Digestive System and Nutrition

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What are the fat-soluble vitamins? What are the water-soluble vitamins?

- A, D, E, K - C, B, biotin, and folic acid

Small Intestines: by the time food leaves the small intestines about ______ of the nutrients have been absorbed into the _______ -the nutrient filled blood then passes directly to the _____ which picks up and stores many of the absorbed nutrients

-90%; bloodstream -liver

Stomach: ________ breaks down proteins into _______ ____

-Pepsin -amino acids

Chemical Breakdown: -once food is physically and chemically broken down then the digested molecules can be what? - __________ and __________ are absorbed with no chemical change

-absorbed into the blood -vitamins and minerals

What are the three parts of the large intestines?

-cecum -colon -rectum

the main job of the colon is to _______ the form due to _________ of _______ -1 liter of water enters the large intestines every day but only 1/10 of that is actually eliminated

-change; absorption; water

What do the incisors do? What do the canines do? What do the premolars/molars do?

-cut food -tear food -crush and grind food

What are calories? -the number of calories in a food is a measure of how much potential ________ that food possesses. A gram of _______ has _____ calories, a gram of ______ has _____ calories, and a gram of ____ had ____ calories -foods are usually a combination of these three building blocks

-energy -carbohydrates; 4 -proteins; 4 -fat; 9

how long does it take? -depends on the ________ and what type of food was ______ and the ______ of food -on average: -- less than a minute for food to get chewed and then transferred to the esophagus --couple of seconds in the esophagus traveling to the stomach

-individual -eaten -amount

You noticed that chyme was mentioned and then feces -why did it change? -chyme is more _______ -feces is _________ eliminated

-liquid -semisolid

What are the organs that are apart of the GI tract?

-mouth -pharynx (throat) -esophagus -stomach -small intestines -large intestines -rectum -anus

Major food manufacturers employ ________ and food _______

-nutritionists -food scientists

Chemical Breakdown: -body can't absorb _________ so they must be broken down into individual ________ _______ -body can't absorb ____________ so they must be broken down into ___________ -body can't absorb ______ so they must be broken down into ______ ______ molecules

-proteins; amino acids -carbohydrates; monosaccharides - fats; fatty acid

Stomach: -folds in the stomach are called ________ -_________ _______ kills the bacteria that might be on the bolus -why doesn't the acid hurt the stomach? -- because the stomach is lined with _______ -hydrochloric acid activates the enzyme ______

-rugae -hydrochloric acid --mucus -pepsin

Physical Breakdown: -________ _________ is breaking down to small pieces -food gets ________ in fluids

-stomach churning -dissolved

how long? -large intestine usually takes 6 hours but depending on the type of food make take several days -so the process can take ____ hours to a couple of days -most of the nutrients are absorbed within 1 hour to 8 hours


the food we ingest are composed of large molecules that our body _________ absorb


What organ? -upper part of GI tract. Muscular tube that connects pharynx to stomach. Transports chewed food (______) -what is muscular contractions that push food downward?

Esophagus -bolus -Peristalsis

What organ? -2 1/2 in. in diameter and about 5 ft. long -takes in the items that have not been ______ -absorbs water and contains bacteria that also breaks down the rest of the food -end product =?

Large Intestines -absorbed -feces

What organ? -what is the largest organ inside the body, the main job is the production of ______ (helps in digestion of fats) -also makes several proteins for the body

Liver -bile

Which nutrient? (the category) 1. _______- chains of amino acids; body takes the amino acids to make its own proteins (cell need to make lots of proteins; this is what DNA codes for) a. ___ amino acids in the proteins of the human body b. body makes 11 of those and other 9 cannot be made with the body c. the 9 are called ______ _____ ___- only get them through protein rich foods a. a protein that contains all 9 of them is called a _______ ___ b. ex.: dairy products, eggs, fish, and meat

Macronutrients -Proteins a. 20 c. essential amino acids a. complete protein

-What are the nutrients we need in large amounts? -- body's source of __________ and __________ materials

Macronutrients -energy; building

What are the two categories of nutrients?

Macronutrients and micronutrients

What organ? -also secretes digestive enzymes to help the digestion of food in the small intestines


What organ? -has dual function: 1) Responsible for _______ masses of chewed food to the _________. 2) Air passes through it to the _________ that eventually ends up in our ______ -because of 2 different functions: it contains a flap of tissues called the ______, which acts as a switch between food and air

Pharynx -passing; esophagus -larynx; lungs -epiglottis

________ (mechanical) and __________ breakdown of food and the __________ of nutrients

Physical; chemical; absorption

What organ? - ___ sets of glands that surround mouth which produce _______ -________ helps to _____ the food and also begins to ______ carbohydrates

Salivary Glands -3; saliva -saliva; moisten; digest

What organ? -thin tube ( 1 in. diameter and about 22 ft. long). Lower part of the GI tract -contains many ridges and folds which maximize the digestion and absorption of nutrients

Small intestine

What organ? -small organ made up of several pairs of muscles -it detects taste molecules in food and sends that information to the brain. Also, it helps push food towards back of mouth


What helps your body digest food and eliminate waste? -regulates ______ ___ -______ joints -drink at least ________ glasses of water per day -good for sports

Water -body temp. -cushions -8 oz.

What are the 6 nutrients? -What nutrients go with macronutrients? -What nutrients go with micronutrients?

carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water -carbohydrates, fats, and proteins -vitamins and minerals


carbs (i think)

Large Intestines: What is the beginning of the large intestines, and it attaches to the appendix?


Large Intestines: What has the __________ (chyme travels upward), _________ (chyme is going from right side of body to the left side at waist level), and ___________ (feces travels down to the rectum)?

colon -ascending -transversal -descending

Chemical Breakdown: -what is the breakdown of food molecules into their individual components?


What are the different kinds of teeth?

incisor, canine, premolars, and molars

What are the two lobes that the liver is made up of?

left lobe and right lobe

There are several "accessory" organs that help with digestion but do not have food pass through them. What are they?

teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas

Overview: - What are the two parts of the digestive system?

-alimentary canal (GI tract) -accessory organs

the body engages in a multistep process that includes: -_________ _________ down the food -_________ _________ down the molecules in the food into smaller molecules -_________ those smaller molecules into your blood

-physically breaking -chemically breaking -absorbing

What are the functions of the stomach? -________ ________ -________ considerably without much increase in pressure -________ food --aids in killing most _________ on the food --aids in _________ _______

-storage chamber -expand -acidifies --bacteria --digesting proteins

How long? -usually remains in stomach for 2 to 4 hours before being sent to small intestines -______ foods typically leave stomach quickly and are absorbed by small intestines -______ foods and _____-rich foods slow the emptying of the stomach

-sugary -fatty; protein

Small Intestines: -have circular folds with _____ on them -looks like ______ -______ help with speeding up the __________ process

-villi -velvet -villi; absorption

What are the three parts of the small intestines?

1. duodenum--> connects to the stomach 2. jejunum--> middle part 3. Ileum--> empties into the large intestines

What are the three main functions of the small intestines?

1. to mix and propel chyme 2. to digest the food 3. to absorb the nutrients

How many total teeth are there in the mouth?


The food passes through a long tube inside the body known as the what?

GI Tract (gastrointestinal tract)

What organ? -what stores and recycles the bile to be used again -releases the ____ into the small intestines -helps in the digestion of _____ from the stomach

Gallbladder -bile -fats

Which nutrient? (the category) 1. ______- simple sugars (monosaccharides), includes glucose, fructose, and galactose 2. _____ converts these into ______ 3. _________ is important for fuel to most cells 4. Other carbs such as _________ and ________ help the immune system differentiate between self and non-self cells 5. ________ _______- some are digested with the help of amylase; others cannot be digested (plant based cellulose) 6. These non digestible carbs (______) are healthy for you; aid in ________ the _________ to remove feces

Macronutrients -Carbs -Liver; glucose -Glucose -glycoproteins and glycolipids -Complex carbs -fiber; stretching the intestines

Which nutrient? (the category) 1. _______ (good fats)- most common class is triglycerides; aids in strong fuel to be used as energy in mitochondria a. _________-chemical precursor of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone; critical part of cell membrane b. excess ______ is bad c. __________- major component to cell's membrane d. ____________________- only get them by eating the right kind of fats -common in salad oils, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, flax seeds, and fish oils -aids in reducing ________ and prevents excess ______ ________

Macronutrients 1. Lipids a. Cholesterol b. cholesterol c. Phospholipids d. Omega-6 fatty acid and Omega-3 fatty acid -inflammation and blood clotting

What are the nutrients we need in small amounts? --________ that support the many chemical processes that must occur efficiently throughout the body

Micronutrients -Chemicals

Which nutrient? (the category) 1. _______- bodies can't make most of them; must get from food a. acts as _________ of the chemical processes that occur in the body b. 2 kinds- _________ and _________ 2. ________- inorganic substances that bodies needs to function properly -calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine, sodium, chloride, zinc, and potassium

Micronutrients 1. Vitamins a. regulators b. fat-soluble and water-soluble 2. Minerals

Digestive System Anatomy: What organ? -journey begins -food is cut, crushed, and ground into little pieces by the _______ -moistened by _______ -_________ moves food around and gives us our taste sensations

Mouth -teeth -saliva -tongue

What is a substance that promotes normal growth, maintenance, and repair?


What is the study of nutrition in food, how the body uses nutrients, and the relationship between diet, health, and disease?


What organ? -muscular sac that acts as a ______ ______. Contains hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes that continues the digestive process. -physical and chemical digestion -once food is churned and mixed in the stomach it is ready to send it to the ______ _________ -this mixture is now called ______

Stomach -storage container -small intestines -chyme

What organ? -made up of _______ and covered in a layer of ______ which is the hardest substance in the body

Teeth -dentin -enamel

What is a group of organs working together to convert food into energy and basic nutrients to feed the entire body?

The Digestive System

What is the canal through which food travels on its way from the mouth to the anus?

alimentary canal (GI tract)

Physical Breakdown: -what is the process of chewing? --chops the food into small pieces- doesn't change the nature of the molecules


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