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The preconventional reasoning has sometimes been described as _____.

"What's in it for me?"


Global evaluations of the self, often referred to as self-worth/self-image

WIC program

Grants for healthy foods, health care referrals, and nutrition educations for low income families

Abigail is 10 years old and is learning to play tennis. Which of the following changes in development are related to her ability to learn the sport?

Greater coordination

Emotional development

Growing self awareness is linked to expanding and expressing a range of emotions

Relational aggression

Harming someone by manipulating a relationship

Which of the following is a government program to provide skills for success in school for preschool children from low-income families in the United States?

Head Start

What does it mean if a person's IQ is 115?

His/her mental age is higher than his/her chronological age

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)

IQ test that measures intelligence and cognitive ability in adults/older adolescents

Mothers' socialization strategies

In many cultures, mothers socialize their daughters to be more obedient and responsible than their sons. They also place more restrictions on their daughters' autonomy.


Inability to distinguish one's own perspective from someone else's

Weight gain during middle and late childhood is primarily due to which of the following? -Decrease in the size of the skeletal system -Increase in the size of certain body organs -Nutritional changes -Decrease in physical activity

Increase in the size of certain body organs

In middle to late childhood, the increased pathways and circuitry in the prefrontal cortex are related to which of the following improvements? -Increased cognitive control -Improved visual perception -Reduced attention -Decreased sensory perception

Increased cognitive control

What can an intelligence test identify?

Individual differences

What is the name of a written statement that spells out a program that is specifically tailored for the student with a disability?

Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

Match Kohlberg's level of moral reasoning with its explanation: Conventional Stage

Individuals abide by the standards of others such as parents or society. (internal and external)

Match Kohlberg's level of moral reasoning with its explanation: Postconventional Stage

Individuals recognize alternative moral courses, explore the options, and then decide on a personal moral code.; more internalized

Match Kohlberg's level of moral reasoning with its explanation: Preconventional Stage

Individuals' moral reasoning is controlled primarily by external rewards and punishment; morality not internalized

Rejected children (sociometric status)

Infrequently nominated as someone's best friend and are actively disliked by their peers

Effects of divorce on preschoolers

Initially have more problems than older kids

Inner speech

Internalized speech, private internal monologue

Intellectual disability

Limited mental ability in which individual has low IQ and difficulty adapting to everyday life (typically scoring below ~70)

In middle and late childhood, the development of which of the following provides children with information about their peers and peer relationships? -Moral reasoning -Social cognition -Self-concept -Self-esteem

Social cognition

Which of the following emphasizes the social contexts of learning and the construction of knowledge through social interaction? -Stages of development -Piagetian theory -Social constructivist approach -Cognitive constructionism

Social constructivist approach

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a child who has developed executive function skills? -Cognitive inhibition -Stimulus-driven -Cognitive flexibility -Goal-setting



Substance and content of self-conceptions

Perspective taking

The ability to discern another person's emotional states

Naturalist frame of mind

The ability to observe patterns in nature and understand natural and human-made systems (Occupations: farmer, botanist, ecologist, landscaper)

Verbal frame of mind

The ability to think in words and use language to express meaning (Occupations: authors, journalists, speakers)

Spatial frame of mind

The ability to think three-dimensionally (Occupations: architects, artists, sailors)

Studies have shown that insecure attachment is likely to result in greater ______ during middle and late childhood.


Secure attachment is associated with higher levels of... (2)

emotional regulation and recognizing emotions.

Friendships play an important role in... (2)

emotional well-being and academic success.

In early childhood, ________ functioning involves developmental advances in cognitive flexibility, goal-setting, and cognitive inhibition.


Emotional development includes ________, _________, and __________ emotions.

expressing, understanding, regulating

Rank the main causes of death among young children, from the highest incidence to the lowest incidence. -Congenital malformations -Homicide -Malignant neoplasms -Unintentional injuries

1. Unintentional injuries 2. Congenital malformations 3. Malignant neoplasms 4. Homicide

On average, siblings between the ages of 2 and 4 have a conflict once every...

10 minutes

The recommended amount of sleep for 3- to 4-year-old children is ______ hours.

10 to 13

In terms of developmental changes in peer interaction, children's preference for same-sex peer groups increases until the age of _____.


Average female height in middle to late childhood

4'10 1/2

Average male height in middle to late childhood


About ______ million Americans fit under the definition of intellectual disability.


Between what ages do sibling conflicts tend to decrease in frequency?

5 to 7 years of age

Middle to late childhood age

6-11 years old

The focusing of mental resources on select information is called...


During middle and late childhood, children also make progress in understanding how to use language in culturally appropriate ways, which is best described as __________.


Sustained attention

Focused, extended engagement with something specific in the environment

Justice perspective

Focuses on rights of individual and on which individuals independently make moral decisions

Popular children (sociometric status)

Frequently nominated as a best friend and are rarely disliked by their peers

Controversial children (sociometric status)

Frequently nominated both as someone's best friend and also disliked by peers

Motor development: age 4


Motor development: age 5


Preschool children's control of attention is deficient. They are likely to pay attention to...

salient features rather than relevant features.

The United States has the _____ highest rate of childhood obesity.


Children's developing minds and social experiences produce remarkable advances in the development of the ______, ________ development, ___________ development, and ___________.

self, emotional, moral, gender

Ten-year-old Blake tells his classmate, "I know I can figure out this math problem if I work at it." Blake is demonstrating high _________.


According to Erikson, as a young child's conscience governs initiative, feelings of guilt negatively impact....


Research using the memory-span task suggests that ______-term memory increases during early childhood.


Working memory is closely linked to ______ memory.


A researcher who reads off a short list of numbers at a rapid pace and then asks a participant to repeat the numbers is most likely studying...

short-term memory.

The child's ability to pay attention improves ______ during the preschool years.


Of the following, the reliability of a young child's eyewitness testimony is probably most highly dependent on the...

skills and motivations of the interviewer.


sound systems, phonemes

One potential influence on intelligence test performance is anxiety over whether one's behavior might confirm a negative assumption about one's group. This is referred to as...

stereotype threat.

Five-year-old Billy should like to rough-house and play with trucks, while his twin sister, Becky, is supposed to be kind to others and enjoy playing with dolls. These are examples of gender ______.


Nine-year-old Aaron used to get really angry with his classmates, but that is not the case now. This particular example illustrates that in middle-to-late childhood, children learn to...

suppress or conceal negative emotional reactions.

Preschool children learn and apply the more advanced grammar rules of __________, which involves how words should be ordered in a sentence.


Young children learn early to place a wh- word at the beginning of a sentence when properly asking a question. This shows advances in ______.


With the rate of employment for mothers on the rise in the United States, statistics show that one of every ___ mothers with children under the age of 5 is in the labor force.


Two controversies in early childhood education involve what the curriculum should be and whether preschool education should be ________ in the United States.


Sustained attention is also known as _________.


For late language learners like adolescents and adults, it is easier to learn new ______ than it is to learn new sounds or new grammar.


Working memory is most akin to a mental...


Which of the following areas are included on the Stanford-Binet 5? -Visual-spatial reasoning -Working memory -Quantitative reasoning -Fluid reasoning -Quantum physics -Knowledge

-Visual-spatial reasoning -Working memory -Quantitative reasoning -Fluid reasoning -Knowledge

Piaget's Theory: Heteronomous morality

-Younger children -Rules are absolute, unchangeable, based on the consequences (accidentally breaking 6 glasses is worse than purposely breaking one

Many 2 to 4 year olds spend _____ to _____ hours a day watching TV, which is more time than they spend with their parents.

2, 4

How many inches do children in middle to late childhood grow per year?


Average growth is ____ inches and ____ to ____ pounds per year during early childhood.

2.5, 5 to 10

Obese BMI

>97th percentile

______ intelligence consists of the ability to design, invent, originate, and imagine.


Theory of Mind: age 5 to 9 years

Deepening appreciation of the mind

Culture-fair tests (IQ)

Designed to be free of cultural bias

Perceptual development: age 3 to 4 years

Detection of boundaries between colors


Developmentalists who have elaborated on Piaget's theory, giving more emphasis to how children use attention, memory, and strategies to process information

Authoritarian parenting lacks which of the following? -Restrictions on the child -Punishment -Directives from parent to child -Dialogue between parent and child

Dialogue between parent and child

According to Baumrind, what type of parents are highly involved in their child's life but place few demands or controls on the child?


Which of the following concepts encompasses problem-solving skills and the ability to learn from and adapt to experiences?



Reversible mental actions that allow children to do mentally what they formerly did physically

Which of the following best characterizes theory of mind? -A study of the links between development, the brain, and cognitive functioning -The ability to be alert, mentally present, and cognitively flexible in life's everyday activities -The idea that gist-based intuition serves young children and adolescents better than analytical thinking -Thoughts about how one's own mental processes work and the mental processes of others

Thoughts about how one's own mental processes work and the mental processes of others

Social Conventional Reasoning

Thoughts about social consensus and convention, in contrast with moral reasoning, which stresses ethical issues.

Social cognition

Thoughts about social matters, important for understanding peer relationships

Moral development

Thoughts, feelings, and behavior regarding rules and conventions about what people should do in their interactions with other people

Pretense/symbolic play

Transforming physical environment into symbols, shows advances in cognitive development

The most obvious physical change in early childhood is growth in...

height and weight.

Alexis is a 9-year-old girl in fourth grade. She is having difficulty with reading comprehension, spelling, and understanding mathematical concepts. Her teacher is concerned and has referred her to the special education teacher for evaluation. Which of the following special needs might Alexis be diagnosed with?

Learning disability

IDEA gives a legal basis to educating children with disabilities in the regular classroom, which is also known as the...

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).

Which of the following is a relatively permanent and unlimited type of memory that increases with age during middle and late childhood? -Sensory memory -Working memory -Short-term memory -Long-term memory

Long-term memory

________ age is Binet's measure of an individual's level of intellectual development compared with that of others.


What type of development involves thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding rules and conventions about what people should do in their interaction with other people?


__________ development involves changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding rules and conventions about what people should do when interacting with others.



Moral element of personality

Social role theory

Contrasting roles of women and men

Moral behaviorism

Processes of reinforcement,. punishment, and imitation explain the development of moral behavior

Divergent thinking

Produces many different answers to the same question and characterizes creativity

Convergent thinking

Produces one correct answer and characterizes the king of thinking that is required on conventional tests of intelligence

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

Range from autistic disorder to Asperger syndrome and may have genetic basis

Yvonne and Gregory spend most of their leisure time with one another, leaving their child at home. They are more concerned with their own needs than those of their child. According to Baumrind, what parenting style do Yvonne and Gregory utilize?


_______ reasoning is the lowest level of moral reasoning, according to Kohlberg.


True or false: Disease and death are less prevalent during middle and late childhood than during adolescence.


True or false: Project Head Start is the largest federally funded program for children in the United States.


True or false: Researchers suggest that instruction to enhance U.S. children's ability to read and write should be built on skills that the children already know.


Theory of Mind: ages 7+ years

Understand the beliefs and thoughts of others

Private speech

Use of language for self-regulation

The great governor of initiative is _________.


Recent research indicates that the ______ of parents' work has more influence on the children's development rather than the fact that one parent works outside the home.


With regard to exercise, America's children are...

not getting enough.

Least restrictive environment (LRE)

Setting as similar as possible to the one in which non-disabled children are educated


Severe impairment in the ability to read and spell

Which of the following refers to a limited-capacity memory in which information is usually retained for up to 30 seconds if there is no rehearsal of the information? -Long-term memory -Short-term memory -Executive memory -Schema memory

Short-term memory

What type of impact does television have on children's development?

Significant impact

Of the following, which is one of the most widely used individual tests of intelligence used today?

Stanford-Binet 5

Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence

States that intelligence comes in three forms: analytical, creative, and practical

Fuzzy Trace Theory

States that memory is best understood by considering two types of memory representations: (1) verbatim memory trace and (2) gist. In this theory, older children's better memory is attributed to the fuzzy traces created by extracting the gist of information.

Direct-instruction approach

Structured, teacher-centered approach characterized by: -Teacher direction and control -Mastery of academic skills -High expectations for students' progress -Maximum time spent on learning tasks -Efforts to keep negative effects to a minimum

Gender identity

The sense of being male or female, which most children acquire by 2.5 years

The American Academy of Pediatrics on Children and Television

-2-5 year olds should watch maximum of 1 hour of TV per day watching high quality programs such as Sesame Street and PBS shows -Can teach children positive, prosocial behavior -Linked to higher obesity rates in children and adolescents -Linked to violent and aggressive behavior

Children with low self-esteem

-Linked to obesity, anxiety, depression, suicide, and delinquency -Can be accurate or distorted self-perception

Which of the following are major cognitive theories of development that address the early childhood years? -Information processing theory -Reggio Emilia's theory -Piaget's theory -Vygotsky's theory

-Information processing theory -Piaget's theory -Vygotsky's theory

Which of the following factors influence the accuracy of a young child's memory? -Desire to be in the spotlight -Interviewing techniques that produce substantial distortions -Age differences in susceptibility to suggestion -Inability to recall relevant information -Individual differences in susceptibility

-Interviewing techniques that produce substantial distortions -Age differences in susceptibility to suggestion -Individual differences in susceptibility

Metalinguistic awareness

-Knowledge about language -Understanding what a preposition is -Being able to discuss the sounds of a language

Divorce declined since the early ____, about _____ to _______% for first time marriages.

80, 40, 50

At risk of being overweight BMI


Brain reaches ___% of adult volume by 6 years.


Overweight BMI

95th percentile

Gender role

A cultural set of expectations that prescribes how females or males should think, act, or feel

What has been the traditional definition of giftedness?

A gifted person has an IQ of 130 or higher.

Piaget's Theory: Autonomous morality

Considering the intentions of the individual

Along with the recommended amount of sleep, the World Health Organization also recommends which of the following sleep habits for 3- to 4-year-old children?

Consistent sleep and wake times

Contemplative science

Cross-disciplinary term that involves the study of how various types of mental and physical training might enhance children's development

Emotional and behavioral disorders

-Serious, persistent problems that involve relationships, aggression, depression, fears associated with personal or school matters, as well as other inappropriate socioemotional characteristics -Boys 3x as likely to have these disorders

Postconventional Reasoning - Stage 5

-Social Contract or Utility and Individual Rights -A person evaluates the validity of actual law and examines social systems in terms of the degree to which they preserve and protect fundamental human rights and values

Conventional Reasoning - Stage 4

-Social System Morality -Moral judgements based on understanding, social order, law, justice and duty

Which of the following are the three most common types of stepfamily structures? -Simple -Stepfather -Blended -Integrated -Stepmother

-Stepfather -Blended -Stepmother

What does the role of parents as managers involve? -Directing every aspect of the child's life -Giving orders and making sure they are followed -Structuring the family environment -Monitoring and encouraging academic progress -Setting up routines and schedules

-Structuring the family environment -Monitoring and encouraging academic progress -Setting up routines and schedules

By the time students graduate from high school, they will have spent ______ hours in the classroom.


Theory of Mind: age 18 months to 3 years

Children begin to understand three mental states (perceptions, desires, and emotions)

Perceptual development: age 4 to 5 years

Children can focus on eyes and sustain attention effectively on close-up objects

Group differences (IQ)

Children deprived of formal education

Gender schema theory

Children gradually develop their schemas of what is gender-appropriate and gender-inappropriate in their culture

Theory of Mind: age 3 to 5 years

Children understand false beliefs

Motor development: age 3


With regard to young children who are learning English as their first language, all children will...

learn the prepositions "on" and "in" before other prepositions.

According to Baumrind, the _______ style of parenting is characterized by a lack of involvement in the child's life.


A(n) ___________ distribution is a symmetrical curve with a majority of the cases falling in the middle.


In Ms. Ahmed's eighth-grade class, the students work collaboratively in groups to discover knowledge, reflect, and think critically about different topics. Ms. Ahmed is most likely using the ______ approach to education.


In the ______ approach to education, children are encouraged to actively explore their world and discover knowledge and understanding with guidance from their teacher.



Ability to logically combine relations to understand certain conclusions


Ability to order stimuli along a quantitative dimension (such as length)

Creative thinking

Ability to think in novel and unusual ways and to come up with unique solutions to problems

Games play

Activities are engaged in for pleasure and have rules

When learning a second language, which group tends to learn faster but attain a lower final level of second-language attainment?


______ includes a number of higher cognitive processes that allow people to maintain self-control and engage in goal-directed behavior.

Executive function

Piaget's autonomous morality

-10+ -Aware that rules and laws are created by people -When judging an action, one should consider the actor's intentions as well as the consequences

Cross-cultural comparisons of achievement

-2015 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) study found that out of 48 countries, American children placed 11th in 4th grade math and 8th in 4th grade science -Asian teachers spend more time teaching math than American teachers -Asian children spend more days/year in school than American children

Piaget's heteronomous morality

-4-7 -Justice and rules are conceived of as unchangeable properties of the world -Removed from the control of people

Gifted student

-6-10% of children -Above average intelligence (130 IQ or higher) and/or superior talent or aptitude

What new skills do children gain upon entering school?

-Ability to recognize and talk about sounds -Knowledge of what a word is -Increasing use of language to talk about things that are not physically present

Executive attention

-Action planning -Allocating attention to goals -Error detection and compensation -Monitoring progress on tasks -Dealing with difficult circumstances

Piaget's Concrete Operational Stage

-Ages 7-11 -Children can perform concrete operations and reason logically -Also able to classify things into different sets

Gender differences in socioemotional development

-Aggression: boys physically, girls verbally -Emotion: girls recognize nonverbal emotions, show more sympathy, internalize emotions, and self-regulate -Prosocial behavior: girls more prosocial, empathetic -Relational aggression: most of female aggressive behaviors, they express and decode emotions more often/better

Play therapy is used to... (2)

-Allow child to work off frustrations -Analyze child's conflicts and ways of coping with them

Piaget's Three Mountain Task

-Assessed visual perspective in children -Doll placed at various locations around a three-dimensional display of three mountains, children must indicate how doll sees display

Steps children go through in processing social information

-Attend to social cues -Attribute intent through interpretation -Establish social goals -Access behavioral scripts from memory -Generate problem-solving strategies -Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies -Make decisions and enact behavior


-Attention deficiency -Preschoolers use haphazard comparison strategy, not examining all details before making a judgement -Elementary schoolers more likely to compare details across pictures, one detail at a time

Salient versus relevant dimensions

-Attention deficiency -Preschoolers likely to pay attention to stimuli that stand out (or are salient), even when stimuli irrelevant -After age 6 or 7, children pay more attention to relevant dimensions of task

Positive peer relations in childhood have been linked to which of the following in adulthood? -Better relationships with coworkers -Mental health problems -Enhanced athletic performance -Higher occupational status

-Better relationships with coworkers -Higher occupational status

Physical changes

-Body growth and change -Motor development -Nutrition and exercise -Illness and death

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

-Characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity -Boys twice as likely to be diagnosed -Possible causes include genetics, brain damage during prenatal/postnatal development, cigarette/alcohol during pregnancy, high maternal stress

Reggio Emilia Approach

-Child-centered approach to early childhood education -Teaching, learning, and advocacy for children

Which of the following statements best describe child-centered kindergartens? -Child-centered kindergartens see children as individuals with their own developmental patterns of growth. -Child-centered kindergartens are academically rigorous. -Child-centered kindergartens emphasize play. -Child-centered kindergartens focus on the process of learning, not on what is learned. -Child-centered kindergartens downplay firsthand experiences.

-Child-centered kindergartens see children as individuals with their own developmental patterns of growth. -Child-centered kindergartens emphasize play. -Child-centered kindergartens focus on the process of learning, not on what is learned.

Self understanding during middle and late childhood

-Children 8-11 describe themselves in terms of psychological characteristics and traits -Children recognize social characteristics of the self -Self-description increasingly involves social comparison -Children become skeptical of others' claims

Neglected children (sociometric status)

Infrequently nominated as a best friend but are not disliked by their peers

_________ quotient is a person's mental age divided by chronological age, multiplied by one hundred.


__________ is the ability to solve problems as well as to learn from and adapt to experiences.



Internal regulation of standard of right and wrong that involves integrating moral thought, feeling, and behavior


Involves manipulating and transforming information in memory

Autobiographical memory

Involves memory of significant events and experiences in one's life


Involves paying careful attention to your thoughts, feelings, and environment

Practice play

Involves repetition of behavior when new skills are being learned

Critical thinking

Involves thinking and reflectively and productively and evaluating evidence

IQ formula

Mental age (MA)/chronological age (CA) x 100

In which period of the life span do individuals have the lowest rates of disease and death?

Middle to late childhood

Who do young children identify with most during the initiative-versus-guilt stage?


Which term refers to the ability to assume other people's points of view and understand their thoughts and feelings?

Perspective taking

Montessori Approach

Philosophy of education in which children are given considerable freedom and spontaneity in choosing activities

______ involves how sounds are used and how sounds are combined.


Erikson's Initiative versus Guilt

-Children can use perceptual, motor, cognitive, and language skills to make things happen. -Children move out into the wider social world on their own initiative. -Initiative and enthusiasm may bring guilt, which lowers self-esteem.

Which of the following statements best describe the key elements of Piaget's second stage of cognitive development? -Children are able to understand the concept of reversibility. -Children form stable concepts and begin to reason. -Children are able to use words to describe their world. -Children continue to be egocentric and have magical beliefs.

-Children form stable concepts and begin to reason. -Children are able to use words to describe their world. -Children continue to be egocentric and have magical beliefs.

Intuitive thought substage

-Children use primitive reasoning and want to know the answers to questions -Ages 4 to 7

3 biological influences

-Chromosomes -Hormones -Evolution

Which of the following are examples of gross motor skills acquired in childhood? -Climbing -Jumping -Running -Assembling a simple jig-saw puzzle

-Climbing -Jumping -Running

Influences on Kohlberg's "stages"

-Cognitive development -Experiences dealing with moral questions and moral conflicts -Peer interaction and perspective taking

Six functions of friendship

-Companionship -Stimulation -Physical support -Ego support -Social comparison -Affection and intimacy

Researchers have found that aerobic exercise benefits which of the following in children and adolescents? -Slowed creativity -Decreased obesity -Increased bone strength -Decreased peer relations -Lowered blood pressure

-Decreased obesity -Increased bone strength -Lowered blood pressure


-Deliberate efforts to manage one's behavior, emotions, and thoughts -Leads to increased social competence and achievement

Baumrind's four styles of parenting balance which of the following dimensions? -Demand -Responsiveness -Acceptance -Control -Creativity

-Demand -Responsiveness -Acceptance -Control

•Committee for Children and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)

-Developed programs to improve children's lives -Targets core social and emotional learning domains (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making)

Consequences of overweight children

-Diabetes -Hypertension -Elevated blood cholesterol levels -Low self-esteem

Research has shown some children from divorced families are more likely to have which of the following? -Drug issues -High self-worth -Depression -Academic problems -Secure attachments -Anxiety

-Drug issues -Depression -Academic problems -Anxiety

5-2-1-0 Obesity Guidelines

-Eat >5 servings of fruits and vegetables -View <2 hours of screen time -Participate in 1 hour of physical activity -Consume 0 sugary beverages daily -Sample of 293 kids

Two most important contributors to heigh differences

-Ethnicity -Nutrition

Play - Freud

Play helps master anxieties and conflicts

Play - Berlyne

Play is exciting because it satisfies exploratory drives

Play - Recently

Play is important for development of language and communication skills

Play - Piaget & Vygotsky

Play is the child's work and advances their cognitive development

___________ reasoning is the highest level in Kohlberg's theory of moral development.


Children who repeatedly throw a ball against a wall to work on their aim are engaging in what type of play?


Psychoanalytic theory of gender

Preschool child develops a sexual attraction to opposite-sex parent, anxiety sets in, etc.

Which age group is the most susceptible to suggestion?


A child who uses a hairbrush as a microphone while singing is engaging in what type of play?


What type of play are children engaging in if they pick up a building block and pretend to be talking on the phone?


During the middle and late childhood years, children gain about ______ pounds a year.


The IQs for individuals with cultural-familial intellectual disability range from...

50 to 70.

Approximately ________ percent of American children have one or more siblings.


Which of the following statements is true regarding the identification of giftedness? -A person could be considered gifted if he or she has intellectual superiority and academic aptitude. -In order to be labeled as gifted, a person must have a high IQ. -Children are typically labeled gifted when they are talented in the visual and performing arts. -A quarter of the general population of school children in the United States are gifted.

A person could be considered gifted if he or she has intellectual superiority and academic aptitude.

Musical frame of mind

The ability to be sensitive to pitch, melody, rhythm, and tone (Occupations: composer, musician, sensitive listeners)

Mathematical frame of mind

The ability to carry out mathematical operations (Occupations: scientists, engineers, accountants)

Bodily-kinesthetic frame of mind

The ability to manipulate objects and to be physically adept (Occupations: surgeon, craftsperson, dancer, athlete)

Interpersonal frame of mind

The ability to understand and interact effectively with others (Occupations: teacher, mental health professional)

Intrapersonal frame of mind

The ability to understand oneself (Occupations: theologian, psychologist)

Domain Theory of Moral Development

Theory that identifies different domains of social knowledge and reasoning, including moral, social conventional, and personal domains. These domains arise from children's and adolescents' attempts to understand and deal with different forms of social experience.

True or false: A recent study revealed that coparenting influenced young children's effortful control above and beyond maternal and paternal parenting alone.


True or false: Children's social cognition about their peers becomes increasingly important for understanding peer relationships in middle and late childhood.


Fine motor skills

Uses small muscles in hands and wrist


The way words are combined to form phrases and sentences

Which of the following is true about the problems seen in children from divorced homes? -The actual separation of parents is usually the genesis of the problems. -Their problems do not arise until divorce is imminent. -Their problems may be the result of the marital conflict that led to the divorce. -Their problems tend to go away once they are no longer subject to the marital conflict.

Their problems may be the result of the marital conflict that led to the divorce.

Which theory views children as thinkers who can predict, explain, and understand themselves and others?

Theory of mind

Types of play (6)

-Sensorimotor -Practice -Pretense/symbolic -Social -Constructive -Games


Different bits of meaning and roles of words

Gross motor skills

Require whole body movement

School has a ______ influence on children's development.


Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP)

Based on knowledge of the typical development of children within a particular age span, as well as on the uniqueness of the individual child


Belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities are are capable of action


Belief that one can master a situation or produce favorable outcomes

Fixed mindset

Belief that qualities are fixed and cannot change

Growth mindset

Belief that qualities can change and improve through effort

Organic intellectual disability

Caused by genetic disorder or brain damage


Centering attention on one characteristic to the exclusion of all others

Physical activities

Central component of the self in early childhood


Changing the level of support

In addition to an IQ below 70, which of the following factors are necessary for a diagnosis of intellectual disability? -Difficulty adapting to everyday life -Difficulty sitting still in a classroom setting -Difficulty in social relationships -Difficulty focusing on classroom material

Difficulty adapting to everyday life


Difficulty in handwriting

Constructivist approach

Learner-centered approach which emphasizes the importance of individuals actively constructing their own knowledge and understanding with guidance from a teacher

Dyscalculia (developmental arithmetic disorder)

Learning disability that involves difficulty in math computation


Meaning of words and sentences

Effects of divorce on 6-8 year olds

Painful memories years later and fear of unsuccessful marriages

Who is MOST likely to be a victim of bullying? -Abi, who is in her first year of middle school -Franz, who is in his final year of middle school -Roberto, who is in his first year of middle school -Alice, who is in her final year of middle school

Roberto, who is in his first year of middle school

After developing self-awareness, children around the age of 18 months begin experiencing what type of emotions?


Which of the following describes the belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes? -Self-concept -Self-identity -Self-efficacy -Self-esteem


The Marshmallow Experiment

Using self-distraction to delay gratification for the purpose of receiving two marshmallows on a researcher's return linked to later success in life

Which of the following most characterizes authoritative parenting? -Limited demands and controls -Verbal give-and-take -Demands for respect for parental work and effort -Punitive style

Verbal give-and-take

Emotion-dismissing parents

View their role as to deny, ignore, or change negative emotions

Which of the following activities is LEAST likely to aid in the development of preschoolers' literacy skills? -Listening, talking, and writing experiences -Supportive environments -Reading -Watching TV

Watching TV

The __________ parenting style is a restrictive, punitive style in which parents exhort the child to follow their directions and respect their work and effort.


Children begin the transition from saying simple to more complex sentences...

between 2 and 3 years of age.

In a(n) ___________ stepfamily structure, both parents bring children from previous marriages to live in the newly formed stepfamily.


Researchers have found that gender stereotypes for children are more rigid with _______ (boys/girls) than with ______ (boys/girls).

boys, girls

The term ______ refers to verbal or physical behavior intended to disturb someone less powerful.


Child-______ kindergartens focus on educating the whole child by focusing on his or her physical, cognitive, and socioemotional needs.


The theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, and information processing are major theories of ______ development in early childhood.


The longer children experienced poverty, according to one study, the more detrimental the poverty was to their...

cognitive development.

Self-______ refers to domain-specific evaluations of the self.


Vygotsky's theory stressed the importance of sociocultural influences on children's development, which fits the belief that it is important to evaluate...

contextual factors in learning.

The support that parents provide one another in raising a child together is referred to as _________.


Some suspected causes of ______ intellectual disabilities include growing up in a below-average intellectual environment.


Tests that are familiar to children from all socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds and tests that have no verbal questions are both types of ________-________ tests.


Perspective taking is thought to be important in determining whether children will...

develop prosocial or antisocial attitudes and behaviors.

Two contemporary approaches to student learning are the ______ approach (a structured, teacher-centered approach), and the constructivist approach (a learner-centered approach).

direct instruction

In the _________ theory of moral development, children's and adolescents' moral, social conventional, and personality knowledge and reasoning emerge from their attempts to understand and deal with different forms of social experience.


Early Head Start serves children...

from birth to age 3.

Jane has three children. Joey is 12, Jake is 5, and Jaedyn is 2 years old. Jane spends less time with the older two children. Her role for the oldest children is that of a _______.


A broad category that reflects generalizations and widely held beliefs about females and males is known as a _____________.

gender stereotype

Students who have above-average intelligence and/or a superior talent for something are called _________ students.


Self-esteem refers to ______ self evaluations, whereas self-concept refers to domain-______ evaluations.

global, specific

During middle and late childhood, boys usually outperform girls in ______ motor skill activities.


Delores has autism, but instead of being taught in a class with other children with disabilities, she attends the same second-grade classroom as the other children she lives near. This is an example of ________.


Areas of the brain that continue to be activated consistently show a(n) ______ in synaptic connections.


The stable, consistent ways in which people differ from each other are known as ______ differences.


According to Baumrind, the ________ parenting style places few demands or controls on the child and is characterized by overly involved parents.


Sensorimotor play is best defined as behavior engaged in by...

infants to derive pleasure from exercising their sensorimotor schemas.

In the postconventional reasoning level, morality is more _________.


The intelligence proposed by Howard Gardner that involves the ability to understand oneself involves ______ skills.


A(n) ___________ ___________ includes difficulty in learning that involves understanding or using spoken or written language or doing mathematics.

learning disability

As children move into the middle and late childhood years, parents spend ______ (more/less) time with them.


The brain grows _______ in early childhood than in infancy.

less rapidly

In middle and late childhood, parents begin to function more as __________.


The retention of information over time is defined as ________.


Alfred Binet developed the first intelligence test because school officials wanted to determine a ______ who would not benefit from typical school instruction.

method of identifying children

A normal distribution is a bell-shaped curve with a majority of the cases falling within the ______ of the range.


A rule regarding which fork to use when eating salad is an example of the focus of social conventional reasoning, while a rule about murder is an example of the focus of ________________.

moral reasoning

Children who exhibit the poorest adjustment to parental divorce are those that have been involved in how many parental divorces?


Developmentalists have distinguished _______ five statuses: popular, average, neglected, rejected, and controversial.


Because learning occurs during give and take, as children move through elementary school...

peer reciprocity becomes increasingly important.

Two friends are about the same age and maturity level. They are...


In the English language, the letters "thr" may be combined as in the word "throat." However, the letters may not be combined in the order "rht." This is an example of _________.


Preschool children tend to compare things in a haphazard way, whereas elementary school age children exhibit ______ by comparing two items systematically, one detail at a time.


Sensorimotor _______ is defined as behavior engaged in by infants to derive pleasure from exercising their existing sensorimotor schemas.


Rebecca, a six-year-old girl, is very good at carrying on conversations with people. Her two-year-old brother Jack is not very good at carrying on conversations. This is primarily due to an increased understanding of _______.


The second stage of Piaget's cognitive theory of development lasts from ages 2 to 7 and is called the...

preoperational stage.

Many experts on play consider the ______ years the "golden age" of symbolic/pretense play.


Synaptic ______ is a process in which areas of the brain that are not being used lose synaptic connections and areas that are used show increased connection


If the stresses and disruptions in the family are ______ by the move to a divorced, single-parent family, divorce can be advantageous.


The least restrictive environment (LRE) provision of IDEA has resulted in efforts to educate disabled children in ______ education classrooms.


The amount of time individuals spend with television, DVDs, computers, video games, and hand-held electronic devices such as smartphones is referred to as _______ time.


A child understands that if she wants to arrange sticks from shortest to longest, each stick must be longer than the one that precedes it and shorter than the one that follows it. The child is using __________.


Austin lines up all his toy trucks around the rug on the floor, from largest to smallest. This indicates that Austin is capable of ______.


Robert Sternberg's ______ theory of intelligence claims that intelligence consists of analytical intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence.


In classrooms adopting a ______ approach, beginning readers are taught to recognize words or even entire sentences and to use the context of what they read to guess at the meaning of words.


Social play

Involves interaction with peers, increases in preschool


Nerve cells are covered and insulated with a layer of fat cells

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Written statement specifically tailored for the disabled student

Cultural-familial retardation

No evidence of organic brain damage

Which of the following family problems contribute to lower achievement among low-income students? -Family's lack of money for educational materials and experiences -Parents who can't read -Siblings who overachieve in school and monopolize family resources -Parents who don't set high educational standards

-Family's lack of money for educational materials and experiences -Parents who can't read -Parents who don't set high educational standards

Stanford-Binet 5 analyzes... (5)

-Fluid reasoning -Knowledge -Quantitative reasoning -Visual-spatial reasoning -Working memory

In early childhood, executive function involves which of the following developmental advances? -Goal-setting -Cognitive inhibition -Cognitive flexibility -Immediate gratification seeking

-Goal-setting -Cognitive inhibition -Cognitive flexibility

Asperger syndrome

-Good verbal language skills -Milder nonverbal language problems -Restricted range of interests and relationships -Engage in obsessive, repetitive routines and preoccupations with a particular subject

Causes of overweight children

-Heredity -Environment -Irregular mealtimes -Too much family screentime

Preconventional Reasoning - Stage 1

-Heteronomous Morality -Moral decisions are based on fear of punishment -Children obey because adults tell them to

Corporal punishment is linked to.... (4)

-Higher level of child's behavioral problems -Higher levels of aggression as children and adolescents -Higher incidence of intimate partner violence as adults -Fear of parent

According to research by Hetherington and Stanley-Hagen (2002), which of the following are possible reasons that parents should stay in unhappy, conflicted marriages? -If conflict between the couple would increase after the divorce -If children would have to move out of their neighborhood after the divorce -If conflict among family members would increase after the divorce -If parenting would become more inept after the divorce

-If conflict between the couple would increase after the divorce -If conflict among family members would increase after the divorce -If parenting would become more inept after the divorce

Developmental changes

-Improved emotional understanding -Increased understanding that more than one emotion can be experienced in a particular situation -Increased awareness of the events leading to emotional reactions -Ability to suppress or conceal negative emotional reactions -Use of self-initiated strategies for redirecting feelings -Capacity for genuine empathy

Long-term memory

-Increases with age during middle and late childhood -Increased knowledge and use of strategies -Elaboration -Mental imagery -Repetition -Mnemonic devices

Preconventional Reasoning - Stage 2

-Individuals, Instrumental Purpose, and Exchange -Individuals pursue their own interests but let others do the same, what is right involves equal exchange

Erikson's Industry versus Inferiority

-Industry: children become interested in how things are made and work, receive parental encouragement -Inferiority: Parents who see children's efforts as mischief or making a mess encourage this


-Lack of proper nutrition, not enough to eat -Used interchangeably with "undernutrition" -11 million preschool children are experiencing malnutrition -Biggest problem is iron deficiency anemia

In middle and late childhood, secure attachment is associated with which of the following? -Lower levels of emotional regulation -Lower levels of depression -Lower levels of internalized symptoms -Lower levels of anxiety

-Lower levels of depression -Lower levels of internalized symptoms -Lower levels of anxiety

Positive peer relationships in middle and late childhood involve which of the following? -Engaging in competitive play -Maintaining quality friendships -Resolving conflicts in nonaggressive ways -Disassociating from peer groups

-Maintaining quality friendships -Resolving conflicts in nonaggressive ways

Predictors of divorce for women (8)

-Marrying young -Lower level of education -No religious affiliation -Mixed relationship -Coming from a single family home -Being raped -Child prior to marriage or within 7 months of marriage -Living together before marriage

Children with high self-esteem

-May not do better in school, inflated self-esteem can distort ability -Greater initiative -Positive or negative

Emotion-coaching parents

-Monitor their children's emotions -View their children's negative emotions as opportunities for teaching -Assist them in labeling emotions -Coach them in how to deal effectively with emotions

Lower-SES parents

-More concerned that their children conform to society's expectations -Create a home atmosphere in which it is clear that parents have authority over children, among others -Use more physical punishment -Are more directive and less conversational

Higher-SES parents

-More concerned with developing children's initiative and delay of gratification -Less likely to use physical punishment -Create a home atmosphere in which children are nearly equal participants and rules are discussed -Less directive and more conversational

Compared to adults who are learning a second language, childhood second-language learners are ______. -More likely to learn from large amounts of input -Better at learning vocabulary -Less likely to use explicit strategies -Less sensitive to feedback -More likely to learn from smaller amounts of input

-More likely to learn from large amounts of input -Less likely to use explicit strategies -Less sensitive to feedback

Which of the following issues are NOT included in a true learning disability? -Motor disabilities -Hearing impairments -Visual impairments -Cognitive and/or language impairments

-Motor disabilities -Hearing impairments -Visual impairments

Conventional Reasoning - Stage 3

-Mutual Interpersonal Expectations, Relationships, and Interpersonal Conformity -Trust, caring, and loyalty to others valued as a basis for moral judgements

Which five peer status groups have been identified by researchers measuring sociometric popularity? -Bullying -Neglected -Popular -Rejected -Average -Controversial

-Neglected -Popular -Rejected -Average -Controversial

Accountability in schools

-No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation being replaced -Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) implemented during the 2017 and 2018 school year -Statewide standardized testing laws changing, as are measurements for tracking success -States can opt out of Common Core standards

Symbolic function substage

-Occurs between ages 2 and 4 -Child gains the ability to mentally represent an object that is not present

Coping with stress

-Older children generate more coping alternatives to stressful situations -Outcomes for children who experience disasters include acute stress reactions, depression, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder

Autistic disorder

-Onset in the first three years of life -Deficiencies in social relationships, abnormalities in communication, restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior -Deficits in cognitive processing of information -Identified 5x more in boys

Working memory

-Passive storehouse to keep information until it's moved to long-term memory -"Mental workbench" -Verbal working memory linked to morphology, syntax, and grammar -Develops relatively slow

Main types of child maltreatment (4)

-Physical abuse -Child neglect -Sexual abuse -Emotional abuse

Which of the following guidelines assist parents in teaching proper eating habits to their children? -Preparing a balanced meal with proper representation of the major food groups -Maintaining a breakfast, lunch, and dinner routine -Modeling healthy eating habits -Allowing the child to bring a favorite toy to the table -Having the television on during dinner

-Preparing a balanced meal with proper representation of the major food groups -Maintaining a breakfast, lunch, and dinner routine -Modeling healthy eating habits

Piaget's Cognitive Developmental Theory

-Preschool child's thought is preoperational -Preschool children form stable concepts, have begun to reason, but thinking is flawed by egocentrism and magical belief systems

Which of the following are self-conscious emotions? -Fear -Pride -Embarrassment -Guilt -Shame

-Pride -Shame -Embarrassment -Guilt

Which of the following are characteristic of the whole-language approach? -Reading instruction is focused on teaching basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds. -Reading is connected with listening and writing skills. -Children are given material in its complete form, such as stories and poems. -Reading is integrated with other skills and subjects, such as science and social studies.

-Reading is connected with listening and writing skills. -Children are given material in its complete form, such as stories and poems. -Reading is integrated with other skills and subjects, such as science and social studies.

Increases in which of the following are reasons that memory span changes with age? -Sensory memory -Implicit memory -Rehearsal of information -Processing speed

-Rehearsal of information -Processing speed

Piaget's preoperational stage

-Second stage -Ages 2 to 7 -Children represent the world with words, images, and drawings -Form stable concept and begin to reason -Cognitions are dominated by egocentrism and magical beliefs

According to research, which of the following have been associated with the development of executive function in children? -Secure attachment -Parental education -Fathers' autonomy support -Harsh parenting

-Secure attachment -Parental education -Fathers' autonomy support

Which of the following are a part of executive functioning? -Self-control -Goal-directed behavior -Memory for individual facts -Mathematical skill

-Self-control -Goal-directed behavior

Intimacy in friendships is characterized by which two of the following? -Ego support -Stimulation -Self-disclosure -Sharing of private thoughts -Social comparison

-Self-disclosure -Sharing of private thoughts

What two aspects of attention develop in early childhood? -Sustained attention -Novel attention -Executive attention -Extended attention

-Sustained attention -Executive attention

When viewing gender differences, which of the following must be considered? -The differences are averages. -The source of the differences may be biological, sociocultural, or both. -There are more differences than there are similarities. -There is considerable overlap between the sexes even when differences are reported.

-The differences are averages. -The source of the differences may be biological, sociocultural, or both. -There is considerable overlap between the sexes even when differences are reported.

Why does memory span change as children age? -The speed with which memory items can be identified increases. -Children are no longer reliant on working memory. -Older children are more likely to rehearse information. -The efficiency with which children process information improves.

-The speed with which memory items can be identified increases. -Older children are more likely to rehearse information. -The efficiency with which children process information improves.

Which key elements are important to improving the adjustment of children of divorce? -The use of the authoritative parenting style -Multiple daily phone contact between the children and the out-of-home parent -Being sure the divorced parents live within close proximity to one another -A harmonious relationship between the divorced parents

-The use of the authoritative parenting style -A harmonious relationship between the divorced parents

As compared to conventional rules, which of the following are true about moral rules? -They focus on ethical issues. -They are concepts of social organization. -They are widely accepted. -They are arbitrary. -They involve concepts of justice.

-They focus on ethical issues. -They are widely accepted. -They involve concepts of justice.

Kohlberg's critics

-Too much emphasis on thought, not enough on behavior -Could be culturally biased -Needs to address issues including decline or postconventional moral reasoning to lowest level, or personal interests -Some researchers emphasize the need to deal with increasing possible temptations and wrongdoings in increasingly complex social world -A majority of his participants were male

Postconventional Reasoning - Stage 6

-Universal Ethical Principles -Principles that are universal, valid for all people -Human rights take precedence over laws and social rules

Improvements in memory during middle and late childhood are reflections of increases in which of the following? -Concrete operations -Use of strategies -Intelligence -Knowledge

-Use of strategies -Knowledge

Gardner's Eight Frames of Mind

-Verbal -Mathematical -Spatial -Bodily-kinesthetic -Musical -Interpersonal -Intrapersonal -Naturalist

Which four of the following are among Gardner's proposed types of intelligences? -Musical -Sensorimotor -Spatial -Interpersonal -Verbal

-Verbal -Spatial -Musical -Interpersonal

Gender differences in cognitive development

-Verbal skills: girls better -No difference in math -Visuospatial skills: some girls better -Writing skills: girls better -Achievement: girls better, but complex issue

Care perspective

-Views people in terms of connectedness with others -Emphasizes interpersonal communication, relationships with others, and concern for others

Which of the following are among the current controversies regarding early childhood programs? -What the preschool curriculum should be -How to assess school readiness in preschool children -How many hours a day children should spend in preschool -Whether preschool programs should be universal in the United States

-What the preschool curriculum should be -Whether preschool programs should be universal in the United States

What statements best describe the advances in pragmatics in early childhood? -Young children are able to present competent narratives. -Young children struggle with cultural issues related to speech. -Young children can learn rules regarding politeness in conversations. -Young children can adapt their speech based on their setting.

-Young children are able to present competent narratives. -Young children can learn rules regarding politeness in conversations. -Young children can adapt their speech based on their setting.

Young children's use of mobile devices dramatically increased ______ to _______;.

2011, 2013

Which of the following is the best example of stereotype threat? -The standardized tests that students are asked to take reflects what the dominant culture thinks is important. -African American students do as well as white students on standardized tests as long as they think that the test does not count. -There are no real differences in overall intellectual ability between non-Latino white and African American preschool children. -Some cultures see intelligence as a way for members of a community to successfully engage in social roles.

African American students do as well as white students on standardized tests as long as they think that the test does not count.

Who is credited with the development of the first intelligence test?

Alfred Binet


Altering a substance's appearances does not change its basic properties

Who is most likely to be bullied?

Anxious, awkward, withdrawn, younger middle school boys

Perspective taking

Assuming the perspective of others and understanding their thoughts and feelings

High self-efficacy

Attempting new things; grit

________ parenting involves encouraging children to be independent and allowing verbal exchange. Children with such parents are often self-controlled and achievement-oriented.


__________ parenting conveys the most benefits to the child and to the family as a whole.


What parenting style encourages children to be independent but still places limits and controls on their actions?

Authoritative parenting

Low self-efficacy

Avoiding new things or risky tasks

Information Processing Theory

Children improve memory, attention, thinking, and metacognition skills

Which of the statements is FALSE regarding emotional development in middle and late childhood? -Children in middle and late childhood have a capacity for genuine empathy. -Children in middle and late childhood do not understand that more than one emotion can be experienced in a particular situation. -Children in elementary school have an increased understanding of complex emotions. -Children in middle and late childhood have improved their ability to suppress negative emotional reactions.

Children in middle and late childhood do not understand that more than one emotion can be experienced in a particular situation.

Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development

Children think and understand primarily through social interaction

Vygotsky's Theory

Children use speech to communicate socially and to help them solve tasks

Social cognitive theory

Children's gender development occurs through observation and imitation of others' words and actions


Cognition about cognition, or knowing about knowing


Cognitive view individuals develop for themselves

Constructive play

Combines sensorimotor/practice play with symbolic representation

Environmental influences (IQ)

Communicative, middle-SES parents

Influences of genetics (IQ)

Comparing identical and fraternal twins IQ's

Immanent justice

Concept that if a rule is broken, punishment will be meted out immediately

__________ reasoning is the second, or intermediate, level in Kohlberg's theory of moral development.


In Mr. Stooker's class, students are expected to listen attentively and take notes as he lectures. This is an example of which approach to student learning?

Direct instruction approach

Which concept of moral development states that children's and adolescents' moral, social conventional, and personality knowledge and reasoning emerge from their attempts to understand and deal with different forms of social experience?

Domain Theory

Inclusion classroom

Educating a child with special education needs full-time in the typical classroom

In all types of child maltreatment, which of the following is almost always present? -Physical abuse -Sexual abuse -Emotional abuse -Child neglect

Emotional abuse

Which of the following theories states that children appraise marital conflict in terms of their sense of security and safety in the family? -Cognitive theory -Social-cultural theory -Emotional security theory -Psychodynamic theory

Emotional security theory

Moral development - Freud

Emotions and guilt can motivate behavior and moral development

Sensorimotor play

Infants derive pleasure from exercising their existing sensorimotor schemas

Kohlberg's conventional reasoning level is characterized by which of the following? -Expectations about social roles -Fear of punishment -Exploring alternative moral courses -Internal standards of morality

Expectations about social roles

Sociometric status

Extent to which children liked or disliked by their peer group

True or false: A person's mental age is always the same as chronological age.


True or false: Children of working mothers engage in more gender stereotyping and hold less egalitarian views than children of mothers who stay at home.


True or false: Differences between the sexes stem from primarily biological factors.


True or false: Executive function is uninfluenced by social or environmental factors.


True or false: The mother's involvement with children drops off more than the father's involvement following a divorce.


Fathers' socialization strategies

Fathers show more attention to their sons than to their daughters, engage in more activities with their sons, and put forth more effort to promote their sons' intellectual development

______ refers to the characteristics related to femininity and masculinity based on social and cultural norms.


Which of the following statements about gender is true? -Gender is exclusively biological. -Gender refers to the characteristics of people as females or males. -Gender and sex are synonymous (mean the same thing). -Gender has very little influence on one's identity.

Gender refers to the characteristics of people as females or males.

Which of the following parenting styles often results in children who have difficulty controlling their behavior and are noncompliant? -Authoritative parenting -Indulgent parenting -Authoritarian parenting -Neglectful parenting

Indulgent parenting

Which of the following is NOT among the reasons corporal punishment should be avoided? -Punishment can instill fear, rage, or avoidance. -Punishment shows controlled behavior. -Punishment tells children what not to do, rather than what to do. -Punishment can be abusive.

Punishment shows controlled behavior.

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

Range of tasks too difficult for the child alone but that can be learned with guidance

Whole-language approach

Reading instruction should parallel children's natural language learning

Phonics approach

Reading instruction should teach basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds

Average children (sociometric status)

Receive an average number of both positive and negative nominations from their peers

Which of the following becomes especially important in peer interchanges during the elementary school years? -Competition -Impulsivity -Retaliation -Reciprocity


Which of the following types of reasoning focuses on rules established to control behavior and maintain the social system? -Social conventional -Moral -Preconventional -Postconventional

Social conventional

Which of the following statements about parent-child interaction during middle and late childhood is accurate? -Parents play less of a role in children's academics. -Children receive more physical discipline than when they were younger. -Parents cease acting as gatekeepers in children's lives. -Some control is transferred from parent to child.

Some control is transferred from parent to child.

Piaget's Conservation Task

Tests child's ability to see how some properties are conserved after an object undergoes physical transformation

Which of the following is NOT an advance in language skills that takes place in middle and late childhood? -Complex grammar is more easily understood. -Written language skills improve prior to oral language skills. -Children can think about their language, understand what words are, and even define them. -Vocabulary increases dramatically.

Written language skills improve prior to oral language skills.

As children enter school, they learn the ______ principle—the fact that the letters of the alphabet represent sounds of the language.


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