Dendrology Lecture FINAL Review

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What is the common name of the species that is generally regarded as the tallest tree in North America?

"coastal" redwood

Norway spruce geographical and morphological description

A spruce of northern Europe with large, tan cones and 4 angled needles

blue spruce geographical and morphological description

A western mountainous spruce withsharp needle points that have a pungent smell when crushed

Populus tremuloides is intolerant and the most common species in Minnesota. Name three tolerant species native to Minnesota that are likely to become established under Populus tremuloides.

Acer saccharum, Picea glauca, Abies balsamifera

red spruce geographical and morphological description

An eastern spruce with blunt needle ends, twigs more or less pubescent and buds reddish-brown

white spruce geographical and morphological description

An eastern spruce with glabrous twigs and cylindrical cones

black spruce geographical and morphological description

An eastern spruce with globose cones and pubescent twigs.

Which genus has globose semi-fleshy cones with peltate scales that become woody when mature?


This member of the Cupressaceae forms dense, pure stands in freshwater bogs and swamps. Its needles turn brown after a year but are retained on the tree. Like many lowland species, its shallow, broad, interlocking root system makes it susceptible to windthrow. Its decay-resistant wood is valued for posts and construction. Charcoal from its wood was also once used to make gunpowder. After a period of overharvesting, lumbermen began mining well-preserved timbers of dead trees from great depths in the bogs where the species grows.

Chamaecyparis thyoides

Which description best describes crown shape in the genus Abies?

Conical crown coming to a tapered point

Which of the following is an important commercial species in the western United States and Canada representing over 50% of the standing timber?

Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

Which species is known for having chestnut brown pointed buds with imbricate scales and cones with exserted bracts?

Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

Which species is known for having two distinct varieties i.e. coastal and mountain?

Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

What do western larch, western hemlock, and noble fir have in common?

Each is the most important North American timber species in its genus

elevational range

Elevation increases with decreasing latitude (Every inch declines last)

Abies grandis is the largest of the cascade firs and produces the most timber of the Abies spp.


Black spruce (Picea mariana) looks like a larger version of white spruce, i.e. it generally has larger form, larger cones, larger needles, etc.


At the time of the Public Land Survey in Minnesota, in the second half of the 19th century, tamarack was the most frequently recorded bearing tree and quite common in uplands. Why is it now relegated to lowland habitats like bogs in our state?

Introduced larch sawfly defoliates and kills trees on upland sites it does not survive well in wet duff so larch on lowland wet sites survive.

Which genus is a collection of shrubs to small trees typically on dry, semi-sterile sites?


Which species is circumpolar in distribution?

Juniperus communis (common juniper)

One week ago in lecture a species was identified as an aggressive seeder into prairie restorations and old fields that species is?

Juniperus virginiana (eastern redcedar)

Which species is most likely to be found on pasture land in western Tennessee?

Juniperus virginiana (eastern redcedar)

Name the genus that is preferred for making sounding boards in musical instruments because of its superior acoustic resonance.

Picea (spruce)

What is the name of the genus that is often used for the tops of cellos, violins, violas and double basses because of its superior acoustic wood qualities?

Picea (spruce)

Which spruce is known for its large cones, drooping branchlets and is used extensively in horticulture?

Picea abies (Norway spruce)

Which of the following western species is more likely to inhabit slopes with a western (drier) aspect?

Picea pungens (blue spruce)


Portion of a cone's scale that is visible when the cone is closed.

Which species is important because it often represents the majority of the tree cover in a given area providing much needed shelter, nesting sites and food in the form of winter browse and semi-fleshy green to blue-black cones?

Rocky Mountain Juniper

What is the tallest tree species in the world?

Sequoia sempervirens

From our lecture materials provide the scientific names of a tree AND its respective endangered or threatened animal that depends on them for survival.

Sequoia sempervirens and the northern spotted owl

What is the name of the biggest by volume tree in the world?

Sequoiadendron giganteum

Which genus in the Cupressaceae is known for having deciduous needles?


Which genus has arils?


Name the tolerant, understory tree or large shrub from the Pacific northwest with flexible, soft- pointed needles, male cones on the underside of the twig, a fleshy red aril, and bark that was once the only source of taxol, a chemical used to successfully treat ovarian cancer.

Taxus brevifolia

This species provides winter yarding areas for deer, is tolerant, and can live to over 400 years of age. The wood is rot resistant and considered the premier wood for sauna interiors. It is also a preferred browse species for deer during winter.

Thuja occidentalis (northern white-cedar)

Which species looks like a smaller version of western redcedar?

Thuja occidentalis (northern white-cedar)

Which species provides the preferred wood for saunas because it is rot resistant and non-resinous so it stays cool to the touch?

Thuja occidentalis (northern white-cedar)

The Cupressaceae family contains many tree species. Of those listed belowwhich combination of species would be described as having decussate leaf arrangements?

Thuja occidentalis, Juniperus virginiana, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis and Thuja plicata

All species in the genus Picea are considered tolerant.


Around the world conifers are valuable for watershed protection at higher elevations.


As a general rule Abies species are tolerant.


At average height and diameter western larch is larger than tamarack


Despite being on different continents Picea sitchensis and Picea omorika have flattened needles.


Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) is native to Minnesota, prefers moist, cool sites, is very tolerant, and prefers well-rotted logs as a substrate for seed germination


Juniperus communis is a shrub or small tree that is circumpolar in the Northern Hemisphere. Furthermore, it is the most widely distributed native conifer in North America and the world.


Larix laricina and L. occidentalis are some of the most intolerant species in North America.


Metasequoia glyptostroboides, dawn redwood, has flat, linear deciduous or persistent branchlets, reddish-brown vertically shredding bark, and long stalked cylindrical cones with peltate scales.


Species in the genus Abies have erect cones with or without exserted bracts that mature in 1 year.


Spruce do not make particularly good browse for wildlife.


Totem poles have traditionally been made from the wood of western redcedar, Thuja plicata.


Which genus is likely to be identified by a drooping leader?


This conifer of the Northeastern United States is said to have a toothed needle that occurs singly. It is an extremely shade tolerant, long-lived species and its leader has a characteristic droop - if you can see it. The genus and species is?

Tsuga canadensis (eastern hemlock)

Which species suffers from the non-native sucking insect hemlock woolly adelgid?

Tsuga canadnesis (eastern hemlock)


a root rot fungus

Fraser fir main threat

a sapsucking insect

Which of the following is a trait of baldcypress but not dawn redwood?

alternate arrangement of branchlets

eastern redcedar economic or ecological use

aromatic wood used for closets, chests, shoe trees, hangers and potpourri.

This tree hails from southeast United States, is found on extremely wet sites of stagnant water, has a well buttressed base with 'knees' as a portion of the root system that project above the water, fruit a globose ball of 8-10 peltate scales that shatters at maturity.


Provide the common name for this tree of the south that inhabits permanently wet soils. It is a large tree (averaging 120 feet tall and 4 feet in dbh) has a buttressed base, and is considered deciduous with grey, shallowly furrowed, fibrous bark, nearly globose fruits roughly the size of a golf ball with 8-10 peltate scales that mature and shatter in a single season.

baldcypress (Taxodium distichum)

Cones of Abies species are typically found at the top of the tree and in the fall of the first year_________________

break apart leaving a central axis or spire

What soil type was above the sand layer for each forest type?: mesic hardwood

clay and silt


cyclic arrangement - 3 or more per node.

High elevation firs provide which of the following ecological benefits? a. protection for watersheds through erosion control b. shelter for wildlife from snow, cold and intense sun c. a sense of solitude, security and serenity for black beaked parrots d. two of these three answers


What makes concolor fir (Abies concolor) a good candidate for ornamental or horticultural plantings? a.

drought resistant, longer than average needles for a fir, smells fantastic, citrus-y

Atlantic white-cedar economic or ecological use

durable wood used for decks, shingles, shipbuilding.

Which species can have both awl and scale shaped needles on the same twig?

eastern redcedar

Port-Orford-cedar is threatened by a rust disease whose alternate host is gooseberry or Ribes spp.


Redwood, Sequoia sempervirens, is the largest tree by volume in the world.


Western larch suffers from Swiss needlecast disease.


Sitka spruce is an economically important spruce of the Pacific northwest with flat needles and pubescent twigs.

false, twigs aren't pubescent


fleshy appendage growing from the point of attachment of a seed and often covering the seed.


forking into pairs, 2 paths to choose from.

When young, species in the Abies genus typically have bark that is considered smooth, thin, grey and ________

full of resin blisters

Alaska-cedar economic or ecological use

girdled trees a source of spring nourishment for brown bears

dawn redwood main threat

habitat destruction by agriculture

Port-Orford-cedar economic or ecological use

house and temple construction in Japan as a replacement for the Japanese species, Chamaecyparis obtusa.

Which species has cones that resemble the bill of a duck?


What soil type was above the sand layer for each forest type?: fire dependent



opposite, 4-ranked, leaf arrangement with each pair at right angles to the pairs above and below it.

Baldcypress, coast redwood, and giant sequoia all have cones with what type of scales?


What is the best way to convey the idea that the wood of spruce has a high strength to weight ratio?

people made airplanes out of spruce

white spruce associate

quaking aspen


sharp modified branch often terminating a twig.


short projection (peg) on a conifer twig bearing a single sessile or petiolate leaf.

Alpine tree species are ______ growing and _________ lived but, counterintuitively, _________ of shade. Among the challenges of living in these environments are _________, _________, ________, and ___________. Alpine trees obtain much of their annual moisture from ___________. In these harsh exposed environments, their growth often takes on a shrub-like, prostrate, even contorted form called _________. The strong westerlies carry a lot of snow and ___________ that strip trees of their bark, sometimes leaving a mere thread of cambial tissue to keep the tree nourished and growing. Trees at the timberline fare best in microsites where they are sheltered by ____________ or ____________.

slow, long, intolerant, wind, cold, low humidity, snow and ice loads, snow, krumholtz, ice, rocks, older trees

Oftentimes, what is the easiest way to identify black spruce from a distance?

small ball, or tuft of branches at the tip of the crown

What soil type was above the sand layer for each forest type?: acid peatland

sphagnum moss

black spruce associate


Western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) is exceptionally tolerant and grows fast like a pioneer species.


Which tree species was used to make totem poles by native Americans in the Pacific Northwest and is currently prized for its decay resistant wood?

western redcedar (Thuja plicata)

Based on the online videos you watched about tolerant and intolerant species which of the following species pairs is most likely to be found growing underneath an aspen overstory?

white spruce and balsam fir

Differentiate between white and black spruce for 3 different traits

white spruce: glabrous twig, upland site, oval cones black spruce: pubescent twig, wet site, round cones

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