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A doctrine proposed for belief by the church because it is part of divine revelation

Dogmatic Fact

a truth that though not revealed by God never the less comes under the infallible teaching authority of the Church.


any truth taught by the church as necessary for acceptance by the faithful


conscious removal or reduction of sacred symbols from religious life and worship


feast of the Falling Asleep of the Blessed Virgin Mary


heresy holding that validity of sacraments depends on moral character of priest


heretical system dating from apostolic times, which held that Christ only seemed to be a man, who was born, lived, suffered, and died.


originally a craftsman working for the people, used by plato to designate the maker of the Material Universe.

Dialectical Materialism

philosophy founded by Marx and Engels and condemned by the Church. It holds that only matter is real


profanation os a sacred person, place, or thing


science or doctrine concerning demons, who were originally thought to be spirits between the gods and men.


theory associated with Immanuel Kant that only acts done from a motive of duty have moral value

Dogmatic Relativisim

theory that all dogmas are tied and circumstanced conditioned


theory that claims language and spirit of Scriptures are mythical in character.


worship of the devilry invoking his assistance, depending on his guidance, and consciously choosing to honor the evil spirit in preference to God

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