Digital Marketing Final

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What is an exact match keyword in google PPC? how pricey?

$$$$$Exact Match: Use brackets and your words will only show if the search means the same thing as your keyword (different than phrase match b/c there can be any extra words before or after the search terms). If you payed for running shoes it could be someones search for "women's running shoes", or "women's shoes for running" -Highest price

What is a negative keyword and phrase match keyword in google PPC? How pricey?

$$$Negative Match: all queries will not show the negative word you put in Running shoes - used $$$$Phrase Match: good for matching the exact phrase, uses quotations. The whole phrase in quotes has to be searched. If you pay for "Shoes for running" then your ad may show when people show "nike shoes for running", "most comfy shoes for running", or "shoes for running marathons" -negative is medium price, phrase match is medium to high price

What is a broad match modifier in google PPC? How pricey?

$$Broad match modifier: anything that includes the words you added. If you purchase +running +shoes, your ads might be shown when people search women's running shoes, women's jogging shoes, best shoes for men's running -2nd to cheapest

What is a broad match keyword in PPC? How pricey is it?

$Broad Match: Default in GA and good if you don't have an exhaustive list of keywords. If a keyword has misspellings it will still match what you were trying to say. If you purchase the keyword running shoes, ads might be shown for run shoes, blue suede shoes, best running trails in boulder -cheapest option

What are the best practices for creating strong Facebook ads?

-Decide which CTA to use -Base on A/B testing. One will have higher response rates -Short headline (5 words) -Punchy ad text -Create urgency ("today only!") -Short link description -Specific landing pages

What is dynamic creative optimization?

-Google automatically testing things for you -You can give them 20 diff compy lines and 20 diff images and they will test them all out for you -They will make the ads whatever size is available for purchase It's all about testing

What is programmatic ad buying?

-How display ads are bought and sold -Publishers are website owners that want to get paid for displaying ads -Publishers = supply side -They sell ad inventory (visual space/real estate) -The process of people wanting to advertise to you -Advertisers are companies that want to promote to consumers -Advertisers = demand side Historically, advertisers used websites as a proxy for their ads. If they wanted to reach sports fans, they would buy ads on a sports-related site Using machines to buy ads instead of traditional human negotiations Advertisers = demand - side, publishers = supply-side Impressions: total views of an ad (RxF) Reach: number of viewers

What is the 'Dark Social' and how does it impact campaign tracking?

-Invisible shares through messages, emails, & texts -These shares will sho up as direct tracking but they're not

What does reach and impressions mean for social media (organic)?

-Reach = # of unique people who saw your content, -Impressions = # of times the content showed up on people's page

What is lumascape?

-The process that display ads that go through starting from the marketer to the publisher/people -The color blocks are the different parties that are at play in an ad -If I buy ad space, I am the demand side platform, the publisher is the magazine that had the space to sell me for my ad (supply side). When someone goes to the website, the data about the person is communicated to the demand side (advertisers), and shares everything to know about the user. People who want info about me will use the data to place ads in the website I was looking at, it happens in the time that the page is loading -Advertisers are the demand nowadays -Publishers are the supply because they have ad space -Didn't used to be like that

What are the best email practices for high click-through rates?

-Use compelling language: encourage consumers to take a particular action, "click here" or "sign up now" -Call to action: creates urgency (deadlines) - "sign up now...", persuasive "be the first..." -Think of your audience as an individual not a group/segment (conversational tone - write like you're talking to a friend and add company personality)

What are the best email practices for making it to the inbox?

Making it to the inbox is hard do to without turning into someone's spam. Google looks at previous interactions to see if you are spam or not - so you don't want to have decent interaction w/people in order to make it to the inbox. -Only email people who give you permission -Use a familiar "from" name -Use segmentation to send targeted, relevant campaigns -Use high quality content -Use a reply address -Use double-opt in (a user signs up for an email list and has to verify through a link in their email)

What is DCO (Dynamic Creative Optimization)?

Marketers use DCO (Dynamic Creative Optimization) to dynamically change elements of their ads (the calls to action, imager, colors, etc) to make the ad more appealing to individual consumer

What are meta description, meta keywords, and their usefulness in SEO?

Meta description is an HTML element that summarizes the contents of your page for search engines. It's under the title on google search results. Meta keywords are also in HTML, and they describe content of a website shortly and concisely, and therefore are important indicators of a website's content to search engines

How effective is email as a marketing tactic?

Most effective -On average, a mid size business can expect to spend $9-$1,000 a month on email marketing if they self manage their campaigns or $300-$500 a month with an agency -Returns on email investments continue to be staggeringly high

Display Ad metrics

Reach = number or people it gets to Frequency = how many times it was seen Brand Lift/Impact Impressions = Reach x Frequency Click-through rate (CTR) = # clicks / # impressions Conversion Rate = conversions/clicks CPM = Cost per thousand impressions (Cost/Impressions/1000) CPA (cost-per-acquisition) = how much you pay for a conversion (ad cost/#conversions)

How do you measure engagement on social media (organic)?

Retweets, favorites, comments, likes, clicks

What is geotargeting ad criteria for display/online advertising? What is geofencing?

Targeting based on location of person browsing, can be both at a broad level and narrow Geofencing = using GPS or RFID to define a geographic boundary & marketing activities are "triggered" when consumers cross this virtual barrier

What is contextual ad targeting criteria For display/online advertising?

Targeting based on the content of your website (ex: showing bicycle related ads on a biking blog) - Advertisers can choose through google's display network platform the nature of site on which they wish to buy impressions

What are the best email practices for encouraging high open rates?

- The subject line should be an accurate and specific preview of the content -Use compelling language -Keep it short -Keep it curious -Cut through the clutter - Start with an action verb - Use numbers, emojis, punctuation -Use power words

What are native ads and what are the benefits?

- They are Ads on a webpage that blend in with the rest of the page -They Looks like editorial content, uses the same font or style -They work because you attached the credibility from whatever site you're on to the ad because it blends ain you may not know its an ad

What are the best practices of social media (organic)?

1. Define your goal 2. Know your audience 3. Create and share valuable content 4. Stay topical 5. Be frequent

What are 1st and 3rd party cookies?

1st party cookies: Are directly created by the website you are using and are generally safer as long as you're using reputable websites. They Allow information such as passwords, language preferences, location or setting to remain the same each time you go to a website, making it faster to access information and makes your user experience easier (the page will be in english). 3rd party cookies: More troubling. They are generated by websites that are different from the web pages users are currently surfing, usually because they're linked to ads on that page. Visiting a sitewith 10 ads may generate 10 cookies, even if users never click on those ads. Third-party cookies let advertisers or analytics companies track an individual's browsing history across the web on any sites that contain their ads.

What is the structure of a google ads campaign?

Account > Ad Campaigns > Ad Groups Account = Ace hardware Ad campaigns = Hardware and decor Ad groups = women/men for hardware and shabby/chic for decor

Guest speaker: Paul Worrell: Digital Account Strategist at Google

Awareness → consideration → purpose -With smart display campaigns, advertisers see 20% more conversions at the same CPA than when compared with their other display campaigns -Google display ads: Smart creative Smart bidding Smart targeting Best uses for google display ads Remarketing Lead generation Brand engagement -Build your brand on YouTube Types of ads: Masthead: big ad on Youtube Home page Trueview: 30+ second ad before a video that can be skipped after 5 seconds. good for measuring engagement. Bumpers: short 6 second non-skippable ad before a video. good for generating awareness. Non-skip: must view your entire ad before video Reach the right audience for your goal Affinity audiences: you can reach people based on their lifestyle on youtube because of what videos they watch

What is behavioral ad targeting criteria For display/online advertising? What is re-targeting?

Behavioral Targeting Marketers know you went to their site and re-serve your ads to you again (they observe your behavior like adding to a carry, then follow -Retargeting/remarketing: Marketers know when you went to their site and re-serve you ads again (and again) - they observe behavior like adding to a cart and follow you until you convert - (generally operates through an ad network/cookies)your move)

What is the difference between fb boosted posts and ads?

Boosted posts → amplifies reach, increasing impressions for organic content No CTA buttons on boosted posts Ads: Some brands (like P&G) moved away from micro targeting on facebook You need more reach to generate more ROI

What is the CAN-SPAN legislation? What are it's rules?

Federal law governing commercial email You can be black-listed by companies that send email and the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) Penalties per violation = up to $42,000 1. Don't use false or misleading header information x 2. Don't use deceptive subject lines x 3. Identify the message as an ad x 4. Tell recipients where you're located x 5. Tell recipients how to opt out x 6. Honor opt-out requests promptly x 7. Monitor what others are doing on your behalf x

What is affiliate marketing?

Defined: the process of earning a commission by promoting other people's products or company as marketing

What are the objectives of display ads?

Display ads generally have two objectives: Brand building & conversion

How does a marketing automation workflow work?

Each customer flows through your system based on behavior, demographics, and/or elapsed time, automatically receiving appropriate emails along the way

What is your quality score made up of for a google search ad?

Expected CTR + Ad relevance + landing page experience + ad extensions

What are the key players in paid social?

Facebook is the biggest player Instagram is also popular

What are "long-tail" vs "fat tail" keywords?

Long-tail When a user uses multiple words to create the search, rule of thumb is over 3 or 4: "Nike womens running shoes grey" Fat-head "Running shoes" Short, 1-2 words. Ranking highly for these is good because they tend to get the vast amount of traffic.

How should you select keywords for SEO and where on your site should you put them?

For finding the right keywords, use free self-analysis tools -What exactly do users enter in the search box as a query? -What were they thinking, what prompted them? -What problem do we want to solve? Use your keywords in a natural way, on the "important" part of the page -In the URLs if possible -In title tags (near beginning) and header tags in the site copy -Use them in high quality, fresh content Keyword planning: Top of Funnel -Focus on helping the user make a decision. Link to informational pages -Keyword planning: Middle of Funnel: Highlight your value proposition. They've likely already decided to buy, they just don't know which. Give them reasons to buy a specific product from you -Keyword planning: Lower of Funnel Reduce friction as much as possible. They're there to buy - have landing pages perfectly align with your ads and keep pricing and buying instructions simple

What is google search rank brain and UX signals?

Google search - Rankbrain - users who searched "grey console developed by Nintendo" want to see results about gaming consoles. So, when someone searches for "Grey console developed by Sony", Rankbrain brings up similar results to the keyword it already knows -Measuring how people interact with the results (UX signals) - UX signals are user experience and are measured through CTR and bounce rate. If you have a high CTR and a low bounce rate, google will organically rank your page higher.

What strategies do you want to use for picking the best keywords for SEO?

Ideally, select high-volume, differentiated keywords that matches the searcher's desire with the content we offer Keyword choice is tightly tied to position i.e. (What are we and how are we different?) Find keywords that meet as many of these objectives, if possible: Are a great description of your product or service Differentiate your offering from competitors Are phrases that people are actually searching

How do affiliates differ from other types of online advertising (i.e. banner ads, search ads, etc.)?

If a person represents your brand, they're personal actions also affect your brand You have control over banner/search ads/etc, but not over people People trust people

What are the most commonly used FB ad types?

Link Click ads Video Ads Carousal ads → multiple images that rotate through

What are on-page and off-page SEO techniques?

On-Page Ensure your website is "crawlable" - site maps, descriptive text for images, supplement search boxes with navigation and crawlable links, supplement flash or java plugins with text on the page, provide a transcript for video and audio content Select and use keywords well Create high quality, fresh content Off-Page Get other relevant sites to link to your website, forums, etc

Synonyms for paid search ads?

PPC, sponsored search, AdWords, SEM (search engine marketing)

What are the advantages and drawbacks of using 'online influencers', and 'affiliates' to reach audiences?

PROS: They can provide credibility (expertise and trustworthiness) and attractiveness (similarity, familiarity, and likability) CONS: Concerns of: fraud, saturation, authenticity, measurement

What are the key metrics for PPC ad effectiveness?

Paid Search Ads are ranked against competitors. Your ad ranking are influenced by CPC (cost-per click) bid and Quality Score. Then your actual CPC depends on your Ad Rank. Max CPC Bid = Given, the most you will pay for click on your ad Quality Score = Expected CTR + Ad Relevance + Landing page experience + Ad Extensions (+30%) AdRank = Max CPC bid x Quality score Actual CPC = the ad rank of the person below you / your quality score + $0.01 The key to this is that an advertiser can pay less for a higher position due to a higher quality score

What is SEO?

The actions that cause a website to rank higher in organic search engine results for relevant search queries

How are most influencers and affiliates compensated?

They get a piece of the profit for each sale you make based on your promoting of a product

What are cookies?

Tiny files that websites create to identify visitors and potentially track their actions on the site and the Web. These websites send their data to the server so it can be used on other websites.

Should you select long-tail or fat-head keywords if you are a small brand?

if you are a small brand, you should select long-tail keywords, because fat-head are usually the most expensive. fat-head catch people at the top of the funnel (awareness)

What are organic search SEO ranking factors?

links/pagerank (off-page), content (CTR, bounce rate), Rankbrain (keywords)

Marketing on Amazon

mazon is a traditional retailer and a platform for third-party sellers The bargain for third party sellers: Access to the channel Efficiency But, there is Amazon fees, risk of competition, and loss of consumer data Amazon marketplace The traditional seller can sell <40 items a year The professional seller (premium) >40 items a year and more tools Fees: Individual seller charged .99 per sale Professional seller charged 39.99/year Professional fee waived for Amazon handmade Most charges a referral fee between 8-15%, meaning they make an 8-15% margin Amazon is becoming a private label leader for batteries & baby wipes Amazon advertising types Sponsored products, brands, and display ads Amazon has a 4% share of US ad display revenue Amazon has their own PPC ads for individual product listings on their website w select keywords and match types Uses dynamic bidding based on likelihood of converting, fixed bidding based on awareness, and placement (top of page, product pages) Uses sponsored display ads that use buying/browsing signals (targeting uses similar products, cross-sell, remarketing, audience interests) Amazon has the largest affiliate network You could become an affiliate with your driving traffic website You can sign up, and if you link Amazon products on your site and someone goes to that product, you get paid (for most categories its a 4% referral fee)

What is the relationship between brand audience size, and organic reach?

the bigger your brand audience size, the lower your organic reach.

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