DevOps Engineer Interview

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Application performance is monitored. Changes are made to meet the end-user requirements.

Tell me about the hardest day you've had as a DevOps Engineer?

Canary alarm failure S: We had a canary alarm for if something failed, but not if it got stuck. Resulted in a lot of customers not getting their data migrated T. We had to effectively find a way to test for this and implement in safely for our cusotmers A. We dynamically changed our plan for the product. It was really frustrating for the team to have this unexpected set back but it was an opportunity o dig deep, maintain flexibility, and learn from our mistake R. As a result I think all of us on that team have learned the lesson of a thorough testing phase in the devops life cycle.

What containers does Azure DevOps support?

Docker Azure Kubernetes service Asp.Net with containers Azure Service Fabric application with Doctor support

What is Forking Workflow?

ISolates changes from the main repo until tehy are ready obe integrated

Advanced Analysis

In order to avoid problems from occurring in the first place and to achieve more within each iteration, it employs automation in areas like scope assessment/prioritization, changes effect analysis, and static code analysis.

Policy Analysis

It guarantees that all processes are in line with the organization's changing business needs and that all compliance requirements are met.

Requirements Traceability

It guarantees that no rework is necessary and real criteria are met. To determine which needs require additional validation, are in jeopardy and performing as expected, an object evaluation is used.

Test Optimization

It guarantees that tests produce reliable results and actionable information. Test Data Management, Test Optimization Management, and Test Maintenance are examples of aspects.

How can you copy Jenkins from one server to another?

Move the job from one Jenkins installation to another by copying the corresponding job directory. Create a copy of an existing job by making a clone of a job directory with a different name. Rename an existing job by renaming a directory.


The application is coded as per the end-user requirements.

How can you submit a form using Selenium?

The following lines of code will let you submit a form using Selenium: WebElement el = driver.findElement("ElementID")); el.submit();

What are driver.close() and driver.quit() in WebDriver?

These are two different methods used to close the browser session in Selenium WebDriver: driver.close() - This is used to close the current browser window on which the focus is set. In this case, there is only one browser open. driver.quit() - It closes all the browser windows and ends the WebDriver session using the driver.dispose method.

What are the most important skills and qualities needed to work in DevoOps role.

To be effective you need THREE different types of skills: technical, soft, and business. I believe I have all three after having done a technical internship, building my soft skills for fundraising for my school, and completing a business degree.

Instead of YAML, what can you use as an alternate file for building Docker compose?

To build a Docker compose, a user can use a JSON file instead of YAML. In case a user wants to use a JSON file, he/she should specify the filename as given: Docker-compose -f Docker-compose.json up

Explain how you can set up a Jenkins job?

To create a Jenkins Job, we go to the top page of Jenkins, choose the New Job option and then select Build a free-style software project. The elements of this freestyle job are - Optional triggers for controlling when Jenkins builds. Optional steps for gathering data from the build, like collecting javadoc, testing results and/or archiving artifacts. A build script (ant, maven, shell script, batch file, etc.) that actually does the work. Optional source code management system (SCM), like Subversion or CVS.

What do you know about DevOps?

Your answer must be simple and straightforward. Begin by explaining the growing importance of DevOps in the IT industry. Discuss how such an approach aims to synergize the efforts of the development and operations teams to accelerate the delivery of software products, with a minimal failure rate. Include how DevOps is a value-added practice, where development and operations engineers join hands throughout the product or service lifecycle, right from the design stage to the point of deployment.

DevOps vs Agile

smaller scale vs larger scale

Which of the following commands would you use to stop or disable the 'httpd' service when the system boots?

# systemctl disable httpd.service

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

-Technical experience at a FAANG company -High quality communication skills even with difficult or frustrated people -Commericial awareness Weakness -lack of experience

Developer has created a ASP.NET Core application and now he wishes to automate the entire build and release process through Azure DevOps, Guide the developer with the entire end to end process? Deploy the application on Azure WebApp using IaC methodoloy?

1. Build application locally 2. Create Axure Repos and push the source code in remote repo along with IaC configuration file 3. Create a build pipelines Classic or YAML based

What is a Dockerfile used for?

A Dockerfile is used for creating Docker images using the build command. With a Docker image, any user can run the code to create Docker containers. Once a Docker image is built, it's uploaded in a Docker registry. From the Docker registry, users can get the Docker image and build new containers whenever they want.

What are Azure pipelines?

A cloud services that allows us to automatically create and test our code projects.

When do we use findElement() and findElements()?

A. findElement() It finds the first element in the current web page that matches the specified locator value. Syntax: WebElement element=driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[@id='example']//ul//li")); B. findElements() It finds all the elements in the current web page that matches the specified locator value. Syntax: List elementList=driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[@id='example']//ul//li"));

What is Azure DevOps?

ASoftware as a Service platofrm that offers an end-to-end DevOps toolchain for building and distributing software

What is the role of AWS in DevOps?

AWS has the following role in DevOps: Flexible services - Provides ready-to-use, flexible services without the need to install or set up the software. Built for scale - You can manage a single instance or scale to thousands using AWS services. Automation - AWS lets you automate tasks and processes, giving you more time to innovate Secure - Using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), you can set user permissions and policies. Large partner ecosystem - AWS supports a large ecosystem of partners that integrate with and extend AWS services.

When should I use '{{ }}'?

Always use {{}} for variables, unless you have a conditional statement, such as "when: ...". This is because conditional statements are run through Jinja, which resolves the expressions. For example: echo "This prints the value of {{foo}}" when : foo is defined Using brackets makes it simpler to distinguish between strings and undefined variables.

Why is Continuous Testing important for DevOps?

Any modification to the code may be tested immediately with Continuous Testing. This prevents concerns like quality issues and release delays that might occur whenever big-bang testing is delayed until the end of the cycle. In this way, Continuous Testing allows for high-quality and more frequent releases.

What are Azure Repos?

Azure Repos is a collection of version control tools for managing your code

What are Azure Boards?

Azure boards is a user interface that allows you to keep track of tasks, defects, and feautures in you software project. It enables you tomonitor all of your ideas at each development stage

What are Azure test plans>

Azure test plans is a services that offers a browser-based test management solution for exploratory, scheduled, manual, and user acceptance testing

What are the ways in which a build can be scheduled/run in Jenkins?

By source code management commits. After completion of other builds. Scheduled to run at a specified time. Manual build requests.

What are containers?

Containers are software packages that include al the components required to execute in any environment

How is DevOps different from agile methodology?

DevOps is a culture that allows the development and the operations team to work together. This results in continuous development, testing, integration, deployment, and monitoring of the software throughout the lifecycle Agile is a software development methodology that focuses on iterative, incremental, small, and rapid releases of software, along with customer feedback. It addresses gaps and conflicts between the customer and developers.

How does DevOps work?

DevOps is about breaking down barriers between departments. It promotes for team to collaborate across the whole software application life cycle

How to automate Testing in the DevOps lifecycle?

Developers are obliged to commit all source code changes to a shared DevOps repository. Every time a change is made in the code, Jenkins-like Continuous Integration tools will grab it from this common repository and deploy it for Continuous Testing, which is done by tools like Selenium.

What is the role of configuration management in DevOps?

Enables management of and changes to multiple systems. Standardizes resource configurations, which in turn, manage IT infrastructure. It helps with the administration and management of multiple servers and maintains the integrity of the entire infrastructure.

Service Virtualization

Ensures that real-world testing scenarios are available. Service visualisation provides access to a virtual representation of the needed testing phases, ensuring its availability and reducing the time spent setting up the test environment.

What are the different test types that Selenium supports?

Functional - This is a type of black-box testing in which the test cases are based on the software specification. Regression - This testing helps to find new errors, regressions, etc. in different functional and non-functional areas of code after the alteration. Load Testing - This testing seeks to monitor the response of a device after putting a load on it. It is carried out to study the behavior of the system under certain conditions.

How can you access the text of a web element?

Get command is used to retrieve the text of a specified web element. The command does not return any parameter but returns a string value. Used for: Verification of messages Labels Errors displayed on the web page Syntax: String Text=driver.findElement("text")).getText();

Why do you want to work for our organization in this DevOps role?

I am very passionate about bridding the divide between technology and the average consumer. I think working at the government will be where i can be most impactful and help my state and my community in the long term

Task branching

In this branching model, every task is implemented in its respective branch. The task key is mentioned in the branch name. We need to simply look at the task key in the branch name to discover which code implements which task.

What is the use of Selenium in DevOps?

It is a widely used in browser automation technology and testing teams heavily rely on it in DevOps pipelines

How do you run multiple containers using a single service?

It is possible to run multiple containers as a single service with Docker Compose. Here, each container runs in isolation but can interact with each other. All Docker Compose files are YAML files.

What are popular DevOps tools for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment?

Jenkins and Team City


Multiple codes from different programmers are integrated into one.

What is the Dogpile effect and how can you prevent it?

Refers to the effect that occurs when a cache expiries and websites are attacked by several requests sent by the client at the same time. This can be avoided employing semaphore lock. When a value expires in this sytesm, the first process gains the lock and begins creating fresh value

Can Selenium test an application on an Android browser?

Selenium is capable of testing an application on an Android browser using an Android driver. You can use the Selendroid or Appium framework to test native apps or web apps in the Android browser

How is a custom build of a core plugin deployed?

Steps to deploy a custom build of a core plugin: Copy the .hpi file to $JENKINS_HOME/plugins Remove the plugin's development directory Create an empty file called <plugin>.hpi.pinned Restart Jenkins and use your custom build of a core plugin

How do you create a Docker container?

Task: Create a MySQL Docker container A user can either build a Docker image or pull an existing Docker image (like MySQL) from Docker Hub. Now, Docker creates a new container MySQL from the existing Docker image. Simultaneously, the container layer of the read-write filesystem is also created on top of the image layer. Command to create a Docker container: Docker run -t -i MySQL Command to list down the running containers: Docker ps

Software Development Life Cycle

The process that a program goes through. It consists of the development, maintenance, and demise of a software system. The phases include analysis, design, coding, testing/verification, maintenance, and obsolescence

Name three important DevOps KPIs.

The three important KPIs are as follows: Meantime to failure recovery - This is the average time taken to recover from a failure. Deployment frequency - The frequency in which the deployment occurs. Percentage of failed deployments - The number of times the deployment fails.

Release branching

We can clone the develop branch to create a Release branch once it has enough functionality for a release. This branch kicks off the next release cycle, thus no new features can be contributed beyond this point. The things that can be contributed are documentation generation, bug fixing, and other release-related tasks. The release is merged into master and given a version number once it is ready to ship. It should also be merged back into the development branch, which may have evolved since the initial rele

Explain the term "Infrastructure as Code" (IaC) as it relates to configuration management.

Writing code to manage configuration, deployment, and automatic provisioning. Managing data centers with machine-readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration. Ensuring all your servers and other infrastructure components are provisioned consistently and effortlessly. Administering cloud computing environments, also known as infrastructure as a service (IaaS).

How can you handle keyboard and mouse actions using Selenium?

You can handle keyboard and mouse events with the advanced user interaction API. The advanced user interactions API contains actions and action classes.

How does chef-apply differ from chef-client?

chef-apply is run on the client system.chef-apply applies the recipe mentioned in the command on the client system.$ chef-apply recipe_name.rb chef-client is also run on the client system.chef-client applies all the cookbooks in your server's run list to the client system.$ knife chef-client

Name three security mechanisms Jenkins uses to authenticate users

enkins uses an internal database to store user data and credentials. Jenkins can use the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server to authenticate users. Jenkins can be configured to employ the authentication mechanism that the deployed application server uses.

How is a bare repository different from the standard way of initializing a Git repository?

git init You create a working directory with git init A .git subfolder is created with all the git-related revision history Using the bare way git init --bare It does not contain any working or checked out a copy of source files Bare repositories store git revision history in the root folder of your repository, instead of the .git subfoldergit init

Which of the following commands runs Jenkins from the command line?

java -jar Jenkins.war

What is microsoft azure?

o a cloud-computing platform used for building, deploying, and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed data centers.


ode is deployed into a cloud environment for further usage. It is ensured that any new changes do not affect the functioning of a high traffic website.

Which of these options is not a WebElement method?


Why Has DevOps Gained Prominence over the Last Few Years?

14. Why Has DevOps Gained Prominence over the Last Few Years? Before talking about the growing popularity of DevOps, discuss the current industry scenario. Begin with some examples of how big players such as Netflix and Facebook are investing in DevOps to automate and accelerate application deployment and how this has helped them grow their business. Using Facebook as an example, you would point to Facebook's continuous deployment and code ownership models and how these have helped it scale up but ensure the quality of experience at the same time. Hundreds of lines of code are implemented without affecting quality, stability, and security. Your next use case should be Netflix. This streaming and on-demand video company follow similar practices with fully automated processes and systems. Mention the user base of these two organizations: Facebook has 2 billion users while Netflix streams online content to more than 100 million users worldwide. These are great examples of how DevOps can help organizations to ensure higher success rates for releases, reduce the lead time between bug fixes, streamline and continuous delivery through automation, and an overall reduction in manpower costs. We will now look into the next set of DevOps Interview Questions that includes - Git, Selenium, Jenkins.

What is an Ansible role?

An Ansible role is an independent block of tasks, variables, files, and templates embedded inside a playbook.


Build the application by integrating various codes formed in the previous steps.

Explain the difference between a centralized and distributed version control system (VCS).

Centralized Version Control System All file versions are stored on a central server No developer has a copy of all files on a local system If the central server crashes, all data from the project will be lost Distributed Control System Every developer has a copy of all versions of the code on their systems Enables team members to work offline and does not rely on a single location for backups There is no threat, even if the server crashes

Which open source or community tools do you use to make Puppet more powerful?

Changes in the configuration are tracked using Jira, and further maintenance is done through internal procedures. Version control takes the support of Git and Puppet's code manager app. The changes are also passed through Jenkin's continuous integration pipeline.

What is a class in Puppet?

Classes are named blocks in your manifest that configure various functionalities of the node, such as services, files, and packages. The classes are added to a node's catalog and are executed only when explicitly invoked. Class apache (String $version = 'latest') { package{ 'httpd': ensure => $version, before => File['/etc/httpd.conf'],}

What is Continuous Testing?

Continuous Testing constitutes the running of automated tests as part of the software delivery pipeline to provide instant feedback on the business risks present in the most recent release. In order to prevent problems in step-switching in the Software delivery life-cycle and to allow Development teams to receive immediate feedback, every build is continually tested in this manner. This results in significant increase in speed in a developer's productivity as it eliminates the requirement for re-running all the tests after each update and project re-building.

How does continuous monitoring help you maintain the entire architecture of the system?

Continuous monitoring in DevOps is a process of detecting, identifying, and reporting any faults or threats in the entire infrastructure of the system. Ensures that all services, applications, and resources are running on the servers properly. Monitors the status of servers and determines if applications are working correctly or not. Enables continuous audit, transaction inspection, and controlled monitoring.

What are the commands used to create a Docker swarm?

Create a swarm where you want to run your manager node.Docker swarm init --advertise-addr <MANAGER-IP> Once you've created a swarm on your manager node, you can add worker nodes to your swarm. When a node is initialized as a manager, it immediately creates a token. In order to create a worker node, the following command (token) should be executed on the host machine of a worker node.

What are the different exceptions in Selenium WebDriver?

Exceptions are events that occur during the execution of a program and disrupt the normal flow of a program's instructions. Selenium has the following exceptions: TimeoutException - It is thrown when a command performing an operation does not complete in the stipulated time. NoSuchElementException - It is thrown when an element with specific attributes is not found on the web page. ElementNotVisibleException - It is thrown when an element is present in Document Object Model (DOM) but is not visible. Ex: Hidden Elements defined in HTML using type="hidden". SessionNotFoundException - The WebDriver is performing the action immediately after quitting the browser.

What is the command to sign the requested certificates?

For Puppet version 2.7:# puppetca -sign hostname-of-agentExample:# puppetca -sign ChefAgent# puppetca sign hostname-of-agentExample:# puppetca sign ChefAgent For Puppet version 2.7:# puppetca -sign hostname-of-agentExample:# puppetca -sign ChefAgent# puppetca sign hostname-of-agentExample:# puppetca sign ChefAgent

What are the benefits of using version control?

Here are the benefits of using Version Control: All team members are free to work on any file at any time with the Version Control System (VCS). Later on, VCS will allow the team to integrate all of the modifications into a single version. The VCS asks to provide a brief summary of what was changed every time we save a new version of the project. We also get to examine exactly what was modified in the content of the file. As a result, we will be able to see who made what changes to the project. Inside the VCS, all the previous variants and versions are properly stored. We will be able to request any version at any moment, and we will be able to retrieve a snapshot of the entire project at our fingertips. A VCS that is distributed, such as Git, lets all the team members retrieve a complete history of the project. This allows developers or other stakeholders to use the local Git repositories of any of the teammates even if the main server goes down at any point in time.

How do you create a backup and copy files in Jenkins?

In order to create a backup file, periodically back up your JENKINS_HOME directory.


Initially, there should be a plan for the type of application that needs to be developed. Getting a rough picture of the development process is always a good idea.

Scripted Pipeline

It is based on Groovy script as their Domain Specific Language. One or more node blocks do the core work throughout the entire pipeline. Syntax: Executes the pipeline or any of its stages on any available agent Defines the build stage Performs steps related to building stage Defines the test stage Performs steps related to the test stage Defines the deploy stage Performs steps related to the deploy stage

Declarative Pipeline

It provides a simple and friendly syntax to define a pipeline. Here, the pipeline block defines the work done throughout the pipeline. Syntax: Executes the pipeline or any of its stages on any available agent Defines the build stage Performs steps related to building stage Defines the test stage Performs steps related to the test stage Defines the deploy stage Performs steps related to the deploy stage

Explain the master-slave architecture of Jenkins.

Jenkins master pulls the code from the remote GitHub repository every time there is a code commit. It distributes the workload to all the Jenkins slaves. On request from the Jenkins master, the slaves carry out, builds, test, and produce test reports.

What is Jenkinsfile?

Jenkinsfile contains the definition of a Jenkins pipeline and is checked into the source control repository. It is a text file. It allows code review and iteration on the pipeline. It permits an audit trail for the pipeline. There is a single source of truth for the pipeline, which can be viewed and edited.


Operations are performed on the code if required.

Tell me about yourself and why you want to work in this DevOps role?

Over my time at university and my internships I have gained a variety of skills and qualities that I believe will make me an excellent DevOps engineer. I take a lot of pride in my work that is fundamental to successful DevOps engineer. Further, after having interned at AWS as a Software Engineer Intern as well as having gone through a large variety business courses I have an understanding of how to be mindful of the gap between ops and dev. If you hire me you will be getting someone with a good understanding of both worlds.

What are the anti-patterns of DevOps?

Patterns are common practices that are usually followed by organizations. An anti-pattern is formed when an organization continues to blindly follow a pattern adopted by others but does not work for them. Some of the myths about DevOps include: Cannot perform DevOps → Have the wrong people DevOps ⇒ Production Management is done by developers The solution to all the organization's problems ⇒ DevOps DevOps == Process DevOps == Agile Cannot perform DevOps → Organization is unique A separate group needs to be made for DevOps

What concepts are key aspects of the Jenkins pipeline?

Pipeline: User-defined model of a CD pipeline. The pipeline's code defines the entire build process, which includes building, testing and delivering an application Node: A machine that is part of the Jenkins environment and capable of executing a pipeline Step: A single task that tells Jenkins what to do at a particular point in time Stage: Defines a conceptually distinct subset of tasks performed through the entire pipeline (build, test, deploy stages)

What are the different phases in DevOps?

Plan Code Build Test Integrate Deploy Operate Monitor

What are the resources in Puppet?

Resources are the basic units of any configuration management tool. These are the features of a node, like their software packages or services. A resource declaration, written in a catalog, describes the action to be performed on or with the resource. When the catalog is executed, it sets the node to the desired state.

Why are SSL certificates used in Chef?

SSL certificates are used between the Chef server and the client to ensure that each node has access to the right data. Every node has a private and public key pair. The public key is stored at the Chef server. When an SSL certificate is sent to the server, it will contain the private key of the node. The server compares this against the public key in order to identify the node and give the node access to the required data.

Explain the two types of pipeline in Jenkins, along with their syntax.

Scripted and Declarative.

Which are some of the most popular DevOps tools?

Selenium Puppet Chef Git Jenkins Ansible Docker

What are the different Selenium components?

Selenium has the following components: Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE) It has a simple framework and should be used for prototyping. It has an easy-to-install Firefox plug-in. Selenium Remote Control (RC) Testing framework for a developer to write code in any programming language (Java, PHP, Perl, C#, etc.). Selenium WebDriver Applies a better approach to automate browser activities. It does not rely on JavaScript. Selenium Grid Works with Selenium RC and runs tests on different nodes using browsers.

What is Selenium IDE?

Selenium integrated development environment (IDE) is an all-in-one Selenium script development environment. It may be used to debug tests, alter and record and is also available as a Firefox extension. Selenium IDE comes with the whole Selenium Core that allows us to rapidly and easily replay and record tests in the exact environment where they will be conducted. Selenium IDE is the best environment for building Selenium tests, regardless of the style of testing we prefer, thanks to the ability to move instructions around rapidly and the autocomplete support.

Can you explain the "Shift left to reduce failure" concept in DevOps?

Shift left is a DevOps idea for improving security, performance, and other factors. Let us take an example: if we look at all of the processes in DevOps, we can state that security is tested prior to the deployment step. We can add security in the development phase, which is on the left, by employing the left shift method. [will be depicted in a diagram] We can integrate with all phases, including before development and during testing, not just development. This most likely raises the security level by detecting faults at an early stage.

What are the benefits of Automation Testing?

Some of the advantages of Automation Testing are - Helps to save money and time. Unattended execution can be easily done. Huge test matrices can be easily tested. Parallel execution is enabled. Reduced human-generated errors, which results in improved accuracy. Repeated test tasks execution is supported.

How will you approach a project that needs to implement DevOps?

Stage 1 An assessment of the existing process and implementation for about two to three weeks to identify areas of improvement so that the team can create a road map for the implementation. Stage 2 Create a proof of concept (PoC). Once it is accepted and approved, the team can start on the actual implementation and roll-out of the project plan. Stage 3 The project is now ready for implementing DevOps by using version control/integration/testing/deployment/delivery and monitoring followed step by step.

How is IaC implemented using AWS?

Start by talking about the age-old mechanisms of writing commands onto script files and testing them in a separate environment before deployment and how this approach is being replaced by IaC. Similar to the codes written for other services, with the help of AWS, IaC allows developers to write, test, and maintain infrastructure entities in a descriptive manner, using formats such as JSON or YAML. This enables easier development and faster deployment of infrastructure changes.

Mention some of the core benefits of DevOps.

Technical benefits Continuous software delivery Less complex problems to manage Early detection and faster correction of defects Business benefits Faster delivery of features Stable operating environments Improved communication and collaboration between the teams

What is Test Kitchen in Chef?

Test Kitchen is a command-line tool in Chef that spins up an instance and tests the cookbook on it before deploying it on the actual nodes. Here are the most commonly used kitchen commands:

What are the key elements of Continuous Testing tools?

Test Optimization Advanced Analysis Policy Analysis Risk Assessment Service Virtualization Requirements Traceability

What is Automation Testing?

Test automation or manual testing Automation is the process of automating a manual procedure in order to test an application or system. Automation testing entails the use of independent testing tools that allow you to develop test scripts that can be run repeatedly without the need for human interaction.

Risk Assessment

Test coverage optimization, technical debt, risk mitigation duties, and quality evaluation are all covered to guarantee the build is ready to move on to the next stage.

How do you find a list of files that have been changed in a particular commit?

The command to get a list of files that have been changed in a particular commit is: git diff-tree -r {commit hash} Example: git diff-tree -r 87e673f21b -r flag instructs the command to list individual files commit hash will list all the files that were changed or added in that commit

What is the difference between Assert and Verify commands in Selenium?

The verify commands determine whether or not the provided condition is true. The program execution does not halt regardless of whether the condition is true or not, i.e., all test steps will be completed, and verification failure will not stop the execution. The assert command determines whether a condition is false or true. To know whether the supplied element is on the page or not, we do the following. The next test step will be performed by the program control, if the condition is true. However, no further tests will be run, and the execution will halt, if the condition is false.

What is the best way to make content reusable/redistributable?

There are three ways to make content reusable or redistributable in Ansible: Roles are used to managing tasks in a playbook. They can be easily shared via Ansible Galaxy. "include" is used to add a submodule or another file to a playbook. This means a code written once can be added to multiple playbooks. "import" is an improvement of "include," which ensures that a file is added only once. This is helpful when a line is run recursively.

What are the Testing types supported by Selenium?

There are two types of testing that are primarily supported by Selenium: Functional Testing - Individual testing of software functional points or features. Regression Testing - Wherever a bug is fixed, a product is retested and this is called Regression Testing.

What is the process for reverting a commit that has already been pushed and made public?

There are two ways that you can revert a commit: Remove or fix the bad file in a new commit and push it to the remote repository. Then commit it to the remote repository using:git commit -m "commit message" Create a new commit that undoes all the changes that were made in the bad commit. Use the following command:git revert <commit id>

Feature branching

This branching model maintains all modifications for a specific feature contained within a branch. The branch gets merged into master once the feature has been completely tested and approved by using tests that are automated.

What is the Blue/Green Deployment Pattern?

This is a method of continuous deployment that is commonly used to reduce downtime. This is where traffic is transferred from one instance to another. In order to include a fresh version of code, we must replace the old code with a new code version. The new version exists in a green environment and the old version exists in a blue environment. After making changes to the previous version, we need a new instance from the old one to execute a newer version of the instance.


This is the most crucial step of the application development. Test the application and rebuild, if necessary.

How to launch Browser using WebDriver?

To launch Browser using WebDriver, following syntax is followed - WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(); WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

What are the commands that you can use to restart Jenkins manually?

Two ways to manually restart Jenkins: (Jenkins_url)/restart // Forces a restart without waiting for builds to complete (Jenkins_url)/safeRestart // Allows all running builds to complete before it restarts

How can you temporarily turn off Jenkins security if the administrative users have locked themselves out of the admin console?

When security is enabled, the Config file contains an XML element named useSecurity that will be set to true. By changing this setting to false, security will be disabled the next time Jenkins is restarted.

What is the difference between continuous delivery and continuous deployment?

continuous delivery is more stable

What is the difference between Asset Management and Configuration Management?

deployment to retirement - lifecycke Purchase to disposal = lifecycle

What is the git command that downloads any repository from GitHub to your computer?

git clone

Which of the following CLI commands can be used to rename files?

git mv

How do you push a file from your local system to the GitHub repository using Git?

git push origin master

Explain the differences between Docker images and Docker containers.

images are templates of containers, containers are runtime instances of a docker image

Which file is used to define dependency in Maven?


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