Digital Marketing Chapter 3 and 4

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exchanges of resources, information, or influence among members of the network these go in many directions at any point in time and often on multiple platforms called media multiplexity especially important because they are the actionable components of any social network system in terms of sharing of info, delivery of promotional materials, and sources of social influence

Sources of Power

1. Reward 2. Coercive 3. Legitimate 4. Referent 5. Expert

Social Media Management Systems

a day-to-day system for managing social media activities, tracking content from development to distribution, managing social ad campaigns, analyzing effectiveness, monitoring and listening, and capturing/analyzing social data for market research

Online Community

a group of people who come together for a specific purpose, who are guided by community policies, and who are supported by an online vehicle/host that enables virtual communication among members

Transition Phase

as organizations mature, social media activities still occur somewhat randomly or haphazardly but a more systematic way of thinking starts to develop within brands are on the right track but may not have fully formed a strategic approach could be using automated responses that are often viewed as fake


a psychological state that occurs through interactive, co-creative consumer experiences with a focal agent/object

Social Network

a set of socially relevant nodes connected by one or more relations

Identify Social Media Marketing Objectives and Set Budgets

a specific statement about planned social media activity in terms of what that activity tends to accomplish -increase brand awareness -improve brand/product awareness -increase website traffic -amplify/augment pr work -improve search engine rankings -improve perceived customer service quality -generate sales leads -reduce customer acquisition/support costs set SMART objective

Influence Network

a two-way dialogue between participants in a social network and opinion leaders influence can be driven by both influencers and by interactions among those who are easily influenced create cascades of information, which occur when a piece of info triggers a sequence of interactions

Referent Power

authority through the motivation to identify with or please a person

Coercive Power

ability to punish others

Social Capital

affiliations that allow people in a community to accumulate resources that they can "trade" for other things value lies in providing access to others EX. landing a job interview through a friend of a friend

Weak Ties

contacts with people where your relationship is based on superficial experiences or very few connections THINK fb friends

A Framework for Strategic Social Media Marketing

describes an orgs use of social media marketing along four dimensions 1. scope 2. culture 3. structure 4. governance

Profile the Target Audience of Social Consumers

development of a social media profile of the target audience includes the market's social activities and styles, such as their level of social media participation, channels they utilize and the communities in which they are active, and their behavior in social communities how and when they interact, devices they use, etc.

Bonding Social Capital

emotional support


members of the network (whom we also refer to as network units)

Legitimate Power

organizational authority based on rights associated with a person's appointed position

Center of Excellence Model

pulls people with different kinds of expertise from across the organization to participate eliminates internal political issues to who in the company has primary responsibility for social media

WOMMA guide to designing a digital social media policy

purpose to guide how the organization, its employees and agents should share opinions, beliefs, and information with social communities 1. standards of conduct: be honest and transparent 2. disclosure requirements: transparency is key, must disclose they are affiliated with the org 3. standards for posting IP, financial info, and copyrighted info

Strategic Planning

the process of identifying objectives to accomplish, deciding how to accomplish those objectives with specific strategies and tactics, implementing the actions that make the plan come to life, and measuring how well the plan met the objectives

Create an Experience Strategy

the sensations, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors evoked by brand-related stimuli when consumers interact with brands, whether during exposure to brand messaging, shopping and service interactions, or product consumption


the underlying structure of communities networks of social networks networked communication platforms in which participants: 1. have uniquely identifiable profiles that consist of user-supplied content, content provided by other users, and/or system-provided data 2. can publicly articulate connections that can be viewed and traversed by others 3. can consume, produce, and/or interact with streams of user-generated content provided by their connections on the site

Maintained Social Capital

the value we get from maintaining relationships with latent ties (pre-existing connections that we've discarded) THINK reconnecting with a FB friend from high school

Core Ties

those people with whom we have very close relationships

Strategic Phase

utilizes a formal process to plan social media marketing activities with clear objectives and metrics

Ad Equivalency Value

when brands use paid media they have an estimate of the value of the advertising in the form of the fees they paid to place the ads what would the value of the mention be if it had come through a paid advertising placement rather than a volunteered comment?

WOM Communication

when the information spread via flow is product information shared node-to-node, person to person far more powerful, influences 2/3 of all consumer goods sales

Strategic Planning Process

1. Situation Analysis 2. Identify Social Media Marketing Objectives and Set Budgets (SMART) 3. Profile the Target Audience and Consumers 4. Select Social Media Channels and Vehicles 5. Create An Experience Strategy 6. Integrate with other Promotional Components and Establish Campaign Timeline 7. Execute and Measure Outcomes

Five Basic Models for Social Media Structure

1. organic 2. centralized 3. hub and spoke-coordinated 4. multiple hub and spoke - dandelion 5. holistic honeycomb

Three Factors that work to "Tip" a trend/ignite interest

1. the law of the few -mavens -connectors -salespeople 2. stickiness 3. the power of context

Social Network Site Participation

1. the people with whom you are connected 2. the content (artifacts) you produce on the site 3. feedback you receive from others 4. and the distribution of the artifacts/feedback through the network participation fuels engagement

Important Elements in Experience Design

1. to trigger the sensory dimension, engage the senses especially visual 2. evoke the affective dimension, be emotional 3. activate the behavioral dimension, enable physical action 4. stimulate the cognitive dimension, curiosity, problem solving, or other intellectual motive

Levels of Maturity in Social Media Marketing

1. trial 2. transition 3. strategic

Characteristics of Online Communities

Participants experience a feeling of membership, a sense of proximity to one another and in most cases some interest in the community activities est. a virtual location and the functionality needed for members to connect, communicate, and collaborate

Object Sociality

The extent to which users can share an object in social media, clearly relates to an audience's unique interests

Bridging Social Capital

The value we get from others who provide access to places, people, or ideas we might not be able to get on our own.

Reputational Capital

based on the shared beliefs, relationships, and actions of those in the community such that norms, behaviors, and values held and shared by individuals ultimately support a community reputation


build influence using a self-presentation technique that involves est. a sense of intimacy with their audiences by sharing content in one or more social communities self-branding, ensures perceived as authentic, transparent, and relevant smaller audiences than traditional celebrities 1,000-100,000 followers tend to specialize in one community, higher engagement


connected nodes in a network experience this behavior based ties such as talking with each other, attending an event together, or working together ex: if you are having a convo on twitter, you are a node engaging in an interaction with another node

Network Effect

explains that the relative value a community offers its members is tied to its membership

Trial Phase

first phase of adopotion cycle test out social media platforms, but do not consider how social media can play a role in overall marketing plan exploring the potential for social media as a venue rather than using it

Reward Power

one's ability to provide others with what they desire

Information Power

one's control over the flow of and access to information

How is Community Participation facilitated?

online by sites that serve as hosts or vehicles (second layer of infrastructure in social media value chain) for communication and collaboration between members ex of hosts: social network sites, forums, message boards value is tied to network effects and group influence

Opinion Leaders/Influencers

people that others view as knowledgeable sources of information strong communication network that gives them the ability to affect purchase decisions 1. activists 2. connected 3. impact 4. active minds 5. trendsetters

Social Network Theory

proposes that the patterns of connections among people affect their social behavior and communication

Expert Power

recognition of one's knowledge, skills, and ability


refers to a view or an exposure to an advertising message influence impression is an exposure to a brand via another person


refers to the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of education, social status, and beliefs


refers to the effect that people experience when they interact with a computer-mediated or computer-generated environment enhanced when they make the environment look and feel real

Situation Analysis

research and assess the environment details the current problem or opportunity the organization faces typically includes a social media audit SWOT analysis

Social Object Theory

suggests that social networks will be more powerful communities if there is a way to activate relationships among people and objects an object is something of common interest and its primary function is to mediate the interactions between people

Select Social Media Channels and Vehicles

the best social media mix to accomplish who they want to reach


the collective participation of members who together create value

Six Degrees of Separation

the idea that everyone in the world is separated from each other by at most six other nodes in a social network

Marketing Plan

written, formalized plan that details the product, pricing, distribution, and promotional strategies that will enable the brand in question to accomplish specific marketing objectives

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