Digestive System

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I am the process in which the digested molecules, electrolytes, vitamins and water get absorbed into the blood:


I am the primary function of the large intestine:

Absorption of water, electrolytes, and some vitamins, as well as a role in the elimination process of digestion.

I am the reason why amylase becomes inactivated in the stomach:

Acidic environment/low pH

I am the major anatomic sections of the large intestine:

Ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal cavity

accessory digestive organs definition

Assists in the digestive process, but isnt actually a part of the GI tract.

I am the receptors that are stimulated by rectum contents:


I am the largest region of the stomach, inferior to the cardiac orifice:

Body of the stomach

We complete the chemical break of carbohydrates:

Brush border enzymes (maltase, lactase, sucrose)

I am the superior entryway into the stomach lumen from the esophagus:


I am the primary function of the small intestine:

Chemical digestion and absorption

We act as "speed bumps" to slow the movement of chyme through the small intestine:

Circular folds

I am the three structural modifications that help increase the surface area in the small intestine:

Circular folds, villi, microvolli

I carry bile from the gallbladder to the upper part of the small intestine:

Common bile duct

We are the ducts that merge together to form the common bile duct:

Cystic duct and common hepatic duct

I am the breakdown of ingested food into smaller structures:


I am the first region of the small intestine that connects to the terminal end of the stomach:


I am the first segment of the small intestine and am C shaped:


I am the three region of the small intestine:

Duodenum, jejunum, ileum

I am the process of the large lipid droplets being mechanically separated into smaller droplets:


I am a long continuous tube that connects to the inferior part of the pharynx to the cardiac orifice of the stomach:


I am the process in which indigestable materials gets excreted through the anal canal:


I am the dome-shaped region of the stomach superior and lateral to the esophagus connection:


I am attached to the inferior surface of the liver and store, concentrate, and release bile:


I am the movement of chyme from the stomach into the duodenum of the small intestine:

Gastric emptying

I am found on the internal stomach lining when the stomach is empty and allow the stomach to expand:

Gastric folds

I am produced by chief cells and help with the chemical breakdown of fats:

Gastric lipase

I am a form of mechanical digestion that changes semi digested bolus into chyme:

Gastric mixing

I am released from parietal cells and activate pepsinogen to pepsin in the stomach:

HCl (Hydrochloric Acid)

I am the terminal region of the small intestine and connect the large intestine at the cecum:


I am the digestive enzyme released in the pancreatic juices that aids in the digestion of proteins:

Inactive proteases

I am the actual act of ingesting food:


Salivary amylase

Initiates the chemical breakdown of carbohydrates

I am the middle region of the small intestine:


I am the organ whose primary function is the absorption of water and electrolytes:

Large intestine

I produce bile:


I am the three accessory organs that send secretions to the duodenum of the small intestine:

Liver, pancreas, gallbladder

I am the duct that carries the pancreatic juices into the duodenum of the small intestine:

Main pancreatic duct

I am another term for chewing:


I am the process when ingested material is physically broken down into smaller units by chewing:


We are formed as a result of emulsification:


I am small extension of the plasma membrane that form a brush border, which releases enzyme that complete chemical digestion in the small intestine:


We are microscopic extensions of the plasma membrane lining the wall of the small intestine to help increase the surface area:


We are the three forms of carbohydrates:

Monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides

I am the general term to describe the voluntary and involuntary muscular contractions for mixing and moving material through the GI tract:


I am the process that involves a series of voluntary and involuntary contractions to help facilitate the digestive process and moving and mixing things through the GI tract:


I am the reason why lipid molecules need to be emulsified:

Not water-soluble

I am the location where carbohydrate digestion begins:

Oral cavity

I am the location where mechanical digestion begins:

Oral cavity

I am the structures that make up the upper GI tract:

Oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, duodenum of small intestine

I am the accessory organ that lies posterior to the stomach and has a tail, head, and body:


I am the digestive enzyme released in the pancreatic juices that aids in the digestion of carbohydrates:

Pancreatic amylase

I resume the chemical digestion of carbohydrates in the small intestine by mixing with chyme:

Pancreatic amylase

I am the digestive enzyme released in the pancreatic juices that aids in the digestion of triglycerides:

Pancreatic lipase

I am the enzyme who functions with micelles to digest each triglyceride to monoglyceride and two free fatty acids:

Pancreatic lipase

I am the largest salivary gland and am located anterior and inferior to the ear:

Parotid salivary gland

I am released from chief cells and in the stomach and hydrolyze the peptide bonds in certain amino acids:


We are brush border enzymes that help break the remaining chains into individual amino acids, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream:


I am otherwise known as the throat


I am what allows the movement of chyme towards the pylorus and what facilitates the opening of the pyloric sphincter:

Pressure gradient

We help break peptide bonds in the stomach:


I regulate the entry of material into the duodenum of the small intestine:

Pyloric sphincter

I am the terminal portion of the stomach:


I am the process when flow is reverse and some contents move back towards the stomach:


We are the ducts that merge together to form the common hepatic duct:

Right and left hepatic ducts

I am responsible for adding moisture to food to create a bolus:


I am released in the oral cavity and begin the chemical breakdown of carbohydrates:

Salivary amylase

I am the organs that assist in the breakdown of food:

Salivary glands, liver, pancreas, teeth, tongue, gallbladder

I am the process of producing and releasing substances into the GI tract:


I am the general function of the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder:

Secretions of bile and pancreatic juices

I am the term to describe a "backward and forward motion" :


I am the organ where the majority of absorption of most nutrients takes place:

Small intestine

I am the structures that make up the lower GI tract:

Small intestine (jejunum and ileum) and large intestine

I am the type of muscle in the small intestine that helps mix chyme with glandular secretions, move chyme against new areas of the brush border, and propel contents through small intestine by peristalsis:

Smooth muscle

I am a J shaped organ located in the superior left abdominal quadrant and inferior to the diaphragm:


I am the location where the chemical breakdown and lipids and proteins begins:


I am the location where the semifluid called chyme is created:


I am the gland that produces the most amount of saliva:

Submandibular salivary gland

I am the cells of the stomach wall that release substances to help with digestion:

Surface mucous cells, mucous neck cells, parietal cells, chief cells, G-cells

I am one glycerol and three fatty acids:


We are pancreatic enzymes that when released into the duodenum of the small intestine assume the task of breaking peptide bonds:

Trypsin and chymotypsin

We contain a rick capillary network so nutrients can be easily absorbed:


General functions of the digestive system

ingestion, motility, secretion, digestion, absorption, elimination

gastrointestinal tract

oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus

Accessory digestive organs

teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas

Oral cavity

where mechanical and chemical digestion of food begins

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