Diagnostic Test AP World History

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The essential difference between Chinese and Japanese emperors is that

Japanese emperors were essentially figureheads Japanese emperors, though worshipped as gods, had little political influence.

Which regional power was able to resist western domination and develop a strong industrial presence by 1900?

Japan Japan was able to resist western dominance by adopting many western practices.

The biggest difference between Hinduism and Buddhism in the classical world was

Buddhism denied the need for castes A distinguishing feature of Buddhism, as it branched off of Hinduism, was its denial of the existence of a caste system within its membership

The region of the world that produced the most manufactured goods during the 600-1450 timeframe was

East Asia In this timeframe, east Asia had the greatest number of urban centers and produced the greatest number of manufactured goods.

Which two countries appear to be the most willing to help each other in the dividing of China?

France and Russia The fourth individual from the left is depicted as Alexander II of Russia and France is over his left shoulder. They became allies in part to stunt the growing power of Germany.

This artifact would most likely be found in

Incan ruins This image of a series of ropes and knots is a form of recordkeeping found in ancient Peru.

This statue would most likely be found in

Meso-America This Olmec statue is unique to Central or Meso America.

An important demographic change that occurred between 1450 and 1750 was

People indigenous to the Americas were obliterated by disease brought to the New World by Europeans Demography concerns population and what happened to the people indigenous to the Americas by the Columbian Encounter is nothing short of catastrophic.

Most of the earliest civilizations developed in

River valleys provided necessary resources for growing and trading agricultural products, resulting in a predictable source of food leading to specialization of lab and urban centers.

How did European settlers treat the North American indigenous population as compared to how their counterparts treated the South American indigenous population?

South American Europeans were more inclined to assimilate with them Europeans in South America needed the indigenous population and therefore assimilated with them while the Europeans who travelled to North America did not need the indigenous population after initial contact and expelled them.

Besides Venice, what other famous capital city is known to rely on boats for internal means of transportation?

Tenochtitlan, Mexica Located in the middle of a large lake, Tenochtitlan used many

Which region of the world was hurt most by the infusion of New World silver into the world economy?

The Middle East Middle East New trade routes meant the Middle East did not receive much of the precious metals from the New World and were left out of global opportunities.

How did the Islamic faith elevate the position of women in society?

Women were elevated above the position of mere property Prior to the coming of Islam, women in the Middle East were treated as only property.

The end of the Post-Classical period (600-1450) would be characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

a decline in the influence of the Middle East The Abbasid and Ottoman dynasties, covering much of this period, is considered the "Golden Age of the Middle East.

The most dramatic development of the 1450 to 1750 timeframe was

a global trade network With new technology, growing economic power in Europe, and the "discovery" of the Americas, globalization became one of the important themes of this timeframe.

Which of the following developed out of the Industrial Revolution?

a need for raw materials to feed western factories The factories of the industrialized Atlantic world needed raw materials and Europe commenced an imperialistic drive to exploit regions of the world that could supply these products.

The three structures are similar in that

all three are religious structures Left to right, the Buddhist temple of Borubodor in Indonesia, Bet George temple in Ethiopia, and the Jenne mosque in west Africa all represent religious structures.

The common characteristic of both the Russian and Chinese 20th century revolutions would be

both followed attempted foreign invasions of their countries The communist Revolution in China in 1949 came on the heels of the Japanese invasion of their country during WWII and the communist revolution in Russia in 1917 came after a German invasion of their homeland during WWI.

A dramatic similarity between the Han and Roman empires is

both had strong central governments that encouraged trade Trade was important to both governments and an active central government encouraged road security and trade continuance.

What does the following excerpt from Hammurabi's Code teach us about ancient Babylonia?

doctors in Babylon followed the accepted patterns of social status in their culture One of the characteristics of early development in river valley civilizations was social stratification and Hammurabi's Code served to recognize that distinction by distinguishing punishments between the classes

Which of the following do most historians associate with "The Second Industrial Revolution?"

electrical power The First Industrial Revolution was dominated by steam and railroads and the Second Industrial Revolution was dominated by electricity

Early Buddhism and Christianity share the common quality of

encouraging men and women to enter lives of religious contemplation Both Buddhism and Christianity offered convents to women to quietly consider religious contemplation.

Neolithic culture is distinguished from Paleolithic culture primarily because of

farming It was farming that enabled people to settle down, a defining characteristic of the Neolithic revolution.

A significant result of WWII on Africa was

independence from European colonial rule The economics of WWII as well as a spirit of nationalism that spread over European colonies resulted in many of them gaining independence after the war ended.

The main role of the scholar-gentry class according to Confucius was to

maintain harmony among the classes by advising the ruler In keeping with the spirit of filial piety, important in Confucian belief, the scholar-gentry class was expected to support harmony in this way.

Ethnic cleansing and racism are all examples of 20th-century

nationalism Nationalism, or pride in one's political background can all be traced to racism and ethnic cleansing.

Ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia are similar in that they both

possessed polytheistic religions Both ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia worshipped multiple supernatural beings

Hunting and gathering societies differed from agricultural societies in that hunting and gathering societies

tended to treat males and females as equals Recent research suggests that while gender roles in hunter gatherer societies were seen as equal, females found themselves in subordinate roles with the coming of settled societies

The map shows the 19th century spread of

the Industrial Revolution After beginning in the British Isles, the growing arches indicate the development of the Industrial Revolution in Europe.

On the eve of the Age of Exploration, the monarch that most held a figurehead status was

the Japanese emperor Though worshipped as a god, the Japanese emperor held little real power

One of the most important contributions of the Zhou dynasty to the future of China is

the Mandate of Heaven The Mandate of Heaven in the Zhou dynasty has been a defining characteristic of Chinese political development.

Citizens living on the Swahili coast in the year 1000 could expect to consume goods traded from

the Middle East, China, and South Asia The Indian Ocean was the trade highway and goods traded came from such places as these three locations.

The common ingredient present in both the Russian and Mexican revolutions of the 20th century was

the desire for equitable land distribution Land re-distribution was the goal of both revolutions

The world population increased dramatically in the last one hundred years because

the infant mortality rate decreased As more infants survived to adulthood they were able to make more babies.

How are Abraham and Aknaten most similar?

they both started monotheistic belief systems Abraham (Ibrahim) founded the Jewish faith and Aknaten (Ikhnaten) attempted to start a monotheistic faith in ancient Egypt.

What do Kemal Ataturk, Sun Yat-sen, and Simon Bolivar have in common?

they each attempted to reform government in their countries Kemal Ataturk led government reform in Turkey, Sun Yat-sen in China, and Simon Bolivar in many newly independent states in Latin America.

The reason the eastern portion of the Roman Empire did not suffer as much economically and politically as the western portion of the Empire by its demise is because

trade remained a more active component in the east after the fall of the empire Constantinople's strategic trade location allowed it to remain economically significant after the fall of the western Roman empire.

Which of the following choices best explains current problems in Latin America that have roots in colonial times?

uneven distribution of wealth Much of Latin American history has been characterized by the unequal distribution of land.

Constantine and Ashoka were similar in that they both

used religion to unite their empire Constantine attempted to use Christianity to unite the Roman Empire while Ashoka attempted to do the same with the religions of South Asia.

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