Denmark Vesey/Start and Causes of the Civil War

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Why was the Citadel Established?

"Act to Establish a competent force to Act as a Municipal Guard for the protection of the city of Charleston and its vicinity" (1822)

Who was Sir Charles Lyell?

"The Negroes here have certainly not the manners of an oppressed race"

What was the Washington Race course used for during the war?

-A prison camp - Hundreds of Union soldiers died in the prisoner of war camp.

Battle of Ft. Sumter

-April 12, 1861 4:30 am, 36 hours of bombardment -First shots of the Civil War -One union of fatality during 100 round surrender

Who is Roberts Smalls?

-Moved to Charleston as a skilled slave -Assigned to steer the Planter -May 12, 1862, surrenders Planter to Union Forces

What was the Free Black Society in Charleston (1820)?

1,500 free African American Also known as the Jack and Jill Club

What impact did the Cotton Gin have on the South?

1790- 1500 lbs 1800-3500 lbs 1815- 100,000 lbs 1848-1,000,000 lbs By 1865- 4 million slaves in SC

Conditions for revolt

1820 census- 57,221 slaves to 19,000 whites Slave families torn apart Leased to "gang labor" contacts Reduction of food and privileges Rumors of "thinning black population

How much cotton did the South produce by 1844

350,000 First cotton boom, 1794-1819

What all black force fought in the Civil War?

54th Massachusetts infantry Regiment


A.E. Grimke, Quaker born to South Carolinian slaveholders Articulated message in " Appeal to the Christian women of the South"

Who was John C. Calhoun

Abbeville, SC plantation family Served as a senator and VP to Andrew Jackson Theorist and architect of nullification and the constitutional right to secede. Tariff of 1828

Who is William Lloyd Garrison (1805-1879)

American Colonization Society The Liberator est 1831

Who is Denmark Vesey?

Born in Haiti-1767 Moved to Charleston in 1783 Purchased his freedom in 1800- $600

Urban Slave Labor

Bricklayers Bakers Blacksmiths Plasterers Carpenter Shoemakers Tailors Mechanical trades 9% of the workforce

What is Manumission?

By 1860- 45% of SC's free African Americans lived in Charleston Through birth, purchase, meritocracy, and legal wills

When was the first Memorial Day?

Charleston, SC, 1865

When and where did SC secede?

December 24, 1860 in Charleston First southern state to secede

Urban Life in Charleston

Drinking, breaking curfew, large gatherings, and dancing 15% of slaves lived alone Black neighborhoods in the "neck" of Charleston (North Boundary St. now Calhoun St.)

Brown Fellowship Society

Founded in 1790 Significant initiation fee Insurance and burial right of free African Americans compromised of "mulattoes" octoroons- 1/8 white quadroons- 1/4 white Society for Free Blacks of Darker Complexion 1843

Who is Frederick Douglas?

Fugitive Slave- Born in Maryland around 1818 Learns to read and write Founder of the North Star

Plotting the Rebellion

Lieutenants- Gullah Jack, Ned and Rollo Bennett, Monday Gell, and Peter Poyas 9,000 supporters Planned for Sunday July 14, 1822 (later changed to June 16)

What were the Causes of the Civil War?

Missouri Compromise, 1820 Nat Turner Rebellion, VA 1831 Nullification Crisis, 1832-33 Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854 Dred Scott V. Sanford 1857 John Brown's Raid, 1859 Strong sectional Conflict Abolitionist Movement

Raid on Harper's Ferry, VA

October 16-18, 1859 21 people led by John Brown (1800-59) 17 people killed 60 people held hostage

Denmark Vesey Uprising

Peter Prioleau foiled days before the revolt 35 local Americans tried, convicted and executed 40 African Americans were tried and departed

What was the role of the Black Church during this time?

Religion provided a sense of community, meaning and break from harsh conditions 1816- 4000 African Americans break from the white Church Part of Free African Society in Philadelphia, 1787

Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe

Uncle Tom's Cabin "little lady who started this great war" 10,000 copies sold in the first week, a millions and a half copies in a year.

Ryan's Mart

Where slaves were sold when a law in 1865 makes it illegal to pubically sale slaves

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