derivatives of exponential functions
y'=loga*g(x): log base of a constant times a function
1/ln(a) * g'(x)/g(x): one over the natural log of the constant times the derivative of the function over the function
y'=loga*x: log base of a constant times x
1/ln(a)*x: one over the natural log of the base times x
y'=ln(x): the natural log of x
1/x: one over x
y'= e^g(x): e raised to a function
e^g(x)*g'(x): e raised to a function multiplied by the derivative of the function
y'=e^x: e to the x
e^x: e to the x
y'=lng(x): the natural log of a function
g'(x)/g(x): the derivative of the function/the function
y'=a^g(x): constant raised to a function
ln(a)*a^g(x)*g'(x): natural log of the constant times the constant raised to a function times the derivative of the function
y'=a^x: constant raised to the x
ln(a)*a^x: natural log of the constant multiplied by the constant raised to the x