Developed vs Developing Countries

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Which of the following statements best describes a developing country?

Economic vulnerability

Which of the following countries has a high level of per-capita income:


The following represent the GDP of developing countries. Put these countries in correct order from worse GDP to better.

Congo Zimbabwe Burundi Liberia Somalia Niger Central African Republic

Which of the following countries has low life expectancy?


Which of the following determines the development of a country? (choose 2)

Life expectancy Literacy rate

Which of the following countries has low birth and death rates?

New Zealand

Which of the following countries are highly reliant on technology?

Sweden United States

Complete the following sentence: Developed countries are dependent on _____.

low birth rates / death rates

Which of the following statements is true about GDP for developing nations?

low for developing nations

Which of the following determines the economic development of a country?

quality of infrastructure

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