digestive ap questions

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The arrival of chyme containing a mixture of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into the duodenum over a period of time would cause A) an increase in secretin release from the duodenum. B) diminished gallbladder contractions. C) a decrease in bicarbonate secretion from the pancreas. D) a decrease in CCK secretion. E) a parasympathetic reflex which would promote gastric contractions

A) an increase in secretin release from the duodenum.

The following areas contain tonsils except which one? A) around the frenulum B) oral pharynx C) nasal pharynx D) root of tongue

A) around the frenulum

During which stage of gastric secretion do gastric glands actually begin secreting gastric juice? A) cephalic phase B) gastric phase C) intestinal phase D) enterogastric reflex

A) cephalic phase

Which of these hormones causes contraction of the gall bladder? A) cholecystokinin B) gastrin C) gastric inhibitory polypeptide D) secretin E) zymogen

A) cholecystokinin Cholecystokinin causes contraction of the gallbladder.

The appendix A) contains lymphocytes. B) contains a bacterial flora which synthesizes vitamin K. C) is an accessory organ which secretes digestive enzymes. D) is the sphincter that joins the small intestine and large intestine.

A) contains lymphocytes.

The acini of the pancreas produce A) digestive enzymes. B) glucagon. C) insulin. D) mucus. E) both b and c

A) digestive enzymes. The acini of the pancreas produce digestive enzymes. Islet cells, specifically beta-cells, found in the islets of Langerhans, produce insulin.

Gastrin secretion is stimulated by A) duodenal pH greater than 3. B) secretin. C) cholecystokinin. D) gastric inhibitory polypeptide. E) all of these

A) duodenal pH greater than 3. Gastrin secretion is stimulated by duodenal pH greater than 3.

The most nutrient absorption takes place in the A) duodenum and jejunum. B) stomach and duodenum. C) jejunum and ileum. D) esophagus and stomach. E) ileum and cecum.

A) duodenum and jejunum. Most nutrient absorption takes place in the duodenum and jejunum.

Which of these inhibits secretion and motility of the stomach? A) enterogastric reflex B) parasympathetic stimulation C) gastrin D) intrinsic factor E) distention of stomach wall

A) enterogastric reflex Gastrin stimulates gastric secretion and motility. The enterogastric reflex, consisting of a local reflex and a reflex integrated within the medulla oblongata, inhibits gastric secretion and motility. It results from distension of the duodenal wall, presence of irritating substances in the duodenum, reduced pH and hypertonic or hypotonic solutions in the duodenum

The mesentery that connects the greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon and posterior body wall is the A) greater omentum B) lesser omentum. C) omental bursa. D) mesentery proper. E) parietal peritoneum.

A) greater omentum The greater omentum is the mesentery that connects the greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon and posterior body wall. The omental bursa is the cavity formed by the folding of the greater omentum.

Which of the following is not retroperitoneal? A) ileum B) pancreas C) duodenum D) ascending colon

A) ileum

All of these are enzymes that digest protein EXCEPT A) lipase. B) carboxypeptidase. C) chymotrypsin. D) pepsin. E) trypsin.

A) lipase. Carboxypeptidase, chymotrypsin, pepsin and trypsin all digest proteins.

Which of the following is not an enzyme that digests proteins in the small intestine? A) maltase B) aminopeptidase C) dipeptidase D) carboxypeptidase

A) maltase

What normally holds the intestines in position within the abdominal cavity? A) mesentery B) gravity C) adipose D) stomach muscles

A) mesentery

The surface area of the stomach is enhanced by the presence of folds called _____. A) rugae B) villi C) microvilli D) plicae

A) rugae

Where does the greatest amount of digestion occur? A) small intestine B) stomach C) large intestine D) liver

A) small intestine

Which salivary glands produce the most viscous saliva with lots of mucus? A) sublingual glands B) submandibular glands C) parotid glands D) serous cells

A) sublingual glands

The frenulum is the membrane attached to the inferior surface of the _____. A) tongue B) stomach C) lips D) liver

A) tongue

Arrange these parts of the small intestine in order from largest number of villi and circular folds to smallest number of villi and circular folds. 1. duodenum 2. ileum 3. jejunum A) 1,2,3 B) 1,3,2 C) 2,1,3 D) 2,3,1 E) 3,2,1

B) 1,3,2 In sequence, the parts of the small intestines having the largest number of villi and circular folds to those having the least are: 1, 3, 2.

Given these structures: 1. cecum 2. descending colon 3. rectum 4. sigmoid colon 5. transverse colon Choose the arrangement that lists the structures in the order food passes through them from the small intestine to the anus. A) 1,2,3,4,5 B) 1,5,2,4,3 C) 2,5,1,3,4 D) 3,1,5,2,4 E) 4,2,1,5,3

B) 1,5,2,4,3 The sequence of structures that food passes through from the small intestines to the anus is: 1, 5, 2, 4, 3.

In the esophagus, a reflex response called peristalsis occurs when a bolus of food stimulates the stretch receptors. Which of the following is not part of this response? A) The circular muscle behind the bolus contracts. B) The longitudinal muscle behind the bolus contracts. C) The circular muscle in front of the bolus relaxes. D) The longitudinal muscle in front of the bolus contracts.

B) The longitudinal muscle behind the bolus contracts.

These glands produce bicarbonate-rich mucus, which neutralizes stomach acid. A) Peyer's patches B) brunner glands C) islets of Langerhans D) Paneth cells

B) brunner glands

The enzyme salivary amylase begins to digest which molecules? A) proteins B) carbohydrates C) lipids D) nucleic acids

B) carbohydrates

This brush border enzyme will complete polypeptide digestion. A) pepsin B) carboxypeptidase C) sucrase D) trypsin

B) carboxypeptidase

The "pyloric pump" describes A) food movement through the esophagus into the stomach. B) chyme moving from the stomach into the small intestine. C) undigested food moving through the ileocecal valve. D) feces moving through the internal anal sphincter. E) gastrin, HCl, and pepsinogen being secreted from duodenal glands.

B) chyme moving from the stomach into the small intestine. The "pyloric pump" describes the movement of chyme from the stomach into the small intestine.

The muscles responsible for protruding and retracting the tongue, moving it from side to side and changing its shape are the A) buccinator and masseter muscles. B) extrinsic tongue muscles. C) intrinsic tongue muscles. D) masseter and temporalis muscles.

B) extrinsic tongue muscles. The extrinsic tongue muscles are responsible for protruding and retracting the tongue, moving it from side to side and changing its shape. The intrinsic tongue muscles are involved in changing the shape of the tongue---flattening it, and elevating the tongue during drinking and swallowing.

All of these occur in the large intestine EXCEPT: A) large numbers of bacteria utilize undigested food. B) fatty acids are absorbed. C) vitamin K is produced. D) sodium and water are absorbed. E) mucus is produced.

B) fatty acids are absorbed. The utilization of undigested food by bacteria, the production of vitamin K, the absorption of water and sodium, and mucus production all occur in the large intestine. The absorption of fatty acids does not occur in the large intestine

The greatest amount of stomach secretion takes place during the A) cephalic phase. B) gastric phase. C) intestinal phase. D) colic phase.

B) gastric phase The greatest amount of stomach secretion takes place during the gastric phase

This hormone stimulates pepsinogen and HCl production. A) secretin B) gastrin C) CCK D) insulin

B) gastrin

If an older person is having diarrhea and gas when they try to drink much milk, what enzyme are they not producing on their brush border? A) maltase B) lactase C) carboxypeptidase D) gastric lipase E) rennin

B) lactase

Besides capillaries, villi also contain lymphatic vessels called A) gastric glands. B) lacteals. C) plicae circulares. D) muscularis mucosae. E) haustra.

B) lacteals. Each villus contains blood capillaries and a lymphatic capillary called a lacteal.

The processes of chewing are referred to as _____. A) churning B) mastication C) peristalsis D) deglutition

B) mastication

Which intestinal layer accounts for the action of the peristaltic waves? A) serosa B) muscularis C) submucosa D) mucous

B) muscularis

Which lymphatic areas are most commonly the site of inflammation? A) Peyer's patches B) palatine tonsils C) lingual tonsils D) adenoids

B) palatine tonsils

The pancreas secretes enzymes that enter the small intestine and chemically digest chyme. Choose the enzyme(s) that break(s) down fats. A) carboxypeptidase B) pancreatic lipase C) trypsinogen D) pancreatic amylase

B) pancreatic lipase

Activities of the digestive system are generally increased by _________________ nervous stimulation. A) sympathetic B) parasympathetic C) somatic D) autonomi

B) parasympathetic

The largest pair of salivary glands, which produce mostly watery saliva, are the A) laryngeal glands. B) parotid glands. C) pharyngeal glands. D) sublingual glands. E) submandibular glands.

B) parotid glands The parotid glands are the largest salivary glands; they are serous glands producing mostly watery saliva.

Where are the palatine tonsils located? A) larynx B) pharynx C) trachea D) esophagus

B) pharynx

All of these are functions of the liver EXCEPT: A) biotransformation of molecules. B) production of digestive enzymes. C) storage of glycogen, fat, vitamins, and iron. D) synthesis of bile. E) synthesis of blood components.

B) production of digestive enzymes. The liver functions in the biotransformation of molecules, as well as the storage of glycogen, fat, vitamins and iron, the synthesis of bile, and the production of blood components. It does not function in the production of digestive enzymes.

The center of the tooth, which is filled with blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue, is called the A) gingiva. B) pulp. C) cementum. D) dentin. E) enamel.

B) pulp. The center of the tooth, called the pulp, is filled with blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. Cementum is the cellular, bonelike substance that covers dentin at the roots of teeth and helps anchor them in the jaw.

What hormone does the small intestine release in response to acidic chyme? A) cholecystokinin B) secretin C) digestin D) gastrin

B) secretin

The outer layer of the intestines is the ____ A) mucosa B) serosa C) submucosa D) muscularis

B) serosa

Chemical digestion of proteins begins in the ________________. A) mouth B) stomach C) small intestine D) large intestine

B) stomach

The _____________ layer of the alimentary canal contains loose connective tissue, glands, blood and lymphatic vessels, and nerves. A) mucosa B) submucosa C) muscular layer D) serosa

B) submucosa

The thick connective tissue layer of the digestive tract that contains blood vessels, small glands, and a nerve plexus is the A) mucosa layer. B) submucosa layer. C) muscularis layer. D) serosa (adventitia) layer

B) submucosa layer. The submucosa is the thick connective tissue layer containing blood vessels, small glands, and a nerve plexus called the submucosal nerve plexus. The mucosa consists of the mucous epithelium, lamina propria and muscularis mucosae.

Adults normally have __________ permanent teeth; children have __________ deciduous teeth. A) 36,36 B) 32,32 C) 32,20 D) 20,32 E) 20,20

C) 32,20 Adults normally have 32 permanent teeth; children have 20 deciduous teeth

How are the components of fats absorbed in the small intestine? A) Specific receptor proteins carry fatty acids across the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. B) Fatty acids are transported by active transport to the bloodstream. C) Components of lipids diffuse through small intestinal cell membranes, are reconstructed in the cells, then carried off by lacteals as chylomicrons. D) Components of lipids diffuse through small intestinal cell membranes and into the bloodstream where they are carried to the liver for processing.

C) Components of lipids diffuse through small intestinal cell membranes, are reconstructed in the cells, then carried off by lacteals as chylomicrons.

Parietal cells in the lining of the stomach secrete A) regulatory hormones. B) pepsinogen. C) HCl and intrinsic factor. D) mucus. E) bicarbonate ions.

C) HCl and intrinsic factor. Parietal cells in the lining of the stomach produce intrinsic factor and HCL

Which of the following statements concerning the GI tract is false? A) The esophagus is lined with stratified squamous epithelium. B) The muscle layer of the upper esophagus contains skeletal muscle. C) The lower esophageal sphincter is a very thick band of smooth muscle. D) The esophageal glands secrete lubricating mucus.

C) The lower esophageal sphincter is a very thick band of smooth muscle

Which structure does the appendix come off of? A) transverse colon B) descending colon C) ascending colon D) small intestine

C) ascending colon

The following are true of the tongue except which one? A) contains skeletal muscle B) attaches to hyoid bone C) attaches to temporal bone D) contains papillae

C) attaches to temporal bone

The main part of the stomach is the _______________ of the stomach. A) cardiac region B) fundic region C) body D) pyloric region

C) body

During the process of mastication, the muscles which move the jaws to cause the grinding and crushing actions of the teeth include all of the following except ________________. A) medial pterygoid B) masseter C) buccinator D) lateral pterygoid E) temporalis

C) buccinator

Duodenal gland secretion is stimulated by A) stimulation of the sympathetic division of the ANS. B) amylase. C) chemical (acid) or tactile stimulation. D) gastric inhibitory polypeptide. E) the duodenocolic reflex.

C) chemical (acid) or tactile stimulation. Duodenal gland secretion is stimulated by chemical (acid) or tactile stimulation

Which cells of the gastric mucosa secrete rennin? A) enteroendocrine cells B) mucous cells C) chief cells D) parietal cells

C) chief cells

Saliva A) secretion (of the serous portion) is increased primarily by sympathetic stimulation. B) contains amylase, which digests cellulose. C) contains lysozyme, which has a weak antibacterial action. D) contains pepsin, which digests protein. E) all of these

C) contains lysozyme, which has a weak antibacterial action. Saliva contains lysozyme, which has a weak antibacterial action.

The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are connected to ducts which enter the A) cecum. B) descending colon. C) duodenum. D) ileum. E) jejunum.

C) duodenum. The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are connected to ducts that enter the duodenum.

Which term does not belong with the others? A) teeth B) mastication C) esophagus D) tongue

C) esophagus

The mucosal lining of the large intestine contains predominantly A) absorptive cells. B) endocrine cells. C) goblet cells. D) granular cells. E) parietal cells.

C) goblet cells The predominant cell in the mucosal lining of the large intestine is the goblet cell

All of the following are functions of cholecystokinin (CCK) except it A) stimulates gallbladder contraction. B) promotes secretion of pancreatic enzymes. C) increases gastric HCl production. D) induces the movement of bile into common bile duct. E) causes hepatopancreatic sphincter to relax.

C) increases gastric HCl production.

The intramural plexus is associated with the A) somatic motor nervous system. B) afferent (sensory) division of the PNS. C) parasympathetic division of the ANS. D) sympathetic division of the ANS.

C) parasympathetic division of the ANS. The intramural plexus, consisting of the submucosal plexus and the myenteric plexus, is associated with the parasympathetic division of the ANS.

This gastric secretion breaks proteins down into smaller peptide chains. A) lipase B) intrinsic factor C) pepsin D) rennin

C) pepsin

What is the primary purpose of the liver in aiding digestion? A) produces digestive enzymes B) produces alkaline solution to neutralize stomach acidity C) produces bile to emulsify fats in the small intestine D) produces substances that aid the large intestine in water absorption

C) produces bile to emulsify fats in the small intestine

The portion of a tooth below the gums is the _____. A) dentin B) crown C) root D) pulp

C) root

Large mucosal folds formed when the stomach is empty are called A) the muscularis layer. B) the pyloric sphincter. C) rugae. D) the fundus.

C) rugae. Rugae are the mucosal folds that are formed when the stomach is empty

What initiates the swallowing reflex? A) fear of choking on food B) the tongue rolling the bolus to the pharynx C) sensory receptors detecting the bolus in the pharynx D) secretion of saliva at the thought of food

C) sensory receptors detecting the bolus in the pharynx

Where are the lacteals located? A) liver B) pancreas C) small intestine D) large intestine

C) small intestine

Where would the least amount of bacteria be found? A) small intestine B) colon C) stomach D) pharynx

C) stomach

Which of these does not directly promote the hydrolysis of food? A) villi B) microvilli C) submucosa D) mucosa

C) submucosa

What mouth part helps to mix food with saliva, moves food toward the pharynx for swallowing, and houses taste receptor cells? A) lips B) palate C) tongue D) cheeks

C) tongue

Given these sphincters: 1. external anal sphincter 2. ileocecal sphincter 3. lower esophageal (cardiac) sphincter 4. pyloric sphincter Arrange them in the order in which food passes through them. A) 1,3,2,4 B) 2,3,4,1 C) 2,1,3,4 D) 3,4,2,1 E) 4,2,1,3

D) 3,4,2,1 The sequence of sphincters that food passes through is: 3,4,2,1.

Arrange these events in the order in which they occur during fat digestion, absorption, and transport: 1. chylomicrons enter lacteals 2. triglycerides, phospholipids and cholesterol coated with protein 3. fatty acids and glycerol packaged into micelles 4. bile salts emulsify fats 5. lipase digests fat A) 1,2,4,5,3 B) 2,5,4,3,1 C) 3,5,4,1,2 D) 4,5,3,2,1 E) 5,3,4,1,2

D) 4,5,3,2,1 The sequence of events, which occur during fat digestion, absorption, and transport, is: 4,5,3,2,1.

How many teeth will be produced in an average lifetime? A) 20 B) 32 C) 30 D) 52

D) 52

The alimentary tube is around _____ meters long. A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 9

D) 9

During the gastric phase ingested food stimulates A) a reflex in the myenteric plexus. B) a reflex mediated via the vagus nerves and brainstem. C) an increase in the pH of the stomach contents. D) All of the above.

D) All of the above.

Which vitamin is mainly formed by Escherichia coli? A) C B) D C) B6 D) K

D) K

Which of the following statements concerning the tongue is false? A) The tongue occupies parts of both the oral cavity and oropharynx. B) The tongue contains lymphatic tissue (a lingual tonsil). C) The tongue contains glands that secrete a portion of the saliva. D) The tongue is composed of 80% smooth muscle and 20% elastic fibers.

D) The tongue is composed of 80% smooth muscle and 20% elastic fibers.

A major transport lipoprotein that has 92% lipid and 8% protein is a(n) A) Chylomicron. B) HDL (high-density lipoprotein). C) LDL (low-density lipoprotein). D) VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein).

D) VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein) VLDL's are 92% lipid and 8% protein. LDL's are 75% lipid and 25% protein.

The purpose of the soft palate is to __________________. A) house extra taste buds B) sense temperature of food before it is swallowed C) produce saliva and enzymatic secretions D) close off the nasal cavity during swallowing

D) close off the nasal cavity during swallowing

Which of the following does not occur within the large intestine? A) synthesis of vitamin K B) absorption of water and electrolytes C) secretion of mucus D) digestion of cellulose by digestive enzymes

D) digestion of cellulose by digestive enzymes

What does the pancreatic duct directly join to? A) jejunum B) liver C) ileum D) duodenum

D) duodenum

In the liver, blood from the __________ and the hepatic artery flow into the hepatic sinusoids and become mixed. A) bile canaliculi B) central vein C) hepatic ducts D) hepatic portal vein E) hepatic vein

D) hepatic portal vein In the liver, blood from the hepatic portal vein and the hepatic artery flow into the hepatic sinusoids and become mixed.

In what organ would you find the falciform ligament? A) stomach B) small intestine C) esophagus D) liver

D) liver

Compared to the others listed below, which type of tooth is more likely to be involved in grinding food? A) incisor B) cuspid C) premolar D) molar

D) molar

The _____ nervous system division usually stimulates and promotes digestion. A) somatic B) sympathetic C) central D) parasympathetic

D) parasympathetic

Intrinsic factor is secreted by which cells of the gastric glands? A) mucous cells B) chief cells C) peptic cells D) parietal cells

D) parietal cells

Which gland is closest to the joint between the mandible and temporal bone? A) sublingual B) pancreas C) submaxillary D) parotid

D) parotid

Folds formed from the mucosa and submucosa that are perpendicular to the long axis of the duodenum are called A) intestinal glands. B) lacteals. C) microvilli. D) plicae circulares. E) villi.

D) plicae circulares. Plicae circulares are the folds formed by the mucosa and submucosa that run perpendicular to the long axis of the duodenum. Microvilli are cytoplasmic extensions found on the surface of the cells making up villi.

Which gastrointestinal layer is characterized by having tough, fibrous connective tissue? A) mucosa B) submucosa C) muscle D) serosa

D) serosa

Which of the following is not considered an accessory organ of the digestive system? A) salivary glands B) liver C) pancreas D) stomac

D) stomach

All of these are retroperitoneal organs EXCEPT the: A) duodenum. B) kidneys. C) rectum. D) stomach. E) urinary bladder.

D) stomach The retroperitoneal organs include the duodenum, the pancreas, ascending colon, descending colon, rectum, kidneys, adrenal glands, and the urinary bladder. The stomach is not a retroperitoneal organ.

Bands of longitudinal smooth muscle that run the length of the colon are called A) haustra. B) epiploic appendages. C) intestinal glands. D) teniae coli. E) vermiform appendixes.

D) teniae coli. Teniae coli are the bands of longitudinal smooth muscle that run the length of the colon.

The major duodenal papilla is A) a location for nutrient absorption in the duodenum. B) the opening for the accessory pancreatic duct in the duodenum. C) a large collection of villi in the jejunum. D) the opening of the hepatopancreatic ampulla in the duodenum. E) the opening for the spleen in the colon.

D) the opening of the hepatopancreatic ampulla in the duodenum The major duodenal papilla is the opening for the hepatopancreatic ampulla into the duodenum.

Successive contraction of constrictor muscles occurs and the epiglottis covers the opening in the larynx. This describes A) the voluntary phase of swallowing. B) the esophageal phase of swallowing. C) the mastication reflex. D) the pharyngeal phase of swallowing. E) the regurgitation reflex.

D) the pharyngeal phase of swallowing. During the pharyngeal phase of swallowing there is successive contraction of the constrictor muscles and the epiglottis covers the opening in the larynx.

What is the primary function of the large intestine? A) to complete the absorption of most nutrients B) to house gas-producing bacteria C) to rid the body of toxins D) to compact, store, and eliminate feces

D) to compact, store, and eliminate feces

Except in the upper esophagus and stomach, the muscularis layer of the digestive tract consists of A) one layer of skeletal muscle. B) one layer of smooth muscle. C) two layers of skeletal muscle. D) two layers of smooth muscle. E) one layer of smooth muscle and one layer of skeletal muscle

D) two layers of smooth muscle. The muscularis layer of the digestive tract typically consists of two layers of smooth muscle.

Which of these conditions causes inhibition of gastric secretion? A) hypotonic or hypertonic solution in the duodenum B) distention of the duodenal wall C) pH less than 2 in the duodenum D) fats in the duodenum E) all of these

E) all of these Gastric secretion is inhibited by various conditions, they include: hypotonic or hypertonic solutions in the duodenum, distention of the duodenal wall, pH less than 2 in the duodenum and fats in the duodenum

Which of these cells is correctly matched with its function? A) absorptive cells-produce digestive enzymes B) endocrine cells-produce regulatory hormones C) goblet cells-produce protective mucus D) duodenal glands-produce protective mucus E) all of these are correct

E) all of these are correct All of the cells listed are correctly matched with their function.

The __________ secretes peptidases and disaccharidases, whereas the __________ secretes trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase, lipase, and nucleases. A) stomach, liver B) stomach, small intestine C) liver, small intestine D) liver, pancreas E) small intestine, pancreas

E) small intestine, pancreas The small intestine secretes peptidases and disaccharidases; the pancreas secretes trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase, lipase, and nucleases.

The frenulum is part of the A) esophagus. B) muscles of mastication. C) lips. D) teeth. E) tongue

E) tongue The frenulum is a thin fold of tissue that is part of the tongue. It anchors the tongue anteriorly to the floor of the mouth.

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