quantitative (increasing revenue by certain percentage), qualitative (improving customer satisfaction), strategic (expanding product line/focusing on one product), or operational (improving production efficiency) 6. ensure goal alignment: make sure goals/plans aligned w mission, values, and overall strategy; make sure resources allocated effectively and everyone knows who's doing what when and where

Interview for a job (PQ)

1. review job description: keep in mind the keywords and integrate them into your responses for questions in the interview 2. pause before answering questions/ask confirming questions: this shows you're taking them seriously and gives you some time to think 3. speak positively about previous exp: better opportunities: "Though I've learned a lot at my company, from my research about this opportunity, I can see that this position is a better fit for where I want to take my career—specifically, collaborating with cross-functional teams to develop innovative products for your users." pursue ongoing edu: "I enjoyed my role as a legal assistant but felt I would find more challenging opportunities if I completed the educational requirements for a paralegal. Going back to school full time allowed me to complete my studies more quickly and keep my long-term career goals on track." if let go: "In retrospect, I understand my former employer and I had different expectations about what success meant in my role. As I reflect on that experience, I realize there are some things I could have done differently. I learned a lot, and I'm excited about the opportunity to bring that maturity to my next job. This role is in line with my skills and abilities, and the direction I'd like my career to take." if laid off: "Unfortunately I was impacted by a company restructuring that resulted in a loss of 15% of our employees. In the meantime, I've been thoughtfully considering my next move, reconnecting with my network and researching opportunities. I'm excited about this position because it exemplifies the parts of my past work I enjoyed the most and will position me in the direction I've always wanted to pursue in my career." 4. practice answering FAQs: use STAR (situation, task, action, and result): "It was the first day of my boss's two-week vacation and our agency's highest-paying client threatened to leave because he didn't feel he was getting the personalized service he was promised. I spent my lunch hour on the phone with him discussing his concerns. We even brainstormed ideas for his next campaign. He was so grateful for the personal attention that he signed another six-month contract before my boss even returned from

Explain the rights of workers (PQ)

1. right to a safe and healthy work environment: free from hazardous conditions that could cause injury/illness 2. right to fair pay and benefits: health insurance, paid time off, and retirement benefits 3. right to be free from discrimination: race, gender, age religion, and sexual orientation 4. right to form a union: can engage in collective bargaining to negotiate better wages, benefits, and working conditions 5. right to privacy: includes right to keep personal info confidential and not be subj. to unreasonable searches/monitoring 6. right to be free from retaliation: workers have right to be free from retaliation for reporting unsafe conditions/filing a complaint 7. right to receive proper training/dev: workers have the right to receive these to help them do theirj ob 8. right to access workers' compensation: workers have the right to access this if injured on the job or suffer from work-related illness

Demonstrate appropriate creativity (SP)

1. set clear goals: make sure goals are SMART and align w business objectives 2. encourage Idea Generation: encourage all employees to generate new ideas; est. culture of open communication and provide opportunities for brainstorming/idea-sharing 3. experiment with different approaches: try different approaches and techniques in a small setting; discuss w others what the potential outcomes of each solution might be; take calculated risks 4. be Customer-Focused: understand target audience; use creativity to develop solutions that meet their needs 5. embrace diversity: include ppl from different bgs, perspectives, and skill sets; more innovative ideas and better solutions 6. incorporate feedback: use feedback-- like online surveys from customers (add incentives like discounts w these) to refine ideas 7. celebrate success: recognize creative solutions; encourages continued creativity and innovation

Explain career opportunities in entrepreneurship (CS)

1. small business owner: sole proprietorship/partnership; create and sell product/services 2. startup founder: if u have unique business idea that can disrupt industry/solve problem; can create a team and build product/service; will need to raise funds, market, and grow customer base (facebook, apple, amazon) 3. franchise owner: allows franchisee to purchase rights to use an est. brand/business model; will need to follow franchisor's rules but you will have more support 4. social entrepreneur: someone who starts business that has can solve social problem/makes positive impact on env: goodwill, TOMS shoes/eyewear, 5. venture capitalist: if you have exp. in investing/finance; invest in startup companies in exchange for equity in company; provide funding, mentorship, and support

Demonstrate systematic behavior (PQ)

1. standard operating procedures (SOPs): companies have written procedures for routine tasks (sales, customer service, financial reporting) To provide people with all the safety, health, environmental and operational information necessary to perform a job properly. To ensure that production operations are performed consistently to maintain quality control of processes and products. SOPs specify job steps that help standardize products and, therefore, quality. To ensure that processes continue uninterrupted and are completed on a prescribed schedule. By following SOPs, you assist in avoiding process shut-downs caused by equipment failure or other facility damage. To ensure that no failures occur in manufacturing and other processes that would harm anyone in the surrounding community. Following health and environmental steps in SOPs ensures against spills and emissions that threaten plant neighbors and create community outrage. To ensure that approved procedures are followed in compliance with company and government regulations. Well-written SOPs contribute to ensuring that government regulations are satisfied. They also demonstrate a company's good-faith intention to operate correctly. To serve as a training document for teaching users about the process for which the SOP was written. Thorough SOPs can be used as the basis for providing standardized training for employees who are new to a particular job and for those who need re-training. To serve as a checklist for co-workers who observe job performance to reinforce proper performance. When outlining the correct procedures in a good SOP, any co-worker can use that SOP to coach another and help improve work skills. To serve as a checklist for auditors. SOPs should serve as a solid foundation when developing detailed audit checklists. To act as a historical record of the how, why and when of steps in an existing process. This provides a factual basis for revising those steps when a process or equipment are changed. Properly maintained written SOPs can chronicle the best experience that can serve new workers when older ones move on. To act as an explanation of steps in a process for review in accident investigations. A good SOP gives you a bas

Explain the need for innovation skills (CS)

1. stay competitive: helps individuals/orgs. to develop new products, services, and processes 2. adapt to change: allows the ability to challenge yourself, help others and apply your existing knowledge to unique scenarios; willing to learn= our company adapted to use engine optimization 3. solve problems: help individuals and orgs. to solve problems in better ways; sales department was having a hard time= learned to find what the customer wants 4. enhance productivity: can lead to more efficient processes 5. improve customer satisfaction: enables individuals to develop products/services that better meet the needs of customers= higher satisfaction + retention

Explain the need for ongoing education as a worker (PQ)

1. stay current w changing tech: tech is constantly changing + new tools/processes cont. being developed; helps them remain competent and proficient in jobs 2. enhance job performance: ongoing edu can help workers learn new skills/techniques ; can lead to increased job satisfaction, promotions, etc 3. adapt to changes in job market: workers who can't keep up w latest trends risk falling behind; ongoing edu makes sure workers are updated with all new discoveries 4. keeping up w changing laws/regulations: can help workers understand new laws and ensure they remain compliant/avoid legal issues 5. personal and professional growth: shows that you're serious about the job/have passion for it; you can also do more networking and obtain more referrals

Write a follow-up letter after job interviews (CS)

1. time frame: you should always send it w/in 24 HRS of the contact; if decision coming up quickly, then email; if decision coming up slowly, then letter 2. example: James Adams 555 32nd Street Houston, TX 94212 555-555-5555 [email protected] June 22, 2020 Sarah Myers Director of IT Upstart Solutions Houston, TX 94212 Dear Ms. Myers, I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to discuss the Senior Web Developer position with me. After witnessing your department's strong team environment and learning more about the position, I feel strongly that I am the perfect candidate for this role. In addition to my enthusiasm, strong educational background and specialized certifications, I bring over 10 years of experience in web development. Having worked with a wide variety of clients and companies in varying industries, I bring the quick learning and adaptability that are necessary for this role. I am excited about the opportunity to work with such a talented and motivated team and look forward to hearing from you. If you need further information, such as my list of references, contact me at 555-555-5555 or through my email. Thank you again, and I look forward to hearing from you about the next steps in the hiring process. Yours truly, James Adams 3. proofread!!!!!

Utilize resources that can contribute to professional development (e.g., trade journals/periodicals, professional/trade associations, classes/seminars, trade shows, and mentors) (SP)

1. trade journals/periodicals: provide insights/info abt latest industry trends, news, research; read them regularly and take notes on important points, discuss articles w colleagues, consider submitting your own articles 2. professional/trade associations: can provide access to industry-specific resources, networking opportunities and professional development events; attend events regularly, participate in committees, take advantage of any training/certification 3. classes/seminars: good way to develop new skills/deepen knowledge in area; attend courses relevant to career goals; take notes, ask ?s, follow up w instructors/speakers to continue the conversation 4. trade shows: great way to stay informed abt. new products, netowrk, and learn abt. latest trends; make a list of exhibitors you want to meet, bring needed materials, and attend any workshops/sessions 5. mentors: look for someone in your field w more exp., meet w them regularly to discuss career goals, seek advice; use LINKEDIN or PUSHFAR

Follow chain of command (CS)

1. understand organizational structure: know who your direct supervisor is, their supervisor, etc; typically found in organizational chart 2. respect authority of immediate supervisor: if u have a problem/question, bring it to them first 3. use proper communication channels: if you have a question for your supervisor, don't send an email to the CEO (go thru supervisor); use emails 4. be patient: understand that decisions may take time esp. if they need to go thru many levels 5. escalate issues when necessary: if you have exhausted all options w immediate supervisor and it's still not resolved, bring it to a higher level (ex: w an ethical or legal violation)

Describe techniques for obtaining work experience (e.g., volunteer activities, internships) (PQ)

1. volunteer activities: great way to gain work exp + giving back to community; look for ones that align w career goals/interests 2. internships: opportunities to gain hands-on exp and learn from pros; apply early to increase chances; typically at the end of the internship, if you've done well, you might get a job 3. freelancing/consulting: allows you to work on projects + gain exp while building portfolio; look for opportunities to work w small business/startups 4. temp/contract work: can provide opportunities to gain work exp in many industries; look for staffing agencies or job search websites 5. shadowing: shadowing allows you to gain insight into day-to-day routine 6. cooperative education: typically occurs during a student's junior or senior year of college. They will often work in a position within their area of study. For example, a student who's a marketing major would work in an entry-level role, like a marketing coordinator

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