Destination C1-C2 feladatok

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A man ___ (walk) into a bar. Ouch! Not a good idea to walk into an iron bar!


My mum fills up with petrol ___ she goes to the supermarket.

whenever (or when/if)

Has Jan worked / been working for the company since it started?

worked (or been working)

How many articles has Greg [wrote] for Newsweek?


If [you're not watching / you don't watch] TV, turn it off!

you're not watching

___ you ___ (phone) me from your mobile? The line's not very good.

Are phoning

___ you often ___ (order) things online?

Do order

A ___ you ___ Bob would like a CD for his birthday? B Oliver said he ___ about moving out of the city.

Do think is thinking



[I really don't agree / I'm really not agreeing] that capital punishment deters people from committing murder.

I really don't agree

I think [I recognise / I'm recognizing] that woman over there. Wasn't she on that quiz show last night?

I recognise

It's only a quick call as [I ring / I'm ringing] from my mobile.

I'm ringing

[I'm] never been to China - what's it like?


(I / send off) over 18 press releases this morning so far.

I've sent off

___ is the last time I ever order from that pizzeria. It was disgusting!

This (or It)

[We're having / We have] the living room repainted so it's probably best if we go into the kitchen.

We're having

Why do you ___ leave the light on when you go out of the room? You wait till you start paying the electricity bill!


A I ___ on you, James. Don't let me down! B Whether we get there by six ___ on the traffic.

am depending depends

A: I ___ for a book on fly fishing. Do you have any in stock? B Stan ___ like he's in a bad mood this morning.

am looking looks

A The idea of going to a Greek island really ___ to me. B Police ___ for witnesses to the attack.

appeals are appealing

A Jan and I ___ buying a new flat. B Why ___ you ___ Ray Davis to be a better songwriter than Paul McCartney?

are considering do consider

I'm sorry to hear that your parents ___ (get) divorced.

are getting

It's lovely now the evenings ___ (get) longer, isn't it?

are getting

A We ___ a barbecue right now, so can I call you back this evening? B ___ the Deacons ___ a swimming pool?

are having Do have

There's an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman. They ___ (walk) across the desert when one of them ___ (spot) a camel in the distance ...

are walking spots

Actually, we ____ (listen) to The Libertines at all - this is Pete Docherty's second band, Baby shambles.

aren't listening

Why [don't you play / aren't you playing] football, Mark? I thought you had a match this afternoon.

aren't you playing

You can't want to go to the toilet already - we've only [driven / been driving] for about ten minutes so far!

been driving

Have you [followed / been following] that story in the papers about the elephant that escaped from the zoo? Apparently, they've just [caught / been catching] it.

been following caught

I've [stood / been standing] up all day and my feet are killing me!

been standing

Jake and I have [thought / been thinking] about where to go on holiday for weeks but we just can't decide.

been thinking

I'm quite happy living at home for the time ___, but I guess I'll have to get my own place eventually.


Have you heard? Carol's [breaking] her leg again.


You're lucky you caught me - I've just [came] through the front door


Each song only [costs / is only costing] 50 cents at the moment because they're on special offer.


A How ___ you ___ about inviting Jackie to come with us on Saturday? B Britney ___ very well, so I've told her she can go home.

do feel doesn't feel

Why ___ ice ___ (float)?

does float

The number you have dialled [does not exist / is not existing]. Please try again.

does not exist

Excuse me, [does the nut cake contain / is the nut cake containing] walnuts? I'm allergic to them.

does the nut cake contain

Stay out of this, Simon, it [doesn't concern / isn't concerning] you at all.

doesn't concern

My dad ___ (eat) meat at all - he's a vegetarian.

doesn't eat

Darren ___ usually ___ (get) home until about eight o'clock.

doesn't get

It [doesn't matter / isn't mattering] which of the books we've studied this term you do your essay on.

doesn't matter

A This ___ chicken very fresh. I think I'll throw it away just to be on the safe side. B Why ___ you ___ that chicken, Mum?

doesn't smell are smelling

'Phil ___(wear) ties, does he?' 'Actually, he ___ (wear) a tie to work most days.'

doesn't wear wears

We go to the cinema ___ now and then, but only if there's something good on.


They've [filled / been filling] over six bags with rubbish from the beach already.


I'm staying in ___ now, but I might go out a bit later on.


You ___ (go) to the end of the street and ___ (turn) right.

go turn

Tammy [been] able to swim since she was one year old.

has been

Our family [is living] in this village for over two hundred years and we're not leaving now!

has been living (or has lived)

Beckham ___ (have) control of the ball... It's Beckham ... And he ___ (score)!

has scores

Tina and Phil still [not] managed to sell their flat


Why [you haven't tell] Sue yet that you're thinking of dropping out of the course?

haven't you told

It's the first time I've [heard / been hearing] The Editors play live.


I want everyone to do exercise H, and that [includes / is including] you too, Anne!


Right now, my job [involves / is involving] a huge amount of foreign travel.


My dad _____ (always / tell) jokes! They're usually rubbish, though.

is always telling

A Julian ___ a bit busy at the moment, actually. B Guys, you ___ too noisy! Can't you keep it down, please?

is are being

My brother ___ (do) a degree at university so I ___(see) him very often, unfortunately.

is doing don't see

A I hear that Doug ___ quite a lot of Katy these days. Is that true? B I ___ Manchester United lost again.

is seeing see

Could you explain what 'antidisestablishmentarianism' [means / is meaning], please?


My sister's revising for her GCSEs at the ___


I'm alone in my study bedroom reading ___ of the time.

most (or much/some)

Tim ___ goes out to play until he's done all his homework. I just don't allow it!


Fifteen teachers are teaching here full-time at ___


It's true that Ralph calls us quite ___, but most students only call their parents when they need something, don't they?


You really [resemble / are resembling] your father when you frown like that.


I'm sitting in the garden ___ now talking to you on my mobile.


We've [seen / been seeing] the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace and Oxford Street, and we've only been in London for three hours!


I see Lucinda from ___ to time, but not on a regular basis.


That's the last ___ we're inviting Dave to one of our parties!


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